DMWG :: Volume #49

#4707: You can not speak

What to do? Jiang Chen?” “怎么办?江尘?” pond Yeyu looks to Jiang Chen, although Jiang Chen's strength, only then star level double day, but if the eruption gathers the strength of people full power, is not worse than him, moreover before can escape the birth day, all depending on Jiang Chen. 池夜雨看向江尘,虽然江尘的实力只有恒星级二重天,但是如果全力爆发汇聚众人之力,可是并不比他差的,而且之前能够逃出生天,全凭江尘 We have been possible to escape now roadless.” “我们现在已经无路可逃了。” Jiang Chen smiles bitterly, perhaps the strength of this azure snake, does not want weak many compared with the tian gou. 江尘苦笑一声,这青蛇的实力,恐怕不比天狗要弱多少。 Xiaoqing, do you come? You were really disappointing.” “小青,你怎么才来?你真是太让人失望了。” The tian gou looked at azure snake one, face faint saying. 天狗看了青蛇一眼,一脸淡漠的说道。 No one can wreak havoc in the Great Emperor grave, has me, no one want to leave here.” “没有人能够在大帝墓冢之中肆虐,有我在,谁都别想离开这里。” The azure snake sharp voice, making Jiang Chen and the others more anxious, present aspect, being on the verge of death, they thought a tian gou are quite terrifying, but comes out this azure snake, did that also despair too? 青蛇尖锐的声音,让江尘等人变得更加焦急,现在的局面,危在旦夕,他们原本以为一只天狗已经是相当恐怖了,但是又出来这一条青蛇,那也太绝望了吧? „Can't you manage me?” “你们没能不能管管我?” Big Yellow face suffering saying, weak side Jiang Chen, was nipped one by the azure snake, he now from top to bottom becomes unbending, is pale. 大黄一脸委屈的说道,弱弱的在江尘身边,被青蛇咬了一口,他现在浑身上下都变得僵直起来,脸色发青。 Little Chen, saves me!” 小尘子,救我!” Jiang Chen holds the Big Yellow's claw, among immediately terrifying blazing flame, crazy is swallowing, spreads to the Big Yellow's body. 江尘抓住大黄的爪子,顿时间一股恐怖的炽热火焰,疯狂的吞噬着,传入大黄的身体之中。 -- was too comfortable. This dead snake, father did not cook you ate.” “呼——太舒服了。这条死蛇,老子非把你炖了吃了。” Saying that Big Yellow clenches jaws, but after seeing that gigantic azure snake, just like became silent, this azure snake was like the tian gou, incomparable terrifying, a feeling of reactionary forces in the ascendant. 大黄咬牙切齿的说道,但是看到那硕大的青蛇之后,俨然就变得沉默起来了,这青蛇与天狗一样,无比的恐怖,给人一种黑云压城城欲摧的感觉。 We what to do? This azure snake will not stare at us.” “我们怎么办?这青蛇不会盯上我们了吧。” Big Yellow mumbled was saying. 大黄嘟囔着说道。 „Do you think?” “你以为呢?” The Jiang Chen gaze glance, Big Yellow also some had not clearly recognized obviously the present fact, they have been in the crucial moment now, compared with Yang Guolao, not slight advantage, god, only will then possibly be killed by this azure snake. 江尘目光一瞥,大黄显然还有些没有认清现在的事实,现在他们已经处于生死关头,比起杨国老,都没有丝毫的优势,神祗有可能会被这青蛇干掉的。 The strength of azure snake, unusual terrifying, looks at each other one with the tian gou, both fellows extremely self-confident. 青蛇的实力,非常恐怖,与天狗对视一眼,两个家伙都是万分的自信。 gā gā gā, this called the retribution, the dead dog, this I thought how you died, gā gā gā.” 嘎嘎嘎,这就叫报应,死狗,这回我看你们是怎么死的,嘎嘎嘎。” Yang Guolao sinister smile was saying, although his situation also very difficult, but compared with Jiang Chen and the others, is at least much better, facing this azure snake, Jiang Chen they definitely is difficult. 杨国老阴笑着说道,他的处境虽然也是非常的艰难,但是比起江尘等人,至少要好很多,面对这条青蛇,江尘他们肯定是寸步难行。 Hiss hissing-- “嘶嘶嘶—— The snake letter/believes of azure snake, unceasingly revealing, in the look, was full of the gloomy and cold color, Jiang Chen they regarding oneself, but is one flock of ants. 青蛇的蛇信,不断吐露着,眼神之中,充满了阴冷的色彩,江尘他们对于自己而言,只不过是一群蝼蚁而已。 