DEMG :: Volume #10

#976: This fought me to wait to be very long!

Ling Yun naturally is not the homicidal maniac demon. 凌云当然不是杀人狂魔。 Before starting, Ling Yun had said that will forgive the Divine Sword Village five big disciples not dead, with their five lives, arrives Divine Sword Village to have rescued Qin Qiuyue that life in the past. 开打之前,凌云曾经说过,会饶神剑山庄五大弟子不死,用他们的五条命,来抵当年神剑山庄救了秦秋月的那一条命。 But this has the condition, Ling Yun's bottom line is, today in the evening, besides the Divine Sword Village person, will not have the person ambushes of other schools. 但这是有条件的,凌云的底线就是,今天晚上,除了神剑山庄的人之外,不会有其他江湖门派的人埋伏。 No matter how Divine Sword Village creates obstacles to force Qin Dongxue, so long as does not have other ambushes, Ling Yun can not go into one's past, puts them to depart calmly. 不管神剑山庄如何刁难逼迫秦冬雪,只要没有其他埋伏,凌云都可以既往不咎,放他们从容离去。 But if there is an ambush, Ling Yun must kill Guo Xiaotian! 但如果有埋伏,凌云则必杀郭校天 Regarding Ling Yun, compares other famous families to be honest, the Divine Sword Village only superiority, is Qin Dongxue, because Qin Dongxue is the Divine Sword Village being in direct line disciple, but she is Ling Yun's Little Aunt. 对于凌云,相比其他名门正派,神剑山庄唯一的优势,就是秦冬雪,因为秦冬雪神剑山庄的嫡传弟子,而她又是凌云的小姨 In brief said over and over again, everybody always was also a whole family, some contradictions can discuss, had no meeting of minds to hit, hits to hurt also well, did not hit sorely, whom no matter who won to lose, in any case was family's internal contradictions. 总之说来说去,大家总还算是一家人,有矛盾可以谈,谈不拢可以打,打疼了也好,打不疼也罢,不管谁赢谁输,反正都是家里的内部矛盾。 Therefore although Ling Yun seems like rampant, but in fact everywhere exercises forbearance, he always gives Divine Sword Village, is allowing a leeway. 因此凌云虽然看似嚣张,但实际上是处处忍让,他始终给神剑山庄这边,留着一丝余地。 Ling Yun can a blade cut to kill Liu Suifeng, he has not killed. 凌云可以一刀斩杀柳随风,他没有杀。 Ling Yun can a fist bang kill Wu Qifeng, he has not killed. 凌云可以一拳轰杀吴奇峰,他还是没有杀。 Arrived finally, Ling Yun can hold to tap the head of broken Guo Xiaotian, he still bears has not begun. 到最后,凌云可以一掌拍碎郭校天的脑袋,他依然忍住没有动手。 This at all is not the Ling Yun's style, reason that he has endured patiently, naturally because of Qin Dongxue, he understood that the Qin Dongxue thoughts, know her awkwardness, Ling Yun does not want to make Qin Dongxue awkward. 这根本不是凌云的风格,他之所以一直忍耐,当然是因为秦冬雪,他了解秦冬雪的心思,知道她心里的为难,凌云不想让秦冬雪为难。 Ling Yun today in the evening with coming, protects Qin Dongxue is its one, is Qin Dongxue supports is its two, he is only responsible for fighting, after he wins, Qin Dongxue how to the Divine Sword Village person will punish, how to solve the entire matter, he will not interrupt again, all depending on the arrangement of Qin Dongxue. 凌云今天晚上跟过来,保护秦冬雪是其一,为秦冬雪撑腰是其二,他只负责打架,至于他打赢之后,秦冬雪会如何对神剑山庄的人发落,怎么去解决整个事情,他都不会再插嘴,一切全凭秦冬雪的安排。 Qin Dongxue is extremely bright, today in the evening she, since arrives at Dragon Gate Mountain, she definitely also already thinks how is clear to explain, how to process the means of entire matter. 秦冬雪冰雪聪明,今天晚上她既然来到龙门山,那她肯定也早已想清楚如何去解释,怎么去处理整个事情的办法。 