DMWG :: Volume #49

#4706: Also sees the azure snake

Jiang Chen and the others stopped subconsciously, Yang Guolao visual the tian gou, in the heart incomparably is shocking. 江尘等人都是下意识的停了下来,杨国老目视着天狗,心中无比震撼。 One of hearsay galaxy Great Emperor hand/subordinate fiercest Divine Beast mounts, is the tian gou. The day dog food day, the secondary rainbow phoenix swallowed moon/month, the tian gou dominated exist(ence) above Divine Beast bloodlines, was epoch-making, after chaos initial first batch of Monster Beast.” “传闻星河大帝手下最厉害的神兽坐骑之一,便是天狗。天狗食日,霓凰吞月,天狗可是凌驾于神兽血脉之上的存在,乃是开天辟地,混沌初始之后的第一批妖兽。” Yang Guolao muttered was saying, the foresight, the dog had terrifying how sufficiently on this day. 杨国老喃喃着说道,足以预见,这天狗有多么的恐怖 woof woof!” 汪汪!” woof woof woof!” 汪汪汪!” The howling of tian gou, unexpectedly so fresh refined, slightly without Divine Beast that terrifying and domineering, making Jiang Chen be shocked, this cry, was makes one somewhat would not venture to give positive comments on really...... the tian gou, called? 天狗的吼叫声,竟然如此的清新脱俗,丝毫没有神兽的那种恐怖霸气,让江尘都愣住了,这叫声,着实是让人有些不敢恭维……天狗,就是这么叫的嘛? Cry not domineering.” “叫声一点也不霸气。” Big Yellow mumbled was saying, but that terrifying form and infinite pressure, made people feel that felt nervous at heart, this did not joke absolutely. 大黄嘟囔着说道,但是那恐怖的身影与无限的威压,却让人感觉到心里发慌,这绝对不是闹着玩的。 woof woof woof! petty and low human, you dare to visit the place of my king, courts death!” 汪汪汪!卑微人类,你们竟敢踏足吾王之地,找死!” The appearance of tian gou, gave Jiang Chen and Yang Guolao and the others enormous constriction, the fear of strength, from the innermost soul, the tian gou every step treads, is everything may become vulnerable, is surrounding sky, becomes gloomy, they only felt that the danger approaches step by step. 天狗的出现,给了江尘与杨国老等人极大的压迫感,力量的恐惧,是来自于灵魂深处的,天狗每一步踏出,都是地动山摇,是的周围的天空,都变得暗淡下来,他们只感觉到危险一步步逼近。 woof woof woof!” 汪汪汪!” The tian gou directly soars Yang Guolao to go, Yang Guolao complexion big change, acts full power, to fighting tian gou, perhaps the strength of tian gou, is not at itself, such strength, even Yang Guolao does not dare to belittle completely. 天狗直奔杨国老而去,杨国老脸色大变,全力施为,对战天狗,天狗的实力,恐怕不在自己之下,这样的力量,即便是杨国老也是完全不敢小觑的。 Those who make Yang Guolao more indignant is, this tian gou as if looked for itself, did not look for Jiang Chen and the others, aiming at oneself was one shouts wildly, then started crazy biting. 让杨国老更为气愤的是,这头天狗似乎找准了自己,根本不去找江尘等人,对准自己就是一顿狂叫,然后开始疯狂的咬人。 On this day hasn't the dog simply placed in us the eye probably?” “这天狗好像根本没把我们放在眼中?” Black king Kuxiao was saying. 黑王苦笑着说道。 As if is really this, he simply does not have to see us, as if regarded the person of this old fogy us.” “似乎真的是这样的,他根本没正眼看我们,似乎把我们当成了这个老家伙的人。” Big Yellow smiles, in look incomparable excitement. 大黄嘿嘿一笑,眼神之中无比的兴奋。 Yes, this time was to avoid a tribulation evidently finally.” “就是,看样子这一次总算是躲过一劫了。” Six keel coiled dragons said in a low voice, in the heart cannot help but long stretch/leisurely impure air, the tian gou aimed at Yang Guolao, bites does not put, dies to knock with him, they actually became relaxed many. 六脊蟠龙低声说道,心中不由得长舒了一口浊气,天狗对准了杨国老,咬住不放,跟他死磕到底,他们倒是变得轻松了不少。 