DEMG :: Volume #10

#966: I did not feel relieved

Regarding own Sect, Qin Dongxue seems not willing excessively to mention, she has no interest to yearn for the Clear Water Lake beautiful scene, at this time the turning around old route returned. 对于自己师门,秦冬雪似乎不愿意过多提及,她更无心留恋清水湖的美景,这时候已经转身原路返回了。 Ling Yun is actually in hot pursuit, walks while asked: Little Aunt, is your this big Senior Brother, what boundary the present?” 凌云却紧追不放,边走边问道:“小姨,那你这位大师兄,现在是什么境界啊?” This issue is very essential, Ling Yun naturally must ask that understands. 这个问题很关键,凌云当然要问个明白。 Qin Dongxue sped up the footsteps, said ill-humoredly: Does not know.” 秦冬雪加快了脚步,没好气说道:“不知道。” Ling Yun listened to stare, asked back startled: Doesn't know? How possible?” 凌云听了一愣,愕然反问道:“不知道?怎么可能?” Qin Dongxue frowned slightly, has postponed footsteps, turned head horizontal Ling Yun, the exit|to speak lesson said: Brat, you do not know, on the rivers and lakes inquired casually others' boundary strength, is the big death anniversary of walk rivers and lakes?” 秦冬雪微微蹙眉,放缓了脚步,扭头横了凌云一眼,出口教训道:“臭小子,难道你不知道,在江湖上随便打听别人的境界实力,是行走江湖的大忌吗?” em/hiccup......” ……” Ling Yun immediately handsome face one red, had nothing to say in reply. 凌云顿时俊脸一红,无言以对。 Qin Dongxue said truly is the truth, walks on the rivers and lakes, if some people inquired others' boundary strength casually, so long as this matter passed to the ear of opposite party, then inquired that person, thinks that some people want to ask him to challenge, the person personal enemy who particularly inquired were many, even thinks that had the personal enemy to prepare to ask him to seek revenge. 秦冬雪说的确实是实情,在江湖上行走,如果有人随便打听别人的境界实力,这种事只要传到对方的耳朵里去,那么被打听的那个人,会认为有人想找他挑战,尤其是被打听的人仇家很多的话,甚至会认为是有仇家要准备找他寻仇了。 Also, on the rivers and lakes has wanted to step on the person who others' shoulder is becoming famous the high-rank many such as the multitude of people moving to and fro, the own boundary strength, once were known by the person with high aspirations, that didn't become others has praised to set up ten thousand stepping-stones? 再说了,江湖上想踩着别人的肩头出名上位的人多如过江之鲫,自己的境界实力一旦被有心人知道了,那不就成了别人扬名立万的垫脚石了? If the match walks to challenge, even if own won, but the sword and spear does not have the eye, if injured the opposite party, that enmity may have, since the opposite party dares to visit to challenge on own initiative, definitely was good bravely to fight the generation of suppressing, this person, who dares guarantee that he will not bear a grudge, in the future will walk to seek revenge? 如果对手找上门来挑战,就算自己打赢了,可是刀枪无眼,万一伤了对方,那仇怨可就结下了,既然对方敢主动上门挑战,肯定是好勇斗狠之辈,这种人,谁敢保证他不会怀恨在心,将来会找上门来寻仇? Also, let alone worked as others' stepping-stone, even if came Challenger to compare notes for the purpose of martial arts, lost will not bear a grudge, that own also imperceptibly has become others hone. 还有,别说当别人的垫脚石了,就算来挑战者真的旨在武功切磋,输了不会记仇,那自己也无形中成了人家的磨刀石了。 No matter the stepping-stone is also good, is hone, nobody is willing to go to work as, therefore, only if the best friend good friend of knowing the whole story, nobody will be casual the own boundary strength tells others. 不管是垫脚石也好,还是磨刀石也罢,都没有人愿意去当,因此,除非是知根知底的至交好友,没有人会随随便便把自己的境界实力告诉别人。 