Qin Dongxue needs an explanation the opportunity, Guo Xiaotian does not give, but Ling Yun caught this opportunity. 秦冬雪只是需要一个解释的机会,郭校天不给,但凌云把这个机会争取到了。 He uses the hand to press the head of Guo Xiaotian, to not strike to kill Guo Xiaotian, but makes the gesture, lets Divine Sword Village these people, listens to the explanation of Qin Dongxue well. 他用手按着郭校天的脑袋,并不是为了击杀郭校天,而是做出姿态,让神剑山庄这些人,好好听一听秦冬雪的解释。 If the Divine Sword Village person knows the limitation, listens to Qin Dongxue to explain earnestly, after listening, how they can accept, that Ling Yun not only does not kill Guo Xiaotian, will also use the heaven-defying medical skill at the scene, therapy the treatment to Guo Xiaotian. 如果神剑山庄的人识相,认真听秦冬雪解释,听完之后,他们如何能接受,那凌云非但不杀郭校天,还会当场施展逆天医术,给郭校天疗伤救治。 If the Divine Sword Village person listens to explanation unable to accept, that Ling Yun will also put them to descend the mountain safely, departs voluntarily. 如果神剑山庄的人听完解释还是无法接受,那凌云也会放他们安然下山,自行离去。 Different is not the stratagem, everybody at most is also well water not interfering with river water from now, does not pass away the intercourse. 道不同不相为谋,大家顶多也就是从此以后井水不犯河水,老死不相往来。 Many enemy Ling Yun do not care, few ally he was naturally indifferent, lets go the Divine Sword Village people, even if they must look for Ling Yun's to be troublesome in the future, he one and is. 多一个敌人凌云根本不在乎,少一个盟友他自然更无所谓了,放走神剑山庄众人,哪怕他们将来还要找凌云的麻烦,他都一并接着就是。 Ling Yun really does not need, violated was not being swindled the Qin Dongxue surface, killed her Sect people. 凌云实在是没必要,也犯不上当着秦冬雪的面,杀她师门中人。 But Guo Xiaotian really does not know the limitation! 郭校天实在是不识相! Lost, the lives of own here all people controlled in the Ling Yun hand, must install to compel unexpectedly! 打输了,自己这边所有人的性命都掌控在凌云手中了,竟然还要装逼! You install to compel, you small Divine Sword Village, must expel the school my Little Aunt, line! 你装逼也就罢了,你一个小小的神剑山庄,非要把我小姨逐出门派,也行! A such trash school, Qin Dongxue stays in inside in any case is not having any advantage, Ling Yun also looking forward makes Qin Dongxue withdraw from Divine Sword Village while this opportunity on own initiative! 反正这样的一个垃圾门派,秦冬雪在里面呆着也没什么好处,凌云还巴不得让秦冬雪趁此机会主动退出神剑山庄呢! These Ling Yun can endure, but Divine Sword Village thousand should not, ten thousand not should, should not make the bait with Qin Dongxue, directing Ling Yun to join a gambling game, then makes these famous families complete the ambush honestly, is thinking tonight strikes to kill Ling Yun at one fell swoop! 这些凌云都能忍,可神剑山庄千不该,万不该,不该拿秦冬雪做诱饵,引凌云入局,然后让那些名门正派做好埋伏,想着今夜一举击杀凌云 Guo Xiaotian successful lifted Ling Yun's reverse scale. 郭校天成功的掀开了凌云的逆鳞。 The dragon reverse scale, touching must kill! 龙有逆鳞,触之必杀! Therefore, after Ling Yun hears really has ambush, immediately under the pain the killer, a palm racket without hesitation has broken to pieces the head of Guo Xiaotian! 因此,凌云听到果然有埋伏之后,立即痛下杀手,毫不犹豫的一掌拍碎了郭校天的脑袋! Guo Xiaotian white and shiny has brains dashed out place! 郭校天白花花的脑浆迸裂一地! Walks quickly!” “快走!” After Ji Xiaoqing sends out the signal flare, the figure flashed arrived at side being absentminded Wu Qifeng, entrained him to fly to draw back to the mountain! 