DEMG :: Volume #10

#979: Wudang dragon tiger

The Ling Yun right hand downward searches, must draw a sword! 凌云右手往下一探,就要拔刀! Along with his movement, surrounding correct path Expert simultaneously complexion one cold, all people unexpectedly as if by prior agreement has drawn back a stride backward! 随着他的这个动作,周围的正道高手同时脸色一凛,所有人竟然不约而同的向后退了一大步! Why as, was needless saying that the Divine Sword Village big Senior Brother Guo Xiaotian corpse there swayed, that was still representing the Ling Yun's strength. 至于为什么,根本不用说,神剑山庄大师兄郭校天的尸首还在那里摆着呢,那代表着凌云的实力。 Besides Shaolin and Wudang, after other send respectively Expert arrives at the summit, instantaneously has chosen ceasing all activities, does not dare to say this and that to Ling Yun, does not dare to rush to attack Ling Yun, has the reason. 除了少林和武当之外,其他各派高手来到山顶之后,都瞬间选择了偃旗息鼓,不敢对凌云说三道四,更不敢抢着攻击凌云,不是没有原因的。 Guo Xiaotian concrete is any boundary strength, sends Expert respectively, although is unknown, may be the fool can also guess, his strength again lowly also above Innate 8-layer! 郭校天具体是什么境界实力,各派高手虽然不得而知,可就算是傻子也能猜出来,他实力再低也在先天八层之上! Ling Yun facing the Divine Sword Village five big disciples, can cut to kill Guo Xiaotian at the scene, this is what kind of cultivation level, what kind of skill?! 凌云面对神剑山庄五大弟子,都能把郭校天斩杀当场,这是怎样的修为,何等的身手?! Now the Dragon Gate Mountain top, prestigious family honest Expert adds, although 42 people, may achieve the Innate 8-layer above boundary, how many can have? 现在龙门山顶,名门正派的高手加起来虽然有42人,可达到先天八层以上境界的,能有几个? When really Innate 8-layer Expert is the cabbage of roadside, stresses one big? 真当先天八层高手是路边的大白菜,一抓一大把吗? Military Dao Cultivation refining up how difficultly, tonight correct path Expert on the scene, nobody's boundary under Innate 3-layer, but their lives are also the lives, even pities the life compared with the average person, naturally does not want by Ling Yun killing. 道修炼何其艰难,今晚在场的正道高手,没有一个人的境界在先天三层之下,可他们的命也是命,甚至比普通人更加惜命,当然不想被凌云给杀死。 Although correct path Expert overwhelms with numerical strength, although Ling Yun only has two people, both sides contrast disparately, may still nobody dare to attack on own initiative, touches the mildew head. 正道高手虽然人多势众,凌云这边虽然只有两人,双方对比悬殊,可依然没有人敢主动出击,自触霉头。 By until now, only then Shaolin Temple Master Jue Yuan, Wudang Mountains Priest Chong Xu, as well as the Kunlun Sword Sect Li Kunwu three people, dares to enter in the Ling Yun body previous zhang (3.33 m), other people, are dumbfounded, is hoping others make a move first. 是以,到现在为止,也只有少林寺觉远禅师,武当山冲虚道长,以及昆仑剑派李昆吾三人,敢进入凌云身前一丈之内,其他人,都在大眼瞪小眼,盼着别人先出手。 This is the will of the people. 这就是人心。 Sees Ling Yun to draw a sword, correct path people immediately everybody feels insecure, flurried, many people hurried to put out the weapon, choked the sound of liang to be lingering on faintly, the respective guard, was critical situation. 眼看凌云拔刀,正道中人顿时人人自危,慌乱中,许多人赶紧拿出了兵器,呛喨之声不绝于耳,各自防范,如临大敌。 Holds on a minute!” “且慢!” Priest Chong Xu saw Ling Yun saying that hit hits, for a while is unable to adapt to Ling Yun this fight manner, hurried to beckon with the hand to prevent. 冲虚道长见凌云说打就打,一时也根本无法适应凌云这种战斗态度,赶紧摆手阻止。 Ling Yun frowned, the facial expression is quite slightly impatient, but stopped the movement of drawing a sword. 凌云微微皱眉,神情颇不耐烦,但还是停止了拔刀的动作。 