DEMG :: Volume #10

#989: This person cannot kill

The Dragon Tiger Mountain four big heads, Cang Song, Xi Xia, Cui Zhu, Qing Feng, comes together, now together walked, what this time goes is the nether world, they did not come back again. 龙虎山四大天师,苍松,栖霞,翠竹,青峰,是一起来的,现在又一起走了,只不过这一趟去的是阴曹地府,他们再也回不来了。 The Ling Yun suspension of movement turns around, the vision sweeps the corpse who they have leaned this way and that said indifferently: Subdue demons, except demon. One is to kill my Xian'er, one is to kill me.” 凌云停步转身,目光扫过他们东倒西歪的尸身,冷漠说道:“降妖,除魔。一个是杀我的仙儿,一个是杀我。” Who don't you die dead?” “你们不死谁死?” Ling Yun said, will not attack his four corpses to be disinclined to look at one to the ground, starts to lower the head to inspect oneself. 凌云说完,对地上再也不会起来攻击他的四具尸体懒得多看一眼,开始低头检查自身。 After Priest Cang Song three people took Dragon Tiger Pill, has reached the Innate 8-layer peak in extremely short time, Ling Yun, although has killed them successfully, but his own has also paid the extremely serious price. 苍松道长三人服用了龙虎丹之后,在极短的时间内全部达到了先天八层巅峰,凌云虽然成功杀死了他们,可他自己也付出了极为惨重的代价。 The Ling Yun left shoulder a sword was passed through by Priest Cang Song, the shoulder blade was pierced. 凌云左肩被苍松道长一剑贯穿,肩胛骨被刺穿了。 That is the most formidable sword that Cang Song this life puts forth, moreover a sword that after is kills eye, has gone all out red, what he punctured is the Ling Yun's heart. 那是苍松这一生所使出的最强大的一剑,而且是杀红了眼睛之后拼命的一剑,他本来刺的是凌云的心脏。 Ling Yun is catching up with time, what he wants is fights a battle to force a quick decision, but he already saw, to fight a battle to force a quick decision, must kill most formidable Priest Cang Song first. 凌云在赶时间,他要的是速战速决,而他早已看出,要想速战速决,必须先杀死最为强大的苍松道长。 But by the Ling Yun present strength, facing went crazy Innate 8-layer peak Expert, if wants the second to kill the opposite party, that simply is fantasy story. 而以凌云现在的实力,面对一个发疯了的先天八层巅峰高手,要想秒杀对方,那简直是天方夜谭。 Ling Yun can only the soldier risk danger incurs, with trades the life by the life the fighting method, reveals an empty gate intentionally, lets the Cang Song long sword, has stabbed his shoulder. 凌云只能兵行险招,采用以命换命的打法,故意露出一个空门,让苍松的长剑,刺中了他的肩头。 Only by doing so, Ling Yun can a blade chop half head of Cang Song! 只有这样,凌云才能一刀劈掉了苍松的半个脑袋! But what Ling Yun has not thought that Cang Song that sword can break his Great Evolving Stars Secret Art and black gold demon silk clothing twofold defense unexpectedly, real severe wound Ling Yun! 凌云没有想到的是,苍松那一剑居然能破掉他的大衍聚星宝诀乌金魔蚕衣两重防御,真的重伤了凌云 Must know, yesterday evening, Ling Yun, when Xianrenling Mountain Range Heavenly Spear Summit fights Chen Jianhao and Tokugawa Muto, not by such heavy wound! 要知道,就在昨天晚上,凌云仙人岭天矛峰大战陈建豪德川武藤的时候,都没有受过这么重的伤! That sword should achieve the first strength of Heaven 9 level.” “那一剑应该达到了先天九层的实力。” Ling Yun is estimating secretly, simultaneously does not evade puts out two Pure Healing Talisman, around the towards left shoulder respectively to pat, then shouted is near. 凌云暗暗估计着,同时毫不避讳的拿出两张清愈符,对着左肩前后分别以拍,然后喊了一声临。 Pure Healing Talisman has displayed the wonderful effectiveness immediately, the Ling Yun's wound by the naked eye obvious speed speedy recovery such as beginning, as if the shoulder has not been injured. 清愈符立即发挥了神效,凌云的伤口以肉眼可见的速度迅速复原如初,就仿佛肩头从来没有受过伤。 