纪小晴发出信号弹之后,身形一闪就来到了失魂落魄的吴奇峰身旁,拽着他向山下飞退! Zhong Chunyan has not seen the head of person to be patted like the watermelon breaks to pieces the terrifying scene, after she stays with amazement, immediately also the moving quickly escapes! 钟春燕从来都没有见过人的脑袋像西瓜被拍碎这样的恐怖场景,她骇然一呆之后,立即也飞身逃命! Liu Suifeng was needless saying that he ran away quickly, when Guo Xiaotian ordered the transmitting message, directly displayed the limit movement technique, the form invested the dark night jungle. 柳随风就不用说了,他逃得最快,在郭校天下令发射信号的时候,就直接把轻功施展到了极限,身影投入了黑夜密林。 The Divine Sword Village four people are similar to the frightened people, scatters in all directions the escape, they do not know that own such stampede is unnecessary, because Ling Yun stands in same place basic gearing has not moved. 神剑山庄四人如同惊弓之鸟,四散逃命,他们并不知道自己这样狼狈逃窜是多余的,因为凌云站在原地根本连动都没有动。 The Qin Dongxue reckless moving quickly to/clashes, the beautiful pupil with tears, looks at Guo Xiaotian according to the headless corpse who the old stock quotation sits, the lip is shivering, good long time not to have said the words. 秦冬雪不顾一切飞身冲来,美眸含泪,怔怔望着郭校天依旧盘坐着的无头尸身,嘴唇颤抖,好长时间都没有说出话来。 Ling Yun, you did not say that won't kill them? You how my big Senior Brother killing?!” 凌云,你不是说不会杀他们吗?你怎么把我大师兄给杀了?!” Dull after long time, the Qin Dongxue tears cannot stop to flow off finally, she has wiped tears suddenly, asked to Ling Yun. 呆愣半晌之后,秦冬雪眼泪终于止不住流下,她猛然抹了一把眼泪,对凌云质问道。 Ling Yun looks up the day, looks the radiant fireworks signal that has not vanished with enough time, silent long time, lightly said: He damn, he kept on proclaiming eliminates the demon to defend traditional moral principles, was unkind.” 凌云抬头望天,看着那还没有来得及消失的璀璨烟花信号,沉默良久,才淡淡说道:“他该死,他口口声声除魔卫道,却不仁。” Qin Dongxue exclaimed to Ling Yun loudly: He is unkind, but we actually have no alternative but the righteousness! Did you forget? Divine Sword Village has the graciousness to our Qin Family, the big Senior Brother has the graciousness of passing on technique to me......” 秦冬雪凌云大声吼道:“他是不仁,可我们却不能不义啊!你难道忘了?神剑山庄对我们秦家有恩,大师兄对我更是有传艺之恩……” Ling Yun knows that Qin Dongxue in the fit of temper, he is not worrying, but light said with a smile: Little Aunt, my disposition you are the understanding. If Divine Sword Village has not united the prestigious family honest ambush tonight in me, no matter how I their today feel embarrassed you in the evening, so long as they do not injure you, I can let matters drift, when they broke wind!” 凌云知道秦冬雪正在气头上,他也不着急,只是淡淡一笑道:“小姨,我的性格你是了解的。如果神剑山庄今晚没有联合名门正派埋伏于我的话,我不管他们今天晚上如何为难你,只要他们不伤害你,我都可以听之任之,就当他们放了个屁!” But you saw, our place is enduring them, how does Guo Xiaotian do?” “可你都看到了,我处处忍着他们,郭校天又是怎么做的?” Little Aunt, you think well, since they have the ambush ahead of time, you in the Divine Sword Village eye, what is also?!” 小姨,你好好想想,既然他们提前有埋伏,那你在神剑山庄的眼里,又是什么?!” Ling Yun turns around slowly, is facing up to Qin Dongxue, one word at a time said: You for them, but is makes me enter this to kill the bait of bureau!” 