DEMG :: Volume #10

#965: Reveals the secret

Mentioned Divine Sword Village, the beautiful elegant face of Qin Dongxue immediately became the non- nature. 一说起神剑山庄,秦冬雪的绝美俏脸立即变得不自然起来。 She does not dare to look straight ahead the Ling Yun's vision, the leaning head, is looking in the lake slightly the white light clear wave, long time did not speak. 她不敢直视凌云的目光,微微偏头,望着湖里白光粼粼的水波,半晌不语。 Ling Yun naturally understands, such unusuality why Qin Dongxue can display. 凌云自然明白,秦冬雪为何会表现的如此异常。 Divine Sword Village is Qin Dongxue Sect, now actually participates to crusade against the Ling Yun's prestigious family honestly, she clamps between two sides, definitely is in a dilemma. 神剑山庄秦冬雪师门,现在却又参与到了讨伐凌云的名门正派当中,她夹在两方之间,肯定是左右为难。 Ling Yun has not urged Qin Dongxue, but accompanies her to stand silently, he wants to wait for Qin Dongxue to consider clearly, had the decision to say again. 凌云并没有催促秦冬雪,而是默默陪她站在一起,他想等秦冬雪考虑清楚,有了决定再说。 Qin Dongxue is an elder, after Qin Qiuyue walked, most loves the Ling Yun's person, no matter Qin Dongxue makes what kind of decision, Ling Yun will respect her wish. 秦冬雪是长辈,是在秦秋月走了之后,最为疼爱凌云的人,不管秦冬雪做出怎样的决定,凌云都会尊重她的意愿。 Qin Dongxue looks to the lake water, state of mind fluctuating is uncertain, the breath is gradually rapid, good after long time, gradually has subsided. 秦冬雪望向湖水,心绪起伏不定,呼吸渐渐急促,好半晌之后,才渐渐平息了下来。 Suddenly the spooky opens the mouth said: Brat, you know, Divine Sword Village incessantly is my Sect, is my Elder Sister, our Qin Family obligation person.” 忽然幽幽开口道:“臭小子,你知道,神剑山庄不止是我的师门,还是我姐姐,我们秦家的大恩人。” Ling Yun gives a calm smile: Little Aunt, this you had already told me.” 凌云淡然一笑:“小姨,这个你早就跟我说过。” Qin Dongxue said: Actually when you go to Capital City, I passed on a message to my sect, hopes that they do not participate in your matter, is...... The result disappointed me.” 秦冬雪道:“其实在你去京城的时候,我已经给我师门传讯,希望他们不要参与到你的事情当中,可是……结果令我很失望。” Ling Yun has not spoken, but is actually upbeat. 凌云没有说话,但心情却振奋无比。 Because the meaning in Qin Dongxue words is very obvious, has stood in this side completely. 因为秦冬雪话里的意思很明显,已经完全站在了他这一方。 Only listens to Qin Dongxue also saying: They, although has Nether Blood Demon Blade under the pretext of you, said that is crusades against Demon Sect to come, but in fact for a China antiquity legend.” 只听秦冬雪又道:“他们虽然以你拥有冥血魔刀为借口,说是讨伐魔宗而来,但实际上是为了华夏的一个上古传说。” Ling Yun said with a smile pale: Hehe, this I also know, Human Emperor Earth Emperor leaves Clear Water, the world should tribulation by one person......” 凌云淡笑道:“呵呵,这个我也知道,人皇地皇清水,天下应劫靠一人嘛……” The Qin Dongxue tender body shakes lightly, is surprised the different way: Cannot think that your words knew, is who tells you?” 秦冬雪娇躯轻震,诧异道:“想不到你连这句话都知道了,是谁告诉你的?” Ling Yun considers truthfully: First time hears these words, in that Bi Yuanjia mouth.” 凌云如实相告:“第一次听说这句话,是在那个毕元嘉口中。” Qin Dongxue nods, the vision crossed the Clear Water Lake surface suddenly, looked to heavens pit direction between Coiling Dragon Mountain and South Jade Mountain, for a very long time was speechless. 秦冬雪点点头,目光忽然越过了清水湖面,望向了龙盘山南翠峰之间的天坑方向,久久无语。 Human Emperor's Writing Brush and Earth Emperor's Book, truly were born in Clear Water City!” 