DEMG :: Volume #10

#973: War God, strength broken ten thousand laws!

Ling Yun arid land pull Cong, shoots up to the sky, the figure extreme twist skyrocketing, handsome within the eyes strange light is flashing continually, winks does not wink to gaze at billowing sword aura that gushes out from the under ground! 凌云旱地拔葱,冲天而起,身形急速旋转着扶摇直上,俊目中奇光连闪,眨都不眨注视着从下方地面涌出的滚滚剑气 Ling Yun not startled counter- happy! 凌云不惊反喜! He always only defends does not attack, waits is at this moment! 他始终只守不攻,等的就是这一刻! Magical powers! 神通! Right, is the magical powers! 没错,就是神通! Divine Sword Village big Senior Brother Guo Xiaotian, three place sword swordsmanship of swordsmanship, unexpectedly is the legend technique of magical powers! 神剑山庄大师兄郭校天,三才剑法的地剑剑法,竟然是传说中的神通之术! The great sword chops into the ground rock, crazy fierce sword aura wreaks havoc to walk randomly under the ground, and in the underground random walk process, has been strengthened through some strange frequency rapidly, arrives around body that Ling Yun stands, simultaneously from underground surges! 巨剑劈入地面岩石,狂猛剑气在地面之下肆虐游走,并且在地下游走过程中,通过某种奇异的频率迅速得到加强,来到凌云所站立的身体周围,同时从地下暴涌而出! The place that Ling Yun stood a moment ago, has two zhang (3.33 m) remote from Guo Xiaotian fully, what isn't this magical powers is?! 凌云刚才站立的地方,距离郭校天足有两丈之遥,这不是神通是什么?! sword aura invisible did not have the shadow, but now, unexpectedly turned into the naked eye obvious essence, after running out of the ground, changes into dozens broad big swords rapidly, each holds broadsword to be completely exactly the same as the Guo Xiaotian hand in! 剑气本来无形无影,可现在,竟是化成了肉眼可见的实质,冲出地面之后,迅速化为几十柄宽阔大剑,每一柄都跟郭校天手中所持阔剑完全一模一样! Dozens broad big swords, are similar to the mushroom growth are common, simultaneously drills from the precipice, vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered cutting, the surrounding area in three zhang (3.33 m), all the rocks of protruding, all vegetation, unexpectedly simultaneously were cut powder by sword aura! 几十柄宽阔大剑,如同雨后春笋一般,同时从山岩中钻出,纵横切割,方圆三丈之内,所有凸出的岩石,所有的草木,竟同时被剑气切割成了齑粉 That heaven-defying terrifying scene, Ling Yun saw incessantly, other Divine Sword Village disciples, as well as Ling Yun here Qin Dongxue, saw! 逆天的恐怖场景,不止凌云看见了,神剑山庄其他弟子,以及凌云这边的秦冬雪,也都看到了! Oh! The big Senior Brother displayed the sword magical powers unexpectedly!” “天哪!大师兄竟然施展出了地剑神通!” Originally Guo Xiaotian so displays the sword, Divine Sword Village other true line disciples, is first time sees. 原来郭校天如此施展地剑,就连神剑山庄的其他真传弟子,也是第一次看到。 Must want to cope with such magical powers sword to incur, only then two ways, either resist resist hardly, either the moving quickly avoidance, does not have any other means again. 要想对付这样的神通剑招,只有两种方式,要么抵挡硬抗,要么飞身躲避,再无其他任何办法。 Therefore Ling Yun chose shooting up to the sky in first time, the figure raised five zhang (3.33 m) directly, has avoided that dozens terrors broad big sword! 所以凌云在第一时间选择了冲天而起,身形直接拔高五丈,躲开了那几十柄恐怖的宽阔大剑! But if sword magical powers, such easily were explained that that could not call that was the magical powers, was only the flower trellis of throwing a bluff on, soared to the heavens in the Ling Yun moving quickly, after avoiding these essence sword aura, that dozens broad big swords, under the control of Guo Xiaotian, are similar to steadily the eye were unexpectedly common, shot up to the sky completely, turns into dozens black flowing light, Ling Yun of straight thrust high place! 