DMWG :: Volume #45

#4387: Gaoyang mountain range

Next day at dusk, the final two people, gold/metal Xiaoxiao and side multi-talented person go out of the Xuan Zhong cliff slowly, arouses one to cheer intermittently. 第二天傍晚时分,最后的两个人,金潇潇与方通才是缓缓的走出玄重崖,激起一阵阵欢呼。 side Tong!” “方通!” side Tong!” “方通!” Cheers continuously, resound through above the Xuan Zhong cliff, passes can become golden Dragon Race Commander, is the prestige is, name will follow reality, gold/metal Xiaoxiao is also not as good. 此起彼伏的欢呼声,响彻玄重崖之上,方通能够成为黄金龙族统领,也算是名望所在,实至名归,就连金潇潇也是略逊一筹。 Side Commander, compared with these good to look at but of no use worthless fellows, Hahaha.” “到底还是方统领,比那些中看不中用的酒囊饭袋强多了,哈哈哈。” Silver type wax spear head aunt, vulgar, can it be that you also really think that fellow can become our gold Dragon Race proud?” “银样蜡枪头二姨,难登大雅之堂,你们莫不是还真以为那家伙能够成为咱们黄金龙族的骄傲嘛?” Said is also, did not fear that cannot judge the quality of goods feared goods compared with goods, now looks like, only Commander most is worth trusting in the right way.” “说的也是,不怕不识货就怕货比货,现在看来,只有方统领才是最值得我们信赖的。” The Dragon Race juniors completely all are the opposite party pass give the thumbs-up, in golden Dragon Race, his position is without a doubt. 龙族子弟尽皆是对方通竖起了大拇指,在黄金龙族之中,他的地位是毋庸置疑的。 Your highness, now you should understand, who was that can protect your person? In the future if there is awkwardness, he is at all impossible to keep out wind and rain for you, even 9-level dragon veins how? In the end, even the pressure of Xuan Zhong cliff cannot shoulder, this Commander also really woulds not venture to give positive comments on, Hahaha.” “殿下,现在你应该明白,谁才是那个能保护你的人了吧?日后若有为难,他是根本不可能为你遮风挡雨的,即便是九品龙脉又如何?到头来,连玄重崖的压力都扛不住,本统领还真是不敢恭维,哈哈哈。” The side passes the whole face to be arrogant, look indifferently said, in Dragon Race, he can lift up the person of flag truly, others are just the trash, no one can fight with it, even 9-level dragon veins Jiang Chen, still just appears briefly, he position in Dragon Race, that is depends on oneself ability to hit. 方通满脸倨傲,眼神冷漠的说道,在龙族之中,他才是真正能够扛起大旗之人,其他人都只不过是垃圾而已,无人能够与其争锋,即便是九品龙脉江尘,也只不过是昙花一现而已,他在龙族之中的地位,那是靠着自己的本领打出来的。 gold/metal Xiaoxiao the complexion is indifferent, no one will remember second, she missed side Tong to plan after all, Jiang Chen was ending carelessly, left the Xuan Zhong cliff, let her is also unusual being startled, properly speaking Jiang Chen should not so, be able to compete for the high under person with side Tong hopefully, was he. 金潇潇脸色冷漠,没有人会记住第二名,她终归还是差了方通一筹,江尘则是草草的收场,离开了玄重崖,让她也是非常的吃惊,按理说江尘本不该如此,最有希望能够与方通争夺高下之人,就是他了。 Now said that these also somewhat last still early, when you attained the position to say in the rank contest again.” “现在说这些还有些为时尚早,等你在排位争夺战之中拿到名次再说吧。” gold/metal Xiaoxiao turns around to go. 金潇潇转身而去。 However side Tong does not care, present he, is in Dragon Race the prettiest young! 不过方通并不在乎,现在的他,才是龙族之中最靓的仔! Enjoys is cheering and supporting, passes gaze gloomy and cold, in the heart mutters: 享受着欢呼与拥戴,方通目光阴冷,心中喃喃道: Does intentionally aloof from worldly affairs, Humph! one day, I will make you shout in my crotch.” “故作清高,哼!总有一天,我会让你在我胯下嘶吼的。” side Tong not lets people down, lets a gold/metal cypress is also holds in high esteem to him, although Jiang Chen attained first ten under the Xuan Zhong cliff, but also is only tenth, was he is too high on the hope that Jiang Chen placed? 