DEMG :: Volume #10

#969: Revolts Sect

Hundred meters upper air, Ling Yun jumps down from the Jester back, both feet not fancy layer on layer/heavily pounded on the precipice. 百米高空,凌云杰斯特后背一跃而下,双脚毫无花俏的重重砸在了山岩上。 Ling Yun falls to the ground simultaneously, the figure borrows potential squats to take the cushion, single-handed brace, has stood instantaneously the body, kept off before the body of Qin Dongxue exactly, immovability. 凌云落地同时,身形借势一蹲作为缓冲,单手撑地,又瞬间站直了身体,恰好挡在了秦冬雪的身前,不动如山。 Ling Yun under foot innumerable crushed stones all forward violently fly, the Divine Sword Village five big disciples who compels have to simultaneously anxiously draw back move aside, the stone that respectively flies body to shoot before the palm racket. 凌云脚下无数碎石全部向前激飞,迫的神剑山庄五大弟子不得不同时急退躲闪,各自用手掌拍飞了身前射来的石块。 Gold Bow already received, in Ling Yun left hand is grasping, paints black Nether Blood Demon Blade, has not come out of the sheath, is the killing intent is billowing, Blade Qi vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered! 金弓早已收起,凌云左手中握着的,正是漆黑色的冥血魔刀,未曾出鞘,已经是杀机滚滚,刀气纵横! Looks at that presence way to heaven-defying, the abundant god such as the fellow of jade, Qin Dongxue tender body severely trembles, in the heart sighed faintly, the heart said that you came. 看着那个出场方式到了逆天,丰神如玉的家伙,秦冬雪娇躯剧震,心中幽幽一叹,心说你到底还是来了。 Ling Yun already came. 凌云早就来了。 He occupies a commanding position, even early sees Dragon Gate Mountain to withstand/top compared with Qin Dongxue, the forms of Divine Sword Village five big disciples, therefore makes Jester accelerate to fly, quickly with viscount Paul in the upper air convergence in one, and dropped 600 meters altitude silently. 他居高临下,甚至比秦冬雪更早看到龙门山顶上,神剑山庄五大弟子的身影,于是让杰斯特加速飞行,很快和子爵保罗在高空汇合在了一处,并无声无息地下降了600米高度。 Arrives at the summit from Qin Dongxue, saw that the Divine Sword Village five people start, their dialogues, do not omit a single word, has fed in the Ling Yun's ear completely, clear. 秦冬雪到达山顶,见到神剑山庄五人开始,他们的对话,一字不漏,全部送进了凌云的耳朵里,真真切切。 Original Ling Yun thinks, the Qin Dongxue good and evil in the Divine Sword Village scholarship 20 years, among their Senior Brother younger sisters has no meeting of minds, is parts on bad terms at most, who expects, unexpectedly developed rapidly after a sudden turn to afterward the circumstance, unexpectedly Guo Xiaotian is relentless must abandon the Qin Dongxue martial arts, moreover Qin Dongxue unexpectedly then silly standing there, does not revolt, does not avoid! 本来凌云以为,秦冬雪好歹在神剑山庄学艺20年,他们师兄妹之间就算谈不拢,顶多也就是个不欢而散,可谁料到,到后来情势竟是急转直下,郭校天竟然毫不留情的要废秦冬雪的武功,而且秦冬雪竟然就傻傻的站在那里,既不反抗,也不躲避! Does Ling Yun likely continue to stand by? 凌云怎么可能继续袖手旁观? The Guo Xiaotian violent anger, Ling Yun gets angry compared with him, that arrow has not shot at the head of Guo Xiaotian directly, is polite. 郭校天暴怒,凌云比他更怒,那一箭没有直接射向郭校天的脑袋,已经算是客气的了。 Ling Yun corners of the mouth holds one to sneer, is looking at five people of front distressed avoidance crushed stone, has not killed immediately, but said lightly: Little Aunt, the following all, give me.” 凌云嘴角儿噙着一丝冷笑,望着前方狼狈躲避碎石的五人,并没有立即杀出,而是淡淡说道:“小姨,接下来的一切,都交给我。” The sound is very calm, overbearing is incomparable, does not give Qin Dongxue any leeway of rebuttal. 声音很淡定,却霸道无比,根本不给秦冬雪任何反驳的余地。 