但如果地剑神通,这么容易就被破解,那也称不得是神通了,只是唬人的花架子而已,就在凌云飞身冲天,躲开那些实质剑气之后,那几十柄宽阔大剑,在郭校天的控制之下,竟然如同长了眼睛一般,全部冲天而起,化成数十道黑色流光,直刺高处的凌云 Ling Yun is in the upper air, the potential of overshooting slows down obviously, hides not to be possible radically to hide! 凌云身在高空,上冲之势明显变慢,根本躲无可躲! Ling Yun is careful!” 凌云小心!” Qin Dongxue looks at this scenery, was again reckless, her being startled sound shouted tenderly, reminded Ling Yun hurriedly, could not bear must draw a sword to brave hardships and dangers unexpectedly! 秦冬雪一看此景,再也不顾一切了,她惊声娇呼,匆忙提醒凌云,忍不住竟要拔剑涉险! Reviews Divine Sword Village four big disciples, saw Guo Xiaotian to display the sword magical powers, after from the beginning shocked is excited, on each face has shown the giving birth for the first time happy expressions of varying degrees. 反观神剑山庄这边四大弟子,看到郭校天施展出了地剑神通,在一开始的震撼激动之后,每个人脸上都露出了不同程度的开怀笑意。 Had been routed Sword Heart Wu Qifeng by Ling Yun, in two eyes also glowed an appearance unexpectedly. 就连已经被凌云击溃剑心吴奇峰,两只眼睛里竟也重新焕发出了一丝神采。 Liu Suifeng two sinister and ruthless, are staring at stubbornly airborne by Ling Yun that sword aura locking chases down, wishes one could Ling Yun dead under the big fellow apprentice's magical powers sword technique immediately! 柳随风两眼阴毒,死死盯着空中被剑气锁定追杀的凌云,恨不得凌云立即就死在大师兄的神通剑术之下! Ling Yun must die without doubt!” 凌云必死无疑!” Zhong Chunyan looked at Ling Yun that was hiding not to be possible to hide, corners of the mouth cannot bear flood one sneer brutally, some muttering of taking pleasure in others' misfortunes. 钟春燕望着躲无可躲的凌云,嘴角儿忍不住泛起了一丝残酷冷笑,有些幸灾乐祸的喃喃自语道。 Little Aunt does not need to be worried, looks at me to explain his magical powers sword technique!” 小姨不用担心,看我破解他的神通剑术!” Ling Yun with the Ye Xingchen discussion magical powers, already knows last night, so-called magical powers, but is technique, sword aura changes into the essence, appointed you are ever changing, still sword aura! 凌云昨夜跟夜星辰论过神通,早已知道,所谓神通,不过是“术”而已,剑气就算化为实质,任你千变万化,依然还是剑气 Shortly must stab the Ling Yun's time in first broadsword, Ling Yun in airborne inspires suddenly crazily, the body soars once more three zhang (3.33 m)! 就在第一把阔剑眼看要刺中凌云的时候,凌云在空中猛然狂吸一口气,身体再次腾空三丈! Kite child stand up/turning over, the head puts one's foot down suddenly, in hand sword sharp straight downward, figure whirlwind shoots suddenly downward at the same time, broadsword that towards under punctures, raises the arm to disturb suddenly chops to chop! 猛然一个鹞子翻身,头下脚上,手中剑尖笔直向下,身形急剧向下飚射的同时,对着下方刺来的阔剑,猛然振臂翻搅劈砍! Similar to nine days of Divine Dragon, digs in the boundless sword sea! 如同一条九天神龙,一头扎入无边剑海! Rumbling rumbling......” “轰轰轰轰……” In the Ling Yun's hand the long sword, chops the long sword that True Qi turns into every time, will send out explosive sound general loud noise loudly, the momentum is shocking! 凌云的手中长剑,每劈中一柄真气化成的长剑,都会发出爆炸声一般的轰然巨响,声势震天! During only one breath, Ling Yun has chopped into pieces several broadsword, what a pity sword aura does not extinguish, he chops into pieces, in the ground rapid again gushes out new broadsword, turns toward Ling Yun to puncture once more! 