DEMG :: Volume #10

#983: Vanquishing Dragons and Tigers Formation

Asked back, the sneak attack, brandishing a blade, draws a sword, slackens off, to/clashes crazily, knocks out the fist. 反问,偷袭,挥刀,抽刀,松劲,狂冲,出拳。 Then strikes to go well. 然后一击得手。 Ling Yun with Priest Cang Song this war, with strength boundary irrelevant, wins completely in the tactic. 凌云苍松道长这一战,和实力境界无关,完全是胜在战术。 Ling Yun will fight really very much, in the fight experience and fight skill these two levels, he has flung Priest Cang Song in minimum ten ten thousand eight thousand. 凌云真的很会打架,在战斗经验和战斗技巧这两个层面,他甩了苍松道长起码十万八千里。 shua~ shua~ shua~! 刷刷刷 Priest Cui Zhu and Priest Qing Feng see in Cang Song one move to cause heavy losses by Ling Yun, immediately the moving quickly, side-by-side kept off before the Cang Song body. 翠竹道长和青峰道长见苍松一招之内被凌云重创,立即飞身而出,肩并肩挡在了苍松身前。 Priest Xi Xia directly arrived at side Cang Song, puts out Medicine Pill without hesitation first to the Cang Song clothing/taking , is thrown into confusion looks for the knife wound medicine from hundred valuable pouches. 栖霞道长则直接来到了苍松身旁,毫不犹豫先拿出一颗丹药苍松服下,然后手忙脚乱的从百宝囊中找金疮药。 Immeasurable day reveres!” “无量天尊!” Ling Yun, you are mean and shameless, makes a move to sneak attack unexpectedly, is what rivers and lakes real man?!” 凌云,你卑鄙无耻,竟然出手偷袭,算什么江湖好汉?!” Priest Cui Zhu draws out the back long sword directly, in chest, guards against Ling Yun's to sneak attack horizontally once more, is angry to say. 翠竹道长直接拔出背后长剑,横在胸前,防备着凌云的再次偷袭,大怒说道。 Ling Yun was happy, he uses to look that the idiot same vision looks at Cui Zhu, flings to grasp the wrist/skill of blade conveniently, entangling whisking distant flinging on knife enters the jungle, saying that this is calm and composed even in press of work: Idiot, before fights, I must remind you to prepare very seriously, told you to alert carefully, I must begin, then started to hit?” 凌云乐了,他用看白痴一样的目光看着翠竹,随手一甩握刀的手腕,把缠在刀身上的拂尘远远的甩入密林,这才好整以暇的说道:“白痴,难道打架之前,我还得十分严肃的提醒你准备好,告诉你要小心戒备,我要动手了,然后才开始打?” Troubles you to think is clear, this is not among your same side fellow apprentices contends in martial arts to compare notes, is this war of life and death is good?” “麻烦你动动脑子想清楚,这不是你们同门师兄弟之间比武切磋,这是生死之战好不好?” The experts put out a hand, has then the knowledge, a Ling Yun move tried the Dragon Tiger Mountain four people of true strengths, he naturally no longer worried. 行家伸伸手,就知有没有,凌云一招就试出了龙虎山四人的真正实力,他自然不再担忧。 Priest Cang Song is four people of leaders, his boundary will be most will not surpass the Innate 8-layer peak. 苍松道长是四人的首领,他的境界最多不会超过先天八层巅峰。 Then opposite party four people, at the worst four are the Innate 8-layer peak. 那么对方四人,大不了四个都是先天八层巅峰。 Ling Yun most does not fear to little hit many. 凌云最不怕的就是以少打多。 Moreover the Dragon Tiger Mountain martial arts, the body and movement, are their weakness, since had found the weakness of enemy successfully, what that Ling Yun also does have to be good to be worried? 而且龙虎山的武功,身体和身法,都是他们的弱点,既然成功找到了敌人的弱点,那凌云还有什么好担心的? Priest Cui Zhu by a Ling Yun's idiot, the air/Qi whole body was shivered, his instinct wants to refute, may think half-day/long time, had not found the rebuttal the reason. 翠竹道长被凌云的一声白痴,气的浑身颤抖,他本能的就想反驳,可想了半天,也没有找到反驳的理由。 Yes, Cang Song kept on proclaiming must keep Dragon Gate Mountain the Ling Yun's life, others began, what hospitable air/Qi but also had with you? 是啊,苍松口口声声说要把凌云的命留在龙门山,那人家动手,还跟你有什么好客气的? Shaolin Temple Master Jue Yuan, with Wudang Mountains Priest Chong Xu, two people looked at this, cannot bear once again the vision connection, can see in worry to grid. 少林寺觉远禅师,和武当山冲虚道长,两人看了这一幕,忍不住又一次目光交汇,均能看到对方眼中的担忧。 