DMWG :: Volume #45

#4388: Spoke depending on the skill

Complexion of gold/metal cypress is somewhat cloudy, when this fellow, often oneself go down in the world is frustrated, unavoidably speaks the satire, he is also in four big Dragon Race, a gold/metal cypress most trial. 金一柏的脸色有些阴沉,这个家伙,每每自己落魄失意之时,都免不了出言讽刺,他也是四大龙族之中,金一柏最为讨厌之人。 Han penetrating! Ao Tian Dragon Race Patriarch! 韩彻!傲天龙族族长 And you too, Han Patriarch seems like is also the elegant demeanor now as much as ever. humph humph.” “彼此彼此嘛,韩族长看上去也是风采不减当年啊。哼哼。” A gold/metal cypress sneers to say. 金一柏冷笑道。 „It is not good is not good, five hundred years ago, our Ao Tian Dragon Race three people enter the rank contest, after I go back learns from a painful experience, anxious, this year, must let this group of young brats, flexes the muscles may not, is bad, is insufficient only to enter one person? Hahaha.” “不行了不行了,五百年前,我们傲天龙族才三个人进入排位争夺战,我回去之后痛定思痛,更加的紧张,今年,一定要让这群小兔崽子,大展拳脚不可,再不济,也不至于只进一人吧?哈哈哈。” The Han penetrating laughs was saying, obviously in a satire gold/metal cypress. 韩彻大笑着说道,明显是在讽刺金一柏。 This fellow, was really repugnant, Ao Tian Dragon Race person, no good thing.” “这个家伙,实在是太讨厌了,傲天龙族的人,没一个好东西。” Saying that gold/metal Xiaoxiao clenches jaws, obviously the relations between people and the golden Dragon Race this Ao Tian Dragon Race are not much. 金潇潇咬牙切齿的说道,显然这傲天龙族之人与黄金龙族之间的关系并不怎么样。 Had Rau Han Patriarch to worry, this time, your Ao Tian Dragon Race will certainly not compare favorably with our gold Dragon Race.” “有劳韩族长挂牵了,这一次,你们傲天龙族一定不会比得上咱们黄金龙族的。” Gold/Metal cypress look coldly said. 金一柏眼神冰冷的说道 Right? I must wait actually, gold/metal Patriarch has this well self-confidently, even if your gold Dragon Race person cannot go in first ten, I will not be surprised, after all five hundred years ago, you also obtained a quota. However you do not use discouraged, gold/metal Patriarch, you felt relieved that Heaven never seals off all exits, our life essence endless, at least 10,000 years, these 10,000 years of enough you noticed that some people entered the rank contest, I believe that the person of golden Dragon Race, will not make every effort to succeed.” “是吗?那我倒是要拭目以待了,金族长有这等自信还是好的,就算是你们黄金龙族一个人都进不去前十名,我也不会惊讶的,毕竟五百年前,你们也只是获得了一个名额而已。不过你不用气馁,金族长,你放心吧,天无绝人之路,我们寿元无尽,起码有一万年,这一万年足够你看到有人进入排位争夺战了,我相信黄金龙族之人,不会这么不争气的。” Han penetrating whole face arrogant and pampered, golden Dragon Race lost completely face in the past, making him hold a vulnerable point of gold/metal cypress finally, how easily to possibly let off him? 韩彻满脸傲娇,当年黄金龙族可谓是丢尽了颜面,让他终于抓住了金一柏的小辫子,怎么可能会轻易放过他呢? Geomancy transfers in turn, who knows that this year the luck of the draw, Han Patriarch wants happy is not too early, will have you to cry probably in the future, hehe.” “风水轮流转,谁知道今年花落谁家呢,韩族长莫要高兴的太早,保不齐日后有你哭的时候,呵呵呵。” A gold/metal cypress also refuses to admit being inferior, at this time his , when the Patriarch nature cannot weak the crest of wave, does not arrive at the most moment, no one knows who can laugh last. 金一柏也是不甘示弱,这个时候他这个当族长的自然不能弱了风头,不到最有一刻,谁也不知道谁能够笑到最后。 Let us hope so.” “但愿如此。” Han penetrating unflustered saying. 韩彻从容不迫的说道。 This time, you may probably show mercy, cannot make the golden Dragon Race brothers lose too miserably, knows?” “这一次,你们可要手下留情,不能让黄金龙族的兄弟输得太惨,知道吗?” The Han penetrating looks at this behind Ao Tian Dragon Race disciple, the whole face is serious. 韩彻看这身后傲天龙族的弟子,满脸严肃。 Yes, Patriarch! We will not make them be injured absolutely.” “是,族长!