DEMG :: Volume #10

#987: The villa has difficult!

Heard that No. 1 villa was besieged, Ling Yun in the heart sinks suddenly! 听说一号别墅被围攻,凌云心中猛然一沉! Ling Yun already had a premonition that today the villa will possibly have an accident in the evening on the 1st, has not thought that now really has an accident! 凌云早就预感到今天晚上一号别墅可能会出事,没想到现在果真出事了! How many people does the opposite party have? Probably in what boundary strength? Can you be able to support now?” “对方有多少人?大概都在什么境界实力?你们现在能撑得住吗?” Ling Yun rubbish, asked three most essential questions one after another. 凌云毫不废话,接连问了三个最关键的问题。 Only listens to Ning Lingyu to say anxiously: Came more than 30 all of a sudden, they come prepared, the total electric circuit of No. 1 villa cut off, now surrounding jet black piece.” 只听宁灵雨焦急说道:“一下子就来了30多个,他们是有备而来,一号别墅的总电路被掐断了,现在周围漆黑一片。” As for their boundaries, probably any boundary has, Xian'er had killed a moment ago more than ten, she us told that feels around the villa also to hide a more formidable enemy......” “至于他们的境界,好像什么境界的都有,仙儿刚才一口气杀了十多个,她跟我们说感觉到别墅周围还隐藏着更强大的敌人……” Ling Yun had realized immediately the gravity of situation, asked immediately: Can see the background of enemy?” 凌云马上意识到了事态的严重性,立即又问道:“能看出敌人的来头吗?” The Ning Lingyu anxious sound said: These person all black clothes wear a mask, in the hand takes any weapon to have, all rushes to the villa in!” 宁灵雨急声说道:“那些人全都黑衣蒙面,手里拿着什么武器都有,全都在强闯别墅!” The Ling Yun heart flashes through wipes the killing intent, spoke thoughtlessly to ask: Wang Feihu three people of what kind , do they have to make a move to help your governing enemy?” 凌云心头闪过一抹杀机,随口问道:“汪飞虎三人怎么样,他们有没有出手帮你们御敌?” Ning Lingyu, as if looked around slightly, then said: „The Wang Feihu three people dying war, was having two people injured.” 宁灵雨稍微顿了顿,似乎张望了一下,然后才说道:“汪飞虎三人在死战,有两人已经受伤了。” A Ling Yun heart loosen, he said slightly immediately: Is very good! Lingyu you do not need to fear, so long as there is Xian'er, so long as the opposite party does not have true Expert extremely to appear, you can certainly be able to support!” 凌云心头稍稍一松,他立即说道:“很好!灵雨你不用怕,只要有仙儿在,对方只要没有真正的绝顶高手出现,你们一定能撑得住!” Now, I immediately make Little Aunt hurry back to help you, gives me a half hour, no, gives me again 20 minutes, I can certainly hurry back!” “现在,我立即让小姨赶回去帮助你们,给我半个小时,不,再给我20分钟,我一定能赶回去!” The communication effect of communication is very good, Ling Yun can hear the battle shouting out sound that that side hears from communication, he is burning with impatience, had confessed hurriedly Lingyu two, have switched off communication directly. 通讯器的通讯效果很好,凌云能够从通讯器里听到那边传来的厮杀呼喝声,他心急如焚,匆忙交代了灵雨两句,直接关掉了通讯器。 Ling Yun receives communication rapidly, has put out the mysterious bottle gourd without hesitation, raises head fills dragon saliva crazily. 凌云迅速收起通讯器,毫不犹豫拿出了神奇葫芦,仰头狂灌龙涎 As dragon saliva enters the abdomen in gulps, huge incomparable dragon spiritual energy blasts out in Ling Yun's Dantian loudly, under the crazy stimulation of movement of Yin-Yang Energy Secret Art, walks randomly the whole body along Ling Yun's eight extra meridians rapidly, the place visited, hundred holes are unobstructed, within the body Yin-Yang True Qi rapid recovery! 