DEMG :: Volume #10

#964: Three big powerful enemy

Was good, in wordy said these many to you, actually such selects the matter, everybody knew in heart was also good, did not need to care.” “好了,啰里啰嗦跟你们说这么多,其实就是这么点儿事情,大家心里有数也就行了,不用太放在心上。” Was similar to Ling Yun said that the bowstring stretched tightened will have been cut off, therefore his today came to divulge simply non-toxic, as for news that such shocked, to everyone brought the big impact at heart, he was also disinclined to worry again. 如同凌云所说,弓弦绷的太紧了会断掉,因此他今天索性来了个说破无毒,至于这么震撼的消息,会给每个人的心里带来多大的冲击,他也懒得再去操心。 humanity all fears stem from unknown, when the people heard, saw, knew the after truth of matter, instead did not need to be worried excessively, only needed to go facing difficultly, went to complete the matter then. 人类所有的恐惧都源于未知,当人们听到了,看到了,知道了事情的真相之后,反而不用去过度担心了,只需要去面对困难,一件一件去把事情做好即可。 Ling Yun opened the matter completely, actually while letting them understood complete fact, made their heart the pressure obtain the alleviation and release! 凌云把事情全部揭开,其实在让他们了解全部的事实的同时,更让他们心头的压力得到了缓解和释放! The situation seems very serious, the enemy also is very formidable, but if anyone, cannot shoulder including the present difficulty and pressure, Ling Yun cannot count on that he can on the own future road, how long insists. 事态看上去很严重,敌人很多也很强大,但如果有谁,连眼前的这点儿困难和压力都扛不住的话,凌云不能指望他能在自己将来的路上,坚持多久。 Menghan and Rou'er, you two live in my room, for these days anything do not think, adjusts the optimum condition the body as soon as possible, prepares to attack Innate Realm!” 梦寒柔儿,你们两个住我的房间,这几天什么都不要去想,尽快把身体调整到最佳状态,准备冲击先天境界!” As for other people, you should be how what kind, should eat meal, this practice practice, in our villa anything does not lack in any case, do not give the own too tremendous pressure.” “至于其他人,你们该怎么样还是怎么样,该吃饭吃饭,该修炼修炼,反正咱们别墅里什么都不缺,不要给自己太大压力。” Said these, Ling Yun to/clashes everybody to wave suddenly: Has dispersed, why should why go, I and Little Aunt must discuss the matter.” 说完这些,凌云忽然冲大家挥挥手:“都散了散了,该干嘛干嘛去,我和小姨还要商量事情。” today enough overbearing of Ling Yun performance, does not give the opportunity that anybody spoke, because he said after these matters, a more important matter needs to process. 今天凌云表现的足够霸道,不给任何人说话的机会,因为他说完这些事情之后,还有更重要的事情需要处理。 One hear of Ling Yun and Qin Dongxue must discuss the matter, the people know them unable to help, here will only add to the chaos, therefore diverges respectively, did what is right. 一听凌云秦冬雪要商量事情,众人知道他们帮不上什么忙,在这里只会添乱,于是各自散去,各行其是去了。 The Tang Meng hesitation, pulls the buttocks not to be willing to walk, scratches the head saying: Brother Yun, I......” 唐猛踌躇,扯着屁股不愿意走,挠着头道:“云哥,那我……” Ling Yun ridicules saying: You, although cannot leave No. 1 villa casually, hasn't been able to make others come? You have the cell phone to have the computer, what matter couldn't process?” 凌云笑骂道:“你虽然不能随便离开一号别墅,难道还不能让别人过来吗?你有手机有电脑,什么事情处理不了?” Tang Meng hehe said with a smile: Knew Brother Yun, but that matter......” 