DEMG :: Volume #10

#971: Empty-handed seizes the sword

Facing the Divine Sword Village five big disciples, Ling Yun happy does not fear, he writes freely, has not paid attention to them quite the same as. 面对神剑山庄五大弟子,凌云怡然不惧,他嬉笑怒骂,浑然没有把他们放在眼里。 Consecutively for two nights of war, prestige of the blade, Ling Yun the own body condition, simultaneously increased in addition a moment ago with in the heart fighting intent the peak, is in the most profound subtle region. 连续两夜大战,加上刚才一刀之威,凌云已经把自己的身体状态,和心中战意同时攀升到了巅峰,正处于一种玄之又玄的微妙境地。 The person blade unites, the god keeps off Killing God, Buddha keeps off to kill Buddha! 人刀合一,神挡杀神,佛挡杀佛! After by the Ling Yun continually shame, Divine Sword Village, some people could not calm down finally. 凌云连番羞辱之后,神剑山庄这边,终于又有人沉不住气了。 Throughout the complexion is indifferent, does not say a word three Senior Brother Wu Qifeng, walked silently, said to Guo Xiaotian: Big Senior Brother, I and he hits.” 始终脸色冷漠,不发一言的三师兄吴奇峰,默默走了出来,对郭校天说道:“大师兄,我和他打。” The Wu Qifeng sound is not loud, words not impassioned that said that is very level, but the tone is very firm. 吴奇峰声音不大,说的话也不怎么慷慨激昂,很是平实,但是语气却很坚决。 The Guo Xiaotian look is very dignified. 郭校天神色很是凝重。 Among the Divine Sword Village five big disciples, the Guo Xiaotian boundary is without a doubt highest, the strength is strongest, corresponds with this, naturally is his vision. 神剑山庄五大弟子当中,毫无疑问郭校天的境界最高,实力最强,与这相对应的,自然是他的眼光。 Others do not see clearly, but Liu Suifeng attacks outrageously, Ling Yun smiles brandishing a blade that flash pale, Guo Xiaotian, because was worried that Liu Suifeng will be injured by Ling Yun, his vision, solidly is locking Ling Yun throughout, clarity that looks at! 别人看不清楚,可柳随风悍然突袭,凌云淡笑挥刀的那一瞬间,郭校天因为担心柳随风会被凌云所伤,他的目光,始终牢牢锁定着凌云,把那一幕看的清清楚楚! Guo Xiaotian is clear, Liu Suifeng that sword, the reality is makes a move depend on the anger, contained the killing intent completely, sword potential crazy fierce overbearing, the sword has incurred swiftly and fiercely incomparable, speed quickly like lightning . Moreover the path that punctured was quite mysterious, the mixture of truth and deceit, was very difficult to catch. 郭校天清楚,柳随风那一剑,实乃挟怒出手,满含了杀机,剑势狂猛霸道,剑招凌厉无比,速度快如闪电,而且刺出的轨迹极为玄奥,虚虚实实,很难捕捉。 But is a such sword, Ling Yun while lifting the hand strokes draws back Qin Dongxue, seems like wields a blade casually, the blade edge the Liu Suifeng sword was sharp then accurate incomparable dividing, and along starts from the sword sharp, finished a piece of writing at one go along the ridges, until the sword hilt, sets upright the sword blade cleaving in two! 可就是这样的一剑,凌云在抬手拂退秦冬雪的同时,看似随随便便挥出一刀,刀锋就精准无比的劈中了柳随风的剑尖,并且沿着从剑尖开始,沿着剑脊一挥而就,直到剑柄,把剑身竖着给劈成了两半! Ling Yun this shocking blade, lets the Guo Xiaotian in the heart shock! 凌云这惊艳一刀,让郭校天心中震惊不已! The long sword sword that can in accurate incomparable dividing Liu Suifeng puncture rapidly is sharp, this needs the keen eyesight, needs a how stable pair of hand, needs the how formidable mind?! 