DEMG :: Volume #10

#977: Smiles to the outstanding heroes!

„The Divine Sword Village person has had an accident, we climb mountains rapidly!” 神剑山庄的人出事了,我们迅速上山!” The signal flare same place, already in Dragon Gate Mountain each secret place was ambushing the prestigious family correct path public figure, was flowed from the jungle of level area ravine, displayed movement technique respectively, rushed to be first to charge into the summit. 信号弹一起,早就在龙门山各个隐秘处埋伏着的名门正道人士,从山坳山沟的密林里一涌而出,各自施展轻功,争先恐后冲向山顶。 South Dragon Gate Mountain, there are Dragon Tiger Mountain taoist priest four people, separately is: Cang Song, Xi Xia, Cui Zhu, the Qing Feng four heads, the respective hand take to whisk, carry the long sword, skices to the summit along the mountain road! 龙门山南,有龙虎山道士四人,分别是:苍松,栖霞,翠竹,青峰四名天师,各自手拿拂尘,身负长剑,沿着山路向山顶疾行! North Dragon Gate Mountain, is God Fist Gate Young Master Tie Ming, is leading in the gate four big Protector, with Northwest Iron Spear Lei Family three Iron Spear: Thunder clap, Lei Jingang, Lei Wenxiu, together direct impact peak! 龙门山北,是神拳门少主铁明,率领着门内四大护法,和西北铁枪雷家的三杆铁枪:雷震,雷金刚,雷文秀,一起直冲峰顶! Dragon Gate Mountain west, is the Kunlun Sword Sect four people of mountaineering, including Kunlun Three Swords, Zi Yang, Zi Ye, purple light three honorable people, what is the head is a white clothing swordsman, is called Li Kunwu, young, the facial expression is arrogant, both hands hold the sword to work as the chest, the shoulder motionless leg is not curved, steps on the treetop to plunder anxiously, takes a step gently is several feet distance. 龙门山的西面,则是昆仑剑派四人登山,其中有昆仑三剑,紫阳,紫叶,紫光三位真人,为首的是一名白衣剑客,叫做李昆吾,年纪不大,却神情倨傲冷漠,双手抱剑当胸,肩不动腿不弯,踩着树梢急掠,轻轻一迈步就是十几丈距离。 Dragon Gate Mountain east side , the nine Men in Black's moving quickly from the ravine jungle run out, is Netherworld Cult Vice- Cult Master Gongsun Li, is bringing hand/subordinate eight Great Expert, dashes along the mountain ridge! 龙门山的东面,也有九个黑衣人从山沟密林里飞身冲出,正是幽冥教副教主公孙厉,带着手下八大高手,沿着山脊飞奔! each and everyone such anxiously is doing toward mountain overshooting? Sharply is hurrying to the reincarnation?” 一个个的都这么急着往山上冲干什么?急着赶去投胎啊?” South Dragon Gate Mountain, in a at the foot of the hill jungle, youngster of wear Daoist robe, sits on the ground at will, backs on a big tree, the mouth is holding in the mouth a green grass, is narrowing the eye to glance the jungle of distant place, in the mouth ambiguous saying. 龙门山南,山脚下的一处密林里,一个穿着道袍的年轻人,随意坐在地上,背靠着一棵大树,嘴里叼着一株青草,正眯着眼睛瞟着远处的一个密林,口中含混不清的说道。 Place that jungle, a moment ago the Dragon Tiger Mountain four heads hid. 那一处密林,正是刚才龙虎山的四名天师隐藏的地方。 This young taoist priest, although look grows calculates on delicately, but the facial expression movement is actually dreadful, thief of an eye in the dim light of night very shines brightly, is blooming that slick rays of light of ordinary people. 这个年轻道士,虽然相貌长得算的上清秀,可是神情动作却是猥琐至极,一双眼睛在夜色中贼亮贼亮的,绽放着市井小民的那种油滑光芒 This young taoist priest except for dreadful slick, look thief bright outside, to the person the biggest impression is a character, dirty! 这个小道士除了猥琐油滑,眼神贼亮以外,给人最大的印象就是一个字,脏! On him that azure color Daoist robe does not know that long time has not cleaned, already turned into the dark color, moreover is greasy, in dark night flood bright. 他身上的那身青色道袍也不知道多长时间没清洗过了,早已变成了黑乎乎的颜色,而且油腻腻的,在漆黑夜色中泛着亮光。 