DEMG :: Volume #10

#984: An arrow broken enemy ranks!

Ling Yun depend on the tendency of binding crazily flushing, towards Priest Cang Song chops the potential such as to rush to the thunder a blade! 凌云挟裹着狂冲的势头,对着苍松道长劈出了势如奔雷的一刀! Priest Cang Song the complexion is dignified, the floating body flies to draw back without hesitation, does not forget to wield a sword in figure suddenly/violently to retreat, with sword aura, blocks that together blade aura that has divided together unexpectedly successfully. 苍松道长脸色凝重,毫不犹豫飘身飞退,在身形暴退中不忘挥出一剑,用一道剑气,竟成功挡住了劈来的那一道刀罡 Bang!” “轰!” blade aura and sword aura bump into, send out loudly loud noise! 刀罡剑气相撞,发出一声轰然巨响 Priest Cang Song was shaken the figure to accelerate to retrocede, the instantaneous surface like the spirit money, the left arm just dressed the good wound, was shaken completely. 苍松道长被震得身形加速后退,瞬间面如金纸,左臂刚刚包扎好的伤口,又全部被震开了。 Before Ling Yun, figure that to/clashes anti- slow one slow, but at this moment, Ling Yun back sword aura from out of the blue, three sharp swords simultaneously turn toward behind Ling Yun to puncture unexpectedly! 凌云前冲的身形则被阻的缓了一缓,而就在这时,凌云背后剑气破空,三柄利剑竟同时向着凌云背后刺来! Three dense sword aura bodies! 三道森然剑气袭体! Comes is so quick?!” “来的这么快?!” If Ling Yun at this time wants to avoid, already was without enough time, he can only choose keeps off hardly. 凌云这时候要想躲避,已然是来不及了,他只能选择硬挡。 Ling Yun turns around suddenly, simultaneously in the hand Nether Blood Demon Blade takes advantage of opportunity sweeps from bottom to top, three sharp swords that the danger in dangerous dividing punctured! 凌云猛然转身,同时手中冥血魔刀顺势从下往上一扫,险之又险的劈中了刺来的三柄利剑! Dāng ding-dong!” “当当当!” Three clear gold/metal iron junctions have resounded, Xi Xia, Cui Zhu, Qing Feng, the swords of three long swords are sharp, was shaken unexpectedly completely shoots up to the sky! 三声清脆的金铁交鸣响过,栖霞,翠竹,青峰,三柄长剑的剑尖,竟全部被震得冲天而起! Ling Yun is in spite of being very busy is turning around to help oneself, by an enemy three, this he does not feel better, only thinks within the body True Qi, a high and low surges. 凌云是在百忙之中转身自救,又是以一敌三,这一下他也不好过,只觉体内真气,一阵上下翻腾。 „!” “咻咻咻!” The sword soars to the heavens sharp, whisks to pound to fall, three whisking simultaneously pull out to the Ling Yun's top of the head! 剑尖冲天,拂尘砸落,三把拂尘同时抽向凌云的头顶! So is unexpectedly tacit?” “竟然这么默契?” Ling Yun this time has not chosen keeps off hardly, his decisive leaving flew to draw back, avoids that three handles to spawn. 凌云这一次没有选择硬挡,他果断的抽身飞退,避开了那三柄甩子。 Snort!” “哼!” sword aura comes together from out of the blue, is Priest Cang Song who retreats, his body across the sky, welcomed the direction that Ling Yun was flashing to draw back unexpectedly, sharply punctured! 一道剑气破空而来,是退走的苍松道长,他竟身体横空,迎着凌云闪退的方向,急刺而来! First has three sharp swords and three whisks spells hardly, latter has Priest Cang Song full power a sword sneak attack, but Ling Yun is retroceding to move aside, that situation, as if Ling Yun own is turning toward the sword of Priest Cang Song to hit sharp. 前有三柄利剑和三把拂尘硬拼,后有苍松道长全力一剑偷袭,而凌云正后退躲闪,那种情形,就仿佛凌云自己在向着苍松道长的剑尖撞去。 Ling Yun is careful!” Qin Dongxue looked at this thrilling one, cannot bear beautiful face changing colors. 凌云小心!”秦冬雪看了这惊险一幕,忍不住花容失色。 Hey!” “嘿!” In this is at a crucial moment, Ling Yun aspirated the sound, the body hangs the midair to come arid land pull Cong, the body to raise three zhang (3.33 m) unexpectedly once more! 