DEMG :: Volume #10

#980: The terrifying frightens

Ling Yun made Liu Suifeng say again a few words listen to him. But a mouth of person was smashed, but also spoke? 凌云柳随风再说一句话给他听听。可一个人的嘴巴被砸烂了,还怎么说话? The Liu Suifeng present situation is quite frigid, that also calculates good-looking charming pretty boy, wants the fearsome to terrify person compared with the traffic accident site now! 柳随风现在的情形极为惨烈,原本那张还算俊俏迷人的小白脸儿,现在比车祸现场还要可怖瘆人! His face seemed used more than 100 jin (0.5 kg) big iron hammers, brandished the later towards surface gate to pound ruthlessly, had been ground the later appearance by a heavy commercial vehicle from the face probably, from two downward, completely turned into the broken bone decay meat! 他那张脸就仿佛被人用100多斤重的大铁锤,抡圆了之后对着面门狠狠的砸了一下,又好像被一辆重型车从脸上碾过之后的样子,从两眼往下,全部变成了碎骨烂肉! Liu Suifeng falls down, because Dantian was discarded by a Ling Yun fist, the painful his entire body is similar to the boiled prawn rolls up generally, the four limbs are twitching, but that is only the conditioned reflex. 柳随风摔倒在地,因为丹田凌云一拳废掉,痛的他整个身体如同煮熟的大虾一般蜷缩起来,四肢都在抽搐不已,但那只是条件反射。 Liu Suifeng oneself, because frightens the belt/bring pain continually, already thoroughly fainted, is vents anger the multi- air admissions to be few shortly, the deity was difficult to rescue. 柳随风本人,因为连吓带痛,早已彻底昏死了过去,眼看着是出气多进气少,神仙难救了。 Thousand honored strengths, the prestige of two fist! 千钧力道,两拳之威! „--” “啊——” After Zhong Chunyan sees clearly this scary one, direct two turn white, sends out sad and shrill miserable to shout, the figure face upwards backward but actually. 钟春燕看清这骇人一幕之后,直接两眼翻白,发出一声凄厉的惨呼,身形向后仰天而倒。 She simply frightens to faint, because of Liu Suifeng this face, her today daytime also on own initiative has kissed. 她干脆吓昏了过去,因为柳随风这张脸,她今天白天还主动亲吻过。 Junior Sister!” “师妹!” Ji Xiaoqing hurries the moving quickly to go forward, supports Zhong Chunyan that will soon throw down, is thrown into confusion to pinch in her person the hole. 纪小晴赶紧飞身上前,一把扶住了即将摔倒的钟春燕,手忙脚乱掐她的人中穴。 „--” “哇——” Correct path Expert that several have not killed people, after looking at the Guo Xiaotian headless corpse, exciting is not good, now looked at this scary one, could not bear again, starts to bend the waist vomits crazily, separating the supper has spat. 有几个从来都没有杀过人的正道高手,本来在看了郭校天的无头尸身之后,就被刺激的不行,现在看了这骇人一幕,再也忍不住了,开始弯腰狂呕,把隔夜饭都吐了出来。 Such terrifying, from living only to meet practice to these, has not actually experienced the person of life and death preying, is really too bloody, was too frigid! 这样恐怖一幕,对那些从生下来就只会修炼,却从来没有经历过生死搏杀的人来说,实在是太血腥,太惨烈了! , Naturally also has achieved without a doubt the unusual frightening effect! 毫无疑问的,自然也达到了异乎寻常的震慑效果! Amitabha!” “阿弥陀佛!” Immeasurable day reveres!” “无量天尊!” Master Jue Yuan and Priest Chong Xu, as well as Dragon Tiger Mountain Cang Song Priest and the others, Amitabha and say/way, the facial expression on people face is together various, has the sadness, has does not endure, has the anger, has startled, but these are hard to conceal on each face that wipes the alarmed and afraid meaning. 