His hair is very long, is chaotic, in top of the head casual one bunch, inserts with wooden chopsticks again carelessly, even if did is a hair bun. 他的头发很长,却是乱糟糟的,在头顶随便一束,再用一根木筷子胡乱一插,就算做是道髻了。 Near his right hand, the ground is putting a black package, bulging does not know that is filling any thing, on the package horizontally common peach wooden sword, this is his complete family belongings. 在他的右手边,地上放着一个黑色包裹,鼓鼓囊囊也不知道里面塞着什么东西,包裹上面横着一把不起眼的桃木剑,这就是他的全部家当。 At this time, this is representing the taoist priest dirty , noisy and disorder image fellow, is staring at distant place that small jungle, the whole face is disdaining, the anger was expressing the own disaffection! 此时,这个代表着道士界脏乱差形象的家伙,正盯着远处那个小密林,满脸不屑,愤怒表达着自己的不满! Snort! Everybody is the taoist priest, Wudang Mountains Chong Xu old good fork very much, is not willing to lead me also! But your Dragon Tiger Mountain four mixed wool old say/way also dare to shut out me unexpectedly, my Maoshan Shangqing School so is good to bully?!” “哼!大家都是做道士的,武当山冲虚老道牛叉的很,不愿意带我也就算了!可你们龙虎山的四个杂毛老道竟然也敢嫌弃我,难道我茅山上清派就是这么好欺负的么?!” „The Dragon Tiger Mountain smelly taoist priest you are waiting to me, sooner or later, my Mo Wudao will kill Dragon Tiger Mountain, a person your entrances selecting!” 龙虎山的臭道士你们给我等着,早晚有一天,我莫无道会杀上龙虎山,一个人把你们的山门给挑了!” This person Maoshan Shangqing School only later generation disciple Mo Wudao. 此人正是茅山上清派唯一后辈弟子莫无道 Em...... I alone, possibly the strength meet do not suffice greatly, wants to manage a farad helper the line......” “恩……我一个人,可能实力会不大够,得想办法拉点儿帮手才行……” When vented, Mo Wudao spat the green grass of mouth, lifts the right hand to lift at present, the thumb pinched rapidly in another four fingers, in the mouth mumbled. 等发泄完了,莫无道噗的一声吐掉了嘴里的青草,抬起右手举到眼前,拇指在另外四指上迅速掐动,口中念念有词。 When counts the computation, in Mo Wudao that extremely dreadful eye, flashed before to wipe the earnest color. 只有在掐指计算的时候,莫无道那双极其猥琐的眼睛里,才闪现出了一抹认真之色。 „The big Senior Brother who Divine Sword Village that likes installing to compel, has really hung......” 神剑山庄那位爱装逼的大师兄,果然已经挂了……” Then this fellow sighed carelessly, suddenly came one: Refuses stubbornly dead what matter closes my?” 然后这家伙胡乱叹了一口气,突然来了一句:“死不死的关我什么事?” Then, Mo Wudao curled the lip, grasps the own package with that common peach wooden sword, rubbed gently to stand, looked up to the summit place. 说完,莫无道撇了撇嘴,一把抓起自己的包裹和那把不起眼的桃木剑,磨蹭着站了起来,抬头望向山顶处。 Ling Yun, although I truly am give my teacher's younger brother Liu Deming and dustlessness one's teacher's older brother ask for an explanation, but I am only fortune teller, you may not probably kill me!” 凌云啊,虽然我确实是来给我刘德明师叔和无尘师伯讨个说法的,可我只是一个算卦的,你可千万不能杀我!” Em, asks for an explanation really...... Everybody has the words to discuss well, is right?” “恩,真的只是讨个说法而已……大家有话好好商量嘛,对不对?” Mo Wudao is looking at the summit, gives own to encourage to inflate repeatedly, but two feet are similar to two nails are common, is not willing to move one step. 莫无道望着山顶,反复给自己鼓劲打气,可两脚却如同两颗钉子一般,就是不肯挪动一步。 Mo Wudao stands in same place, the towards present air, with Ling Yun that does not have discussed that” half-day/long time, several times have wanted to turn around to depart, may brace oneself finally, starts to turn toward the summit to walk step by step. 莫无道站在原地,对着眼前的空气,和根本不存在的凌云“商量”了半天,有好几次想掉头离去,可最终还是硬着头皮,开始一步步向着山顶走去。 