DEMG :: Volume #10

#982: War Dragon tiger, severely wounded Cang Song

The second kills! The second kills! The second kills! The second kills!!! 秒杀!秒杀!秒杀!还是秒杀!!! Ling Yun only leaves four blades, only then four blades, actually instantaneously cut to kill Netherworld School to teach the numerous nine people! 凌云只出四刀,只有四刀而已,却瞬间斩杀了幽冥派教众共九人! Withstood/Top from landing Dragon Gate Mountain until a moment ago, Ling Yun has not used Nether Blood Demon Blade throughout, now a blade is potential of as powerful as a thunderbolt, made a move swiftly and fiercely, murdered resolute, other prestigious family honest public figures who looked, complete dumbstruck! 从降落龙门山顶直到刚才,凌云始终没有使用冥血魔刀,现在一出刀就是雷霆万钧之势,出手凌厉,杀伐果决,直看的其他所有名门正派人士,全部目瞪口呆 Shaolin Temple Master Jue Yuan looked to stay. 少林寺觉远禅师看呆了。 Wudang Mountains Priest Chong Xu was startled. 武当山冲虚道长怔住了。 Kunlun sent three swords to be directly scared, throughout held the sword in the bosom, was disinclined to other people white clothing swordsman Li Kunwu that throughout looked straight at to look, shocking opening mouth, suddenly keeping. 昆仑派三剑直接傻眼了,就连始终抱剑在怀,对其他人始终都懒得正眼瞧的白衣剑客李昆吾,都震惊的张大了嘴巴,一个劲儿的眨眼不停。 Whom Li Kunwu is not giving to signal with the eyes, but was he looks ignorant, thorough was ignorant. 李昆吾可不是在给谁使眼色,而是他看懵了,彻底懵了。 The Dragon Tiger Mountain four heads, Cang Song Xi Xia Cui Zhu Qing Feng, after panic-stricken, the air/Qi whole body tremble, the beard and hair all opens, time could not say including the words. 龙虎山四名天师,苍松栖霞翠竹青峰,更是在惊骇过后,气的浑身发抖,须发皆张,一时间连话都说不出来。 Divine Sword Village that six Senior Sister Zhong Chunyan, just got strength back from frightening of Liu Suifeng, sees present bloody one, very simple and has fainted. 神剑山庄那位六师姐钟春燕,刚刚才从柳随风的惊吓中缓过劲来,看到眼前的血腥一幕,很干脆的又晕了过去。 Because of the scene of that flash, was really too bloody! 因为那一瞬间的场面,实在是太血腥了! Nine people, a person by blade two halves, three people cut off around the middle, four people of corpses separate, Vice- Cult Master Gongsun Li in airborne was broken out by a Ling Yun blade, the five main internal organs (entrails) falls everywhere is. 九个人,一人被一刀两半,三人被拦腰斩断,四人尸首分离,副教主公孙厉更是在空中被凌云一刀劈开,五脏六腑落的满地都是。 Has seen the murder, has not seen such has killed people, this where is kills people, this is chopping the melon to cut the vegetable really! 见过杀人的,没见过这么杀人的,这哪里是杀人,这真的就是在砍瓜切菜啊! But is most shocking, is the Ling Yun's strength! 而最令人震惊的,还是凌云的实力! Netherworld Cult eight Innate 3-layer above Expert, Vice- Cult Master Gongsun Li have reached the Innate 7-layer peak, was leakproof, killed by Ling Yun one blade second unexpectedly completely?! 幽冥教八名先天三层以上的高手,副教主公孙厉更是达到了先天七层巅峰,竟然一个不漏,全部被凌云一刀秒杀?! Clarity that especially Gongsun Li, everyone looks, he by blade aura that Ling Yun wields dividing! 尤其是公孙厉,每个人都看的清清楚楚,他是被凌云挥出的一记刀罡给劈死的! That is not a blade edge, is blade aura, separates the spatial murder! 那不是刀锋,是刀罡啊,隔空杀人! Various prestigious family honest Great Expert, were just arriving at the summit actually, sees the Guo Xiaotian headless corpse time, faintly had guessed correctly the Ling Yun's strength is very strong, but that guessed, not direct-viewing impression in mind. 名门正派各大高手,其实在刚到山顶,看到郭校天的无头尸身的时候,就已经隐隐猜到了凌云的实力很强,可那只是猜测,在脑海里并没有直观的印象。 Now everybody sees with one's own eyes. 现在大家都亲眼看到了。 