DEMG :: Volume #10

#970: peak is rampant

Divine Sword Village another four big disciples, cannot bear look at each other in blank dismay, the expression on face startled shocks. 神剑山庄另外四大弟子,忍不住面面相觑,脸上的表情均是愕然震惊。 In their opinion, is always fastidious about the big Senior Brother of being in sharp contrast, after Ling Yun appears can suppress is not getting rid, to a moment ago unprecedented has given Ling Yun an opportunity of explanation, this is big has left a loophole, who knows Ling Yun, not only did not appreciate kindness rendered, instead intense shouting abuse. 在他们看来,一向讲究个黑白分明的大师兄,在凌云出现后能强忍着不出手,到刚才又破天荒的给了凌云一个解释的机会,这已经是大大的网开一面了,谁知凌云非但不领情,反而变本加厉的破口大骂。 Ling Yun this where is rampant, simply was rampant to the bursting, rampantly to heaven-defying! 凌云这哪里是嚣张,简直是嚣张到了爆棚,嚣张到了逆天了! Zhong Chunyan looks to the Ling Yun's vision, has filled inconceivable, she has not seen has been so unreasonable, such arbitrary overbearing person! 钟春燕看向凌云的目光,充满了不可思议,她就从来没见过这么不讲道理,这么蛮横霸道的人! Since your Ling Yun tonight appears here, has been doomed unable to live was leaving, your own could not feel that crisis, instead also shows the stance that a first under heaven what is you decides, you why?! 凌云今晚既然出现在这里,就已经注定不能活着离开了,你自己感觉不到危机也就罢了,反而还摆出一副天下第一什么都是你说了算的架势,你到底凭什么?! Zhong Chunyan thought that in any case following well-orchestrated, how I must have a look at your a while dead but actually, how to kneel with us begs for mercy, decided that she instead does not worry, looks to the Ling Yun's look, were many the traces of spring that was difficult to realize. 钟春燕心想反正接下来好戏连台,我倒要看看你一会儿怎么死,怎么跟我们跪地求饶,打定了主意,她反而不着急了,看向凌云的眼神里,多了一丝很难察觉的春意。 Ling Yun is looking at present the Divine Sword Village five big disciples, really somewhat is at heart funny, the heart said that the prestigious family is honest? I! 凌云望着眼前神剑山庄的五大弟子,心里着实有些好笑,心说名门正派啊?我呸! each and everyone with must eat person a moment ago, bullied such my Little Aunt, must abolish martial arts to expel Sect, now the father came out, made Little Aunt withdraw from Divine Sword Village on own initiative, you but who also scolded with grandson, even pulled out including the blade, your actually each and everyone with standing of wood/blockhead pile there, suspended modeling Ah?! 刚才一个个都跟要吃人似的,把我小姨欺负成那样,又要废除武功又要逐出师门的,现在老子出来了,主动让小姨退出神剑山庄,还骂的你们跟孙子似的,甚至连刀都拔出来了,你们却还是一个个跟木头桩子似的站在那里,摆造型啊?! Ling Yun looks that present Guo Xiaotian air/Qi, a while spoke righteously, a while anger was turbulent, a while did intentionally magnanimous, a while was self-important, the Expert style, the leader big fellow apprentice's imposing manner has suspended more than enough, but did not begin. 凌云看着眼前的郭校天就来气,一会儿义正词严,一会儿怒火汹涌,一会儿故作大度,一会儿老气横秋,把高手的风范,掌门大师兄的气势摆了个十成十,但就是不动手。 Evil doesn't coexist? 正邪不两立是吧? Ok, I take Nether Blood Demon Blade to get down, points at your noses to scold with Nether Blood Demon Blade! 行,我偏拿着冥血魔刀下来,偏用冥血魔刀指着你们的鼻子骂! To seize the moral commanding point? 想占领道德制高点是吧? Ok, I give you moral commanding point, a father explanation does not have, an idle talk did not say how was casual you to say! 行,我就把道德制高点给你,老子一句解释没有,一句废话不说,随便你们怎么说! You hit actually! 