DEMG :: Volume #10

#975: Besotted, kills!

Ling Yun showdown Guo Xiaotian, this shaking the heavens and earth war, ends the victory by Ling Yun finally, the Guo Xiaotian disastrous defeat comes to an end! 凌云对决郭校天,这惊天动地的一战,最终以凌云完胜,郭校天惨败而告终! The side that Guo Xiaotian loses is miserable, he sits well same place motionless, is similar to a section of dead wood is ordinary, the blood from his eye, the ear, infiltrates, scary of shape terrifying in the mouth and nose non-stop! 郭校天输的极惨,他端坐原地一动不动,就如同一截枯木一般,鲜血从他的眼睛,耳朵,口鼻中不停的渗出来,形态恐怖的吓人! Present Guo Xiaotian, not only True Qi dries up thoroughly, the entire thought was also been loose by the Ling Yun's several hundred fist thorough bang, if he cannot condense the thought of own as soon as possible, that next let alone practice swordsmanship, his daily life daily life, cannot attend to voluntarily! 现在的郭校天,不但真气彻底枯竭,就连整个意念也被凌云的数百拳彻底轰散,如果他不能尽快重新凝聚起自己的意念,那今后别说修炼剑道,就连他的日常生活起居,都不能自行料理了! Shape with disabled person one, is the vegetable in legend. 形同废人一个,也就是传说中的植物人。 Originally, according to Guo Xiaotian boundary cultivation level, if he uses the sword technique, naturally can accomplish a task with ease, even if cannot defeat Ling Yun, such frigidity that also will not defeat. 本来,依照郭校天的境界修为,如果他只是施展地剑术,自然会游刃有余,就算不能战胜凌云,也不会败的如此惨烈。 But the Guo Xiaotian disposition, was really obstinate or stubborn to certain boundary, particularly after discovering Ling Yun met Absorbing Cultivation Great Technique unexpectedly, he has stimulated to movement Divine Sword Village secret magic forcefully, displayed the Heavenly Sword magical powers, made every effort to kill Ling Yun at one fell swoop. 郭校天的性格,实在是执拗或者说顽固到了一定的境界,尤其是在发现凌云竟然会吸功大法之后,他强行催动了神剑山庄秘法,施展出了天剑神通,力求一举击毙凌云 But he has overestimated the own strength, or has underestimated the Ling Yun's strength. 可他过于高估了自己的实力,或者说,过于低估了凌云的实力。 The Expert showdown, is led far astray by a slight error , then loses the thousand li (500 km), Guo Xiaotian has underestimated Ling Yun, but Ling Yun, although on mouth rampant domineering, even threatened that the abandoned blade does not use, may in Ling Yun at heart, he never despise any match. 高手对决,差之毫厘则失之千里,郭校天低估了凌云,可凌云虽然嘴上嚣张跋扈,甚至扬言弃刀不用,可在凌云心里,他从来不会轻视任何对手。 The sword magical powers, the Heavenly Sword magical powers, making a move naturally shocks magnificently, the lethality is also formidable enough, may in the Ling Yun's eye, these really not can be regarded anything! 地剑神通,天剑神通,一出手自然震撼华丽,杀伤力也足够强大,可在凌云的眼里,这些实在是算不得什么! Ling Yun once a fist broken mountain, once a palm broke the river, any sword magical powers, the Heavenly Sword magical powers, look like in Ling Yun, chops with the ordinary sword sharpener does not have much difference. 凌云曾经一拳碎山,也曾一掌断江,什么地剑神通,天剑神通,在凌云看来,跟普通的剑削刀砍并没有太大的区别。 Ling Yun once was Cultivation Big World Transcends Tribulation Stage Expert, his fight experience and vision experience, can it be that ordinary China Ancient Martial can Expert the comparison? 凌云曾经是修真大世界渡劫期高手,他的战斗经验和眼光见识,岂是一个普通的华夏古武高手所能比较的? Guo Xiaotian is the disastrous situation, midnight being near deep pool, Ling Yun is confident, waits at ease for an exhausted enemy, their two to, the Guo Xiaotian non- tragedy are strange! 郭校天是盲人瞎马,夜半临渊,凌云却是胸有成竹,以逸待劳,他们两个对上,郭校天不悲剧才怪! Therefore, Guo Xiaotian boundary strength, although above Japanese Ninja Tokugawa Muto, but Ling Yun wins him, instead winning Tokugawa Muto is more relaxed. 