DEMG :: Volume #10

#988: Slaughters crazily!

Priest Cang Song said the monster that his big Senior Brother must fall tonight is Fox Monster, but today in the evening, his big Senior Brother not in Dragon Gate Mountain. 苍松道长说他的大师兄今晚要降的妖是狐妖,而今天晚上,他的大师兄又不在龙门山 Then, without a doubt, his big Senior Brother definitely is besieging No. 1 villa now. 那么,毫无疑问,他的大师兄现在肯定在围攻一号别墅。 Dragon Tiger Mountain fans out in two groups, Priest Cang Song and other people encircle in the Dragon Gate Mountain top kill Ling Yun, another route their big fellow apprentices lead, kills Xian'er. 龙虎山兵分两路,苍松道长等四人在龙门山顶围杀凌云,另一路由他们的大师兄率领,去杀仙儿去了。 Ling Yun does not know how Dragon Tiger Mountain knows the Xian'er whereabouts, but Dragon Tiger Mountain, since dares to be known as that the subdue demons eliminate the demon, definitely will have the own means. 凌云并不知道龙虎山是如何掌握到仙儿的行踪的,但龙虎山既然敢号称降妖除魔,就肯定会有自己的办法。 If the Cang Song four people have the Innate 8-layer boundary, then their big fellow apprentices? Can be the what kind of boundary strength? 如果苍松四人都有先天八层的境界的话,那么他们的大师兄呢?会是何等的境界实力? Dragon Tiger Mountain dares to cope with Bai Xian'er, this has raised Ling Yun's reverse scale, he no longer spoke, but has gotten hold of the demon blade in hand. 龙虎山敢对付白仙儿,这已经掀起了凌云的逆鳞,他不再说话,而是握紧了手中的魔刀。 Ling Yun has had no alternative now, only then has a bloody road as soon as possible, hurries back to No. 1 villa! 凌云现在已经别无选择,只有尽快杀出一条血路,赶回一号别墅! Priest Cang Song felt certainly that the Ling Yun's killing intent, he at this time rubbish, spread out the palm directly, in the hand presented three clear pill pills impressively. 苍松道长当然感觉到了凌云的杀机,他这时候也没有废话,直接摊开手掌,手上赫然出现了三枚圆润的丹丸。 Priest Chong Xu somewhat is shocked, said with the unbelievable tone: This is Dragon Tiger Pill, under Dragon Tiger Mountain this time may really give up the qualification!” 冲虚道长有些震惊,用难以置信的语气说道:“这是龙虎丹啊,龙虎山这次可真是舍得下本钱!” The Dragon Tiger Mountain secret makes Medicine Pill, Dragon Tiger Pill. 龙虎山的秘制丹药,龙虎丹 Dragon Tiger Pill is not only the therapy wondrous medicines, is used to promote the skill, breaks through the excellent treasure of practice important pass, ordinary latter Heaven 9 level Expert, only needs to eat one, can break through Innate Realm with ease. 龙虎丹不但是疗伤圣药,还是用来提升功力,冲破修炼关口的绝佳宝贝,普通的后天九高手,只需要吃一颗,就可以轻松冲破先天境界 A medicine fragrance of share of rich seeping person scatters in all directions immediately, immediately captured the surrounding all Expert attention to look, effort that many people could not help smelled the nose. 一股浓郁沁人的药香顿时四散而出,顿时吸引周围所有高手的目光望了过去,许多人情不自禁的用力嗅了嗅鼻子。 Priest Xi Xia, Priest Qing Feng the look is very serious, in the hand took Dragon Tiger Pill from Priest Cang Song respectively, swallows. 栖霞道长,青峰道长神色无比郑重,从苍松道长手中各自拿了一颗龙虎丹,一口吞下。 Priest Cang Song own also swallowed one, the Medicine Pill entrance, the huge efficacy scatters in all directions to open in the endo-abdominal, the internal injury that he received a moment ago almost restores, on face glowing with health, as if restored all of a sudden in peak condition! 苍松道长自己也吞了一颗,丹药入口即化,庞大的药力在腹内四散而开,他刚才所受的内伤几乎全部恢复,脸上红光满面,仿佛一下子恢复到了巅峰状态! Priest Xi Xia and Priest Qing Feng the nature is the same with Cang Song situation, three people take Medicine Pill, Priest Cang Song tread suddenly the previous step! 