DEMG :: Volume #10

#974: Fights to win

fist aura from out of the blue, sword aura vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered! 拳罡破空,剑气纵横! Above Dragon Gate Mountain summit, Ling Yun unarmed showdown Guo Xiaotian Heavenly Sword magical powers! 龙门山山顶之上,凌云赤手空拳对决郭校天天剑神通! Again upward in 500 meters jet black nighttime sky, Paul and Jester two Blood Clan, are opening the giant wing, static float, is paying close attention to under the intense fight. 再往上500米的漆黑夜空之中,保罗杰斯特两名血族,张着巨大的翅膀,静静悬浮,密切关注着下方激烈的战斗。 After changing the body, on the two people slightly fierce face, displays shock look with amazement! 变身之后,两人略显狰狞的脸上,都表现出震惊至极的骇然神色! „, Satan, what did I see?! Is Flying Sword Technique in China legend!” “哦,撒旦,我看到了什么?!是华夏传说中的飞剑术!” Jester is staring a purple eye, is looking under regarding Ling Yun body rapidly fluttering black broadsword, in two has filled unbelievable, muttered said. 杰斯特瞪着一双紫色眼睛,望着下方围绕着凌云身体急速翻飞的黑色阔剑,两眼之中充满了难以置信,喃喃说道。 The Paul facial expression also and Jester is similar, he frowns saying: Spread the millenniums on Blood Clan secret record saying that making our Blood Clan descendant try not to come China to cause trouble, before also half believing and half doubting...... But looking back now, China is really too mysterious, too formidable......” 保罗的神情也和杰斯特差不多,他皱着眉头说道:“流传千年的血族秘典上说,让我们血族后裔尽量不要来华夏惹是生非,以前还将信将疑……但现在看来,华夏实在是太神秘,太强大了……” Jester whispered: Under is that person the sword immortal in China legend?” 杰斯特嘀咕道:“难道下边那个人就是华夏传说中的剑仙?” Paul shook the head immediately, said decisively: Definitely is not...... On Blood Clan secret record said that the genuine sword immortal can Imperial Sword Flight . Moreover the speed of flying, compared with after our incarnation bat also wants quick many times, under that person unable obviously Imperial Sword Flight......” 保罗立即摇了摇头,果断说道:“肯定不是……血族秘典上说,真正的剑仙是可以御剑飞行的,而且飞行的速度,比我们化身蝙蝠之后还要快很多倍,下边那个人显然不会御剑飞行……” , Paul then said: I think, that person uses should not be true Flying Sword Technique, but has stimulated to movement some secret magic forcefully, can make that attack our bosses sword own......” 顿了顿,保罗接着说道:“我想,那个人用的应该不是真正的飞剑术,而是强行催动了某种秘法,才能让那把剑自己攻击我们的老板……” A Jester face worries saying: Really very weird...... Paul, you know that the past two evenings, the boss has met formidable Expert, that demon blade that he uses directly...... But tonight, he will choose with unarmed unexpectedly shakes Flying Sword of enemy hardly......” 杰斯特一脸担忧道:“真的很邪门……保罗,你知道么,过去的两个晚上,老板遇上了很多强大的高手,他都是直接用的那把魔刀……可今晚,他竟然会选择用赤手空拳去硬撼敌人的飞剑……” Paul lightly saying: I think, perhaps the boss is considers his beautiful Little Aunt factor......” 保罗淡淡道:“我想,也许老板是考虑到他那位美丽的小姨的因素吧……” Jester is ready to fight, is eager to try saying: „Can we get down the help?” 杰斯特摩拳擦掌,跃跃欲试道:“那我们要不要下去帮忙?” Paul shakes the head slowly: All must obey boss's order!” 保罗缓缓摇头:“一切要听从老板的命令!” Well...... Paul you look quickly!” “咦……保罗你快看!” Jester puts out a hand suddenly finger/refers of , is pointing in a Dragon Gate Mountain Secret Valley jungle, stares the big eye saying: There has the person's shadow to shake probably!” 