Therefore, inquired casually others' boundary strength, truly is the big death anniversary of walk rivers and lakes. 所以,随便打听别人的境界实力,确实是行走江湖的大忌。 Also for this reason, genuine rivers and lakes Expert, walk rivers and lakes time, as far as possible low-key is incomparable, only if forced life and death preying, otherwise can not get rid not to get rid, gives others deep conceals has not revealed the impression. 也正是因为这个原因,真正的江湖高手,行走江湖的时候,都尽量低调无比,除非迫不得已生死搏杀,否则能不出手就不会出手,才给了别人“深藏不露”的印象。 Ling Yun naturally understands these rivers and lakes customs, but he changes mind thinks, wonders to ask: But Little Aunt, that is Guo Xiaotian your big Senior Brother yeah?” 凌云自然是明白这些江湖规矩的,可他转念一想,纳闷问道:“可是小姨,那个郭校天是你的大师兄哎?” Qin Dongxue does not have means that Ling Yun asked that simply stopped the footsteps, settled down saying: Brat, who is tells you, he is my big Senior Brother, can I know his boundary?” 秦冬雪凌云问的没办法,干脆停下了脚步,驻足说道:“臭小子,是谁告诉你,他是我的大师兄,我就一定得知道他的境界的?” Looked the appearance that the Ling Yun whole face cannot think through, Qin Dongxue has to explain, sound bitter and astringent say/way: Ling Yun, do not think that Little Aunt in the Divine Sword Village scholarship, with is the same in the own family/home, will be treated as the beloved daughter thousand gold (daughter) princess to respect by all people generally is favoring......” 凌云满脸都是想不通的样子,秦冬雪只好解释,声音苦涩道:“凌云,你不要以为小姨神剑山庄学艺,就跟在自己的家里一样,会被所有人当做掌上明珠千金公主一般敬着宠着……” Just the opposite, each Ancient Martial school has the own harsh sect rule, studies with a teacher, must endure hardship......” “恰恰相反,每一个古武门派都有自己的苛刻门规,拜师学艺,是要吃苦的……” Little Aunt in Qin Family, although was regarded as the beloved daughter, may in Divine Sword Village, from the beginning be an ordinary basic disciple......” 小姨秦家虽然被视作掌上明珠,可在神剑山庄,一开始不过是一名普通的入门弟子罢了……” Qin Dongxue was touched the concern, gradually feels dejected, the forced smile said: Little Aunt in Divine Sword Village study sword 20 years, before breaking through Innate Realm, all martial arts are the big Senior Brother teach for the master actually, after breaking through Innate Realm, officially was received by the master for the disciple......” 秦冬雪被触及了心事,逐渐黯然神伤,苦笑道:“小姨神剑山庄学剑20年,在突破先天境界之前,所有武功其实都是大师兄代师传授的,直到突破先天境界之后,才被师傅正式收为弟子……” So that's how it is.” “原来如此。” Did not need Qin Dongxue to say again, Ling Yun has understood what is heard, since the Qin Dongxue martial arts majority of were Guo Xiaotian teaches, then Guo Xiaotian was the Qin Dongxue half master, was Qin Dongxue where how possibly entitled, to ask the Guo Xiaotian boundary strength? 不需要秦冬雪再说下去,凌云就已经听明白了,既然秦冬雪的武功大部分都是郭校天教的,那么郭校天就算是秦冬雪的半个师傅,秦冬雪哪有资格,怎么可能去问郭校天的境界实力? Moreover, Ling Yun can see from the expression of Qin Dongxue more and more downcast, she in the Divine Sword Village scholarship in the twenty years, definitely crosses very much bitterly, is very bitter. 而且,凌云秦冬雪越来越神伤的表情就可以看出,她在神剑山庄学艺这二十年,肯定过得很苦,很苦。 Ling Yun's in the heart flood tender feelings, corners of the mouth has actually raised has wiped to sneer. 凌云的心中泛起了一丝柔情,嘴角儿却掀起了一抹冷笑。 Only listens to Qin Dongxue also saying: I, although not clear Senior Brother Guo concrete boundary strength, but five years ago Sect's Great Competition, he only uses wooden sword, in ten moves, breaks sword of arrange/cloth other four fellow apprentices collaborated......” 