DEMG :: Volume #10

#986: Life and death preying!

Ling Yun both hands grasp the blade, the body leap fly high, two have lifted up high the top of the head high, under chops full power! 凌云双手握刀,身体一跃凌空,两手高高举过头顶,全力下劈! This blade simply overwhelming power, overbearing, swiftly and fiercely to peak! 这一刀简直威猛,霸道,凌厉到了极致 ! 呜! The blade wind from out of the blue, paints black blade aura to gush out from the knife point together, sweeps across crazily to the Kunlun Sword Sect four people before Ling Yun body! 刀风破空,一道漆黑色的刀罡从刀尖喷薄而出,疯狂席卷向凌云身前的昆仑剑派四人! Zi Yang honorable person and purple light honorable person of bearing the brunt, the seeing that complexion big change, the two people look is very dignified, simultaneously promoted peak own skill, wielded a sword to welcome to that is together sharp blade aura! 首当其冲的紫阳真人和紫光真人,见状脸色大变,两人眼神无比凝重,同时把自身功力提升到了极致,挥剑迎向那一道犀利刀罡 Bang! 轰! sword aura and blade aura hit ruthlessly in one, the fresh breeze crazy volume, the blown sand walked the stone, clothes sleeve of surroundings all people blows flutter. 剑气刀罡狠狠的撞击在了一起,劲风狂卷,飞沙走石,吹的周围所有人的衣袂飘飞。 The Zi Ye honorable person sees the prestige of Ling Yun that blade, then grabs Li Kunwu without hesitation to side one vertical, has avoided Ling Yun that blade. 紫叶真人看到凌云那一刀之威,则是毫不犹豫抓着李昆吾向旁边一纵,躲开了凌云那一刀。 After Li Kunwu falls to the ground, looks the place that own was standing a moment ago, that together more than one foot depth that the ground comes out, three zhang (3.33 m) long gully, stares dumbfounded! 李昆吾重新落地之后,望着自己刚才站立的地方,地上多出来的那一道一尺多深,三丈多长的沟壑,瞠目结舌! Ling Yun should not the oil lamp be completely dry, how can also chop a crazy fierce blade?! 凌云不是应该已经油尽灯枯了吗,怎么还能劈出如此狂猛的一刀?! The Zi Yang honorable person and purple light honorable person, receive Ling Yun that blade after hardly, two people was simultaneously stuffy snort/hum, the body backward has cannot help but drawn back three steps. 紫阳真人和紫光真人,硬接下凌云那一刀之后,两人同时闷哼一声,身体不由自主向后退了三步。 crack!” crack!” crack!” 咔嚓!”“咔嚓!”“咔嚓!” Every time draws back one step, their hard rock stepped on smashing, crushed stone splash, obviously Ling Yun this blade what kind of overbearing?! 每退一步,他们脚下坚硬的岩石都被踩的粉碎,碎石飞溅,可见凌云这一刀何等霸道?! „Does Kunlun Sword Sect meet my blade to try again?!” 昆仑剑派再接我一刀试试?!” Ling Yun falls to the ground, calls out one, chops a blade, the blade cuts the universe! 凌云落地,暴喝一声,紧接着又劈出一刀,刀斩乾坤! In power does not forgive the person, does not give the opportunity that the opposite party pants for breath, this is the Ling Yun true fight style! 得势不饶人,根本不给对方喘息的机会,这才是凌云真正的战斗风格! The Zi Yang honorable person and purple light honorable person, figure completely stop, actually saw the Ling Yun's second blade to come, when two people was panic-stricken, hurried to lift the sword to keep off again! 紫阳真人和紫光真人,身形还没有完全停稳,却见凌云的第二刀又来了,两人惊骇之余,赶紧举剑再挡! Rumbling!” “轰轰!” Also is two loud noise, Zi Yang and purple light have blocked the Ling Yun's second blade finally reluctantly, but this two people simultaneously was shaken has drawn back nine steps! 又是两声巨响,紫阳和紫光总算勉强挡住了凌云的第二刀,可这一次两人同时被震退了九步! Zi Yang and purple light two people after backing up nine steps, stood firm the figure with great difficulty, two people could not help look at each other one, can see in the panic-stricken color to grid. 