能精准无比的劈中柳随风急速刺来的长剑剑尖,这需要何等敏锐的眼力,需要多么稳定的一双手,需要多么强大的心神?! Liu Suifeng fainting from fear sword point was divided, and has to react in that flash, but sways from side to side the wrist/skill, changed three swords to incur rapidly, wants to get rid of the Ling Yun's blade edge, but Ling Yun's blade edge still without bias and without favor, that relaxed has divided along the Liu Suifeng ridges-- this can only explain a point, each movement of Ling Yun to Liu Suifeng desperate, each response, understood clearly in chest/heart completely, can take advantage of opportunity to divide! 柳随风惊觉剑尖被劈中,在那一瞬间并不是没有做出反应,而是扭动手腕,迅速换了三个剑招,想要摆脱凌云的刀锋,可凌云的刀锋依然不偏不倚,就那么轻松的沿着柳随风的剑脊一路劈了下去——这只能说明一点,凌云柳随风情急之下的每一个动作,每一步反应,全部都了然于胸,才能顺势一路劈过去! Moreover, Ling Yun a moment ago that blade, but chops conveniently, has not moved half inch including the both feet, his blade could not kill Liu Suifeng, but does not want to kill, otherwise, the Ling Yun's blade wanted again the quick half a point, perhaps Guo Xiaotian personally made a move, can rescue was also a corpse! 而且,凌云刚才那一刀,只是随手劈出,连双脚都没有挪动半寸,他那一刀也不是杀不了柳随风,而是不想杀罢了,否则的话,凌云的刀只要再快半分,恐怕就连郭校天亲自出手,能救回来的也不过是一具尸体! The heart , the blade edge, is received and dispatched by the heart, Ling Yun's Blade Technique, is really has achieved the boundary that a person of blade has united! 心之所至,刀锋所向,收发由心,凌云的刀法,实在是已经达到了人刀合一的境界! This boy, rampant extremely arrogant truly is not at present fake, but he really has the rampant qualification! 眼前这个小子,嚣张狂妄确实不假,但他确实是有嚣张的本钱啊! Has been a pity, so rare Martial Arts talent, is actually content to fall into Devil Path......” “可惜了,如此百年不遇的武学天才,竟然自甘堕入魔道……” After Guo Xiaotian shock, in the heart sighed unavoidably, he looks up Wu Qifeng, shakes the head to say slowly: Three Junior Brothers, you...... Also is not his match.” 郭校天震惊过后,心中难免叹息了一声,他抬头看着吴奇峰,缓缓摇头说道:“三师弟,你……也不是他的对手。” What?!” “什么?!” How is this possible?!” “这怎么可能?!” Guo Xiaotian this saying has not used to send greetings into densely, Ji Xiaoqing and Zhong Chunyan naturally heard clearly, two people simultaneously shocks changes countenance, does not dare believe fact that hears! 郭校天这话并没有使用传音入密,纪小晴钟春燕自然听了个清楚,两人同时震惊变色,根本不敢相信听到的事实! In Divine Sword Village, three Senior Brother Wu Qifeng, are the swordsmanship talents that all people recognize, he has achieved the Innate 7-layer peak boundary in 36 years old, the master had said that waits for Wu Qifeng to the Guo Xiaotian present age, its sword technique attainments definitely by far present Guo Xiaotian! 神剑山庄,三师兄吴奇峰,乃是所有人公认的剑道天才,他在36岁就已经达到了先天七层巅峰境界,师傅曾经说过,等吴奇峰到了郭校天现在的年龄,其剑术造诣必然会远胜现在的郭校天 But now, the big Senior Brother actually assuredly said that Wu Qifeng is not the Ling Yun's match, how does this let them to accept this fact?! 可是现在,大师兄竟然笃定的说吴奇峰不是凌云的对手,这让她们怎么能接受这个事实?! If these words were others said that Zhong Chunyan already rushed to shout abuse, but these words were big Senior Brother Guo Xiaotian said that was beyond control she not to believe. 如果这句话是别人说的,那钟春燕早就冲上去破口大骂了,可这句话却是大师兄郭校天说的,由不得她不信。 Long time, Zhong Chunyan turned the head startled dull, looks to opposite Ling Yun, in two completely was the unbelievable look. 愕然呆愣半晌,钟春燕又转头,看向了对面的凌云,两眼中尽是难以置信的神色。 But Wu Qifeng still stands in the Guo Xiaotian front, said firmly: Big Senior Brother, I knows that I perhaps am not his match, but I want to fight with him.” 