唐猛嘿嘿笑道:“知道了云哥,可那件事……” Ling Yun knows that Tang Meng never forgets to keep thinking about his more than 30 spears/guns, therefore said with a smile: In my hands cannot lose, what are you anxious? When I and Little Aunt discussed that proper business, naturally can give you!” 凌云知道唐猛念念不忘惦记他的30多把枪,于是笑着说道:“在我手里又丢不了,你急什么?等我和小姨商量完了正事,自然都会给你!” Good!” “好嘞!” Tang Meng has complied with one, draws A Bing to slide slightly runs, charges into the Ling Yun's study room directly, he regarded his temporary office there. 唐猛应了一声,拉着阿兵一溜小跑,直接冲向凌云的书房,他把那里当成他的临时办公室了。 After two people departs, has stood Tie Xiaohu that is silent there, the sinking sound said: Brother Yun, I went to courtyard practice.” 两人离去之后,一直站在那里沉默不语的铁小虎,沉声说道:“云哥,那我去院子里修炼了。” Ling Yun nods, the injunction said: Tie Xiaohu, you, although nears to pass/test, but prohibited that should not be irritable, fights steadily to take your time, such you will discover, once after important pass breakthrough, the practice effect is best, the advantage that obtains are most!” 凌云点点头,嘱咐道:“铁小虎,你虽然冲关在即,但切忌不要急躁,稳扎稳打慢慢来,那样你会发现,关口一旦突破之后,修炼的效果最好,得到的好处最多!” Ling Yun such urged Tie Xiaohu, his wasn't own never so? If to not establish the Body Refining foundation, built the foundation solidly, Ling Yun facing such major difficulty, already chose to/clashes the pass/test forcefully, broke through Qi Practicing Stage, but such breakthrough, will cause no end of trouble for the future, Ling Yun does not want to be careless. 凌云这么叮嘱铁小虎,他自己何尝又不是如此?如果不是为了把练体的根基打牢,把基础打扎实了,凌云面对这么大的困难,早就选择强行冲关,突破练气期了,可那样突破,会导致后患无穷,凌云不想草率罢了。 Finally, side Ling Yun's, finally only remaining a Qin Dongxue person. 最后,凌云的身边,终于只剩下了秦冬雪一人。 Only remains two people, Qin Dongxue is unable to avoid the Ling Yun sword general sharp vision again, she received to be anxious and agitated suddenly, smiled to Ling Yun. 只剩两人,秦冬雪再也无法躲避凌云剑一般的锐利目光,她突然收起了焦虑和烦躁,冲凌云嫣然一笑。 Brat, is placed all matters in everybody's front all of a sudden, you were actually happy, is this, can they shoulder really?” “臭小子,一下子把所有的事情都摆在大家的面前,你倒是痛快了,可是这样,他们真的能扛得住吗?” The Ling Yun facial expression is earnest, said self-confidently: I believe them, will not disappoint me absolutely.” 凌云神情认真无比,自信说道:“我相信他们,绝对不会让我失望的。” Little Aunt, we...... Goes to Clear Water Lake to walk?” 小姨,我们……去清水湖边走走?” The following matter, Ling Yun does not want to discuss in No. 1 villa, therefore offered the invitation with Qin Dongxue. 接下来的事情,凌云不想在一号别墅里谈,于是主动跟秦冬雪提出了邀请。 Qin Dongxue nods, two people also sets out, side-by-side went out of the villa, disregards the top of the head sinister hot sun, toward villa outside, slowly line. 秦冬雪点点头,两人同时起身,肩并肩走出了别墅,无视头顶毒辣的烈日,向着别墅外面,缓缓而行。 Quick, the two people form, went out of the range of No. 1 villa, went out of No. 1 villa area, arrived at being full of tourists Clear Water Lake. 很快,两人的身影,就走出了一号别墅的范围,走出了一号别墅区,来到了游人如织的清水湖边。 The greenery of lakeside, has blocked the hot sun of top of the head, breeze blow, on cool the air Clear Water Lake non-stop sending, the Clear Water Lake ocean waves ripple, the wave light is clear, fine scenery. 