DEMG :: Volume #10

#968: Being driven beyond the limits of forbearance

The Qin Dongxue moving quickly goes forward, arriving is in front of the fifty old man of head, collects the god static air/Qi, holds the fist in the other hand to bend the waist respectfully, bows in salute saying: Qin Dongxue pays a visit the big Senior Brother, three fellow apprentices, four fellow apprentices, five Senior Sisters, six Senior Sisters!” 秦冬雪飞身上前,来到为首的一位半百老者面前,敛神静气,恭恭敬敬抱拳弯腰,作揖道:“秦冬雪拜见大师兄,三师兄,四师兄,五师姐,六师姐!” On peak five people of Divine Sword Village big Senior Brother Guo Xiaotian, three Senior Brother Wu Qifeng, four Senior Brother Liu Suifeng, five Senior Sister Ji Xiaoqing, six Senior Sister Zhong Chunyan, five big disciples. 峰顶上五人正是神剑山庄的大师兄郭校天,三师兄吴奇峰,四师兄柳随风,五师姐纪小晴,六师姐钟春燕,五大弟子。 Except that two fellow apprentices have not come, was ranked the first six disciples to come five, each can press a Qin Dongxue head, making a move of this Divine Sword Village, was too rather scary. 除了二师兄没来,排行前六的弟子来了五个,每一个都能压秦冬雪一头,这次神剑山庄的出手,未免太吓人了一些。 That is the old man of head, is big Senior Brother Guo Xiaotian, the figure is very naturally grand, the facial features are unadorned, the long hair grips casually, the jujube red painted-face, does not need, but calmly stands there, naturally one type does not get angry from the Expert imposing manner of prestige. 那位为首的老者,自然就是大师兄郭校天,身形十分雄伟,面容古拙,长发随便扎起,枣红脸,无须,只是静静站在那里,就自然有一种不怒自威的高手气势。 After Guo Xiaotian, anticline oblique cutting a broad big sword, is only keeping half foot sword blade and a sword hilt reveals the shoulder, two long and narrow narrow the eyes slightly, Qin Dongxue comes to pay a visit, does not open the eyes the eye unexpectedly. 郭校天后背斜斜插着一把宽阔大剑,只留半尺剑身和一个剑柄露出肩头,两眼狭长微微眯起,秦冬雪前来拜见,竟是连眼睛都不睁。 May cross slightly has flickered, the Guo Xiaotian straight brow selects, two have opened a seam unexpectedly slightly, two are similar to the substantive sword light vision has swept Qin Dongxue instantaneously, is astonished slightly. 可稍过了一瞬,郭校天平直的眉头一挑,两眼竟微微睁开了一条缝,两道如同实质剑光的目光瞬间扫过秦冬雪,略微讶异。 Qin Dongxue comes, Guo Xiaotian sees her present boundary immediately, Qin Dongxue descended the mountain less than three months of time, broke through the Innate 5-layer boundary unexpectedly?! 秦冬雪一现身,郭校天立即就看出了她现在的境界,秦冬雪下山才不到三个月的时间,竟已经突破了先天五层境界?! Such practice speed, naturally made Guo Xiaotian change countenance the shock, how was this possible?! 这样的修炼速度,自然令郭校天动容震惊,这怎么可能?! May change countenance to return to change countenance, the Qin Dongxue present boundary still cannot enter the Guo Xiaotian discernment, he quickly restored the look of ancient well without ripples, opens the mouth slowly, the sound does not have a smoke anger. 可动容归动容,秦冬雪现在的境界依然入不了郭校天的法眼,他很快就恢复了古井不波的神色,缓缓开口,声音不带一丝烟火气。 Dispense with ceremony, gets up the speech.” “免礼,起来说话吧。” Qin Dongxue thump all of a sudden, because of Guo Xiaotian as usual, has not shouted her the young Junior Sister at heart. 秦冬雪心里咯噔一下子,因为郭校天没有像往常一样,喊她小师妹。 Yes, big Senior Brother.” “是,大师兄。” Qin Dongxue has a heavy heart, has not actually revealed on the face, smiles gently, has stood slowly the body. 秦冬雪心情沉重,却没有在脸上表露出来,温婉一笑,缓缓站直了身体。 At this time, Qin Dongxue has time to observe the expression of numerous position Senior Brother Senior Sister, sees only three Senior Brother Wu Qifeng facial expressions to be indifferent, the eyelid does not lift, on the face cannot see any expression. 