DMWG :: Volume #43

#4193: Win

Frightens me with Luo Fumen?” “用罗浮门吓我?” Jiang Chen laughs at one, remains unmoved slightly, fights sword qi of sword as before incomparably ice-cold, might the pressure anytime, will cleave in two white hair old man. 江尘嗤笑一声,丝毫不为所动,战剑的剑气依旧无比冰冷,随时有可能压将下来,将白发老者劈成两半。 I withdraw from the battle of Hongcheng at the worst, puts me to walk, when I have not come, the matter of today, the old man will not investigate absolutely in the future, like this is good to everyone, if you insist on killing me, is equal to with Luo floating gate is the enemy, the little brother, I look at you am a smart person, should know that what fate with Luo floating gate for the enemy is.” “我大不了退出罗洪城的争斗,放我走,就当我没有来过,今日之事,老夫也绝对不会日后追究,这样对大家都好,如果你执意杀我,就等于是和罗浮门为敌,小兄弟,我看你是一个聪明人,应该知道和罗浮门为敌是什么样的下场。” The white hair old man sees Jiang Chen to remain unmoved , to continue open the mouth and said. 白发老者见江尘不为所动,继续开口说道 Killed one, I will also care kill one, furthermore, Luo floating gate I simply have not cared, Luo floating gate was fierce, compared with the Qilin mansion how?” “杀一个了,难道我还会在乎多杀一个,再则,罗浮门我根本没有放在心上,罗浮门再厉害,比起麒麟府如何?” Jiang Chen said that once he begins, to the opposite party the least bit opportunity, this white hair old man will not injure Long Shisan absolutely, was doomed dead. 江尘道,他一旦动手,就绝对不会给对方半点机会,这白发老者伤了龙十三,就注定了要死亡。 What? The Qilin mansion, are you Qilin mansion person? Is impossible, big forest empire four mansion one battalions, how possibly come to this remote three angular regions.” “什么?麒麟府,你难道是麒麟府的人?不可能,大林帝国四府一营,怎么可能来这偏远的三角域。” The white hair old man complexion thoroughly changed, had the endless despair, the weight/quantity of Qilin mansion these three characters were too big, if the opposite party is really the Qilin mansion disciple, even if killed itself, oneself still die in vain, although Luo floating gate dominates to dominate in three angular regions, but compares with the Qilin mansion, that is the ants general small influence, the small influence of sesame seed size, is not worth mentioning, the Qilin mansion blows the one breath casually, can Luo Fumen blowing unravelling. 白发老者脸色彻底变了,出现了无尽的绝望,麒麟府这三个字的分量实在太大了,如果对方真的是麒麟府的弟子,那就算杀了自己,自己也是白死,罗浮门虽然在三角域称雄称霸,但和麒麟府比起来,那就是蝼蚁一般的小势力,芝麻大小的小势力,根本不值一提,麒麟府随便吹一口气,都能够将罗浮门给吹的灰飞烟灭。 However, the Qilin mansion is one of the four mansion one battalions, aloof and remote, the disciple of Qilin mansion, how will appear in this remote three angular regions, but also participation this small Hongcheng family feud, but looks at Jiang Chen seldom, the white hair old man also has to believe. 但是,麒麟府乃是四府一营之一,高高在上,麒麟府的弟子,怎么会出现在这偏远的三角域,还参与这小小的罗洪城家族争斗,但看江尘煞有其事,白发老者也不得不信。 What is more important, this Draconian strength is too at present strong, simply is the evildoer/monstrous talent in evildoer/monstrous talent, spans four ranks to kill itself, perhaps such genius, takes a broad view at the entire scarlet territory unable to discover second, feared that only has Qilin mansion such place, can train such genius to come. 更重要的是,眼前这个龙人的实力太强了,简直是妖孽中的妖孽,跨越四个等级杀自己,这样的天才,放眼整个赤中域恐怕都找不出第二个来,怕是只有麒麟府这样的地方,才能够培养出这样的天才来吧。 „I am who is unimportant, more importantly, you injured my brother, I must kill you.” “我是什么人不重要的,重要的是,你伤了我的兄弟,我就一定要杀你。” Jiang Chen is saying, in the hand fights the sword brutally to cut to fall, along with sad and shrill blood-curdling scream, the white hair old man was cut as two halves, the tragic death under the Jiang Chen's sword. 