湖边的绿树,挡住了头顶的烈日,微风吹拂,把清水湖上凉爽的空气不停送来,清水湖碧波荡漾,波光粼粼,风景优美至极。 Appreciated the lake and mountain scenery complementing each other, the Qin Dongxue mood markedly was changing for the better, she opened the mouth first. 欣赏着湖光山色,秦冬雪的心情明显好转了许多,她先开口。 Brat, did you note? Your each and everyone said these enemies a moment ago time, Lingyu has grabbed closely my hand, her body has been shivering......” “臭小子,你注意到了吗?刚才你一个个说出那些敌人的时候,灵雨一直紧紧抓着我的手,她的身体一直在颤抖……” Ling Yun gives a calm smile: Naturally noted, incessantly was Lingyu, other people were also same. However, the fact is the fact, should face must go to face, has the pressure, dynamic!” 凌云淡然一笑:“当然注意到了,不止是灵雨,其他人也是一样。但是,事实就是事实,该面对的总要去面对,有压力,才会有动力!” I started to launch the head confrontation with China Ancient Martial World now, if these facts, 1510 exposing, has not protected them now, but has harmed them.” “我现在已经开始跟华夏古武界展开了正面交锋,如果现在还不把这些事实,1510的说穿,那么,就不是保护他们了,而是害了他们。” Qin Dongxue said with a smile: Therefore Little Aunt today was being said by you, has not stopped you, but these news said all of a sudden, to their influences was really too big.” 秦冬雪笑道:“所以小姨今天由着你说,一点儿都没有阻拦你,只是这些消息一下子说出来,对他们的影响实在是太大了。” Ling Yun said with a smile: Little Aunt, does not have to be so serious actually, among them who you said that Cao Shanshan has experienced me with own eyes with more than 200 Blood Clan wars \; But Tie Xiaohu and Tang Meng, personally sees me to kill people, Miao Xiaomiao, Ning'er, I kill Sun Family comes Clear Water City four Great Expert the first time, they also present......” 凌云笑道:“小姨,其实也没有你说的那么严重,他们当中,曹珊珊是亲眼见识了我跟200多名血族大战的\;而铁小虎唐猛,也是亲眼见过我杀人的,还有苗小苗,凝儿,我杀孙家最先来清水市的四大高手的时候,她们也都在场……” „After today I said these, among them definitely will exchange, the matter, feared that everybody suppressed in did not say at heart, once openly expressed that the pressure instead will not have.” 今天我说了这些之后,他们之间肯定会有所交流,事情嘛,就怕大家都憋在心里不说,一旦说开了,压力反而会没有了。” Then, Ling Yun has made the summary to this matter: I believe, two days, they can digest these matters completely cleanly.” 说完,凌云对这件事做了总结:“我相信,不出两天,他们就能把这些事情全部消化干净。” Qin Dongxue nods: Looks at finally everybody's facial expression, should be able to be so. This is also good, since they must with you, that openly express the matter, province hid the truth from this to hide the truth from that was not very troublesome!” 秦冬雪点点头:“看最后大家的神情,应该会是如此。这样也好,既然他们死活都要跟着你,那就把事情说开,省的瞒了这个瞒那个,不够麻烦的!” This matter settles, Qin Dongxue turns the head suddenly, is looking at the Ling Yun's profile, saying of faint smile: Brat, that Demon Sect Saintess Ye Xingchen, really with your alliance?” 这件事了结,秦冬雪忽然转头,望着凌云的侧脸,似笑非笑的说道:“臭小子,那个魔宗圣女夜星辰,真的跟你联盟了?” Little Aunt inquired about personally, Ling Yun told certainly the facts: Many news that yes, Little Aunt, my today said that particularly matter about Demon Sect, from Ye Xingchen there hear.” 