DEMG :: Volume #10

#972: Showdown three sword

Ling Yun empty-handed seizes the naked sword! 凌云空手夺白刃! Ling Yun has not gone back on word, had not boasted, under Innate 8-layer, will not make the opposite party pass through one move in his hand! 凌云并没有食言,更没有吹嘘,先天八层之下,不会让对方在他手上走过一招! Under his crazy tyrant fist, Wu Qifeng of Innate 7-layer peak, only with enough time divided a sword, with ease had been won the pointed weapons by Ling Yun! 在他的狂霸一拳之下,先天七层巅峰的吴奇峰,只来得及劈出了一剑,就被凌云轻松夺走了兵刃! Thump!” “咚!” Along with loud noise, Wu Qifeng lay on one's back layer on layer/heavily throws down on the ground, the biting cold severe pain that the right hand wrist transmitted, making his entire half-length numb and aching incomparable, could not cause including the half a point strength. 随着一声巨响,吴奇峰仰面朝天重重摔倒在了地上,右手腕传来的彻骨剧痛,让他整个半身酸麻无比,连半分力气都使不出来。 The side that the strength that but Ling Yun starts grasps has the discretion, but also being insufficient makes Wu Qifeng fall down cannot crawl, the real reason is, the Wu Qifeng confidence, was routed by Ling Yun thoroughly! 凌云下手的力道掌握的极有分寸,还不至于让吴奇峰倒在地上爬不起来,真正的原因是,吴奇峰的信心,被凌云彻底击溃! Wu Qifeng assumes the big font to lie down, lies on one's back, gasps for breath in gulps, the face whiten, both eyes are atheistic, at present appears repeatedly, that made him always remember life-long shame one a moment ago sufficiently! 吴奇峰呈大字型躺倒在地,仰面朝天,大口大口喘着气,脸色苍白,双目无神,眼前反复出现的,还是刚才那足以令他铭记终生的耻辱一幕! A speed of person possibly so is how fast, is a strength of person possibly so how big?! 一个人的速度怎么可能那么快,一个人的力气怎么可能那么大?! Did Ling Yun break through the first Heaven 9 level boundary? 难道凌云已经突破先天九层境界了吗? Rapidness that too this war ended, but Wu Qifeng defeat was also too miserable, affected his well-illuminated Sword Heart. 这一战结束的太快,而吴奇峰败的也太惨了一些,已经影响到了他的通明剑心 The Wu Qifeng self-torture swordsmanship 30 years unceasingly night and day, are Divine Sword Village absolute proud, this descending the mountain, wants to become world-famous at one fell swoop, may actually be won the pointed weapons empty-handed one move finally. 吴奇峰苦修剑道30年日夜不辍,本是神剑山庄的绝对骄傲,这次下山,本想一举扬名天下,可结果却是被人空手一招夺走了兵刃。 This attack, conversion is who cannot bear. 这种打击,换成是谁也受不了。 Three Junior Brothers, stand!” “三师弟,站起来!” The Guo Xiaotian complexion must ugly ugly, his figure flashed, arrived at the Wu Qifeng side, looked down Wu Qifeng, the sinking sound said. 郭校天的脸色要多难看有多难看,他身形一闪,来到了吴奇峰的身旁,低头看着吴奇峰,沉声说道。 Guo Xiaotian knows that Wu Qifeng will defeat, but he has not thought that miserable that such Wu Qifeng can defeat! 郭校天知道吴奇峰会败,但是就连他也没有想到,吴奇峰会败的这么惨! He thinks, three Junior Brother and Ling Yun showdowns, although will eat to owe on the pointed weapons, may rely on Wu Qifeng Innate 7-layer peak boundary cultivation level, has Innate True Qi to protect the body, Ling Yun's Nether Blood Demon Blade is impossible to cut off the Wu Qifeng pointed weapons for a while, but the young Junior Brother incurs by the Divine Sword Village sword, with the Ling Yun dogfight dozens rounds, makes one time to rub the sword stone with Ling Yun, with steeling swordsmanship, does not have any issue. 他本以为,三师弟和凌云对决,虽然在兵刃上会吃点儿亏,可凭借吴奇峰先天七层巅峰境界的修为,有先天真气护体,凌云的冥血魔刀一时也不可能斩断吴奇峰的兵刃,而小师弟凭借神剑山庄的剑招,和凌云缠斗几十个回合,拿凌云做一次磨剑石,用以砥砺剑道,还是没有任何问题的。 