All prestigious family honest public figures among on the scene, by the boundary strength, is Master Jue Yuan and Priest Chong Xu is without a doubt strongest, two people has will achieved the first Heaven 9 level. 在场的所有名门正派人士当中,论境界实力,毫无疑问是觉远禅师和冲虚道长最强,两人堪堪都达到了先天九层。 Naturally, Dragon Gate Mountain withstand/top, only then their two people has achieved the first Heaven 9 level boundary. 当然,龙门山顶上,也只有他们两人达到了先天九层境界。 They think, depending on their boundary strengths, even if Ling Yun heaven-defying, they also can definitely control all unexpected aspects again. 本来他们以为,凭他们的境界实力,就算凌云逆天,他们也完全可以掌控所有意想不到的局面。 But now, they discovered that own has made a mistake, and is completely mistaken! 可现在,他们发现自己错了,而且是大错特错! They had underestimated Ling Yun's strength, Ling Yun's was intrepid, has far exceeded their imagination! 他们低估了凌云的实力,凌云的强悍,远远超出了他们所有人的想象! No wonder others Ling Yun can face the world outstanding heroes with a smile, but can also display such relaxed free, overbearing is so rampant, this boy really has the proud qualification! 怪不得人家凌云能够笑着面对天下群雄,还能表现的这么轻松自如,这么霸道嚣张,这小子实在是有骄傲的本钱啊! Any Ancient Martial Cultivator, no matter his practice natural talent is good, the poor its life, can arrive at peak some martial arts practice, was very existence of heaven-defying. 任何一个古武修炼者,不管他的修炼资质多么好,穷其一生,能把某一种武功修炼极致,就是很逆天的存在了。 But anyone, or is restricted in the energy limited to own natural talent, he in the practice process, would stressing! 但无论是谁,限于自身的资质或者说限于精力,他在修炼过程中,总会有所侧重! For example some people excel at swordsmanship Blade Technique, some people excel at fists and feet skill/kung fu, some people excel at movement technique, some people excel at the hidden weapon...... 比如有人擅长剑法刀法,有人擅长拳脚功夫,有人擅长轻功,有人擅长暗器…… But on the other hand, so long as you have stressed that then you will have the place that own does not excel at similarly. 但话说回来,只要你有所侧重,那么你同样就会有自己不擅长的地方。 But Ling Yun? 凌云呢? His Fist Arts...... Good, the Fist Arts was needless saying that Liu Suifeng made into such. 他的拳法……好吧,拳法就不用说了,柳随风都被打成那样了。 His Blade Technique...... Em, cuts nine people continually, chops dead Gongsun Li that together blade aura, everybody saw. 他的刀法……恩,连斩九人,劈死公孙厉的那一道刀罡,大家都看到了。 His strength, movement speed, fight consciousness and fight skill...... 他的力量,身法速度,战斗意识和战斗技巧…… So long as is, all can think with the fight that the fight needs is related, Ling Yun how each that heaven-defying?! 只要是战斗所需的,所有能想到的和战斗有关的,凌云怎么每一项都那么逆天?! Ling Yun does not have the weakness. 凌云没有弱点。 Grandmaster Jue Yuan and Priest Chong Xu, at least so far, had not found Ling Yun's any weakness! 觉远大师和冲虚道长,至少到目前为止,没有找到凌云的任何弱点! This most makes people feel the terrifying, most makes people feel the desperate place! 这才是最让人感到恐怖,最让人感到绝望的地方! Master Jue Yuan and Priest Chong Xu want to break the head unable to think through, Ling Yun is a 18-year-old youngster, how does he achieve?! 觉远禅师和冲虚道长想破脑袋都想不通,凌云不过是一个18岁的少年而已,他到底是怎么做到的?! Master Jue Yuan looks once more to the Guo Xiaotian headless corpse, the vision is anxious, passes message into to say densely: „Does Priest Chong Xu, how you see?” 觉远禅师再次看向郭校天的无头尸身,目光忧虑,传音入密说道:“冲虚道长,你怎么看?” Priest Chong Xu the sound is bitter and astringent: Be honest with you, I have not thought really Ling Yun will have such strength, we really underestimated him too many......” 冲虚道长声音苦涩:“不瞒你说,我着实没有想到凌云会拥有如此实力,我们实在是低估他太多了……” Master Jue Yuan slight nod, said hesitant: But we cannot see that he reconstructs to kill the evil...... Otherwise......” 觉远禅师微微点头,略带犹豫说道:“可我们总不能眼看着他再造杀孽……否则的话……” How Master Jue Yuan as if in thinking to be expressing, after long time, said: Or, our Shaolin first......” 觉远禅师似乎在想着如何措辞,半晌后说道:“要不,我们少林先……” Master Jue Yuan wants to make a move ahead of time. 觉远禅师想提前出手了。 Who knows Priest Chong Xu actually to shake the head to prevent saying: Does not may.” 