只听秦冬雪又说道:“我虽然不清楚郭师兄具体的境界实力,可在五年前门内大比的时候,他只用一把木剑,在十招之内,就破了其他四个师兄联手的布的剑阵……” Now wants to come, at that time, he broke through the Innate 8-layer boundary......” “现在想来,在那个时候,他就已经突破了先天八层境界了吧……” Ling Yun in the heart one cold, on the mouth actually does not care at all, disdains saying: Any broken sword, making wooden sword give to break......” 凌云心中一凛,嘴上却满不在乎,不屑说道:“什么破剑阵啊,让一把木剑就给破了……” However Ling Yun is equaling at heart actually: Five years ago breaks through Innate 8-layer, his practice again slow, now can also reach the Innate 8-layer peak?” 不过凌云心里却在合计:“五年前突破先天八层,那他就算修炼的再慢,现在也得达到先天八层巅峰了吧?” Divine Sword Village, came Innate 8-layer peak Expert to assume personal command, that other schools...... 只是一个神剑山庄,就来了一名先天八层巅峰的高手坐镇,那其他的门派…… Has estimated casually, the Ling Yun's mood becomes heavy, it seems like that the strength in prestigious family honest this aspect is not small, cannot look down on absolutely. 随便估量了一下,凌云的心情就变得沉重起来,看来名门正派这方面的力量不小啊,绝对不能小瞧。 Ling Yun hesitates was saying: „Is your this big fellow apprentice's disposition what kind of? Good to speak?” 凌云沉吟着说道:“那你这位大师兄的性格怎么样?好说话吗?” Since the boundary strength cannot ask, Ling Yun has to draw back to ask next, inquired that Guo Xiaotian disposition, hopes that Little Aunt will not receive the opposite party to be too many awkwardly. 既然境界实力问不出来,凌云只好退而求其次,去打听郭校天的性格,希望小姨不会受到对方太多为难。 Who knows Ling Yun to ask, the Qin Dongxue expression became heavier, she smiled bitterly to say once more: „If good to speak, that Little Aunt did not need such to intertwine......” 谁知凌云一问,秦冬雪的表情变得更加沉重了,她再次苦笑道:“要是好说话,那小姨也就不用这么纠结了……” Master not, when or closes up, is handles Divine Sword Village all by the big Senior Brother, he most regards as important the custom, in his eyes non- black is white, is that type believes person who evil does not coexist, therefore, after hearing Nether Blood Demon Blade reveals itself, he on own initiative will catch up......” “师傅不在或者闭关的时候,都是由大师兄打理神剑山庄的一切,他最看重规矩,在他眼里非黑即白,是那种坚信正邪不两立的人,也正是因此,听说冥血魔刀出世之后,他才会主动赶来……” Ling Yun in the heart fiercely one cool. 凌云心中猛地一凉。 Troubled! No wonder Little Aunt after receiving pass on message, will display the condition that type worries about anxious, originally this closes does not feel better really! 麻烦了!怪不得小姨在接到传讯之后,会表现出那种焦虑担忧的状态,原来这一关真的不好过啊! However Ling Yun changes mind thinks, own had already had the mind set on the thoughts that all the enemies hit to take knocking it off, but who also managed his opposite party is who did? 不过凌云转念一想,自己早就抱定了把所有来敌都打服了拉倒的心思,还管他对方谁是谁干嘛? Although Little Aunt the words are fuzzy, had not explained the words, but Ling Yun also already looked, Little Aunt in Divine Sword Village dull is unhappy, since is unhappy, what that also in that does break in Zhuangzi to stay is wasting time to make? 小姨虽然言辞模糊,没有把话说明,可凌云也早已看出来了,小姨神剑山庄呆的并不开心,既然不开心,那还在那个破庄子里呆着浪费时间做什么? Thought through this point, Ling Yun has shown a faint smile, lifted the hand gently, patted the fragrant shoulder comfort of Qin Dongxue saying: Was good, Little Aunt, since your big Senior Brother is your half master, I have also felt relieved, you feel relieved in the evening then the line!” 