栖霞道长和青峰道长自然跟苍松情况一样,三人服下丹药,苍松道长猛然踏前一步! Opens like the thunder: Subdue demons crouches/submits demon, Dragon Tiger Mountain is duty-bound! Dying war!” 开声如雷:“降妖伏魔,龙虎山责无旁贷!死战!” Priest Cang Song pushes to the front, Xi Xia and Qing Feng two people follows, three people assume in kind glyph, directly soars Ling Yun to go! 苍松道长一马当先,栖霞青峰两人紧随其后,三人呈现品字形,直奔凌云而去! The Ling Yun pupil shrinks suddenly! 凌云瞳孔骤缩! He does not hide does not dodge, the direct horizontal blade in chest, starts to bend down to clash crazily, potential such as racing thunder! 他不躲不闪,直接横刀于胸前,开始俯身狂冲,势如奔雷! Since the Dragon Tiger Mountain goal is clear, is rushing to him and Bai Xian'er comes, that is the Ling Yun's mortal enemy, no matter pays the big price, he must make the opposite party come but not return inevitably! 既然龙虎山目标明确,就是奔着他和白仙儿来的,那就是凌云的死敌,不管付出多大代价,他都势必要让对方有来无回! A Ling Yun person of blade, like lightning and Dragon Tiger Mountain three heads hit in one! 凌云一人一刀,闪电般和龙虎山三名天师撞在了一处! Rumbling!” “轰轰轰!” The sword bumps into, sends out is not the clear gold/metal iron hands over the whining noise unexpectedly, but is the huge True Qi clashing sound! 刀剑相撞,发出的竟然不是清脆的金铁交鸣声,而是巨大的真气对撞声! One about, Ling Yun figure violent draws back two zhang (3.33 m)! 一合之下,凌云身形暴退两丈! Cang Song, Xi Xia, Qing Feng three people, under this hits, three people simultaneously backed up one zhang (3.33 m)! 苍松,栖霞,青峰三人,也在这一撞之下,三人同时倒退了一丈! That Medicine Pill is really fierce, these three people of skills were promoted in short time!” “那丹药果然厉害,这三人的功力在短时间内得到了提升!” Perhaps according to the estimate of Ling Yun in the heart, the present Dragon Tiger Mountain three heads, had the Innate 8-layer peak strength! 根据凌云心中的估计,现在的龙虎山三名天师,恐怕已经都拥有先天八层巅峰的实力! This fellow...... Spells with Expert of three Innate 8-layer peak unexpectedly hardly!” “这个家伙……竟然跟三个先天八层巅峰的高手硬拼!” Priest Chong Xu is a discerning person, understood the Dragon Tiger Pill effect, after looking at this, could not bear shocks! 冲虚道长是明眼人,也了解龙虎丹的效果,看了这一幕之后,忍不住更加震撼了! The first round, the Dragon Tiger Mountain three people were in the upper hand, Priest Cang Song cannot help but the mind shakes! 第一回合,龙虎山三人占了上风,苍松道长不由得心神一震! He raises eyes to look in all directions, said loudly: „, Since Shaolin Wudang is not willing to make a move throughout, my Dragon Tiger Mountain is willing to take the lead in this young demon pledging to fight to the death a war!” 他举目四顾,大声说道:“诸位,既然少林武当始终不肯出手,那我龙虎山甘愿带头跟这小魔头誓死一战!” Has Nether Blood Demon Blade, everybody must execute it! Everybody did not need to speak any rivers and lakes morality and justice with this young demon again, simply on together, butchered him!” “拥有冥血魔刀,人人得而诛之!大家跟这个小魔头不用再讲什么江湖道义了,干脆一起上,宰了他!” The Kunlun Sword Sect Zi Yang honorable person, looks at each other one with purple light honorable person, the two people deep nod, in pairs figure one wrong, has joined the regiment! 昆仑剑派紫阳真人,和紫光真人对视一眼,两人深深点头,双双身形一错,也加入了战团! Ji Xiaoqing turned head to look at Li Kunwu one of the ground, clenched teeth fiercely, flushed! 纪小晴扭头看了地上的李昆吾一眼,猛地咬了咬牙,也跟着冲了上来! Ling Yun one dozen six! 凌云一打六! This is better, I in province troubled!” “这样更好,省的我麻烦了!” Ling Yun does not fear instead smiles, his figure flashes, displayed Shape-Change Shadow directly, in the battlefield presents six Ling Yun's forms immediately, the towards Cang Song six people have wielded a blade respectively! 