DEMG :: Volume #10

#978: You and Buddhism is predestined friends

Close to the mid-night, the dim light of night is still deep, actually no longer is jet black like the dark ink, only because of tonight clear and boundless sky, hangs Milky Way to hang the nighttime sky, Stars/Xingchen is radiant, the curved crecent moons appeared in the nighttime sky, sprinkled the light moonlight. 临近午夜时分,夜色依然深沉,却已经不再是漆黑如浓墨,只因今夜晴空万里,一挂银河高悬夜空,星辰璀璨,更有一弯新月出现在了夜空,洒下淡淡的月光。 When midsummer, Dragon Gate Mountain, although the forest is luxuriant, at this time actually cannot hear any insect to call the beast roar, and has the birds to perch in the Dragon Gate Mountain jungle, but in the correct path Expert mountaineering process, hundred birds already startled flew a moment ago on a grand scale, the insect beast between wooded mountains also already frightened crawling that crawls, running away of running away. 时值盛夏,龙门山虽然林木茂盛,此时却听不到任何虫鸣兽吼,并不是没有鸟兽在龙门山的密林里栖息,而是刚才正道高手大张旗鼓登山过程中,百鸟早已惊飞,山林间的虫兽也早已吓得匍匐的匍匐,逃窜的逃窜。 The wild animal between wooded mountains felt disappearing that the formidable aura of these humanity powerhouses, already ran away. 山林间的野兽都感觉到了这些人类强者的强大气息,早就逃的不见踪影了。 The Dragon Gate Mountain top silence reigns, the Ling Yun sound ringing, talked and laughed merrily facing dozens prestigious family honest Expert, that calmness in any event, on him showing, that calm, making all people on the scene secretly believe. 龙门山顶万籁俱寂,凌云声音朗朗,面对几十位名门正派高手谈笑风生,无论如何,他身上所展现出来的那种镇定,那种从容,令在场的所有人都暗暗心折。 The Ling Yun's performance, causes to stand in his body swept back Qin Dongxue, no longer is also nervous, gradually tranquil. 凌云的表现,使得一直站在他身后掠阵的秦冬雪,心情也不再紧张,渐渐平静了下来。 Peaceful landslide in before does not change countenance, is unafraid in time of danger.” “泰山崩于前而不改色,临危不惧。” Although thousands of people I toward.” “虽千万人吾往矣。” Qin Dongxue is looking in the field, figure immovability, spoke with confidence with Shaolin Temple Grandmaster Jue Yuan, actually did not drop the wind the Ling Yun's back, the in the heart secret sigh. 秦冬雪望着场中,身形不动如山,和少林寺觉远大师侃侃而谈,却丝毫不落下风的凌云的背影,心中暗暗感叹。 She looks in the field that arrogant also lonely form, is thinking that fellow a person is always facing all difficulties, the beautiful eye has covered the 1-layer mist gradually, the look is slightly blurred, but the facial expression even more is firm! 她看着场中那个孤傲也孤单的身影,想着那个家伙始终一个人在面对所有的困难,美丽的眼睛逐渐笼罩了一层薄雾,眼神微微迷离,可神情却愈加坚定! Starting from tonight, Little Aunt this life, will not have any worry again, accompanies you to kill to spread around the world!” “从今夜开始,小姨这一生,不会再有任何顾虑,陪你杀遍天下!” Qin Dongxue has gotten hold of the sword hilt in hand. 不知不觉间,秦冬雪握紧了手中的剑柄。 But Ling Yun in field is actually the egg hurts at this time very much, is not because he saw the prestigious family correct path Expert unusual great strength that tonight catches up with, has surpassed his estimate, because Ling Yun is at heart clear, at present this Shaolin Temple big monk, he cannot kill. 可场中的凌云此时却是蛋疼得很,并不是因为他看出了今夜赶来的名门正道高手异乎寻常的强大,超出了他的预估,而是因为凌云心里清楚,眼前这个少林寺的大和尚,他杀不死。 The Buddhist doctrine of Master Jue Yuan was too profound, but the Buddhist doctrine profound monk, bodhi does not let kill. 觉远禅师的佛法太精深了,而佛法精深的和尚,菩提子不让杀。 