随着龙涎大口大口入腹,庞大无匹的龙灵气凌云的丹田之内轰然炸开,在一气阴阳诀的疯狂催动之下,迅速沿着凌云的奇经八脉游走全身,所过之处,百窍通畅,体内阴阳真气迅速恢复! The Ling Yun one breath has filled full Er, made within the body True Qi restore directly in peak condition, this received the mysterious bottle gourd. 凌云一口气灌了个饱儿,直接让体内真气恢复到了巅峰状态,这才收起了神奇葫芦。 His vision sweeps to at present all prestigious family honest public figures, handsome eyes appears strangely one black one white, has not concealed the own in the heart killing intent again, whatever the ice-cold wild killing intent wreaks havoc! 他目光扫向眼前所有名门正派人士,俊目浮现诡异的一黑一白,再也没有掩饰自己心中的杀机,任由冰冷狂暴的杀机肆虐! You, are very good!” “你们,都很好!” Ling Yun today with prestigious family honest Expert the negotiate and fight at the same time, has been maintaining balanced in the evening throughout actually at heart, that as far as possible kills least people, strives with shortest time, melts encirclement of Dragon Gate Mountain with the most reasonable way! 凌云今天晚上跟名门正派高手始终边谈边打,其实心里一直在维持着一种平衡,那就是尽量杀最少的人,争取用最短的时间,用最合理的方式化解龙门山之围! Frightening that persuading somebody to leave that can persuade somebody to leave, can frighten, only then these must die to knock with Ling Yun, Ling Yun unrestrained/no trace of politeness hits the enemy thoroughly remnantly! 能劝走的劝走,能震慑的震慑,只有那些非要跟凌云死磕到底的,凌云才会毫不客气的把敌人彻底打残! Ling Yun does not have provocative Shaolin and Wudang throughout, very successful letting Shaolin and Wudang have not gotten rid to cope with him, is this balanced perfect manifestation! 凌云始终都没有去挑衅少林和武当,也很成功的让少林和武当没有出手对付他,就是这种平衡的完美体现! Ling Yun does this , because he did not feel relieved, he is only in order to hurries back to No. 1 villa as soon as possible! 凌云这样做,是因为他不放心,他只是为了能够尽快赶回一号别墅! But now, No. 1 villa was besieged, the balanced that Ling Yun has maintained desirably, was broken! 可是现在,一号别墅被围攻,凌云一直刻意维持的这种平衡,被打破了! I have not thought really, really really has Ancient Martial Expert, dares forcefully a night assault villa in the China lively metropolis!” “我真的没有想到,竟然真的有古武高手,敢在华夏的繁华都市中强行夜袭一栋别墅!” Now, I must hurry back to No. 1 villa, keeps off me, death!” “现在,我要赶回一号别墅,挡我者,死!” The Ling Yun ice-cold sound, starts to resound through the entire Dragon Gate Mountain top, as if announcement of god of death. 凌云冰冷的声音,开始响彻整个龙门山顶,仿佛死神的宣告。 Ling Yun a moment ago with the telephone conversation of Ning Lingyu, sound, although is not high, but the surrounding people all are Expert, naturally hears very clearly. 凌云刚才跟宁灵雨的通话,声音虽然不高,但周围的众人个个都是高手,自然都听得十分真切。 Qin Dongxue side Ling Yun, she naturally hears clearly, knows that No. 1 villa has difficult, immediately cannot bear want to speak. 秦冬雪就在凌云身旁,她自然听得最为清楚,知道一号别墅有难,顿时忍不住想要说话。 Ling Yun lifts a hand swayed, has prevented the Qin Dongxue speech. 凌云抬手一摆,阻止了秦冬雪说话。 He changes to send greetings into densely, said to Qin Dongxue: Little Aunt, No. 1 villa is very dangerous, if not out of the anticipation, tonight the biggest enemy should be Demon Sect, you must hurry back now immediately, remember, reminded Xian'er, surely careful Demon Sect Heavens Saint Child!” 他改为传音入密,对秦冬雪说道:“小姨,一号别墅很危险,如果不出意料,今晚最大敌人应该是魔宗,你现在必须要立即赶回去,记住,提醒仙儿,千万小心魔宗天圣子!” Qin Dongxue knows that own can only be the Ling Yun's burden here, she layer on layer/heavily nods, actually could not bear look at surrounding one, the tight pressed willow eyebrows said: But, how does Little Aunt rush?” 