DMWG :: Volume #43

#4192: Kills again

Too strong, is completely not a rank, Long Shisan looks like desolate ancient savage beast, is full of the explosive energy, in the hand the big stick sweeps away invincibly, by his present condition, except for Tianyuan boundary five heavy day of expert, almost could not find the opponent. 太强了,完全就不是一个级别的,龙十三就像是一头荒古蛮兽,充满爆炸性的能量,手中大棍横扫无敌,以他现在的状态,除了天源境五重天高手,几乎找不到对手。 Said unrestrained/no trace of politeness, without Long Shisan of Tianyuan boundary five heavy day of expert controls, regarding Luo these Tianyuan boundary four heavy day of cultivator, simply is the end, no one can resist a Long Shisan stick, true sweeps away invincibly, unsurpassed. 毫不客气的说,没有天源境五重天高手控制的龙十三,对于罗家那些天源境四重天的修士,简直就是末日,没有人可以抵挡住龙十三一棍,真正的横扫无敌,盖世无双。 Immortal your board board, the monkey, does not see for a long time, is aggressive such as beginning.” 仙人你个板板,猴子,许久不见,还是生猛如初啊。” Big Yellow Dog looks fierce, can find time to tease in this fierce fight, perhaps also on Big Yellow Dog this mindless fellow. 大黄狗龇牙咧嘴,在这种激烈的战斗中还能够抽空调侃,恐怕也就大黄狗这个没心没肺的家伙了。 And you too, did ends.” “彼此彼此,干就完了。” Long Shisan is very happy, today brothers have a reunion, fight side-by-side, like this carefree scene, very long has not experienced. 龙十三无比开心,今日兄弟重逢,并肩作战,这样的畅快场面,已经很久没有经历了。 Is dry.” “燥起来。” The Big Yellow Dog body rocks, just like great likely general, batters, the killed Luo family, is utterly routed. 大黄狗身躯晃动,犹如巨象一般,横冲直撞,杀的罗家人,溃不成军。 Damn, how can like this?” “该死的,怎么会这样?” The Romanian fierce old blood has almost not spurted, he has not thought, originally the excellent aspect, turned into this appearance suddenly, Hong was overturned like this, braves three evildoer/monstrous talent, is more fearful than Long Shisan. 罗烈一口老血差点没有喷出来,他怎么也没有想到,本来大好的局面,眨眼间就变成了这个样子,洪家就这样被翻盘了,冒出来三个妖孽,其中一个比龙十三还要可怕。 Especially after Luo floating gate that Tianyuan boundary five heavy day of expert by Jiang Chen the second kills, the imposing manner of Luo has started weakly, don't said that was these Luo family, Luo Lie this Patriarch, started to have a heavy heart at this moment, in showdown that in fought with Hong, started to be at a disadvantage. 尤其是罗浮门那天源境五重天高手江尘给秒杀之后,罗家的气势已经开始弱了下去,莫说是那些罗家人了,就连罗烈这个族长,此刻也开始心情沉重,在和洪战的对决中,开始处于下风了。 Haha, Luo Lie, you thinks that shouted comes expert of Romanian floating gate to extinguish my Hong? Too naive.” 哈哈,罗烈,你以为喊来罗浮门的高手就可以灭我洪家吗?太天真了。” Hong battle Haha laughs, the feeling of that joy after sorrow Yau Yat Tsuen, is very crisp. 洪战哈哈大笑,那种柳暗花明又一村的感觉,还是非常爽的。 Humph! Hong battle, you do not want happy is too early, Luo floating gate elder has a low opinion of the enemy to be the result just now, boy even again fierce, impossible exterminate Tianyuan boundary five heavy day of expert . Moreover, you to kill the person of Luo floating gate, even if runs away today by luck the calamity, must withstand the anger of Luo floating gate surely.” 哼!洪战,你不要高兴的太早,适才罗浮门长老只是轻敌所致,那小子就算再厉害,也不可能灭杀天源境五重天高手,另外,你们杀了罗浮门的人,就算今日侥幸逃得厄难,也必定要承受罗浮门的怒火。” Romanian fierce coldly snorted. 罗烈冷哼一声 That is not you worry, you first manage well yourself.” “那就不是你操心的了,你还是先管好自己吧。” Hong battle is powerful, in these three angular regions, offended Luo floating gate, indeed is a tricky matter, but Hong facing the life and death, does not revolt today dies, no other choice. 