江尘说着,手中战剑无情斩落,伴随着一声凄厉惨叫,白发老者被斩为两半,惨死在了江尘的剑下。 Who Jiang Chen is, the absolute unparalleled madman, he must kill the white hair old man, does not need the Qilin mansion the status to support for oneself, the trivial Luo floating gate, he has not really cared. 江尘是什么人,绝对的盖世狂人,他要杀白发老者,根本不需要麒麟府的身份为自己撑腰,区区罗浮门,他还真没有放在心上。 Reason that said the Qilin mansion name, Jiang Chen was also wants to look that the Qilin mansion signboard was effective, has a look at the influence of Qilin mansion territory in scarlet big. 之所以说出麒麟府的名字来,江尘也是想要看一下麒麟府这个招牌到底管不管用,看看麒麟府在赤中域的影响力有多大。 From the white hair old man's response, the signboard of Qilin mansion indeed is effective, this also proved sufficiently status of four mansion one battalions territory Human Race in scarlet, strengthened Jiang Chen to go to the determination of Qilin mansion. 从白发老者的反应来看,麒麟府的招牌的确是管用,这也足以证明了四府一营在赤中域人族的地位,同时也更加坚定了江尘要去麒麟府的决心。 Jiang Chen method savage ruthless spicy, cuts expert of two Luo floating gates continually, enabling the scene to have the universe transformation instantaneously, originally morale low Luo, had been cut that moment of killing in the white hair old man, fell into the endless despair thoroughly. 江尘手段凶残狠辣,连斩两个罗浮门的高手,使得场面瞬间发生了乾坤性的转变,本来就已经士气低迷的罗家,在白发老者被斩杀的那一刻,彻底陷入了无尽的绝望之中。 Ended, expert of Luo floating gate was killed, our Luo was finished.” “完了,罗浮门的高手都被杀了,我们罗家完蛋了。” Patriarch, this war had no way to hit, retreated.” 族长,这战没法打了,撤退吧。” Braves peerless evildoer/monstrous talent, the day to perish our Luo.” “冒出来一个绝世妖孽,天要亡我们罗家啊。” ............ ………… The person of Luo wails unceasingly, the killed inconsistency, Patriarch Luo Lie fell at this moment completely leeward, by Hong battle pressing hitting, is continue battle, hardly with thinking, Luo Lie must certainly defeat. 罗家的人哀嚎不断,被杀的七零八落,就连族长罗烈此刻都完全落入了下风,被洪战给压着打,继续激战下去,几乎不用想,罗烈肯定要败。 Withdraw.” “撤。” Romanian fierce both eyes blood congestion, the whole face is the color of being unwilling, even if is unwilling again, he is still clear, now Luo game is as good as lost, this war was the thorough defeat, continued to battle, the cleanness that today all Luo family must be killed, the true chicken dog did not remain. 罗烈双目充血,满脸都是不甘之色,但即便再不甘,他也清楚,如今罗家大势已去,这一战算是彻彻底底的败了,继续激战下去,今日所有罗家人都要被杀的干干净净,真正的鸡犬不留了。 Luo Lie, wants to retreat now, was too rather late.” “罗烈,现在想要撤退,未免太晚了一些吧。” Hong battle is powerful, can at this time to the opportunity that Luo Lie runs away, the Hongcheng two Great Family battles so many years, are thinking kill the opposite party, lord over a city, now had the golden opportunity, how could Hong battle missed. 洪战气势如虹,焉能在这个时候给罗烈逃走的机会,罗洪城两大家族争斗了这么多年,都想着干掉对方,独霸一城,如今有了大好机会,洪战岂能错过。 Moreover, today a war, Luo Jia invited expert of two Luo floating gates, the goal was very simple, is to kill Hong, said unrestrained/no trace of politeness, Luo Lielai original intention had not planned to the Hong means of livelihood, such being the case, why Hong battle must be polite with it. 而且,今日一战,罗家邀请来了两个罗浮门的高手,目的很简单,就是要干掉洪家,毫不客气的说,罗烈来的初衷就是没有打算给洪家活路,既然如此,洪战何必要与之客气。 His Hong battle, is not generation of the charity, facing the enemy, the method is absolutely unyielding. 他洪战,可不是什么慈善之辈,面对敌人,手段绝对是硬气的。 