But at this time, besides Maoshan Mo Wudao, other prestigious family honest Expert, already all rushed to the summit, with arrives at the summit the first Shaolin Wudang two big school same places, compelled near Ling Yun and Qin Dongxue the cliff, assumed the fan to encircle two people, watertight! 而此时,除了茅山莫无道之外,其他所有名门正派的高手,早已全部冲到了山顶,和最先到达山顶的少林武当两大门派一起,把凌云秦冬雪逼到了悬崖边上,呈扇面形把两人围了起来,水泄不通! Eight big schools, Shaolin six people, Wudang seven people, Kunlun Sword Sect four people, Dragon Tiger Mountain four people, God Fist Gate five people, Northwest Iron Spear Lei Family three people, Netherworld School nine people, Divine Sword Village four people! 八大门派,其中少林六人,武当七人,昆仑剑派四人,龙虎山四人,神拳门五人,西北铁枪雷家三人,幽冥派九人,神剑山庄四人! In addition slow-going slow mountaineering at the foot of the hill Maoshan disciple Mo Wudao, tonight nine big school 43 Expert, encircle kills Ling Yun! 再加上从山脚下磨磨蹭蹭缓慢登山的茅山弟子莫无道,今夜有九大门派共43名高手,围杀凌云 Qin Dongxue already and Ling Yun stood shoulder to shoulder, she looks that these from darkness **** however each and everyone correct path Expert that left, looks that the present encirclement ring is getting more and more dense, the beautiful elegant face already became deathly white! 秦冬雪早已和凌云并肩而立,她看着那些从黑暗中****而出的一个个正道高手,看着眼前的包围圈越来越密实,绝美俏脸早已变得煞白 Especially when she saw, the Divine Sword Village four big disciples go to return, four people of whole faces are sinister and ruthless, bring the vision of hatred torching is staring at her the time, instantaneous cold-hearted like ice. 尤其是当她看到,神剑山庄的四大弟子去而复返,四人满脸阴毒,带着仇恨喷火的目光盯着她的时候,瞬间心冷如冰。 Qin Dongxue cannot help but turns the head, looks at Guo Xiaotian to sit cross-legged again, when the headless corpse of place, her does not have one to rebuke oneself at heart again guilty, anger filled with, flaming combustion! 秦冬雪不由自主转头,再去看郭校天盘坐在地的无头尸身的时候,她的心里再无一丝自责和愧疚,怒火满腔,熊熊燃烧! Good that Ling Yun said that in Divine Sword Village and in the big fellow apprentice's eye, own already was the world prestigious family correct path bent down to kill the Ling Yun's bait, was a dispensable sacrificial victim! 凌云说的不错,在神剑山庄和大师兄的眼里,自己早已是天下名门正道伏杀凌云的诱饵,就是一个可有可无的牺牲品! So ruthless Sect, what does own also stay in inside makes? Also considered that what their life and death do make?! 如此无情无义的师门,自己还呆在里面做什么?还考虑他们的生死存亡做什么?! The guilty feeling and guilty conscience vanish, Qin Dongxue in the heart fighting intent increases because of the anger, looks once more to the vision of Divine Sword Village four big disciples, naturally had one to disdain and taunt. 愧疚感和负罪感消失,秦冬雪心中战意因为怒火而攀升,再次看向神剑山庄四大弟子的目光,自然带了一丝不屑和嘲讽。 Ling Yun is not so, the extraordinary calm that he displays tonight, looks at the opposite party increasing number of people, first does not make a move, does not meet on own initiative, has not chosen to escape, he always the hand grasps Nether Blood Demon Blade, static standing there, be with smile on the face, smiles to the world outstanding heroes! 凌云则不然,他今晚表现的出奇的淡定,看着对方越来越多的人,既不抢先出手,也不主动约战,更没有选择逃跑,他始终手握冥血魔刀,静静的站在那里,面带微笑,笑对天下群雄! He, waited for that the enemy arrives in full completely, waits for a that heavens frightening war! 他在等,等待敌人全部到齐,等待那惊天一战! Is he! He is Ling Yun! In his hand is taking that black blade, is Nether Blood Demon Blade!” “就是他!他就是凌云!他手里拿着的那把黑刀,就是冥血魔刀!” Grandmaster Jue Yuan, Priest Chong Xu, is this young demon, a palm patted a moment ago while still alive my big Senior Brother!” 