This point, initially in Zhuang Tiande Clear Water Bay Villa, Ling Yun already on the body of Grandmaster Hang Chi, obtained very good confirmation. 这一点,当初在庄天德清水湾别墅里,凌云早已在行迟大师的身上,得到了很好的验证。 Ling Yun displayed skills at that time, cannot assassinate Grandmaster Hang Chi under the sword, this makes him depressed and angry, once made a determined effort to want bodhi discarding. 凌云当时施展出了浑身解数,都不能把行迟大师刺死于剑下,这让他郁闷而又愤怒,曾经发狠想要把菩提子给扔掉。 But this bodhi, is he under heavens pit, from that Buddhism eminent monk hand obtaining the most formidable treasure, Fishing Turtle Island crosses the tribulation, bodhi was shows not to be weak in Human Emperor's Writing Brush and Earth Emperor's Book miracle, did he possibly give up to discard? 可这菩提子,是他在天坑底下,从那名佛门高僧手中得到的最强大的宝贝,钓龟岛渡劫,菩提子更是展现出了不弱于人皇笔地皇书的神迹,他怎么可能舍得扔掉? Master Jue Yuan maintains the single palm is built on the chest posture to be invariable, lowers the head slightly, the vision looks to the Ling Yun body side inserts in that black blade of ground, the look is gradually dignified. 觉远禅师保持单掌立于胸前姿势不变,微微垂首,目光望向凌云身侧插在地上的那把黑刀,神色渐渐凝重。 Truly is Nether Blood Demon Blade, good heavy murderous aura! Good offense Demon-nature!” “确实是冥血魔刀,好重的杀气!好戾的魔性!” A Ling Yun corners of the mouth check, unfolds face/color Wei to say with a smile: Good, truly is Nether Blood Demon Blade.” 凌云嘴角儿一勾,展颜微笑道:“不错,确实是冥血魔刀。” Master Jue Yuan takes back the vision, fixes the eyes on to look to Ling Yun, time that this time he looks is longer, in the look appears gradually wipes the vacant color, is surprised the different way: But on the young donor, Buddha-nature is heavier!” 觉远禅师收回目光,定睛看向凌云,这次他看的时间更久,眼神中渐渐浮现一抹茫然之色,诧异道:“可是小施主身上,佛性更重!” Such remarks, various school of prestigious family correct path Expert in an uproar that has waited and seen peacefully! 此言一出,一直安静观望的各派名门正道高手一片哗然! What?! Buddha-nature?” “什么?!佛性?” Person who has Nether Blood Demon Blade will have the Buddha-nature? How is this possible?!” “持有冥血魔刀的人身上会有佛性?这怎么可能?!” Master Jue Yuan, won't you misread? This young demon kills people like hemp, Buddha-nature where the body comes?!” 觉远禅师,你不会是看错了吧?这个小魔头杀人如麻,身上哪里来的佛性?!” Listened to the judgment of Grandmaster Jue Yuan, the major prestigious family honest public figures' first responses do not believe that many person opens the mouth refute directly. 听了觉远大师的判断,各大名门正派人士的第一反应就是不信,有很多人直接开口进行驳斥。 Ling Yun is actually the secret heart cold, his own knows in heart, in own Space Ring, has bodhi, the mysterious bottle gourd, the oil lamp, with one string of buddha beads, these is the Buddhism most precious object that ancient Buddhism Great Expert left behind, was very obvious, Grandmaster Jue Yuan felt anything. 凌云却是暗暗心凛,他自己心里有数,自己空间戒指里,有着菩提子,神奇葫芦,青灯,和一串佛珠,这些都是古代佛门大能留下的佛门至宝,很显然,觉远大师感觉到了什么。 Amitabha, the Buddhist does not hit lies.” “阿弥陀佛,出家人不打诳语。” Master Jue Yuan Amitabha, the sonorous voice sounds, has covered instantaneously the clamoring sounds of other people, his look is serious, stares at Ling Yun saying: Young donor, you and my Buddha is predestined friends.” 觉远禅师高诵佛号,声如洪钟敲响,瞬间就掩盖了其他人的喧哗声,他神色郑重无比,盯着凌云说道:“小施主,你与我佛有缘。” These words, Master Jue Yuan has displayed the Buddhism unsurpassed marvelous ability roar, enlightens the benighted unexpectedly! 