Blood Escape.” 血遁。” Romania clenches teeth fiercely, knows that does not walk, perhaps could not leave truly, in this critical critical moment, Luo Lie has to use the technique of taboo. 罗烈咬了咬牙,知道再不走,恐怕就真正走不掉了,在这生死攸关的紧要关头,罗烈不得不施展出禁忌之术来。 Blood Escape, secret art that burns blood essence to receive in exchange for escaping, is the technique of true taboo, combustion blood essence, nearly in the combustion life, to wound, is not unimaginable, is irreversible, is unrecoverable. 血遁,一种燃烧自己精血来换取逃亡的秘术,乃是真正的禁忌之术,燃烧精血,近乎于燃烧生命,对本身的创伤,是无法想象的,是不可逆的,也是不可恢复的。 This escaping technique, not only the critical critical moment, no one will display, Luo Lie displays Blood Escape time, cultivation base must reduce to the Tianyuan boundary four heavy days. 这种遁术,不但生死攸关的紧要关头,没有人会施展,罗烈施展一次血遁,修为恐怕都要降低到天源境四重天。 But now, Luo Lie does not have other choice, truly he is worried is not Hong battle, but is that blows away two Luo floating gate expert terrifying fellows continuously, he must while the opposite party not to oneself take action time, spares nothing to run away. 但现在,罗烈没有别的选择,他真正担心的不是洪战,而是那个连续干掉两个罗浮门高手恐怖家伙,他必须要趁着对方没有对自己出手的时候,不惜一切代价逃走。 Looks at the eye in Romania fiercely, so long as runs away today the life, in the future opportunity of staging a comeback, because Jiang Chen killed the person of Luo floating gate, Luo floating gate will certainly not give up, once Luo floating gate take action, Hong must be perished. 在罗烈看眼,只要今日逃得性命,日后还有东山再起的机会,因为江尘杀了罗浮门的人,罗浮门一定不会善罢甘休,一旦罗浮门出手,洪家还是要被灭亡。 Hong Zhanzhan falls Luo Lie afterimage, Luo Lie changes into bloody light to disappear in together far spatial, by this time, this Patriarch considered only to escape, the life and death of clansman does not attend. 洪战斩落罗烈一道残影,罗烈化为一道血光消失在远空,到了这个时候,这个族长只顾着自己逃命,连族人的生死都不顾了。 Hong battle, Long Shisan, the enmity of today, my Luo Lie will not give up absolutely, you killed the person of Luo floating gate, is waiting for the bloody retaliation of Luo floating gate.” “洪战,龙十三,今日之仇,我罗烈绝对不会善罢甘休,你们杀了罗浮门的人,等着罗浮门的血腥报复吧。” The Romanian fierce voice disseminates, the person has disappeared does not see. 罗烈的声音传播开来,人已经消失不见。 Jiang Chen has not pursued, not to mention can catch up, only Luo Lie, he simply has not cared. 江尘并没有追击,且不说能不能追上,区区一个罗烈,他也根本没有放在心上。 Romania fiercely after all is Tianyuan boundary five heavy day of expert, in displaying the situation of technique of Blood Escape, a life that wants to run away does not have the issue. 罗烈毕竟是天源境五重天的高手,在施展血遁之术的情况下,想要逃的一命还是没有问题的。 Romania fiercely is a smart person, saw that the situation is not right, does not prolong contact, goes ahead , can therefore escape. 罗烈是一个聪明人,看到形势不对,根本也不恋战,说走就走,也因此才能够逃掉。 In fact also precisely so, if Luo Lie prolongs contact, hits again, the injury will be getting more and more serious, once Jiang Chen leaps take action to cope with him, even if perhaps displays Blood Escape, still gave up any idea of that ran away. 事实上也正是如此,倘若罗烈恋战,再打下去,伤势会越来越重,一旦江尘出手来对付他,恐怕就算是施展血遁,也休想逃走了。 Romania ran away fiercely, remaining these people of Luo, turned into the noisy crowd to be the same, wail day after day, some started to surrender directly, this war, being doomed to win total victories to end by Hong Jia. 罗烈逃走了,剩下那些罗家的人,就变成了一窝蜂一样,哀嚎连天,有的直接开始投降,这一战,注定要以洪家大获全胜而收场。
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