DEMG :: Volume #10

#985: overbearing strength

Ling Yun to the commendation of Li Kunwu, is heartfelt. 凌云李昆吾的称赞,是由衷的。 Because Li Kunwu that figure turns, the wrist/skill sinks, changes punctures to truncate, although seems is only several very simple movements, may in the Ling Yun's eye, that already the true meaning of very to get close to military. 因为李昆吾那身形一扭,手腕一沉,变刺为削,虽然看上去只是几个很简单的动作,可在凌云的眼里,那已经很接近武之真谛。 The true meaning of what military? Determines the final outcome to lose among the square inches, is the true meaning of military. 何谓武之真谛?决胜负于方寸之间,就是武之真谛。 Ling Yun opposes the enemy, domineering crush, defeats a superior enemy, no matter his method is how full, actually throughout deference this point firmly. 凌云对敌,无论是强势碾压,还是以弱胜强,不管他如何手段百出,却始终都牢牢的遵守这一点。 All fights nothing but attack and defense, the goal is gains the greatest victory with the minimum price. 所有的战斗无非就是攻击和防御,目的就是用最小的代价取得最大的胜利。 Strength, movement, style...... All methods, serve for this goal. 力量,身法,招式……所有的手段,都是为了这一个目的服务。 For example Ling Yun, he more than once directly charges into the sword of enemy to be sharp tonight, then when the sword of match stabs sharp shortly the own body, as if a sea-monster is common, the lightning is sideways, then pastes the sword blade to slide. 比如凌云,他今晚不止一次直接冲向敌人的剑尖,然后在对手的剑尖眼看刺中自己身体的时候,才仿佛一条游鱼一般,闪电侧身,然后贴着剑身一滑而过。 Priest Cang Song condenses the lifetime martial arts essence a sword, only almost stabbed Ling Yun, may not stab. 苍松道长凝聚毕生武功精华的一剑,只差一点儿就刺中凌云了,可到底还是没有刺中。 Has not stabbed has not stabbed, so long as has not stabbed, misses one one thousandth with missing two meters three meters, does not have any difference to Ling Yun, because Ling Yun has not been injured. 没有刺中就是没有刺中,只要没有刺中,差着一毫一厘跟差着两米三米,对凌云来说没有任何区别,因为凌云没有受伤。 But regarding Priest Cang Song, all becomes is different, his long sword punctures, the style uses old, changed has incurred without enough time, this was bullied Ling Yun that the body enters, strikes to go well! 但对于苍松道长来说,一切就变得不一样了,他长剑刺出,招式用老,已经来不及变招了,这才被欺身而进的凌云,一击得手! This is Expert contests, being led far astray by a slight error erroneous by thousand li (500 km) basic reason. 这就是高手过招,差之毫厘谬以千里的根本原因。 But Li Kunwu is a sword punctures similarly, Ling Yun is charges into the sword to be sharp similarly, he is still the danger dangerous being sideways slides, avoided the sword to be sharp successfully, then a fist pounded to the sword blade. 李昆吾同样是一剑刺出,凌云同样是冲向剑尖,他依然是险之又险的侧身一滑,成功避开了剑尖,然后一拳砸向剑身。 What the Ling Yun's body dashes is the body of Li Kunwu, what the fist pounds is the Li Kunwu long sword, Ling Yun hides in thrilling, strikes in the square inches, was turned instantaneously passively on own initiative! 凌云的身体冲撞的是李昆吾的身体,拳头砸的是李昆吾的长剑,凌云于惊险间一躲,在方寸间一击,瞬间由被动变成了主动! Li Kunwu complete was turned on own initiative passively, the choice that he remains are not many, either puts together one with Ling Yun hardly, either the moving quickly escapes! 李昆吾则完全的由主动变成了被动,他所剩的选择不多,要么跟凌云硬拼一记,要么飞身远遁! But the Li Kunwu two ways are both useless, he is only the figure turns, only steps one step, avoided the Ling Yun's body to dash, then the wrist/skill sank, made the sword blade avoid the Ling Yun's fist, then instead truncated Ling Yun. 