觉远禅师和冲虚道长,以及龙虎山苍松道长等人,一起高诵佛号和道号,众人脸上的神情各不相同,有悲戚,有不忍,有愤怒,有愕然,但这些都难以掩饰每个人脸上的那一抹惊惧之意。 In their opinion, fight naturally mutually has the victory and defeat, even if sometimes is the life and death can also disregard, but Ling Yun's makes a move, actually rather extremely in Henla, is not only rushing to the face of opposite party directly, pulp that but also a fist hits the face of opposite party, this greatly has really surpassed certain correct path Expert imaginations. 在他们看来,打架自然是互有胜负,有时候即便是生死也可以置之度外,可凌云的出手,却未免太过于狠辣了些,不但直接奔着对方的脸去,而且还一拳把对方的脸打的稀烂,这实在是大大超出了某些正道高手的想象力。 But they do not know, Ling Yun this has shown mercy, by his fist energy, so long as a moment ago added 10% strengths again, can pound the rotten persimmon the head of Liu Suifeng directly, had no need for the second fist completely. 可他们不知道的是,凌云这已经是手下留情了,凭借他的拳劲,刚才只要再加一成力道,就能直接把柳随风的脑袋砸成烂柿子,完全用不着出第二拳。 Amitabha!” “阿弥陀佛!” Master Jue Yuan again more numerous, sad does not endure wear a look, restrains by force the anger to say to Ling Yun: Young donor went too far......” 觉远禅师再一次越众而出,面带悲戚不忍,强压怒火对凌云说道:“小施主太过分了……” Master Jue Yuan looks at Liu Suifeng that the ground suffocates, in the heart has one to rebuke oneself guilty. 觉远禅师看着地上奄奄一息的柳随风,心中生出一丝自责愧疚。 Ling Yun makes a move suddenly, Liu Suifeng stands behind the people in Shaolin and Wudang, with the strength of Grandmaster Jue Yuan, if he acts full power, can stop Ling Yun absolutely, is Liu Suifeng wins a slim chance of survival, but Ling Yun makes a move suddenly, the movement is really too quick, Master Jue Yuan slightly one hesitant, Ling Yun has gone well. 凌云突然出手的时候,柳随风就站在少林和武当的人后面,凭着觉远大师的实力,如果他全力施为,绝对可以阻拦住凌云,为柳随风争得一线生机,可凌云出手突然,身法又实在是太快,觉远禅师稍一犹豫,凌云已经得手了。 The Buddhists leniency, Master Jue Yuan in an instant, Liu Suifeng became so has been out, didn't he possibly rebuke oneself? 出家人慈悲为怀,觉远禅师一念之间,柳随风就成了如此下场,他怎么可能不自责? Ling Yun sneers, to dead dog general Liu Suifeng looked that does not look, look indifferent like ice, lifts a hand finger/refers of Master Jue Yuan behind, the ridicule said: Said me excessively?! Isn't Grandmaster Jue Yuan is cracking a joke?” 凌云冷笑,对死狗一般的柳随风连看都不看,神色冷漠如冰,抬手一指觉远禅师身后,讥讽说道:“说我过分?!觉远大师不是在开玩笑吧?” I just am a high-school student who Clear Water City just graduated, a person lives well, has not provoked you, has not offended you, even before tonight, I simply has not seen in you any person!” “我只不过是清水市刚刚毕业的一名高中生而已,一个人活得好好的,既没有招惹你们,也没有得罪你们,甚至在今晚之前,我都根本没有见过你们之中的任何一人!” Naturally......” Ling Yun puts out a hand at will, is pointing at ground Liu Suifeng: Besides this person.” “当然……”凌云随意伸手,指着地上的柳随风:“除了这个人之外。” But you? These many schools, these many Expert, ambush completely in Dragon Gate Mountain, lets Divine Sword Village in the name of Sect, compelling my Little Aunt to catch up to meet, after by fair means or foul compels I appear, must with joint forces encircle kills me!” “可你们呢?