人皇笔地皇书,确实都在清水市出世了!” This feedback to Ling Yun mind severely trembles! Originally Little Aunt also already knows, Human Emperor's Writing Brush and Earth Emperor's Book in the news that Clear Water City reveals itself! 这回轮到凌云心神剧震!原来小姨也早已知道,人皇笔地皇书清水市出世的消息! Little Aunt, this news, where do you hear?!” 小姨,这个消息,你是从哪里听说的?!” Ling Yun also wants to conceal, asking that pretends to maintain composure. 凌云还想掩饰,装作不动声色的问道。 Qin Dongxue sighed faintly, the heart laughed in one's heart, lightly saying: Naturally is my master, Divine Sword Village Village Master tells me. Rivers and lakes hearsay, antiquity legend, although mostly is making groundless accusations nonsensical talk, but some legends, although for a lot of years are unable to confirm, if confirmed that will be blustery, entire rivers and lakes, even the entire world, will welcome the most intense turbulence!” 秦冬雪幽幽一叹,心头暗笑,淡淡道:“当然是我的师傅,神剑山庄庄主告诉我的。江湖传闻,上古传说虽然大都是捕风捉影无稽之谈,可有些传说,虽然千百年来无法证实,但一旦证实,那就会风起云涌,整个江湖,甚至整个天下,都会迎来最为激烈的动荡!” Little Aunt today was also open about the facts you, actually Sect sent me to come Clear Water City, the main goal was to let me enters heavens pit Yin-Yang Locking Dragon Formation, sought for Earth Emperor's Book!” 小姨今天也不瞒你了,其实师门派我来清水市,最主要的目的就是让我进天坑阴阳锁龙大阵,寻找地皇书!” Leaves on Elder Sister, I protect you and Lingyu to the present, but has been working for one's own interests under the guise of working for the public.” “恰逢姐姐离开,我保护你和灵雨到现在,只不过一直在假公济私而已。” Ling Yun shocks, is shocked stunned! 凌云震撼,惊呆错愕! Good half-day/long time he to recover, asked silly: Little Aunt, but after you came, doesn't have heavens pit?” 半天他才回过神来,傻傻问道:“小姨,可是你来了之后,也没有下过天坑啊?” Qin Dongxue tittered smiles tenderly, white Ling Yun said: Dumb kid, after seeing you, Little Aunt knows that you have gone , do I also go to do?” 秦冬雪噗嗤娇笑,白了凌云一眼道:“傻小子,见到你之后,小姨知道你已经进去过了,我还进去干嘛?” Ling Yun afraid that look that the Qin Dongxue intent has referred, looks. 秦冬雪意有所指的眼神,看的凌云一阵心虚。 Qin Dongxue turns the head, the beautiful pupil has a smile, stares at Ling Yun to ask: At this moment, Little Aunt today asked that your, is that person you?” 秦冬雪转过头来,美眸含笑,盯着凌云问道:“事到如今,小姨今天就问你一句,那个人是不是你?” Ling Yun body severely trembles, fell into the beauty battle finally at heart all of a sudden. 凌云终于身躯剧震,心里一下子陷入了天人交战。 Speaks the truth with Little Aunt , to continue to conceal? 是跟小姨说实话,还是继续隐瞒下去? But Ling Yun has not intertwined in this issue too for a long time, his ponder, smiles slightly immediately, displays to send greetings into the dense say/way: Hehe, originally Little Aunt already guessed, good, that person is I, Human Emperor's Writing Brush and Earth Emperor's Book, now on me!” 凌云并没有在这个问题上纠结太久,他稍微一沉思,立即嘿嘿一笑,施展传音入密道:“嘿嘿,原来小姨早就猜出来了,不错,那个人就是我,人皇笔地皇书,现在都在我身上!” Qin Dongxue suspicion originally was confirmed Ling Yun here finally, who knows her already not to be actually shocked is not excited, is only charming horizontal Ling Yun, is charmingly angry: Brat, but also calculates to be conscientious, I do not have to hurt your finally white/in vain!” 