此时,秦冬雪才有时间去观察众位师兄师姐的表情,只见三师兄吴奇峰神情冷漠,眼皮不抬,脸上看不出任何表情。 That is infatuated with her four Senior Brother Liu Suifeng is the look burning hot is staring at her, but Qin Dongxue can see, in that look besides burning hot as always, but also hid an indistinct happy expression of taking pleasure in others' misfortunes. 那位迷恋她的四师兄柳随风则是眼神炙热的盯着她,可秦冬雪能够看出,那眼神里除了一如既往的炙热之外,还隐藏了一种幸灾乐祸的隐约笑意。 The big Senior Brother, three fellow apprentices, four fellow apprentices' performance are normal, what making Qin Dongxue puzzled was, this time, almost five Senior Sisters and six Senior Sisters who from not being able to arrive at the metropolis will walk will descend the mountain. 大师兄,三师兄,四师兄的表现都还算正常,令秦冬雪不解的是,这一次,几乎从来不到都市中行走的五师姐和六师姐怎么也会下山。 Especially five Senior Sister Ji Xiaoqing, beauty, although is average, but her boundary and swordsmanship are very terrifying, the true strength above Liu Suifeng, in Divine Sword Village besides practice, always did not inquire about the humans affair, this time came Clear Water City to do? 尤其是五师姐纪小晴,姿色虽然平平,可她的境界和剑法却十分恐怖,真正实力远在柳随风之上,在神剑山庄除了修炼之外,从来都不过问世事,她这次来清水市干嘛? But that look is considered as is on six Senior Sister Zhong Chunyan of capital, Qin Dongxue thinks slightly, has understood, this Senior Sister appearance is charming, the body section is exquisite, usually most likes joining in the fun, moreover she has been unrequited loving four Senior Brother Liu Suifeng, this time was catching the opportunity, where had the truth that did not descend the mountain? 而那位相貌算得上是中上之资的六师姐钟春燕,秦冬雪略微一想,就了解了,这位师姐长相娇媚,身段儿玲珑,平时最喜欢凑热闹,而且她心里一直暗恋着四师兄柳随风,这次逮着了机会,哪有不下山的道理? Thinks of here, Qin Dongxue smiles, greeted to two Senior Sisters: „Did Senior Sister Ji, Senior Sister bell, you two also descend the mountain?” 想到这里,秦冬雪嫣然一笑,对两位师姐打招呼道:“纪师姐,钟师姐,你们两个也下山来了?” Who would have thought Zhong Chunyan vision coldly swept Qin Dongxue one, corners of the mouth has brought back one to sneer saying: Yo, how Sister Qin this saying said that we , if not descend the mountain, Human Emperor's Writing Brush and Earth Emperor's Book may again not have our Divine Sword Village share......” 哪知钟春燕目光冷冷的扫了秦冬雪一眼,嘴角儿勾起一丝冷笑道:“哟,秦师妹这话儿怎么说的,我们要是再不下山,人皇笔地皇书可就再也没有咱们神剑山庄的份儿了……” Qin Dongxue heart one cold, when argued, actually heard that five Senior Sister cold snort/hum, the sinking sound said: Qin Dongxue, can you know crime?!” 秦冬雪心头一凛,正待辩解,却又听到那位五师姐冷哼了一声,沉声道:“秦冬雪,你可知罪?!” Although Qin Dongxue has respected to Divine Sword Village numerous Senior Brother Senior Sister incomparably, this time for comes for the Ling Yun argument, does not represent her quite to bully. 秦冬雪虽然对神剑山庄的众位师兄师姐一直尊重无比,这次又是为了替凌云辩解而来,可不代表她好欺负。 One hear of this saying, Qin Dongxue was aroused three points of anger instantaneously, elegant face one cold, indignant sound said: Five Senior Sisters, I respect you are the Senior Sisters, therefore notified you, didn't you, why come up to pin a big hat to me accordingly?” 一听这话,秦冬雪瞬间被激起了三分火气,俏脸一寒,忿声道:“五师姐,我尊敬你是师姐,所以才跟您打招呼,你不应声也就罢了,凭什么一上来就给我扣一顶大帽子?” cough cough, shuts up to me!” 咳咳,都给我闭嘴!” Guo Xiaotian saw that the proper business has not started saying that the aspect must lose control, cannot bear open the mouth to speak. 郭校天眼看正事还没有开始说,局面就要失控,忍不住开口发话了。 