凌云不惧反笑,他身形一闪,直接施展移形换影,战场中顿时出现了六个凌云的身影,对着苍松六人各自挥出一刀! Ling Yun's Illusory Fish Dragon Steps was almost in the situation of reaching the pinnacle, now uses Divine Walking Talisman, under acts full power, each form is not the empty shadow, each blade that he wields, makes a true confession! 凌云的幻影鱼龙步几乎已经到了登峰造极的地步,现在又用上了神行符,在全力施为之下,每一个身影都不是虚影,他挥出的每一刀,都是实招! Dingdong a chaotic sound! 叮叮当当一阵乱响! The Ji Xiaoqing strength is weakest, in her hand the long sword was divided by a Ling Yun blade, the mouth spits the blood, figure flying upside down! 纪小晴实力最弱,她手中长剑被凌云一刀劈断,口吐鲜血,身形倒飞! The Zi Yang honorable person and purple light honorable person, two people has blocked a Ling Yun that heavens frightening blade, actually each one backed up more than two zhang (3.33 m) far! 紫阳真人和紫光真人,两人都挡住了凌云惊天一刀,却各自都倒退了两丈多远! Only then took the Medicine Pill Dragon Tiger Mountain three people, still retroceded seven remote. 只有服用了丹药龙虎山三人,依然只是后退了七步之遥。 !” “噗!” Ling Yun by the strength of huge counter- shaking, the secondary earthquake must put out a blood again, but this time, he has not retroceded, but is closely associated, pursues the Dragon Tiger Mountain three people not to abandon tightly! 凌云被巨大的反震之力,再次震得吐出一口鲜血,但这一次,他并没有后退,而是如影随形,紧追着龙虎山三人不舍! Since your three people want altogether the onset and retreat, I must scatter you! 你们三个人既然想要共进退,那我就要一口气把你们打散! The blade cuts the universe! 刀斩乾坤! The Ling Yun blade potential is peerless, paints black blade aura simultaneously to sweep across the Dragon Tiger Mountain three people! 凌云刀势绝伦,漆黑色刀罡同时席卷龙虎山三人! Rumbling!” “轰轰轰!” The Cang Song three people of hard anti- Ling Yun terrors strike once more, this three people simultaneously retroceded nine steps! 苍松三人再次硬抗凌云恐怖一击,这一次三人同时后退了九步! The Ling Yun's figure naturally was also shaken flies to draw back, he borrows potential to soar to the heavens, twists the body in the nighttime sky, stretched across three steps, towards just Zi Yang and purple light of honorable person coming to a stop figure cuts a shaking the heavens and earth blade! 凌云的身形自然也被震得飞退,他借势冲天,在夜空中拧身,横跨三步,对着刚刚站稳身形的紫阳和紫光真人斩出惊天动地的一刀! Shaolin Temple Master Jue Yuan looks at three blades that Ling Yun this has formed a coherent whole, stares dumbfounded, the heart said that the internal combustion engine circulation of Ling Yun within the body, arrived at the so terrifying speed unexpectedly! 少林寺觉远禅师看了凌云这一气呵成的三刀,瞠目结舌,心说凌云体内的气机流转,竟然到了如此恐怖的速度! Zi Yang and purple light honorable person by Ling Yun's blade potential locking, besides was supported Ling Yun this blade hardly, runs away not to be possible radically to run away, the two people jaw bites, lifts the sword standard to keep off without hesitation! 紫阳和紫光真人被凌云的刀势锁定,除了硬架住凌云这一刀之外,根本逃无可逃,两人牙关一咬,毫不犹豫举剑格挡! Ding-dong!” “当当!” Very after clear two sounds cross, Zi Yang and in the purple light honorable person hand the long sword simultaneously was divided by Ling Yun, two people fingers/tiger mouth cracks, blood directing current, they face upward spout a blood crazily! 很清脆的两声响过之后,紫阳和紫光真人手中长剑同时被凌云劈断,两人虎口崩裂,鲜血直流,他们仰天狂喷出一口鲜血! Since this two people, not from that fights to restore, their True Qi already discontinued, where can compete with Ling Yun in peak condition? 两人至今,还没有从刚才的那一战中恢复过来,他们真气早已不继,哪里敌得过巅峰状态的凌云 crack!” 