Master Jue Yuan and Priest Chong Xu saw this clearly, two people have been shocked once more, cannot bear have simultaneously opened the mouth. 觉远禅师和冲虚道长清楚的看到了这一幕,两人再次震惊,忍不住同时张大了嘴巴。 Has been a pity this clothes......” “可惜了这身衣服了……” The flesh wound quick thorough cure of Ling Yun shoulder, two cracks that but on his clothes was punctured by the sharp sword, actually as before exist. 凌云肩头的外伤很快彻底治愈,可他衣服上被利剑刺破的两个破洞,却依旧存在。 The flesh wound is good to govern, what in short time is hard to treat is his internal injury. 外伤好治,短时间内难以治疗的是他的内伤。 Ling Yun altogether the mouth spurts the blood three times tonight, first time spits blood to rescue Qin Dongxue, behind hardly puts together the Dragon Tiger Mountain three people twice, the strength of huge counter- shaking withstands creates, each mouth spurts the blood, makes his internal injury aggravate! 凌云今夜一共口喷鲜血三次,第一次吐血是为了救秦冬雪,后面两次则是硬拼龙虎山三人,所承受的巨大反震之力造成,每一次口喷鲜血,都让他的内伤在加重! Originally, Ling Yun does not need such to go all out completely, he can definitely depend the own movement speed advantage, socializes with the enemy dogfight, divides, but melts it, defeat in detail. 本来,凌云完全不需要这么拼命,他完全可以仗着自己的身法速度优势,跟敌人缠斗周旋,分而化之,各个击破。 But, Ling Yun must catch up with time, he can only spell hardly, puts together the enemy unable to withstand, puts together the enemy to be scared. 可是,凌云要赶时间,他只能硬拼,拼到敌人承受不了,拼到敌人胆寒。 A pair six, he a moment ago used is the wound enemy 1000, damaged 800 fighting methods. 刚才一对六,他用的都是伤敌1000,自损800的打法。 The Ling Yun's meridians somewhat stagnate, but he is still crazy revolution Yin-Yang Energy Secret Art, side treats the internal injury as soon as possible, side to kill the enemy. 凌云的经脉有些凝滞,但他依然疯狂运转一气阴阳诀,一面是尽快治疗内伤,一面是为了杀敌。 Also remains 15......” “还剩15个……” Ling Yun turned toward the Zi Yang honorable person and purple light honorable person slowly walked. 凌云缓缓向着紫阳真人和紫光真人走了过去。 The Zi Yang honorable person is injured one after another, now not only the internal injury is very heavy, but also True Qi has consumed, was already incapable of fighting again. 紫阳真人接连受伤,现在不但内伤很重,而且真气已经消耗一空,早已无力再战。 The purple light honorable person silently protects side the Zi Yang honorable person, whole face vigilant looks to hold the blade Ling Yun. 紫光真人则默默守护在紫阳真人身旁,满脸警惕的望着持刀走来的凌云 Looks that the look also wants ice-cold Ling Yun compared with the blade edge, purple light honorable person in the heart already despaired actually. 看着眼神比刀锋还要冰冷的凌云,紫光真人心中其实早已绝望。 Their six people could not hit Ling Yun a moment ago, let alone now only remaining their fellow apprentices two? 刚才他们六个人都打不过凌云,何况现在只剩下了他们师兄弟两个? Kunlun Three Swords this time leaves Kunlun Mountain, this thinks that just protects leader's son to come out to enjoy the beauties of nature, understands a next present world to be lively while convenient, has not actually thought that but meets 18-year-old Ling Yun, collapsing completely that they hit! 昆仑三剑这一趟昆仑山,本以为只不过是保护着掌门之子出来游山玩水,顺便领略一下如今的世间繁华而已,却没想到,只是遇到一个18岁的凌云,就把他们打的一败涂地! Ling Yun leads the way silently, the purple light honorable person starts the Zi Yang honorable person who holds cannot be withstanding weakly to retrocede, retrocedes in the Li Kunwu direction! 凌云默默前行,紫光真人开始扶着虚弱不堪的紫阳真人后退,向着李昆吾的方向后退! Until they draw back do not have to draw back! 