DMWG :: Volume #43

#4188: Why does 【Two】

Good, Long Shisan, Patriarch did not rescue your life in vain initially, calculates that you are man who feels emotion the righteousness, but we fight with Luo, sooner or later will have, even without you kills Luo three Young Master factors, this fights must come, you do not need to rebuke oneself, even if Luo are many two Tianyuan boundary five heavy day of expert to come, wants to be ruthless our Hong Jia, still absolutely is not a simple matter.” “好,龙十三,不枉族长当初救你一命,算你是个有情有义的汉子,不过我们和罗家一战,早晚都会有,就算没有你杀罗家三公子的因素,这一战还是要来,你也无须自责,就算罗家多出两个天源境五重天的高手来,想要将我们洪家赶尽杀绝,也绝对不是一件简单的事情。” Hong Great Elder open the mouth and said, Long Shisan has not run away at this kind of time, instead remains with Hong altogether onset and retreat, indicating Long Shisan is man who feels emotion the righteousness, Great Elder to it is also the incomparable appreciation. 洪家大长老开口说道,龙十三在这种时候没有逃走,反而留下来和洪家共进退,足见龙十三是个有情有义的汉子,大长老对其也是无比欣赏。 What is more important, Long Shisan is incomparable powerful battle strength, although his cultivation base, only then Tianyuan boundary double day, but the people of Hong have experienced Long Shisan terrifying, wild under Long Shisan, the exterminate Tianyuan boundary four heavy days is a cinch, has Long Shisan, Hong at this war, can reduce many losses. 更重要的是,龙十三本身是一股无比强悍战力,虽然他的修为只有天源境二重天,但洪家的人都见识过龙十三恐怖,狂暴之下的龙十三,灭杀天源境四重天都不在话下,有龙十三在,洪家在这一战,可以减少不少的损失。 But Jiang Chen and Big Yellow Dog at this moment, but also stands outside Hongcheng observes, does not know the brothers who they must look for wholeheartedly, are preparing the life-and-death fight in the city at this moment, beside Hong, lay down formation, inescapable net, inside any aura had not been passed on. 而此刻的江尘大黄狗,还站在罗洪城之外观战,并不知道他们一心要寻找的兄弟,此刻正在城内准备着生死之战,洪家之外,被人布下阵法,天罗地网,里面的任何气息都没有传出来。 In addition many Tianyuan boundary expert and place source boundary expert flies sky over entire Hongcheng randomly, the entire city once appeared the incomparable confusion, Jiang Chen and Big Yellow Dog observe are also the interest lack, casual waiting and seeing, cannot pay attention to Hong internal matter. 再加上不少天源高手和地源境高手在整个罗洪城上空乱飞,整座城池一度显得无比混乱,江尘大黄狗观战也是兴趣缺缺,随便的观望,丝毫注意不到洪家内部的事情。 In the Long Shisan hand iron stick glittering is glorious, opposite, one crowd of Luo expert attacks, when is first standing, besides Luo Patriarch, two Tianyuan boundary five heavy day of peak expert, Tianyuan boundary four heavy day of expert has 56, Tianyuan boundary 3-layer day expert 20-30. 龙十三手中铁棒闪烁光辉,对面,一群罗家高手来袭,当先站着的,除了罗家族长之外,还有两个天源境五重天巅峰高手,天源境四重天的高手更是有五六个,天源三重高手20-30个。 As for Tianyuan boundary 1-layer Heaven and double day, has battled with others of Hong in one. 至于天源一重天和二重天,早就已经和洪家的其他人激战在了一起。 But here, Hong this/Ben Department, will become most key point that today this fights. 而这里,洪家本部,将成为今日这一战的最关键点。 Hong battle, today is the ends of Hong, from now, this Hongcheng, will become the world of Luo, the name of city, changes to Luo Cheng.” “洪战,今日就是你们洪家的末日,从此以后,这罗洪城,将成为罗家的天下,城池的名字,改成罗城。” Luo Patriarch Luo Lie incomparably rampant saying. 罗家族长罗烈无比嚣张的说道。 Humph! wants to extinguish my Hong, is not that easy matter, you think that invited expert of Luo floating gate, ate us?” 哼!想要灭我洪家,可不是那么容易的事情,你以为请来了罗浮门的高手,就吃定了我们吗?” Hong battle coldly snorted, as long of clan, at this time, even if knows perfectly well not to beat, cannot flinch, cannot lose the imposing manner. 