因此,郭校天的境界实力,虽然在东洋忍者德川武藤之上,可凌云赢他,反而比赢德川武藤更加轻松。 But after this war, Ling Yun has about also known how things stand to the Guo Xiaotian boundary strength, the first Heaven 9 level false boundary, will not surpass the first first small boundary of Heaven 9 level at the most. 而经此一战,凌云郭校天的境界实力也大致有数了,先天九层伪境,顶天不会超过先天九层的第一个小境界。 Guo Xiaotian loses, the Divine Sword Village another four big disciples' performance, have the difference respectively. 郭校天一输,神剑山庄另外四大弟子的表现,各有不同。 Three Senior Brother Wu Qifeng, originally after seeing Guo Xiaotian displays the sword technique and Heavenly Sword magical powers, in the absent-minded eye also glowed an appearance, as if saw the hope, but now, his vision was thoroughly dim, lost hope such as grey, looks at the Ling Yun's big hand helplessly according to the head of Guo Xiaotian, standing that was actually absentminded there, aloof. 三师兄吴奇峰,本来在看到郭校天施展出地剑术和天剑神通之后,失神的眼睛里还焕发出了一丝神采,似乎重新看到了希望,可现在,他的目光则是彻底黯淡了下去,心死如灰,眼睁睁看着凌云的大手按在郭校天的脑袋上,却失魂落魄的站在那里,无动于衷。 Four Senior Brother Liu Suifeng, then after panic-stricken, does not have slight hesitant struggling at heart, the figure shrinks quietly to behind, prepares to wait for an opportunity to run away. 四师兄柳随风,则是在惊骇过后,心里没有丝毫的犹豫挣扎,身形悄悄向后面缩去,准备伺机逃走。 That six Senior Sister Zhong Chunyan, most rare and beautiful flowers of performance, her strength lowest vision is worst, from the beginning this thinks that the big Senior Brother is in the upper hand steadily, the last sword will definitely slice off the Ling Yun's head, at that time even also exuded one not to know calling out in alarm that excited or regrets. 那位六师姐钟春燕,表现的最为奇葩,她实力最低目光最差,一开始本以为大师兄稳占上风,最后一剑必然会削掉凌云的脑袋,当时甚至还发出了一声不知道是兴奋还是惋惜的惊呼。 May wait for to settle down, Zhong Chunyan discovered Ling Yun not only has not died, instead was the big Senior Brother has held down the head by Ling Yun, under the huge contrast, she could not bear is calls out in alarm. 可等一切尘埃落定,钟春燕发现凌云不但没死,反而是大师兄被凌云按住了脑袋,巨大的反差之下,她忍不住又是一声惊呼。 At this moment, Zhong Chunyan looked that is different to the Ling Yun's vision, all shocks the color of awe, for a while had forgotten unexpectedly reacts. 这一刻,钟春燕看向凌云的目光又不一样了,全是震撼敬畏之色,一时竟忘记了做出反应。 Five Senior Sister Ji Xiaoqing, clear(ly) know that own is not the Ling Yun's match, actually the moving quickly, wants to protect her big Senior Brother Guo Xiaotian. 只有五师姐纪小晴,明知道自己不是凌云的对手,却飞身而出,想要保护她的大师兄郭校天 As if saw Ling Yun under the meaning of killer to the Guo Xiaotian pain, Ji Xiaoqing has not stopped the figure immediately, on the light face revealed to be vigilant the color, the sinking sound said: Ling Yun, do you want what kind of?!” 似乎看出凌云并没有对郭校天痛下杀手的意思,纪小晴立即止住了身形,平淡的脸上露出警惕之色,沉声说道:“凌云,你到底想要怎么样?!” Good that Ling Yun said that now, head of Guo Xiaotian under the Ling Yun's palm, so long as the Ling Yun palm strength spits, Guo Xiaotian will pass away, but does Ling Yun dare to begin, truly is not her Ji Xiaoqing decides. 凌云说的不错,现在,郭校天的脑袋就在凌云的掌下,只要凌云掌力一吐,郭校天就会命丧黄泉,而凌云敢不敢动手,确实不是她纪小晴说了算的。 Guo Xiaotian became like this, the Ling Yun's strength was without a doubt, at least the instantaneous second killed their Divine Sword Village four people of not any issues. 郭校天都成这样了,凌云的实力毋庸置疑,至少瞬间秒杀他们神剑山庄四人没有任何问题。 