Wanted me saying that this silly dog also was really, gā gā gā, that old fogy may be more uncomfortable than us evidently.” “要我说这傻狗还真是可以,嘎嘎嘎,那个老家伙看样子比我们可难受多了。” Big Yellow pats the belly saying that the old god, now Yang Guolao is being most hapless that complained constantly, the tian gou recognized him, completely does not have any relaxation, desperate did, greatly a situation that stated decisively green mountain not to relax. 大黄拍着肚皮说道,老神在在,现在杨国老才是最倒霉的那一个,叫苦不迭,天狗认准了他,就完全没有任何的放松,拼命的干起来,大有一种咬定青山不放松的态势。 Your this dead dog, why don't you hit them? mysterious! father kills you.” “你这死狗,你干嘛不去打他们?次奥!老子弄死你。” Yang Guolao is in an uncontrollable rage, but tied down by the tian gou, at heart depressed very much, Jiang Chen and the others is eased now, the pressure that there is no, the tian gou targeted itself, this to was not the good sign. 杨国老怒不可遏,但是被天狗缠住了,心里郁闷的很,现在江尘等人都是一身轻松,根本没有任何的压力,天狗把目标对准了自己,这可不是什么好兆头。 This called the hegemonic actions to commit suicide, waits for death you, old mixed wool.” “这就叫多行不义必自毙,等死吧你,老杂毛。” Big Yellow laughs was saying. 大黄大笑着说道。 The tian gou looked back suddenly, looks at Big Yellow one, the Big Yellow's smile, among immediately stopped suddenly, heart one cool. 天狗猛然回首,看了大黄一眼,大黄的笑容,顿时间戛然而止,心头一凉。 Your younger sister! Do not stare at the father.” “你妹呀!你可别盯上老子呀。” In Big Yellow heart unceasing is always talking, but the tian gou also looked at his one eyes, the goal has not let off Yang Guolao. 大黄心中不断的叨念着,不过天狗也只是看了他一眼而已,目标还是没有放过杨国老。 Should be the bell above that mountain, but this tian gou, is the bell protector, protects the place of galaxy Great Emperor final inheritance.” “应该是那大山之上的银铃,而这个天狗,就是银铃守护者,守护星河大帝最后的传承之地。” Jiang Chen serious saying, at this time, they can depart, if departed, all treasure, had not all related with them, even if the pond night rain wants to leave, he will not easily give up absolutely. 江尘一脸严肃的说道,这个时候,他们可以离去,但是一旦离去了,所有一切的宝贝,就全都跟他们没有关系了,即便是池夜雨想要离开,他也绝对不会轻易放弃的。 This galaxy Great Emperor was also too ungrateful, set up so many checkpoints unexpectedly, had arrived at the place of inheritance, has not made us accept the inheritance unexpectedly, Paternal grandmother, was really drunk.” “这星河大帝也太不够意思了,竟然设置了这么多的关卡,都已经到了传承之地了,竟然还不让咱们接受传承,奶奶的,真是醉了。” Big Yellow face discontented saying. 大黄一脸不满的说道。 „The Great Emperor inheritance, how possibly passes to others casually, wants the Great Emperor inheritance, passes through the heavily dangers and difficulties surely, finally can the real sublimation, otherwise, decisively easily to obtain.” 大帝传承,怎么可能随便传给别人呢,想要得到大帝传承,必定是经过重重艰难险阻,最后才能够得到真正的升华,否则的话,断然不会让人轻易得到的。” Jiang Chen assured say/way. 江尘笃定道。 As exist(ence) of entire eternal the world's most peak, galaxy Great Emperor, naturally has own inheritance, we should hold a humble heart.” “作为整个永恒世界最顶端的存在,星河大帝,自然有着属于自己的传承,我们还是应该抱着一颗谦卑之心。” Good...... I listen your, but Little Chen, we now what to do? Continues to go forward? That old mixed wool by tian gou surrounding, us, if departs, can by the tian gou staring.” “好吧……我就听你的,不过小尘子,咱们现在怎么办?继续前进嘛?那个老杂毛被天狗给困住了,我们如果就此离去,会不会被天狗给盯上。” Big Yellow said. 大黄道。 