DEMG :: Volume #10

#981: Demons

Initially under heavens pit, impression of Ling Yun Tie Zhengping and Lei Family Lei Wenxing this two people to God Fist Gate was good, because his time strength was insufficient, cannot rescue their two people to deeply feel regrettable under Killing Formation. 当初在天坑之下,凌云神拳门铁正平雷家雷文星两人的印象都不错,并且因为他那时的实力不够,不能够在杀阵之下救下他们两人而深感遗憾。 Also therefore, after God Fist Gate Tie Ming and Lei Family Family Head thunder clap reveals the status, he is willing to give two people lecture of clear then situation patiently, the speech also very polite. 也正是因此,在神拳门铁明雷家家主雷震亮出身份之后,他才愿意耐心给两人讲清楚当时的情况,说话也十分的客气。 Ling Yun is not does not dare to antagonize people, but thought that necessity, original both sides then not having the enmity, why do want to hit life and death? 凌云不是不敢树敌,而是觉得没有那个必要,本来双方就没有仇怨,干嘛要打个你死我活? Regarding the entire matter, Ling Yun deliberately has already not avoided anything, has not exaggerated, he elaborated a fact, then the option, has given the opposite party. 对于整个事情,凌云既没有刻意回避什么,也没有夸大其词,他只是阐述了一个事实,然后把选择权,交给了对方。 The Ling Yun present manner is, you believe that walks \; Does not believe that hits. 凌云现在的态度就是,你们信,就走\;不信,就打。 You believe it or not. 你爱信不信。 Tie Ming and thunder clap static listened to the Ling Yun's words, two people to turn head relative to look, has exchanged several looks rapidly. 铁明和雷震静静的听完了凌云的话语,两人扭头相对而望,迅速交换了几个眼神。 A Ling Yun person smiles to prestigious family honest more than 40 Expert, does not fear. 凌云一个人笑对名门正派40多名高手,不惧。 Ling Yun is working as these many correct path characters, is honest in his hand the blade, is Nether Blood Demon Blade, does not evade. 凌云当着这么多正道人物,坦诚他手中的刀,就是冥血魔刀,不避。 Ling Yun the head of Divine Sword Village big Senior Brother Guo Xiaotian, has pounded a pulp, does not run away. 凌云神剑山庄大师兄郭校天的脑袋,砸了个稀烂,不逃。 Under Ling Yun in the enemies observe the situation, has made into the rotten meat the face of Divine Sword Village Liu Suifeng, does not let. 凌云在众敌环视之下,把神剑山庄柳随风的脸打成了烂肉,不让。 A such character, if must say that has killed Tie Zhengping and Lei Wenxing, now actually not being at all scope acknowledgment, they do not believe. 这样的一个人物,如果要说真的杀了铁正平雷文星,现在却不敢当面承认,他们不信。 Therefore they believed. 于是他们信了。 God Fist Gate Young Master Tie Ming, with the Northwest Iron Spear Lei Family Family Head thunder clap, two people simultaneously look one austere, holds the fist in the other hand to say to Ling Yun: Ling Yun, we believe words that you spoke.” 神拳门少主铁明,和西北铁枪雷家家主雷震,两人同时神色一肃,冲凌云抱拳说道:“凌云,我们相信你说的话。” Ling Yun shows a faint smile, neither arrogant nor servile, including one expressed that polite thanking had not said that but nodded. 凌云微微一笑,不卑不亢,连一句表示客气的谢谢都没有说,只是点了点头。 The choice of Tie Ming and thunder clap is very correct, is very wise. 铁明和雷震的选择很正确,也很明智。 If after Ling Yun explained was clear, they do not believe, must be Tie Zhengping and Lei Wenxing revenges, such Ling Yun guaranteed they can die quickest! 如果在凌云解释清楚之后,他们还是不相信,一定要为铁正平雷文星报仇,那样凌云保证他们会死的最快! The Tie Ming look is complex, silent half-day/long time said to Ling Yun: Their two people corpse?” 