这句话,觉远禅师施展了佛门无上神功狮子吼,竟是振聋发聩! Dragon Gate Mountain withstand/top is silent for a while! 龙门山顶一时寂静! Major prestigious family honest Expert cannot bear look at each other in blank dismay, dumbstruck, does not clarify the intention of Master Jue Yuan for a while. 各大名门正派高手忍不住面面相觑,目瞪口呆,一时搞不清觉远禅师的用意。 Immeasurable day reveres!” “无量天尊!” Suddenly a sound said number resounds, the Dragon Tiger Mountain head's floating body from crowd, looks at Master Jue Yuan with the angry facial expression, the ridicule said: Grandmaster Jue Yuan, this is your is not right!” 忽然一声道号响起,龙虎山的一名天师从人群中飘身而出,用略带愤怒的神情看着觉远禅师,讥讽说道:“觉远大师,这就是你的不对了!” „Since millenniums, your Shaolin Wudang has ruled the roost of world martial arts world, especially the prosperous times, your Buddhism greatly rise, the believers are now innumerable, therefore we tacitly approve you for the representative tonight, negotiates with this young demon.” “千年以来,你们少林武当执天下武林之牛耳,尤其当今盛世,你佛门大兴,信众无数,所以我们大家今夜才默认你为代表,跟这个小魔头谈判。” This Dragon Tiger Mountain senior head has thought highly of Master Jue Yuan first superficially several, suddenly lifts the hand, is pointing at the distant place Guo Xiaotian headless corpse, suddenly a thread of conversation revolution. 这名龙虎山的老天师先不痛不痒的恭维了觉远禅师几句,突然一抬手,指着远处郭校天的无头尸身,突然话锋一转。 But Master Jue Yuan, this moment Divine Sword Village Mr. Guo big the skeleton is not cold, everybody also confirmed that Nether Blood Demon Blade recognizes this young demon is a Lord, you actually said that now this young demon is predestined friends with your Buddhism, what truth is this?!” “可是觉远禅师,此刻神剑山庄郭大先生尸骨未寒,大家又已经确认冥血魔刀认这个小魔头为主,你现在竟然说这个小魔头跟你佛门有缘,这算是哪门子的道理?!” „Doesn't your Shaolin, for certain obvious benefits, including your Buddhism objectives, abandoning attend to?!” “难道你们少林,为了某些心照不宣的利益,连你们的佛门宗旨,都弃之不顾了吗?!” Master Jue Yuan the facial color stagnates, two one, said: Priest Cang Song, this...... Did this saying mention from where?!” 觉远禅师面色一滞,两手一摊,道:“苍松道长,这……这话是从何说起?!” Dragon Tiger Mountain Priest Cang Song sneers wear a look, suddenly has swept Ling Yun one, looks to the Ling Yun's vision as if in looking at a deceased person, actually as if in looking at valuable rarities, in the look has been full of the greedy meaning, then to Jue Yuan Master cold -ly snorted and said: Snort! From where mentioned? You little hold are understanding act dumb, sends Expert to rush to Clear Water respectively, now gathers Dragon Gate Mountain, everybody for any goal, we are well aware!” 龙虎山苍松道长面带冷笑,突然扫了凌云一眼,看向凌云的目光仿佛在看一个死人,却又仿佛是在看一个稀世珍宝,眼神里充满了贪婪之意,然后才对觉远禅师冷哼道:“哼!从何说起?你少揣着明白装糊涂,各派高手都赶至清水,现在聚集龙门山,大家到底是为了什么目的,我们都心知肚明!” You had not said that to this young demon words two, start to win over desirably, said that he is predestined friends with your Buddhism, did you our other schools, regard transparently?!” “你跟这个小魔头话还没有说上两句,就开始刻意拉拢,说他跟你们佛门有缘,你把我们其他门派,都当成透明了吗?!” Shua! 刷! White clothing swordsman Li Kunwu holds the sword to leap the crowd suddenly, arrived in front of Grandmaster Jue Yuan instantaneously, the look is arrogant, words gloomy say/way: Good that Priest Cang Song said that Grandmaster Jue Yuan, your Shaolin to obtain Human Emperor's Writing Brush and Earth Emperor's Book, said that this fellow is predestined friends with your Buddhism, my Kunlun Sword Sect first does not comply!” 