想通了这一点,凌云微微一笑,轻轻抬手,拍了拍秦冬雪的香肩安慰道:“行了,小姨,既然你那位大师兄是你的半个师傅,那我也就放心了,你晚上放心去就行!” Qin Dongxue in the heart sighed, on the mouth actually smiled, the nod said: Em, the big Senior Brother is usually very good to me, I also believe that he extremely will definitely not feel embarrassed me.” 秦冬雪心中叹息,嘴上却微笑,点头道:“恩,大师兄平时对我很好,我也相信他肯定不会太过为难我。” Ling Yun knows that Qin Dongxue is forcing oneself to look cheerful, but on his mouth did not divulge, but said: Walks, we go home, since must go out in the evening, that daytime well rests, conserves strength.” 凌云知道秦冬雪在强颜欢笑,可他嘴上却不说破,只是说道:“走吧,咱们回家,既然晚上要出门,那白天就得好好休息,养精蓄锐。” two people had the conclusion of tacit understanding extremely this topic, this Ling Yun took a step first, after going out of several steps, he suddenly also suddenly then asks: Little Aunt, that did your previous that Senior Brother willow, this time come?” 两人极有默契的结束了这个话题,这次凌云先迈步,走出几步之后,他忽然又冷不丁回头问道:“小姨,那个,你上次那位柳师兄,这次来了没有啊?” Qin Dongxue is worried, careless returning said: Came.” 秦冬雪心事重重,漫不经心的回道:“来了。” On road that returns, two people has not spoken again, Ling Yun at heart has actually been arranging the plan, in the evening secretly with Little Aunt goes to Dragon Gate Mountain is affirmative, may before, him also need meticulously to prepare. 返回的路上,两人再也没有怎么说话,凌云却在心里定好了计划,晚上偷偷跟着小姨龙门山是肯定的了,可在去之前,他还需要精心准备一番。 After returning to No. 1 villa, Ling Yun discovered, Tang Meng already calling to come Li Yi and Jiao Fei, he knows that these two people are do do, therefore called three people to arrive at the gym directly. 回到一号别墅之后,凌云发现,唐猛已经把李义焦飞给叫了来了,他知道这两个人是来干嘛的,于是直接叫着三人来到了健身房。 The gym in No. 1 villa is very big, but most spaces have piled up with the refinement Talisman medicinal herb that the gunnysack thinks, Ling Yun rubbish, made Li Yi look for a spatial gunnysack to come directly, left hand in toward the gunnysack, the thought moved, only in listened to be thin crash-bang, more than 30 Desert Eagle Pistol completely have loaded in the gunnysack. 一号别墅的健身房很大,但大多数空间都堆满了用麻袋装着的炼制符箓的药材,凌云也不废话,直接让李义找了一个空麻袋过来,把左手往麻袋里一塞,意念一动,只听稀里哗啦,30多把沙鹰手枪就全部装入了麻袋之中。 Ling Yun does not attend to Li Yi and Jiao Fei shocking look, turns the head the sinking sound to say to Tang Meng: Tang Meng, these Desert Eagle Pistol, which brothers you must to with me, no matter, that but I said that does not permit to make anybody take the pistol to deal with the average person, did the good person or the unprincipled person, remember?” 凌云不顾李义焦飞震惊的神色,转头沉声对唐猛说道:“唐猛,这些沙鹰手枪,你要给哪些弟兄用我不管,但我说的那条,不准让任何人拿着手枪去对付普通人,无论是好人还是坏人,记住了?” Tang Meng excited hehe smiles, nods again and again, affirmed that will not have problems. 唐猛兴奋的嘿嘿直笑,连连点头,表示肯定不会出问题。 Ling Yun then looks at Li Yi saying: Li Yi, if I have not remembered incorrectly, you when Heavens Killing are the killer, most excels with spear/gun?” 凌云这才看着李义说道:“李义,如果我没记错的话,你在天杀做杀手的时候,最擅长的就是用枪?” Li Yi bad words, but nodded gently. 李义不善言辞,只是轻轻点了点头。 Ling Yun said with a smile: Good, after that and other guns send, teaches the brothers with the duty of spear/gun, gave you.” 凌云笑道:“那好,那等这些枪支发下去之后,教弟兄们用枪的任务,就交给你了。” On the Li Yi face had an excited smiling face finally, the nod said respectfully: Yes.” 