只一个呼吸之间,凌云就劈碎了十几柄阔剑,可惜剑气不灭,他劈碎一把,地面上迅速就再涌出一把新的阔剑,再次向着凌云刺来! Moreover, these broadsword, but was substantialized sword aura, the Ling Yun's body more approaches the ground, above ground sword aura is swifter and fiercer, vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered cutting, willfully wreaks havoc! 而且,那些阔剑,只是被实质化了的剑气而已,凌云的身体越靠近地面,地面上方的剑气就越凌厉,纵横切割,任意肆虐! This is the Guo Xiaotian genuine place sword magical powers! 这才是郭校天真正的地剑神通! If no Great Evolving Stars Secret Art and black gold demon silk clothing dual protects the body, in the Ling Yun hand the sword is quick, he at this time also already by these sword aura cutting vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered cut and bruised! 如果不是有大衍聚星宝诀乌金魔蚕衣双重护体,凌云就算手中剑再快,他此时也已经被那些纵横的剑气切割的遍体鳞伤了! This war makes Ling Yun full, only thinks blood boiling, he downward, chops to chop to disturb crazily, after chopping into pieces 21 broadsword, the ordinary long sword in Ling Yun hand, is unable to withstand the load finally, was cuns (2.5 cm) changed into powder unexpectedly! 这一战让凌云酣畅淋漓,只觉热血沸腾,他一路向下,疯狂劈砍翻搅,直到劈碎21把阔剑之后,凌云手中的普通长剑,终于不堪重负,竟是一寸寸化为了齑粉 But at this time, Ling Yun from the ground less than two meters, sword aura has wreaked havoc as before, the sword wind howls, the Ling Yun whole face of cutting is painful, is almost unable to open both eyes! 而这时,凌云距离地面已经不足两米,剑气依旧肆虐,剑风呼啸,切割的凌云满脸生疼,几乎无法睁开双眼! Snort!” “哼!” Ling Yun is penniless, calls out one suddenly, going against the flow within the body Yin-Yang Energy Secret Art, in Dantian, the Yin-Yang True Qi vortex reverses rapidly, he lifts the hand suddenly, grasps conveniently, holds broadsword that has cut unexpectedly all of a sudden! 凌云两手空空,猛然暴喝一声,急速逆行体内一气阴阳诀,丹田之内,阴阳真气漩涡倒转,他猛然抬手,随手一抓,竟一下子抓住了一把斩来的阔剑 Since True Qi changes into the essence, can be seen by the naked eye, that naturally can also be caught by hand! 既然真气化为实质,能够被肉眼看到,那自然也能够被手“抓到”! In other words, is at this time, sent out by Guo Xiaotian, and by sword aura of his intention control, has been gripped by Ling Yun completely now! 换句话说,也就是此时,本来由郭校天发出,并且完全由他心意操控的剑气,现在被凌云握住了一把! Then enters the hand of Ling Yun True Qi broadsword, because receives the Guo Xiaotian thought control, was not used by Ling Yun, but Ling Yun revolution Yin-Yang Energy Secret Art, assimilates that broadsword using Yin-Yang True Qi immediately, only one instance, this broadsword, was not controlled by Guo Xiaotian. 那把真气阔剑进入凌云之手,因为受到郭校天意念控制,根本不被凌云所用,可凌云立即运转一气阴阳诀,利用阴阳真气把那把阔剑同化,只一个瞬间,这一把阔剑,就再也不受郭校天控制了。 Bang!” “轰!” The Ling Yun both feet falls to the ground, does not attend to surrounding sword aura vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, both hands grip that broadsword, chops to chop the cutting, opens greatly gathers greatly, loudly after crack several, the ground all gushes out sword aura, was all scattered by Ling Yun! 凌云双脚落地,不顾周围剑气纵横,双手握住那把阔剑,劈砍切削,大开大合,轰然炸响十几声之后,地面所有涌出剑气,被凌云全部打散! Bang, bang!” “轰,轰!” After Ling Yun falls to the ground, two feet stamp one after another crazily to the ground, in the first use Underworld Earth Emperor Cultivation! 凌云落地之后,接连两脚疯狂跺向地面,第一次使用上了黄泉土皇功 This Cultivation Technique, is Ling Yun teaches to Yao Rou, his own will certainly use, Underworld Earth Emperor Cultivation, specially using the earth heavy/thick strength, after two feet step on, within the body Yin Energy from two foot hearts gushes out, spreads the surrounding two zhang (3.33 m) entire grounds, makes the surrounding area surface freeze within two zhang (3.33 m), the temperature plummet instantaneously, the entire surface just like covers the 1-layer cold frost thin film! 