就在这千钧一发之际,凌云吐气开声,身悬半空竟是又来了一次旱地拔葱,身体再次拔高三丈! Priest Cang Song a sword punctures spatially, does not worry, his body with ground parallel, straight rushed over toward the front three Junior Brothers. 苍松道长一剑刺空,却并不着急,他身体跟地面平行,直直的向着前面三位师弟冲了过去。 Priest Xi Xia footsteps gently one wrong, to Priest Cang Song avoids a position, then protected Priest Cang Song after behind, simultaneously three people of three long swords simultaneously the thorn to the vault of heaven! 栖霞道长脚步轻轻一错,给冲来的苍松道长避开一个位置,然后把苍松道长护在了身后,同时三人三柄长剑同时刺向苍穹! Ling Yun in four zhang (3.33 m) upper air, the Dragon Tiger Mountain three long swords naturally could not have reached him at this time, but sword aura suffices. 凌云此时还在四丈高空,龙虎山三柄长剑自然够不着他,可剑气够的着。 As if this time, Ling Yun hid not to be possible really to hide, must be stabbed by three swift and fierce sword aura shortly! 似乎这一次,凌云真的躲无可躲了,眼看就要被三道凌厉的剑气刺中! Snort! Do not think too beautifully!” “哼!别想得太美!” In the Ling Yun hand Nether Blood Demon Blade cuts downward continually three times, leaning this way and that that three sword aura chop, simultaneously the figure skyrockets with the strength of counter- shaking once more! 凌云手中冥血魔刀向下连斩三次,把那三道剑气劈的东倒西歪,同时身形借着反震之力再次扶摇直上! Priest Chong Xu the hand twists must steadily, nods approves continually: Dragon Tiger Mountain Vanquishing Dragons and Tigers Formation, is truly good.” 冲虚道长手捻长须,颔首连赞:“龙虎山降龙伏虎阵,确实不俗。” What his mouth in praise is Dragon Tiger Mountain, the eye is staring throughout actually forced Ling Yun that raises again and again, in the eye the color of applause is more abundant, may have faint worry. 他口中赞的是龙虎山,眼睛始终盯着的却是被逼迫的连连拔高的凌云,眼中赞许之色更盛,可还有一丝隐隐的担忧。 Expert contests, if really does not have the means that nobody will choose to hide to airborne, because that is the big death anniversary. 高手过招,如果不是实在没有办法,没有人会选择躲向空中,因为那是大忌。 As the saying goes the strength from the place, you are in airborne is unable to borrow the strength, the enemy of ground eyes covetously, but Ling Yun has traded two tones continuously, can trade third again? 俗话说力从地起,你身在空中无法借力,地上的敌人虎视眈眈,而凌云已经连续换了两口气了,难道还能再换第三口? Only if truly achieves first Heaven 9 level boundary, within the body True Qi circulation is pleasant, can achieve this point. 除非真正达到先天九层境界,体内真气流转如意,才能做到这一点。 But Ling Yun the strength is very strong, but Priest Chong Xu or Master Jue Yuan, can look, he is also far from achieving the first Heaven 9 level boundary. 凌云虽然实力很强,可无论是冲虚道长还是觉远禅师,都能看得出来,他还远远没有达到先天九层境界。 Ling Yun has not certainly achieved the first Heaven 9 level, even is also missing the 1-layer window paper including Innate Realm, he truly cannot raise once more air/Qi. 凌云当然没有达到先天九层,甚至连先天境界都还差着一层窗户纸,他也确实不能再次提气了。 But he is in the upper air, is looking at four sharp swords of below cold light sparkle, can speak unexpectedly: formation law is good, I did not have means.” 可他身在高空,望着下方寒光闪耀的四柄利剑,竟还能说话:“阵法不错,我没有办法了。” Ling Yun said does not have the means that this makes the Dragon Tiger Mountain four people simultaneously the heart secretly rejoice, the mind has also roused. 凌云说没有办法,这让龙虎山四人同时心头暗喜,心神也同时振奋了一下。 Dragon Tiger Mountain fellow apprentices four, exhibit Vanquishing Dragons and Tigers Formation, four Great Expert hit Ling Yun one, this biography, although is not very of pleasant to hear, but so long as tonight can leave behind the Ling Yun's life, loses a face calculates what? 