DMWG :: Volume #43

#4189: unable to withstand a single blow 【Three】

Way of the Battle Saint.” 斗战圣法。” Long Shisan displays 'Fight' Art single-handed, called to kill aggressive toward Romania. 龙十三单手施展斗字诀,向着罗鸣生猛杀去。 In that flash that 'Fight' Art presents, the complexion that Romania called had changed, before all haughty air/Qi, crashed in this flash, disappearance Wu Ying (traceless) did not have the trace. 斗字诀出现的那一瞬间,罗鸣的脸色就已经变了,之前所有狂傲之气,在这一瞬间崩塌,消失的无影无踪。 So-called expert take action knows that the Romanian cry knows, oneself look down on this Long Shisan, opposite party take action, he feels the unequalled pressure at present, that pressure is telling Romania the cry, oneself are not the opponent of opposite party, far more than is not, is not on a rank completely, even cultivation base of opposite party lowered a rank. 所谓行家一出手就知道有没有,罗鸣知道,自己小看了眼前这个龙十三,对方一出手,他就感受到了无与伦比的压力,那种压力在告诉罗鸣,自己不是对方的对手,何止不是,完全就不在一个级别上面,即便对方的修为比自己低了一个等级。 Bang...... 轰隆…… The void shake, under 'Fight' Art, any violent kills the fist, any Tianyuan boundary 3-layer day, is completely the nonsense. 虚空震荡,斗字诀之下,什么暴杀拳,什么天源三重天,全部都是狗屁。 Destroys Goulas to decay, is completely unable to withstand a single blow. 摧古拉朽,完全就是不堪一击 The Romanian cry sends out sad and shrill blood-curdling scream, an arm by air/Qi of tearing powerful fight, Long Shisan was in power unforgiving, in the hand iron stick follows closely on, suddenly called the near to Romania, to Luo Ming's head, was pounding ruthlessly. 罗鸣发出一声凄厉惨叫,一条手臂被强大的战斗之气撕裂,龙十三得势不饶人,手中铁棒紧随而上,眨眼间到了罗鸣近前,对着罗明的脑袋,狠狠砸了下去。 Father, saves me.” “爹,救我。” Domestic animal, stop, rests wound my son.” “畜生,住手,休伤我儿。” Romania called with Luo Lie also calls out in alarm, prayed for rescue, decisive take action. 罗鸣和罗烈同时惊呼,一个求救,一个果断出手 What a pity, all, the Long Shisan movement was too quick late, under so the short distance, Long Shisan the Romanian cry that wants silly one almost to discard, was too easy, don't said that is Luo Lie here, even if Sect Master of Luo floating gate arrives, impossible from the hand of Long Shisan rescuing. 可惜,一切还是晚了,龙十三的动作太快了,在如此近距离之下,龙十三要傻一个几乎废掉的罗鸣,实在太容易了,莫说是罗烈在这里,就算是罗浮门的门主亲临,也不可能从龙十三的手中将人给救下来。 Bang! 砰! ! 啊! iron stick pounds the sound on head, called sad and shrill incomparable blood-curdling scream along with Romania, under glare of the public eye, a Long Shisan stick destroyed the head that Romania called, is in front of this countless people, killed it. 铁棒砸在脑袋上的声音,伴随着罗鸣凄厉无比的惨叫,在众目睽睽之下,龙十三一棒打碎了罗鸣的脑袋,当着这无数人的面,将其杀死。 My son.” “我儿。” The Romanian fierce profound heart, others were in front of his to kill oneself son, he nearly in the late ruler actually can only looks at, unable oneself son rescuing helplessly, this regarding Romania fierce, not saved besides face, without doubt inserted a blade toward his chest above ruthlessly. 罗烈痛彻心扉,别人当着他的面杀了自己的儿子,他近在迟尺却只能眼睁睁看着,不能够将自己的儿子给救下来,这对于罗烈来说,除了颜面无存之外,无疑是往他的胸口之上狠狠插了一刀。 But in fact, far more than is Luo Lie, presents including the person of Hong, no one has expected, Long Shisan strength, unexpectedly powerful this situation. 而事实上,何止是罗烈,在场包括洪家的人,谁都没有料到,龙十三的实力,竟然强悍都这种地步。 