觉远大师,冲虚道长,就是这个小魔头,刚才一掌把我大师兄活活拍死的!” What do you also wait for? Everybody simply on together, gave to butcher him!” “你们都还等什么?大家干脆一起上,把他给宰了!” Divine Sword Village Liu Suifeng, running away time smooth quickest, is last returns, he returns to the summit, with the own Senior Brother younger sister has not actually stood, but hides in Shaolin and behind of Wudang two big schools, Ling Yun that hides is distant, is pointing at Ling Yun like the mad dog, depends to overwhelm with numerical strength, clamored crazily. 神剑山庄柳随风,逃的时候溜的最快,也是最后一个返回来的,他返回山顶,却没有跟自己的师兄妹站在一起,而是藏在少林和武当两大门派的后面,躲的凌云远远的,像条疯狗一样指着凌云,仗着人多势众,疯狂叫嚣不已。 Divine Sword Village another three people, was stands with the Kunlun Sword Sect four people in one on own initiative, although they despised the Liu Suifeng actions, may the master leave the same side after all, was not good to reveal his shameless act face to face, has to pretend not to hear, on the face actually displayed varying degrees the color of loathing. 神剑山庄另外三人,则是主动跟昆仑剑派的四人站在了一起,他们虽然不齿柳随风的所作所为,可毕竟师出同门,不好当面揭穿他的无耻行径,只好装作没有听见,脸上却都表现出了不同程度的厌恶之色。 Ji Xiaoqing has lowered the sound, was relating anything with Kunlun Sword Sect that facial expression arrogant white clothing swordsman Li Kunwu. 纪小晴则是压低了声音,不停的跟昆仑剑派那名神情倨傲的白衣剑客李昆吾诉说着什么。 Li Kunwu both hands hold the chest, own hugging of long sword treasure in the bosom, occasionally under 0.1, suddenly thought Liu Suifeng clamored has suppressed, frowned, scolded to say slightly: Liu Suifeng, you shut up to me, here has not been one's turn you to speak!” 李昆吾双手抱胸,把自己的长剑宝贝似的搂在怀里,偶尔0.1下头,忽然觉得柳随风叫嚣的狠了,微微皱眉,呵斥道:“柳随风,你给我闭嘴,这里还轮不到你说话!” Fierce that Liu Suifeng clamored, hears scolding of Li Kunwu, immediately stares, he has a mind to refute one, may think that the Li Kunwu strength boundary, as well as his behind strong background, obedient shutting up, does not dare to speak immediately, but also supplements to throw a smiling face of flattering to Li Kunwu. 柳随风正在叫嚣的厉害,听到李昆吾的呵斥,顿时一愣,他有心反驳一句,可想到李昆吾的实力境界,以及他身后的强大背景,顿时乖乖的闭嘴,再也不敢说话了,还附带着给李昆吾投去一个谄媚的笑脸。 Li Kunwu to Liu Suifeng looked radically did not look, he listened to Ji Xiaoqing saying that could not bear with the vision of interested, has sized up Ling Yun two. 李昆吾柳随风根本看都不看,他听纪小晴说完,忍不住用饶有兴趣的目光,多打量了凌云两眼。 Ling Yun nodded to him, shows a faint smile. 凌云冲他点了点头,微微一笑。 Li Kunwu is frowns, the facial expression is quite impatient. 李昆吾却是皱了皱眉,神情颇不耐烦。 At this moment, sonorous Buddha resounds: Amitabha!” 就在这时,一声宏亮佛号响起:“阿弥陀佛!” Rushes to the summit first, that wears the cassock, grasps the big monk of monk's staff, goes out of the crowd, arrives, Amitabha. 最先冲上山顶,那位身披袈裟,手持禅杖的大和尚,走出人群,来到场中,高诵佛号 Although his sound is not high, actually sonorous incomparable, instantaneously the surroundings noisy incomparable speaking voice pressing, has sent in clearly has presented in the ear of everyone, indicated that its Buddhist doctrine is profound, the skill is deep. 他的声音虽然不高,却宏亮无比,瞬间就把周围嘈杂无比的说话声给压了下去,清晰送入了在场每一个人的耳中,足见其佛法精深,功力深厚。 Ling Yun saw some people to start talking finally, he smiled lightly, first turned the head to say to Qin Dongxue: Little Aunt, you stand here do not move, if who dares to presumptuously think to sneak attack you, he must die.” 