咔嚓!” The Zi Yang honorable person is more miserable, he had suffered a moment ago already a Ling Yun full fist, now True Qi dries up, is been heavier by the internal injury that a Ling Yun blade chops, knees down directly! 紫阳真人更惨,他刚才早就挨了凌云全力的一拳,现在真气枯竭,被凌云一刀劈的内伤更重,直接单膝跪地! Already knows that you could not support!” “早就知道你撑不住了!” The Ling Yun figure falls to the ground, calls out one, lifts the hand suddenly, one big nail, to be inundated the smallpox rain the technique to beat savagely by him! 凌云身形落地,暴喝一声,猛然一抬手,一大把铁钉,被他以漫天花雨的手法暴打了出去! The nail covers the Zi Yang honorable person who knees down! 铁钉笼罩单膝跪地的紫阳真人! Li Kunwu sees that to call out in alarm: Teacher's younger brother Zi Yang was careful!” 李昆吾见状惊呼:“紫阳师叔小心!” The purple light honorable person in the side of Zi Yang honorable person, sees Ling Yun to make the hidden weapon, immediately uses only True Qi, grasps the half to break the sword, raiding shakes to the nail of Zi Yang honorable person whole body completely flies! 紫光真人就在紫阳真人的身旁,看到凌云打出暗器,立即用仅余的真气,手持半截断剑,把袭向紫阳真人全身的铁钉全部震飞! Ling Yun is just about to twist the body on, wants to leave a blade again, first gives to kill the oil completely lamp dry Zi Yang honorable person and purple light honorable person, but at this time, Dragon Tiger Mountain three sharp swords to! 凌云正要拧身而上,想要再出一刀,先把油尽灯枯的紫阳真人和紫光真人给杀死,可这时候,龙虎山的三柄利剑到了! Rewinds the 3-layer wave!” “倒卷三重浪!” Ling Yun does not return, arm sweeps backward crazily, the demon blade directly cutting separates to the three long swords of back! 凌云头也不回,手臂向后狂扫,魔刀直接把斩向后背的三柄长剑隔开! !” “噗!” The Ling Yun big mouth spits blood once more! The figure is flushed away by staggering that three long swords press forward. 凌云再次大口吐血!身形被三柄长剑压的踉跄向前冲去。 Three Innate 8-layer peak Expert joint efforts strike, even if Ling Yun progressive again quick, if he wants to block forcefully, must pay the enormous price! 三个先天八层巅峰高手的合力一击,就算凌云进步的再快,他要想硬生生挡住,也要付出极大的代价! Dragon Tiger Mountain three heads just when being powerful, they noticed that Ling Yun spits blood once more, the heart has the cleverness simultaneously the moving quickly, behind three swift and fierce sword light straight thrust Ling Yun! 龙虎山三名天师正值气势如虹,他们看到凌云再次吐血,心有灵犀同时飞身而起,三道凌厉剑光直刺凌云背后! Fight method that Ling Yun showed a moment ago, was really too many, virtually impossible to guard against, they do not dare to a Ling Yun respite opportunity! 凌云刚才展现出来的战斗手段,实在是太多了,令人防不胜防,他们不敢给凌云一丝喘息的机会! After running out of three zhang (3.33 m), the Ling Yun figure accelerates suddenly, has cast off the back three long swords by the speed instantaneously, then Shape-Change Shadow, is vanishing same place! 冲出三丈之后,凌云身形骤然加速,凭借速度瞬间甩开了背后的三柄长剑,然后一个移形换影,在原地消失! The Cang Song three people are lifting the sword to clash toward Ling Yun crazily, actually impressively discovered that at present only the remaining together remnant shades, Cang Song knows for sure wonderfully, does not turn around immediately! 苍松三人正在举剑向着凌云狂冲,却赫然发现眼前只剩下一道残影,苍松情知不妙,立即转身! Careful behind!” “小心身后!” Priest Cang Song felt that behind curls up strong winds, immediately reminded two Junior Brothers loudly! He turns around at the same time, does not forget to puncture a sword furiously! 苍松道长感觉到身后卷起一阵狂风,立即大声提醒两位师弟!他转身的同时,也不忘奋力刺出一剑! Priest Xi Xia and Priest Qing Feng turned around without enough time, two people directly hears the reminder, lifts the sword to puncture directly toward the back! 