秦冬雪原本的猜想终于在凌云这里得到了证实,谁知她却既不震惊也不激动,只是妩媚的横了凌云一眼,娇嗔道:“臭小子,还算有良心,总算我没有白疼你一场!” two people knows that this matter is how important, they started to have the use of tacit understanding to send greetings into the intimate friendship to flow extremely. 两人都知道这件事情何其重要,他们都开始极有默契的使用传音入密交流了。 The Ling Yun unusual sincere said: This matter, Little Aunt did not ask, I will not say, but Little Aunt, since asked that I certainly will speak the truth with you.” 凌云少有的正色说道:“这件事,小姨不问,我不会说,但小姨既然问起,我就一定会跟您说实话。” Qin Dongxue happy nod, asked immediately seriously: This matter, but also who knows? Cannot you conceal, must tell Little Aunt completely!” 秦冬雪开心的点了点头,立即严肃问道:“这件事,还有谁知道?不许你隐瞒,要全部告诉小姨!” Ling Yun looks at the tense appearance that Qin Dongxue has been critical situation, cannot bear laugh in one's heart, he thinks, replied: Em, Human Emperor's Writing Brush recognizes me for the Lord, the person who this matter knows are really many, has Zhuang Meifeng, Xiao Meimei, these two people you have not seen, other, have Xian'er, Cao Shanshan, Ning'er, Tang Meng, Tie Xiaohu, my mother possibly also knows a little......” 凌云看了秦冬雪如临大敌的紧张样子,忍不住暗笑,他想了想,回答道:“恩,人皇笔认我为主,这件事知道的人还真不少,有庄美凤,萧媚媚,这两个人你都没有见过,其他的,有仙儿,曹珊珊,凝儿,唐猛,铁小虎,还有我妈可能也知道一点儿……” But Earth Emperor's Book on me, only then my own knew, Dugu Clan Dugu Mo, possibly many can guess correctly a little......” “但是地皇书在我身上,就只有我自己知道了,独孤家族独孤墨,可能多少能猜出一点儿……” The Qin Dongxue complexion gradually changed, almost wants the violent to walk at the scene, gets angry the sound said: Brat, such important secret, did you make these many people know unexpectedly?!” 秦冬雪脸色渐渐变了,几乎当场就要暴走,怒声道:“臭小子,这么要紧的秘密,你竟然让这么多人都知道了?!” Ling Yun nods, plays the fool hehe to ask back with a smile: Little Aunt, don't you know now?” 凌云点点头,装傻嘿嘿笑着反问道:“小姨,现在你不也知道了么?” Then, he explained immediately: Little Aunt, these people, experience with me must die the bureau, I trust each of them from the bottom of the heart.” 接着,他立即解释道:“小姨,这些人,都是跟我经历过必死之局的,我从心底里信任他们每一个人。” For example Cao Shanshan, after she was grasped, under that difficult situation, Chen Jiangui has used the Evil Eyes secret technique to her, she had not divulged that my secret Ding least bit, I believe other people will be also same!” “比如曹珊珊,她被抓之后,在那么艰难的情况之下,就连陈建癸都对她施展了邪眼秘术,她都没有把我的秘密透漏出一丁半点儿,我相信其他人也都会一样!” Qin Dongxue had certainly heard Ling Yun past the matters of these heaven-defying, listened to have the helpless nod, sighed saying: Now also can only like this.” 秦冬雪当然听说过凌云过去的那些逆天之事,听完只好无奈的点头,叹了口气说道:“现在也只能这样了。” Ling Yun said with a smile: Actually this secret I also want to tell Lingyu, but I most am worried is she, because for fear that this secret brings the disaster to her, therefore has been hiding the truth from her.” 凌云笑道:“其实本来这个秘密我也想告诉灵雨的,可我最担心的就是她,生怕因为这个秘密给她带来灾祸,所以一直瞒着她。” Qin Dongxue applause smile: You do right! According to this logic, that destiny should tribulation the person, was really your this brat?” 秦冬雪赞许微笑:“你做得对!这样说来,那个天命应劫之人,真的就是你这个臭小子了?” Ling Yun haha happy, smelly fart incomparable saying: Em, that bad luck ghost should.” 凌云哈哈一乐,臭屁无比的说道:“恩,那个倒霉鬼应该就是吧。” Can in a big way share own secret one with Qin Dongxue, Ling Yun also thought very happily, at heart all of a sudden relaxed many. 