铁明神色复杂,沉默了半天才对凌云说道:“那他们两人的尸首?” Ling Yun said directly: Thinks that you also went to heavens pit to investigate, now that heavens pit had been fulled floaded operation by the Clear Water Lake water, the average person cannot get down . Moreover, in that heavens pit, has to eat the strange fish of person, very big fish......” 凌云直接说道:“想必你们也已经去天坑探查过了,现在那个天坑已经被清水湖的水灌满,一般人根本下不去,而且,那天坑之中,有着能吃人的怪鱼,很大的鱼……” The Ling Yun good intention reminded them, was other warning correct path public figures on the scene, do not presumptuously think under heavens pit to pick to leak, that was courts death. 凌云好心提醒他们,同时也是警告在场的其他正道人士,别妄想着下天坑去捡漏儿,那是去找死。 Ling Yun is clear, although said that because of the relations of Universe Teleport Formation, under present heavens pit already changed beyond all recognition, but he also has the secret in heavens pit, the giant stone of that Azure Dragon water leakage, he does not want to be discovered by anybody. 凌云清楚,虽然说因为乾坤挪移大阵的关系,现在的天坑之下早就面目全非了,可他在天坑里还有秘密,那块青龙出水的巨石,他不想被任何人发现。 The Lei Family Family Head thunder clap to/clashes Ling Yun to hold the fist in the other hand once more, the clear and resonant voice said: Ling Yun, this time our Lei Family comes, besieges you with the major schools, truly has with everybody joint effort, for idea that my son revenges. But since now knows that my son is not you harms, we do not have the enmity without the injustice, we again do not need to stay here.” 雷家家主雷震再次冲凌云抱拳,朗声说道:“凌云,这次我们雷家前来,跟各大门派围攻你,确实有着跟大家合力,为犬子报仇的想法。但现在既然知道犬子并非是你所害,那我们就是无冤无仇,我们就再也不必留在这里了。” God Fist Gate Young Master Tie Ming, said one after another: Mountain does not change, the green water long class, will have the opportunity in the future, the rivers and lakes says goodbye.” 神拳门少主铁明,也相继说道:“青山不改,绿水长流,将来有机会,江湖再见。” Ling Yun defers to the rivers and lakes custom finally, holds the fist in the other hand to them, cups one hand in the other across the chest slightly, says with a smile: Rivers and lakes said goodbye.” 凌云终于依照江湖规矩,冲他们抱拳,微微拱手,笑道:“江湖再见。” Tie Ming and thunder clap two people looks at each other one finally, stamped the feet, jumps to return to the own camp. 铁明和雷震两人最后对视一眼,同时跺了跺脚,纵身返回了自己的阵营。 Walks!” “走!” Issues an order, Tie Ming leads four big Protector, the thunder clap to bring Lei Jingang and Lei Wenxiu two people, direct Zong Yuejin entered the jungle, left the Dragon Gate Mountain top in light of this. 一声令下,铁明率领着四大护法,雷震带着雷金刚雷文秀两人,直接纵跃进入了密林,就此离开了龙门山顶。 Has not hit one including greeting with other schools unexpectedly. 竟是连招呼都没有跟其他门派打一个。 Such walked. 就这么走了。 Eight people depart, correct path Expert here encirclement ring, empties a big gap all of a sudden. 八个人离去,正道高手这边的包围圈,一下子空出来一个大缺口。 Also remains 33.” “还剩33个。” Ling Yun in the heart sneers secretly: Actually is one group of motley crew.” 凌云心中暗暗冷笑:“其实就是一群乌合之众。” Ling Yun naturally is at heart clear, God Fist Gate and Northwest Iron Spear Lei Family, because of believing his explanation departed, rather was his frightens the formidable function! 凌云心里当然清楚,与其说神拳门西北铁枪雷家,是因为相信了他的解释而离去的,不如说是他的震慑起了强大的作用! The Guo Xiaotian headless corpse, hits a that terrifying fist on Liu Suifeng face with Ling Yun, making many correct path Expert at heart contrast the strength of both sides, pondered worth that this time comes. 郭校天的无头尸身,和凌云打在柳随风脸上的那恐怖一拳,让很多正道高手都在心里重新对比双方的实力,思考这一趟来的值不值。 