DMWG :: Volume #49

#4709: Is living well

Killed the azure snake, that is not accidental, is not the misunderstanding, because the secondary rainbow phoenix finds certainly the opportunity, strikes to kill, now is only left over a tian gou. 干掉了青蛇,那可不是偶然,更不是误会,因为霓凰找准机会,一击必杀,现在只剩下一个天狗了。 Dares disobedient galaxy Great Emperor, the secondary rainbow phoenix, you are courting death!” “敢忤逆星河大帝,霓凰,你在找死!” The tian gou eyes spit fire, the air/Qi to the bullfight, the anger in look, it can be imagined, own brothers was killed, was betrayed by the companion, this is the true painful source. 天狗双眼喷火,气冲斗牛,眼神之中的愤怒,可想而知,自己的兄弟被杀,又被同伴背叛,这才是真正的痛苦之源。 The bell protector, protected ten million years the place of inheritance together, finally actually because of internal betrayal, disintegrates, in the tian gou heart, is deeply grieved. 银铃守护者,共同守护了千万年的传承之地,最终却因为内部的背叛,分崩离析,天狗心中,悲痛欲绝。 Why like this, the secondary rainbow phoenix, you will disappoint me.” “为什么会这样,霓凰,你太让我失望了。” In tian gou heart unceasing is struggling, he does not want to stand with the secondary rainbow phoenix in the opposite, but simply does not have the means that slaughtering of secondary rainbow phoenix, lets in his heart anger even more, even already some out-of-control. 天狗心中不断的挣扎着,他不想跟霓凰站在对立面,但是却根本没有办法,霓凰的杀戮,让他心中越发的愤怒,甚至已经有些失控了。 „Everyone has the thing that oneself insist, but I with you, am not in the person of same belief the person.” “每个人都有自己坚持的东西,而我跟你,不是同道中人。” The secondary rainbow phoenix flutters, dive, only compared with tian gou. 霓凰振翅而起,俯冲而下,只比天狗而来。 Kills!” “杀!” Jiang Chen falls with the pond night rain against the wind, several thousand Monster Beast, the flood that bursts a dike like the thousand li (500 km) is ordinary, comes in swarms. 江尘跟池夜雨迎风而落,数千妖兽,如同千里决堤的洪水一般,蜂拥而至。 Yang Guolao is also goes all out to attack, this time first foe, definitely was the tian gou, oneself before to fighting tian gou, although insisted, but distressed, only then oneself know, but tian gou actually not full power. 杨国老也是拼命出击,这个时候的第一仇敌,肯定是天狗,自己之前对战天狗,虽然坚持了下来,但是有多狼狈,只有自己知道,而天狗却并没有出全力。 Soul attack, Yang Guolao! If, you should have this life star soul as expected, otherwise, you are impossible to escape my informer.” “灵魂攻击,杨国老!如果不出所料的话,你应该也已经有了本命星魂,否则的话,你是不可能逃过我的耳目的。” Jiang Chen sound transmission said. 江尘传音说道。 Yang Guolao had not denied that is true, oneself also has own the life star soul, otherwise must escape the Jiang Chen's informer, indeed is difficult such as to ascend to heaven, evades the pond night rain perhaps, but the great strength of this life star soul, is not anybody can avoid completely. 杨国老没有否认,的确如此,自己也有属于自己的本命星魂,不然的话要逃过江尘的耳目,的确是难如登天,逃避池夜雨或许还可以,但是本命星魂的强大,完全不是任何人都能够躲开的。 Yang Guolao heavily nods, Jiang Chen displayed Soul Seizing Divine Art, strikes to kill the tian gou, win or lose, it all ends here! 杨国老重重点头,江尘更是施展了夺魄神诀,击杀天狗,成败在此一举 Dead Soul Kill!” 亡魂杀魄!” Thousand li (500 km) is boundless!” “千里无垠!” Raging fire burns the day!” “烈火焚天!” Offensive, the impact, everyone was bets this war, tian gou zi wanted to crack, the soul attacks of two terrifying, unexpectedly, making him very passive, the strength to hit back that had no, hesitated, pond night rain with Ni Hong's offensive, was in tandem, following . Moreover the stagnation that had no, the seamless engagement, the pond night rain was also to the secondary rainbow phoenix as the sigh, never expected that he can actually achieve with such synchronization. 