Qin Dongxue moves the lip, wants to speak subconsciously, may finally, a few words not say, silent did not say. 秦冬雪动了动嘴唇,下意识地想要说话,可最终,一句话都没有说,沉默不言。 Although the Divine Sword Village five big disciples backward fly to draw back, may also withdraws from one zhang (3.33 m) far distance, they have stood firm quickly the figure. 神剑山庄五大弟子虽然同是向后飞退,可也就是退出一丈远的距离罢了,他们很快站定了身形。 Especially big Senior Brother Guo Xiaotian, but very optional has drawn back backward two steps, shoots at these crushed stones of his body, the smashing that completely was sent out invisible sword aura that twists by him on. 尤其是大师兄郭校天,只是很随意的向后退了两步,射向他身体的那些碎石,全部被他身上散发出来的无形剑气绞的粉碎。 After five people stand firm, no longer goes to manage Qin Dongxue, ten vision simultaneously locked Ling Yun, the look varied. 五人站定之后,不再去管秦冬雪,十道目光同时锁定了凌云,神色各异。 Probably is Ling Yun that surnamed Guo has enraged Guo Xiaotian thoroughly, he looks to the Ling Yun's vision, in the violent anger has one to be astonished, but also slightly shock, because he discovered that own cannot completely understand the Ling Yun's boundary unexpectedly. 大概是凌云那一声“姓郭的”彻底激怒了郭校天,他望向凌云的目光中,暴怒中带着一丝讶异,还微微有一丝震惊,因为他发现自己竟然看不透凌云的境界。 The Liu Suifeng vision already by taking pleasure in others' misfortunes to be turned into the mean hatred, his both eyes stubbornly is staring at Ling Yun, if the vision can kill people, Ling Yun already died innumerable. 柳随风的目光早就由幸灾乐祸变成了阴狠怨毒,他双目死死的盯着凌云,如果目光能杀人的话,凌云早已死了无数次了。 Zhong Chunyan was nearly hit surface gate by the crushed stone, under beautiful face changing colors naturally exudes one to call out in alarm, after may wait for her to block the crushed stone stands firm, after seeing clearly the Ling Yun's look, the tender body is unexpectedly secret trembles. 钟春燕差点儿被碎石击中面门,花容失色之下自然发出一声惊呼,可等她挡住碎石站定之后,看清凌云的相貌之后,娇躯竟是暗暗一颤。 Pretty person......” “好俊的人儿……” Zhong Chunyan eye one bright, looks again to side slightly distressed Liu Suifeng, immediately felt the playboy four fellow apprentices who own is deeply in love with the love, compare with Ling Yun, appeared sloppily is ordinary. 钟春燕眼睛一亮,再看向身旁略显狼狈的柳随风,顿时感觉到自己钟情迷恋的公子哥儿四师兄,跟凌云一比,顿显得稀松平常了。 Really is the person must die compared with the person, the goods must throw compared with the goods......” “果然是人比人得死,货比货得扔啊……” Has been a pity, he is the person of Demon Sect, tonight must die here......” “可惜了,他是魔宗之人,今晚就要死在这里了……” Only looked at Ling Yun one, the Zhong Chunyan thoughts from surprised to shivering, again from disappointment to being a pity, overwhelmingly. 只望了凌云一眼,钟春燕的心思就从惊讶到颤抖,再从失望到可惜,翻江倒海了一番。 As for three Senior Brother Wu Qifeng and that five Senior Sister Ji Xiaoqing, is the complexion is as before indifferent, but in the look flashes through in pairs wipes the unbelievable color, is difficult to cover in the heart to shock. 至于三师兄吴奇峰和那位五师姐纪小晴,则依旧是脸色冷漠,只是眼神中双双闪过一抹难以置信之色,难掩心中震撼。 Young demon, cannot think that you dare to appear unexpectedly really!” “小魔头,想不到你竟然真敢出现!” Guo Xiaotian lifts handles gently strokes, whisks off the dust that chest that does not have, raises head slightly, with overlooking the vision looks at Ling Yun, said slowly. 郭校天抬手轻拂,拂去胸前那根本不存在的尘土,微微仰头,用俯视的目光看着凌云,缓缓说道。 