But who knew this grinding sword stone to be too quick, direct one sword rubbing! 可谁知这磨剑石太快了,直接一下就把剑给磨断了! The Guo Xiaotian look is dignified, the surface sinks the water, calmly looks at the ground Wu Qifeng, has not bent the waist to hold him, moreover lifted the hand to prevent to go forward to help up the Wu Qifeng two Junior Sisters. 郭校天神色凝重,面沉似水,静静看着地上的吴奇峰,并没有弯腰去把他扶起来,而且还抬手阻止了想要上前扶起吴奇峰的两位师妹。 He is well aware, if Wu Qifeng cannot own stand, his sword Dao Cultivation is, this whole life also stopped. 他心知肚明,如果吴奇峰不能自己站起来,那他的剑道修为,这辈子也就到此为止了。 practice swordsmanship, most important is Sword Heart, Sword Heart did not have, that swordsmanship naturally also ended. 修炼剑道,最重要的就是一颗剑心,剑心没了,那剑道自然也就完了。 Big Senior Brother...... I lost...... I useless......” “大师兄……我输了……我没用……” The Wu Qifeng breath is gradually steady, but he now seems is actually more like a deceased person, in two was full of dimly desperate, hoarse the sound was saying. 吴奇峰呼吸渐渐平稳,可他现在看上去却更像是一个死人,两眼中充满了黯淡绝望,嘶哑着声音说道。 Guo Xiaotian hurts such as the blade to twist at heart, the innermost feelings struggle to consider Wu Qifeng to hold, but suppresses is not being willing to bend the waist! 郭校天心里疼如刀绞,内心挣扎着想把吴奇峰扶起来,可就是强忍着不肯弯腰! This is the Divine Sword Village future! 这是神剑山庄的未来啊! Strong has strong hand, the victory or defeat is the military commander routine matter.” “强中自有强中手,胜败乃兵家常事。” Guo Xiaotian sighed, said with as far as possible temperate sound: Three Junior Brothers, stand.” 郭校天叹息一声,用尽量温和的声音说道:“三师弟,站起来吧。” Wu Qifeng both hands cover the face, as if exhausted the whole body strength to lean a body, then the both legs gathered curvingly, rolled up the body vigorously. 吴奇峰双手捂脸,似乎用尽了全身力气侧了个身,然后双腿并拢弯曲,极力把身体蜷缩了起来。 The next quarter, in the field all person inconceivable seeing, the body of Wu Qifeng unexpectedly fiercely shivered, then all people heard wū wū the sobbing wail. 下一刻,场中所有人都不可思议的看到,吴奇峰的身体竟剧烈颤抖了起来,然后所有人都听到了呜呜的哽咽哭泣声。 Three sighs resound successively. 三声叹息先后响起。 Is Ling Yun, Qin Dongxue, Guo Xiaotian. 凌云,秦冬雪,郭校天 Three people know, Wu Qifeng ended thoroughly, will halt in this, only if there is the huge chance or the heaven-defying spell of good or bad fortune, otherwise this life being hard little advance. 三个人都知道,吴奇峰彻底完了,将止步于此,除非有天大机缘或者逆天际遇,否则今生难以寸进。 After Ling Yun seizes the sword, again had not spoken a few words, he is holding appreciatively that the ordinary iron sword, calmly is gazing at Wu Qifeng, was anticipating at heart also he can stand, but the performance of Wu Qifeng, lets Ling Yun when the disappointment, what are more is disdains. 凌云夺剑之后,就再没有说过一句话,他把玩着那把普通的铁剑,静静注视着吴奇峰,心里也期待着他能够站起来,可吴奇峰的表现,却让凌云在失望之余,更多的是不屑。 In the world has the talent to be innumerable, may be able to mount peak truly is actually extremely rare, is not because their IQ or the ability are insufficient, because they cannot withstand the setback and failure. 世上有天才无数,可真正能够登上巅峰者却是凤毛麟角,并不是因为他们智商或者能力不够,而是因为他们经不起挫折和失败。 The fresh flower, the praise, with the applause, naturally can drive a talent to grow rapidly, but these in the favorable circumstances, at all are not anything. 鲜花,夸赞,和掌声,自然能激励一个天才快速成长,可这些都是在顺境当中,根本不算什么。 The adverse circumstance, the setback, with the failure, is life true trying metal and stone, person who only then can confidently facing the failure and setback, can times walks from the difficult position of failure and setback, is the genuine powerhouse, has the opportunity to achieve the life the magnificent peak! 