李昆吾两种方式都没有用,他只是身形一扭,只跨一步,就躲开了凌云的身体冲撞,然后手腕一沉,就让剑身避开了凌云的拳头,然后反削凌云 The avoidance, always does not need to hide 35 zhang (3.33 m) far, so long as can make the opposite party not attack own to be enough! 躲避,从来都不需要躲出35丈远,只要能让对方攻击不到自己就已足够! The hosts and visitors transpose, the attack and defense transforms, in the square inches, kills for the mind/square inch! 主客易位,攻防转换,都在方寸之间,是为方寸杀! This was Ling Yun won the only way of victory and defeat in the fight originally, now saw that had been used by Li Kunwu casually, he naturally not parsimonious commendation opposite party. 这本来是凌云于战斗中赢得胜负手的不二法门,现在看到被李昆吾随随便便用了出来,他当然毫不吝啬的称赞对方。 Ling Yun commended was not the Li Kunwu movement and swordsmanship, but was Li Kunwu regarding the understanding of Martial Arts. 凌云称赞的并不是李昆吾的身法和剑法,而是李昆吾对于武学的理解。 The Li Kunwu two swords, the floating body does not retrocede, fell back in own initiative has been away from Ling Yun one zhang (3.33 m) far place, held a sword to stand. 李昆吾两剑不中,飘身后退,主动退到了距离凌云一丈远的地方,仗剑而立。 He raises the chin slightly, is looking at Ling Yun, said lightly: Your movement is also good.” 他微微扬起下巴,望着凌云,淡淡说道:“你的身法也不错。” During earthliness, can present your such Expert unexpectedly, I am very surprised.” “俗世当中,竟然能出现你这样的高手,我很惊讶。” The appearance that Li Kunwu exhibits an extra mundane person of high skill, then also frowned said: But I am very repugnant you, is very disgusting your actions, because you is not only very crazy, is very shameless!” 李昆吾摆出一副世外高人的样子,然后又皱眉道:“但我很讨厌你这个人,很恶心你的所作所为,因为你不但很狂,更很无耻!” Ling Yun has not refuted, a lifting hand move silently, displays Absorbing Cultivation Great Technique, loses Cui Zhu falls, in the long sword of ground attracted in own. 凌云没有反驳,默默的抬手一招,施展吸功大法,把翠竹丢落在地上的长剑吸到了自己手里。 Only listens to Li Kunwu also saying: Fights the sneak attack, what heroes calculates?” 只听李昆吾又说道:“打架偷袭,算哪门子英雄好汉?” „The fight between Ancient Martial World, do you use the bow and arrow unexpectedly? You can also display again shameless a little?” 古武界之间的战斗,你竟然使用弓箭?你还能表现的再无耻一点儿吗?” Ling Yun in seven zhang (3.33 m) distance, the use that valiant golden color big bow, has truly surpassed Li Kunwu cognition bottom line, therefore he makes a move, rescued Dragon Tiger Mountain Xi Xia and Qing Feng two people. 凌云在七丈距离之内,使用那么彪悍的金色大弓,确实超出了李昆吾认知的底线,所以他才出手,救下了龙虎山栖霞青峰两人 Listens to Li Kunwu to talk endlessly there, Ling Yun has not nearly smiled to make noise, he is also disinclined to refute the opposite party anything, said: You are fight, comes on the martial arts world morals class? You must hit hit, one side does not hit to roll to me, don't with woman here verbose, is listening bothersomely!” 听着李昆吾在那里喋喋不休,凌云差点儿没笑出声来,他也懒得去驳斥对方什么,说道:“你到底是来打架的,还是来上武林道德课的?你要打就打,不打就给我滚一边去,别跟个娘们儿似的在这里絮絮叨叨,听着烦!” Li Kunwu flies into a rage immediately, his long sword finger/refers of Ling Yun: You said that who is woman?!” 李昆吾顿时勃然大怒,他长剑一指凌云:“你说谁是娘们儿?!” Ling Yun hehe said with a smile: Naturally says you.” 凌云嘿嘿一笑道:“当然是说你。” Has Li Kunwu from infancy to maturity, how could received this treatment? He by reddening all over the face of Ling Yun air/Qi, was said fierce: Good, I ensure you will regret to say quickly!” 李昆吾从小到大,何曾受过这种待遇?