秦冬雪知道自己在这里只会是凌云的累赘,她重重点头,却又忍不住望了周围一眼,紧蹙柳眉道:“可是,小姨怎么闯出去呢?” A Ling Yun corners of the mouth slightly check, lightly saying: Does not need to rush, I have the means.” 凌云嘴角儿微微一勾,淡淡道:“不用闯,我自有办法。” The voice has not fallen, that golden big bow emerged out of thin air in the Ling Yun hand, he called out a sound said: Little Aunt, on bowstring!” 话音未落,那张金色大弓凭空出现在了凌云手中,他暴喝一声道:“小姨,上弓弦!” The Qin Dongxue associative compound, the instantaneous tender body twists, the moving quickly has stepped on the bowstring of that golden big bow! 秦冬雪会意,瞬间娇躯一拧,飞身踩上了那金色大弓的弓弦! The bowstring slightly trembles. 弓弦只是微微一颤。 The Ling Yun figure squatted slightly, came a raising the head full moon, simultaneously right arm light stretch/leisurely, four fingers fluttered the Qin Dongxue two foot middle bowstrings, drew like the full moon suddenly! 凌云身形稍稍一蹲,来了一个举头望月,同时右臂轻舒,四根手指勾住秦冬雪两脚中间的弓弦,猛然一拉,拉弓如满月! The Qin Dongxue tender body stands like the willow tree, the figure points to the nighttime sky, the nighttime sky of Ling Yun to top of the head looked that did not look, lets go suddenly! 秦冬雪娇躯站立如柳,身形直指夜空,凌云对头顶的夜空看也不看,猛然松手! Whiz!” “嗖!” Qin Dongxue only thought that the under foot by the enormous force ball of bowstring, her both feet simultaneously suddenly made an effort to step on suddenly, tender body like lightning straightly shoots nighttime sky! 秦冬雪只觉得脚下被弓弦的巨大力量猛然一弹,她双脚同时猛然用力一踩,娇躯闪电般直射夜空! Ling Yun Qin Dongxue, regards sharp arrow unexpectedly, shoots at the nighttime sky that Dragon Gate Mountain has gone against directly! 凌云竟是把秦冬雪,当成一根利箭,直接射向了龙门山顶的夜空! Master Jue Yuan was startled, Priest Chong Xu was scared, Zi Yang, the purple light honorable person had forgotten attacked Ling Yun, Xi Xia, Priest Qing Feng dumbstruck...... 觉远禅师怔住了,冲虚道长傻眼了,紫阳,紫光真人忘记了攻击凌云,栖霞,青峰道长目瞪口呆…… In the field all people, looked at Ling Yun unthinkably this „after an arrow, is dumb as a wooden chicken completely, each and everyone just like wooden stake stands generally same place, but looking up to look in the nighttime sky is soaring to the heavens but on Qin Dongxue. 场中所有人,看了凌云这匪夷所思的“一箭”之后,全部呆若木鸡,一个个犹如木桩子一般站立原地,只是仰着头望着在夜空中冲天而上的秦冬雪 The Ling Yun long body, the towards nighttime sky calls out, displays Divine Dragon's Roar! 凌云长身而起,对着夜空暴喝,施展神龙啸 Jester, if you dare to make my Little Aunt fall from the midair again, I minced you have fed the dog you to believe!” 杰斯特,如果你敢让我小姨从半空中再掉下来,我就把你剁碎了喂狗你信不信!” Dragon Gate Mountain withstand/top in the nighttime sky, Jester and Paul already descended a distance summit 400 meters altitude, two people have witnessed the magnificent feat that Ling Yun this has shocked everybody from the nighttime sky, must frighten fearful and apprehensive as Blood Clan, could not attend to being able to be discovered that fanned the wing to dive crazily downward! 龙门山顶夜空中,杰斯特保罗早已降落到了距离山顶400米高度,两人从夜空中亲眼目睹了凌云这惊世骇俗的壮举,作为血族都要吓得心惊胆战,也顾不得会不会被人发现了,疯狂扇动翅膀向下俯冲! The Qin Dongxue straight at nightfall spatial 300 meters, the overshooting speed slightly reduces speed, but at this time, Jester and Paul one high one low, simultaneously rushes to the Qin Dongxue under foot exactly! 秦冬雪直入夜空300米,上冲速度才稍稍减慢,而这时,杰斯特保罗一高一低,恰好同时冲到秦冬雪脚下! This is Little Aunt that their master doom must protect, two people where is careless, they added the double insurance directly, words that cannot catch by some chance, below also has another. 