洪战气势如虹,在这三角域,得罪了罗浮门,的确是一件棘手的事情,但今日洪家面对生死存亡,不反抗就是死,别无选择 Another side, white hair old man gaze locks Jiang Chen, where also dares also to have the heart of least bit contempt, this probably the first time is his entire life so earnest facing a person of cultivation base low four rank. 另一边,白发老者目光锁定江尘,哪里还敢也有半点轻视之心,这大概是他生平第一次如此认真的面对一个修为比自己低四个等级的人了。 In the ordinary time, a Tianyuan boundary 1-layer Heaven boy, at all impossible to look by him in the eye, such cultivation base, he can pinch conveniently big. 在平常时候,一个天源一重天的小子,根本不可能被他看在眼中,这样的修为,他随手可以捏死一大把。 But at present this young people, make him not dare to have the contempt of least bit, because in a moment ago, this person, personally exterminate own companion, moreover is the second kills. 但眼前这个年轻人,却让他不敢有半点的轻视,因为就在刚才,这个人,亲手灭杀了自己的同伴,而且是秒杀。 Boy, eats “小子,吃我一招大悲手。” The old men took the lead, whole body golden light a big magnificence burst, is waving to make one chapter to Jiang Chen, a giant palm, just like India smelted to be the same, radiant such as fierce Yang, illuminated entire void, wanted patting a Jiang Chen palm. 老者率先动了,浑身金光大盛,对着江尘挥手打出一章,一只巨大的手掌,犹如天竺熔炼出来一样,璀璨如烈阳,照亮了整个虚空,想要将江尘一掌给拍死。 Buddhism hand imprint.” “佛门手印。” Jiang Chen stares, at the appointed time without thinking of this old fogy will also display the Buddhism unexpectedly the skill , the thing of Buddhism is fastidious about a fate, rarely the to divulge to an outsider, this old man should also be the accident of sorts obtains. 江尘一愣,到时没有想到这个老家伙就竟然还会施展佛门的技能,要知道,佛门的东西都讲究一个缘分,很少外传,这老头应该也是机缘巧合才得到的。 However, this greatly sad hand was displayed by the old man, is completely the weird creature, the thing of Buddhism, an essence does not have, inside mixed with other too many energies, the disciple has the name of greatly sad hand. 不过,这大悲手被老者施展出来,完全就是四不像,佛门的东西,一点精髓都没有,里面夹杂了太多的其他能量,徒有大悲手之名。 Greatly sad hand displays from your hand, simply is an insult, I make you have a look at anything am true Buddhism Battle Skill, Motionless Bright King Seal.” “大悲手从你手中施展出来,简直是一种侮辱,我让你看看什么是真正的佛门战技,不动明王印。” Jiang Chen both hands wave, make Motionless Bright King Seal, a move, made the Motionless Bright King shadow directly. 江尘双手舞动,打出不动明王印,一招出,直接打出了不动明王的影子来。 Great Buddha, dropping from the clouds, just like the mountain is generally high, entire Hongcheng was given to cover by endless Buddha's radiance, during falling into one piece was auspicious. 一尊大佛,从天而降,犹如山岳一般高,整个罗洪城都被无尽佛光给笼罩,陷入了一片祥和之中。 This auspicious , is actually the air/Qi of endless slaughtering. 只是,这祥和之下,却又是无尽的杀戮之气。 What? Is impossible, this is true Buddhism secret art, how you possibly can.” “什么?不可能,这是真正的佛门秘术,你怎么可能会。” Facing the appearance of Motionless Bright King Seal, the old man complexion crazily changes, the state of mind also thorough chaos get up, the greatly sad hand he studied diligently half a lifetime, hit might as well opposite party casual one move, Motionless Bright King Seal shocks him truly, making him produce the unsurpassed sense of awe to that illusory Motionless Bright King suddenly. 面对不动明王印的出现,老者脸色狂变,心绪也彻底大乱起来,大悲手他钻研了半辈子,打出来还不如对方随便一招,不动明王印真正震撼住了他,让他一时间对那虚幻的不动明王产生了无上的敬畏之心。 In the tense time of this fight, the least bit accident does not allow, although before the old man does not have such as, companion same love rival, but was shocked by Motionless Bright King Seal, condition at this moment, compared with the beforehand old man, is no better. 