一道道攻势,冲击而下,所有人都是赌上了这一战,天狗目眦欲裂,两道恐怖的灵魂攻击,出其不意,让他非常的被动,根本没有任何的还手之力,迟疑之间,池夜雨跟倪虹的攻势,也是一前一后,接踵而至,而且没有任何的停滞,无缝衔接,就连池夜雨也是对霓凰身为感叹,没想到他竟然能够做到跟自己如此的同步。 Goes away to me!” “给我滚开!” The tian gou is wild with rage, the direct impact clouds, want to escape, this inescapable net, but the offensive of secondary rainbow phoenix, does not give him any opportunity, moreover as the matter stands, Jiang Chen with Yang Guolao soul attack, goes smoothly everywhere, employs two methods to achieve one goal, the tian gou ascends the sky roadless, enters impossible, absolutely did not have the slight favorable turn. 天狗狂怒着,直冲云霄,想要逃脱而出,这天罗地网,但是霓凰的攻势,丝毫不给他任何的机会,而且这样一来,江尘跟杨国老的灵魂攻击,更是无往不利,双管齐下,天狗上天无路,入地无门,完全没有了丝毫的转机。 pēng pēng pēng-- 砰砰砰—— The tian gou is common like the kite of broken line, pounds to fall , the entire land above, pounds a giant gulf. 天狗如同断线的风筝一般,砸落而下,将整个大地之上,都是砸出了一个巨大的深坑。 Tian gou unceasing is twitching, the blood vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, flows, is ordinary like the brook. 天狗不断的抽搐着,鲜血纵横,流淌而下,如同溪流一般。 Makes you install to compel, Hahaha, this chapter calf?” “让你装逼,哈哈哈,这回完犊子了吧?” Big Yellow kicks on the body of tian gou, laughs was saying. 大黄一脚踢在天狗的身上,大笑着说道。 The tian gou suddenly, lifts the arrogant head, is looking angrily at Big Yellow, Big Yellow looks deathly pale, runs the leg. 天狗突然之间,抬起高傲的头颅,怒视着大黄,大黄脸色惨白,把腿就跑。 Sudden rising!” “诈尸了!” Jiang Chen chuckle, shakes the head. 江尘轻笑一声,摇了摇头。 Returns to consciousness just before dying, he has soon died.” “回光返照而已,他已经快要死了。” so that's how it is, scared to death Master Dog, Fuck, if were really bit one by him, I wasn't finished?” 原来如此,吓死狗爷了,卧槽,真要是被他咬一口,那我不是完蛋了吗?” Big Yellow casual saying. 大黄大大咧咧的说道。 On this day the dog is the chaos bloodlines, should help you.” “这天狗乃是混沌血脉,应该对你有所帮助。” The secondary rainbow phoenix looks to Big Yellow. 霓凰看向大黄 Chaos bloodlines?” “混沌血脉?” Big Yellow and Jiang Chen look at each other one, saliva directing current, the complexion are also incomparable serious. 大黄江尘对视一眼,口水直流,脸色也是无比的严肃。 Chaos bloodlines, are the between Heaven and Earth most powerful bloodlines, is heaven and earth initial, when the chaos are newborn, after having accepted the chaos baptism, is born. Compared with my Phoenix bloodlines, must terrifying.” “混沌血脉,是天地之间最强大的血脉,是天地初始,混沌初生之际,接受过混沌洗礼之后,才诞生的。比起我的凤凰血脉,都要更加的恐怖。” The secondary rainbow phoenix said in a low voice. 霓凰低声说道。 Developed was developed.” “发达了发达了。” Among Big Yellow immediately stared in a big way the eye, looked to the tian gou, the tian gou turned into the dead dog at this time thoroughly, Big Yellow knows, on this day dog is completely true Saint Beast, compared with Divine Beast, went beyond, although own bloodlines very powerful, but compared in this day dog, somewhat was shabby. 大黄顿时间瞪大了眼睛,看向天狗,天狗这个时候彻底变成了死狗,大黄知道,这天狗的完全是一条真正的圣兽,比起神兽,都有过之而无不及,虽然自己的血脉非常的强大,但是相比于这天狗,就有些寒碜了。 Seizes the shed! 夺舍! So long as after seizing abandoned his bloodlines, oneself also accomplish a task with ease. 只要夺舍了他的血脉之后,自己也就更加的游刃有余了。 Big Yellow or opened the big mouth hesitant, pouched in the tian gou own abdomen directly. 大黄要不犹豫的张开了血盆大口,直接将天狗吞进了自己的腹中。 Big Yellow stares the big eye, is supporting the big belly, the complexion incomparable ugliness. 大黄瞪大眼睛,撑着大肚皮,脸色无比的难看。 Little Chen, I am not good, I am not quickly good......” 小尘子,我不行了,我快不行了……” Big Yellow is clenching teeth saying that whole person unceasing is shivering, the belly also soon the brace exploded. 