他被凌云气的满脸通红,厉声说道:“好,我保证你很快就会后悔这么说!” With your blade!” “用你的刀!” Ling Yun haha one happy, shook in the hand the long sword to say with a smile: Copes with you, but also has no need for Nether Blood Demon Blade, this long sword is enough.” 凌云哈哈一乐,晃了晃手中长剑笑道:“对付你,还用不着冥血魔刀,这柄长剑足以。” Li Kunwu felt Ling Yun's to despise, being more dead than alive day that he was mad, clenched teeth suddenly, raises the sword to clash! 李昆吾感受到了凌云的蔑视,他气的一佛出世二佛升天,猛然一咬牙,提剑就冲了过来! The Ling Yun smiling face collects, unfolds the leaving shape, moved forward to meet somebody directly, two long swords from the sky intersect, gold/metal Tiejiao called, two people frequented each other instantaneously, the war made one. 凌云笑容一敛,展动身形,直接就迎了上去,两把长剑在空中相交,金铁交鸣,两人瞬间你来我往,战作一处。 Kunlun Sword Sect, from Kunlun Mountain, the practice heart method is called Dry Yuan Cultivation, martial arts takes the swordsmanship and palm law as strongest, the Kunlun swordsmanship and heavenly astral palm, is the Kunlun Sword Sect two unique skills. 昆仑剑派,来自昆仑山,修炼的心法叫做乾元功,武功以剑法和掌法为最强,其中昆仑剑法和天罡掌,乃是昆仑剑派的两项绝技。 Li Kunwu makes a move, uses is the Kunlun swordsmanship, the atmosphere with overpowering momentum, just like lofty Kunlun, the style opens greatly gathers greatly, the style is vigorous and enjoyable. 李昆吾一出手,用的就是昆仑剑法,气势磅礴大气,犹如巍巍昆仑,招式大开大合,招式雄浑而又写意。 What Ling Yun use is Little Phaseless Swordsmanship, is coordinating Illusory Fish Dragon Steps, flashes the show to organize in the square inches, has tight security, does not give a Li Kunwu opportunity. 凌云使用的是小无相剑法,配合着幻影鱼龙步,闪展腾挪于方寸之间,防守严密,不给李昆吾一丝机会。 Li Kunwu was disregarded by Ling Yun one after another even shames, in his chest has anger, incurs the move to assault, needs to cut to kill Ling Yun under the sword. 李昆吾凌云接连无视甚至羞辱,他胸中自有一股怒火,招招抢攻,务求斩杀凌云于剑下。 But Ling Yun is actually neither fast nor slow, he when the defense, has been observing the Li Kunwu sword to incur indifferently, and secret in in the heart. 凌云却是不疾不徐,他在防守之余,一直在冷眼观察着李昆吾的剑招,并暗暗记在了心中 Yes, Ling Yun is stealing the master now. 是的,凌云现在就是在偷师。 sword aura vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, two swords hand over engine knock continuously unceasingly, has caused 72 type Kunlun swordsmanship after Li Kunwu completely. 剑气纵横,两剑交击声一直不断,直到李昆吾把72式昆仑剑法全部使了一遍之后。 Li Kunwu punctured a mysterious sword, Ling Yun wields a sword to separate casually, then he showed a faint smile: This move of you had used a moment ago.” 李昆吾又刺出玄奥的一剑,凌云随便挥剑就隔开了,然后他微微一笑:“这招你刚才已经用过了。” Li Kunwu stares immediately. 李昆吾立即一愣。 Ling Yun hehe said with a smile: „The Kunlun swordsmanship, altogether 72 moves, I had asked for advice.” 凌云嘿嘿笑道:“昆仑剑法,一共72招,我已经都领教过了。” This time I already have not sneak attacked, has not used the bow and arrow......” “这次我可是既没有偷袭,也没有使用弓箭哦……” Ling Yun emphasized that then a sword chops suddenly! 凌云强调了一句,然后猛然一剑劈出! Li Kunwu wields a sword to resist without hesitation, two sword junctions strike once again! 李昆吾毫不犹豫挥剑抵挡,两剑又一次交击! Dāng!” “当!” Clear loud noise, Li Kunwu was shaken fingers/tiger mouth to tingle with numbness, the figure cannot help but backed up three steps! 一声清脆的巨响,李昆吾被震得虎口发麻,身形不由自主的倒退了三步! He has stood firm the figure with great difficulty, actually discovers sword aura to caress the face, the Ling Yun's second sword arrived! Still is rudely! 