白衣剑客李昆吾突然抱剑跃出人群,瞬间来到了觉远大师面前,神色倨傲,话语阴沉道:“苍松道长说的不错,觉远大师,你们少林为了得到人皇笔地皇书,就说这家伙跟你们佛门有缘,我昆仑剑派第一个不答应!” In the crowd immediately is in an uproar! 人群中顿时又是一片哗然! Kunlun Sword Sect naturally stems from Kunlun Mountain, Kunlun Mountain is very special in the status of China martial arts world, this Li Kunwu is the status venerates, since childhood does not pay attention to anybody, he spoke quite directly, simply the meaning of Priest Cang Song bringing to light! 昆仑剑派自然出自昆仑山,昆仑山在当今华夏武林的地位十分特殊,这个李昆吾又是身份尊崇,从小不把任何人放在眼里,他说话相当直接,干脆把苍松道长的意思给挑明了! Right! Good that Priest Cang Song and Young Master Li said that your Shaolin cannot depend the own influence to be big, to snatch Human Emperor's Writing Brush and Earth Emperor's Book then by fair means or foul, wins over this young demon!” “对!苍松道长和李公子说的不错,你们少林不能仗着自己势力大,为了抢得人皇笔地皇书不择手段,拉拢这个小魔头!” Some people began, naturally some people start to echo, what speech is Netherworld Cult Vice- Cult Master Gongsun Li, he narrows the eyes to focus to fix the eyes on Ling Yun, measured cloudy said: This young demon has killed our Netherworld Cult many disciples, we have not revenged for the disciple, your Shaolin wants to protect him, Netherworld Cult does not comply!” 有人起了头,自然就有人开始呼应,说话的是幽冥教副教主公孙厉,他眯着眼紧盯着凌云,阴测测说道:“这个小魔头杀了我们幽冥教许多弟子,我们还没有为弟子报仇呢,你们少林就想要保护他,幽冥教不答应!” Gongsun Li said, his behind eight Great Expert create a disturbance to call out immediately: Our Netherworld Cult does not comply!” 公孙厉说完,他身后的八大高手立即纷纷起哄暴喝:“我们幽冥教不答应!” The momentum is astonishing! 声势惊人! The Wudang Faction, God Fist Gate, Northwest Iron Spear Lei Family, three schools have simultaneously chosen silent, throughout watches changes quietly. 武当派,神拳门,西北铁枪雷家,三个门派同时选择了沉默,始终静观其变。 But Divine Sword Village four big disciples, because big Senior Brother Guo Xiaotian died, simply does not have the share that they spoke, naturally, since Kunlun Sword Sect Li Kunwu jumped, did not need them to say anything again. 神剑山庄的四大弟子,因为大师兄郭校天已死,根本没有他们说话的份,当然,既然昆仑剑派李昆吾跳出来了,也不需要他们再说什么。 Shaolin Temple Grandmaster Jue Yuan has not thought completely matter will evolve this aspect, he is awkward and helpless at this time, the facial color said awkwardly: You have misunderstood , the Ling Yun young donor who this poor monk said is predestined friends with the Buddhism, at all is not such that you think......” 少林寺觉远大师完全没有想到事情会演变成这种局面,他此时尴尬而又无奈,面色为难说道:“你们真的是误会了,贫僧所说的凌云小施主跟佛门有缘,根本不是你们想的那样……” But the outstanding heroes had already been hoodwinked both eyes by the advantage at this time, will listen to Master Jue Yuan explanation? 可这时候群雄早已被好处蒙蔽了双眼,又怎么会听觉远禅师的解释? The Ling Yun facial color changes. 凌云面色微变。 His the vigilance of this time in the heart reached the limit. 他此时心中的警惕已经到达了极限。 Only then his own knows, words that Master Jue Yuan spoke, truly with Human Emperor's Writing Brush and Earth Emperor's Book not any relations, what he said is only the Buddhism, the Ling Yun body has the Buddha-nature fact. 只有他自己知道,觉远禅师说的话,确实跟人皇笔地皇书没有任何关系,他说的只是佛门,凌云身上具有佛性的事实。 However, Ling Yun will certainly not explain for Master Jue Yuan at this time, he looks forward to an enemy interior dispute, hits badly beaten is good! 