This makes all being critical situation correct path Expert relax, many people have swallowed saliva secretly, fainted from fear own to have, was blown by the mountain breeze, a back icy coldness. 这让所有如临大敌的正道高手都松了一口气,许多人暗自吞咽了一口唾沫,才惊觉自己出了一身冷汗,被山风一吹,后背一片冰凉。 Young donor, you are truly interesting......” “小施主,你这个人确实十分有趣……” Priest Chong Xu looked that has a curiosity to the Ling Yun's vision, seems looking at an alien, he still with smile on the face said: What my Wudang Mountains research is the say/way of Primal Chaos, is fastidious about Tao follows it's nature, some cultivating extremely few person of to enter the world participation world disputes in school......” 冲虚道长看向凌云的目光里有一丝好奇,就仿佛在看一个外星人,他依然面带微笑说道:“我武当山研究的是太极之道,讲究道法自然,门派内的修者极少有人入世参与天下纷争……” Priest Chong Xu spoke of here time, Dragon Tiger Mountain four big head cold snort/hum of as if by prior agreement, among the looks have filled thick disdaining. 冲虚道长说到这里的时候,龙虎山四大天师不约而同的冷哼了一声,神色间充满了浓浓的不屑。 Who knows Priest Chong Xu just likes has not heard, he continues to say to Ling Yun: „The young donor does not want to listen, why do we come the Clear Water City this time turbid water?” 谁知冲虚道长恍若未闻,他继续对凌云说道:“难道小施主就不想听一听,我们为何来清水市这一趟浑水?” Ling Yun sprinkles however smiles, asked back: „? Do you not come for Human Emperor's Writing Brush and Earth Emperor's Book?” 凌云洒然一笑,反问道:“哦?难道你们不是为了人皇笔地皇书而来?” Priest Chong Xu saw Ling Yun to say so simply happy, gawked slightly, slightly awkwardly said: This...... It can be said that can also say that is not......” 冲虚道长见凌云说的如此干脆痛快,微微一愣,略显尴尬说道:“这个……可以说是,也可以说不是……” Ling Yun smiles to ask: Does not know how Daoist priest words did say?” 凌云笑问道:“不知道长此话怎讲?” Priest Chong Xu smiles has profound meaning greatly, said: Does not know whether to ask young donor, Human Emperor's Writing Brush and Earth Emperor's Book, whether was obtained by the young donor?” 冲虚道长笑的大有深意,道:“不知可否问小施主一句,人皇笔地皇书,是否被小施主得到了?” Categorical that Ling Yun replied: No! Before you appear, I have not heard any nonsense Human Emperor's Writing Brush and Earth Emperor's Book!” 凌云回答的斩钉截铁:“没有!在你们出现之前,我根本就没听说过什么狗屁人皇笔地皇书!” Cracks a joke, this matter, will kill Ling Yun he not to acknowledge! 开玩笑,这种事,就是打死凌云他都不会承认的! The Ling Yun itself thinks that Priest Chong Xu pesters at Human Emperor's Writing Brush and Earth Emperor's Book matter continuous, who knows Priest Chong Xu to nod unexpectedly directly, expressed believes. 凌云本以为冲虚道长会在人皇笔地皇书的事情上纠缠不休,谁知冲虚道长竟然直接点了点头,表示了相信。 Then asked: But the entire rivers and lakes know now, the young donor has Bronze Cauldron, does not know that can take to give me to have a look?” 然后才问道:“可现在整个江湖都知道,小施主拥有一个青铜鼎,不知道可不可以拿出来给我看看?” Ling Yun in the heart suddenly. 凌云心中恍然。 Here, he understood finally, originally Wudang Mountains, came for Shennong Cauldron on his hand. 说到这里,他总算是明白了,原来武当山,是为了他手上的神农鼎来的。 But this point, Ling Yun is unable to deny that after all initially, in Clear Water City, Ling Yun once under glare of the public eye, used Bronze Cauldron to open others two villas! 但这一点,凌云是根本无法否认的,毕竟当初,就在清水市,凌云曾在众目睽睽之下,使用青铜鼎拆了人家两栋别墅! At that time had many media characters to present, the noisy world that this matter has not passed on all knew, was similar. 当时有许多的媒体人物在场,这件事情就算没有传的沸沸扬扬天下皆知,也差不多了。 