逆境,挫折,和失败,才是人生真正的试金石,只有能够坦然面对失败和挫折,能够一次次从失败和挫折的困境中走出来的人,才是真正的强者,才有机会达到人生的辉煌巅峰! The Wu Qifeng mentality is not good. 吴奇峰心态不行。 Liu Suifeng, holds your three fellow apprentices, brings to!” 柳随风,把你三师兄扶起来,带到一边去!” Guo Xiaotian waited for half-day/long time, sees Wu Qifeng not only has not picked up the confidence again, instead wails, immediately to his heart like dying embers. 郭校天等了半天,见吴奇峰不但没有重拾信心,反而嚎啕大哭起来,顿时对他心如死灰。 After a Ling Yun blade defeats, throughout nie is hiding in rear Liu Suifeng, walks to go forward cautiously, has put up ground Wu Qifeng forcefully, entrained him to walk. 凌云一刀击败之后,始终嗫喏着躲在最后面的柳随风,小心翼翼走上前,硬生生把地上的吴奇峰架了起来,拽着他走了回去。 Guo Xiaotian turns around, facing Ling Yun, right hand lifted slowly, has gripped the back sword hilt, drew a sword! 郭校天转身,面对凌云,右手徐徐抬起,握住了背后的剑柄,拔剑! Then draws out the sword slowly, sword blade one -and-a-half meters are unexpectedly long, the width several centimeters, are the black, the sword blade thick regelation is solid, seems at least has hundred jin (0.5 kg) weight. 那把剑徐徐拔出,剑身竟有一米半长,宽十几公分,呈黑色,剑身厚重凝实,看上去起码有百斤重量。 The Guo Xiaotian figure is grand, draws out that black broadsword, the imposing manner rises suddenly instantaneously, the long hair flutters against the wind, sword aura in within the body overflow spreads across, overbearing puts on spatially! 郭校天身形雄伟,拔出那把黑色阔剑,气势瞬间暴涨,长发逆风飘飞,体内溢出的剑气纵横交错,霸道穿空! The sword refers to Ling Yun! 剑指凌云 „The Ling Yun young demon, your shame my sect, destroys my Junior Brother, tonight my Guo Xiaotian cuts you inevitably under the sword, defends traditional moral principles except the demon!” 凌云小魔头,你辱我师门,毁我师弟,今晚我郭校天必然斩你于剑下,除魔卫道!” Was solidly locked by Guo Xiaotian sword aura, Ling Yun knows, at this time any argument was unnecessary, he gives a calm smile to the opposite party. 郭校天剑气牢牢锁定,凌云知道,这时候任何辩解都是多余的,他只是冲着对方淡然一笑。 But smiles to return to smile, Ling Yun at heart actually not slightly negligent, because only depends on the imposing manner that the opposite party sends out, he approximately can judge, Guo Xiaotian strength, absolutely not under Tokugawa Muto. 可是笑归笑,凌云心里却没有丝毫大意,因为只凭对方散发出来的气势,他就大致能判断出,郭校天的实力,绝对不在德川武藤之下。 The opposite party at least is half Innate 9 cultivation level! 对方至少是半步先九修为 Big Senior Brother!” “大师兄!” Qin Dongxue saw Guo Xiaotian to draw a sword finally, she naturally knows that the Guo Xiaotian boundary strength no small matter, could not bear must go forward to stop. 秦冬雪郭校天终于拔剑了,她自然知道郭校天的境界实力非同小可,忍不住就要上前阻拦。 Qin Dongxue you shut up to me!” 秦冬雪你给我闭嘴!” This young demon so rampant overbearing, you also dare to maintain to the present in him unexpectedly! Simply incurable!” “这个小魔头如此嚣张霸道,你到现在竟然还敢维护于他!简直不可救药!” The Ling Yun brow selects, long arms light stretch/leisurely, has blocked the body of Qin Dongxue, said lightly: Little Aunt, with this person, but also there is anything saying that you observe in the one side are.” 凌云眉头一挑,猿臂轻舒,阻住了秦冬雪的身体,淡淡说道:“小姨,跟他这种人,还有什么好说的,你在一旁观战就是。” Ling Yun seems like indifferent, the regulations have gotten angry extremely. 凌云看似淡然,实则已经怒极。 He blocked Qin Dongxue, was grasping the ordinary long sword that seized from the Wu Qifeng hand, gently has walked into. 