The big Senior Brother after all is the big Senior Brother, as soon as he opens the mouth, Ji Xiaoqing and Zhong Chunyan did not speak immediately, but was looking at the Qin Dongxue vision, ice-cold like enmity, one was in the happy expression holds kills intent infinitely. 大师兄毕竟是大师兄,他一开口,纪小晴钟春燕立即都不说话了,只是望着秦冬雪的目光,一个冰冷如仇,一个则是笑意中含着无穷杀意。 To the Qin Dongxue matter, Guo Xiaotian, although is angry very much, but he after all is the Qin Dongxue half master, to the Qin Dongxue temperament, naturally very understands. 秦冬雪的事情,郭校天虽然很生气,可他毕竟算是秦冬雪的半个师傅,对秦冬雪的脾气,自然是十分了解的。 But he needs the explanation of Qin Dongxue, saw the Qin Dongxue manner. 但他需要秦冬雪的解释,已经看到秦冬雪的态度。 Dongxue, I asked you, the master this time sent you to descend the mountain, was what goal?” 冬雪,我来问你,师傅这次派你下山,是何目的?” The big Senior Brother questioned, Qin Dongxue must reply actually, she held the fist in the other hand once more bows with hands clasped: Reply the big Senior Brother, the master sends me to descend the mountain, is makes me inquire Human Emperor's Writing Brush and Earth Emperor's Book news.” 大师兄问话,秦冬雪不能不照实回答,她再次抱拳一揖:“回禀大师兄,师傅派我下山,是让我打探人皇笔地皇书的消息。” Guo Xiaotian opens eyes slightly, both eyes such as the sword light, ice-cold has swept the Qin Dongxue face , to continue to ask: News that you inquire?” 郭校天微微睁眼,双目如剑光,冰冷扫过秦冬雪面庞,继续问道:“那你打探的消息呢?” Had been swept by the Guo Xiaotian vision, Qin Dongxue just like by the sword cutting face is been ordinary, the tender body trembles lightly, she actually clenches teeth saying: „Since reply the big Senior Brother, three months, I have not inquired Human Emperor's Writing Brush and Earth Emperor's Book news!” 郭校天目光扫过,秦冬雪犹如被刀剑切割面庞一般,娇躯轻颤,她却咬牙说道:“回禀大师兄,三个月以来,我并没有打探到人皇笔地皇书的消息!” Yes?!” “是么?!” Guo Xiaotian both eyes open the eyes greatly, divine light suddenly/violently to dodge! 郭校天双目大睁,神光暴闪! Zhong Chunyan is catching the opportunity finally, wants to export to ridicule, but behind Guo Xiaotian actually just like had the eye, lifted the hand fiercely, has stopped her words. 钟春燕终于逮着机会,又想出口讥讽,可郭校天却犹如背后长了眼睛,猛地一抬手,止住了她的话。 That present Human Emperor's Writing Brush and Earth Emperor's Book in the news that Clear Water City reveals itself, has spread over the world rivers and lakes, this what's the matter?” “那现在人皇笔地皇书清水市出世的消息,已经传遍天下江湖,这又是怎么回事?” The Guo Xiaotian imposing manner rises suddenly, the tone is swift and fierce, does not give the opportunity that Qin Dongxue disputes! 郭校天气势暴涨,语气凌厉,根本不给秦冬雪辩驳的机会! Qin Dongxue clenches teeth in secret, the heavens frightening imposing manner that fights out on the big Senior Brother to send out, actually throughout insisted that half does not draw back, one word at a time difficultly said: Disciple...... It is not able to determine that Human Emperor's Writing Brush and Earth Emperor's Book are born, therefore does not dare to pass on the false information to return to Sect......” 秦冬雪暗中咬牙,拼命抵抗着大师兄身上散发出的惊天气势,却始终坚持半步不退,一字一顿艰难说道:“弟子……根本无法确定人皇笔地皇书出世,所以不敢传虚假消息回师门……” Such remarks, front five people simultaneously cold snort/hum. 此话一出,前面五个人同时冷哼一声。 Guo Xiaotian in the heart sighed, received the imposing manner suddenly, suddenly said lightly: Good, since you so said that this matter does not raise for the time being.” 郭校天心中一叹,猛然把气势一收,忽然淡淡说道:“好,既然你如此说,那这件事暂且不提。” I asked you again, Clear Water City that young demon Ling Yun, grasped Nether Blood Demon Blade, unfeeling, killed people like the hemp, regarded the human life such as worthlessly, these matters, did you know the circumstances of the matter do not know the circumstances of the matter?” “我再问你,清水市那个小魔头凌云,手持冥血魔刀,冷酷无情,杀人如麻,视人命如草芥,这些事情,你知情还是不知情?” Qin Dongxue breathes immediately stagnates! 