只是,在这种战斗的紧张时刻,半点闪失都不容许有,老者虽然没有如之前同伴一样情敌,但受到不动明王印的震慑,此刻的状态,比起之前的老者,也好不到哪里去。 Bang...... 轰隆…… The motionless Great Buddha pressure drop gets down, to the top of the head, the white hair old man responded, flurried under again take action resistance, rather already some late. 不动大佛压降下来,一直到了头顶,白发老者才反应过来,慌乱之下再出手抵抗,未免已经有些晚了。 Finally, old man retreat that move of Motionless Bright King Seal hits, corner of the mouth overflowed a blood again and again. 最终,一招不动明王印打的老者连连后退,嘴角都溢出了一丝鲜血来。 Motionless Lion King Seal, Motionless Dharma King Seal.” 不动狮王印,不动法王印。” Jiang Chen is always in power unforgiving, let alone is the so strong opponent, a dynasty is in power, can give the opposite party to respond the opportunity, Motionless Lion King Seal and Motionless Dharma King Seal complete pressure drop altogether gets down. 江尘向来得势不饶人,何况还是如此强劲的对手,一朝得势,焉能给对方反应过来的机会,不动狮王印不动法王印一股脑的全部压降下来。 This first time was Jiang Chen displayed Buddhism secret art in the eternal world tyrannicalally, the might as before such as once like that crazy fierce. 这是江尘在永恒世界第一次施展佛门秘术,威力依旧如曾经那般强横狂猛。 ...... 哇哇…… White hair old man hit spurted the blood again and again, the imposing manner thorough dispirited of whole person, although had not been given to kill by Jiang Chen's Buddhism secret art, but also almost turned into an arrow at the end of its flight, without the strength of many war, the strength of his again war was not enough to resist Jiang Chen again at least. 白发老者被打的连连喷血,整个人的气势彻底萎靡了下去,虽然没有被江尘的佛门秘术给打死,但也几乎变成了强弩之末,没有多少再战之力,起码他的再战之力不足以对抗江尘了。 On this skill?” “就这点本事吗?” Jiang Chen is proud, grasps Heavenly Dragon Sword to cut, sword qi vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, interweaves a sword qi big net, surrounds the old man firmly, so long as Jiang Chen wants, by the old man present condition, can rip the fragment him momentarily. 江尘豪情万丈,手持天龙剑斩出,剑气纵横,交织成一张剑气大网,将老者牢牢困住,只要江尘愿意,以老者现在的状态,随时可以将他撕成碎片。 Stop.” “住手。” The white hair old man calls out in alarm, in the eye is frightened, that was from the death fear, he does not want dead. 白发老者惊呼,眼中都是恐惧,那是源自于死亡的恐惧,他不想死。 Has the last words?” “有遗言?” Jiang Chen stopped. 江尘停了一下。 „Can't you kill me?” “你不能杀我?” The white hair old man complexion is pallid, today defeats in a boy hand of Tianyuan boundary 1-layer Heaven, later on path of cultivation, is unable raised the head. 白发老者脸色煞白,今日败在一个天源一重天的小子手中,以后再修炼之路上,根本无法抬起头了。 This lost face too, however, even so loses face, he also has to open the mouth to beg for mercy now. 这太丢人了,然而,即便如此丢人,他现在还不得不开口求饶。 Because you are the person of Luo floating gate? This move is useless to me.” “因为你是罗浮门的人?这一招对我没用。” Jiang Chen shakes the head, the old man then wants to speak he to know. 江尘摇了摇头,老者接下来想说什么话他都知道。 Right, you killed me, Luo Fumen will not let off your, in three angular regions, no one dares to kill the person of Luo floating gate.” “没错,你杀了我,罗浮门不会放过你的,在三角域,没有人敢杀罗浮门的人。” The old men said, is striving for the hope of final survival to oneself, he believes, in these three angular region regions, Luo floating gate these three characters is very useful, oneself were the elder of Luo floating gate, the opposite party killed himself, without the least bit advantage, he withdrew from the battle of Hongcheng at the worst and that's the end. 老者说道,在给自己争取最后生存的希望,他相信,在这三角域地带,罗浮门这三个字还是很有用的,自己乃是罗浮门的长老,对方杀了自己,没有半点好处,大不了他退出罗洪城的争斗就是了。
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