紫阳和紫光两人在倒退九步之后,好不容易才稳住了身形,两人情不自禁对视一眼,均能看到对方眼中的惊骇之色。 This two people is Innate 8-layer Expert, about the strength of two people, cannot block the Ling Yun's blade potential unexpectedly, don't they possibly shock? 两人都是先天八层高手,合两人之力,竟然挡不住凌云的刀势,他们怎么可能不震撼? Teacher's younger brother Zi Ye, I received some internal injuries a moment ago, but can also shoulder, you do not need to manage me , helping them!” 紫叶师叔,我刚才只是受了些内伤,还扛得住,你不用管我,去帮他们!” Li Kunwu swallowed Medicine Pill, suppresses the vitality surges in Dantian forcefully, saw that two teacher's younger brother situations are in imminent danger, hurrying makes the Zi Ye honorable person also come up the help. 李昆吾吞了一颗丹药,强行压住丹田内的气血翻腾,看到两位师叔形势岌岌可危,赶紧让紫叶真人也上去帮忙。 Good!” “好!” The Zi Ye honorable person nodded, a figure show, fell on the Zi Yang the side of honorable person and purple light honorable person. 紫叶真人点了点头,身形一展,落在了紫阳真人和紫光真人的身旁。 Kunlun Three Swords stands shoulder to shoulder. 昆仑三剑并肩而立。 Three Innate 8-layer Expert! 三个先天八层高手 Three people look at each other one, the look connection, simultaneously the slight nod, then simultaneously the figure sticks out suddenly, is similar to three big birds is ordinary, lifts the sword to cut to Ling Yun! 三人对视一眼,眼神交汇,同时微微点头,然后同时身形暴起,如同三只大鸟一般,举剑斩向凌云 In the dark night, three long swords, sparkle eye-catching radiance, the bolt of white silk are sweeping across Ling Yun generally! 黑夜中,三柄长剑,闪耀着夺目的光华,匹练一般席卷凌云 Ling Yun look one ruthless, starts to run forward, the figure accelerates suddenly, both hands grasp the blade, from bottom to top, pulls up suddenly! 凌云眼神一狠,开始向前奔跑,身形骤然加速,双手握刀,自下而上,猛然一撩! Dāng ding-dong!” “当当当!” Three gold/metal Tiejiao has resounded, Kunlun Three Swords half does not draw back, Ling Yun backed up three steps that three long swords forced! 三声金铁交鸣响过,昆仑三剑半步不退,凌云被三柄长剑逼迫的倒退了三步! Sees this situation happily, martial arts world correct path public figure side, Li Kunwu, Divine Sword Village, Dragon Tiger Mountain and the others the complexion simultaneously one. 见此情形,武林正道人士这一方,李昆吾,神剑山庄,龙虎山等人脸色同时一喜。 After this is Ling Yun they surround, in the fight the first time successfully is suppressed. 这是凌云被他们包围之后,在战斗中第一次被成功压制。 The Ling Yun coming to a stop figure, in the heart cold, handsome within the eyes finally started to wipe the earnest color slightly. 凌云站稳身形,心中微微一凛,俊目中终于开始多了一抹认真之色。 Kunlun Sword Sect these three people, when carries on to make a move to jointly attack, the strength, is True Qi, even includes the movement speed, unexpectedly is a body! 昆仑剑派这三个人,在进行出手合击的时候,无论是力量,还是真气,甚至包括身法速度,竟然都是一体的! These three people stand, unexpectedly tacit to forming one type potential, if Ling Yun did not have the means to break this potential, he was very difficult to defeat the match. 这三个人站在一起,竟然默契到形成了一种“势”,如果凌云没有办法破了这种势,那他就很难战胜对手。 Because this potential 10%, Ling Yun seems is fighting with a giant who three Innate 8-layer Expert combinations become! 因为此势一成,凌云就仿佛是在跟三个先天八层高手组合而成的一个巨人战斗! Three teacher's younger brothers, Ling Yun now is the spent force, you delay first, when I have grasped Qin Dongxue, will make him be without a fight inevitably!” “三位师叔,凌云现在已经是强弩之末了,你们先拖延一下,等我抓了秦冬雪,势必让他束手就擒!” Li Kunwu defeated by Ling Yun . Moreover the own most beloved treasured sword also had cut off by Ling Yun, had already achieved peak to the Ling Yun's envy and hatred, now saw the symptom of victory, has forgotten rivers and lakes morality and justice unexpectedly. 