能跟秦冬雪分享自己最大的秘密之一,凌云也觉得十分高兴,心里一下子轻松了不少。 Qin Dongxue looked at the Ling Yun relaxed facial expression, was happy, her charming glanced Ling Yun one, said with a smile: On that day under outstanding heroes for what goal looks for your trouble, it seems like did you already in the heart have several?” 秦冬雪看了凌云轻松的神情,也不禁乐了,她妩媚的瞟了凌云一眼,笑道:“那天下群雄到底为了什么目的来找你的麻烦,看来你早就心中有数了?” Ling Yun hehe said with a smile: Naturally in the heart have several.” 凌云嘿嘿笑道:“当然心中有数。” How do you plan to deal?” “那你打算怎么应对呢?” A Ling Yun corners of the mouth check, rascal sneers to say fully: How can also deal, coming to refuse stubbornly to acknowledge mistakes, did not convince, hit to take knocking it off them!” 凌云嘴角儿一勾,无赖十足的冷笑道:“还能怎么应对,来个死不认账呗,说不服,就把他们打服了拉倒!” Qin Dongxue asked: That Divine Sword Village?” 秦冬雪问道:“那神剑山庄?” Ling Yun said with a smile: Little Aunt, regarding Divine Sword Village, I listens to your meaning completely, you make me discuss that I sit to talk to them, you make me hit, I am impolite, hits together!” 凌云笑道:“小姨,对于神剑山庄,我完全听你的意思,你让我谈我就坐下来跟他们谈,你让我打,那我就不客气,一块儿打!” Then, Ling Yun sees Qin Dongxue to relax obviously, this also said: Little Aunt, can you tell me now? The Divine Sword Village person gives you to pass on a message, what said?” 说完,凌云明显看到秦冬雪松了一口气,这才又说道:“小姨,你现在可以告诉我了吧?神剑山庄的人给你传讯,都说什么了?” Qin Dongxue frowned said: Big Senior Brother said in the pass on message, makes me to meet in the Dragon Gate Mountain top tonight, as for other, must meet knows.” 秦冬雪皱眉道:“大师兄在传讯上说,约我今晚在龙门山顶见面,至于其他的,得见了面才知道了。” Ling Yun suddenly realize, taps head to say immediately: „, Is met, that sees the face-to-face talk, Dragon Gate Mountain is away from Coiling Dragon Mountain not to be far, is not the scenic spot, is the speech good place.” 凌云顿时恍然大悟,一拍脑袋道:“哦,原来是见面啊,那就见面谈呗,龙门山距离龙盘山不远,不是风景区,是个说话的好地方。” Qin Dongxue woman's beautiful eyebrows slightly pressed, anxious say/way: Brat, you said actually relaxed incomparable, you think that so talks about?” 秦冬雪远山眉微蹙,忧虑道:“臭小子,你说的倒是轻松无比,你以为就那么好谈啊?” Do not forget, now under the entire day knows in your hand to have Nether Blood Demon Blade, is thought automatically is Demon Sect new Demon Lord, since old times evil did not coexist, only depends on this, can let your Little Aunt a hundred mouths cannot explain it away, jumps in the Yellow River unable to wash clean!” “别忘了,现在全天下都知道你手里拥有冥血魔刀,被自动认为是魔宗的新一任魔主,自古正邪不两立,只凭这一条,就能让你小姨百口莫辩,跳进黄河也洗不清!” Ling Yun listened to laughing, disdains saying: Is the god or the demon, is just or evil, is not their people taps the head to define!” 凌云听了哈哈大笑,不屑说道:“是神还是魔,是正还是邪,可不是他们那些人拍拍脑袋就能下定义的!” Another, my mother is on a Demon Sect Saintess secret, momentarily will open, when the time comes let alone I have Nether Blood Demon Blade, even if I do not have, I can talk clearly me am not the person of Demon Sect?!” “再一个,我母亲就是上一任魔宗圣女的秘密,随时都会揭开,到时候别说我拥有冥血魔刀,就算我没有,难道我能说清楚我不是魔宗之人?!” Ling Yun said that faint smile is looking at Qin Dongxue, asked: Little Aunt, if you decide to stand this side me, in their eyes already was fell into Devil Path to be beyond redemption, but also thinks issue that what washed clean?” 