凌云徐徐转身,正视着秦冬雪,一字一顿说道:“你对他们来说,不过是引我进入这个杀局的诱饵罢了!” today I came in the evening, if I do not come, I have 100 reasons to believe, Guo Xiaotian definitely will abandon your martial arts, expels Sect you, and will be the hostage to compel me to appear by you, then unites the world prestigious family correct path to strike to kill me at one fell swoop!” 今天晚上我是来了,如果我不来,我有100个理由相信,郭校天必然会废你武功,将你逐出师门,并且会以你做人质逼我出现,然后联合天下名门正道将我一举击杀!” Little Aunt, your today entire one day, is Divine Sword Village considers, may in the Divine Sword Village eye, you early be regarded as the sacrificial victim by them!” 小姨,你今天整整一天,都在为神剑山庄着想,可在神剑山庄的眼里,你早已经被他们当做是牺牲品!” Such Sect, what do you also worry about that a little Sect friendship to make? Since you come here to the present, can Guo Xiaotian once listen to your least bit explanation?! Has him to be the big Senior Brother like this?!” “这样的师门,你还顾念那一点儿师门情谊做什么?从你来到这里到现在,郭校天可曾听你半点儿解释?!有他这样做大师兄的吗?!” Ling Yun pressed for an answer continually, Qin Dongxue was dumbfounded. 凌云连番逼问,秦冬雪哑口无言。 Sees Qin Dongxue not to speak, the Ling Yun then complexion transfers softly, said in a soft voice: Moreover, I pat Guo Xiaotian that palm, but to vent anger.” 秦冬雪不说话了,凌云这才脸色转柔,轻声说道:“而且,我拍郭校天那一掌,只是为了发泄怒火罢了。” Guo Xiaotian stimulates to movement secret magic forcefully, displays Heavenly Sword Technique, his thought that already by my several hundred fists scattering!” 郭校天强行催动秘法,施展天剑术,他的意念,早就已经被我那几百拳给打散了!” He already oil completely lamp was actually dry, if he finally forcefully did not speak these words, controls one's breathing well, then after he leaves, but can also be an average person reluctantly \; But he does not have the choice to do this, but puts together completely the whole body strength, ordered to expel Sect you, making your Senior Sister send out the signal......” “他其实早已油尽灯枯,如果他最后不强行说那些话,好好调息,那么他离开之后,还能勉强做个普通人\;可他没有选择这样做,而是拼尽全身力气,下令将你逐出师门,让你那位师姐发出信号……” My hand is pressing his head, looks that is threatening Divine Sword Village, may actually to save his life actually! He said after that two words, must die without doubt!” “我的手按着他的脑袋,看着是在威胁神剑山庄,可其实却是为了保住他的性命!他说完那两句话之后,已经是必死无疑!” I acknowledged, my palm, truly got up finally has killed the heart, but he, since must die without doubt, strove for on own initiative, why I did not deliver him a regulation, making him be short by some pain?” “我承认,我最后那一掌,确实是起了杀心,但他既然已经是必死无疑,又主动求死,那我为何不送他一程,让他少受些痛苦?” What Ling Yun said is the truth, regarding Guo Xiaotian then condition, Ling Yun can rescue can also kill, but opposite party, since must strive for on own initiative, why he doesn't kill? 凌云说的是实话,对于郭校天当时的状态,凌云是能救也能杀,可对方既然要主动求死,那他为何不杀? Qin Dongxue is stunned, said dull: But...... By your medical skill, you can certainly rescue his!” 秦冬雪愕然,呆呆说道:“可是……凭借你的医术,你一定能救他的呀!” Ling Yun coldly smiles, asked back: Why do I want to save him?!” 凌云冷冷一笑,反问道:“我凭什么要救他?!” Guo Xiaotian, since takes eliminating the demon defends traditional moral principles as the ideal of life, is willing dead a martyr, wants to fall to leave an eternal good name, I might as well help him!” 