But Wudang sends to enter the world, Ling Yun not to know that they definitely have the own influence in the earthliness, to investigate this matter desirably, is not difficult. 而武当派就算再不入世,凌云也知道他们在俗世中肯定有自己的势力,要想刻意调查这件事情,根本不难。 Therefore Ling Yun had not denied, he does not need to deny. 所以凌云并没有否认,他也无需否认。 Ling Yun smiles, the beautiful mouth said: Bronze Cauldron, I really have one, but......” 凌云嘿嘿一笑,红口白牙说道:“青铜鼎嘛,我确实有一个,不过……” Ling Yun looked down own, both hands one said: You thought that I so will be big, then a heavy everybody, does bring daily in the side?” 凌云低头看了看自己,双手一摊说道:“你觉得我会把那么大,那么沉重的一个大家伙,天天带在身边吗?” Priest Chong Xu has not spoken, but is gazing at Ling Yun, smiles not to speak. 冲虚道长没有说话,只是注视着凌云,笑而不语。 Ling Yun looked by him is not feeling well, a straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards porch, asked: What meaning?” 凌云被他看得不爽,剑眉一轩,问道:“什么意思?” Priest Chong Xu smiles somewhat cunning, never says die saying: „To have a look?” 冲虚道长笑的有些奸猾,锲而不舍道:“就想看看?” Ling Yun frowned: If I didn't say good?” 凌云皱眉:“如果我说不行呢?” Priest Chong Xu strokes must steadily, said with a smile: Has a look also to have anything......” 冲虚道长一捋长须,微笑道:“看看也少不了什么……” Ling Yun thinks slightly, suddenly said with a smile: „Did that turn head to say again? Tonight is really not the time.” 凌云微微一想,突然笑着说道:“那,回头再说?今晚实在不是时候。” Priest Chong Xu complies is very refreshed: Good!” 冲虚道长答应的很爽快:“好!” Then no longer said one unexpectedly, very simple turns head to turn around, walks toward the own camp. 然后竟不再多说一句,很干脆的扭头转身,向着自己的阵营里走去。 Wudang sent also to cease all activities unexpectedly. 武当派竟也偃旗息鼓了。 This makes other correct path public figures who Dragon Gate Mountain withstand/top stare dumbfounded completely! 这让龙门山顶上的其他正道人士全部瞠目结舌! Shaolin does not hit, Wudang does not hit, their these many martial arts world do Expert come to here to do? Everybody is dines together? 少林不打,武当也不打,那他们这么多武林高手来这里干什么?大家难道是来聚餐的吗? Chong Xu always said, you are shameless! Your Wudang Mountains also shameless!” 冲虚老道,你无耻!你们武当山也无耻之极!” In the crowd exudes one to shout angrily suddenly, the sound is shocking, obviously that person gets angry extremely, the people go following the prestige, impressively discovery violent anger head of Dragon Tiger Mountain that lead, Priest Cang Song. 人群中陡然发出一声怒喝,声音震天,显然那人怒极,众人循声望去,赫然发现暴怒的正是龙虎山那位领头的天师,苍松道长。 Wudang Mountains with the Ling Yun hatred, Dragon Tiger Mountain naturally has not had the enmity with Ling Yun without the injustice, at least at present is so. 武当山跟凌云没有仇恨,龙虎山自然也跟凌云无冤无仇,至少目前还是如此。 Priest Chong Xu walks, not only has not upheld the justice for the martial arts world, instead cheerful came to an arrangement about the Bronze Cauldron matter with Ling Yun, this let a moment ago already Ling Yun offended Dragon Tiger Mountain, how can not be angry?! 冲虚道长走出来,非但没有为武林主持公道,反而乐呵呵的跟凌云谈妥了青铜鼎的事情,这让刚才已经把凌云得罪了的龙虎山,如何能不愤怒?! Wudang Mountains comes for Bronze Cauldron, their does Dragon Tiger Mountain come for Bronze Cauldron? The benefit that Dragon Tiger Mountain schemes is bigger. 武当山是为了青铜鼎来的,他们龙虎山又何尝不是为青铜鼎而来?只是龙虎山所图谋的利益更大而已。 With one shameless, Wudang Mountains disciple cold snort/hum draws a sword, quarrels with the Dragon Tiger Mountain four big head blade soldiers of being burning with anger, both sides at daggers drawn, must trouble begins in the home shortly. 随着一声无耻之极,武当山众弟子纷纷冷哼拔剑,和怒火中烧的龙虎山四大天师刀兵相向,双方剑拔弩张,眼看就要祸起萧墙。 