Artificial knife and chopping block I for fish, Ji Xiaoqing at this time except for enduring patiently, what means but can also have?! 人为刀俎我为鱼肉,纪小晴这时候除了忍耐,还能有什么办法?! The fist hardly is the truth, has the strength to have the right to speak, naturally is universally applicable, Divine Sword Village faded thoroughly. 拳头硬就是道理,有实力才有话语权,当然是放之四海而皆准,神剑山庄这边彻底蔫了。 Ling Yun smiles lightly, to outwardly fierce but inwardly faint-hearted Ji Xiaoqing looked that did not look, suddenly turns the head, is looking at Liu Suifeng that plans to sneak off quietly, ponders saying: Surnamed Liu, if you dare to move again one step, I cut off your both legs, has abandoned your martial arts!” 凌云淡淡一笑,对色厉内荏的纪小晴看都不看,忽然转头,望着正打算悄悄溜走的柳随风,玩味说道:“姓柳的,你要是再敢挪动一步,我就斩断你的双腿,废了你的武功!” The figure of Liu Suifeng retreat shakes quietly suddenly, two feet were similar to the nail sew on ground immediately generally firmly, really does not dare to move again one step! 柳随风悄悄后退的身形猛然一震,两只脚立即如同钉子一般牢牢钉在了地上,果然再也没有敢挪动一步! Liu Suifeng only thought that the brain buzz, the whole body cold sweat has gotten down, only thought that a chest back icy coldness, looks deathly pale incomparably. 柳随风只觉得大脑嗡的一声,浑身冷汗就下来了,只觉得前胸后背一片冰凉,脸色惨白无比。 Knows that own was impossible to run away quietly, Liu Suifeng was shrinking the body, hehe the hollow laugh, was thrusting out the face to say to Ling Yun: Ice...... Brother Ling Yun, everybody...... Everybody is the whole family...... How to open the mouth to shout that hits to shout "kill", this...... Such many not good......” 知道自己不可能悄悄逃走了,柳随风缩着身子,嘿嘿干笑着,腆着脸对凌云说道:“凌……凌云兄弟,大家……大家都是一家人……怎么一开口就喊打喊杀的,这……这样多不好……” Liu Suifeng you!” 柳随风你!” Liu Suifeng words, has not waited for the Ling Yun opens the mouth, Ji Xiaoqing is the air/Qi whole body trembles, her tender body shivers, towards like Pekinese dog general Liu Suifeng, glowers! 柳随风的话一出,还不等凌云开口,纪小晴已经是气的浑身哆嗦,她娇躯颤抖,对着就像一条哈巴狗儿一般的柳随风,怒目而视! Zhong Chunyan has opened the mouth, looks to shrink in own behind Liu Suifeng, inconceivable of whole face, in the vision fills disdained and shocked, does not dare believe that completely usually in natural clean Liu Suifeng, actually will say such words! 钟春燕则张大了嘴巴,怔怔的看着缩在自己身后的柳随风,满脸的不可思议,目光里充满了不屑和震惊,完全不敢相信平日里潇洒倜傥的柳随风,竟然会说出这样的话来! Zhong Chunyan is similar to takes a look at the stranger to look at Liu Suifeng generally, in the heart disappointedly, the heart said that this is the own continuously heart dark permits person?! 钟春燕如同打量陌生人一般看着柳随风,心中失望至极,心说这就是自己一直芳心暗许的人?! Is pressing Ling Yun of Guo Xiaotian head, suddenly felt that under the own palm transmits one to shiver fiercely, in the heart flood a funniness, the heart said that Liu Suifeng may be really great, gave the air/Qi to live unexpectedly Guo Xiaotian. 按着郭校天脑袋的凌云,突然感觉到自己手掌下传来一阵剧烈颤抖,心中泛起一阵好笑,心说柳随风可真了不起,竟然把郭校天都给气活过来了。 The Ling Yun mood is excellent, is looking at Pekinese dog Liu Suifeng, disdains saying: Surnamed Liu, have not tooted one's own horn toward own, who is your brothers, who with you are a whole family?!” 凌云心情大好,望着哈巴狗儿似的柳随风,不屑说道:“姓柳的,别往自己脸上贴金了,谁是你的兄弟,谁又跟你是一家人?!” Called my young animal a moment ago, scolded me dead to be imminent, boast shamelessly, who first to the person who I did get rid is? I did not record probably clear......” “刚才叫我小崽子,骂我死到临头,大言不惭,第一个对我出手的人是谁啊?