谁知冲虚道长却摇头阻止道:“万万不可。” We drag in lots of people to come tonight, was really aroused the Ling Yun's killing intent. If we make a move now, not only cannot prevent the homicide person, only feared that his true killing intent same place, this Dragon Gate Mountain withstand/top, to only meets remaining our two people finally......” “我们今晚兴师动众而来,实在是已经激起了凌云的杀机。如果我们现在出手,非但不能阻止他杀人,只怕他真正的杀机一起,这龙门山顶上,到最后只会剩下我们两人……” Master Jue Yuan somewhat is shocked slightly, immediately asked: „Can't his movement, block including you?” 觉远禅师微微有些震惊,立即问道:“难道他的身法,连你也拦不住?” Priest Chong Xu smiles bitterly once more, replied truthfully: Cannot block.” 冲虚道长再次苦笑,如实回答道:“拦不住。” The Ling Yun fight does not have the methodicalness to say, the basic fairy not measured, moreover clarified has selected weak killing specially, if could not block him in the movement speed, then besides Master Jue Yuan and Priest Chong Xu, the destinies of other people, it can be imagined. 凌云战斗根本毫无章法可言,根本神鬼莫测,而且摆明了专挑弱的杀,如果在身法速度上拦不住他,那除了觉远禅师和冲虚道长之外,其他人的命运,可想而知。 Master Jue Yuan brow big wrinkle: That what to do?” 觉远禅师眉头大皱:“那怎么办?” Priest Chong Xu lightly saying: And goes by him, first had a look to say again......” 冲虚道长淡淡道:“且由他去,先看看再说……” Two big top Expert have completed an exchange instantaneously, had not discussed that any good result comes, has to continue to watch the Ling Yun performance. 两大顶尖高手瞬间完成了一番交流,却也没有商量出什么好的结果来,只好继续看着凌云表演。 Priest Cang Song sits cross-legged to sit, his face whiten, because of the ache, the cold sweat that on the face emits rolling falls like the pisolite size, is actually suppressing not uttering a word, whatever Priest Xi Xia smudges the knife wound medicine for him, dresses the wound. 苍松道长盘膝坐地,他脸色苍白,因为疼痛,脸上冒出的冷汗如豆粒般大小滚滚而落,却强忍着一声不吭,任由栖霞道长为他涂抹金疮药,包扎伤口。 His left arm, from the fist five fingers, is completely broken to the wrist/skill carpal bone, small arm bone fracture, left elbow shaken bone dislocation. 他的一条左臂,从拳头五指,到手腕腕骨尽碎,小臂骨折,就连左肘都被震的骨头错位了。 Priest Cang Song finally knows the Ling Yun's strength was strong, the fist is hard! 苍松道长终于知道凌云的力量多么强大,拳头有多么硬! When the Daoist priest wraps up for him, Priest Cang Song opens the mouth finally once more slowly: Junior Brother was careful, the strength of this young demon different the average man, the movement is the extraordinary rapidness.” 等旗下道长为他包扎完毕,苍松道长终于再次缓缓开口:“诸位师弟小心,这个小魔头的力量异乎常人,身法更是出奇的快。” After Cang Song spoke reminded the people, unexpectedly is tolerating the left arm severe pain, stood up slowly, lifts the right arm, drew out slowly has shouldered the long sword. 苍松出言提醒了众人之后,竟是强忍着左臂剧痛,缓缓站起身来,抬起右臂,缓缓拔出了背负长剑。 Suspends Vanquishing Dragons and Tigers Formation.” “摆降龙伏虎阵。” Then, Priest Cang Song grasps long sword, a figure show floating body enters the stadium, arrived at left side of Ling Yun's directly. 说罢,苍松道长手持长剑,身形一展飘身入场,直接来到了凌云的左侧。 shua~ shua~ shua~! 刷刷刷 Meanwhile, Priest Xi Xia also drawing a sword moving quickly comes, Priest Cui Zhu and Priest Qing Feng similarly rapid fluctuation position. 与此同时,栖霞道长也拔剑飞身而来,翠竹道长和青峰道长同样迅速变幻方位。 The Dragon Tiger Mountain four heads, stand separately in the Ling Yun all around four positions, surrounded him in middle. 龙虎山四名天师,分别在凌云前后左右四个位置站好,把他包围在了当中。 Vanquishing Dragons and Tigers Formation? interesting.” 降龙伏虎阵有点儿意思。” Is only, I was worried very much, living that the Cang Song old mixed wool, your body can also go against?” “只是,我很担心,苍松老杂毛,你的身体还能顶的住吗?” Ling Yun coldly smiles, the figure twists, Illusory Fish Dragon Steps, rushes to left Priest Cang Song to rush over! 凌云冷冷一笑,身形一拧,一个幻影鱼龙步,奔着左侧的苍松道长就冲了过去! His figure crazy, once more brandishing a blade! 他身形狂冲中,再次挥刀
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