Two fist four blades, compared with the Ling Yun fee/spent completely argument explained that 40,000 words are effective, the rivers and lakes matter rivers and lakes, must look at the strength in the final analysis! 两拳四刀,比凌云费尽口舌解释40000句话都管用,江湖事江湖了,归根结底还要看实力! „!” “哇!” After the silence that falls the needle to hear, there are to go all out the vomitive sound to resound one after another. 在一阵落针可闻的寂静过后,又有拼命呕吐声接连响起。 The encirclement ring flash expansion of prestigious family honest Expert dispersed much, many people in cannot help but in the future will draw back, they are unable to control two legs of own. 名门正派高手的包围圈一瞬间扩大分散了不少,有很多人在不由自主的往后退,他们根本无法控制自己的两条腿。 In the face of the big fear of individual life and death, the moral two characters, radically are! 在个人生死的大恐惧面前,道义两字,根本就是个屁! In the eyes of all people, present Ling Yun, is one homicidal maniac demon that walks from the hell! 在所有人的眼里,现在的凌云,就是一个从地狱里走出来的杀人狂魔! Nether Blood Demon Blade this time attracts full a person of blood, Ling Yun even can the clear feeling, the Nether Blood Demon Blade knife become heavy many. 冥血魔刀这次真的是吸饱了人血,凌云甚至能够清晰的感觉到,冥血魔刀的刀身又变得沉重了不少。 On the black color knife spilled over a scarlet radiance faintly, on the knife each black Dragon Scales is similar, this caused on the Nether Blood Demon Blade knife that lifelike Black Dragon, probably lived general, occupied the knife, made threatening gestures, was wanting to select the person to bite. 乌黑色的刀身上隐隐泛出一种猩红色的光华,刀身上每一片黑色龙鳞都仿佛动了起来,这使得冥血魔刀刀身上那一条栩栩如生的大黑龙,好像活过来一般,盘踞刀身,张牙舞爪,正欲择人而噬。 Especially inlays by the Nether Blood Demon Blade knife, approaches the hilt position, as Dragon Eye that two black color gems, has to transfer the dark red color sign unexpectedly. 尤其是镶在冥血魔刀刀身两侧,靠近刀柄位置,作为龙眼的那两颗乌黑色宝石,竟有转为暗红色的迹象。 Ling Yun killed the person, noted the change of Nether Blood Demon Blade, he lightly has swept one, the direct old route returned, the place that toward Dragon Tiger Mountain four people of standing walked. 凌云杀完了人,注意到了冥血魔刀的变化,他只是淡淡扫了一眼,直接原路返回,向着龙虎山四人站立的地方走去。 Was one's turn you, I suggested in your four same places.” “轮到你们了,我建议你们四个一起上。” Ling Yun drags the blade the line, the towards Dragon Tiger Mountain four heads, said lightly. 凌云拖刀而行,对着龙虎山四名天师,淡淡说道。 Simultaneously Ling Yun said in in the heart secretly: Also remains 24 people.” 同时凌云心中暗暗说道:“还剩24人。” Ling Yun had not used the blade tonight, did not represent him to change the temper, or suddenly changed silly, he was gathering blade intent. 凌云今晚一直没有用刀,可不代表他改了性子,或者说忽然变傻了,他是在蓄刀意。 From using the sword is different, most spoke the blade potential with blade, regardless of the transverse cutting stood cuts, the art formed a coherent whole, this tone raised was longer, then blade intent was more abundant, the blade potential also then more overbearing, was naturally swifter and fiercer! 跟用剑不同,用刀最讲刀势,无论横切立斩,都讲究一气呵成,这口气养的越久,则刀意越盛,刀势自然也就越霸道,越凌厉! After cuts nine people continually, Ling Yun's blade intent increases successively, now just when most in peak condition, he will certainly not call a halt. 在连斩九人之后,凌云的刀意节节攀升,现在正值最巅峰状态,他当然不会停手。 Only knows because of Ling Yun, Netherworld Cult is just not a popular trash school, enemy who then must meet, will be only getting stronger and stronger! 只因凌云知道,幽冥教只不过是一个不入流的垃圾门派而已,接下来要迎战的敌人,只会越来越强! Immeasurable day reveres!” “无量天尊!” Priest Cang Song looks at Ling Yun that walks, in the eye flashes through the frightened color that wipes unable to conceal, suddenly tall chant a sound said number, he turned the head to look at the direction that sends to Wudang. 