Good, this is these azure snake gatherings, we currently possibly really have troublesome.” “不错,这就是那些青蛇汇聚而成的,我们现在可能真的有麻烦了。” pond Yeyu over the face is dignified, now has no scruple time, that azure snake is like the tian gou, is the bell protector of place of inheritance, their goals only then, massacres itself, will not allow them to enter the place of inheritance absolutely, accepts the inheritance of galaxy Great Emperor. 池夜雨满面凝重,现在已经没有任何迟疑的时间了,那条青蛇与天狗一样,全都是传承之地的银铃守护者,他们的目标只有一个,杀掉自己,绝对不会让他们进入传承之地,接受星河大帝的传承。 Spelled, Paternal grandmother, could not hit to make you bite one again.” “拼了,奶奶的,打不了再让你咬一口。” Big Yellow fiercely said. 大黄恶狠狠的说道 The people look at each other one, had nothing choice, confronted the azure snake at this moment, a narrow escape, the azure snake decided they can continue to stay here, once is defeated, that is dead end one, anybody is no exception, Yang Guolao and they had just like turned into the similar aspect, is between Yang Guolao and tian gou to the war, shares half and half, no one is able to do to at once with anyone. 众人对视一眼,此时此刻已经没有任何的选择了,对阵青蛇,九死一生,青蛇决定了他们能不能继续留在这里,一旦失败的话,那就是死路一条,任何人都不例外,杨国老跟他们俨然已经变成了同样的局面,可是杨国老与天狗之间的对战,秋色平分,一时之间谁也无法奈何与谁。 You, must die!” “你们,都得死!” The azure snake is circling the giant body, in the upper air, flies the clouds, sweeps away the brittle stars of thousand army, hundred zhang (333 m) odd/surplus Chang, Jiang Chen offers a sacrifice to Heavenly Dragon Sword, the flying, to dying to live, the counter war on, this is their final hopes. 青蛇盘旋着巨大的身体,在高空之中,飞上云端,横扫千军的蛇尾,百丈余长,江尘祭出天龙剑,飞身而起,向死而生,逆战而上,这才是他们最后的希望。 pond Yeyu leads Jiang Chen and the others, started to launch the life and death war with the azure snake. 池夜雨领衔江尘等人,开始与青蛇展开了生死大战。 „Do one flock of ants, the light of grain of rice also dare with good approximately to vie? Overreaches oneself.” “一群蝼蚁,米粒之光也敢与好约争辉?不自量力。” The azure snake advances freely and quickly, the body is ordinary like the iron rod, mops up the universe, above the sky, the cloud dances in the air, but was all confused by the azure snake, compared with the domineering of tian gou, his power and influence, is also highly regarded. 青蛇纵横驰骋,身躯如同铁棍一般,扫灭乾坤,天空之上,云彩飞舞,不过全都被青蛇搅乱了,比起天狗的强势,他的威势,同样是不可小觑。 Although Jiang Chen and pond night rain causes completely the skills, however the great strength of azure snake, made them be able not hold a candle. 尽管江尘与池夜雨都是使尽了浑身解数,但是青蛇的强大,还是让他们望尘莫及。 „The Monster Beast army, comes out to me.” 妖兽大军,给我出来吧。” Jiang Chen shouted angrily, several thousand Monster Beast armies, turned out in full strength at this time, have the black king's leadership, in addition they coordinated from side, to fighting the azure snake, they not did not have the strength of slight war. 江尘怒喝一声,数千的妖兽大军,在这个时候倾巢而出,有黑王的领衔,再加上他们从旁策应,对战青蛇,他们也并非是没有丝毫的一战之力。 Several thousand Monster Beast, at this time, made a big trouble to the azure snake, because of this, their fights, are getting more and more intense. 数千的妖兽,在这个时候,也是给青蛇造成了不小的麻烦,正因为如此,他们的战斗,才越来越激烈。 I also somewhat look down on you evidently.” “看样子我还真是有些小瞧你了。” Yang Guolao muttered was saying, Jiang Chen and the others and azure snake were also evenly matched, depended on the offensive of Monster Beast army, drew some aspects. 杨国老喃喃着说道,江尘等人与青蛇也是势均力敌,靠着妖兽大军的攻势,才算是扳回了一些局面。 