这么多门派,这么多高手,全部埋伏在龙门山,让神剑山庄师门的名义,逼着我小姨赶来见面,不择手段逼我出现之后,现在要合力围杀我!” You first want clearly, is not my Ling Yun is cruel and merciless, but is your own is putting the auspicious day, ate to the full supporting from afar comes Clear Water City to kill me, why can I be polite to you?” “你们首先要清楚一点,不是我凌云心狠手辣,而是你们自己放着好日子不过,吃饱了撑的千里迢迢来清水市杀我,那我凭什么要对你们客气?” Ling Yun sudden finger/refers of Jue Yuan: „Did Grandmaster Jue Yuan, I go to Shaolin Temple to steal your Scripture?” 凌云突然一指觉远:“觉远大师,我去少林寺偷你们的经书了?” Refers to Priest Chong Xu again: Priest Chong Xu, did I go to Wudang Mountains pounding your entrance?” 再指冲虚道长:“冲虚道长,还是我去武当山把你们山门给砸了?” I have Nether Blood Demon Blade, closes your trifling thing?” “我拥有冥血魔刀,关你们屁事?” I can Absorbing Cultivation Great Technique, what matters was also obstructing your?” “我会吸功大法,又碍着你们什么事了?” I am the good person or the unprincipled person, that is my own matter, having a need for you gesticulating to say this and that here?!” “我是好人还是坏人,那都是我自己的事情,用得着你们在这里指手画脚说三道四?!” Ling Yun is aggressive, but he said truly is the fact, this lets Jue Yuan and Chong Xu time has nothing to say in reply. 凌云咄咄逼人,可他说的确实是事实,这让觉远冲虚时间都无言以对。 Your more than 40 people gather round me and Little Aunt two people, but also kept on proclaiming did not make me live is leaving Dragon Gate Mountain, now was hit remnantly one by me, instead said me excessively, didn't you think absurd funny?!” “你们40多人围着我和小姨两人,还口口声声说不让我活着离开龙门山,现在被我打残了一个,反而说我过分,你们不觉得荒谬好笑吗?!” Ling Yun said, entire Dragon Gate Mountain withstand/top the complete silence, does not have one person to dare to meet his words again. 凌云说完,整个龙门山顶鸦雀无声,再无一人敢接他的话。 Ling Yun sees nobody to speak, he fell the vision on the body of Master Jue Yuan finally, said with a smile proudly: Originally, I before fight, most repugnant jabbered!” 凌云见无人说话,他最终把目光落在了觉远禅师的身上,傲然一笑道:“本来呢,我这个人在打架之前,最讨厌的就是磨嘴皮子!” I making into this surnamed Liu, first am because this person is really too inexpensive, next is the good intention reminded to you.” “我把姓柳的打成这样,首先就是因为他这人实在是太贱,其次就是好心好意的给你们提个醒儿。” If you know the good and evil, is willing to depart in light of this, my Ling Yun is not blocking, whatever you will descend the mountain \; If who is also thinking defends traditional moral principles except demon, or also wants to fish some advantage on me, that Liu Suifeng is your fates!” “如果你们知道好歹,愿意就此离去,那我凌云绝不拦着,会任由你们下山\;如果有谁还想着除魔卫道,或者说还想在我身上捞一些好处,那柳随风就是你们的下场!” My all has been said. Is remains, is hits kills, please as one likes, my Ling Yun certainly accompany!” “我言尽于此。诸位是去是留,是打是杀,请自便,我凌云一定会奉陪到底!” These words, are the Ling Yun own truth, is he gives these prestigious family correct path public figure last option opportunities, if after the opposite party listens, has not been tactful, he is a character. 这番话,是凌云自己的道理,也是他给这些名门正道人士最后的选择机会,如果对方听完之后还不识趣,那他接下来就是一个字。 Kill! 杀! Master Jue Yuan calmly listened to the Ling Yun's words, pair of thick eyebrows closely twisted in one, on the face appeared to wipe the complex bitter and astringent meaning. 觉远禅师静静听完了凌云的一番话,一对浓眉紧紧拧在了一起,脸上浮现出一抹复杂的苦涩之意。 He turns head to look subconsciously to Wudang Mountains Priest Chong Xu, the expression on Chong Xu long face, now also with him almost. 他下意识扭头看向武当山冲虚道长,冲虚道长脸上的表情,现在也跟他差不多。 On the rivers and lakes has words, is called to be in the rivers and lakes, the heart not as one pleases. 