秦冬雪顿时呼吸一滞! From meets to start, Guo Xiaotian again and again interrogated, does not give the Qin Dongxue calm speech the opportunity, her in the heart thinks that good excuse, now was one does not use unexpectedly! 从一见面开始,郭校天就是连连质问,根本不给秦冬雪从容说话的机会,她心中想好的说辞,现在竟是一句都用不上了! May under the Guo Xiaotian intimidation vision, Qin Dongxue probably speak, she has to steel one's heart, argued said: Disciple...... Knows the circumstances of the matter!” 可在郭校天的威逼目光之下,秦冬雪又不能不说话,她只好把心一横,辩解说道:“弟子……知情!” But, the Ling Yun homicide person, that is only because others must kill him, he to protect oneself......” “可是,凌云他杀人,那只是因为别人要杀他,他为了自保而已……” Guo Xiaotian sees Qin Dongxue to rush unexpectedly is Ling Yun argued, cannot bear the anger of eruption thunder, the sinking sound said: Be quiet!” 郭校天秦冬雪竟然抢着为凌云辩解,忍不住爆发雷霆之怒,沉声道:“住嘴!” Qin Dongxue, do you know, Ling Yun has Nether Blood Demon Blade, automatically is thought is now Demon Lord, so the demon, you immediately does not draw a line with him, defends traditional moral principles except the demon, dares to be in front of my unexpectedly, is thinking argued for him?!” 秦冬雪,你知不知道,凌云拥有冥血魔刀,就会被自动认为是当今魔主,如此魔头,你不立即跟他划清界限,除魔卫道也就罢了,竟然敢当着我的面,想着为他辩解?!” Qin Dongxue instantaneous a hundred mouths cannot explain it away, can only the indignant sound said: Big Senior Brother, that Nether Blood Demon Blade is just weapon, I can testify personally, although Ling Yun truly has killed many people, but he never has to kill one person absurdly!” 秦冬雪瞬间百口莫辩,只能愤声道:“大师兄,那冥血魔刀只不过是一把武器而已,我可以亲自作证,凌云虽然确实是杀了不少人,可他从来都没有妄杀一人!” Hehe hehe...... Absurd, simply absurdly!” “呵呵呵呵……荒唐至极,简直荒谬之极!” Guo Xiaotian had been enraged the extreme by Qin Dongxue at this time, is supine Tianchang smiles unexpectedly, subsequently first one low, looks to focus on the front belt/bring grief and indignation Qin Dongxue saying: Dongxue, I have not thought absolutely, the master and I taught your many years, your today can say these words to come with me unexpectedly!” 郭校天此时已经被秦冬雪激怒到了极点,竟是仰天长笑,继而把头一低,望着眼前面带悲愤的秦冬雪道:“冬雪,我万万都没有想到,师傅和我教导你那么多年,你今天竟然能跟我说出这番话来!” The Guo Xiaotian grayish white long hair is calm, within the body True Qi surges, the long unlined close-fitting gown flap flap makes noise, interrogated: Qin Dongxue, you may know, because of you, our Divine Sword Village, now honestly has been smiled the big tooth by the world prestigious family?!” 郭校天灰白长发无风自动,体内真气激荡,长衫猎猎作响,质问道:“秦冬雪,你可知道,就是因为你,我们神剑山庄,现在已经被天下名门正派笑掉了大牙?!” According to the reliable information, that Ling Yun once cut to kill Grandmaster Mie Qing in Shaolin, Clean Heart Temple Mie Xin Tai Master, Maoshan School Priest Liu Deming......” “根据可靠消息,那凌云曾经斩杀了少林的灭情大师,净心庵灭心师太,还有茅山派刘德明道长……” „, Afterward descended the mountain, investigates this matter's Shaolin Temple Grandmaster Hang Chi, as well as dustlessness Daoist priest in Maoshan, after Clear Water City, does not have then the trail, does not see the person to refuse stubbornly to see the corpse to this life, you can deny, missing of this two people, does have nothing to do with that young demon?!” “还有,后来下山,探查此事的少林寺行迟大师,以及茅山的无尘道长,到了清水市之后就踪迹全无,至今生不见人死不见尸,难道你能否认,这两人的失踪,跟那个小魔头无关?!” The Qin Dongxue tender body trembles lightly, by being dumbfounded that Guo Xiaotian said that because Ling Yun cuts kills Grandmaster Hang Chi and dustlessness Daoist priest the time, Qin Dongxue on the scene, witnesses. 