你们倒是打呀! Since must hit, Ling Yun does not love in the fight beforehand saliva horizontal flying pages of nonsense, when has fired off then said, stands to lie down, is standing with lying down speech, where need these many idle talk?! 既然一定要打,凌云就不爱在打架之前唾沫横飞废话连篇,等打完了再说,一个站着一个躺着,站着的跟躺着的说话,哪里需要这么多废话?! Actually, since Ling Yun already knows that these famous families honestly the real objective that comes Clear Water City to ask him to trouble, now what then Guo Xiaotian at heart hits is any pleasant scheme, he with bright mirror. 其实,凌云既然早已知道那些名门正派来清水市找他麻烦的真正目的,那么郭校天现在心里打的是什么如意算盘,他心里跟明镜儿似的。 Divine Sword Village calculates that Qin Dongxue will come, calculates that Ling Yun definitely quietly with will have protected Qin Dongxue, therefore after Qin Dongxue appears, does not give her any explanation the opportunity, appearance that Ling Yun compels. 神剑山庄算准了秦冬雪会来,更算准了凌云必然会悄悄跟来保护秦冬雪,于是在秦冬雪出现之后,不给她任何解释的机会,把凌云逼的现身。 Then Guo Xiaotian with the leader big fellow apprentice's status, the tip the rack suppressed Qin Dongxue again fully stubbornly, suppresses Ling Yun through Qin Dongxue, finally comes to leave a loophole again, to Ling Yun an opportunity of explanation, looks for an opportunity takes first Human Emperor's Writing Brush and Earth Emperor's Book secret, was of great success. 然后郭校天再凭着掌门大师兄的身份,先端足了架子死死压制住秦冬雪,通过秦冬雪压制住凌云,最后再来个网开一面,给凌云一个解释的机会,先找个机会把人皇笔地皇书的秘密弄到手,就大功告成了。 According to understanding of Guo Xiaotian Qin Dongxue, she will definitely read Divine Sword Village to rescue Qin Family, receives her to cross the threshold, teaches her martial arts 20 years of benevolence, will not get into a deadlock the matter absolutely. 依照郭校天秦冬雪的了解,她肯定会念着神剑山庄曾经救过秦家,又收她入门,传授她武功20年的恩情,绝对不会把事情弄僵。 But Guo Xiaotian has a dream has not thought that after Ling Yun appears, embraced all directly in the hand of own, Qin Dongxue also had no alternative! 郭校天做梦都没有想到,凌云出现之后,直接就把一切揽在了自己的手里,就连秦冬雪也对此无可奈何! With world prestigious family honest exchange during, Guo Xiaotian only knows that hand-held Nether Blood Demon Blade murder Ling Yun incalculably, actually does not know, Ling Yun such tyrannical overbearing! 在和天下名门正派的交流当中,郭校天只知道手持冥血魔刀杀人无算的凌云,却从来都不知道,凌云是这么的强横霸道 The situation reached the impass instantaneously. 事态瞬间陷入了僵局。 Guo Xiaotian pointed at the nose to scold with the Nether Blood Demon Blade knife point by Ling Yun, at heart natural violent anger, but he is suppressing, is suppressing an anger, is gloomy the face, looks to Qin Dongxue. 郭校天凌云冥血魔刀的刀尖指着鼻子骂,心里当然暴怒,可他还是强忍着,憋着一口怒气,阴沉着脸,看向秦冬雪 Qin Dongxue sees the matter to have the favorable turn, cannot bear is at heart spooky sighs, goes forward gently one step, lifted handle Ling Yun to grasp the arm of blade to press. 秦冬雪见事有转机,忍不住在心里幽幽一叹,轻轻上前一步,抬手把凌云握刀的手臂按了下去。 Brat, Divine Sword Village to our Qin Family huge benevolence, has the graciousness of life-saving to my Elder Sister, the big Senior Brother has the graciousness of passing on technique to me, cannot you be impolite.” “臭小子,神剑山庄对我们秦家天大恩情,对我的姐姐有救命之恩,大师兄更是对我有传艺之恩,不许你无礼。” Arrived the present, Qin Dongxue is still thinking, the Divine Sword Village person, after will be listening to her explanation earnestly, can give up this line, returns to Villa, henceforth no longer this time turbid water. 