Ling Yun has not spoken, left hand takes the Nether Blood Demon Blade knife, corners of the mouth is raising wipes the attractive curve, the look ice-cold like the frost, within the body True Qi passes rapidly, suddenly forward one step! 凌云没有说话,左手拿着冥血魔刀刀身,嘴角儿掀起一抹好看的弧度,眼神冰冷如霜,体内真气急速流转,猛然向前一步! By killing intent of Ling Yun suppression, has risen suddenly like the tide stubbornly suddenly, takes away as many things as possible to the front turbulently. 一直被凌云死死压制的杀机,突然暴涨如潮,汹涌向前方席卷而去。 Divine Sword Village another four big disciples are critical situation immediately! 神剑山庄另外四大弟子顿时如临大敌! Clank clank!” “铮铮铮铮!” Four sharp swords simultaneously come out of the sheath, has made the potential of defense. 四柄利剑同时出鞘,做出了防守之势。 Snort! Carves the insect small technique!” “哼!雕虫小技!” The Guo Xiaotian facial color ice is cold, cold snort/hum, simultaneously grand figure, lifts the foot to proceed one step, turbulent imposing manner that Ling Yun erupts, has counter-balanced most instantaneously. 郭校天面色冰寒,冷哼一声,同时雄伟身形一挺,抬脚往前一步,把凌云爆发的汹涌气势,瞬间抵消了大半儿。 Although Guo Xiaotian keeping off has gotten down Ling Yun's murderous aura, but in the heart is actually shocks incomparably, he has not thought that the internal combustion engine that the Ling Yun body sends out, does not lose in him unexpectedly completely! 郭校天虽然挡下了凌云的杀气,可心中却是震撼无比,他万万没有想到,凌云身上散发出的气机,竟完全不输于他! The experts put out a hand, apparent has, Guo Xiaotian looks to the Ling Yun's facial expression, immediately becomes is different. 行家伸伸手,便知有没有,郭校天看向凌云的神情,顿时变得不一样了。 Ling Yun does not have again forward imminently, in the imposing manner resistance, Ling Yun smiles suddenly, stares at Guo Xiaotian saying: Old thing, do not force me to come, now I came, you must hit, can discuss?” 凌云也没有再向前迫近,在气势对抗中,凌云忽然莞尔一笑,盯着郭校天道:“老东西,不是要逼迫我现身么,现在我来了,你是要打,还是要谈?” A moment ago surnamed Guo, this time changed into the old thing directly, Guo Xiaotian air/Qi almost must go crazy! 刚才一个姓郭的,这次直接换成了老东西了,郭校天气的几乎要发狂! Ling Yun!” 凌云!” Qin Dongxue sees the meaning that Ling Yun simply well has not spoken, her look was anxious, cannot bear shouted one from behind. 秦冬雪凌云根本没有好好说话的意思,她神色焦急,忍不住从后面喊了一声。 Ling Yun has not turned head, as before lightly saying: Little Aunt , he since must abandon your martial arts, that is my mortal enemy, shouted that he an old thing, is polite.” 凌云还是没有回头,依旧淡淡道:“小姨,他既然要废你武功,那就是我的死敌,喊他一声老东西,算是客气的了。” Divine Sword Village another four big disciples, simultaneously startled, by manner and manner of Ling Yun speech being shocked. 神剑山庄另外四大弟子,同时愕然,被凌云说话的神气和态度给惊呆了。 Although Guo Xiaotian by the Ling Yun air/Qi must go crazy, but he after all over fifty-year-old, practice is three sword, the bearing heart always has, he looked has walked up silently, stands in Ling Yun Qin Dongxue one, the look was complex, opens the mouth saying: Dongxue, I read in he young ignorant share, gave you last opportunity, so long as you made him hand over Nether Blood Demon Blade, and at the scene from abandoning martial arts, I looked in our Senior Brother younger sister many years of friendship, by the name guarantee of Divine Sword Village, can guarantee him not dead.” 郭校天虽然被凌云气的要发狂,可他毕竟年过半百,修炼的又是三才剑,气度心胸总是有的,他看了默默走上前来,站在凌云身旁的秦冬雪一眼,神色复杂,开口道:“冬雪,我念在他年少无知的份儿上,给你最后一次机会,你只要让他交出冥血魔刀,并且当场自废武功,我看在咱们师兄妹多年的情分上,以神剑山庄的名义担保,可以保他不死。” hahaha......” 