直到他们退无可退! Ling Yun, our technique is inferior to person, knew that tonight must die, but, our Kunlun Three Swords can die, but also asked you to put our leader's son life!” 凌云,我们技不如人,自知今夜必死,可是,我们昆仑三剑可以死,但还请你放我们掌门之子一条性命!” Kunlun Sword Sect four people, Li Kunwu, Zi Yang, purple light, Zi Ye, besides the purple light, other three people already lost the battle efficiency! 昆仑剑派共四人,李昆吾,紫阳,紫光,紫叶,其中除了紫光之外,其他三人早已都失去了战斗力! Now Ling Yun is a knife and chopping block, they are the fish, can only allow to be oppressed. 现在凌云是刀俎,他们是鱼肉,只能任人宰割。 Now knew the persuasive speaker angry words? Didn't you think too late?!” “现在知道说客气话了?你不觉得太晚了吗?!” Ling Yun looks at the purple light honorable person to sneer, taunted slightly: I gave you opportunity to leave a moment ago over and over again, do you die to decline to leave, whom blame?” 凌云望着紫光真人冷笑,微微嘲讽道:“我刚才三番五次给你们机会离开,你们死赖着不走,怪谁?” „, I remember that I had said that anyone, dares to sneak attack my Little Aunt, must die!” “还有,我记得我曾经说过,无论是谁,敢偷袭我小姨者,必死!” If not Li Kunwu thinks oneself clever to grasp Qin Dongxue, Ling Yun will not have the killing intent truly, he does not need to start to go all out, will therefore not be injured! 如果不是李昆吾自作聪明去抓秦冬雪,凌云也不会真正动了杀机,他也就不用开始拼命,更不会因此而受伤! I and your Kunlun Sword Sect does not have the enmity without injustice, I have not provoked you, even if you come this turbid water, how I have not thought to really you, but you ate to the full supporting must grasp my Little Aunt, what's the matter?” “我和你们昆仑剑派无冤无仇,我并没有招惹你们,就算你们来蹚这趟浑水,我也没有想着真要把你们怎么着,可你们吃饱了撑的非要抓我小姨,算怎么回事儿?” Ling Yun lifts the blade, with knife point finger/refers of purple light behind Li Kunwu, said indifferently: My time is limited, the idle talk little said that if your three want the present to depart, I am not blocking, but he, must die!” 凌云举刀,用刀尖一指紫光身后的李昆吾,冷漠说道:“我时间有限,废话少说,你们三个要想现在离去,我还是不拦着,但他,必死!” Listened to the Ling Yun's words, the purple light, on the Zi Yang two people face thorough desperate, was divided a back blade by Ling Yun, severely wounded dying Zi Ye, the body starts to shiver fiercely. 听了凌云的话,紫光,紫阳两人脸上彻底绝望,就连被凌云劈中后背一刀,重伤垂死的紫叶,身体都开始剧烈颤抖了起来。 Suddenly, the Zi Ye honorable person pushes Li Kunwu full power, calls out a sound said: Young Master runs away quickly!” Meanwhile his moving quickly, the whole person dashes to Ling Yun! 突然,紫叶真人全力一推李昆吾,暴喝一声道:“公子快逃!”同时他飞身而起,整个人直扑凌云 The Zi Yang honorable person and purple light honorable person also instantaneously made the response at the same time, two people have turned toward Ling Yun to clash full power, the purple light honorable person remained True Qi most foot, the speed was fastest! 紫阳真人和紫光真人在同一时刻也瞬间做出了反应,两人全力向着凌云冲了过来,其中紫光真人所剩真气最足,速度最快! Ling Yun in the heart sighed, brandishing a blade, blade aura divided to fly Kunlun Three Swords conveniently together completely, the figure rise with a jump, Shape-Change Shadow pursued Li Kunwu! 凌云心中叹气,随手挥刀,一道刀罡昆仑三剑全部劈飞,身形一跃而起,移形换影直追李昆吾 Li Kunwu heard behind three to shout miserably, frightened is frightened out of one's wits, for a while has forgotten escaping unexpectedly. 李昆吾听到了身后的三声惨呼,吓得魂飞魄散,一时竟然忘了逃跑。 Does not want to kill you, but your own is courting death, I do not have the means!” “本来真的没有想杀你,但是你自己在找死,我没办法!” Ling Yun brandishing a blade! 