不过,凌云这时候当然不会替觉远禅师解释,他巴不得敌人内部起纷争呢,打的头破血流才好! Such he is more convenient tonight. 那样他今晚就省事多了。 Master Jue Yuan was misunderstood, for a while a hundred mouths cannot explain it away, he looks suddenly to Ling Yun, has smiled bitterly, said meaningfully: Young donor, the Buddha-nature and Demon-nature, your has both, Buddha demon two, all in you in an instant, but also the young donor be please prudent!” 觉远禅师被人误会,一时百口莫辩,他突然望向凌云,苦笑了一声,意味深长说道:“小施主,佛性和魔性,你一身兼具,佛魔两道,全在你一念之间,还请小施主慎重!” After saying, Master Jue Yuan also read Buddha, does not wait for Ling Yun to respond, turns around slowly, turned back in the own camp unexpectedly. 说完之后,觉远禅师又念了一声佛号,不等凌云回应,缓缓转身,竟走回自己的阵营里去了。 Saw that Master Jue Yuan has given up unexpectedly, the correct path outstanding heroes somewhat are immediately scared, does not know any idea that actually Shaolin Temple has. 看到觉远禅师竟撒手不管了,正道群雄顿时有些傻眼,不知道少林寺究竟打的什么主意。 Honest Expert on the scene knows, Shaolin Temple comes to crusade against Ling Yun, the excuse that uses is Shaolin Temple Grandmaster Mie Qing and Grandmaster Hang Chi dies in the Ling Yun hand, they look for Ling Yun to beg the view. 在场的正派高手都知道,少林寺前来讨伐凌云,用的借口就是少林寺灭情大师和行迟大师都死在凌云手中,他们来找凌云讨要说法。 Because on Ling Yun has the Buddha reason, doesn't Shaolin Temple revenge? 难道就因为凌云身上有佛缘,少林寺就不报仇了? The people waited for half-day/long time, saw that Shaolin Temple has not looked for the Ling Yun troublesome meaning really again, went to another person the vision in abundance. 众人等了半天,看到少林寺真的没有再找凌云麻烦的意思,纷纷把目光投向了另外一人。 Leader who Wudang sends, Priest Chong Xu. 武当派的首领,冲虚道长。 Priest Chong Xu, and Shaolin Temple simultaneously first arrives at the summit, that recited the number taoist priest, his black Daoist robe, shouldered the long sword, the facial features were unadorned, must float steadily, a features suggesting extraordinariness and immortality scene. 冲虚道长,正是和少林寺同时最先到达山顶,那位口诵道号的道士,他一身玄色道袍,背负长剑,面容古拙,长须飘洒,一派仙风道骨景象。 Priest Chong Xu arrives at the summit, except for shouting that sound said number, later again did not open the mouth, appears exceptionally low-key, now finally walked. 冲虚道长到达山顶,除了喊了那一声道号,之后就再没有开口,显得异常低调,现在终于走了出来。 Immeasurable day reveres.” “无量天尊。” Priest Chong Xu recited a number, unexpectedly was be with smile on the face, gradually moved toward Ling Yun, every step flexible free, elusive elegant. 冲虚道长口诵道号,竟是面带微笑,缓步走向凌云,每一步都圆通自如,空灵飘逸。 Ling Yun lifts the eyelid slightly, asked lightly: Wudang?” 凌云微微抬起眼皮,淡淡问道:“武当?” This poor Daoist Wudang Mountains Chong Xu.” “贫道正是武当山冲虚。” Ling Yun nods, sincere asked: If I remember well, I and your Wudang Mountains does not have the enmity without the injustice, does not know why the Daoist priest also does come the Clear Water City this time turbid water?” 凌云点点头,正色问道:“如果我记得不错,我和你们武当山无冤无仇,不知道长为何也来清水市这一趟浑水?” Priest Chong Xu pauses, replied with a smile: Since the young donor also said that this was turbid water, why my Wudang Mountains can't?” 冲虚道长停步,笑着答道:“既然小施主也说这是一趟浑水了,我武当山为何不能蹚呢?” Ling Yun smile: Good, the life and death is not resentful!” 凌云微笑:“好,生死不怨!” Since Wudang Mountains looks for trouble, Chong Xu also had not expressed that with Shaolin such good intentions, that starts. 既然武当山没事找事,冲虚又没有表示出和少林那样的善意,那就开打。
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