方通不负众望,让金一柏也是对他刮目相看,江尘虽然在玄重崖之下拿到了前十名,可是也只是第十而已,难道是他对江尘寄予的希望太高了嘛? In gold/metal Bai heart somewhat sighed, 9-level dragon veins no doubt talent Zhuoqun, but Jiang Chen, if insufficient effort, will vanish however the people, has the advantageous talent, but he actually did not understand to treasure, that may no wonder anybody. 金一柏心中有些叹息,九品龙脉固然天赋卓群,但是江尘如果不够努力的话,也是会泯然众人的,有着得天独厚的天赋,但是他却不懂得珍惜,那可就怪不得任何人了。 gold/metal Xiaoxiao arrived at the Jiang Chen's residence, during he is practicing. 金潇潇来到了江尘的居所,他正在修炼之中。 Left the Xuan Zhong cliff early, and all alone far away from the noise, you will hide actually quietly.” “早早离开了玄重崖,并且孤身一人远离喧嚣,你倒是会躲清静。” gold/metal Xiaoxiao said with a smile. 金潇潇笑道。 First with tenth has not distinguished, why I must receive that vexation there. So long as were been good the quota of rank contest, who can laugh last, who is smiles best.” “第一跟第十并没有区别,我何必要在那里受那份窝囊气呢。只要得到排位争夺战的名额就行了,谁能够笑到最后,谁才是笑的最好的。” Jiang Chen indifferently said. 江尘淡淡说道 gold/metal Xiaoxiao a brow wrinkle, said: 金潇潇眉头一皱,道: „Did side pass them to your take action?” “方通他们对你出手了?” Is, but these people lifted the stone to pound oneself foot, had been kicked to be eliminated by me.” “算是吧,不过那些人搬起石头砸了自己的脚,已经被我踢出局了。” A Jiang Chen face indifferent expression. 江尘一脸无所谓的表情。 I know, this fellow will not give up absolutely!” “我就知道,这家伙绝对不会善罢甘休的!” gold/metal Xiaoxiao has the apology, if because, Jiang Chen will not receive problem-making that the side passes repeatedly. 金潇潇心生歉意,如果不是因为自己,江尘也不会屡次受到方通的刁难。 Cannot blame you completely, perhaps 9-level dragon veins, has made him dread, feared that I snatched his crest of wave in Dragon Race.” “也不能完全怪你,九品龙脉,或许已经让他忌惮了,怕我在龙族之中抢了他的风头而已。” Jiang Chen naturally knows that this side Tong is not the fuel-efficient lamp, when is not does not report the time not to arrive, waited till the rank contest, if there is an opportunity to massacre side Tong, he will not be softhearted. 江尘自然知道这个方通不是省油的灯,不是不报时候未到,等到了排位争夺战之时,若是有机会杀掉方通,他也不会心慈手软的。 This side Tong, I want him to be attractive sooner or later.” “这个方通,我迟早要他好看。” gold/metal Xiaoxiao wicked say/way. 金潇潇恶狠狠道。 You prepare, Jiang Chen. The day after tomorrow the Royal Father will lead us to go to Gaoyang mountain range, four big Dragon Race the place of gathering together there, moreover Earth Dragon ancient Yuan that side Gaoyang mountain range, is united a hand by four big Dragon Race.” “你准备一下,江尘。后天父王就会带着我们去高阳山脉,四大龙族的聚首之地就在那里,而且地龙古渊就是在高阳山脉那边,由四大龙族联合把手。” Knew, many thanks.” “知道了,多谢。” ............ ………… Gaoyang mountain range, situated in Ancient Dragon star center west, above continuous endless mountain range, the rivers, the glacier, the green space, has everything expected to find. 高阳山脉,位于古龙星中央偏西,一路之上连绵无尽的山脉,河流,冰川,绿地,应有尽有。 Moreover above the Ancient Dragon star, many Monster Beast almost is the Dragon Race descendant, more or less brings some Dragon Race bloodlines, after all here is the world of dragon, only then minority Monster Beast are self-contained, but underwent tens of thousands of year of transformations, Monster Beast that can live, was enough tenacious. 而且在古龙星之上,不少的妖兽几乎全都是龙族后裔,或多或少都带着一些龙族血脉,毕竟这里是龙的世界,只有少数的妖兽是自成一体的,不过经过了成千上万年的蜕变,能够活下来的妖兽,也算是足够顽强了。 mountain range surrounding Junfeng strange Xian, was full of the situation became, dangerous mountain peaks, reached to the sky, spread all over. 山脉周围俊峰奇险,充满了大势之趋,一道道险峰,高耸入云,星罗棋布。 Arrived!” “到了!” Gold/Metal Bai deep inspires, five hundred years ago, their gold Dragon Race, only then a person entered the rank contest, Earth Dragon ancient Yuan the road of cultivation, is unattainable regarding their gold Dragon Race. 