杰斯特猛然伸手一指下方,指着龙门山的一条隐秘山沟的密林里,瞪大眼睛说道:“那里好像有人影在晃!” Paul followed the direction of Jester finger to look immediately, because actually under was too black, anything had not seen, therefore said: Boss said that he had a premonition that today can leave the important matter in the evening, making us do not act presumptuously, the relieved waiting is good.” 保罗立即顺着杰斯特手指的方向看了过去,却因为下方太黑,什么都没有看到,于是说道:“老板说了,他预感今天晚上会出大事,让我们不要擅自行动,安心等待就好。” Paul comforted side anxious Jester, in the heart is actually filling worried. 保罗安慰着身边焦躁的杰斯特,心中却充满了担忧。 ...... …… Bang!” “砰!” Ling Yun is sideways, suddenly a fist, the thorn to leaning one, but after that broadsword of own chest pounded shook broadsword gently, the sword point in airborne rapid one revolution, turned toward the Ling Yun body to puncture once more! 凌云侧身,猛然一拳,把刺向自己胸口的阔剑砸的偏了一偏,可那把阔剑轻轻一震之后,剑尖在空中迅速一转,再次向着凌云身体刺来! Heavenly Sword magical powers! 天剑神通! One of magical powers maximum superiority, was weapon does not need the both hands of person to control, did not have the impeding of wrist/skill and arm, weapon high and low fluttered regarding the enemy whole body, mysteriously appears and disappears, ever changing . Moreover the speed was extremely fast, virtually impossible to guard against. 神通的最大优势之一,就是武器再也不需要人的双手来掌控,没有了手腕和手臂的掣肘,一把武器围绕着敌人周身上下翻飞,神出鬼没,千变万化,而且速度极快,令人防不胜防。 After Guo Xiaotian displays the Heavenly Sword magical powers forcefully, to the present also then the past several minutes of time, but in such short time, Ling Yun to defend that broadsword, has rumbled several hundred fists! 郭校天强行施展出天剑神通之后,到现在也就过去了几分钟的时间,但就是在这么短的时间内,凌云为了防守那把阔剑,已经轰出了几百拳! Life and death in flash, thrilling degree in battlefield, it can be imagined! 生死都在一瞬间,战场中的惊险程度,可想而知! Also was Ling Yun, at this time in the field traded Innate 8-layer Expert casually, in that the attack of black broadsword, could not resist several, will be cut to kill at the scene. 也就是凌云了,这时候场中随便换一个先天八层高手,在那把黑色阔剑的攻击之下,根本抵挡不了几下,就会被斩杀当场了。 By strength broken technique, Ling Yun, since plans unarmed, strength broken ten thousand laws, naturally are because has enough confidence! 以力破术,凌云既然打算赤手空拳,一力破万法,自然是因为有着足够的信心! This formidable confidence, originates from 3 : 00. 这强大的信心,来源于三点。 First is because he has the formidable defense, Great Evolving Stars Secret Art, in addition the protection of black gold demon silk clothing, even if not careful Ling Yun were stabbed, is very difficult to create the severe wound. 第一是因为他有着强大的防御,大衍聚星宝诀,再加上乌金魔蚕衣的保护,就算不小心凌云被刺中,也很难造成重伤。 Second is because Ling Yun has the heaven-defying movement, the Illusory Fish Dragon Steps to get close to flickers to move speed, can avoid that sufficiently the attack that broadsword mysteriously appears and disappears. 第二是因为凌云有着逆天的身法,幻影鱼龙步接近瞬移的速度,足以能避开那把阔剑神出鬼没的攻击。 But the third article is also most important one, is because Ling Yun has formidable and concise Spiritual Consciousness. 而第三条也是最重要的一条,则是因为凌云有着强大而凝练的神识 This is Ling Yun dares empty-handed the hard anti- Guo Xiaotian Flying Sword biggest qualification! 