苍松道长看着一路走过来的凌云,眼睛里闪过一抹无法掩饰的恐惧之色,突然高诵了一声道号,他转头望向武当派的方向。 Chong Xu, the Ling Yun this child present has become an out-and-out homicidal maniac demon, does your Wudang Mountains really stand by?!” 冲虚,凌云此子现在已经成了一个不折不扣的杀人狂魔,难道你们武当山就真的袖手旁观?!” Priest Chong Xu the look is dignified, he looks gradually is moving toward Dragon Tiger Mountain four people of Ling Yun, corners of the mouth twitches one after another, suddenly steps the foot, treads forward one step. 冲虚道长神色凝重,他看着正在一步步走向龙虎山四人的凌云,嘴角儿接连抽动,忽然一迈脚,向前踏出一步。 Stand forth that Ling Yun's figure indetectable, actually immediately does not hinder slightly. 凌云的身形不可察觉的微微一顿,却又立即毫无阻滞的向前走去。 Priest Chong Xu has to smile bitterly, towards Cang Song said: daoist friend has spoken discreetly, my Wudang naturally cannot stand by, but my Wudang, since says the prestigious family to be honest, cannot depend to overwhelm with numerical strength to hit few, day rear-drive exits, the disciple increases the joke......” 冲虚道长只好苦笑一声,对着苍松说道:“道友言重了,我武当自然不会袖手旁观,可我武当既然自称名门正派,就不能仗着人多势众以多打少,日后传出去,徒增笑谈……” The prestigious family naturally has the prestigious family honest custom honestly, this also limits similarly, although tonight is the major factions besieges Ling Yun, may even so, they unable to discard the face, all closes. 名门正派自然有名门正派的规矩,这同样也是限制,虽然今夜是各大派围攻凌云,可即使如此,他们也不能丢掉脸面,全部一拥而上。 Moreover Ling Yun in the final analysis is a 18-year-old youngster, these many rivers and lakes Expert cope with the youngster who just made a debut, if also wants dozens individuals simultaneously to make a move...... 而且凌云说到底不过是一个18岁的少年而已,这么多江湖高手对付一个刚刚出道的少年,要是还要几十个人同时出手的话…… Even if can Ling Yun killing, their face what save really? After Shaolin Wudang, bases on the China rivers and lakes? 就算真能把凌云给杀了,那他们的脸面何存?少林武当以后还怎么在华夏江湖上立足? Chong Xu thinks like this, Shaolin Temple Master Jue Yuan naturally also considers this point, therefore endured not to get rid throughout. 冲虚这样想,少林寺觉远禅师自然也是考虑到了这一点,所以忍着始终没有出手。 Ling Yun is walking forward, listening to the Chong Xu words, corners of the mouth unable to bear brings back slightly, the heart said that to hit few? That is only because you think that hasn't arrived at the crucial moment? 凌云向前走着,听着冲虚的话,嘴角儿忍不住微微勾起,心说不会以多打少?那只是因为你认为还没到生死关头吧? Several zhang (3.33 m) distance, Ling Yun walks again slow, arrived at the Dragon Tiger Mountain four people of front quickly, he holds up Nether Blood Demon Blade, the knife point is pointing at Cang Song. 十几丈的距离,凌云走的再慢,也很快来到了龙虎山四人的面前,他举起冥血魔刀,刀尖指着苍松 Cang Song? I can tell you explicitly, now Shaolin can walk, the people in Wudang can also walk, but your Dragon Tiger Mountain cannot walk, Kunlun Sword Sect cannot walk.” 苍松是吧?我可以明确告诉你,现在少林可以走,武当的人也可以走,但你们龙虎山不可以走,昆仑剑派也不可以走。” Ling Yun remembers very clearly, Xian'er initially was attacked by the drought demon, the dove occupies the magpie nest, is wounded to run away from Dragon Tiger Mountain, since now is unable to go to Dragon Tiger Mountain to look for that drought demon for a while to do accounts, that first on Dragon Tiger Mountain these taoist priests, takes back some interest. 凌云记得很清楚,仙儿当初就是被旱魃攻击,鸠占鹊巢,从龙虎山负伤逃出来的,现在既然一时无法去龙虎山找那旱魃算账,那就先在龙虎山这些道士身上,收回一些利息。 