可是吴奇峰依然站在郭校天的面前,坚定说道:“大师兄,我知道我也许不是他的对手,可是我还是想和他打。” So long as is the talent, always has the pride of own, this pride, has reached certain degree, displayed has become obstinate. 只要是天才,总是有自己的骄傲,这种骄傲,达到了一定的程度,表现出来就成了执拗。 The Guo Xiaotian eyesight is very strong, but the Wu Qifeng vision is not bad, Ling Yun that blade, Wu Qifeng can also understand almost, he acknowledged that own could not have achieved that boundary now, but he must fight. 郭校天眼力很强,可吴奇峰的眼光也不差,凌云那一刀,吴奇峰也能看懂个差不离,他承认自己现在还达不到那种境界,可他还是要战。 Is constantly together, the Guo Xiaotian nature clear Wu Qifeng temperament, he only looks at the Wu Qifeng look, knows that this fought him unable to block, has to nod. 朝夕相处,郭校天自然清楚吴奇峰的脾气,他只看吴奇峰的眼神,就知道这一战他拦不住了,只好点了点头。 Also displays to send greetings into the dense injunction saying: Three Junior Brothers, what Ling Yun uses is Nether Blood Demon Blade, is sharp the blade, can cut metal break the jade, your sword is the ordinary iron sword, do not meet the tough head-on with toughness with him, as far as possible with entangling character Secret Art, supple character Secret Art, with sticking character Secret Art! Was sure to remember, once the sword breaks, immediately withdrawal from combat!” 又施展传音入密嘱咐道:“三师弟,凌云用的是冥血魔刀,那把刀锋锐无比,可以切金断玉,你的剑是普通铁剑,千万不要和他硬碰硬,尽量用缠字诀,柔字诀,和粘字诀!切记,一旦剑断,立刻退出战斗!” Thanks the big Senior Brother to direct, I remembered.” “谢谢大师兄指点,我记住了。” Wu Qifeng bows to bow in salute, then immediately has turned around, walks without rest facing Ling Yun forward three steps. 吴奇峰躬身作揖,然后立即转过身来,面对凌云向前连走三步。 His static looks at Ling Yun, heart stops like the water, unemotionally, follows a prescribed pattern saying: Divine Sword Village three disciple Wu Qifeng, please advise.” 他静静的看着凌云,心止如水,面无表情,一板一眼说道:“神剑山庄三弟子吴奇峰,请指教。” Ling Yun looks at Wu Qifeng with the quite interesting vision, cannot bear show a faint smile. 凌云用颇为有趣的目光看着吴奇峰,忍不住微微一笑。 You are really not my match, I do not want to hit you.” “你真的不是我的对手,我也不想打你。” Said honestly, Ling Yun to the impression of this Wu Qifeng, calculates not good is not badly, he enrages Guo Xiaotian repeatedly, wants Guo Xiaotian stirring up, gets with Guo Xiaotian as soon as possible, hit to fall face down Guo Xiaotian has also knocked it off, Little Aunt of province clamped in the middle is awkward. 坦白说,凌云对这个吴奇峰的印象,算不上好也算不上坏,他反复激怒郭校天,就是想把郭校天给激出来,尽快跟郭校天打上一场,把郭校天打趴下也就拉倒了,省的小姨夹在中间为难。 May see that Guo Xiaotian must make a move personally, Wu Qifeng stands to butt in horizontally, unavoidably lets some Brother Yun interest is wanings. 可眼看着郭校天就要亲自出手了,吴奇峰偏偏站出来横插一脚,不免让云哥有些意兴阑珊。 Please advise.” “请指教。” The Wu Qifeng horizontal sword works as the chest, still those words. 吴奇峰横剑当胸,依然还是那句话。 Ling Yun focuses to look at Wu Qifeng slantingly, ponders to say with a smile: It seems like do you want to fight really? Good, what I look at in your hand to take is the ordinary iron sword, I am also disinclined to take your advantage on the pointed weapons, how empty-handed fights you?” 凌云斜着眼看着吴奇峰,玩味笑道:“看来你是真想打架?那好吧,我看你手里拿的是普通铁剑,我也懒得在兵刃上占你的便宜,就空手跟你打如何?” Speaks, the Ling Yun also blade sheathes, lost Nether Blood Demon Blade conveniently on behind the ground. 说着话,凌云还刀入鞘,随手就把冥血魔刀丢在了身后地上。 