哈哈哈哈……” Does not wait for Qin Dongxue to speak, the Ling Yun supine Tianfang sound laughs wildly suddenly , the smiling face receives suddenly, with looking at the inconceivable vision of monster looks at Guo Xiaotian saying: Old thing you in are too long, taking advantage of own seniority that in Divine Sword Village stays was used to it, did the brain fall insanely?!” 不等秦冬雪说话,凌云突然仰天放声狂笑,又猛然笑容一收,用看怪物似的不可思议的目光看着郭校天道:“老东西你是不是在神剑山庄里呆的太久,倚老卖老习惯了,脑子疯掉了吧?!” Ling Yun has not spat saliva then the difference toward the Guo Xiaotian face on. 凌云就差没往郭校天脸上啐一口唾沫了。 Then, his look collects, said serious: Old thing, might as well tells you now, you with my Senior Brother Little Aunt younger sister's friendship, henceforth did not need to read, I formally announced here, from now on, my Little Aunt Qin Dongxue, breaks the righteousness with your Divine Sword Village graciousness certainly, was not the Divine Sword Village disciple!” 接着,他神色一敛,神情严肃说道:“老东西,现在不妨告诉你,你们跟我小姨师兄妹的情分,从此不用念了,我在这里正式宣布,从现在开始,我小姨秦冬雪,和你们神剑山庄恩断义绝,再也不是神剑山庄的弟子!” He grasps Nether Blood Demon Blade left hand to lift, starts from Guo Xiaotian, with the hilt 11 points the opposite five people, coldly had said: You listened to me clearly, from now on, my Little Aunt Qin Dongxue is also good, was Qin Family, did not have the connection with your Divine Sword Village again!” 他握着冥血魔刀左手一抬,从郭校天开始,用刀柄11点过对面五人,冷然道:“你们一个一个都给我听清楚了,从现在开始,我小姨秦冬雪也好,还是秦家也罢,和你们神剑山庄再无瓜葛!” Ling Yun is burning with anger, rashly, announced for Qin Dongxue radically directly, revolts Sect! 凌云怒火中烧,根本不由分说,直接替秦冬雪宣布,叛出师门 Qin Dongxue elegant face deathly white, tender body is a play trembles! 秦冬雪俏脸煞白,娇躯又是一阵剧颤! What?!” “什么?!” Guo Xiaotian one hear of Ling Yun's words, the hair of air/Qi must stand erect, his lip is trembling, lifts the hand to point at Ling Yun, actually quickly transfers to Qin Dongxue. 郭校天一听凌云的话,气的头发都要直立起来了,他嘴唇哆嗦着,抬起手指着凌云,却又很快移到秦冬雪身上。 Qin Dongxue, this young demon was thorough Become Devil, I asked that your, words that he spoke, were you recognize or do not recognize?!” 秦冬雪,这个小魔头是彻底入魔了,我就问你一句,他说的话,你到底是认还是不认?!” Divine Sword Village another four big disciples, shocking looking at each other in blank dismay, is unable to imagine at this moment, after Ling Yun appears, the matter will turn into this appearance unexpectedly! 神剑山庄另外四大弟子,这一刻也震惊的面面相觑,根本无法想象,凌云出现之后,事情竟然会变成这个样子! Ling Yun's is unfeeling, they naturally early have hearing, but they cannot think absolutely, at present this fellow, unexpectedly so arbitrary, overbearing, is mindless! 凌云的冷酷无情,他们自然都早有耳闻,可他们万万想不到,眼前这个家伙,竟然是如此的蛮横,霸道,不讲理! time, all people look to Qin Dongxue, is waiting for her resolution. 时间,所有人都看向秦冬雪,都在等着她的决断。 Ling Yun throughout has not actually looked at Qin Dongxue one, he since coming to start, had decided that here all, are controlled by him. 凌云却始终没有看秦冬雪一眼,他自打从现身开始,就已经打定了主意了,这里的一切,都由他来掌控。 Should not be this...... How to turn into this......” “不应该是这样的……怎么会变成了这样……” Qin Dongxue look changes is imaginary, she planned well, first to stand firm Ling Yun as elder very much, then catches up to come to Dragon Gate, hopes that through the own effort, convinced the Sect numerous Senior Brother, did not expect that made them accept Ling Yun, at least do not provoke Ling Yun. 