Priest Chong Xu comes to front of the Wudang disciples, coughs lightly, beckoned with the hand, hints them to receive weapon, then turns around calm, is looking at the Dragon Tiger Mountain four big heads, refuses to accept you to hit me the lovable expression. 冲虚道长来到武当众弟子面前,轻咳一声,摆了摆手,示意他们收起武器,然后淡定转身,望着龙虎山四大天师,一副不服你来打我啊的可爱表情。 interesting......” 有点儿意思……” Ling Yun must be wild with joy at heart simply, the heart said that was then good, own soon has become watching the fun. 凌云心里简直要乐坏了,心说这下好了,自己快要成了看热闹的了。 It seems like daoist sect is not monolithic bloc, at least Wudang Mountains and Dragon Tiger Mountain these two daoist sect heavy, the interior has the irreconcilable contradiction. 看来道门内部也不是铁板一块儿,起码武当山和龙虎山这两座道门重地,内部就有着不可调和的矛盾。 Ling Yun's guessed that is correct. 凌云的猜测是正确的。 Although similarly is Dao Cultivation, but Wudang Mountains cultivates is the say/way of birth, what art is Tao follows it's nature, quietism and inaction \; But Dragon Tiger Mountain stresses in the say/way of to enter the world, stresses in walks in the world, the subdue demons eliminate the demon. 虽然同样是修道,可武当山修的是出世之道,讲究的是道法自然,清静无为\;而龙虎山则更偏重于入世之道,偏重于在人间行走,降妖除魔。 Different is not the stratagem, therefore, between two daoist sect, the innumerable years have been disputing in secret, whom compete for are true daoist sect are authentic. 道不同不相为谋,因此,两座道门之间,无数年来一直在暗中较量,争夺谁才是真正的道门正宗。 This strong other weak, both sides also refuse to accept anyone, where can the relations good to go? 此强彼弱,双方谁也不服谁,关系又能好到哪里去? Although Dragon Tiger Mountain four big heads anger in the Chong Xu actions, but they only have four people, Wudang Mountains has seven people, their strength is insufficient, knows that own how the opposite party, can only resentful however. 龙虎山四大天师虽然愤怒于冲虚的所作所为,可他们只有四人,武当山这边有七人,他们实力不够,也知道自己奈何不了对方,只能悻悻然。 Priest Cang Song ablaze with anger stared Chong Xu half-day/long time, finally does not dare to tear to pieces the facial skin with the opposite party, finally he has to turn the head to look to Ling Yun, having the anger saying: Snort, the young demon should not be favorite, even if Shaolin Wudang will not move you, do not want to live tonight are leaving Dragon Gate Mountain!” 苍松道长怒气冲冲的瞪了冲虚半天,最终也没有敢跟对方撕破脸皮,最后他只好转头看向凌云,带着火气说道:“哼,小魔头你别得意,就算少林武当不会动你,你今晚也别想活着离开龙门山!” Ling Yun nearly at the scene smiles to spurt, he conserves strength at this moment, already regained the peak the condition, powerful has not located to cause, simply makes with Priest Chong Xu the similar expression, looks at Priest Cang Song the clear and resonant voice saying: I stand here, refuses to accept you to hit my Ah?! 凌云差点儿当场笑喷,他此刻养精蓄锐,早已把状态恢复到了巅峰,正有力没处使呢,干脆做出和冲虚道长同样的表情,望着苍松道长朗声说道:“我就站在这里呢,不服你来打我啊?! Refuses to accept you to hit my Ah?! 不服你来打我啊?! Ling Yun meets to Dragon Tiger Mountain on own initiative! 凌云主动向龙虎山约战! Snort, the Ling Yun little bastard should not be favorite! You have Nether Blood Demon Blade, is present age Demon Lord! You have killed my big Senior Brother, is my Divine Sword Village absolutely irreconcilable personal enemy!” “哼,凌云小杂种你别得意!你拥有冥血魔刀,就是当世魔主!你杀了我大师兄,就是我神剑山庄不共戴天的仇人!” Master Jue Yuan, Priest Chong Xu, by this young demon not deceiving, him have been possible to have Nether Blood Demon Blade incessantly, his also unparalleled demon merit Absorbing Cultivation Great Technique......” 