凌云说完,似笑非笑的望着秦冬雪,问道:“小姨,如果你真的决定站在我这一边,在他们眼里早就算是堕入魔道万劫不复了,还想什么洗清洗不清的问题呢?” Qin Dongxue by the heartbeat that Ling Yun looked at like the drum, the complexion is blushed slightly, suddenly was charmingly angry: Brat, Little Aunt has not thought with you do not stand, I was worried, feared because of this matter, henceforth breaks off with my Sect!” 秦冬雪凌云看的心跳如鼓,脸色微微的羞红了一下,忽然娇嗔道:“臭小子,小姨根本就没有想过不跟你站在一起,我只是在担心,怕因为这件事情,从此跟我的师门决裂嘛!” Brat, even if betrays Sect, spells is spurned by the world 1 million rivers and lakes correct paths, accompanies you to fall into that beyond redemption Devil Path, Little Aunt is also willing! 臭小子,就算真的背叛师门,拼着被天下1000000江湖正道唾弃,陪你堕入那万劫不复的魔道,小姨也是心甘情愿! Naturally, this is the Qin Dongxue innermost thoughts, is naturally impossible to say. 当然,这是秦冬雪的心里话,自然不可能说出来。 Since the Qin Dongxue vindicating heart mark, has stood own thoroughly, what that Ling Yun also does have to be good to be worried? 既然秦冬雪表白心迹,已经彻底站在了自己这边,那凌云还有什么好担心的? His self-satisfied smiles, to say proudly: Little Aunt, you tonight boldly keep an appointment, when the time comes I accompany you to go together!” 他得意的嘿嘿一笑,傲然道:“小姨,那你今晚就大胆赴约,到时候我陪你一起去!” If the Divine Sword Village person knows the limitation, I am naturally polite to them, should have the courtesy that to be equally many \; But they, if dares to feel embarrassed you a little, ahem...... I ensure made them unable to eat to capture walking!” “如果神剑山庄的人识相,那我自然对他们客客气气,该有的礼数一样不少\;可他们要是敢为难你一点儿,哼哼……我保证让他们吃不了兜着走!” Qin Dongxue actually shook the head: Ling Yun, that after all is my Sect, you cannot act sloppily.” 秦冬雪却摇了摇头:“凌云,那毕竟是我的师门,你可不能真的胡来。” Moreover, my big Senior Brother said that what tonight talks to me is the Sect internal matter, I am impossible to lead you to go.” “而且,我大师兄说了,今晚跟我谈的是师门内部的事,我不可能带你去。” The Qin Dongxue facial expression is firm, Ling Yun has no longer to insist, said: good good good, your own goes, I am staying at home.” 秦冬雪神情坚决,凌云只好不再坚持,说道:“好好好,你自己去,我在家呆着。” in the heart said: You do not make me go, my own not going secretly? 心中却道:你不让我去,难道我自己不会偷偷的去啊? Qin Dongxue saw Ling Yun to comply finally, a heart loosen, turned head suddenly, had the profound meaning greatly glanced Ling Yun one. 秦冬雪凌云终于答应了,心头一松,忽然扭头,大有深意的瞟了凌云一眼。 Brat, today that matter you have not hidden the truth from me, I am very happy.” “臭小子,今天那件事你没有瞒我,我真的很开心。” Little Aunt will certainly defend this secret for you!” 小姨一定会为你守住这个秘密的!” Ling Yun sprinkles however smiles: You are my Little Aunt, whom didn't tell you to tell? As for this secret, can conceal the truth is concealing the truth, could not conceal the truth saying that was actually not the big matter.” 凌云洒然一笑:“你是我小姨嘛,不告诉你告诉谁?至于这个秘密,能瞒着就瞒着,瞒不住了就说出来呗,其实也不是多大事儿。” Qin Dongxue smiles tenderly, beautifully like female celestial. 秦冬雪嗤嗤娇笑,美艳如仙女。 But at this time, the Ling Yun's thoughts, already flew Dragon Gate Mountain. 而这时候,凌云的心思,早就飞到龙门山去了。 Little Aunt, does your Divine Sword Village big Senior Brother name?” 小姨,你那位神剑山庄的大师兄叫什么名字?” Guo Xiaotian.” 郭校天。”
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