小姨亲自过问,凌云当然实话实说:“是的,小姨,我今天说的很多消息,尤其是关于魔宗的事,都是从夜星辰那里听来的。” The Ling Yun's look enforces gradually: Little Aunt, you also know, I have recognized the ancestor to return to the birth family now, since had determined that my father is Ling Xiao, then my biological mother, naturally is on Demon Sect Saintess.” 凌云的神色逐渐严肃:“小姨,您也知道,我现在已经认祖归宗了,既然已经确定我爹是凌啸,那么我的亲娘,自然就是上一任的魔宗圣女。” Although yesterday evening, I and Ye Xingchen probed mutually, no one has said the own real status to them finally, but, I had very big premonition, Ye Xingchen should be my biological mother's apprentice!” “虽然昨天晚上,我和夜星辰互相试探,到最后俩人谁也没有说出自己的真实身份,可是,我有很大的预感,夜星辰应该就是我亲娘的徒弟!” Is listening to a Ling Yun biological mother, Qin Dongxue the feeling that inexplicable turning sour slightly, actually also in the heart chuckle to oneself at heart, is forcing a smile asking: „Did she test you?” 听着凌云一口一个亲娘,秦冬雪的心里莫名的微微发酸,却还有一种心中窃喜的感觉,强笑着问道:“她试探你了?” Good, after cutting has killed three big powerful enemies, we discussed at least two hours, during this, we have been probing mutually, she even also asked me to be why surnamed Ling.” “不错,斩杀了三大强敌之后,我们谈了至少两个小时,这期间我们一直在互相试探,她甚至还问起了我为何姓凌。” „Did you say?” “那你说了没有?” This cannot certainly say, does not know Lingyu, how I will also tell others, therefore plays the fool, pesters endlessly, gets by under false pretences.” “这个当然不能说,连灵雨都不知道,我又怎么会告诉别人,于是装傻,胡搅蛮缠,蒙混过关。” Qin Dongxue said with a smile: How long you could not hide the truth from.” 秦冬雪笑道:“你也瞒不了多久了。” Helpless Ling Yun said: Conceals the truth for day is a day, if were not my father has been missing, considered that his life and death safety, my this time went to Capital City to recognize the ancestor to return to the birth family, my grandfather must announce the world my life experience directly!” 凌云无奈道:“瞒一天是一天,如果不是我爹失踪了,考虑他的生死安危,我这次去京城认祖归宗,我爷爷就要直接把我的身世宣告天下了!” Em, recognized the ancestor to return to the birth family, had the biological father biological mother, cannot forget my Elder Sister......” “恩,认祖归宗,有了亲爹亲娘,可不能忘了我姐姐……” Qin Dongxue has selected one unintentionally. 秦冬雪有意无意点了一句。 The Ling Yun vision is sincere: Little Aunt, you are I most own people.” 凌云目光诚挚:“小姨,你们都是我最亲的人。” Qin Dongxue smiles, kind lifting hand, has twisted the Ling Yun's cheeks, said with a smile: You, is a sweet-talking!” 秦冬雪嫣然一笑,亲切的抬手,拧了拧凌云的脸颊,笑道:“你呀,就是嘴甜!” Ling Yun hehe said with a smile: Little Aunt is so sore I, naturally was I most own person!” 凌云嘿嘿笑道:“小姨那么疼我,当然是我最亲的人了!” A Qin Dongxue thread of conversation revolution: Was good, said that proper business, Chen Family sends the Clear Water influence to be cut to kill by you completely, Sun Family should not dare the people of faction to bring death again, now then the remaining these prestigious family honest and hidden world families, as well as that worked by fair means or foul Demon Sect?” 秦冬雪话锋一转:“好了,说说正事吧,陈家派来清水的势力被你斩杀殆尽,孙家应该也不敢再派别的人来送死了,现在是不是就剩下那些名门正派和隐世家族,以及那个做事不择手段魔宗了?” The Ling Yun nod said: At present seems like this, but speaks the truth, I honestly have not paid attention to these famous families, only if in them, there is above a first Heaven 9 level to have the Expert participation of magical powers......” 