到现在,秦冬雪依然想着,神剑山庄的人,会在认真听了她的解释之后,能够放弃此行,返回山庄,从此不再蹚这一趟浑水。 So long as both sides do not have no consideration for face tonight, does not have the casualties, at the worst after waiting for the Clear Water City disturbance to subside, she with Ling Yun takes a heavy ritual, brings to return to Divine Sword Village personally, carries a rod and asks for punishment to Sect. 只要今晚双方不撕破脸,没有伤亡,大不了等清水市的风波平息之后,她跟凌云要一份重礼,亲自带着返回神剑山庄,向师门负荆请罪。 Actually Qin Dongxue understands at heart, this is not giving own, or to the Ling Yun opportunity, she to the own Sect opportunity! 其实秦冬雪心里明白,她这不是在给自己,或者是给凌云机会,她是给自己师门机会! Human Emperor's Writing Brush and Earth Emperor's Book on Ling Yun's, Ling Yun absolutely are that destiny should tribulation the person, moreover Ling Yun is cultivating true cultivator, so long as Ling Yun does not die, his rising is inevitable, absolutely is not own that Sect, that small Divine Sword Village can resist! 人皇笔地皇书就在凌云的身上,凌云绝对就是那个天命应劫之人,而且凌云还是一个修真者,只要凌云不死,他的崛起是必然的,绝对不是自己那个师门,那个小小的神剑山庄所能抵挡的了的! What Qin Dongxue hopes, now Ling Yun seems like is inferior, if Divine Sword Village this time can put a Ling Yun horse, that and other Ling Yun rise truly, after becoming world-famous, Divine Sword Village naturally can fish the innumerable advantage. 秦冬雪希望的是,现在凌云看似处于劣势,如果神剑山庄这次能放凌云一马,那等凌云真正崛起,扬名天下之后,神剑山庄自然能捞到无数好处。 Therefore, in emotion in reason, Qin Dongxue does not hope that saw Ling Yun and own Sect blade soldier quarrels. 所以,于情于理,秦冬雪都不希望看到凌云自己师门刀兵相向。 But...... 可是…… Qin Dongxue thought mistakenly. 秦冬雪想错了。 The Ling Yun also blade sheathes, disregards opposite to lift the sword to work as the chest, the Divine Sword Village people of eying covetously, turns around towards Qin Dongxue, shows a faint smile saying: Little Aunt, I know that Divine Sword Village has the graciousness to Qin Family, but......” 凌云还刀入鞘,无视对面举剑当胸,虎视眈眈的神剑山庄众人,转身对着秦冬雪,微微一笑道:“小姨,我知道神剑山庄秦家有恩,但是……” Big benevolence, can pay off.” “就算再大的恩情,也是可以还清的。” Then, Ling Yun has turned around, place both hands on the back, the surface towards Divine Sword Village five big disciples, smile to say proudly: 18 years ago, your Divine Sword Village has rescued Qin Family, I know.” 说完,凌云转过身去,倒背双手,面对着神剑山庄的五大弟子,傲然一笑说道:“18年前,你们神剑山庄救了秦家,我知道。” Therefore, this is your Divine Sword Village maintaining life symbol, so long as you know the limitation, I ensure in the future will not extinguish your Divine Sword Village! Is counted the repayment!” “所以,这是你们神剑山庄的保命符,只要你们识相,我保证将来不会灭了你们神剑山庄!算作回报!” Ling Yun such remarks, the opposite Divine Sword Village five people, the expression on face is splendid! 凌云此话一出,对面神剑山庄的五人,脸上的表情可谓是精彩之极! each and everyone all listened silly! 一个个全听傻了! The Ling Yun smile , to continue saying: Second, since your Divine Sword Village, has rescued my mother life, then today in the evening, I will forgive your five people not dead, five human lives trade a human life, how was you to gain!” 凌云微笑,继续自顾自说道:“第二,既然你们神剑山庄,救了我母亲一命,那么今天晚上,我会饶你们五个人不死,五条人命换一条人命,怎么都是你们赚了!” The Divine Sword Village five people have flown also into a rage! 