DEMG :: Volume #10

#963: Personal enemies 3000 how?!

Has the lunch time, since day after day under has been in highly anxiously constrains with peak No. 1 villa, because Ling Yun's safe return and two female was rescued, nature were more than some happy talks and laughters couple of days ago, the atmosphere as if appeared relaxed many. 吃午饭的时候,连日以来一直处于高度紧张和极致压抑下的一号别墅,因为凌云的平安归来和两女的被救,自然比前两天多了一些欢声笑语,气氛似乎显得轻松了不少。 However, this also is just representation. 但是,这也只不过是表象罢了。 Everyone in this villa knows, covers in the dark clouds that No. 1 villa withstand/top, not only has not diverged, but more and more thickly was dignified, that is in everyone heart is hanging a sharp sword. 这栋别墅里的每一个人都知道,笼罩在一号别墅顶上的阴云非但没有散去,而是越来越浓厚凝重了,那是每一个人心头上悬着的一把利剑。 Because the Ling Yun one person alone violates the danger, was placed the main battlefield in Xianrenling Mountain Range, two days No. 1 villa or entire Clear Water City, seemed uneventful, not any fight occurrence, but this, was more like the tranquility before storm. 因为凌云孤身犯险,把主战场摆在了仙人岭,这两天的一号别墅或者说整个清水市,看上去风平浪静,并没有任何战斗发生,可这,更像是暴风雨之前的宁静。 Everyone is not the surface seems like that relaxed, this point, when the food does not think to force oneself to look cheerful Qin Dongxue that and eats meal on the complexion more and more dignified Ling Yun's face, can manifest. 每一个人都不是表面看上去那般轻松,这一点,在茶饭不思强颜欢笑的秦冬雪和吃饭时脸色越来越凝重的凌云的脸上,就能体现出来。 Ling Yun night carries on the life and death war consecutively for two in Xianrenling Mountain Range, Qin Dongxue in the Clear Water City management general situation, protects the main house gate not to lose, the safety of people. 凌云连续两个夜晚在仙人岭进行生死大战,秦冬雪则在清水市主持大局,力保家门不失,众人的安全。 These two people to this villa, in everyone to present villa, are what kind of important, their was sad, has naturally decided everybody's mood. 这两个人对这栋别墅,对现在别墅里的每一个人,是何等的重要,他们的心情不好,自然决定了大家的心情。 But the Ling Yun's complexion is dignified, actually because of being afraid, but is he after thinking over, thought that had the words to say. 凌云的脸色凝重,却不是因为害怕,而是他在反复思考之后,觉得有话要说。 But aggressive self-confident Qin Dongxue that has displayed, today suddenly performance look not peaceful, even is obviously anxious, is because received an information. 而一直表现的霸气自信的秦冬雪,今天突然表现的神色不宁,甚至明显焦虑,则是因为收到了一个信息。 Several people had the lunch carelessly, Ling Yun had not left the dinner table, he waited for peacefully after everybody the dinner table tidied up, the dinner table, the people completely is calling in one. 十几个人草草吃过了午饭,凌云并没有离开餐桌,他安静等待大家把餐桌收拾好了之后,就着餐桌,把众人全部召集在了一起。 For these days had many matters, some to we very important matter, I thought that should talk clearly to you, quite makes everybody achieve in the heart to know how things stand \; Meanwhile, I must announce several matters.” “这几天发生了很多事,有一些对我们很重要的事情,我觉得应该给你们说清楚,好让大家做到心中有数\;同时,我还要宣布几件事情。” Ling Yun has chosen coming straight to the point, this time, Ling Yun not doing intentionally serene desirably, has not displayed in the ordinary day that languid all indifferent appearances, each matter that because then he said that relates to the life and death safety of here everyone. 凌云选择了开门见山,这一次,凌云没有刻意的故作云淡风轻,也没有表现出平日里那种懒洋洋一切无所谓的样子,因为接下来他说的每一件事,都关系到这里每一个人的生死安危。 Here, at present, everyone, is his family member, the woman, with brothers! 这里,眼前,每一个人,都是他的亲人,女人,和兄弟! These people, carry one casually, by far proliferate all industries of Clear Water City more important than him! 