这可是他们的主人死命都要保护的小姨,两人哪里敢疏忽大意,他们直接加了双保险,一个万一接不住的话,下面还有另一个。 Jester has carried on the back Ling Yun several days, the experience nature is rich, he arrives at the Qin Dongxue under foot, confirmed the Qin Dongxue instep stepped on after own carried on the back, this fluttered to soar, came to a stop until Qin Dongxue thoroughly. 杰斯特驮了凌云好几天了,经验自然丰富,他来到秦冬雪脚下,确认秦冬雪的脚背踩在了自己的后背上之后,这才振翅高飞,直到秦冬雪彻底站稳。 Oh! The beautiful Qin miss, what happened, how the master made the action that such shocked everybody......” “哇哦!美丽的秦姑娘,发生什么事了,主人怎么做出这么惊世骇俗的举动啊……” Jester is shocking but not dangerous has completed the task, still has a lingering fear, cannot bear shock asks. 杰斯特有惊无险的完成了任务,依然心有余悸,忍不住震撼问道。 Said honestly, the Qin Dongxue martial arts is extraordinary, the courage is big, this experience is also the life first time, until own steady halted, but also frightens beautiful face changing colors, the heart jumps crazily! 坦白说,秦冬雪就算武功再超绝,胆子再大,这种经历也是人生第一次,直到自己稳稳的站住了,还吓得花容失色,心脏狂跳! ...... Oh, I must suffocate a moment ago...... This brat!” “呼……天哪,我刚才都要窒息了……这个臭小子!” Qin Dongxue good half-day/long time to say a few words, first had a lingering fear scolded Ling Yun, this restored the Innate Expert bearing, the sinking sound ordered: Jester, Paul, the villa is besieged now on the 1st, we must hurry back at the maximum speed the rescue! Other, on the road said again!” 秦冬雪半天才说出一句话来,先心有余悸的骂了一声凌云,这才恢复了先天高手的气度,沉声下令道:“杰斯特,保罗,现在一号别墅被围攻,我们要以最快的速度赶回去救援!其他的,路上再说!” Jester and Paul one hear, flies into a rage immediately, two people also flutters, the arrow turns toward the Clear Water City direction to fly generally! 杰斯特保罗一听,顿时勃然大怒,两人同时振翅,箭一般向着清水市的方向飞去! The Dragon Gate Mountain top, Divine Sword Village Ji Xiaoqing, Wu Qifeng, as well as awakes the Zhong Chunyan three people that once more transfers, is looking at the jet black nighttime sky, on the face looking pensive. 龙门山顶,神剑山庄纪小晴,吴奇峰,以及再次醒转的钟春燕三人,望着漆黑的夜空,脸上若有所思。 Only then they vaguely remember, Ling Yun appears, descends from the nighttime sky to the Dragon Gate Mountain top. 只有他们依稀记得,凌云出现,就是从夜空中降落到龙门山顶的。 Has packed off Qin Dongxue, the Ling Yun mind immediately a loosen. 送走了秦冬雪,凌云心神顿时一松。 Ling Yun this delivers, made him be short of hobbling, but that side No. 1 villa, were many a formidable strength. 凌云这一送,就让他这边少了牵绊,而一号别墅那边,却多了一份强大的战力。 Ling Yun has confidence, Bai Xian'er, Qin Dongxue, Jester, the Paul four people, should be able to support him to hurry back. 凌云有把握,白仙儿,秦冬雪,杰斯特,保罗四人,应该能撑到他赶回去。 20 people!” “还有20人!” Famous family honest Expert, up to now, but can also stand, only remaining Shaolin six people, Wudang seven people, Divine Sword Village three people, Dragon Tiger Mountain two people, Divine Sword Village two people. 名门正派高手这边,截至目前,还能够站着的,只剩下少林六人,武当七人,神剑山庄三人,龙虎山两人,神剑山庄两人 20 people, 20 minutes, now only remaining 18 minutes.” “20人,20分钟,现在只剩下18分钟了。” Ling Yun has again drawn out Nether Blood Demon Blade. 凌云再一次拔出了冥血魔刀 Gives you last opportunity, now who wants to walk, I am not blocking, but if you have not walked, that do not blame me being cruel and merciless!” “给你们最后一次机会,现在谁想走,我不拦着,但如果你们还不走,那就别怪我心狠手辣了!” At this moment, was struck after by a Ling Yun elbow faints, gradually restored a vitality Priest Cang Song, started talking. 