神剑山庄五人已经是同时勃然大怒! Third, you have the graciousness of passing on technique to my Little Aunt, this is also the unmodifiable fact, then as the repayment, I can teach your Divine Sword Village three unsurpassed skill, as for is the swordsmanship or Blade Technique or fists and feet skill/kung fu, is casual you to select, guarantees same any compared with your Divine Sword Village these not popular skill/kung fu strong thousand times of hundred times!” “第三,你们对我小姨有传艺之恩,这也是不可更改的事实,那么作为报答,我可以传授你们神剑山庄三种绝艺,至于是剑法还是刀法或者拳脚功夫,随便你们挑,保证任何一样都比你们神剑山庄那些不入流的功夫强千倍百倍!” Ling Yun looks at the opposite face was mad green five people, in the heart has been sneering , to continue saying: Naturally, if you know the limitation, now leaves Dragon Gate Mountain, the advantage that then your Divine Sword Village will fish in the future, compared with wants many hundred times that I said a moment ago absolutely!” 凌云望着对面脸都已经气绿了的五人,心中冷笑,继续说道:“当然,如果你们识相,现在离开龙门山,那么你们神剑山庄将来捞到的好处,绝对比我刚才说的要多百倍!” Now I said that what opinion did you have? If no opinion, that such decided!” “现在我说完了,你们有什么意见没有?要是没有意见的话,那就这么定了!” Has the opinion?! 有没有意见?! Also the opinion, the noses of Divine Sword Village five big disciples early were mad crookedly, this where was discusses repays a debt of gratitude, was shaming Divine Sword Village radically, was provoking radically! 还意见个屁啊,神剑山庄五大弟子的鼻子早都气歪了,他这哪里是谈报恩,根本就是在羞辱神剑山庄,根本就是在挑衅嘛! Won't extinguish our Divine Sword Village? Forgives our five people not dead? Also teaches our Divine Sword Village three unsurpassed skill? 不会灭了我们神剑山庄?饶我们五个人不死?还传授我们神剑山庄三项绝艺 If this can also endure, that Divine Sword Village simply changes to turtle Villa to consider as finished! 要是这样也能忍,那神剑山庄干脆改成神龟山庄算了! The Guo Xiaotian good self-control could not endure, on his forehead the blue vein stuck out suddenly, because the complexion the violent anger has become the liver colored, the whole body trembled saying: Qin Dongxue, Ling Yun is so rampant, shame my sect, do you also want to plan to protect him?!” 郭校天再好的涵养也忍受不住了,他额头上青筋暴起,脸色因为暴怒成了猪肝色,浑身哆嗦道:“秦冬雪,凌云如此嚣张,辱我师门,你是不是还要打算护着他?!” Qin Dongxue dumbstruck! 秦冬雪目瞪口呆 Snort! The young animals, die to being imminent had not known, also dares boast shamelessly, you to come with the life to me unexpectedly here!” “哼!小崽子,死到临头还不自知,竟然还敢在这里大言不惭,你给我拿命来!” Liu Suifeng already could not repress, his calls out, sword rainbow, from Guo Xiaotian behind moving quickly, swift and fierce sword, suddenly thorn to Ling Yun surface gate! 柳随风早就按捺不住了,他一声暴喝,剑化长虹,从郭校天身后飞身而出,凌厉一剑,猛然刺向凌云面门! Hehe, since must hit, early made a move not to end? In wastes that many argument wordy!” “呵呵,既然要打,早出手不就完了?啰里啰嗦浪费那么多口舌!” Ling Yun is some opposite party people makes a move, his clear and resonant voice long smiles, waves gently, dull, however vertical Qin Dongxue strokes behind, takes advantage of opportunity to draw a sword! 凌云等的就是对方有人出手,他朗声长笑,轻轻一挥手,把呆然而立的秦冬雪拂到身后,顺势拔刀! Liu Suifeng, you also dare to come out disgracefully, forgot your hand is how sore?!” 柳随风,你还敢出来丢人现眼,忘了你的手是怎么疼的了?!” Ling Yun is calm, the figure is motionless, in the hand Nether Blood Demon Blade, aims at the long sword sword that Liu Suifeng punctured to be sharp, straight has divided! 