这才是凌云敢空手硬抗郭校天飞剑的最大本钱! Under Spiritual Consciousness covers, the direction that then the path of broadsword each flight, every time punctures, did not have a capture of omission by Ling Yun, and can make the response that corresponds instantaneously! 神识笼罩之下,那把阔剑每一个飞行的轨迹,每一次刺来的方向,都被凌云无一遗漏的捕捉,并且能瞬间做出相对应的反应! This lets Guo Xiaotian the biggest superiority of Heavenly Sword magical powers, wrote off thoroughly. 这就让郭校天天剑神通的最大优势,给彻底抹杀掉了。 The superiority of enemy did not have the significance, then the Ling Yun's superiority, along with passing of time, naturally slowly has manifested. 敌人的优势没有了意义,那么凌云的优势,随着时间的流逝,自然就慢慢的体现了出来。 Coming out that Ling Yun naturally looks , the Guo Xiaotian Heavenly Sword magical powers, apparently did not have practice to receiving and dispatching by the boundary of heart, he forcefully is stimulating to movement Heavenly Sword Technique, from the beginning the nature is shocking, the effect shocks, moreover terrifying, how long but Guo Xiaotian could not insist. 凌云自然看的出来,郭校天天剑神通,显然还没有修炼到收发由心的境界,他只是在强行催动天剑术而已,一开始自然惊艳,效果震撼而且恐怖,但郭校天根本坚持不了多久。 But the Ling Yun tonight's body condition, is in most peak, he prepares sufficiently, the physical strength is vigorous, as if radically inexhaustible, after Lin Menghan and Yao Rou rescue, the Ling Yun extra worries completely go, was planning that a war, solves all enemies who Clear Water City invades one's territory independently. 凌云今晚的身体状态,正处于最巅峰,他准备充足,体力雄浑,似乎根本无穷无尽,而且在林梦寒姚柔救回来之后,凌云后顾之忧尽去,正打算放手一战,解决掉清水市来犯的所有敌人。 Guo Xiaotian with such Ling Yun to, gets what one deserves he to have bad luck. 郭校天跟这样的凌云对上,也活该他倒霉。 Shua! 刷! Ling Yun displays Illusory Fish Dragon Steps, moves sideways to leave behind together the real remnant shadow same place, will has avoided broadsword that slanting rear area punctures from the body, vertical leaps to return suddenly, towards that broadsword sword blade, rumbles crazily a fist! 凌云施展幻影鱼龙步,一个闪身在原地留下一道真实的残影,堪堪躲开了从身体斜后方刺来的阔剑,又猛然纵跃而回,对着阔剑剑身,狂轰出一拳! Bang!” “砰!” This fist solid pounding above the black broadsword ridges, was pounded to fly broadsword again, this time flies unexpectedly more than two zhang (3.33 m) far. 这一拳结结实实的砸在了黑色阔剑的剑脊之上,那把阔剑再次被砸飞了出去,这次竟飞出去两丈多远。 Meanwhile, that side Guo Xiaotian body severely trembles, complexion wax yellow, in mouth and nose once more crazy blowout blood! 同时,那边的郭校天身体剧震,脸色蜡黄,口鼻中再次狂喷出鲜血! Guo Xiaotian both eyes are red, he has a dream has not thought, own displayed to press the bottom continually the unique skill, the sword and Heavenly Sword, could not have coped with one unexpectedly unarmed, 18-year-old junior! 郭校天双目赤红,他做梦都没有想到,自己连番施展出了压箱底的绝技,地剑和天剑,竟然还对付不了一个赤手空拳的,18岁的小辈! Intrepid of Ling Yun body, the strangeness of movement, the abundance of True Qi, the terrifying of strength, makes Guo Xiaotian feel deep dreading, even is...... Desperate! 凌云身体之强悍,身法之诡异,真气之雄厚,力量之恐怖,都让郭校天感到深深的忌惮,甚至是……绝望! Under Innate 8-layer, I will not make him pass through one round in my hand!” 