我好像记不清了……” Liu Suifeng to maintain life, does not give a thought to the anger that the surrounding Senior Brother younger sister shoots to disdain the vision, but is thrusting out as before the face, ridicules saying: Ling Yun, hehe, that...... I was the Senior Brother of Sister Qin, you did not look that the monk surface looked at the Buddha surface, the Sir does not cross the villain...... Do not lower oneself to the same level with my person of this having eyes but failing to see......” 柳随风为了保命,根本不顾周围师兄妹射来的愤怒不屑目光,而是依旧腆着脸,讪笑道:“凌云,嘿嘿,那个……我好歹是秦师妹的师兄,你不看僧面看佛面,大人不记小人过……不要跟我这个有眼无珠的人一般见识……” bang! 啪! But the Ling Yun moving quickly the moving quickly returns, Liu Suifeng of direct slap in the face fan transferred three same place, disdains to sneer saying: Gets the hell out! Also matches to shout my Sister Little Aunt then your this scum?!” 凌云飞身而起又飞身而回,直接一个耳光扇的柳随风原地转了三圈儿,不屑冷笑道:“滚蛋!就你这种人渣也配喊我小姨师妹?!” Liu Suifeng by fan transferred two to stop, his eyes braved Gold Star, corners of the mouth to bleed, the subconsciousness was covering the own swelling cheek, a face panic-stricken looks at Ling Yun, does not dare to speak embarrasedly again. 柳随风被扇的又多转了两圈儿才停了下来,他眼冒金星,嘴角儿流血,下意识捂着自己肿胀的腮帮子,一脸惊恐的看着凌云,讪讪不敢再说话。 Snort! Villains!” “哼!小人!” The villain act of Ji Xiaoqing and Zhong Chunyan to Liu Suifeng despised the extreme, two people simultaneously cold snort/hum, did not look at Liu Suifeng one. 纪小晴钟春燕柳随风的小人行径鄙夷到了极点,两人同时冷哼,再也不看柳随风一眼。 Ji Xiaoqing knows that spoke not to have what function to Ling Yun, she simply directly looked at the vision to always silent Qin Dongxue. 纪小晴知道对凌云说话没有什么作用,她干脆直接把目光望向了始终沉默的秦冬雪 Sister Qin, Divine Sword Village technique is inferior to the person today, we acknowledge that the punishment is deserved!” “秦师妹,神剑山庄今日技不如人,我们认栽!” If you also worry about Divine Sword Village to your Sect friendship, but also asked you to make Ling Yun spare and not punish too severely, let off a big Senior Brother life! Do you look what kind of?” “如果你还顾念一丝神剑山庄对你的师门情谊,还请你让凌云高抬贵手,放过大师兄一命!你看怎样?” Ling Yun has won, but Qin Dongxue does not have least bit to be happy at heart. 凌云赢了,可秦冬雪心里却没有半点儿开心。 Qin Dongxue knows, own Sect and Ling Yun make present this aspect, according to the temperament of teacher, he will definitely not give up, the two sides finally the inevitable potential became the water and fire, can be does not die the continuous result. 秦冬雪知道,自己师门凌云闹成了现在这种局面,按照师尊的脾气,他肯定不会善罢甘休,两边最终必然势成水火,会是个不死不休的结局。 Qin Dongxue clamps in middle, the later day can be imagined, may in any event, she not be cruel enough, is impossible to make Ling Yun be in front of her, executes the big Senior Brother under the palm. 秦冬雪夹在当中,以后的日子可想而知,可无论如何,她都不忍心,也不可能让凌云当着她的面,把大师兄毙于掌下。 Qin Dongxue just about to starts talking, actually heard one anger! 秦冬雪刚要开口说话,却听到一声了怒哼! That anger, sends from the throat of Guo Xiaotian, the sound is similar to draws the broken bellower to be common, hoarse coarse. 那一声怒哼,是从郭校天的喉咙里发出来的,声音就如同拉动破风箱一般,嘶哑难听。 A Guo Xiaotian Adam's apple vibration, goes all out the strength of reassignment whole body, the hoarse anger exclaimed: Divine Sword Village all disciples obey orders, I formally announced as Divine Sword Village leader big disciple, Qin Dongxue is ungrateful, from dropping Devil Path , helping a tyrant do evil, from now on will expel Sect her!” 