凌云淡定自如,身形不动,手中冥血魔刀,对准了柳随风刺来的长剑剑尖,直直的就劈了过去! Scoffs......” “嗤……” Sparks flying in all directions, sees only the long sword in Liu Suifeng hand, starts from the sword sharp, was broken out by a Ling Yun blade, castrates non-stop, is similar to the chopper breaks out the bamboo to be ordinary, that long sword, cleft in two to the sword hilt from the sword point directly! 火花四溅,只见柳随风手中的长剑,从剑尖开始,被凌云一刀劈开,去势不停,如同砍刀劈开竹子一般,直接就把那柄长剑,从剑尖到剑柄劈成了两半! "Ah!" “啊!” Liu Suifeng has a dream cannot think that Ling Yun has this one move, blade aura and body, all over the body lives coldly, frightens his courage play to tremble, hurries to let go to throw the sword, puts forth the handed down in the family movement technique figure overturns, has avoided a Ling Yun this terrifying blade! 柳随风做梦都想不到凌云有此一招,刀罡及体,遍体生寒,吓得他肝胆剧颤,赶紧撒手扔剑,使出家传轻功身形倒翻,躲开了凌云这恐怖一刀! Besides Guo Xiaotian, Wu Qifeng, Ji Xiaoqing, Senior Brother Zhong Chunyan the younger sister three people, looked at the prestige of Ling Yun this blade, is shocks calls out in alarm! 除了郭校天之外,吴奇峰,纪小晴,钟春燕师兄妹三人,看了凌云这一刀之威,均是震撼惊呼! Liu Suifeng Innate 5-layer Expert, unexpectedly cannot withstand one round with Ling Yun! 柳随风先天五层高手,竟不是凌云一合之将 Moreover, Liu Suifeng is under killer, the distance so is suddenly near, occupied the absolute initiative, but Ling Yun is the figure is unexpectedly motionless, proceeds casually brandishing a blade, Liu Suifeng hitting! 而且,柳随风是突下杀手,距离这么近,又占据了绝对的主动,可凌云竟是身形不动,随随便便往前挥刀,就把柳随风给打了回去! Is this what kind of strength?! 这是何等的实力?! A Ling Yun blade wields, has deducted two iron chopsticks the Liu Suifeng handed down in the family treasured sword, he raised the head, grinning looks at Liu Suifeng saying: Depends on you also to want my life? Whose is boast shamelessly?” 凌云一刀挥出,把柳随风的家传宝剑劈成了两根铁筷子,他抬起头,笑嘻嘻的看着柳随风道:“就凭你也想要我的命?到底是谁大言不惭?” Liu Suifeng flew upside down three zhang (3.33 m) to stand firm the figure, he looked deathly pale, looked monster looks at Ling Yun, does not dare believe one simply. 柳随风倒飞出三丈远才稳住了身形,他脸色惨白,看怪物似的看着凌云,简直不敢相信刚才的一幕。 Ling Yun with knife point finger/refers of Liu Suifeng, hee hee smiles, frightens Liu Suifeng saying: „A blade had not divided you a moment ago, is forgives you to assign, you must dare to annoy me again, the next blade, makes you are same as your sword!” 凌云用刀尖一指柳随风,嘻嘻笑着,吓唬柳随风道:“刚才一刀没劈死你,已经是饶你一命了,你要再敢惹我,下一刀,就让你变得和你的剑一样!” Then, Ling Yun does not look at Liu Suifeng one, the vision sweeps to the remaining four people, lifted the hand to pull out the ear, did not say patiently: Said that you want each and everyone to come, prepares on together?” 说完,凌云再也不看柳随风一眼,目光扫向剩下四人,抬起手掏了掏耳朵,不耐烦道:“说吧,你们是要一个个来呢,还是准备一起上?” But, do not blame me not to remind you, today I am sad in the evening, below Innate 8-layer, I will not make him pass through one move in my hand!” “不过,可别怪我没提醒你们,今天晚上我心情不好,先天八层以下,我不会让他在我手上走过一招!” Ling Yun disdains looked at present Wu Qifeng and another two female one, finally stopped the vision on the face of Guo Xiaotian. 凌云不屑的看了眼前的吴奇峰和另外两女一眼,最终把目光停在了郭校天的脸上。 Surnamed Guo, didn't you keep on proclaiming must eliminate the demon to defend traditional moral principles? Nether Blood Demon Blade in my hands, has the skill you to come up to eliminate your demon, protects your say/way!” “姓郭的,你不是口口声声要除魔卫道么?冥血魔刀就在我手中,有本事你就上来除你的魔,卫你的道!”
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