凌云挥刀 Amitabha! Under Ling Yun young donor blade keeps person!” “阿弥陀佛!凌云小施主刀下留人!” The words to the person, Master Jue Yuan recited Buddha, the form dodge keep off before the Ling Yun body, in the hand the giant monk's staff held up, has blocked a Ling Yun blade exactly. 话到人到,觉远禅师口诵佛号,身影一闪就挡在了凌云身前,手中巨大禅杖举起,恰好挡住了凌云一刀。 Ling Yun frowned, Shaolin Temple Master Jue Yuan, made a move slightly! 凌云微微皱眉,少林寺觉远禅师,到底还是出手了! Shua! 刷! Also was a taoist priest of features suggesting extraordinariness and immortality appears before the Ling Yun body, naturally was Priest Chong Xu, his look somewhat anxiously said: Ling Yun, Li Kunwu you cannot kill!” 又是一个仙风道骨的道士出现在了凌云身前,自然是冲虚道长,他神色有些焦急道:“凌云,李昆吾你不能杀!” The Ling Yun straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards wrinkle again, in the heart somewhat is not feeling well slightly. 凌云剑眉再皱,心中微微有些不爽。 Said honestly, tonight projects on the present, Shaolin and Wudang have not gotten rid throughout, this lets Ling Yun when the surprise, had many new faces to the views of these two big schools. 坦白说,今晚打到现在,少林和武当始终都没有出手,这让凌云在诧异之余,也真的对这两大门派的看法有了不少改观。 Shaolin is also good, Wudang is also good, since arrives at the Dragon Gate Mountain top, they display some ** unclear. 少林也好,武当也好,自打来到龙门山顶,他们表现的都有些**不明。 The reason of Shaolin as if because of Master Jue Yuan that Ling Yun and Buddhism is predestined friends. 少林的理由似乎是因为觉远禅师那一句,凌云和佛门有缘。 Wudang Mountains Priest Chong Xu is more direct, came up to discuss with Ling Yun a business, then started to sit mountain Guanhu to fight. 武当山冲虚道长更直接,一上来跟凌云谈了一笔生意,然后就开始坐山观虎斗了。 But they are the prestigious family are honest , is other sends Expert to ambush Dragon Gate Mountain to encircle respectively together kills Ling Yun, actually so displays, naturally lets the Ling Yun surprise. 但他们毕竟是名门正派,又是和其他各派高手一起埋伏龙门山围杀凌云,却又如此表现,自然让凌云诧异的很。 However Brother Yun is not always all right to look for pulling out, Shaolin Wudang does not make a move, he did not have the most formidable match imperceptibly, naturally is Le Xiangqi becomes, first jumps these high, the happiest sweep trace of boasting said again. 不过云哥向来都不是没事找抽型的,少林武当不出手,他无形中没有了最强大的对手,自然是乐享其成,先把那些跳得最高,咋呼的最欢的收拾干净了再说。 Waste Liu Suifeng extinguishes Netherworld Cult to kill the Dragon Tiger Mountain four big heads, Shaolin and Wudang have stood by, why he must kill Kunlun Sword Sect Li Kunwu now, did Master Jue Yuan and Priest Chong Xu jump to stop together? 柳随风幽冥教龙虎山四大天师,少林和武当一直都袖手旁观,为何现在他要杀昆仑剑派李昆吾了,觉远禅师和冲虚道长一起跳出来阻拦了? Ling Yun already knows actually, withstand/top in this Dragon Gate Mountain, to he most threatening two people, is Jue Yuan and Chong Xu, he in peak condition, can fight to a draw with one of them at most. 凌云其实早已知道,在这龙门山顶上,对他最有威胁的两人,就是觉远冲虚,他就算是在巅峰状态,顶多也就能和其中一人打个平手。 Now this two people is keeping off him together, he must also want to kill Li Kunwu, is the impossible mission. 现在这两人一起挡着他,他要还想杀李昆吾,已经是不可能完成的任务了。 Therefore he has simply put down demon blade, asked lightly: Why can't kill?” 所以他干脆放下了魔刀,淡淡问道:“为什么不能杀?” Ling Yun, Li Kunwu sneak attacks your Little Aunt, is somewhat excessive, but hasn't he who does gone well after all is not?” 