觉远禅师,冲虚道长,你们不要被这个小魔头给骗了,他可不止拥有冥血魔刀,他还会盖世魔功吸功大法……” Liu Suifeng sees the meaning that Shaolin and Wudang have not gotten rid of a while unexpectedly, when in the heart is disappointed, look one ruthless, started to clamor crazily! 柳随风见少林和武当一时竟然都没有出手的意思,心中失望之余,眼神一狠,又开始了疯狂叫嚣! What?!” “什么?!” This?!” “这?!” Hears Absorbing Cultivation Great Technique, in the field the person besides Kunlun Sword Sect and Divine Sword Village, other people was mind severely trembles, everybody holds breath cold air, on the face shows the color of panic-stricken fear! 听到吸功大法,场中除了昆仑剑派神剑山庄的人之外,其他所有人都是心神剧震,人人倒吸一口凉气,脸上展现出了惊骇恐惧之色! Shaolin Master Jue Yuan and Wudang Priest Chong Xu have been shocked, two people has looked one, can see in the dignified color to grid! 就连少林觉远禅师和武当冲虚道长都惊呆了,两人对望了一眼,均能看到对方眼中的凝重之色! Your also really he boisterous!” “你还真他吗的聒噪啊!” The Ling Yun violent anger, the voice just got up, a Ling Yun figure show, displayed peak Illusory Fish Dragon Steps directly, was leaving behind together the real remnant shadow same place! 凌云暴怒,话音刚起,凌云身形一展,直接把幻影鱼龙步施展到了极致,在原地留下一道真实残影! Shua! 刷! "Ah!" “啊!” Liu Suifeng, hurries to go all out to move aside panic-strickenly, may under Ling Yun's acts full power, where his son does movement technique suffice to look?! 柳随风惊骇至极,赶紧拼命躲闪,可在凌云的全力施为之下,他那点儿轻功又哪里够看?! The people only thought that at present a flower, Ling Yun has leapt forward behind the encirclement ring, arrived at the Liu Suifeng front, he makes a move suddenly, left hand searches, has pressed firmly between the fingers the neck of Liu Suifeng directly, but actually vertical returns like lightning! 众人只觉得眼前一花,凌云已经跃入了包围圈后方,来到了柳随风的面前,他猛然出手,左手一探,直接捏住了柳随风的脖子,闪电般倒纵而回! Does not wait for all people to respond, Ling Yun has stood to return same place, the whole person as if has not moved, but in hand were many a person, Liu Suifeng was being grabbed the neck by him, the body hangs the midair, two feet go all out to kick legs! 不等所有人反应过来,凌云已经站回到了原地,整个人仿佛没有动过,可手上却多了一个人,柳随风正被他抓着脖子,身悬半空,两只脚拼命踢腾! Bang!” “砰!” Ling Yun unrestrained/no trace of politeness, right hand direct fist pounded to the Liu Suifeng surface gate! 凌云毫不客气,右手直接一拳砸向了柳随风面门! "Ah!" “啊!” A sad and shrill pitiful yell, the nose of Liu Suifeng was broken by smashing with stone by Ling Yun directly, simultaneously the entire mouth also by the collapse that Ling Yun pounded! 一声凄厉至极的惨叫,柳随风的鼻子直接被凌云砸断,同时整个嘴巴也被凌云砸的塌陷了下去! A Ling Yun fist, breaks by smashing with stone the Liu Suifeng bridge of the nose, the mouth pounds to collapse, the chin crushes pulpy, the whole piece face instantaneously becomes covered with blood, the bloody water spout! 凌云一拳,把柳随风鼻梁砸断,嘴巴砸塌,下巴稀烂粉碎,整张脸瞬间变得血肉模糊,血水喷涌! Bang!” “砰!” Ling Yun knocks out a fist again, this fist bang to Liu Suifeng lower abdomen Dantian, has only used a fist, thoroughly abandoned Liu Suifeng! 凌云再出一拳,这一拳轰向了柳随风的小腹丹田,只用一拳,就把柳随风给彻底废了! A Liu Suifeng skill completely loses! 柳随风一身功力尽失! Thump!” “咚!” Ling Yun threw losing of dead dog the Liu Suifeng resembles to the ground, indifferent towards Liu Suifeng that the pitiful yell cannot call, said lightly: Had the skill you to say again a few words do listen to me?” 凌云柳随风像丢死狗似的丢到了地上,冷眼对着连惨叫都叫不出来的柳随风,淡淡说道:“有本事你再说一句话给我听听?”
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