这个功法,是凌云传授给姚柔的,他自己当然会用,黄泉土皇功,专门利用大地的厚重之力,两脚踩下去之后,体内阴气从两脚心涌出,蔓延周围两丈整个地面,瞬间让方圆两丈之内的地表冻结,气温骤降,整个地表犹如覆盖上了一层寒霜薄膜! This move, directly Guo Xiaotian through sword aura that underground transmits, has isolated larger part! 这一招,直接就把郭校天通过地下传来的剑气,隔绝了一大半儿! Absorbing Cultivation Great Technique!” 吸功大法!” The next quarter, Ling Yun stands in billowing sword aura, the thought moves, displayed Absorbing Cultivation Great Technique directly, Guo Xiaotian these by sword aura that Ling Yun scattered, just like the strong winds drills a hole unexpectedly general, howled to drill toward the Ling Yun both hands palm! 下一刻,凌云站在滚滚剑气之中,意念一动,直接施展起了吸功大法,郭校天那些被凌云打散的剑气,竟犹如狂风钻洞一般,呼啸着向着凌云双手手心钻去! Why does Ling Yun choose practice that Yin-Yang Energy Secret Art that is difficult to practice? 凌云为何选择修炼那么难练的一气阴阳诀 Yin-Yang Energy Secret Art not only can in within the body continuous spontaneity, but can also absorb to assimilate any True Qi, Guo Xiaotian sword aura, naturally also including! 一气阴阳诀不但可以在体内源源不断的自生,而且可以吸收同化任何真气,郭校天剑气,自然也包括在内! Absorbs sword aura of enemy is own uses, to live off the government! 吸收敌人的剑气自己所用,以战养战! Ling Yun both arms simultaneously opens, periphery billowing sword aura, takes Ling Yun's both hands as the source shortly, changed to two vortex screws, enters toward the Ling Yun within the body surges! 凌云双臂齐张,眼看着周围的滚滚剑气,以凌云的双手为源头,化作了两条漩涡般的螺旋,向着凌云体内暴涌而入! During several breath, Ling Yun a moment ago intense preying, True Qi that consumes, restoring almost. 几个呼吸之间,凌云就把刚才一番激烈搏杀,所消耗的真气,给恢复了个7788。 „It is not good!” “不好!” Guo Xiaotian complexion big change, double within the eyes is sparkling immediately the unbelievable panic-stricken color, exerts to go all-out, dividing into broadsword of ground pulling out, stopped the technique of sword magical powers on own initiative! 郭校天顿时脸色大变,双目中闪耀着难以置信的惊骇之色,奋尽全力,把劈入地面的阔剑给拔了出来,主动停止了地剑神通之术! This is the unparalleled demon merit, Absorbing Cultivation Great Technique! The young demon, keeps you not to tonight absolutely!” “这是盖世魔功,吸功大法!小魔头,今夜绝对留你不得!” If, Guo Xiaotian were also worrying a moment ago about a Qin Dongxue Sect friendship, because or is also keeping thinking about Ling Yun Human Emperor's Writing Brush and Earth Emperor's Book secret, does not have full power under the words of killer, then now, all these changed! 如果说刚才,郭校天还顾念着秦冬雪的一丝师门情分,或者说因为还惦记着凌云身上的人皇笔地皇书的秘密,没有全力下杀手的话,那么现在,这一切变了! Guo Xiaotian deeply inspires suddenly, takes back sword aura of overflow outside the body completely, within the body sword aura circulation, the complete irrigation enters in the broadsword sword blade! 郭校天猛然深吸一口气,把溢出体外的剑气全部收回,体内剑气流转,全部灌注进入阔剑剑身之中! Heavenly Sword! Kills!” 天剑!杀!” As a few words call out, Guo Xiaotian angry glare, with 30% skills, broadsword is similar to the living creature is ordinary, lets go voluntarily, straight thrust opposite Ling Yun! 随着一句话暴喝而出,郭校天怒目一张,用出30的功力,阔剑如同活物一般,自行脱手而出,直刺对面凌云 This was not thrown by Guo Xiaotian the sword, but was similar to had own intelligence, own flew on own initiative! 这把剑可不是被郭校天掷出去的,而是如同有了自身灵性,自己主动飞出去的! Ling Yun two immediately one bright! 