凌云,李昆吾偷袭你小姨,是做的有些过分,可他毕竟没有得手不是?” Said again, you caused heavy losses to Kunlun Three Swords, now and Kunlun Mountain has had very big enmity, if you must kill Li Kunwu...... cough cough......” “再说了,你已经重创了昆仑三剑,现在和昆仑山已经结下了很大的仇怨,如果你要杀了李昆吾的话……咳咳……” Priest Chong Xu spoke, while made the vigor signal with the eyes to Ling Yun. 冲虚道长一边说话,一边使劲儿冲凌云使眼色。 Ling Yun ponders over slightly, suddenly savored a flavor to come, Priest Chong Xu said was not Kunlun Sword Sect, what he said was Kunlun Mountain! 凌云稍微一琢磨,忽然咂摸出点儿味道来了,冲虚道长说的不是昆仑剑派,他说的是昆仑山 Kunlun Mountain? 昆仑山怎么了? Expression that looks at Priest Chong Xu unexpectedly is this starting to speak but hesitating, Ling Yun unavoidably somewhat is at heart funny, simply displays to send greetings into the dense say/way: Priest Chong Xu, is your this several meanings?” 看着冲虚道长竟然是这副欲言又止的表情,凌云心里难免有些好笑,干脆施展传音入密道:“冲虚道长,您这到底是几个意思?” Priest Chong Xu also changes to send greetings into to say densely: What how many meanings? My old say/way speaks the truth with you, now the evening was almost good, in brief my evening looks that you kill people have not gotten rid, definitely will not harm you at this time!” 冲虚道长也改为传音入密说道:“什么几个意思?我老道就跟你说实话,今晚上差不多就行了,总之我一晚上看着你杀人都没有出手,肯定不会在这时候害你!” Ling Yun can see that Priest Chong Xu is covering up anything vigorously, he naturally must seize the chance to hit to understand what is heard, the appearance that therefore oil salt does not enter said: „It is not good! I have killed in any case these many people tonight, are not many his Li Kunwu, why can't kill? His head compared with others precious as gold Ah?! 凌云能看出冲虚道长在极力遮掩着什么,他当然要趁机打听个明白,于是一副油盐不进的样子说道:“不行!我今晚反正都杀了这么多人了,也不多他李昆吾一个,凭什么不能杀?难道他的脑袋比别人金贵啊?! Ling Yun at this time to inquire the secret, started not to reason with. 凌云这时候为了打探秘密,已经开始不讲理了。 Priest Chong Xu the whole face was bitter and astringent, frowns to hesitate half-day/long time, has exchanged a look with Master Jue Yuan, was serious to Ling Yun said: Ling Yun, if you have killed Li Kunwu, but really brought the big trouble!” 冲虚道长满脸苦涩,皱着眉头沉吟了半天,又和觉远禅师交换了一个眼神,然后才郑重对凌云说道:“凌云,如果你杀了李昆吾,可就是真的闯了大祸了!” Ling Yun listened to the heart slightly cold, but he maintains composure, listens in reverent attention. 凌云听了心头微凛,但他不动声色,洗耳恭听。 This Li Kunwu life truly precious as gold! He is the Kunlun Sword Sect leader Li Jiantang youngest son, you must kill him, Kunlun Sword Sect has not turned out in full strength, asks you to revenge Ah?! really by that time, you and world prestigious family correct path, thoroughly break off, did not have a leeway of negotiations again!” “这个李昆吾的性命确实金贵!他乃是昆仑剑派掌门李剑堂的小儿子,你要杀了他,昆仑剑派还不倾巢出动,找你报仇啊?!真到那时候,你和天下名门正道,就彻底决裂,再也没有一丝谈判的余地了!” Ling Yun disdains saying: „, Asks me to revenge looks for me, Kunlun Sword Sect is also mediocre, did I fear?” 凌云不屑说道:“切,找我报仇就找我呗,昆仑剑派也不过如此而已,难道我就怕了?” Priest Chong Xu was made not to have the means by Ling Yun play dumb, finally simply stamps the feet, said a shaking the heavens and earth big secret to Ling Yun! 冲虚道长被凌云装傻充愣弄得没办法,最后干脆一跺脚,对凌云说出了一个惊天动地的大秘密! What do you understand?! Kunlun Sword Sect is defends the entrance school to Kunlun Mountain, you offended them, in the challenge entire Kunlun dignity!” “你懂什么?!昆仑剑派乃是给昆仑山守山门的门派,你得罪了他们,就是在挑战整个昆仑的尊严!”
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