郭校天既然把除魔卫道作为人生理想,甘愿杀身成仁,想要落个万古流芳,那我不如成全他!” I must have a look but actually, after he died, do the world prestigious family several people record him honestly?” “我倒要看看,他死了之后,天下的名门正派到底有几个人会记着他?” Qin Dongxue had nothing to say in reply finally, silent did not speak. 秦冬雪终于无言以对,默然不语。 Ling Yun also no longer spoke, he stood in the summit, looks person's shadow that in the dark jungle flushed in all directions from the mountain, was listening to the sounds of these movement technique broken winds, lifted hand one move suddenly, was lost by him in ground Nether Blood Demon Blade, has flown in his hand instantaneously. 凌云也不再说话,他站在山巅,看着从山下黑暗密林中四处冲上来的人影,听着那些轻功破风之声,猛然抬手一招,那把被他丢在地上的冥血魔刀,瞬间飞到了他的手中。 Ling Yun left hand grips the Nether Blood Demon Blade knife, with finger/refers of hilt under toward mountain: Little Aunt, I know that you at heart do not feel better now, but now, is not we discussed these issues the time.” 凌云左手握住冥血魔刀刀身,用刀柄向着山下一指:“小姨,我知道你现在心里不好受,但现在,不是我们讨论这些问题的时候。” Then you have a look first, your Sect, your this big Senior Brother Guo Xiaotian, how arranges to cope my!” “接下来你先看看,你的师门,你这位大师兄郭校天,是怎么安排对付我的!” Qin Dongxue tender body one tight, gets back one's composure instantaneously, this remembers, she and Ling Yun two people, has been during world prestigious family honest surrounding now. 秦冬雪娇躯一紧,瞬间回神,这才想起,她和凌云两人,现在已经处于天下名门正派的包围之中。 The Qin Dongxue face whiten, she cannot attend , the subconsciousness asked that Ling Yun said: „Should Ling Yun, what to do that present?” 秦冬雪脸色苍白,她顾不得许多,下意识问凌云道:“凌云,那现在该怎么办?” A Ling Yun corners of the mouth check, said with a smile slightly: What to do can also? Since they dug the pit to make me jump, moreover I also really jumped, that hit!” 凌云嘴角儿一勾,微微笑道:“还能怎么办?既然他们挖好了坑让我跳,而且我也真的跳进来了,那就打呗!” Ling Yun grasps the demon blade, True Qi passes the whole body, turns the head to look at Qin Dongxue, the heroic spirit soars to the heavens said: This war, I waited for was very long!” 凌云手握魔刀,真气流转全身,转头看着秦冬雪,豪气冲霄说道:“这一战,我等待了很久了!” shua~ shua~ shua~ brushes......” 刷刷刷刷……” The Ling Yun voice has not fallen, sees only several person's shadows to rush to the Dragon Gate Mountain top, from all directions, encircles Ling Yun and Qin Dongxue! 凌云话音未落,只见十几道人影已经冲到了龙门山顶,从四面八方,把凌云秦冬雪团团围住! Amitabha!” “阿弥陀佛!” Immeasurable day reveres!” “无量天尊!” The Ling Yun surface contains the smile, puts out a hand gently, entrains Qin Dongxue to own behind, raises eyes to look to all around people. 凌云面含微笑,轻轻一伸手,把秦冬雪拽到自己身后,举目看向四周众人。 Rushes to the summit first, is six monks, shoulders the taoist priest of long sword with six, a middle-aged person of wear lay family clothes. 最先冲上山顶的,是六个和尚,和六个背负长剑的道士,还有一个穿着俗家衣服的中年人。 In six monks, what is head is one wears the cassock, grasps the monk of monk's staff, the age over 30 years old, is tall, the heavy features, the sonorous voice, that Buddha, is he sends. 六个和尚里面,为首的是一位身披袈裟,手持禅杖的和尚,年龄在30多岁,身材高大,浓眉大眼,声如洪钟,那一声佛号,就是他发出来的。
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