他好不容易稳住了身形,却发现剑气扑面,凌云的第二剑又到了!依然是势大力沉! Felt that the Ling Yun this second sword compared with also wanted overbearing, Li Kunwu both hands to grip the sword hilt a moment ago without hesitation, the going all out standard keeps off! 感觉到凌云这第二剑比刚才还要霸道,李昆吾毫不犹豫双手握住剑柄,拼命格挡! Dāng!” “当!” Also is loud noise, two swords hand over striking place sparks flying in all directions! 又是一声巨响,两剑交击处火花四溅! Li Kunwu was shaken again draws back, this time he backed up five steps! 李昆吾再次被震退,这次他倒退了五步! Li Kunwu complexion big change, he understood a Point Dragon Tiger Mountain finally suddenly faintly Priest Cang Song, as if because , was not only lost by the Ling Yun sneak attack. 李昆吾终于脸色大变,他心里忽然隐隐明白了一点——龙虎山苍松道长,似乎并不只是因为被凌云偷袭才输的。 Also is not the Dragon Tiger Mountain swordsmanship is not very exquisite. 也不是龙虎山的剑法不够精妙。 Dragon Tiger Mountain loses, lost in the Ling Yun's strength! 龙虎山输,是输在了凌云的力量上! Is this possible? 只是,这怎么可能? Li Kunwu is only one listens to Ji Xiaoqing to relate that he had inquired in detail Ling Yun and Guo Xiaotian combat process, knows Ling Yun once got sucked struggles hard, towards Guo Xiaotian Heavenly Sword rumbled several hundred fists! 李昆吾是唯一一个听过纪小晴诉说的,他详细询问过凌云郭校天的战斗过程,知道凌云曾经深陷苦战,对着郭校天天剑轰出了几百拳! Then Ling Yun punches Liu Suifeng, extinguishes Netherworld Cult, defeats Dragon Tiger Mountain...... 然后凌云柳随风,灭幽冥教,败龙虎山…… Even if the Ling Yun strength is strong, within the body True Qi is abundant, in killing these many people, after the fight is so long, this consumption similar! 就算凌云力量强大,体内真气雄厚,在杀了这么多人,战斗这么久之后,也该消耗的差不多了啊! But Li Kunwu two swords that after resisting the Ling Yun strength rose suddenly, discovered impressively, the Ling Yun's physical strength not only has not consumed many, instead aggressive very! 李昆吾在抵挡了凌云力量暴涨的两剑之后,赫然发现,凌云的体力不但没有消耗多少,反而生猛的很! Judgment of Li Kunwu actually not wrong, although Ling Yun the successive defeats enemy, kills Guo Xiaotian, hits Liu Suifeng, the second kills Netherworld Cult, routs Dragon Tiger Mountain, seems awe-inspiring...... 李昆吾的判断其实没有错,凌云虽然连败敌人,杀郭校天,打柳随风,秒杀幽冥教,大败龙虎山,看上去威风八面…… But Ling Yun's physical strength and True Qi consumption, similarly to astonishing situation, if Li Kunwu did not save others a moment ago, Ling Yun after hitting remnantly Xi Xia and Qing Feng, or the rest, either drinks dragon saliva to supplement spiritual energy, otherwise, could not withstand. 凌云的体力和真气消耗,也同样到了惊人的地步,如果刚才李昆吾不救人,凌云在打残了栖霞青峰之后,要么休息,要么喝龙涎补充灵气,否则的话,根本顶不住了。 But Li Kunwu jumped at this time, with Ling Yun verbose half-day/long time, making Ling Yun have the opportunity of respite, then two people the dogfight to the present, Ling Yun's True Qi already restored less than half. 李昆吾这时候跳了出来,跟凌云絮叨了半天,让凌云有了喘息之机,然后两人又缠斗到现在,凌云的真气早就恢复了一小半儿。 To recover the energy, Ling Yun can change the style, accompanied pure Li Kunwu to play was so long? 要不是为了恢复体力,凌云又怎么会一改风格,陪着单纯的李昆吾玩儿了这么久? Now, Ling Yun's True Qi restored 50%, the Kunlun swordsmanship also studies was similar, his where has time to continue with Li Kunwu to consume? 