栖霞道长和青峰道长来不及转身了,两人直接听到提醒,直接举剑向着背后刺去! May wait for him to turn around, double within the eyes has a big shock immediately, has withdrawn the long sword without hesitation! 可等他转过身来,双目中顿时大惊失色,毫不犹豫撤回了长剑! Because, Priest Cang Song sees is not the Ling Yun's form, but is his same side Junior Brother, already by the Ling Yun heavy losses stupor Cui Zhu form! 因为,苍松道长看到的并不是凌云的身影,而是他的同门师弟,早就被凌云重创昏迷的翠竹的身影! „!” “嗤嗤!” Very terrifying, very attractive two swords, simultaneously pierced the body of Cui Zhu, two swords selected him directly in airborne! 很恐怖,很漂亮的两剑,同时洞穿了翠竹的身体,两把剑直接把他挑在了空中! True life and death preying, the surrounding area in hundred meters, is the range of Ling Yun shuttle, he already aimed at the Cui Zhu lying down place position, displayed Shape-Change Shadow a moment ago, is grasps Cui Zhu. 真正的生死搏杀,方圆百米之内,都是凌云穿梭的范围,他早就瞅准了翠竹躺地的位置,刚才施展移形换影,就是去抓翠竹的。 That speed is fast, nobody responded radically with enough time! 那速度快的,根本没有人来得及反应! Ling Yun holds Cui Zhu, throws at fingertips, has thrown into Dragon Tiger Mountain fellow apprentices three people of him directly, weren't these three people possibly swindled? 凌云抓住翠竹,信手一抛,直接把他抛到了龙虎山师兄弟三人的身后,这三人怎么可能不上当? Cui Zhu by the own two fellow apprentices, assassination at the scene! 翠竹自己的两位师兄弟,刺杀当场! "Ah!" “啊!” Priest Cang Song saw with own eyes that the Cui Zhu body dies, instantaneous both eyes are red, he calls out one, direct figure one vertical, Ling Yun that toward flushing rushed over! 苍松道长眼见翠竹身死,瞬间双目赤红,他暴喝一声,直接身形一纵,向着冲来的凌云冲了过去! Ling Yun using Cui Zhu, first time snatched the initiative. 凌云利用翠竹,第一次抢回了主动权。 Saw that Priest Cang Song flushed, the Ling Yun front surface rushed over without hesitation, a two people blade sword, the figure interlocks! 看到苍松道长冲了过来,凌云毫不犹豫迎面冲了过去,两人一刀一剑,身形交错而过! Scoffs!” “嗤!” Shua! 刷! The Ling Yun shoulder a sword was passed through by Priest Cang Song, Priest Cang Song was divided not to have half head by a Ling Yun blade! 凌云肩头被苍松道长一剑贯穿,苍松道长被凌云一刀劈没了半个脑袋! Ling Yun has not hidden, but Priest Cang Song was the air/Qi red the eye, in the heart has only wanted to trade the life with Ling Yun by the life. 凌云是没怎么躲,而苍松道长是气红了眼睛,心中只想跟凌云以命换命。 Finally he died. 结果他就死了。 Ling Yun lifts the foot, kicks a Cang Song foot, then turned toward as before dull Xi Xia and Qing Feng without hesitation has killed. 凌云一抬脚,把苍松一脚踢飞,然后毫不犹豫向着依旧呆愣的栖霞青峰杀了过去。 At this time, Xi Xia and on Qing Feng sword blade, but also is selecting the Cui Zhu corpse. 此时,栖霞青峰的剑身上,还挑着翠竹的尸身。 Kills!” “杀!” Xi Xia and Qing Feng first manslaughter Cui Zhu, saw that Priest Cang Song was cut to kill by a Ling Yun blade, if two people potential insane tiger! 栖霞青峰先误杀了翠竹,又看到苍松道长被凌云一刀斩杀,两人势若疯虎! two people has simultaneously discarded in the hand long sword, has shot toward Ling Yun unarmed! 两人同时丢弃了手中长剑,赤手空拳向着凌云射了过去! Your fellow apprentices start off together!” “你们师兄弟一起上路吧!” The Ling Yun look is indifferent, said lightly, the figure crazy, Nether Blood Demon Blade towards two people has cut around the middle! 凌云眼神冷漠,淡淡说了一句,身形狂冲中,冥血魔刀对着两人拦腰斩过! Xi Xia and Qing Feng, simultaneously were severed completely by Ling Yun! 栖霞青峰,同时被凌云一刀两断! The Dragon Tiger Mountain four heads, were fought by Ling Yun all extinguish! 龙虎山四名天师,被凌云一战全灭!
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