就在这时,被凌云一肘击晕之后,渐渐恢复了一丝元气的苍松道长,开口说话了。 „An numerous Junior Brother, our big Senior Brother is eliminating the demon in the subdue demons tonight, I and others must block this young demon at risk of life, cannot make him flee Dragon Gate Mountain!” “众位师弟,我们大师兄今夜正在降妖除魔,我等应当拼死拦住这个小魔头,不能让他逃离龙门山!” Cui Zhu remains unconscious as before, but received arrow wound Xi Xia, Qing Feng two people, the whole face is looking at Ling Yun vigilantly, simultaneously the sinking sound should say: Respectfully follows two fellow apprentices to teach!” 翠竹依旧昏迷不醒,只是受了箭伤的栖霞,青峰两人,满脸警惕望着凌云,同时沉声应道:“谨遵二师兄教诲!” At this time, just put off raging fire, by whole body that Fire Spiritual Talisman exploded burned black, Li Kunwu that did not anthropoid, crazy loudly exclaimed: Teacher's younger brother Zi Yang, the purple light teacher's younger brother, this young demon the oil lamp was completely dry, we must seize the chance to kill him, revenges for teacher's younger brother Zi Ye!” 这时,刚刚扑灭身上的烈火,被火灵符炸的浑身焦黑,不似人形的李昆吾,也疯狂大吼道:“紫阳师叔,紫光师叔,这个小魔头已经油尽灯枯,我们一定要趁机杀了他,为紫叶师叔报仇啊!” Ji Xiaoqing did not speak throughout silently, until this time, she turned head to look at Zhong Chunyan one, said lightly: Junior Sister, although the big Senior Brother died, but our Divine Sword Village cannot only depend on others, I decide to pledge to fight to the death a war, now I order, you lead three fellow apprentices to hurry to leave the Dragon Gate Mountain top, hurries back to Sect as soon as possible, yeah, right! that to report here has 纪小晴始终默默不语,直到此时,她才扭头看了钟春燕一眼,淡淡说道:“师妹,虽然大师兄死了,可我们神剑山庄不能只靠别人,我决定誓死一战,现在我命令,你带着三师兄赶紧离开龙门山顶,尽快赶回师门,禀报这里发生的一切! Zhong Chunyan hesitates, several times start to speak but hesitate. 钟春燕犹豫,几次欲言又止。 Ji Xiaoqing frowned said: This child thorough Become Devil, a war, must become the world-wide public enemy today, we could not cope with him, naturally some people will cope with him, you want our five, lost life completely in this Dragon Gate Mountain top?” 纪小晴皱眉道:“此子已经彻底入魔,今日一战,必成举世公敌,我们对付不了他,自然会有人对付他,难道你想让我们五个人,全部丧身在这龙门山顶吗?” Zhong Chunyan understands that the meaning of Ji Xiaoqing, knows own remains also to bring death, she flows focuses on the lacrimal: Senior Sister takes care!” 钟春燕明白纪小晴的意思,知道自己留下来也是送死,她流着眼泪道:“师姐保重!” Then she entrains ignorant Wu Qifeng, the figure is always dodging to submerge the jungle, the form does not see in a flash. 然后她拽着始终浑浑噩噩的吴奇峰,身形一闪没入密林,身影一晃不见。 Ling Yun has not pursued, his killing intent is abundant, is not worthwhile chases down women and only remaining bodies people. 凌云并没有追,他杀机再盛,也犯不上追杀一个女人和一个只剩下一副躯壳的人。 Cang Song, Xi Xia, Qing Feng, Zi Yang, the purple light, Ji Xiaoqing, six correct path Expert, before simultaneously jump onto, has sphered Ling Yun. 苍松,栖霞,青峰,紫阳,紫光,纪小晴,六名正道高手,同时一跃上前,围住了凌云 Ling Yun is staring at the eye of Cang Song, asked lightly: Cang Song, you said that your big Senior Brother the subdue demons eliminate the demon tonight, what falls is what monster?” 凌云盯着苍松的眼睛,淡淡问道:“苍松,你说你大师兄今夜降妖除魔,降的是什么妖?” Cang Song is staring at the Ling Yun's eye, spoke righteously: Fox Monster.” 苍松凝视着凌云的眼睛,义正词严道:“狐妖。” Is very good!” “很好!” At this moment, the Ling Yun's killing intent increased finally most apex! 这一刻,凌云的杀机终于攀升到了最顶点!
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