现在,凌云的真气恢复了五成,昆仑剑法也学的差不多了,他哪有时间继续跟李昆吾耗下去? What I teach you am the true swordsmanship!” “我教教你什么叫真正的剑法!” Ling Yun is looking chop Li Kunwu that backs up again and again, is no longer lenient, makes the blade with the sword, chops once more to Li Kunwu. 凌云望着被劈的连连倒退的李昆吾,不再手软,以剑作刀,再次劈向李昆吾 Ling Yun revolved peak Yin-Yang Energy Secret Art, the arm strength rose suddenly, puts forth pounds full power to Li Kunwu. 凌云一气阴阳诀运转到了极致,手臂力量暴涨,使出全力砸向李昆吾 Yes, this sword is not dividing, is pounding! 是的,这一剑不是在劈,是在砸! Most barbaric, is most valiant, is most direct, is not fancy, but the speed is also fastest, will draw near was indescribable! 最野蛮,最彪悍,最直接,毫无花俏,但速度也最快,快到了无法形容! The Li Kunwu complexion again changes, in flash Kunlun Dry Yuan Cultivation promoted peak, both hands to grasp the sword, was cutting horizontally to the long sword that Ling Yun pounded! 李昆吾脸色再变,在一瞬间把昆仑乾元功提升到了极致,双手握剑,横着斩向凌云砸来的长剑! Bang!” “轰!” First was two concentrates solid sword aura to hit ruthlessly in one, was two sharp swords assumes the cross intersection! 先是两道凝实的剑气狠狠撞在了一起,然后是两柄利剑呈十字相交! Clang! 当啷! A resounding, two long swords simultaneously accordingly break! 一声脆响,两柄长剑同时应声而断! Li Kunwu lets go, spits blood flying upside down, his two eyes stare perfectly round, in the look filled has shocked the panic-stricken color! 李昆吾撒手,吐血倒飞,他两只眼睛瞪得溜圆,眼神里充满了震撼惊骇之色! Because of a moment ago, Li Kunwu felt clearly, the strength on the Ling Yun sword blade transmitting, at least is his four times! 因为刚才,李昆吾清晰感觉到,凌云剑身上传来的力道,至少是他的四倍! Young Master is careful!” 少主小心!” „It is not good!” “不好!” Rescues Young Master quickly!” “快救少主!” Kunlun Three Swords already could not repress, now saw that Li Kunwu is broken the person to fly by the sword that Ling Yun pounds, immediately flushed, a person caught Li Kunwu, moreover two people was holds a sword to block Ling Yun. 昆仑三剑早就按捺不住了,现在看到李昆吾凌云砸的剑断人飞,立即冲了出来,一人接住了李昆吾,另外两人则是仗剑挡住了凌云 Ling Yun this time has not followed up a victory with hot pursuit. 凌云这次并没有乘胜追击。 Now, Dragon Tiger Mountain has abandoned, Kunlun Sword Sect Li Kunwu has been injured, but Shaolin and Wudang observe in side throughout have not gotten rid. 现在,龙虎山已经废了,昆仑剑派李昆吾已经受伤,而少林和武当始终在旁观战没有出手。 As for Divine Sword Village, Ling Yun already did not consider. 至于神剑山庄,凌云早就不考虑了。 If your Kunlun Sword Sect knows the limitation, so long as replied that I several issues, I allow you to descend the mountain, will not feel embarrassed you absolutely.” “如果你们昆仑剑派识相的话,只要回答我几个问题,我就允许你们下山,绝对不会为难你们。” Ling Yun crosses the hands behind the back to stand, towards blocks two people before body to say. 凌云负手而立,对着拦在身前的两人说道。 Two teacher's younger brothers, do not listen to his words, now he is the oil lamp is completely dry, you hurried to kill him, then has grasped Qin Dongxue, brought back to Divine Sword Village to stand trial!” “两位师叔,不要听他的话,现在他已经是油尽灯枯,你们赶紧杀了他,然后抓了秦冬雪,带回神剑山庄受审!” Li Kunwu was supported by the Zi Ye honorable person, figure sways to stand, coughs up blood to say. 李昆吾紫叶真人扶住,身形摇晃站立,咳血说道。 Is the oil lamp completely dry? Grasps my Little Aunt? 油尽灯枯?抓我小姨 Ling Yun has smiled, the thought moves, Nether Blood Demon Blade presents left hand, he did not say a word, moving quickly! 凌云笑了,意念一动,冥血魔刀出现左手,他一言不发,飞身而起! The anger cuts the world! 怒斩天下!
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