洪战冷哼一声,身为一族之长,在这个时候,就算明知不敌,也是不能退缩,更加不能丢了气势。 What's wrong? Does Hong Lei, in these three angular regions, you dare not to place in the eye our Luo floating gates?” “怎么?洪磊,在这三角域,你敢不将我们罗浮门放在眼中吗?” Romanian fierce Tianyuan boundary five heavy day of old man open the mouth and said, his leopard Touhuan eyes, the incomparable arrogance, Luo Fumen as three angular region absolute Overlord, has this status, where arrives, no one dares to say a non- character. 罗烈身旁一个天源境五重天老者开口说道,他豹头环眼,无比的傲气,罗浮门身为三角域绝对的霸主,有此身份,走到哪里,没有人敢说个不字。 Luo floating gate our Hong naturally awes, but has not thought that the solemn Luo floating gate, actually bullies we little family, but, my Hong battle does not let the generation of person of humiliation, even if you are the people of Luo floating gate, extinguishes our Hong, our Hong, still can only resist.” “罗浮门我们洪家自然敬畏,只是没想到堂堂罗浮门,却来欺压我们一个小小的家族,不过,我洪战不是任人欺凌之辈,就算你们是罗浮门的人,来灭我们洪家,我们洪家,也只能对抗到底。” Hong Zhanqi foaming with rage, clenches jaws to the two old men of Romanian floating gate, if not for these two fellows, how Hong will dread the Luo least bit, the courage where Luo comes and they fight a decisive battle. 洪战气的吹胡子瞪眼,对罗浮门的两个老者更是咬牙切齿,若不是这两个家伙,洪家岂会畏惧罗家半点,罗家又哪里来的勇气和他们决战。 However, Hong battle is also the staunch person, even if died in battle, must preserve the dignity of Hong. 不过,洪战也是刚烈之人,就算是战死,也要保住洪家的尊严。 Mouth is very hard, how doesn't know the skill?” “嘴还挺硬,就是不知道本事如何?” Another old man laughs at one. 另一个老者嗤笑一声。 Skill how, your excellency one will ask for advice and that's the end.” “本事如何,阁下一会领教就是了。” In Hong battle hand fights sword glittering to be glorious, has prepared for by enemy three. 洪战手中战剑闪烁光辉,已经做好以一敌三的准备了。 Long Shisan, I must fight with you, revenges for the younger brother.” 龙十三,我要和你一战,为弟弟报仇。” At this moment, shouting loudly resounds suddenly, sees a whole body strength, the body walked like the iron tower robust man, this fellow whole body blood energy soars to the heavens, cultivation base has achieved Tianyuan boundary 3-layer day peak, from the Tianyuan boundary four heavy days is also only the one pace. 就在这时,一声大喝陡然响起,就见一个浑身力量,身如铁塔般的壮汉走了出来,这家伙浑身血气冲天,修为已经达到了天源三重巅峰,距离天源境四重天也只是一步之遥。 His name was Romania the cry, the genius disciple of Luo floating gate, big Young Master of Luo, Luo Lie eldest son, precisely, because he entered Luo Fumen to cultivate, Luo climbed up Luo Fumen such relations. 他叫罗鸣,罗浮门的天才弟子,罗家的大公子,罗烈的大儿子,也正是因为他进入了罗浮门修炼,罗家才攀上了罗浮门这样一层关系。 Called, drew back, today Long Shisan must die, does not need to violate the danger.” “鸣儿,退回来,今日龙十三必死,没有必要只身犯险。” Saw that the Romanian cry jumps, Luo Lie spoke to scold hastily, Romania called just came back from the Romanian floating gate, knew not many about Long Shisan, but he was clear Long Shisan terrifying, Long Shisan recently prominence in Romanian Hong Cheng, in the expeditions of two Great Family, Luo suffered a loss in the hand of Long Shisan a lot. 看到罗鸣跳出来,罗烈连忙出言呵斥,罗鸣刚刚从罗浮门回来,对龙十三了解不多,但他可是清楚龙十三恐怖,龙十三最近在罗洪城声名鹊起,在两大家族的征战中,罗家没少在龙十三的手中吃亏。 Father, I must kill Long Shisan personally, I must have a look actually, a trivial Tianyuan boundary double day monkey, can actually to where go fiercely.” “爹,我要亲手杀龙十三,我倒是要看看,一只区区天源境二重天的猴子,究竟能厉害到哪里去。” Romania called the imposing manner to shake, did not listen to the father to advise. 