凌云点头道:“目前看来就是这样,但说实话,我心里根本就没把那些名门正派放在眼里,除非他们之中,有先天九层之上拥有神通的高手参与其中……” Does not wait for Qin Dongxue to respond, Ling Yun also said: For me, now truly threatening enemy, only then tripartite.” 不等秦冬雪回应,凌云又说道:“对我来说,现在真正有威胁的敌人,只有三方。” Demon Sect Saint Child Sikong Wuji, he is dark I in clearly . Moreover the strength is very formidable, I am very passive.” 魔宗圣子司空无忌,他在暗我在明,而且实力十分强大,我很被动。” „The influences of another two sides, is a side actually, the Blood Clan Dracula big duke, as well as Chen Family ancestor Chen Jingxuan......” “另外两方的势力,其实都属于一方,血族的德古拉大公爵,以及陈家的老祖宗陈敬玄……” As for Ninja of Japan, after Tokugawa Muto I butchered, should completely cut to kill cleanly, in the short-term insufficient is the worry.” “至于东洋的忍者,德川武藤被我宰了之后,应该全部斩杀干净了,短期内不足为虑。” Ling Yun said, finally adds: These three big powerful enemies, besides Sikong Wuji, other I had not said in the presence of everyone, because said them, I feared that some people will unable to shoulder, such worked just the opposite.” 凌云说完,最后补充道:“这三大强敌,除了司空无忌之外,其他的我都没有当众说,因为把他们说出来,我怕真的有人会扛不住,那样就适得其反了。” The Qin Dongxue tight sips tender lip, long time said: You say with Little Aunt now, did not fear that Little Aunt was worried for you? Morning time, I listened to Jester to narrate you last night a war, but knew these marquis could the magic.” 秦冬雪紧抿娇唇,半晌才道:“你现在跟小姨说出来,难道就不怕小姨为你担心了?上午的时候,我听杰斯特叙说你昨夜一战,可是知道了那些侯爵都会魔法。” Ling Yun sinking sound said: This is I wants to remind Little Aunt, has not thought of these Blood Clan, after marquis rank, really with is unexpectedly same, many magics in the material saying, they can turn the blood into the techniques, any blood arrow, acid arrow, recovered the technique secretly, the blood shield, the blood wall wait/etc. emerged one after another incessantly, unpredictable.” 凌云沉声道:“这正是我想提醒小姨的,没想到那些血族,到了侯爵级别以后,竟然真跟资料上说的一样,会很多魔法,他们可以化血为术,什么血箭,酸矢,暗愈术,血盾,血墙等等层出不穷,变化莫测。” Later runs into the marquis rank above Blood Clan enemy, you are surely careful.” “以后遇到侯爵级别以上的血族敌人,你千万要小心。” As for me, you do not need to be worried completely, I cope with the Blood Clan means to be many am . Moreover, even if the Dracula big duke comes personally, if I cannot hit , the escape does not have the issue.” “至于我,你完全不用担心,我对付血族的办法多得是,而且,就算德古拉大公爵亲自来,我如果真打不过,逃命还是没问题的。” Qin Dongxue then slightly felt relieved, the nod said with a smile: Em, in brief all your careful.” 秦冬雪这才略微放心,点头笑道:“恩,总之你一切小心。” two people said while walks, went out of one li (0.5 km) remote around the lakeside quickly, Ling Yun looked for a shade to stand firm, looked directly to Qin Dongxue. 两人边说边走,很快绕着湖边走出了一里之遥,凌云找了个阴凉处站定,正面看向秦冬雪 Little Aunt, in the morning, Tang Meng that fellow I telephone, said that Divine Sword Village passed on a message to you, what did they say?” 小姨,早上,唐猛那家伙给我打电话的时候,说神剑山庄给你传讯了,他们都说什么了?”
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