李义脸上终于有了一丝兴奋笑容,点头恭敬道:“是。” Goes.” “去吧。” Ling Yun waving makes two people carry the gunnysack to depart. 凌云挥挥手让两人扛着麻袋离去。 Tang Meng has not thought that Ling Yun such made two people walk, he hurried to pursue their two buttocks to run, urged one to run outside carefully. 唐猛没想到凌云就这么让两人走了,他赶紧追着他们俩的屁股跑了出去,又在外面仔细叮嘱了一番才跑了回来。 Ling Yun frowned said slightly: Did not say that does not make you take care the Azure Dragon matter, forgot?” 凌云微微皱眉道:“不是说不让你管青龙的事情么,怎么忘了?” Tang Meng hehe ridicules saying: Hehe, the last time, A Bing this is not, I have to help him do for somebody.” 唐猛嘿嘿讪笑道:“嘿嘿,最后一次,阿兵这不是不在嘛,我只好帮他代劳了。” A Bing?” 阿兵呢?” „The Azure Dragon matter are many, he handled the matter to go......” 青龙的事情很多,他去处理事情去了……” Ling Yun thought that A Bing is just the Azure Dragon eldest child, any martial arts, the enemy should not find on him for a while, therefore nodded. 凌云心想阿兵只不过是青龙的老大,也不会什么武功,敌人一时应该不会找到他头上,于是点了点头。 Since A Bing walked, that just right...... Is moving this, that goes the kitchen with me......” “既然阿兵走了,那正好……搬着这个,还有那个,跟我去厨房……” Ling Yun puts out a hand, points at two to pack the medicinal herb the gunnysack, said to Tang Meng. 凌云伸手,指着两个装满药材的麻袋,对唐猛说道。 Tang Meng immediately a complexion pain: Brother Yun, does?” 唐猛顿时脸色一苦:“云哥,又干嘛呀?” Ling Yun hehe said with a smile: Also can do? Refines Talisman......” 凌云呵呵笑道:“还能干嘛?炼制符箓呗……” Afternoon time, Ling Yun is drawing Tang Meng this free coolie, has refined Pure Healing Talisman, Fire Spiritual Talisman, Defense Talisman, Diamond Talisman and Divine Walking Talisman, respectively 100. 一下午的时间,凌云拉着唐猛这个免费苦力,又炼制了清愈符,火灵符,防御符,金刚符神行符,各100张。 10 : 00 pm, Qin Dongxue traded the black gold demon silkworm to travel by night the clothes, prepared good to tidy up readily for her Ling Yun, raised the sword to go out, prepares to rush to Dragon Gate Mountain. 晚上十点,秦冬雪换好了乌金魔蚕夜行衣,把凌云为她准备好的一切收拾停当,提剑出门,准备赶赴龙门山 Ling Yun and Ning Lingyu and the others, have delivered to the entrance Qin Dongxue. 凌云宁灵雨等人,一直把秦冬雪送到大门口。 In the dim light of night, Ling Yun said with a smile: Little Aunt, you put on to travel by night clothes to be too garish, or do I drive to deliver you to the Dragon Gate Mountain under foot?” 夜色中,凌云笑道:“小姨,你穿着夜行衣太扎眼,要不我开车送你到龙门山脚下吧?” Qin Dongxue horizontal Ling Yun, said: What's wrong, Little Aunt doesn't movement technique believe? Do not think that I do not know any wicked scheme that you hit, if you to Dragon Gate Mountain, did not come up to be strange!” 秦冬雪横了凌云一眼,说道:“怎么,连小姨轻功也不相信了?别以为我不知道你打的什么鬼主意,你要是到了龙门山,不上去才怪呢!” Ling Yun also knows excuse that own finds is too inferior, therefore laughs to relinquish. 凌云也知道自己找的理由太蹩脚,于是哈哈一笑作罢。 Relax, Little Aunt can certainly explain clearly for you, walked!” “放心吧,小姨一定能替你解释清楚的,走了!” A Qin Dongxue tip of the toe point, tender body flashed not to have, vanishes in the boundless view of night. 秦冬雪脚尖一点,娇躯一闪而没,消失在了茫茫夜色之中。 After Qin Dongxue departs, Ling Yun stands in same place, looks at this deep dim light of night, in the heart is whispering at present: Relax? On your big Senior Brother, how can make me feel relieved?” 秦冬雪离去之后,凌云站在原地,望着眼前这深沉的夜色,心中嘀咕道:“放心?就你那位大师兄,怎么能让我放心呢?”
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