大黄咬着牙说道,整个人不断的颤抖着,肚皮也快要撑爆了。 Jiang Chen's, grabs Big Yellow, the Big Yellow's complexion very wax yellow, Jiang Chen looks to the secondary rainbow phoenix. 江尘的手,抓着大黄,大黄的脸色十分的蜡黄,江尘看向霓凰。 All right, he is getting more and more weak, because of the energy of tian gou within the body extremely in huge, he a little, by his strength, wanted to swallow the bloodlines of tian gou greedily directly, perhaps in one single day cannot accomplish absolutely.” “没事,他只是越来越虚弱而已,因为天狗体内的能量太过于庞大了,他有点贪心不足了,以他的实力,想要直接吞噬天狗的血脉,恐怕绝对不是一朝一夕能够办到的。” The secondary rainbow phoenix said, Big Yellow then poured side Jiang Chen's, the big belly haunched old tall old tall, but he was only the faint in the past, on this day the dog bloodlines, it is estimated that do not know when must absorb. 霓凰说完,大黄便是倒在了江尘的身边,大肚皮撑起了老高老高,不过他只是昏厥了过去,这天狗血脉,估计不知道要吸收到什么时候了。 Jiang Chen gaze flashes, looks to the secondary rainbow phoenix, he always thought that this secondary rainbow phoenix, is not simple! 江尘目光一闪,看向霓凰,他总觉得这个霓凰,绝不简单! Who are you?” “你到底是谁?” Big Brother Jiang, is I!” 江大哥,是我!” The secondary rainbow phoenix changes, the bath fire removes, red-clothed, fell in front of Jiang Chen's. 霓凰摇身一变,浴火褪去,一袭红衣,落在了江尘的面前。 At that moment, the Jiang Chen pupil reduces, during the complexion incomparable flushed, are excited have the shock. 那一刻,江尘瞳孔紧缩,脸色无比的潮红,兴奋之中带着震惊。 Hawk...... how possible...... this......” “洛莺……怎么可能……这……” Hawk! 洛莺! Jiang Chen has a dream cannot think, the secondary rainbow phoenix turned into hawk unexpectedly, how does she achieve? 江尘做梦也想不到,霓凰竟然变成了洛莺,她到底是怎么做到的? Child, my child......” “孩子,我的孩子……” pond Yeyu King the hawk, the tears, he thinks that crazily own daughter died, he thinks that this whole life he must in lamenting and in despairing passed, however the present hawk, solid exist(ence) in own front, she melts with the secondary rainbow phoenix for a body unexpectedly. 池夜雨痴痴地王者洛莺,老泪纵横,他以为自己的女儿就这么死去了,他以为这辈子他都要在悔恨与绝望之中度过,但是眼前的洛莺,实实在在的存在于自己的面前,她竟然与霓凰融为了一体。 „Is this real?” “这是真的吗?” The pond night rain closely is hugging own child, although in his heart was full of the doubts, was full of the shock, but exist(ence) of hawk, is solid. 池夜雨紧紧的拥抱着自己的孩子,虽然他心中充满了疑惑,充满了震惊,但是洛莺的存在,却是实实在在的。 Naturally , the father, I came back.” “当然是真的了,父亲,我回来了。” Hawk closely is hugging the pond night rain, she knows, oneself departure, lets Jiang Chen and father, is the incomparable despair. 洛莺紧紧的拥抱着池夜雨,她知道,自己的离去,让江尘与父亲,都是无比的绝望。 „In the past, you were born, then steps on...... Phoenix that all colors Phoenix is born to be reincarnated, the child, you have not disappointed the father, you forever are the pride of father.” “当年,你出生之际,便是踩着五彩凤凰降世的……凤凰转世,孩子,你没有让父亲失望,你永远都是父亲的骄傲。” pond Yeyu is hugging hawk, the excitement of innermost feelings, can be seen in speech and appearance, his father, has not calculated is too failed, at least own daughter, came back, this is during his life the most joyful time. 池夜雨拥抱着洛莺,内心的激动,溢于言表,他这个父亲,还不算太失败,至少自己的女儿,又回来了,这是他一生之中最快乐的时候。 Jiang Chen corner of the mouth shows a faint smile, in the look filled happily, hawk returns, fused together with the secondary rainbow phoenix, lets his at heart, finish a concern finally. 江尘嘴角微微一笑,眼神之中更是充满了欣慰,洛莺归来,与霓凰融为一体,让他的心里,总算是了却了一桩心事。 She, but also living, is living well, is living well! 她,还活着,活着就好,活着就好!
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