Big Yellow breathes a sigh of relief finally, although the azure snake is fierce, but they overwhelm with numerical strength, is not affable. 大黄总算是舒了一口气,青蛇虽然厉害,但是他们人多势众,也不是好惹的。 Opportunity that this way we have no, Jiang Chen, what means you to have?” “这样下去我们没有任何的机会,江尘,你可有什么办法?” pond Yeyu looks to Jiang Chen, was at this time, escape route that they have no, only then fought a decisive battle, things have gotten to this point, can only walk one step to look at one step, if Yang Guolao defeated the tian gou at this time, perhaps they were most dangerous, 22 battles, both sides stemming from the rubber, were looking that who can laugh last. 池夜雨看向江尘,可是这个时候,他们都已经没有任何的退路了,只有决战到底,事已至此,只能走一步看一步了,如果杨国老这个时候击败了天狗的话,或许他们才是最危险的,两两交战,双方都是出于胶着之中,就看谁能够笑到最后了。 However Jiang Chen does not have the means painstakingly, can only meet one's fate with resignation. 不过江尘也是苦无办法,只能听天由命。 Pitifully, if there is stronger divine weapon, perhaps I can also arrange formation time, but now my divine weapon in hand all thorough disintegration, even Asura Sword Formation, were completely impossible to succeed.” “可惜,如果有更强势的神兵,我或许还可以布置一次阵法,但是现在我手中的神兵全都已经彻底崩碎了,即便是修罗剑阵,也完全不可能成功了。” In the Jiang Chen heart sighed, but all were only if, he has made contribution, finally frequently, faced bell protector, has he no opportunity , galaxy Great Emperor the place of inheritance, really missed with again? 江尘心中叹息,不过一切都只是如果,他已经尽力了,最后时刻,面对的银铃守护者,他已经再无任何的机会了,难道说,星河大帝的传承之地,真的与自己无缘了嘛? However less than at the last minute, Jiang Chen is impossible to give up, so long as Yang Guolao can also insist, he will not give up absolutely. 不过不到最后一刻,江尘也是根本不可能放弃的,只要杨国老还能够坚持下去,他也绝对不会罢休。 Luckily we got rid of the secondary rainbow phoenix before, otherwise, a secondary rainbow phoenix, can't we die again in addition without doubt?” “幸亏我们之前就干掉了霓凰,不然的话,再加上一个霓凰,咱们不是必死无疑了嘛?” Big Yellow sighed, a narrow escape, this fight had arrived at the final moment. 大黄叹息一声,九死一生,这场战斗已经到了最后关头。 chī chī-- 哧哧—— hū hū-- 呼呼—— Intermittent hurricane has blown, the sky again becomes gloomy, compared with a moment ago, gloomy, but with the lapse of time, starts to reappear world luminously, sees only a heaven-shaking flamingo, rushes to the clouds, gradually appears in their lines of sight. 一阵阵飓风刮过,天空再一次变得暗淡下来,比起刚才,更加的阴暗,不过随着时间的推移,光亮开始重现世间,只见一只惊天的火鸟,冲上云霄,逐渐出现在他们的视线之中。 This is......” “这是……” A pond night rain face with amazement. 池夜雨一脸骇然。 Is the secondary rainbow phoenix! Fuck! Also is the secondary rainbow phoenix? Hasn't he died?” “是霓凰!卧槽!又是霓凰?他不是已经死了吗?” Big Yellow roared was saying. 大黄咆哮着说道。 „Can you not speak? Big Yellow......” “你能不说话嘛?大黄……” Six keel coiled dragon gaze dodge, the desperate look, making Big Yellow also feel gā gā. 六脊蟠龙目光一闪,绝望的眼神,让大黄也是倍感嘎嘎 „...... Haha......” “哈……哈哈……” Big Yellow is hitting Haha, looks deathly pale, must ugly ugly. 大黄打着哈哈,脸色惨白,要多难看有多难看。 Your this mouth has really left blank, feared that anything comes anything, that died the thing can by you saying exactly, your also too awesome Big Yellow.” “你这嘴真的是开过光,怕什么来什么,那死了的东西都能被你给说活了,你也太牛逼大黄。” Jiang Chen corner of the mouth is twitching slightly, the secondary rainbow phoenix had died, was massacred by them, was at this time, reappeared unexpectedly in their front, what didn't this court death is? 江尘嘴角微微抽搐着,霓凰本来已经死了,被他们杀掉了,可是这个时候,竟然重新出现在了他们的面前,这不是找死是什么?
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