凌云两眼顿时一亮! This is Controlling Sword Technique in legend, although most foundation, the disciple has its table, was might also very heaven-defying! 这是传说中的驭剑术啊,虽然只是最基础的,徒具其表,可是威力也十分逆天了! After broadsword departs, the Guo Xiaotian whole face deep red transfers purple, suddenly, has put out a blood, is very obvious, he displays Heavenly Sword forcefully, oneself also received not small backlash. 阔剑飞出之后,郭校天满脸绛红转紫,猛然哇的一声,吐出了一口鲜血,很显然,他强行施展天剑,自身也受到了不小的反噬。 Three the place sword and Heavenly Sword in swordsmanship, unexpectedly are the techniques of magical powers, no wonder Divine Sword Village dares to make the given name with Divine Sword. 三才剑法中的地剑和天剑,竟然都是神通之术,怪不得神剑山庄敢用“神剑”做名号了。 Oh! Unexpectedly is Heavenly Sword Technique!” “天哪!竟然是天剑术!” Zhong Chunyan, Liu Suifeng, Ji Xiaoqing shouts wildly, is looking in the field this scary, looked to stay completely! 钟春燕,柳随风,纪小晴纷纷狂呼,望着场中这骇人一幕,全部看呆了! Ling Yun, takes your blade quickly!” 凌云,快拿你的刀!” Qin Dongxue this time worried, she strikes an attitude to swoop, charges into Nether Blood Demon Blade in ground, spells is injured by the demon air/Qi of demon blade, must throw to Ling Yun Nether Blood Demon Blade! 秦冬雪这次真着急了,她作势飞扑,冲向地面上的冥血魔刀,拼着被魔刀的魔气所伤,也要把冥血魔刀凌云扔过去! I said does not use blade!” “我说了不用刀!” Ling Yun has rejected, in flash that the broadsword lightning shoots, Yin-Yang Energy Secret Art, Great Evolving Stars Secret Art, promoted most peak suddenly! 凌云拒绝了,在阔剑闪电射来的一瞬间,猛然把一气阴阳诀,大衍聚星宝诀,提升到了最巅峰! Heavenly Astral Subduing Demons Fist!” 天罡伏魔拳!” Ling Yun sets out, the acceleration, welcomed to fly the sword sharp long-range raid, simultaneously the double fist was uneven, pounded suddenly to that broadsword! 凌云起身,加速,迎着飞来剑尖奔袭,同时双拳齐出,猛然砸向那柄阔剑 Under present Ling Yun, displays full power, each fist has several thousand jin (0.5 kg) strength! 现在的凌云,全力施展之下,每一拳都有几千斤的力道! He takes strength broken ten thousand laws! 他要一力破万法! Therefore, all person panic-stricken seeing, in the battlefield calmly formed one to move, a fierce confrontation of two people sword! 于是,所有人惊骇的看到,战场中形成了一静一动,两人一剑的剧烈交锋! This side, Guo Xiaotian stands same place motionless, controls own broadsword with the thought full power, attacks Ling Yun! 这一边,郭校天站立原地一动不动,用意念全力控制自己阔剑,攻击凌云 But in the field, Ling Yun displays Heavenly Astral Subduing Demons Fist, does not dodge does not evade, the double fist opens greatly gathers greatly, with two fists, a towards dances in the air broadsword, continually crazy bang! 而场中,凌云则施展天罡伏魔拳,不闪不避,双拳大开大合,用两只拳头,对着一柄飞舞阔剑,连番狂轰! Bang! Bang! Bang!” “轰!轰!轰!” The Ling Yun's fist, every time hits the sword blade, the shaking the heavens and earth sound resounds, but controls the broadsword attack with the thought Guo Xiaotian, then just like is one by one sounded the bell near the ear, each, the body is fierce trembles! 凌云的拳头,每一次击中剑身,都是有一声惊天动地的声音响起,而用意念控制阔剑攻击的郭校天,则犹如被人在耳边一下一下敲响大钟,每一下,身体都是剧烈一颤! This is the most direct confrontation of strength and technique! 这是力和术的最直接交锋! Ling Yun this weaponry hits is very clean, he has not used any Magic Treasure and plans, even discards including Nether Blood Demon Blade, takes strength broken ten thousand laws, breaks the Guo Xiaotian Heavenly Sword magical powers with the fist! 凌云这一仗打的很干净,他没有使用任何法宝和心机,甚至连冥血魔刀都弃之不用,就是要一力破万法,用拳头破掉郭校天天剑神通!
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