Takes your blade!” “把你的刀拿起来!” The Wu Qifeng body shakes lightly, the lip shakes, the tranquil vision became swift and fierce, he thinks that Ling Yun was shaming him intentionally. 吴奇峰身躯轻震,嘴唇一抖,平静的目光变得凌厉了起来,他认为凌云是在故意羞辱他。 Ling Yun gives a calm smile, does not pay attention to Wu Qifeng, but turns the head to look to his behind Guo Xiaotian, with ridicule tone: I do not use the blade, but to tell your old-fashioned stodgy, a big Senior Brother of brain muscle, weapon is only weapon, I want to use to use, does not want with not to use, that is my own matter, having no need for others coming to gesticulate to say this and that with me!” 凌云淡然一笑,不理睬吴奇峰,而是转头看向他身后的郭校天,用讥讽的口吻道:“我不用刀,只是为了告诉你那位古板迂腐,脑子一根筋的大师兄,武器就只是武器而已,我想用就用,不想用就不用,那都是我自己的事,用不着别人来跟我指手画脚说三道四!” Is taking Nether Blood Demon Blade, kills character who how many do not keep eyes open, in your eyes has become the demon? That must according to your stupid logic, in the battlefields of WWII, several million people die under airplane cannon bombing, these drive the bomber aircraft to open the serviceman of tank, isn't each and everyone in your eyes also the unparalleled devil?” “拿着一把冥血魔刀,杀死几个不长眼的江湖人物,在你眼里就成了魔头了?那要按你的傻逼逻辑,在二次世界大战的战场上,有几千万人死在飞机大炮轰炸之下,那些开轰炸机开坦克的军人,一个个在你眼里还不都是盖世恶魔?” Only needs to press down a button gently, a nuclear-armed missile can destroy a several million people of city with ease, that control nucleus weapon person, in the eyes of your this apologist, what is also?!” “只需要轻轻按下一个按钮,一颗核导弹就能轻松毁灭一个几百万人的城市,那掌控核武器的人,在你这种卫道士的眼里,又是什么?!” No matter my Nether Blood Demon Blade is also good, that on your back carries eye-catching / flashy broadsword, their own will not jump the murder, Guo Xiaotian you have remembered, is not weapon is killing people, but is the person is killing people!” “不管是我的冥血魔刀也好,还是你后背上背着的那把拉风阔剑也罢,他们都不会自己跳起来杀人,郭校天你记住了,不是武器在杀人,而是人在杀人!” Guo Xiaotian is listening to the Ling Yun's words, does not know that makes what feelings, but stands there silently, lonesome however silent. 郭校天听着凌云的话语,也不知道作何感想,只是默默站在那里,寂然无声。 Ling Yun said the viewpoint of own, hopeless Guo Xiaotian, because his several words gave to turn around that muscle, after saying, said with a smile to Wu Qifeng directly: Do not think that I am shaming you, the truth told you, my body was my weapon!” 凌云只是说出自己的观点而已,也没指望郭校天因为他的几句话就把那根筋给转过来,说完之后,直接对吴奇峰笑道:“你不要以为我是在羞辱你,实话告诉你,我的身体就是我的武器!” Looks at the fist!” “看拳!” Since Wu Qifeng wants to fight does not want to begin, Ling Yun this time has first to make a move, his figure flashes, same place only has left behind a remnant shadow! 既然吴奇峰想打架又不想动手,凌云这次只好抢先出手,他身形只是一闪,原地就只留下了一道残影! Illusory Fish Dragon Steps, Heavenly Astral Subduing Demons Fist! 幻影鱼龙步,天罡伏魔拳 Shua! 刷! The people only thought at present a flower, the Ling Yun's figure presents again time, has been away from remote of Wu Qifeng arm! 众人只觉得眼前一花,凌云的身形再次出现的时候,已经距离吴奇峰不过一臂之遥! Bang!” “轰!” Under such quick movement, Ling Yun is disinclined to use the style, direct artillery hammer, a fist pounds loudly to the Wu Qifeng surface gate! 在这么快的身法之下,凌云根本懒得使用招式,直接一个炮锤,轰然一拳砸向吴奇峰的面门! Day! What movement is this?! Possibly so to be how quick?!” “天!他这是什么身法?!