凌云见终于有人开口说话了,他淡淡一笑,先转头对秦冬雪说道:“小姨,你就站在这里不要动,谁要是敢妄想偷袭你,他必死。” The Ling Yun's sound is not high, actually secretly displayed Divine Dragon's Roar, the sound spread to periphery in the ear of each martial arts world Expert similarly, shook the person heart and soul. 凌云的声音也不高,却暗暗施展了神龙啸,声音同样传入了周围每一个武林高手的耳中,震人心魄。 Famous family honest all people shock, Ling Yun places during surrounding of more than 40 Expert, they only have two people, unexpectedly also performance such confidently?! 名门正派所有人震撼,凌云身处40多名高手的包围之中,他们只有两人而已,竟然还表现的这么信心十足?! Qin Dongxue smiles gently, was Ling Yun reorganizes to travel by night the clothes personally, said in a soft voice: Brat, you are more careful, today in the evening, Little Aunt fights side-by-side with you.” 秦冬雪温柔一笑,亲手为凌云整理了一下夜行衣,轻声道:“臭小子,你小心一些,今天晚上,小姨跟你并肩作战。” Ling Yun one hear, knows that Qin Dongxue has thought through thoroughly, he smiles brightly, lifts the hand to hold the snow-white sprout/slender white hand of Qin Dongxue, grasps gently. 凌云一听,就知道秦冬雪已经彻底想通了,他灿烂一笑,抬手抓住秦冬雪雪白柔荑,轻轻一握。 Qin Dongxue elegant face one red, instinct wants to pull out the hand, may actually not succeed, has to give up, thinks some heartbeat acceleration. 秦冬雪俏脸一红,本能的想把手抽出来,可却没有成功,只好放弃,觉得心跳有些加速。 Ling Yun lets go, in the moving quickly vertical admission, grasps the right hand of Nether Blood Demon Blade to hurl toward the ground suddenly! 凌云松手,飞身纵入场中,握着冥血魔刀的右手猛然往地面一掼! Zheng! 铮! Nether Blood Demon Blade is bringing the scabbard insertion ground, enters more than one foot depth. 冥血魔刀带着刀鞘插入地面,直入一尺多深。 Ling Yun crosses the hands behind the back to stand, is looking at present this tall and mighty big monk, has raised the chin, said imposingly: Registration!” 凌云负手而立,望着眼前这名高大威猛的大和尚,扬了扬下巴,凛然道:“报名!” That big monk single Zhangli in chest, towards Ling Yun lowers the head slightly a ritual, said indifferently: This poor monk is the Shaolin Temple Dharma Hall Protector monk, Jue Yuan.” 那名大和尚单掌立在胸前,对着凌云微微垂首一礼,淡然道:“贫僧乃是少林寺达摩堂护法武僧,觉远。” Liu Suifeng clamored a moment ago half-day/long time, Ling Yun already knows that he was Master Jue Yuan, therefore light said with a smile: Grandmaster Jue Yuan, looks at tonight this battle formation, didn't I fight do not want to leave?” 刚才柳随风叫嚣了半天,凌云早就知道他就是觉远禅师了,于是淡淡一笑道:“觉远大师,看今晚这阵势,我不打架是别想离开了?” Grandmaster Jue Yuan slightly one surprised, cannot help laughing say: „The Ling Yun young donor spoke really directly, but, can not hit does not hit.” 觉远大师微微一愕,哑然失笑道:“凌云小施主说话果然直接,不过,能不打还是不打。” Ling Yun hehe said with a smile: My principle is different from the Grandmaster, any issue that can with hitting to solve, that directly hits.” 凌云嘿嘿笑道:“我的原则跟大师不同,凡是能用打来解决的问题,那就直接打。” Grandmaster Jue Yuan stared at Ling Yun to look at half-day/long time, suddenly said: Young donor, puts down the butcher knife, vertical achieves Buddhahood.” 觉远大师盯着凌云看了半天,忽然说道:“小施主,放下屠刀,立地成佛。” Ling Yun looked down, raised the head again, sincere said: Grandmaster, my blade has put down.” 凌云低头看了看,再抬头,正色说道:“大师,我的刀已经放下了啊。” Grandmaster Jue Yuan said: But this poor monk knows, young donor also will certainly pull out it.” 觉远大师道:“可贫僧知道,小施主一定还会把它拔出来。” Ling Yun smiled: Did not fight the Grandmaster wisely, was too tired, yes, I will pull out it, but the demon blade came out of the sheath time, can the deceased person.” 凌云笑了:“不跟大师打机锋了,太累,是的,我会把它拔出来,而魔刀出鞘的时候,就会死人。”
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