金一柏深吸了一口气,五百年前,他们黄金龙族只有一人进入了排位争夺战,地龙古渊的修行之路,对于他们黄金龙族也是遥不可及。 This time, I will not lose absolutely again.” “这一次,我绝对不会再铩羽而归的。” side Tong is the whole face is also dignified, in the past his strength cultivation base, in addition only then star sovereign four heavy day of initial stage, have not entered first ten, but this time, before he takes snow absolutely shame, even if cannot top, must become the pride of golden Dragon Race surely. 方通也是满脸凝重,当年他的实力修为尚且只有星皇四重天初期而已,并没有进入前十之列,但是这一次,他绝对要一雪前耻,就算是不能拔得头筹,也必定要成为黄金龙族的骄傲。 Here is Earth Domain is really vast, the source air/Qi is lush.” “这里果然是地域辽阔,源气丰茂。” The Jiang Chen nod said that the legend place of dragon plate tiger secluding, fears mediocre. 江尘点头说道,传说中的龙盘虎踞之地,怕也不过如此。 Here is the entire Ancient Dragon star source air/Qi richest place, it is said billion years ago, to compete for here, four big Dragon Race ancestors, once hit take action greatly, but establishes the agreement finally, decides as the place of trial here, and in supplies four big Dragon Race genius the institute of cultivation, everyone can not visit.” “这里是整个古龙星源气最为浓郁的地方,据说千百万年前,为了争夺这里,四大龙族的先祖,曾经大打出手,不过最后才立下约定,将这里定为试炼之地,并且供给四大龙族之中天才的修炼之所,所有人不得踏足。” gold/metal Xiaoxiao complexion Yan Jun (severe) said. 金潇潇脸色严峻道。 Jiang Chen nods, does not dare to neglect, it seems like above the Ancient Dragon star, pouring also has many secrets. 江尘点点头,不敢怠慢,看来古龙星之上,倒也是有着不少的秘密。 A gold/metal cypress leads two golden Dragon Race elders, as well as ten Dragon Race genius, are confident, under ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) platform toward mountain range, the dive goes. 金一柏带着两位黄金龙族的长老,以及十个龙族天才,信心满满,向着山脉之下的万丈平台,俯冲而去。 Welcomed Patriarch!” “恭迎族长!” Four old men of coming, the whole face belt/bring smile, nods to a gold/metal cypress submissively, saw golden Dragon Race comes the person, the nature is joyful. 迎面而来的四个老者,满脸带笑,冲着金一柏拱手点头,看见了黄金龙族的来人,自然欣喜。 Four Great Elder strengths in the star sovereign six heavy days, are all strong, as here protector, is protecting Earth Dragon ancient Yuan, takes care of respectively. Every 500 years is Samsara, after this rank contest, they can go home, trades in other clan the elder to replace.” “四大长老的实力全都在星皇六重天,实力强劲,作为这里的守护者,守护着地龙古渊,各自监守。每500年为一个轮回,等这一次排位争夺战之后,他们就可以回家了,换另外的族中长老来接替。” gold/metal Xiaoxiao said to Jiang Chen in a low voice. 金潇潇对身旁的江尘低声说道。 No wonder, very powerful strength.” “怪不得,好强的实力。” In Jiang Chen heart surprised, four big Dragon Race background, it seems like quite fierce, solely is these four star sovereign six heavy day of expert, made one feel the enormous constriction. 江尘心中惊讶,四大龙族底蕴,看来都是相当厉害的,单单是这四个星皇六重天的高手,就令人感觉到极大的压迫感。 Hahaha, all elders, good work, after the rank fought, after returning to Dragon Race, I gave a welcoming dinner for your reception.” 哈哈哈,诸位长老,辛苦了,排位战之后,回到龙族之后,我为你们接风洗尘。” Gold/Metal cypress whole face gratified saying, these protectors, may be their Dragon Race the feudal officials of humerus. 金一柏满脸欣慰的说道,这些守护者,可都是他们龙族的肱骨之臣。 Many thanks Patriarch.” “多谢族长。” Four Great Elder look the happy expression, is impatient to get back. 大长老面露喜色,已然是归心似箭。 Hahaha, 500 years does not see, gold/metal clan Changfeng picks as before.” 哈哈哈,五百年不见,金族长风采依旧啊。” Eats delicacies the sound to get up crazily, ear-splitting, reverberates in the mountains, but at this moment, complexion of gold/metal cypress is also becomes serious, even some are not good look. 一声狂啸之声响起,震耳欲聋,回荡在山川之间,而这一刻,金一柏的脸色也是变得严肃起来,甚至有些不甚好看。
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