Romania called the good and evil is also Luo floating gate well-known genius, was far from ordinary Tianyuan boundary 3-layer day expert can compare, said unrestrained/no trace of politeness, the 3-layer day peak Romanian cry, almost can compare favorably with ordinary Tianyuan boundary four heavy day of expert, but Long Shisan was even fierce, was still only Tianyuan boundary double day peak, how possibly was the opponent who Romania said. 罗鸣好歹也是罗浮门知名天才,远非普通天源三重高手能比,毫不客气的说,三重巅峰的罗鸣,几乎可以和普通天源境四重天的高手媲美了,而龙十三就算厉害,也只是天源境二重天巅峰,怎么可能是罗鸣的对手。 Draws back 10,000 steps, even if Long Shisan really so fierce, Romania called still is really not his opponent, but was higher than cultivation base of two ranks by the Romanian cry, could not be victorious to maintain life or not have the issue. 退一万步,就算龙十三真的如此厉害,罗鸣也真的不是其对手,但以罗鸣高出两个级别的修为,打不过保命还是没有问题的吧。 Where actually thinks, Long Shisan actually terrifying to the situation, Romania called in his front, simply unable to withstand a single blow, both sides in the same level, take action did not strike to kill completely, an opportunity did not give Romania the cry to remain, even under so near distance, even/including fierce take action rescued cannot achieve. 却哪里想到,龙十三竟然恐怖到如此地步,罗鸣在他的面前,根本就不堪一击,双方完全不在同一个层面上,出手就是一击必杀,一点机会都不给罗鸣留,甚至在如此近的距离之下,连罗烈出手相救都做不到。 Hong person sighed, such person, was too fearful, how to appear in three angular region like this small places, don't said that is little Hongcheng, even in the Romanian floating gate, cannot discover one such as exist(ence) of Long Shisan so evildoer/monstrous talent. 洪家人唏嘘不已,这样的人,太可怕了,怎么会出现在三角域这样的小地方,莫说是小小的罗洪城,就算是在罗浮门内,也找不出一个如龙十三这般妖孽的存在 Long Shisan, I must kill you.” 龙十三,我要杀了你。” Romania explodes fiercely drinks, turns toward Long Shisan to kill directly. 罗烈爆喝,直接向着龙十三杀去。 Luo Lie, your opponent is I.” “罗烈,你的对手是我。” Hong battle has prepared fight, in the Romanian fierce take action instance, his rushed out, kept off in the Long Shisan front at the maximum speed, battled with Luo Lie. 洪战早就做好了战斗的准备,在罗烈出手的瞬间,他就冲了出去,以最快的速度挡在了龙十三前方,和罗烈激战到了一起。 Everyone is listening, kills to me, kills off Hong Jia people, today makes the Hong chicken dog not remain.” “所有人听着,给我杀,杀光洪家人,今日让洪家鸡犬不留。” Romanian fierce violent rage, Luo Lie at this moment, nearly in crazy, two sons died in the hand of Long Shisan, particularly the eldest son, this is the pride of his Luo Lie lifetime, Luo floating gate well-known genius, if by the talent, in the entire three angular regions, that can also count. 罗烈暴怒,此刻的罗烈,近乎于疯狂,两个儿子先后死在了龙十三的手中,尤其是大儿子,这可是他罗烈毕生的骄傲,罗浮门知名天才,若论天赋,在整个三角域,那也数得着。 Although three angular regions are small, but also is piece of Earth Domain, now is in front of own killing by Long Shisan like this, Luo Lie heart pain to several points, this type distressed and anger, must incline to the body of Long Shisan and Hong surely, must use at present the blood of these people, can eliminate hate of own heart. 三角域虽小,但也算是一片地域,如今就这样被龙十三当着自己的面给杀了,罗烈心痛到了几点,这种痛心和怒火,必定要倾斜到龙十三和洪家的身上,必须要用眼前这些人的鲜血,才能够消除自己的心头之恨。 Killing...... 杀…… Luo expert sent out, directly in the sky of Luo launched came to naught the never recurring fierce combat, naturally, this fierce combat, was only compared to Hongcheng. 罗家高手出动了,直接在罗家的上空展开了一场空间绝后激战,当然,这个激战,只是相对于罗洪城来说。 Long Shisan, you kill my disciple, the old man must take your life.” 龙十三,你杀我徒儿,老夫要取你性命。” Romanian floating gate white hair old man open the mouth and said, the Tianyuan boundary five heavy day of peak imposing manners, expose without doubt. 罗浮门一个白发老者开口说道,天源境五重天巅峰的气势,展露无疑。 