郭校天喉结一阵抖动,拼命调动全身的力气,嘶哑怒吼道:“神剑山庄所有弟子听令,我以神剑山庄掌门大弟子的身份正式宣布,秦冬雪忘恩负义,自堕魔道,助纣为虐,从现在起将她逐出师门!” From now on, Divine Sword Village and Qin Dongxue graciousness breaks the righteousness certainly, every Divine Sword Village disciple, saw Qin Dongxue, everybody has been possible to kill it, everybody may eliminate it!” “从现在开始,神剑山庄秦冬雪恩断义绝,凡是神剑山庄弟子,见了秦冬雪,人人可杀之,人人可除之!” Qin Dongxue tender body play trembles, the elegant face is pale, the fragrant lip shivers, does not have blood-color again! 秦冬雪娇躯剧颤,俏脸苍白,芳唇颤抖,再无一丝血色! The Ling Yun flash bristles with anger! 凌云一瞬间怒发冲冠! But the next quarter, Ling Yun has smiled suddenly, he as if whips the basketball to be common, one by one is whipping the head of Guo Xiaotian, the evil aura said imposingly: Old stick-in-the-mud, has not thought that you also are really besotted Ah?! 可下一刻,凌云突然微笑了起来,他仿佛拍打篮球一般,一下一下拍打着郭校天的脑袋,邪气凛然道:“老顽固,没想到你还真是执迷不悟啊?! Ling Yun has swept one toward the Divine Sword Village people that side, disdains to ridicule: Truth told you, looked in my Little Aunt face, was depending on the temperament of young master, today you had one in the evening are, no one want to live is leaving the Dragon Gate Mountain top!” 凌云向着神剑山庄众人那边扫了一眼,不屑讥讽道:“实话告诉你,要不是看在我小姨的面子上,依着小爷的脾气,今天晚上你们有一个算一个,谁都别想活着离开龙门山顶!” Has not thought that I forgive your life, you actually do not know good from bad, but also feels all right my Little Aunt expels Sect?!” “没想到我饶你一命,你却不知好歹,还好意思把我小姨逐出师门?!” Ling Yun's whips, seems like not heavy, may fall on the severely wounded Guo Xiaotian top of the head, actually just like withstands great pressure general, he can only withstand strongly, supports by hard and stubborn effort is opening a pair of blood eye, grins to say with a smile: „The Ling Yun young demon, my Guo Xiaotian loses to you, is my technique is inferior to the person, you must hit to kill as you like!” 凌云的拍打,看似不重,可落在重伤的郭校天头顶,却犹如泰山压顶一般,他只能竭力承受,硬撑着睁开一双血眼,咧嘴笑道:“凌云小魔头,我郭校天败给你,是我技不如人,你要打要杀都随你!” May evil not coexist since old times, the justice is inescapable is sparse and leakproof, my today could not subdue you, the world correct path outstanding heroes had the person can tidy up you!” “可自古正邪不两立,天网恢恢疏而不漏,我今天收服不了你,天下正道群雄自有人能收拾的了你!” Then, Guo Xiaotian closes eye slowly, said lightly: Ji Xiaoqing, I order you, immediately sends out the signal, summon world correct path Expert climbs mountains, defends traditional moral principles except the demon!” 说完,郭校天缓缓把眼睛闭上,淡淡说道:“纪小晴,我命令你,立即发出信号,召唤天下正道高手上山,除魔卫道!” Qin Dongxue astonished at the scene! 秦冬雪惊愕当场! Ling Yun is the smiling face collects, the handsome face is cold, if blade edge, lip angle tight sips, double within the eyes killing intent suddenly/violently to dodge! 凌云则是笑容一敛,俊脸冷若刀锋,唇角紧抿,双目中杀机暴闪! Does not leave Ling Yun to expect, Dragon Gate Mountain really has the ambush, is one kills the bureau in view of Ling Yun's! 不出凌云所料,龙门山果然有埋伏,是一个针对凌云的杀局! The Ling Yun anger snort/hum, in hand palm strength suddenly/violently Tu, a palm the pulp that the head of Guo Xiaotian pats! 凌云怒哼一声,手中掌力暴吐,一掌把郭校天的脑袋拍的稀烂! Does not want!” “不要!” Big Senior Brother!” “大师兄!” Qin Dongxue stops, only with enough time sends out sad cry! 秦冬雪阻拦不及,只来得及发出一声悲呼 Meanwhile, the Ji Xiaoqing floating body flies to draw back, lifts the hand to shake, towards Dragon Gate Mountain withstood/top the sky to make a signal flare, blasted out in the sky, gorgeous incomparable! 与此同时,纪小晴飘身飞退,抬手一抖,对着龙门山顶上空打出了一个信号弹,当空炸开,绚丽无比!
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