As for Kunlun Sword Sect, mother Qin Qiuyue went to Tianshan Heavenly Sword Sect, goes for three months, still lost to view does not have the message, but Tianshan is away from Kunlun Mountain not to be far, Ling Yun wants from Kunlun Sword Sect here, the inquiry the news about mother. 至于昆仑剑派,老妈秦秋月去了天山天剑宗,一去三个多月,至今杳无音讯,而天山距离昆仑山不远,凌云想从昆仑剑派这里,询问一些关于老妈的消息。 Even if inquires some Tianshan Heavenly Sword Sect news, is good, has the news to know nothing strongly then the ratio. 哪怕就是打听一些天山天剑宗的消息,也是好的,有消息就比一无所知强。 Therefore Kunlun Sword Sect cannot walk. 所以昆仑剑派也不能走。 Listens words that Ling Yun spoke, white clothing swordsman Li Kunwu slightly frowned, why is wonders Ling Yun to open the mouth to very much leave behind Kunlun Sword Sect, simultaneously has an annoyed meaning at heart. 听了凌云说的话,白衣剑客李昆吾微微皱眉,很是纳闷凌云为什么一开口就要留下昆仑剑派,同时心里生出一丝恼火之意。 „, This boy was too crazy, is unexpectedly crazier than me, damn!” “吗的,这小子太狂了,竟然比我还狂,该死!” At this time Ling Yun opened the mouth suddenly: Therefore your Dragon Tiger Mountain, can collaborate with Kunlun Sword Sect, on together!” 这时凌云忽然又开口了:“所以你们龙虎山,也可以跟昆仑剑派联手,一起上!” Priest Cang Song flies into a rage! In his hand whisks flings, moving quickly more numerous, fell in front of Ling Yun's instantaneously. 苍松道长勃然大怒!他手中拂尘一甩,飞身越众而出,瞬间落在了凌云的面前。 Boy is extremely arrogant! Do not think that you have killed Netherworld Cult that several not popular goods, dares not to pay attention to my Dragon Tiger Mountain!” “小子狂妄!别以为你杀了幽冥教那几个不入流的货色,就敢不把我龙虎山放在眼里!” You kill the Netherworld Cult disciple we not to stop, that is only because Netherworld Cult has been in evilly, although they always pose as the correct path, but these years everybody knows that they have done many wicked matters, we borrow your handle them, except that......” “你杀幽冥教弟子我们没有阻拦,那只是因为幽冥教一直处于正邪之间,虽然他们始终以正道自居,可这些年来大家都知道他们做了不少恶事,我们只是借你的手把他们除去罢了……” Ling Yun has understood what is heard, but he disdains to sneer, spoke thoughtlessly to ask back: Why can use my hand?” 凌云听明白了,但他不屑冷笑,随口反问道:“为何要借我的手?” Priest Cang Song cannot expect Ling Yun to have this one to ask, immediately stares dumbfounded, is unable to reply. 苍松道长料不到凌云会有此一问,立即瞠目结舌,无法回答了。 Because this issue asked was really utterly unjustified, extremely did not make sense. 因为这个问题问的实在是毫无道理,太过无厘头。 However while an instance of Cang Song god, Ling Yun suddenly brandishing a blade! 然而趁着苍松一愣神的瞬间,凌云骤然挥刀 Ling Yun knows certainly, since Dragon Tiger Mountain can keep pace with Wudang Mountains, in the final analysis definitely by the strength, he cannot see the strength depths of Dragon Tiger Mountain these four people, that first butchered their leaders said again! 凌云当然知道,龙虎山既然能和武当山并驾齐驱,归根结底肯定是靠实力,他看不出龙虎山这四个人的实力深浅,那就先把他们的首领宰了再说! The question is false, the sneak attack is real! 问话是假,偷袭是真! Paints the black blade edge, changes to a thin-bladed knife curtain in the dim light of night, cuts overlapping to Cang Song! 漆黑色的刀锋,在夜色中化作一片刀幕,层层叠叠斩向苍松 Boy is shameless!” “小子无耻!” Priest Cang Song was covered by the blade curtain suddenly, panic-stricken under has called out one, washes one's hands of suddenly whisking, whisks end myriad silk threads, quickly cling Ling Yun's blade edge! 苍松道长眨眼间被刀幕笼罩,惊骇之下暴喝了一声,猛然一抖手中的拂尘,拂尘一端的万千丝缕,以迅雷不及掩耳之势卷住了凌云的刀锋! Zheng!” “铮!” Also does not know whisking in Cang Song hand is any thing does, contacts with the Nether Blood Demon Blade blade edge, had not been truncated many unexpectedly, very successful impediment Ling Yun's blade potential. 