他拦下了秦冬雪,握着从吴奇峰手中夺来的普通长剑,轻轻走入了场中。 Guo Xiaotian looked that Ling Yun such walked, first stares, the imposing manner rises again, points at the Ling Yun anger to shout: „Hasn't young demon, you used your demon blade?!” 郭校天凌云就这么走了出来,先是一愣,紧接着气势再涨,指着凌云怒喝道:“小魔头,你还不用你的魔刀?!” Ling Yun coldly smiles: Old stick-in-the-mud, I have said that what murder is the person, is not weapon...... today, I use your Divine Sword Village sword, comes to speak the truth with you......” 凌云冷冷一笑:“老顽固,我说过,杀人的是人,不是武器……今天,我就用你们神剑山庄的剑,来跟你讲讲道理……” The Guo Xiaotian anger instead smiles extremely, the repetitive nod of air/Qi, said three good characters, to call out one suddenly: Looks to incur!” 郭校天怒极反笑,气的连连点头,说了三个好字,猛然暴喝一声:“看招!” Guo Xiaotian contains ones anger to make a move, made a move to put forth him to press the bottom the swordsmanship, three swordsmanship! 郭校天含怒出手,一出手就使出了他压箱底的剑法,三才剑法! Three world person, the person sword eliminates the demon, the sword subdue demons, Heavenly Sword opens the day! 三才天地人,人剑除魔,地剑降妖,天剑开天! Guo Xiaotian stands is being entirely still same place, the whole body internal combustion engine irrigation sword blade, the right arm lifts the sword to point at the upper right sky slantingly, the direction that towards Ling Yun stands, turns toward lower left ruthlessly one stroke suddenly! 郭校天站在原地纹丝不动,周身气机灌注剑身,右臂举剑斜斜指着右上方天空,对着凌云站立的方向,猛然向着左下方狠狠一划! Person character casts aside! “人”字一撇! Swift and fierce sword aura gushes out along the sword sharp wild, turned into three zhang (3.33 m) long sword aura directly, is having the boundless imposing manner, covers sweeps across Ling Yun! 凌厉的剑气沿着剑尖狂暴涌出,直接化成了三丈多长的剑罡,带着无边气势,笼罩席卷凌云 Comes well!” “来得好!” Ling Yun double within the eyes divine light suddenly/violently to dodge, Great Evolving Stars Secret Art revolves the whole body, within the body Yin-Yang Energy Secret Art passes rapidly, grasps the sword right hand to wield suddenly upwardly! 凌云目中神光暴闪,大衍聚星宝诀运转全身,体内一气阴阳诀急速流转,握剑右手猛然向上挥去! Bang!” “轰!” loud noise, two crazy fierce sword aura hit instantaneously ruthlessly in the same place, is centered on locations of two sword sword aura intersections, sword storm volume! 一声巨响,两道狂猛剑气瞬间狠狠撞在一起,以两剑剑罡相交之处为中心,剑风暴卷而出! That side Qin Dongxue and Divine Sword Village four people without hesitation toward behind flies to draw back! 秦冬雪神剑山庄那边的四人毫不犹豫的向着身后飞退! After striking, the Guo Xiaotian grand body is entirely still, Ling Yun stuffy snort/hum, has drawn back backward one step. 一击之后,郭校天雄伟身躯纹丝不动,凌云闷哼一声,向后退了一步。 Snort! I thought how you are insolent!” “哼!我看你还怎么张狂!” Guo Xiaotian occupies again takes the initiative, is in power does not forgive the person, the arm lifts, this sword point delimits once more ruthlessly toward the lower right from the upper left! 郭校天占得先机,得势不饶人,手臂再抬,这次剑尖从左上方向着右下方再次狠狠划下! Person character presses down firmly! “人”字一捺! Ling Yun still only defends does not attack, lifts the sword to divide together sword aura once more, loudly after loud noise, again has blocked a Guo Xiaotian heavens frightening sword! 凌云依然只守不攻,再次举剑劈出一道剑罡,轰然一声巨响之后,再一次挡住了郭校天惊天一剑! This time, Ling Yun retrocedes three steps, every time stops over, the footprint stepped on into the rock, has trod the Sankuaishan rock. 这一次,凌云后退三步,每一次落脚,脚印都踩入了岩石之中,踏碎了三块山岩。 