龙虎山师兄弟四个,摆开降龙伏虎阵,四大高手凌云一个,这传出去虽然很不好听,可今晚只要能留下凌云的性命,丢点儿面子又算的了什么? May not wait for these four fellow apprentices heart that a little happy intent and rouses to proliferate, they simultaneously become dumbstruck! 可还不等这四个师兄弟心头那一点儿喜意和振奋扩散开来,他们同时都变得目瞪口呆 All people stared in a big way the eye, winked, witnesses Ling Yun both hands to gather, Nether Blood Demon Blade in hand vanished suddenly does not see, displacing unexpectedly was a shining big bow! 所有人瞪大了眼睛,一眨不眨,亲眼目睹凌云双手一合,手中的冥血魔刀骤然消失不见,取而代之的竟然是一张金灿灿的大弓! Yes, Brother Yun truly did not have the means with the blade, he has not deceived people, but he also had Space Ring, in the ring also had Gold Bow sharp arrow! 是的,云哥用刀确实是没有办法了,他没有骗人,可他还有空间戒指,戒指里面还有金弓利箭 Ling Yun occupies a commanding position, grasps golden big bow, the overwhelming power like the deity, left hand draws, bow like full moon! 凌云居高临下,手持黄金大弓,威猛如天神,左手拉弓,弓如满月! Drawing does not need to take a breath, even if Ling Yun can also draw in the body drop process! 拉弓是不需要换气的,哪怕凌云在身体下降过程中也可以拉弓! Above Ling Yun's left hand completely empty, does not have arrows. 只是凌云的左手之上空空如也,并没有箭矢 But Ling Yun, since can change a eye-catching / flashy big bow comes out baseless, naturally can also change four sharp arrow comes out. 凌云既然能凭空变一张拉风的大弓出来,自然也能变四支利箭出来。 Four all over the body silver white, is reflecting cold light sharp arrow under moonlight, shortly will build baseless above the bowstring! 四支通体银白,在月光下反射着寒光的利箭,凭空而出,顷刻之间搭在了弓弦之上! Ling Yun lets go suddenly! 凌云猛然撒手! Without any sound, does not have the bowstring trembling sound, does not have the sharp arrow from out of the blue sound, even does not have the path that sharp arrow projects! 没有任何声音,没有弓弦震颤声,没有利箭破空声,甚至没有利箭射出的轨迹! Because was too quick! Is quicker than the bullet that in the bore of gun projects! 因为太快了!比枪膛里射出的子弹还要快! Ling Yun from the Dragon Tiger Mountain fellow apprentices four people of ground, only has 56 zhang (3.33 m) distance! 凌云距离地面的龙虎山师兄弟四人,只有56丈距离而已! Dodge opens!” “快闪开!” Priest Cang Song complexion big change, in the eye flashes through wipes to be alarmed and afraid and anxious, bellows crazily! 苍松道长脸色大变,眼中闪过一抹惊惧和焦虑,疯狂大吼! In a twinkling, occurred in blinking at this moment actually, no matter Priest Chong Xu applause, is Ling Yun's is helpless, as well as bellowing of Priest Cang Song, the sound has not dissipated actually! 说时迟那时快,这一刻其实都发生在眨眼之间,不管是冲虚道长的赞许,还是凌云的无奈,以及苍松道长的大吼,其实声音都还没有消散! Priest Cang Song displayed peak movement technique in a flash, went all out to want the place that left own to stand, simultaneously in the hand the long sword wielded before the body crazily! 苍松道长一瞬间把轻功施展到了极致,拼命想要离开自己站立的地方,同时手中长剑在身前疯狂挥动! Cannot shunt, even if stops with the long sword well. 躲不开,哪怕用长剑阻拦一下也好。 The Xi Xia Cui Zhu Qing Feng three heads, the nature is consistent with the procedure of Priest Cang Song, but in their hands are many one to whisk, is both hands simultaneous/uniform Hui. 栖霞翠竹青峰三名天师,自然跟苍松道长的做法一致,只不过他们手上都多一把拂尘,是双手齐挥。 What what a pity is, their responses are quick, was inferior the arrow that Ling Yun projects is quick! 