李昆吾凌云打败,而且就连自己最心爱的宝剑也被凌云斩断了,对凌云的嫉妒和恨意早已达到了顶峰,现在见到了胜利的苗头,竟忘记了江湖道义。 He is a talent, is very intelligent, already saw Qin Dongxue is the Ling Yun's soft rib, so long as takes Qin Dongxue, can coerce Ling Yun with her! 他是个天才,很是聪明,早已看出秦冬雪凌云的软肋,只要拿下秦冬雪,就可以用她来要挟凌云 Ling Yun is preparing and Kunlun Three Swords fights, one hear of Li Kunwu words, two narrow the eyes instantaneously, in two pupils flashes before a strange black white color! 凌云正准备和昆仑三剑大战一番,一听李昆吾的话,两眼瞬间一眯,两个瞳仁中闪现出诡异的一黑一白之色! Yin-Yang Divine Eyes! 阴阳神眼 The Li Kunwu words, have enraged Ling Yun finally successfully! 李昆吾的话,终于成功激怒了凌云 But at this time, Ling Yun said that anything is useless, his present range Qin Dongxue distance is slightly far, moreover by internal combustion engine locking of Kunlun Three Swords, once exposes weaknesses, will unable to do well will be seriously injured. 但这时候,凌云说什么都没有用,他现在距离秦冬雪的距离稍远,而且还被昆仑三剑的气机锁定,一旦露出破绽,搞不好就会身受重伤。 Li Kunwu cannot certainly hit Ling Yun, but if he wants to cope with Qin Dongxue with single-hearted devotion, can kill the Qin Dongxue second sufficiently! 李昆吾当然打不过凌云,可如果他要专心去对付秦冬雪的话,足以能把秦冬雪秒杀! The Li Kunwu voice has not fallen, the Kunlun Three Swords long sword locks Ling Yun not to put, the under foot step flutters, three people of figure move, has traded a direction quickly, kept off between Ling Yun and Qin Dongxue. 李昆吾话音未落,昆仑三剑长剑锁定凌云不放,脚下步法飘飞,三人身形移动,很快换了一个方向,挡在了凌云秦冬雪之间。 If now Ling Yun to rescue Qin Dongxue, only then breaks through impediment of Kunlun Three Swords to be good first. 如果现在凌云要想救秦冬雪,只有先冲破昆仑三剑的阻挡才行。 At this moment, Li Kunwu moved, he is confident, shows a faint smile, turns toward Qin Dongxue to rush over directly. 就在这时,李昆吾动了,他成竹在胸,微微一笑,直接向着秦冬雪冲了过去。 However, Li Kunwu is quick, Ling Yun is quicker! 然而,李昆吾快,凌云更快! In that flash, Ling Yun displayed peak Illusory Fish Dragon Steps, unexpectedly was the horizontal blade in chest, straight has hit toward Kunlun Three Swords! 在那一瞬间,凌云幻影鱼龙步施展到了极致,竟是横刀于胸前,直直的向着昆仑三剑撞了过去! Kunlun Three Swords knows that now is the most crucial time, three people do not dare to be negligent, they promoted the peak own skill instantaneously, simultaneously aspirated the sound! 昆仑三剑知道现在是最关键的时刻,三人不敢大意,他们瞬间把自身功力提升到了巅峰,同时吐气开声! Dāng ding-dong!” “当当当!” The Ling Yun's demon blade has simultaneously run upon three long swords, is been painful by the appearance of sword aura cutting three long swords send out, the demon blade knife was hit with joint forces by three people of long swords, back knocking ruthlessly on the Ling Yun's chest! 凌云的魔刀同时撞上了三柄长剑,被三柄长剑发出的剑气切割的面目生疼,魔刀刀身被三人的长剑合力一撞,刀背狠狠的磕在了凌云的胸口上! !” “噗!” Ling Yun by the strength of huge counter- shaking, was shaken the vitality surges, has spouted blood arrow at the scene! 凌云被巨大的反震之力,震得气血翻腾,当场喷出了一道血箭 Ling Yun first being wounded! 凌云第一次负伤! But this-and-a-half do not draw back, does not give a thought to the injury, the body crazily is still flushing, simultaneously left hand makes a fist, the Zi Yang honorable person before Heavenly Astral Subduing Demons Fist towards body, fights with the fists! 但他这一次半步不退,不顾伤势,身体依然在狂冲,同时左手握拳,天罡伏魔拳对着身前的紫阳真人,一拳打出! This trades life by the life completely the fighting method! 