江湖上有句话,叫做身在江湖,心不由己。 Shaolin Temple and Wudang Faction, not only naturally comes for Nether Blood Demon Blade, if merely for Nether Blood Demon Blade, that in Master Jue Yuan and Priest Chong Xu talked after Ling Yun in pairs, Nether Blood Demon Blade or Ling Yun is the present age Demon Lord matter, is uncovers, otherwise, they not when does not make a move now. 少林寺和武当派,当然不只是为了冥血魔刀而来,如果仅仅是为了冥血魔刀,那么在觉远禅师和冲虚道长双双跟凌云交谈了一番之后,冥血魔刀或者说凌云是当世魔主的事,已经算是揭过去了,否则的话,他们不会等到现在都不出手。 Regarding an demon blade, is very heavy, regards as always the archenemy who some people can look, for example Guo Xiaotian \; But in the eyes of some people, is very pale, thinks that that actually looks in the final analysis is weapon, for example Jue Yuan and Chong Xu. 对于一把魔刀,有人会看的很重,视作平生大敌,比如郭校天\;但在有些人的眼里,却看的很淡,认为那说到底不过是一把武器而已,比如觉远冲虚 Shaolin Temple sends for Clear Water City, immediate cause is to clarify the cause of death and whereabouts of Grandmaster Hang Chi of Grandmaster Mie Qing, finally the goal naturally is Human Emperor's Writing Brush and Earth Emperor's Book China legend. 少林寺派人来清水市,直接原因是弄清楚灭情大师的死因和行迟大师的下落,最终目的自然是人皇笔地皇书华夏传说。 But Wudang Mountains Priest Chong Xu, then more comes for Ling Yun's Bronze Cauldron, because Shennong Cauldron is extremely important to China, particularly with the Wudang Taoism, has the unknown deep origin. 而武当山冲虚道长,则更多是为了凌云的青铜鼎而来,因为神农鼎华夏太过重要,尤其是和武当道教之间,有着不为人知的深厚渊源。 Compared to Human Emperor's Writing Brush and Earth Emperor's Book, as well as Shennong Cauldron, then Nether Blood Demon Blade in Jue Yuan and Chong Xu eye, cannot be regarded actually anything. 相对于人皇笔地皇书,以及神农鼎来说,那把冥血魔刀觉远冲虚的眼里,其实算不得什么。 But that a moment ago, now, they knew Ling Yun meets Absorbing Cultivation Great Technique, in their eyes, this is the unparalleled demon merit! 可那只是刚才,现在,他们已经知道了凌云吸功大法,在他们眼里,这是盖世魔功! This means a rivers and lakes catastrophe! 这意味着一场江湖浩劫! Such demon merit, should not exist in world, in other words, Ling Yun must die. 这样的魔功,根本不应存在于世间,换句话说,凌云必须死。 Morality and justice are, Master Jue Yuan and Priest Chong Xu do not want with the Ling Yun war, now also to fight. 道义所在,觉远禅师和冲虚道长本来不想和凌云战,现在也不得不战了。 Therefore two people relative forced smile. 所以两人相对苦笑。 Among this time correct path public figure, after listening to Ling Yun's truth, two people look at each other in blank dismay. 此时的正道人士当中,在听完凌云的一番“道理”之后,还有两个人面面相觑。 After that is climbs mountains, God Fist Gate Young Master Tie Ming that throughout is silent, as well as with him stands shoulder to shoulder Northwest Iron Spear Lei Family master, thunder clap. 那就是上山之后,始终沉默不语的神拳门少主铁明,以及和他并肩站在一起的西北铁枪雷家的主人,雷震。 On the boundary, this two people strength, is Innate 7-layer middle-stage Expert, the strength normally is also quite uncommon, but they arrive at the summit, after seeing the Guo Xiaotian headless corpse, simultaneously has chosen silent. 论境界,这两人的实力相当,都是先天七层中期高手,实力按说也算不凡,但他们到达山顶,看到郭校天的无头尸首之后,同时选择了沉默。 God Fist Gate naturally comes for Tie Zhengping, but Northwest Iron Spear Lei Family, then comes for Lei Wenxing. 