罗鸣气势一震,根本不听父亲劝阻。 Becoming famous genius as Luo floating gate, he has his arrogance, when hears the Long Shisan name, he is thinking must with its war, fight a victory and defeat, let alone Long Shisan killed own blood younger brother, if this tone does not come out, his Romania cry, how later also mixes in the Romanian floating gate. 身为罗浮门的出名天才,他有着自身的傲气,在听到龙十三名字的时候,他就想着要和其一战,决一胜负,何况龙十三杀了自己的亲弟弟,这口气要是不出来,他罗鸣,以后还怎么在罗浮门混。 Therefore, today he must be in front of everyone, killed Long Shisan personally, revenges for the younger brother, can eliminate hate of heart. 所以,今日他一定要当着所有人的面,亲手杀了龙十三,替弟弟报仇,才能够消除心头之恨。 You are more careful, this Long Shisan, without is so good to cope.” “那你小心一些,这个龙十三,没有那么好对付。” Luo fierce say/way. 罗烈道。 Father, how you rise others morale to extinguish the son power and prestige, looks at, trivial Long Shisan, three moves, I wanted his life.” “爹,你怎么涨他人士气灭自己儿子威风,看着吧,区区龙十三,不出三招,我就要了他的命。” Romania called the arrogance to soar to the heavens, he one step stepped forward forward, aims at opposite Long Shisan. 罗鸣傲气冲天,他向前一步跨出,指向对面的龙十三 Dead monkey, comes out to fight with me, I must kill you personally.” “死猴子,出来和我一战,我要亲手杀你。” The Romanian cry clamored. 罗鸣叫嚣。 „Did you determine?” “你确定?” Long Shisan corner of the mouth overflows a happy expression, two steps arrived at Romania to call the near. 龙十三嘴角溢出一丝笑意,两步就走到了罗鸣近前。 I give the time that you prepare, I will defeat you personally, then strikes to kill you.” “我给你准备的时间,我会亲手打败你,然后将你击杀。” Romania called to be extremely arrogant. 罗鸣狂妄极了。 Why does?” “为何作死?” Long Shisan laughs at one, today such aspect, Luo had the main advantage, just like Luo Lie said that Romania called definitely not to need to stand to violate the danger by the body, such genius, Long Shisan saw, since the opposite party must bring death, that Long Shisan absolutely will not be polite, in any case after homicide Luo three Young Master, has not died with the gratitude and grudges of Luo continuous, the possibility of completely not having reduced and solved. 龙十三嗤笑一声,今日这样的局面,罗家占据了主要优势,正如罗烈所言,罗鸣完全没有必要站出来以身犯险,不过这样的天才,龙十三见多了,既然对方要送死,那龙十三也绝对不会客气,反正他杀了罗家三公子之后,和罗家的恩怨已经是不死不休,完全没有化解的可能。 Kills one to kill, kills two also to kill. 杀一个是杀,杀两个也是杀。 Does not know that is who dies? Eats my move of violent to kill the fist.” “不知道是谁死?吃我一招暴杀拳。” Romania called initiative take action, the whole body strength almost explodes, this was true strength expert, fought with the fists, gave the clamor that shook to make noise void, his speed was extremely fast, the bowl mouth big fist arrived at the Long Shisan near suddenly. 罗鸣主动出手,浑身力量几乎爆炸开来,这是真正力量型的高手,一拳打出,虚空都给震的咧咧作响,他的速度极快,碗口大的拳头眨眼间就到了龙十三近前。 If this fist were hit by the upfront, even if Tianyuan boundary 3-layer day cultivator, does not die generally is still disabled, let alone is a Tianyuan boundary double day. 这一拳要是被正面打中,即便是一般天源三重天的修士,不死也要残废,何况是一个天源境二重天。 thirteen is careful, the Romanian cry is the genius character of Luo floating gate, highly regarded.” 十三小心,罗鸣乃是罗浮门的天才人物,不可小觑。” Hong battle spoke the reminder. 洪战出言提醒。 However, on the Long Shisan face has the smiling face, has not cared this fist slightly. 然而,龙十三脸上带着笑容,丝毫就没有将这一拳放在心上。 Two, have one in the evening.】 【二更,晚上还有一更。】
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