这完全是以命换命的打法! Bang!” “嘭!” The Zi Yang honorable person is been steady by the figure that the Ling Yun's body hits, is supporting full power by strenuous efforts, now has suffered a Ling Yun earth-shaking fist, whole person directly pounded flying upside down! 紫阳真人本就被凌云的身体撞的身形不稳,正在全力苦苦支撑,现在挨了凌云石破天惊的一拳,整个人直接被砸的倒飞了出去! The human wall who Kunlun Three Swords composes, broke open a gap instantaneously, Ling Yun could not give a thought to the murder, the figure flashes past from the gaps, directly soars Qin Dongxue! 昆仑三剑组成的人墙,瞬间破开了一个缺口,凌云顾不得杀人,身形从缺口间一闪而过,直奔秦冬雪 But is this, was still late one step! 但就算是这样,依然是晚了一步! Li Kunwu arrived at the Qin Dongxue front at this time, his arm stretches out, only almost can hold Qin Dongxue! 李昆吾这时候已经来到了秦冬雪的面前,他一只手臂伸出,只差一点儿就能抓住秦冬雪了! Little Aunt!” 小姨!” Ling Yun angry crazy roar, the thought flashes, Divine Walking Talisman appears in the hand together, a towards own racket, the movement accelerates one time suddenly instantaneously! 凌云愤怒狂吼,意念闪动间,一道神行符出现在手上,猛然对着自己一拍,身法瞬间加速一倍! Must capture alive Qin Dongxue shortly, Li Kunwu happily smiles: Famous family honest more than 40 Expert, if must be won by you, how we also do have a face to see the person?!” 眼看就要生擒秦冬雪了,李昆吾得意一笑:“名门正派40多名高手,如果还要被你们赢了,那我们还怎么有脸见人?!” But, those who let the Li Kunwu surprise is, on the Qin Dongxue face does not have half a point the color of startled fear unexpectedly, still calm free, even also to/clashes him to show a faint smile. 可是,让李昆吾诧异的是,秦冬雪脸上竟没有半分的惊慌恐惧之色,依然淡定自如,甚至还冲他微微一笑。 That brat, for I spell now, if I had been caught by you at this time, how I also do have a face to make his Little Aunt?!” “那个臭小子为了我拼到现在,如果我这时候被你们抓了,那我还怎么有脸做他的小姨?!” During the speeches, Qin Dongxue lifts the hand to raise fiercely, three Fire Spiritual Talisman beat savagely, hits on Li Kunwu who directly, in has not guarded against, on arm, on body! 说话间,秦冬雪猛地抬手一扬,三张火灵符暴打而出,直接打在了毫无防备的李昆吾手上,手臂上,还有身体上! Near!” “临!” Qin Dongxue drinks one lightly, then displays Illusory Fish Dragon Steps, the tender body has been leaving behind an empty shadow same place, oneself has rushed over toward Ling Yun. 秦冬雪轻喝一声,然后施展幻影鱼龙步,娇躯在原地留下了一道虚影,本人已经向着凌云冲了过去。 The Qin Dongxue movement speed, is completely is not unexpectedly slower than Ling Yun many. 秦冬雪的身法速度,竟是完全不比凌云慢多少。 She compared with anybody knows that own is the Ling Yun's soft rib, for does not implicate Ling Yun, Qin Dongxue secretly had already buckled Divine Walking Talisman and three Fire Spiritual Talisman in the hand. 她比任何人都知道自己才是凌云的软肋,为了不拖累凌云,秦冬雪早就在手中暗暗扣了一张神行符和三张火灵符 Rumbling!” “轰轰轰!” Three shaking the heavens and earth crack, Li Kunwu has Innate True Qi to protect the body, was exploded burned black, covered with blood! 三声惊天动地的炸响,李昆吾就算有先天真气护体,也被炸了个一身焦黑,血肉模糊! The raging flame has burnt on Li Kunwu instantaneously! 熊熊烈火在李昆吾身上瞬间燃烧了起来! "Ah!" “啊!” Li Kunwu has become a hot person, his body burnt squeak squeak sound, the whole person dances with joy, goes all out to swat raging fire. 李昆吾成了一个火人,他的皮肉被烧的吱吱响,整个人手舞足蹈,拼命扑打着身上的烈火。 Ling Yun sees Qin Dongxue to be safe and sound, a heart loosen, this remembers, own today has prepared many self-defense Talisman to Little Aunt, has not thought that Little Aunt used unexpectedly at this time. 