先天八层之下,我不会让他在我手上走过一个回合!” The Ling Yun rampant words words are still as ringing, at that time own also thought him to be conceited, but the fact puts now at present! 凌云嚣张的话言犹在耳,当时自己还认为他狂妄自大,可现在事实摆在眼前! Three Junior Brother Wu Qifeng, with five Junior Brother Liu Suifeng, lose is really not injust! 三师弟吴奇峰,和五师弟柳随风,输的实在是一点儿都不冤! It looks like the Divine Sword Village disciple, big fellow apprentice's Heavenly Sword Technique, thoroughly came to a stop the winning side, Ling Yun has been being tired out by dealing with, the Ling Yun's failure, will be only time sooner or later issue. 神剑山庄的弟子这边看来,大师兄的天剑术一出,就已经彻底站稳了上风,凌云只是在疲于应付,凌云的失败,只是时间早晚的问题罢了。 But Guo Xiaotian experiences personally, is at heart clear, after displaying the Heavenly Sword magical powers, in hardship that person of strong brace, is actually his own! 郭校天身临其境,心里却是清楚得很,从施展天剑神通之后,一直在苦苦强撑的那个人,其实是他自己 broadsword will not fly to cut to kill the enemy for no reason, naturally receives the thought of Guo Xiaotian, can say that Mental Power is controlling vigorously, attack Ling Yun that can mysteriously appear and disappear. 阔剑不会平白无故飞起斩杀敌人,当然是受到郭校天的意念,也可以说精神力量在极力掌控,才可以神出鬼没的攻击凌云 But Ling Yun besides moving aside, each fist that attacks white/in vain does not hit! 凌云除了躲闪之外,所攻击出的每一拳也都不是白打的! The Ling Yun's fist, seemed like pounds on the sword blade, actually in attacking that wisp of thought of Guo Xiaotian winding above own broadsword! 凌云的拳头,看似砸在了剑身上,其实都是在攻击郭校天缠绕在自己阔剑之上的那一缕意念! In other words, if the technique of Guo Xiaotian, cannot in short time, making Ling Yun receive mortally injured, that Ling Yun's strength will get the winning side, moreover quick is similar to easily accomplished general, explains own Heavenly Sword Technique thoroughly! 换言之,如果郭校天的术,不能在短时间内,让凌云受到致命伤害的话,那凌云的力就会占据上风,而且很快就会如同摧枯拉朽一般,把自己天剑术彻底破解! But now, Guo Xiaotian is spent force. 而现在,郭校天已经是强弩之末。 After a Ling Yun fist pounds flew that broadsword, Spiritual Consciousness sweeps, notes the Guo Xiaotian current scene, in the heart unavoidably coldly smiles. 凌云一拳砸飞了那把阔剑之后,神识一扫,注意到郭校天目前的景象,心中不免冷冷一笑。 Stopped?” “到此为止了么?” In Cultivation Big World, had achieved Transcends Tribulation Stage boundary Ling Yun, let alone this type is actually Heavenly Sword Technique of Controlling Sword Technique embryonic form, with genuine sword immortal also once showdown, moreover did not have the defeat! 曾经在修真大世界,达到过渡劫期境界的凌云,别说这种其实是驭剑术雏形的天剑术,就是跟真正的剑仙也曾对决过,而且从无败绩! Heavenly Sword Technique? In the Ling Yun eye, crosses each family to be similar to the child, does not need to use Nether Blood Demon Blade. 天剑术?在凌云眼里,就跟小孩子过家家差不多,根本不需要使用冥血魔刀 Ling Yun has not used Nether Blood Demon Blade, moreover throughout only defends does not attack, what seems like uses is stupidest means|methods, but he uses is most effective means|methods! 凌云没有使用冥血魔刀,而且始终只守不攻,看似用的是最笨的方法,可他用的是最有效的方法 Because only by doing so, once Guo Xiaotian thought cannot support, definitely will cause the thorough strength to use up, only remaining shares of coming under attack. 因为只有这样,郭校天一旦意念支撑不住,必然会导致彻底力竭,只剩下挨打的份。 