我们绝对不会让他们受伤的。” Is the brave man of head, shows disdain for Vault of Heaven, saying that a face disdains. 为首的骁勇男子,傲视苍穹,一脸不屑的说道。 This fellow, is Ao Tian Dragon Race proud Cloud Dragon, in the past then only missed one step to attain the qualifications of entering Earth Dragon ancient Yuan. Pitifully was only kicked the conclusion finally, his strength cannot be underestimated, compared with side Tong, even goes beyond.” “这个家伙,是傲天龙族的傲云龙,当年便是只差一步就拿到了进入地龙古渊的资格。只可惜最终被踢出了局,他的实力不容小觑,比起方通,甚至是有过之而无不及。” gold/metal Xiaoxiao is Jiang Chen dispels doubt to say. 金潇潇为江尘解惑道。 Should also be the star sovereign boundary five heavy day of strengths badly.” “最差应该也是星皇境五重天的实力了。” The Jiang Chen nod said, worthily is Ao Tian Dragon Race expert, evidently indeed is threatening. 江尘点头说道,不愧是傲天龙族高手,看样子的确是来势汹汹。 First attended to you. The Ao Tian Dragon Race person, when became the smelly fart.” “还是先顾好你自己吧。傲天龙族的人,什么时候变得这么臭屁了。” side Tong is also unrestrained/no trace of politeness, when face saying proudly, facing Ao Tian Dragon Race, they naturally cannot weak the crest of wave, has not fought is first timid is the military commander taboo, this they make all-out efforts let alone time, want dead to knock with four big Dragon Race expert. 方通也是毫不客气,一脸傲然的说道,面对傲天龙族之时,他们自然是不能弱了风头,未战先怯乃是兵家大忌,更何况这一次他们是铆足了劲,想要跟四大龙族高手死磕。 Yes, first attended to you, leaves when the time comes disgraceful.” “就是,先顾好你们自己吧,别到时候一个个丢人现眼。” Ao Tian Dragon Race is haughtiness as always, but this time, you were perhaps disappointed. humph humph.” 傲天龙族还是一如既往的狂傲,不过这一次,你们恐怕要失望了。哼哼。” „To be among the best in the rank war, you must have this skill to be good.” “想要在排位战之中名列前茅,你们也得有这个本事才行。” Regarding golden Dragon Race expert, is suppressing all at once, five hundred years ago their bad result, speechless, these must top time inevitably is good, at least cannot golden Dragon Race to belittle. 对于黄金龙族高手而言,也是憋着一股气,五百年前他们的糟糕成绩,令人无语,这一次势必要拔得头筹才行,至少不能够让黄金龙族的人小觑。 That then waits.” “那便拭目以待吧。” proud Cloud Dragon indifferently said, shot a look at person of one eyes golden Dragon Race lightly, this group of fellows, he has not placed in the eye from beginning to end. 傲云龙冷漠的说道,轻瞥了黄金龙族之人一眼,这群家伙,他自始至终都没有放在眼中。 Person of golden Dragon Race and Ao Tian Dragon Race, performing is the appearance is all cloudy, diamond cut diamond, this rank contest, inevitably quite splendid, when the time comes will perhaps collide the endless spark. 黄金龙族傲天龙族之人,尽皆是面目阴沉,针尖对麦芒,这场排位争夺战,势必会相当的精彩,到时候恐怕会碰撞出无尽的火花。 Rumble-- “轰隆隆—— A sound of intermittent everything may become vulnerable resounds, ten several forms drop from the clouds, blocking the sky, performing is dozens zhang (3.33 m) is as for the colossus on hundred zhang (333 m), causes Monster Beast in mountain forest, performs all yields and withdraws, fearful and apprehensive. 一阵阵地动山摇的声音响起,十数道身影从天而降,蔽日遮天,尽皆是数十丈乃至于上百丈的庞然大物,使得山林之中的妖兽,尽皆退避三舍,胆战心惊。 Fears Dragon Race this group of fellows, is always such high-profile.” “恐龙族这群家伙,向来都是这么高调。” Yes, probably for fear that others do not know that they came to be the same.” “就是,好像生怕别人不知道他们来了一样。” humph humph, blatantly seeks publicity, does not know the strength how much, fears the person of Dragon Race, is blusters, this I want them to be attractive time.” 哼哼,招摇过市,就是不知道实力几何,恐龙族之人,全都是虚张声势而已,这一次我一定要他们好看。” Other gentleman three days, when holds in high esteem, 500 years have not seen let alone, who knows that fears Dragon Race the group of fellows, actually to turn into what appearance, but this was actually very big.” “士别三日当刮目相待,更何况五百年未见,谁知道恐龙族的这群家伙,究竟变成什么样子了,不过这块儿头倒是大得很。” More than ten terrifying dragon shadow proliferate Vault of Heaven, fears Dragon Race expert impressively. 