神拳门自然是为了铁正平来的,而西北铁枪雷家,则是为了雷文星而来。 Tie Zhengping and Lei Wenxing, initially died under heavens pit Killing Formation. 铁正平雷文星,当初都死在了天坑杀阵之下。 Just like the Shangguan Nangong Ximen three respected families, they look for Ling Yun, takes a view with Ling Yun. 跟上官南宫西门三大家族一样,他们来找凌云,是跟凌云要一个说法。 But the rivers and lakes said over and over again, finally must speak by the strength, by fist speech. 可江湖说来说去,最终还是要靠实力说话,靠拳头说话。 The Ling Yun's strength is very strong, the fist is very hard, is not they can stir up. 凌云的实力很强,拳头很硬,根本不是他们所能惹得起的。 Similarly, no matter Ling Yun is related with that China legend, no matter also he is Demon Sect Demon Lord, tonight this turbid water, they do not get up again. 同样的,不管凌云是不是跟那个华夏传说有关,也不管他是不是魔宗魔主,今晚这趟浑水,他们再也蹚不起了。 Tie Ming and thunder clap vision looking at each other, with passes message into the intimate friendship flowed, finally nods relatively, then leapt the crowd together. 铁明和雷震目光对视,用传音入密交流了一番,最终相对点头,然后一起跃出了人群。 Master Jue Yuan.” 觉远禅师。” God Fist Gate Young Master Tie Ming.” 神拳门少主铁明。” Northwest Iron Spear Lei Family Family Head thunder clap.” 西北铁枪雷家家主雷震。” We have the matter to consult Ling Yun.” “我们有事情要请教凌云。” Master Jue Yuan what kind of character, he saw immediately God Fist Gate and Iron Spear Lei Family sprouted to draw back intent, does not stop, direct slight nod. 觉远禅师何等人物,他立即看出神拳门铁枪雷家已经萌生退意,也不阻拦,直接微微点头。 Ling Yun naturally knows that these correct path public figures, there is God Fist Gate and Northwest Iron Spear Lei Family person, moreover already noted Tie Ming that pair of fist and Lei Family three big Iron Spear, now saw them to jump finally, he did not mind, but was smiling gently, lifted the hand to them. 凌云自然知道这些正道人士当中,有神拳门西北铁枪雷家的人,而且也早已注意到了铁明那双拳头和雷家的三杆大铁枪,现在见他们终于跳出来了,他毫不介意,只是轻轻微笑着,冲他们抬了抬手。 Two please casually ask.” “两位请随便问。” Tie Ming turned head to look at thunder clap one, then said independently: Ling Yun, our God Fist Gate and Lei Family this coming, the original intention with you for the enemy, but there is a matter actually to ask you to ascertain.” 铁明扭头看了雷震一眼,然后自主说道:“凌云,我们神拳门雷家这次过来,本意并非是要和你为敌,但有件事却必须要找你问清楚。” Ling Yun said with a smile: I know that you must ask my anything, now can tell you, I under heavens pit, truly have seen Tie Zhengping and Lei Wenxing, moreover we also once fought side-by-side. What may be very unfortunate, Shangguan Jue, Nangong Jian and Ximen Gang three people did not trigger Killing Formation carefully, causing their five people dead under formation law completely.” 凌云笑道:“我知道你们要问我什么,现在就可以告诉你们,我在天坑之下,确实见到过铁正平雷文星,而且我们还曾并肩作战。可很不幸的是,上官绝,南宫剑西门刚三人不小心触发了杀阵,导致他们五个人全部死在了阵法之下。” Ling Yun in a few words, explained the matter clearly, then sincere say/way: If you do not believe my view, can ask that Dugu Clan Dugu Mo, as well as Dongfang Clan Dongfang Ting, they presented at that time, can testify for me.” 凌云三言两语,就把事情解释清楚,然后正色道:“如果你们不信我的说法,可以去问问独孤家族独孤墨,以及东方家族东方庭,他们当时都在场,都可以为我作证。” Naturally, if you have not believed, can the present make a move greatly, revenges for them.” “当然,如果你们还不相信,大可以现在就出手,为他们报仇。”
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