To bend down the demon to defend traditional moral principles, Bronze Cauldron, the Human Emperor's Writing Brush Earth Emperor's Book legend, everybody want to snatch, but the premise is you must have enough strength to save the life to be good first. 想伏魔卫道也罢,青铜鼎也罢,人皇笔地皇书的传说也罢,人人都想抢,可前提是你得先有足够的实力保住性命才行。 Snort, gives us prestigious family to be honest really!” “哼,真给我们名门正派丢人!” Dragon Tiger Mountain Priest Cang Song vision coldly is staring at God Fist Gate and Lei Family departs the direction that looks to disdain, the ridicule said. 龙虎山苍松道长目光冷冷的盯着神拳门雷家离去的方向,面露不屑,讥讽说道。 Kunlun Sword Sect, Kunlun Three Swords was also various self-cooling snort/hum one, obviously was also expressing the own disaffection. 昆仑剑派这边,昆仑三剑也是各自冷哼了一声,显然也是在表达自己的不满。 Only then that white clothing swordsman Li Kunwu, both hands hold the sword as before, the whole face is the indifferent facial expression. 只有那位白衣剑客李昆吾,依旧双手抱剑,满脸都是无所谓的神情。 hahaha......” 哈哈哈哈……” Netherworld Cult Vice- Cult Master Gongsun Li face upwards to laugh wildly suddenly: I also think that God Fist Gate and Northwest Iron Spear Lei Family, definitely first will make a move, revenges for their disciples and children, has not thought that has not thought that ran away in fear by this young demon in a few words......” 幽冥教副教主公孙厉突然仰天狂笑:“我还以为神拳门西北铁枪雷家,肯定会抢先出手,为他们的弟子和孩子报仇呢,没想到啊没想到,被这个小魔头三言两语就吓跑了……” Gongsun Li lifts hand finger/refers of Ling Yun suddenly, measured cloudy said with a smile: This young demon just made a debut kills people like the hemp, regards the human life such as worthlessly, he said that can also believe? In my Gongsun Li eye, the words that he spoke including not to be!” 公孙厉突然抬手一指凌云,阴测测笑道:“这个小魔头刚一出道就杀人如麻,视人命如草芥,他说的话也能信?在我公孙厉的眼里,他说的话连个屁都算不上!” Gongsun Li deep understands that own tonight's duty, that does not hesitate at all costs, must do everything possible to be stranded Ling Yun in Dragon Gate Mountain! 公孙厉深深的明白自己今晚的任务,那就是不惜一切代价,也要想尽办法把凌云困在龙门山 Now Ling Yun two fought with the fists to abandon Liu Suifeng, has persuaded somebody to leave with ease God Fist Gate and Northwest Iron Spear Lei Family, it may be said that was chats to repulse the enemy, but the Shaolin Wudang two schools did not begin, at this time, he obtained certainly the surface to bother. 现在凌云两拳打废了柳随风,轻松劝走了神拳门西北铁枪雷家,可谓是谈笑退兵,而少林武当两派又迟迟不动手,这时候,他当然得出面搅局。 But Gongsun Li does not know, Ling Yun the bad luck ghost, is he! 公孙厉不知道的是,凌云等的倒霉鬼,正好就是他! Actually originally, Ling Yun wants to operate with Dragon Tiger Mountain Priest Cang Song, but now Gongsun Li, since courts death on own initiative, he will be certainly impolite. 其实本来,凌云是想拿龙虎山苍松道长开刀,可现在公孙厉既然主动找死,那他当然不会客气。 Is very good.” “很好。” Ling Yun said lightly two characters, then puts out a hand directly, draws a sword! 凌云淡淡说了两个字,然后直接伸手,拔刀! Zheng! 铮! Nether Blood Demon Blade comes out of the sheath! 冥血魔刀出鞘! Ling Yun drags the blade the line, footsteps are not quick, the Nether Blood Demon Blade knife point, sends out one type fricative that on the rock of summit made the person of tooth acid. 凌云拖刀而行,脚步并不快,冥血魔刀的刀尖,在山顶的岩石上发出一种令人牙酸的摩擦声。 Gongsun Li wants to continue to drink to scold Ling Yun, but he suddenly discovered that own could not smile again, because he was covered by an invisible internal combustion engine deadlocks, that was Ling Yun along with leads the way step by step, the killing intent of gradually rising suddenly! 