秦冬雪娇躯轻颤,被郭校天说的哑口无言,因为凌云斩杀行迟大师和无尘道长的时候,秦冬雪在场,亲眼目睹。 But Qin Dongxue still holds the last hope: senior brother...... You said truly is the truth, is...... The opposite party must kill Ling Yun, does he want to sit waiting for death?” 秦冬雪依然抱有最后一丝希望:“师兄……你说的确实是实情,可是……对方要杀凌云,难道他就要坐以待毙么?” Guo Xiaotian is in an uncontrollable rage simply, the big hand wields had the potential of wind and thunder, gets angry the sound said: Wanting is the person of Demon Sect, everybody may kill it, everybody may eliminate it!” 郭校天简直怒不可遏,大手一挥已经有风雷之势,怒声道:“只要是魔宗之人,人人可杀之,人人可除之!” Qin Dongxue, evil did not coexist since old times, you forget was clean?!” 秦冬雪,自古正邪不两立,难道你都忘的一干二净了?!” You said that cannot determine the news that Human Emperor's Writing Brush and Earth Emperor's Book are born, the Senior Brother does not blame you \; The Clear Water City unusual trend, you never have the pass on message to return to the school, the Senior Brother can also be concerned with, is you......” “你说不能确定人皇笔地皇书出世的消息,师兄并不怪你\;清水市的异常动向,你从来没有传讯回门派,师兄也可以不闻不问,可是你……” You know obviously Ling Yun has Nether Blood Demon Blade, actually immediately does not draw a line with him, instead everywhere maintains him, has spoken for him to the present, you said how the Senior Brother can forgive you?!” “你明明知道凌云拥有冥血魔刀,却不跟他立即划清界限,反而处处维护他,到现在一直替他说话,你说,师兄怎能饶你?!” Qin Dongxue is silent, suddenly all of a sudden calm, when Guo Xiaotian said, the spooky opens the mouth, only said one. 秦冬雪默然,忽然一下子冷静了下来,等到郭校天说完,才幽幽开口,只说了一句。 Big Senior Brother, Ling Yun is my Elder Sister son, although is only the adopted son, but my Elder Sister just before leaving confessed, certainly makes me take care of him.” “大师兄,凌云是我姐姐的儿子,虽然只是义子,可我姐姐临走交代,一定让我照顾好他。” Draws a line with Ling Yun, kills him to defend traditional moral principles, please Qin Dongxue can not achieve!” “跟凌云划清界限,杀他卫道,请恕秦冬雪做不到!” The deep red face of Guo Xiaotian air/Qi changed has made the sauce purple, lifted the hand to point out fiercely: You......” 郭校天气的一张枣红色的脸变作了酱紫色,猛地抬手一指道:“你……” good good good, that so looks like, was this you finally decides?!” 好好好,那如此看来,这就是你最后的决定了?!” The anger in Guo Xiaotian body, to this moment, transforms for murderous aura finally completely! 郭校天身体内的怒气,到这一刻,终于全部转化为了杀气 murderous aura is full! 杀气盈空! The Qin Dongxue complexion is mournful, before she comes, has not thought absolutely, the big Senior Brother does not give him unexpectedly any is the opportunity of Ling Yun explanation. 秦冬雪脸色凄然,她来之前,万万都没有想到,大师兄竟然根本不给他任何为凌云解释的机会。 Since you are content to fall into Devil Path, I must replace the master to abandon your martial arts, expels Sect you, cleans up the gateway!” “既然你自甘堕入魔道,那我就要代替师傅废你武功,将你逐出师门,清理门户!” Guo Xiaotian in a blaze of passion, lifts the palm finally slowly, revolution True Qi, wants towards Qin Dongxue to lay out! 郭校天盛怒之下,终于缓缓抬起手掌,运转真气,就要对着秦冬雪拍出! Who would have thought that at this moment! 哪知,就在这时! Zheng!”! “铮!”的一声! sharp arrow came from out of the blue, sewed above Guo Xiaotian and Qin Dongxue middle rock ruthlessly! 一支利箭破空而来,狠狠钉在了郭校天秦冬雪中间的岩石之上! Your big anger surnamed Guo!” “姓郭的你好大的火气啊!” „To abandon my Little Aunt martial arts, matches depending on you?!” “想废我小姨的武功,凭你也配?!”
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