Old codger, you wants to kill me, the father is so good to kill?” “老不死的,你想杀我,老子是那么好杀的吗?” Long Shisan does not fear gorgeously, in the hand iron stick holds up high, several facing Tianyuan boundary five heavy day of expert, do not have least bit retreat as before. 龙十三巍然不惧,手中铁棒高高举起,几面是面对天源境五重天的高手,依旧没有半点后退 Regarding Long Shisan, the difficult fight has experienced, at present this, is not anything. 对于龙十三来说,再艰难的战斗都经历过,眼前这,不算什么。 At this time, both sides put into the fight, Luo floating gate these two old fogies must kill oneself words, some people will not help, Hong only Tianyuan boundary five heavy day of expert, at this moment by Romania fierce to entanglement, two people of rival in chess, were almost impossible to leap take action to help itself. 这个时候,双方都投入到了战斗,罗浮门这两个老家伙要杀自己的话,不会有人帮助了,洪家唯一个天源境五重天高手,此刻正被罗烈给纠缠,二人棋逢对手,几乎不可能腾出手来帮助自己。 Therefore, the following fight, must depend on itself. 所以,接下来的战斗,就要靠自己了。 Roar...... 吼…… Long Shisan loudly shouted, changes suddenly/violently ape, the battle strength hurricane, iron stick in the hand, sways again, powerful, domineering soars to the heavens. 龙十三爆喝一声,变身暴猿,战力再次狂飙,铁棒在手,挥洒而出,气势如虹,霸气冲天。 Old codger, whom having a look at to be fierce.” “老不死的,看看谁厉害。” The air/Qi of Long Shisan crazy tyrant full, the violent walks him under condition, absolutely is terrifying. 龙十三狂霸之气全开,暴走状态下的他,绝对是恐怖的。 Good domestic animal, to look at the old man to cut you.” “好一头畜生,看老夫斩你。” The old men grasp the heavy sword, a sword cuts, such as the ancient rainbow, with Long Shisan is iron stick, heavily hits together. 老者手持重剑,一剑斩出,如亘古长虹,和龙十三铁棒,重重撞击到一起。 Bang...... 轰隆…… The void shake, the air/Qi of powerful fight, the sky prepare great formation cannot even resist ahead of time. 虚空震荡,强大的战斗之气,连上空提前布置好的大阵都抵挡不住。 But at this moment, Jiang Chen that is observing outside Hongcheng they, suddenly the imposing manner that notices the city center to erupt. 而此刻,正在罗洪城之外观战的江尘他们,也突然注意到了城中心处爆发出来的气势。 There seems like the fight center, was given the camouflage by formation.” “那里好像是战斗的中心,被阵法给遮蔽了。” Jiang Chen said. 江尘道。 A little meaning, the seems like side has the enormous advantage, lay down inescapable net, does not give the opposite party the opportunity, this matter we often do, making Master Dog I come to see, this formation so, Master Dog I must penetrate formation, in looks at the most splendid fight.” “有点意思,看来有一方占据极大优势,布下天罗地网,不给对方机会啊,这事我们常干,让狗爷我来看看,这阵法如此,狗爷我要透过阵法,看里面最精彩的战斗。” Big Yellow Dog smiles, to feel he who the senseless preparation departs, feels the fight of city center, but also wants the appearance of formation, immediately has some natures. 大黄狗嘿嘿一笑,本来已经觉得无趣准备离去的他,感受到城中心的战斗,还要阵法的出现,立刻有了一些性质。 Big Yellow Dog's Divine Sense flutters, by his skill, this trivial formation wants to stop him, is impossible. 大黄狗的神念飘荡而出,以他的本事,这区区阵法想要阻拦他,根本不可能。 Big Yellow Dog's Divine Sense, infiltrated formation quickly, fought the scene that inside, the looked clarity, happen to saw Long Shisan by two big Tianyuan boundary five heavy day of expert converging attack, hit spitting blood. 大黄狗的神念,很快渗透到了阵法内部,将里面战斗的场景,看的清清楚楚,正好看到龙十三被两大天源境五重天高手夹击,被打的吐血。 Fuck, for Heaven's sake.” 卧槽,仙人板板的。” A Big Yellow Dog violent grass exit|to speak, the body flushed in a flash on the preparation. 大黄狗一句暴草出口,身躯一晃就准备冲出去了。
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