公孙厉本来想继续喝骂凌云,可他忽然发现自己再也笑不出来了,因为他被一种无形的气机笼罩锁死,那是凌云随着一步步前行,逐渐暴涨的杀机! The place that Gongsun Li stands, is away from Ling Yun, only then four zhang (3.33 m) far, now reduced is three zhang (3.33 m), but Ling Yun is still towing the blade to lead the way gradually, neither fast nor slow. 公孙厉站立的地方,距离凌云只有四丈远,现在已经缩短为三丈,而凌云依然在拖刀缓步前行,不疾不徐 Ling Yun's that calm, that calm, is similar he to go to the front chicken coop child, catches a chicken to come out conveniently, then a blade chops the head. 凌云的那种沉稳,那种从容,就仿佛他是要去前面的鸡笼子里面,随手抓一只鸡出来,然后一刀剁头。 Gongsun Li face look changes, two eyes have narrowed the eyes suddenly, in the pupil projects acupuncture same rays of light, the violent shouts: „The Netherworld Cult numerous obey orders, everybody on, has chopped him together! Revenges for our Netherworld Cult disciple!” 公孙厉色变了,两只眼睛骤然眯起,瞳孔里射出针刺一样的光芒,暴喝道:“幽冥教众听令,大家一起上,剁了他!为我们幽冥教弟子报仇!” Ling Yun has smiled, originally is the Netherworld Cult person. 凌云笑了,原来是幽冥教的人。 He knows how own and Netherworld Cult mountain ridge has, that was killing Sun Family playboy juniors Sun Xing that night, was hit the dead beating by him remnantly many Acquired three 4-layer Expert, basically was the Netherworld Cult people. 他知道自己幽冥教的梁子是怎么结下的,那是在杀孙家纨绔子弟孙星的那天晚上,被他打死打残了不少后天四层高手,基本都是幽冥教的人。 Since with Sun Family, is related with own woman Zhuang Meifeng, that Ling Yun will be more impolite! 既然和孙家,和自己的女人庄美凤有关,那凌云就更不会客气! shua~ shua~ shua~ brushes...... 刷刷刷刷…… Gongsun Li beckons with the hand, has stood in his behind eight black-clothed person, all vertical leaps, presents a dense fan, kept off before the body of Gongsun Li. 公孙厉一摆手,一直站在他身后的八个黑衣人,全部纵跃而出,呈现一个密实的扇面形,挡在了公孙厉的身前。 Brothers, Cult Master said that so long as has killed Ling Yun tonight, Sir Cult Master must have the generous gifts!” “弟兄们,教主说了,只要今晚杀了凌云,教主大人必有厚赐!” Gives on me!” “给我上!” Gongsun Li sees Ling Yun more to compel to be nearer, he loudly shouts once more, lifts the hand suddenly, has extracted a black long whip from the waist, unexpectedly is two zhang (3.33 m), flies high flings, a fulmination! 公孙厉凌云越逼越近,他再次大喝一声,猛然一抬手,从腰间抽出了一条黑色长鞭,竟长达两丈,凌空一甩,啪的一声爆鸣! That eight Netherworld Cult disciples, heard that Sir Cult Master will have the generous gifts, immediately each one look burning hot and crazy, are all brandishing the sword, toward Ling Yun rushing over of not awfully! 那八名幽冥教弟子,一听说教主大人会有厚赐,顿时个个眼神炙热而又疯狂,个个挥舞着刀剑,向着凌云不要命的冲了过去! Ling Yun cannot help but curled the lip. 凌云不由得撇了撇嘴。 Tonight said that many, has not killed a person, this is really not my style......” “今晚说了那么多了,还没有杀一个人,这真的不是我的风格啊……” The voice has not fallen, Ling Yun lifts hand, leaves the blade! 话音未落,凌云抬手,出刀! Makes a move then as if the thunder lightning, black black Nether Blood Demon Blade, delimits together jet black radiance in the nighttime sky, a person that towards to/clashes first, cuts to fall directly! 一出手就仿佛雷霆闪电,黝黑色的冥血魔刀,在夜空中划出一道漆黑的光华,对着最先冲过来的一人,迎头斩落! That teaches the numerous frantically, is lifting the shining steel knife, has not waited to cut to fall, from head to foot cleft in two by a Ling Yun blade! 那名狂热教众,举着明晃晃的钢刀,还没等斩落下去,就被凌云一刀从头到脚劈成了两半! Has not called out pitifully, has not shouted miserably, only then two pieces of corpses, lean both ways toward about! 