十余道恐怖龙影遍布苍穹,赫然是恐龙族高手 At this moment gold/metal Xiaoxiao the look becomes incomparable gloomy and cold, because before these have, almost lets Klade who she passed away, this tent/account, she will be will not give up absolutely. 这一刻金潇潇的眼神变得无比阴冷,因为这其中就有之前差点让她命丧黄泉的克拉德,这笔帐,她是绝对不会善罢甘休的。 Bastard! This I want you to be attractive time!” “混蛋!这一次我一定要你好看!” gold/metal Xiaoxiao fiercely said. 金潇潇恶狠狠的说道 So long as entered the rank contest, actually some are the opportunities.” “只要进入了排位争夺战,倒是有的是机会。” Jiang Chen said with a smile. 江尘笑道。 You must be careful, he hates your some, if were not you saved me, perhaps he has worked.” “你也要小心一点,他可是更恨你一些,如果不是你救了我,或许他已经得逞了。” gold/metal Xiaoxiao reminded, once Jiang Chen were held by him, situation possibly unusual danger. 金潇潇提醒道,江尘一旦被他抓住的话,处境可能会非常的危险。 I know. However wants to kill my Jiang Chen's person, had not been born.” “我知道。不过想杀我江尘的人,还没出生呢。” Void above, that huge pair of claws giant dragon, impressively is Klade's incarnation. 虚空之上,那条庞大的双爪巨龙,赫然便是克拉德的化身。 Klade and Jiang Chen four eyes contact, in the look bursts out terrifying rays of light, as to swallow whole to be the same the opposite party. 克拉德与江尘四目相对,眼神之中迸发出一道道恐怖光芒,似乎都想要将对方生吞活剥一样。 Young animal, never expected that we met, this time, I will be run over and die you while still alive.” “小崽子,没想到我们又见面了,这一次,我会将你活活碾死的。” Klade is supine the arrogant head, the sinister smile was saying. 克拉德仰着高傲的头颅,阴笑着说道。 For a long time does not see, the buddhist temple, you fear Dragon Race, always likes being so high-profile.” “好久不见啊,蓝宇,你们恐龙族,向来都喜欢这么高调。” A gold/metal cypress said lightly, looks to is hundred zhang (333 m) giant dragon of head, that fellow, precisely fears Dragon Race Patriarch, blue electricity tyrannosaurus, buddhist temple! 金一柏淡淡地说道,看向为首的百丈巨龙,那个家伙,正是龙族族长,蓝电霸王龙,蓝宇! Hehe, if no least bit momentum, how to be joined to our four big Dragon Race reputations, generation of the nameless, but no qualifications wrest away the head in this rank war.” “呵呵呵,若无半点声势,怎么配得上我们四大龙族的名声呢,籍籍无名之辈,可是没资格在这排位战之中霸占鳌头。” Buddhist temple unceasing is panting for breath, vast momentum, but saying of serene, the pride of whole face, fears the Dragon Race strength compared with Ao Tian Dragon Race and golden Dragon Race, wants the constant voltage their head, this is his pride is also. 蓝宇不断的喘息着,声势浩大,但却风轻云淡的说道,满脸的骄傲,恐龙族的实力比起傲天龙族与黄金龙族,都要稳压他们一头,这也是他的骄傲所在。 Blue Patriarch also is really domineering, the careful wind flashed the tongue very much. Hahaha.” “蓝族长还真是霸气的很啊,小心风大闪了舌头。哈哈哈哈。” The Han penetrating is also whole face gloomy and cold, sat on somebody's back feeling, he is also uncomfortable, even if this time cannot top, must step on these two fellows in the under foot is good, otherwise fears the Dragon Race person, simply was extremely rampant. 韩彻也是满脸阴冷,被人骑在头上的感觉,他也非常不爽,这一次就算不能够拔得头筹,也一定要将这两个家伙踩在脚下才行,否则的话恐龙族的人,简直是太过嚣张了。 „The war of rank, but always spoke depending on the skill.” “排位之战,向来可都是凭本事说话的。” The buddhist temple does not place in the threat of Han penetrating the eye completely. 蓝宇完全不将韩彻的威胁放在眼中。 In this moment, genuine dark clouds, covers outside the thousand li (500 km), trim mountain range, is becomes gets dark. 就在这一刻,一阵真正的阴云,笼罩千里之外,整片山脉,都是变得黑了下来。 Is the eternal Dragon Race person!” “是永恒龙族的人!” gold/metal Xiaoxiao and Jiang Chen look at each other one, the sound are dignified. 金潇潇与江尘对视一眼,声音凝重。
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