可惜的是,就算他们的反应再快,也不如凌云射出的箭快! Clank clank!” “铮铮铮铮!” This is not the long sword chops to fly or whisk to sweep the arrows sound, after this is four sharp arrow are quietly to penetrate the Dragon Tiger Mountain four people of bodies, spike the ground rock the sound. 这不是长剑劈飞或者拂尘扫中箭矢的声音,这是四支利箭悄无声息穿透龙虎山四人的身体之后,钉入地面岩石的声音。 Dragon Tiger Mountain four heads, body were simultaneously many two holes, blood from their wounds, flows out! 龙虎山四名天师,身上同时多了两个窟窿,鲜血从他们身前身后的伤口中,汩汩流出! Then is the four sounds varying degrees stuffy, almost does not divide resounding successively! 然后才是四声不同程度的闷哼,几乎不分先后的响起! Where the Dragon Tiger Mountain four heads could also attend to protecting the formation law position at this time, everybody were going all out to move aside a moment ago, already messed up. 龙虎山四名天师这时候哪里还顾得上守护阵法位置,刚才人人都在拼命躲闪,早就乱了套了。 Naturally, fortunately, these four bad luck ghosts have avoided the strategic point, the place of arrow mostly on the leg, was passed through by a Ling Yun arrow. 当然,值得庆幸的是,这四个倒霉鬼都避开了要害,中箭的地方大都在腿上,被凌云一箭贯穿。 Ling Yun occupies a commanding position the archery, what aiming is four people of chest positions, they go all out to move aside, even if only moves one step, injured can only be two legs. 凌云居高临下射箭,瞄准的是四人的胸口位置,他们拼命躲闪,哪怕只挪动一步,受伤的就只能是两条腿。 Ling Yun fell to the ground at this time, in both hands is penniless once more, he looks at distressed type of Dragon Tiger Mountain four big heads, smiles: Thinks really I do fear your nonsense formation law? Is disinclined to waste time on you.” 凌云这时已经落地,双手之中再次两手空空,他看着龙虎山四大天师的狼狈样儿,嘿嘿一笑:“真以为我怕你们的狗屁阵法啊?只是懒得在你们身上浪费时间而已。” Saw that Ling Yun gets sucked must die place, instead only used an arrow to break Dragon Tiger Mountain Vanquishing Dragons and Tigers Formation, turned defeat into victory, all observing completely dumbstruck! 看到凌云深陷必死之地,反而只用了一箭就破了龙虎山降龙伏虎阵,反败为胜,所有观战者全部目瞪口呆 They forget Brother Yun now are now in the world most awesome magician. 他们都忘了云哥现在乃是当今世界上最牛逼的“魔术师”了。 Dragon Tiger Mountain formation law broke, Ling Yun is in power does not forgive the person, after he ridiculed opposite party one, the figure sticks out suddenly, the lightning charges into Priest Cang Song generally! 龙虎山阵法已破,凌云得势不饶人,他讥讽了对方一句之后,身形暴起,闪电一般冲向苍松道长! Priest Cang Song the left arm is waste, the thigh is injured, the movement already did not stagnate spirit, where can avoid Ling Yun this overbearing to strike? 苍松道长左臂废,大腿受伤,身法早已凝滞不灵,哪里能避开凌云霸道一击? On him many are injured, knows that cannot avoid, instead is decisive clenches teeth, the figure that towards Ling Yun shoots, a sword punctures full power! 他身上多处受伤,知道躲避不开,反而果断一咬牙,对着凌云射来的身形,全力一剑刺出! This is the essence of Cang Song lifetime swordsmanship, he wants to fight tooth and nail by the life with Ling Yun! 这是苍松毕生剑法的精华,他想跟凌云以命搏命! Ling Yun to/clashes sharp toward the sword, in must run upon the sword point shortly, his gently is sideways, avoided the sword to be sharp, the body sympathized the sword blade to slide, then the big hand extended, the pincers closely grasped firmly the right hand wrist of Priest Cang Song generally, in the hand have caught up, the blue vein stuck out suddenly, pinched full power! 凌云朝着剑尖冲来,就在眼看要撞上剑尖之际,他只是轻轻一个侧身,就避开了剑尖,身体贴着剑身滑过,然后大手一伸,铁钳一般紧紧攥住了苍松道长的右手腕,手上发力,青筋暴起,全力一捏! Lets go!” “撒手!” "Ah!" “啊!” Priest Cang Song felt that a wrist/skill fierce ache, then in the hand did not have then any consciousness, lets go directly, the long sword falls to the ground. 