怎么可能会这么快?!” Zhong Chunyan looked at this terrifying one, has been able to fill the next egg that the mouth opened sufficiently, could not bear the shock shout loudly! 钟春燕看了这恐怖一幕,嘴巴张的足以能塞下一个鸡蛋,忍不住震惊高呼! Junior Brother was careful!” “师弟小心!” At the same time, the Guo Xiaotian big feeling is not wonderful, hurries to speak to remind Wu Qifeng. 同一时刻,郭校天也大感不妙,赶紧出言提醒吴奇峰 If Ling Yun's Blade Technique achieves the boundary that a person of blade has united, but also is not enough to be worth Guo Xiaotian making much ado about nothing, then again sees the Ling Yun's movement now, Guo Xiaotian was shocked. 如果凌云的刀法达到了人刀合一的境界,还不足以值得郭校天大惊小怪的话,那么现在再看到凌云的身法,郭校天真的惊呆了。 A 18-year-old youngster, simultaneously practices this boundary Blade Technique and movement, hears something never heard of before simply! 一个18岁的少年,同时把刀法和身法练到这种境界,简直闻所未闻! Snort!” “哼!” fist aura caresses the face, Wu Qifeng is orderly, after his figure suddenly supine, danger dangerous avoided Ling Yun this potential such as to rush to the thunder a fist, simultaneously waved fiercely the long sword, the towards Ling Yun's surface gate has chopped! 拳罡扑面,吴奇峰忙而不乱,他身形猛然后仰,险之又险的避开了凌云这势如奔雷的一拳,同时猛挥手中长剑,对着凌云的面门就砍了过去! Hehe! You were swindled!” “嘿嘿!你上当了!” Who would have thought Ling Yun smiles, the figure still forward hurricane advances, when the opposite party long sword soon truncates to his tip of the nose, gently turns head, was sideways again, has avoided that long sword! 哪知凌云嘿嘿一笑,身形依然向前狂飙突进,只是在对方长剑快要削到他鼻尖的时候,才轻轻扭头,再一侧身,避开了那把长剑! At this time, Ling Yun arrived at the Wu Qifeng body side, he smiled to lower the head, after looking a sword was dividing to empty, on the face has written all over impossible Wu Qifeng, suddenly changed the fist is the claw, grasped to below, grasps to the Wu Qifeng wrist/skill! 这时候,凌云已经来到了吴奇峰的身侧,他微笑低头,望着一剑劈空了之后,脸上写满了不可能的吴奇峰,猛然变拳为爪,向下一抓,抓向吴奇峰的手腕! The Ling Yun movement is quick, the fist is quick, dodges quickly, this grasps to below, the speed is faster! 凌云身法快,拳头快,闪避快,这向下一抓,速度更快! Shua! 刷! Wu Qifeng double foot pin on the ground, after the figure supine, the long sword chops forward, after Ling Yun avoids, the style thoroughly has used old, wants to avoid the Ling Yun's palm again, already is impossible! 吴奇峰双脚钉在地上,身形后仰,长剑向前劈出,被凌云躲开之后,招式已经彻底用老,再想躲开凌云的手掌,已然是不可能了! Naturally, the key is, all these were too quick, Ling Yun from start to holding the Wu Qifeng wrist/skill, at most not over three seconds! 当然,关键是,这一切都太快了,凌云从起步到抓住吴奇峰的手腕,顶多不超过三秒钟! Uses taking advantage of your long sword!” “借你的长剑一用!” Ling Yun laughs, grabs Wu Qifeng to hold the palm of sword wrist/skill to make an effort suddenly! 凌云嘻嘻一笑,抓着吴奇峰持剑手腕的手掌猛然用力! Hiss!” “嘶!” The sword of swordsman, where can be won easily, Wu Qifeng instinct exhausted the whole body strength to protect his sword, but he had a dream has not thought, the Ling Yun's strength so will be unexpectedly big! 剑客的剑,哪能轻易被人夺走,吴奇峰本能的用尽了全身力气来保护他的剑,可他做梦都没想到,凌云的力气竟然会那么大! Lets go!” “撒手!” Wu Qifeng has to let go, the long sword falls accordingly, Ling Yun another hand copies conveniently, the long sword in the hand, held the sword moving quickly to return. 吴奇峰不得不撒手,长剑应声而落,凌云另一只手随手一抄,就把长剑拿在了手中,持剑飞身而回。 Empty-handed seizes the sword! 空手夺剑!
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