秦冬雪神色变幻,她本来的计划很好,先以长辈的身份稳住凌云,然后赶来龙门上,希望通过自己的努力,说服师门的众位师兄,不奢望让他们接受凌云,至少不要去招惹凌云 But she caught up, has not actually thought that the big Senior Brother to her any opportunity of disputing, to not abandon her martial arts to make the bait, forcing Ling Yun to come. 可她赶来了,却没想到大师兄根本不给她任何辩驳的机会,以废她武功做饵,逼迫凌云现身。 But Ling Yun appeared, performance is stronger than his old-fashioned big Senior Brother, but also wants overbearing, not only has enraged Guo Xiaotian thoroughly, but also announced on own initiative she withdraws from Divine Sword Village since then! 凌云出现了,表现的比他那位古板的大师兄还要强硬,还要霸道,不但彻底激怒了郭校天,还主动宣布她从此退出神剑山庄 Therefore thought of every means to be busy at work half-day/long time, Qin Dongxue must face that most difficult choice. 于是费尽心思忙活了半天,秦冬雪还是要面对那个最艰难的选择。 But Qin Dongxue also wants to strive again one time. 秦冬雪还想再争取一次。 She long time, is looking at the opposite anger turbulent five people silently, calmly said: Numerous Senior Brother Senior Sister, I only hopes that everybody do not make such stiffly, you can me, be able to give a Ling Yun argument the opportunity......” 她默然半晌,望着对面怒火汹涌的五人,静静说道:“众位师兄师姐,我只希望大家不要弄得这么僵,你们能给我,能给凌云一个辩解的机会……” Guo Xiaotian one hear of Qin Dongxue said, he thinks following, but must from Ling Yun here inquire that Human Emperor's Writing Brush and Earth Emperor's Book news, cannot bear in relaxed at heart secretly, looks to Ling Yun, does intentionally said self-important: Boy, sees not to have, you are innocent, your Little Aunt understands the affair, looked in share that in she asked favor for you, I made an exception, allowing you to explain one......” 郭校天一听秦冬雪这么说,他想到接下来,还要从凌云这里询问人皇笔地皇书的消息,忍不住在心里暗暗松了一口气,看向凌云,故作老气横秋说道:“小子,看到没有,你不懂事,你小姨还是明白事理的,看在她为你求情的份儿上,我就破例,允许你解释一番……” Crusades against Demon Sect, has the world correct path prestigious family to strive honestly together, this inadequate, night's of Mid-Autumn Festival bending down demon congress. 讨伐魔宗,自有天下正道名门正派一起出力,这次不成,还有中秋之夜的伏魔大会。 May according to these rumors, Human Emperor's Writing Brush and Earth Emperor's Book news, seems to be related with present Ling Yun, has Qin Dongxue here, Divine Sword Village is advantageous, Guo Xiaotian naturally thinks the advantage of being close to somebody the first moon/month. 可依照那些江湖传言,人皇笔地皇书的消息,似乎都和眼前的凌云有关,有秦冬雪在这里,神剑山庄得天独厚,郭校天自然想近水楼台先得月。 overbearing of Ling Yun performance renounces, spoke the words certainly, Guo Xiaotian has to draw back one step. 凌云表现的霸道决绝,已经把话说绝了,郭校天不得不退一步。 Who would have thought Ling Yun looks at the opposite to do intentionally magnanimous Guo Xiaotian, but the beautiful mouth smiles. 哪知凌云望着对面故作大度的郭校天,只是红口白牙嘿嘿一笑。 Clang!” “锵!” Nether Blood Demon Blade comes out of the sheath! 冥血魔刀出鞘! Hehe, the old thing, did you speak the words instead? It is not the opportunity that the young master I need to explain, but was I early has given you opportunity, your own did not want!” “嘿嘿,老东西,你把话说反了吧?不是小爷我需要解释的机会,而是我把机会早早的给了你们,你们自己不要!” Explanation, why do I want to explain? Which scallion do you calculate? The truth told you, today my Little Aunt was revolts your Divine Sword Village, how?!” “解释,我为什么要解释?你们算哪根葱啊?实话告诉你们,今天小姨就是叛出你们神剑山庄了,怎么地吧?!”
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