Guo Xiaotian not only has not retroceded, a sword chops, instead forwarded one step! 郭校天非但没有后退,一剑劈出,反而向前走了一步! The person sword only then two moves, two moves forced Ling Yun to retrocede four steps, but in the Guo Xiaotian surface actually did not see slightly the happy expression. 人剑只有两招,两招逼迫凌云后退了共四步,可郭校天面上却不见丝毫喜色。 Unhappy counter- startled! 不喜反惊! Because of these two swords, he has used the own 90% strengths, Ling Yun only to use the ordinary long sword, has resisted! 因为这两剑,他已经用上了自己的九成实力,凌云只用普通长剑,就抵挡了下来! But those who make Guo Xiaotian shocking is, Ling Yun with that the ordinary iron sword, can wield sword aura unexpectedly! 而更让郭校天震惊的是,凌云用那把普通铁剑,竟然也能挥出剑罡 sword aura! Guo Xiaotian matures slowly, can send out sword aura until 28 years old, but Ling Yun is only 18 years old, with sword aura that the ordinary long sword sends out, has been able to resist his person sword! 剑罡啊!郭校天大器晚成,直到28岁才能发出一丝剑罡,而凌云只有18岁,用普通长剑发出的剑罡,已经可以抵挡他的人剑了! What if Ling Yun uses is Nether Blood Demon Blade? His whether can't draw back?! 如果凌云用的是冥血魔刀呢?他是不是可以一步不退?! Are four big disciples who the Guo Xiaotian shock, he behind observes, shocked? Four people look at each other in blank dismay, is completely unbelievable! 郭校天震惊,他身后观战的四大弟子,何尝不震惊?四人面面相觑,全部难以置信! Can Ling Yun with the ordinary long sword, block big fellow apprentice's person sword sword aura only to draw back four unexpectedly?! 凌云用普通长剑,竟然能挡住大师兄的人剑剑罡只退四步?! Zhong Chunyan sudden calls out in alarm, points in the field saying: Oh, the big Senior Brother must display the sword!” 钟春燕突然一声惊呼,指着场中说道:“天哪,大师兄要施展地剑了!” Guo Xiaotian changes to both hands simultaneously to grip the sword hilt, lifts the sword to cross the top slowly, Ling Yun of towards distant place, strikes an attitude to chop! 郭校天改为双手同时握住剑柄,缓缓举剑过顶,对着远处的凌云,作势欲劈! Ling Yun holds a sword to stand, is looking at the Guo Xiaotian movement, the facial expression is tranquil, he is at a disadvantage obviously, within the eyes does not have any frustration, the meaning of not having assaulted. 凌云仗剑而立,望着郭校天的动作,神情平静,他明显处于下风,目中却没有任何的挫败感,更没有抢攻的意思。 Does not use Nether Blood Demon Blade, does not use any Talisman, Ling Yun this time must use the cleanest martial arts, with sword to sword, showdown Guo Xiaotian! 不用冥血魔刀,也不用任何符箓,凌云这次就要用最干净的武功,以剑对剑,对决郭校天 In the Guo Xiaotian vision flashes through color of the ruthless burning, lifts under the sword to divide suddenly! 郭校天目光中闪过一丝狠辣之色,猛然举剑下劈! What is strange, this sword seems average not wonderful, does not have sword aura not to have sword aura, does not cut to Ling Yun, but is a sword chops to the ground! 奇怪的是,这一剑看上去平平无奇,既没剑气也没有剑罡,更不是斩向凌云,而是一剑劈向地面! Bang!” “轰!” broadsword chops the ground, the entire sword blade submerges the rock instantaneously! 阔剑劈中地面,整个剑身瞬间没入岩石! Scoffs!” “嗤嗤嗤嗤嗤!” The next flash, sees only innumerable say/way crazy fierce sword aura, stands the surroundings that from distant place Ling Yun, from rock **** however leaves, has covered Ling Yun thoroughly! 下一瞬间,只见无数道狂猛剑气,从远处凌云站立的周围,从岩石中****而出,彻底笼罩了凌云 Ling Yun within the eyes strange light suddenly/violently to launch, appearance flashes continually, the natural physique soars to the heavens suddenly/violently to launch! 凌云目中奇光暴射,神采连闪,潇洒身姿冲天暴射!
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