At this moment, sees only Guo Xiaotian to sit cross-legged suddenly sits, two fingers gather suddenly stretch out, before towards body, broadsword that creakies, makes an effort to wield forward, calls out suddenly: Goes!” 就在这时,只见郭校天突然盘膝就地一坐,猛然两指并拢伸出,对着身前那柄摇摇欲坠的阔剑,用力向前一挥,猛然暴喝:“去!” broadsword sword blade with ground parallel, catches up suddenly, turns toward Ling Yun sharply to puncture to go like lightning! 阔剑剑身跟地面平行,骤然发力,闪电般向着凌云急刺而去! This time, this speed of sword, formerly was also about than one time to continue, is almost the flash, arrived in front of Ling Yun's! 这一次,这把剑的速度,比先前又快了一倍不止,几乎是一瞬间,就来到了凌云的面前! Snort!” “哼!” Ling Yun already expected that Guo Xiaotian will have this to strike finally, he early has the protection, cold snort/hum, Illusory Fish Dragon Steps nine! 凌云早已预料到郭校天会有这最后一击,他早有防备,冷哼一声,幻影鱼龙步一身化九! That say/way real remnant shadow nape of the neck that place that broadsword towards Ling Yun stood, leaves behind puts on! 阔剑对着凌云原先站立的地方,留下的那道真实残影的脖颈一穿而过! The speed arrives at by Qin Dongxue eyesight quickly, has not seen clearly is Ling Yun that broadsword stabs oneself, at that time could not bear the beautiful pupil shut, sends out sad cry! 速度快到以秦冬雪的目力,都没有看清那柄阔剑刺中的到底是不是凌云本人,当时忍不住美眸一闭,发出一声悲呼 Old stick-in-the-mud, you that wants to kill my Ah?! “老顽固,你就那么想杀我啊?! The next quarter, the clear bone-chilling cold sound resounds together, Qin Dongxue hears the sound, under occurred simultaneously pleasantly surprised opens the beautiful pupil, immediately saw inconceivable shocks one! 下一刻,一道清亮的凛冽声音响起,秦冬雪听到声音,惊喜交加之下睁开美眸,立即看到了不可思议的震撼一幕! Sees only Ling Yun to stand in sitting well side motionless Guo Xiaotian, stretches out a palm, has held down the head of Guo Xiaotian, a face badly smiles saying: Believes me to twist your head, when the ball does kick?!” 只见凌云正站在端坐不动的郭校天身旁,伸出一只手掌,按住了郭校天的脑袋,一脸坏笑说道:“信不信我把你的脑袋拧下来当球踢?!” But Guo Xiaotian actually bleeds profusely from the head, sits, is absolutely still, as if not know the Ling Yun's big hand, according to the head of own. 郭校天却是七窍流血,席地而坐,寂然不动,仿佛根本不知道凌云的大手,正按在自己的脑袋上。 It is not Guo Xiaotian does not want to move, but cannot move! 不是郭校天不想动,而是根本就动不了了! In displaying sword, has displayed Heavenly Sword Technique after forcefully, finally exhausts a full sword, since could not kill Ling Yun as before, that Guo Xiaotian life and death, again own control. 在施展了地剑,又强行施展了天剑术之后,最后耗尽全力的一剑既然依旧杀不了凌云,那郭校天的生死,就再不由自己掌控。 Guo Xiaotian defeated thoroughly. 郭校天彻底败了。 Big Senior Brother!” “大师兄!” Divine Sword Village another four big disciples looked at this, cannot bear also calls out in alarm! 神剑山庄另外四大弟子看了这一幕,忍不住同时惊呼! Ji Xiaoqing holds the sword moving quickly, shouted fierce: Ling Yun you dare!” 纪小晴持剑飞身而出,厉声喝道:“凌云你敢!” The Ling Yun big hand according to is entirely still in the Guo Xiaotian top of the head, as if also desirably downward pressed, turns the head to look at Ji Xiaoqing, said with a smile lightly: „Do I dare, is not decided by you.” 凌云大手按在郭校天头顶上纹丝不动,似乎还刻意往下压了一压,转头看着纪小晴,淡淡笑道:“我敢不敢,不是由你说了算的。” Now, we whether to sit, well discussed that?” “现在,我们是不是可以坐下来,好好的谈一谈了?”
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