苍松道长感觉到手腕一阵剧烈的疼痛,然后手上就什么知觉都没有了,直接撒手,长剑落地。 Ling Yun shows a faint smile, bows, curved elbow, to Priest Cang Song hits with the chest of elbow following the impulse ruthlessly! 凌云微微一笑,屈膝,弯肘,顺着冲劲用手肘对苍松道长的胸口狠狠一撞! !” “噗!” Priest Cang Song a big blood spouts directly, big such as Cang Song figure, face upwards but actually, two turn white, lost consciousness directly. 苍松道长一大口鲜血直接喷出,高大如苍松的身形,仰天而倒,两眼翻白,直接不省人事了。 Two fellow apprentices!” “二师兄!” The Xi Xia Cui Zhu Qing Feng three people cannot give a thought to the injury on leg, goes all out to catch up to rescue! 栖霞翠竹青峰三人顾不得腿上的伤势,拼命赶来相救! Em, this is right, I in province troubled.” “恩,这样才对嘛,省的我麻烦了。” Ling Yun first looked for body most emaciated Priest Cui Zhu, but flushed crazily, hit to fly Cui Zhu with the body, was similar to the maggot of tarsal bone general personal on, the chest of towards Cui Zhu has rumbled one after another five fists! 凌云第一个就找上了身体最瘦弱的翠竹道长,只是一个狂冲,就用身体把翠竹撞飞,然后如同跗骨之蛆一般贴身而上,对着翠竹的胸口接连轰了五拳! The first three fists shook have dispersed Priest Cui Zhu protecting body True Qi of outside the body, latter two fist solid pounding on the body of Cui Zhu, Priest Cui Zhu in the mouth have spurted the blood crazily, could not fall to the ground. 前三拳震散了翠竹道长体外的护体真气,后两拳结结实实的砸在了翠竹的身体上,翠竹道长口中狂喷鲜血,倒地不起。 After hitting remnantly Cang Song and Cui Zhu successively, Ling Yun without hesitation turned toward Xi Xia to chase down. 先后打残了苍松翠竹之后,凌云又毫不犹豫向着栖霞追杀了过去。 Ling Yun, I have killed you!” 凌云,我杀了你!” Priest Xi Xia saw that own Senior Brother Junior Brothers made into the severe wound by Ling Yun, he was anxiously red the eye, was flushed toward Ling Yun unexpectedly. 栖霞道长眼看自己的师兄师弟都被凌云打成重伤,他急红了眼睛,竟是率先朝着凌云冲了过来。 Shua! 刷! The white clothing form flashes through together, the Kunlun Sword Sect white clothing swordsman Li Kunwu moving quickly fell between Ling Yun and Priest Xi Xia. 一道白衣身影闪过,昆仑剑派白衣剑客李昆吾飞身落在了凌云栖霞道长之间。 Boy, you were too crazy, today makes my Li Kunwu teach you well!” “小子,你太狂了,今天就让我李昆吾好好教训教训你!” I and others you were very long!” “我等你很久了!” Emerging that Ling Yun already killed, his figure stops continually has not stopped, straight rushed over toward Li Kunwu! 凌云早已杀的兴起,他的身形连停都没有停,直直的向着李昆吾冲了过去! The Li Kunwu figure does not swing motionless, the direct sword punctures! 李昆吾身形不动不摇,直接一剑刺出! Good quick sword! 好快的剑! Li Kunwu is quicker than the Dragon Tiger Mountain four big head any person of swords! 李昆吾龙虎山四大天师任何一人的剑都要快! The Ling Yun figure still non-stop, he twists to figure crazily, one's old tricks heavy, the towards sword blade beats savagely a fist! 凌云身形依然不停,他狂冲中身形一拧,故技重施,对着剑身暴打出一拳! The Li Kunwu figure follows close on is turning, while avoiding Ling Yun dashes, the wrist/skill sinks, the long sword has avoided the Ling Yun's fist with ease, then changes punctures to truncate, cuts to the Ling Yun's rib. 李昆吾身形紧跟着一扭,在躲开凌云冲撞的同时,手腕一沉,长剑轻松躲开了凌云的拳头,然后变刺为削,斩向凌云的肋下。 Ling Yun accelerates suddenly, just stood the place that to rush over from Li Kunwu, avoids the long sword that Li Kunwu has truncated exactly. 凌云猛然加速,从李昆吾刚刚站立的地方冲了过去,也恰好躲开了李昆吾削过来的长剑。 His figure stops suddenly, turns around slowly, looks at Li Kunwu, to praise was sighing: Movement and swordsmanship are good!” 他身形骤停,缓缓转身,望着李昆吾,赞叹道:“身法和剑法都不错啊!”
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