没有惨叫,没有惨呼,只有两片尸首,向着左右两边倒去! In the ground does not have many blood, the majority of blood already suction by Nether Blood Demon Blade. 地面上没有多少鲜血,大部分鲜血早已被冥血魔刀吸走。 Ling Yun from that person of separated two halves corpses, puts on, once more horizontal blade, but pushes gently forward! 凌云从那人分开的两半尸身中间,一穿而过,再次横刀,只是轻轻向前一推! Also three people, cut off by Ling Yun around the middle, in the five main internal organs (entrails) is thin crash-bang falls on the ground, that scene bloody indescribable! 又有三人,被凌云拦腰斩断,五脏六腑稀里哗啦掉落在地上,那场面血腥的无法形容! Four people that the rear to/clashes, see the Ling Yun so power and influence, each and everyone frighten are scared out of one's wits, the first response is the moving quickly runs away. 最后面冲上来的四人,看到凌云如此威势,一个个吓得魂不附体,第一反应就是飞身逃走。 Gave you a moment ago the opportunity, you do not walk, now...... Late.” “刚才给你们机会了,你们不走,现在……晚了。” Ling Yun said lightly, simultaneously turns toward the front, wielded the third blade! 凌云淡淡说了一句,同时向着前方,挥出了第三刀! Four heads shoot up to the sky, four headless corpses stood are shaking several to shake, then leaned this way and that falls down! 四颗头颅冲天而起,四具无头尸身站立着晃了几晃,然后东倒西歪,摔倒在地! Three blades, Netherworld Cult eight Expert, are decapitated completely! 三刀,幽冥教八名高手,全部身首异处! Ling Yun has arrived at the Gongsun Li front finally, he stopped the footsteps. 凌云终于走到了公孙厉的面前,他停下了脚步。 The Gongsun Li complexion big change, the whole body shivers, because the limit fears, the high and low tooth has been colliding intensely, flutters to ask that Ling Yun said: You...... You...... Also is the person?” 公孙厉脸色大变,浑身颤抖,因为极限恐惧,上下牙齿一直在激烈碰撞,颤声问凌云道:“你……你到底……还是不是人?” Gongsun Li has to see the murder, moreover personally has killed many people, but looked that others with chopping the melon cut vegetable murder of such, is the first time! 公孙厉不是没有见过杀人,而且也亲手杀死过很多人,但看别人跟砍瓜切菜似的这么杀人,还是第一次! Ling Yun said lightly: You had not said a moment ago, I am a young demon, kills people like the hemp, regards the human life such as worthlessly, did you forget?” 凌云淡淡说道:“你刚才不是说过了么,我是一个小魔头,杀人如麻,视人命如草芥,难道你忘了?” You said that how I feel all right do not display, proved the accuracy of words you said?” “你都那么说了,我怎么好意思不表现一下,来证明你说的话的正确性呢?” „--” “啊——” Gongsun Li wields the whip crazily, long whip receives an examination form to Nether Blood Demon Blade in Ling Yun hand, simultaneously his crazy roar the moving quickly is retroceding! 公孙厉疯狂挥鞭,长鞭直接卷向凌云手中的冥血魔刀,同时他狂吼着飞身后退! Master Jue Yuan, Priest Chong Xu saves a life!” 觉远禅师,冲虚道长救命啊!” At this moment, Gongsun Li knew finally Ling Yun is how terrifying existence, he has frightened insanely. 这一刻,公孙厉总算是知道了凌云是多么恐怖的存在,他已经吓疯了。 You accept fate, now deity cannot save you!” “你认命吧,现在神仙也救不了你!” Ling Yun stands motionless, lifted the hand to wield the fourth blade, painted black blade aura to flash past together, does not have in dividing of suspense airborne Gongsun Li! 凌云站立不动,抬手挥出了第四刀,一道漆黑色的刀罡一闪而过,毫无悬念的劈中了空中的公孙厉 The body of Gongsun Li, from airborne cleft in two! 公孙厉的身体,从空中被劈成了两半! Four blades, Dragon Gate Mountain withstand/top the Netherworld Cult Vice- Cult Master nine people, was all extinguished by Ling Yun! 四刀,龙门山幽冥教连带副教主共九人,被凌云全灭!
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