凌云看到秦冬雪安然无恙,心头一松,这才想起,自己今天可是给小姨准备了不少防身的符箓,没想到小姨竟然这时候用上了。 The care is chaotic, really so. 关心则乱,果然如此啊。 Dies!” “去死吧!” The Ling Yun's figure is similar to with lightning speed, to brandishing a blade, blade aura chops crazily suddenly directly together to Li Kunwu! 凌云的身形如同风驰电掣,狂冲中猛然挥刀,直接一道刀罡劈向李昆吾 Ling Yun the killing intent was too abundant at this time, he used 12 strength, made a move to be relentless! 凌云这时候杀机太盛了,他用出了12分的力量,出手毫不留情! Young Master is careful!” 少主小心!” The purple light and Zi Ye two people sees Li Kunwu to be in danger, greatly is immediately anxious, the reckless moving quickly comes, to stop a blade that Ling Yun this must kill! 紫光和紫叶两人李昆吾有生命危险,顿时大急,不顾一切飞身而来,阻拦凌云这必杀的一刀! Because the Zi Ye honorable person has little kept off the Ling Yun two blades, the speed was faster, he when at a crucial moment, kept off before the body of Li Kunwu! 紫叶真人因为少挡了凌云两刀,速度更快了一些,他在千钧一发之际,挡在了李昆吾的身前! Scoffs!” “嗤!” Paints black blade aura, divided the back of Zi Ye honorable person ruthlessly, after the Zi Ye honorable person, carried on the back a very long cutting edge, the blood crazily has spurted instantaneously, the white bones were dense! 漆黑色的刀罡,狠狠劈中了紫叶真人的后背,紫叶真人后背上瞬间多了一道很长的刀口,鲜血狂喷,白骨森森! Zi Ye honorable person right in the face Li Kunwu knocks down, two people instantaneously rolled in the raging fire and blood has made one group, that frigidity, is unable to describe in the spoken language. 紫叶真人劈头盖脸的把李昆吾扑倒在地,两人瞬间在烈火与鲜血中滚作了一团,那种惨烈,根本无法用言语形容。 This, was followed close on the purple light honorable person who comes and by the Zi Yang honorable person who Ling Yun fights with the fists to fly looked, simply eye socket wants to crack, two people reckless flushed toward Ling Yun! 这一幕,紧跟而来的紫光真人和被凌云一拳打飞的紫阳真人看了,简直目眦欲裂,两人不顾一切的向着凌云冲了过来! But was rescued a moment ago by Li Kunwu, Dragon Tiger Mountain Priest Xi Xia and Priest Qing Feng, without hesitation the moving quickly, prevented Ling Yun at this time. 而刚才被李昆吾救下的,龙虎山栖霞道长和青峰道长,此时也毫不犹豫飞身而出,阻挡住了凌云 Ling Yun has stopped the figure, protected Qin Dongxue firmly after behind, lifted the hand to cancel lip angle the blood, is looking at present four people, said indifferently: I have said that no matter who, dares to sneak attack my Little Aunt, must pay the life price.” 凌云止住了身形,把秦冬雪牢牢护在了身后,抬手抹去唇角儿的鲜血,望着眼前四人,冷漠说道:“我说过,不管是谁,敢偷袭我小姨,就得付出生命代价。” Then, Ling Yun silently pulled out Pure Healing Talisman, the towards own chest has used, because a moment ago went all out, his chest withstood the strength of huge counter- shaking, was equal to withstanding the union of Kunlun Three Swords to strike forcefully, wound was very fierce. 说完,凌云默默的掏出一张清愈符,对着自己胸口使用了,刚才因为拼命,他的胸口承受了巨大的反震之力,等于硬生生承受了昆仑三剑的联合一击,伤的很厉害。 Moreover, present Ling Yun, the genuine oil completely lamp was finally dry. 而且,现在的凌云,终于真正的油尽灯枯了。 Silently therapy in Ling Yun, preparation at one fell swoop four people kill at present completely, communication that his body carries suddenly starts the twinkling illumination. 就在凌云默默疗伤,准备一举把眼前四人全部杀死的时候,他身上携带的通讯器突然开始闪烁发光。 The Ling Yun complexion changes, catches up to follow closely the telephone conversation. 凌云脸色一变,赶紧接起通话。 Big Brother, No. 1 villa was besieged, comes back with the quickest speed!” 哥哥,一号别墅被围攻,用最快的速度回来!”
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