Did not say, temporarily first do not anger dog of this day, best make their snipe freshwater mussel contend, our finally take action.” “不好说,暂时先不要惹怒这天狗,最好让他们两个鹬蚌相争,我们最后出手。” pond Yeyu low and deep say/way. 池夜雨低沉道。 Without is so easy.” “没那么容易的。” Jiang Chen knows, no matter tian gou or Yang Guolao, expert of this rank, definitely not a head string, their possible jade entirely burn? 江尘知道,不管是天狗还是杨国老,这种级别的强者,肯定不会脑袋一根弦儿的,他们两个怎么可能玉石俱焚呢? However at this time Yang Guolao indeed was angry, oneself undertook all, can such pressure, how not angry? 不过这个时候杨国老的确是气坏了,自己一个人承担了所有,这样的压力,怎能不让人愤怒呢? However the anger turns over to the anger, within the short time, he at all impossible to defeat the tian gou, but at this time, Jiang Chen had the absolute advantage. 但是愤怒归愤怒,短时间之内,他根本不可能把天狗击败的,而这个时候,江尘却是占据了绝对的优势。 Today is an auspicious day !” “今天是个好日子呀,啦啦啦啦拉!” Saying that Big Yellow assumes an air of self approbation, the Yang Guolao eyebrow of air/Qi turns upwards, but Yang Guolao actually can only battle earnestly, is unable to divert attention. 大黄摇头晃脑的说道,气的杨国老眉毛翘起,不过杨国老却只能埋头激战,根本无法分心。 Hissing-- “嘶嘶—— Hiss hissing-- “嘶嘶嘶—— Sound of xi su, resounds in the Jiang Chen ear, the pond night rain had not discovered, in the thick patches of grass of summit, a large snake, emerges, flies to shoot from the flowers and plants, directly soars Big Yellow to go. 一声窸窣的响声,在江尘耳边响起,就连池夜雨都没有发现,就在山顶的草丛之间,一条长蛇,脱颖而出,从花草之中飞射而出,直奔大黄而去。 Careful Big Yellow!” “小心大黄!” The Jiang Chen complexion changes, the sinking sound shouted. 江尘脸色一变,沉声喝道。 Awoo-- 嗷呜—— Big Yellow eyes stares, screamed, Jiang Chen's cried out, protection that Big Yellow has no without enough time, but also be at a stimulated condition, but actually by an azure snake, biting on buttocks. 大黄双眼一瞪,尖叫不已,江尘的呐喊,已经来不及了,大黄根本没有任何的防备,还处于一种亢奋的状态之中,但是却被一条青蛇,给咬在了屁股上。 My day your for Heaven's sake!” “我日你个仙人板板!” Big Yellow is whooshing, is pale, on the buttocks to catching fire to be the same, rapid galloping goes. 大黄嘶吼着,脸色发青,屁股上跟着火一样,迅速的奔腾而去。 Sword 29!” “剑二十九!” A Jiang Chen sword cuts, cuts to the Big Yellow's buttocks, if that azure snake quickly the lightning is ordinary, runs away to go rapidly, among form immediately cuts Changtian, the surrounding sky becomes dim, the azure great snake, covered the vault of heaven, lets the Jiang Chen's facial expression, becomes incomparably serious. 江尘一剑砍出,砍向大黄的屁股后面,那条青蛇快若闪电一般,迅速逃遁而去,身影顿时间划破长天,周围的天空变得黯淡下来,青色的巨蛇,遮挡了天穹,让江尘的神情,变得无比严肃。 „When probably just entered the Great Emperor grave azure snake......” “好像是刚进入大帝墓冢之时的青蛇……” Six keel coiled dragons muttered were saying. 六脊蟠龙喃喃着说道。 This azure snake, perhaps compared with difficult to deal with that we imagine.” “这青蛇,恐怕比我们想象的更加难对付。” pond Yeyu looks to Jiang Chen, the azure snake of sun-blocking, in addition the tian gou, makes Jiang Chen and the others desperate simply. 池夜雨看向江尘,蔽日遮天的青蛇,再加上天狗,简直让江尘等人绝望。 Jiang Chen had been ready, wants to continue to walk forward, finds out, but has not thought unexpectedly at this time, encountered this azure snake. 江尘原本已经做好了准备,想要继续向前走,一探究竟,但是没想到竟然在这个时候,又遭遇了这条青蛇。
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