也不知道苍松手中的拂尘是什么东西做的,跟冥血魔刀刀锋接触,竟然没有被削断多少,很成功的阻挡住了凌云的刀势。 You were swindled!” “你上当了!” Ling Yun sneers, grips the hilt to return to pull out toward the own bosom suddenly! This strength, compared with that blade that Ling Yun chops, big far more than three times?! 凌云冷笑,握住刀柄往自己怀里猛然回抽!这一下的力量,比凌云劈出的那一刀,大了何止三倍?! Cang Song grips tightly whisking, the whisking silk coil the Ling Yun's blade edge, Ling Yun the round trip swiftly and violently is drawing a sword now! 苍松紧握着拂尘,拂尘丝线卷着凌云的刀锋,凌云现在往回迅猛抽刀! Priest Cang Song by the inadequate lift-off that the Ling Yun huge strength entrains, he has a dream cannot think Ling Yun actually has such terrifying strength, the instinct wants to resist. 苍松道长被凌云巨大的力道拽的差点儿离地而起,他做梦都想不到凌云竟然拥有这么恐怖的力量,本能的就想抗拒。 Priest Cang Song the both feet tread the place furiously, red that the whole face rose, the right hand grasps firmly the whisking not to put stubbornly. 苍松道长双脚奋力蹬地,满脸涨的通红,右手死死攥住了拂尘柄不放。 But can his strength, how Great Evolving Stars Secret Art Ling Yun compare with practice? Before his body cannot help but turns toward the Ling Yun's body, flushes away. 可他的力量,怎么能跟修炼大衍聚星宝诀凌云相比?他的身体还是不由自主向着凌云的身前冲去。 At this moment, Ling Yun smiles suddenly: Since you do not want to come, I pass!” 就在这时,凌云突然嘿嘿一笑:“既然你不想过来,那我过去!” Priest Cang Song suddenly the strength on feeling one light, he does not know for sure wonderfully, heart in great surprise! 苍松道长突然感觉手上的力道一轻,他情知不妙,心头大惊! Ling Yun gives up entraining the blade, figure hurricane advances, just like a flood dragon is ordinary, before rushing to the body of Cang Song, instantaneously! 凌云放弃拽刀,身形狂飙突进,犹如一条蛟龙一般,瞬间冲到了苍松的身前! Heavenly Astral Subduing Demons Fist, a fist rumbles! Fist wind from out of the blue! 天罡伏魔拳,一拳轰出!拳风破空! Priest Cang Song startles greatly, such near distance, such quick movement, he could not avoid in any event, can only make a fist while being busy, resists the Ling Yun's fist. 苍松道长大骇,这么近的距离,这么快的身法,他无论如何都躲不开了,只能在百忙中打出一拳,抵挡凌云的拳头。 Bang!” “嘭!” Two fist clashing ruthlessly in one, the fist wind rose from all directions, then hears crack one, Priest Cang Song shouted miserably, his five fingers cracked, the carpal bone smashing, the arm broke off! 两拳狠狠的对撞在了一起,拳风四起,然后听到咔嚓一声,苍松道长一声惨呼,他五指崩裂,腕骨粉碎,手臂折断! Dragon Tiger Mountain researches in thorough detail Dao Technique, Talisman, sword technique, weakest is the body. 龙虎山精研道术,符箓,剑术,最弱的就是身体。 But Ling Yun strongest is the body. 凌云最强的就是身体。 Is strongest by own, attacks enemy to be weakest, Ling Yun strikes to go well, Dragon Tiger Mountain Priest Cang Song, severe wound! 自己最强,攻击敌人最弱,凌云一击得手,龙虎山苍松道长,重伤! Priest Cang Song the mouth spits the blood, figure staggers the retreat, continually has drawn back 78 steps, reluctantly has stopped the figure. 苍松道长口吐鲜血,身形踉跄后退,一连退了78步,才勉强止住了身形。 Ling Yun has not followed up a victory with hot pursuit, he lifts Nether Blood Demon Blade, the wrist/skill is not living in the rotation, curls on the knife whisking that Cang Song discards completely, a face exasperating badness said with a smile: You fight not, but also keeps on proclaiming eliminates the demon to defend traditional moral principles?” 凌云并没有乘胜追击,他举着冥血魔刀,手腕不住转动,把苍松丢掉的拂尘全部卷到了刀身上,一脸气死人的坏笑道:“你连打架都不会,还口口声声除魔卫道?”
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