这些人,随便拎出一个来,都远远要比他遍布清水市的所有产业都更为重要! Any makes no mistake! 任何一个都不容有失! Therefore Ling Yun performance seriousness of , his vision glance people, one word at a time said: Then, I said, you listen, before I said that no one must interpose.” 所以凌云表现的很郑重,他目光扫视众人,一字一顿道:“接下来,我说,你们听,在我说完之前,谁都不许插话。” As we all know, three days ago this time, No. 1 villa came an unexpected visitor, the name of this guest, is called Bi Yuanjia, he once was the Sun Family potency.” “大家都知道,在三天前的这个时候,一号别墅来了一位不速之客,这个客人的名字,叫做毕元嘉,他曾经为孙家效力。” Bi Yuanjia has brought some important news to me, but, only has a news in fact.” 毕元嘉给我带来了一些很重要的消息,但其实说白了,只有一个消息。” Here, Ling Yun looked that to people who facial color worried about, finally the vision fell on the body of Lin Menghan and Yao Rou, smiled slowly, alleviated in the room the tension-filled atmosphere, explained one. 说到这里,凌云看向面色担忧的众人,最后目光落在了林梦寒姚柔的身上,缓缓一笑,缓解了一下屋里紧张的气氛,解释了一句。 At that time, Menghan and Rou'er two people was missing, is uncertain of one's fate, everybody that time was very anxious, moreover I to the trend of following entire matter, did not have the true assurance at heart. Therefore, has pressed this news, had not told everybody.” “当时,梦寒柔儿两人失踪,生死未卜,大家那时候都已经很紧张了,而且我也对接下来整个事情的走向,心里没有真正的把握。所以,就把这个消息压了下来,没有跟大家说。” But, the bowstring stretches will tighten will have been cut off, now their two already safe and sound came back, I thought, should tell everybody this news.” “但是,弓弦绷的太紧了就会断掉,现在她们两个已经安然无恙的回来了,我觉得,应该把这个消息告诉大家了。” Ling Yun spoke of here, in the room except for already understood that truth beside Qin Dongxue, everyone beyond example was tense, everybody turned very quiet, does not dare to breathe the atmosphere, the vision closely was staring at Ling Yun. 凌云说到这里,屋里除了早已了解事情真相的秦冬雪之外,每一个人都空前紧张了起来,大家屏住呼吸,连大气都不敢喘,目光紧紧盯着凌云 Ling Yun has not made everybody and others too long, he smiled to continue saying: Actually that news does not have anything, everybody also indistinctly understands.” 凌云并没有让大家等太久,他笑了笑继续说道:“其实那个消息也没什么,大家也都隐约明白。” „In the legend, China some Ancient Martial schools and hidden world families, with some enemies who I have the dead enmity, is beyond example consistent, comes Clear Water City to look for my trouble.” “就是传说里,华夏的一些古武门派和隐世家族,还有跟我结下死仇的一些敌人,空前一致的,都来清水市找我的麻烦而已。” A Ling Yun these words saying, suddenly felt in room the people in abundance long to breathe out, supercilious look that various beautiful women each and everyone rebuked charmingly horizontal, the meaning of that look expression was very clear, this was any broken news, we already knew! 凌云这句话一说,顿觉屋里众人都纷纷长出了一口气,众美一个个妩媚嗔怪的白眼儿横了过来,那眼神表达的意思很清楚,这算什么破消息,我们早就都知道了嘛! „What you do not know, these look for among my troublesome enemy, which schools has and aristocratic families specifically, as well as with the enemy who I have the absolutely irreconcilable death enmity, which people are!” “但你们不知道的是,这些来找我麻烦的敌人当中,具体都有哪些门派和世家,以及跟我结下不共戴天的死仇的敌人,到底是哪些人!” Now, I 11 talk clearly with you!” “现在,我就11都跟你们说清楚!” „The Ancient Martial school that these time catches up with has Shaolin, Wudang, Kunlun Sword Sect, Maoshan School, Dragon Tiger Mountain, Divine Sword Village, God Fist Gate, Netherworld Cult......” “这一次赶来的古武门派有少林,武当,昆仑剑派,茅山派,龙虎山,神剑山庄,神拳门,幽冥教……” Hidden world family also has many, including Ximen Clan, Nangong Clan, Shangguan Clan, Northwest Iron Spear Lei Family......” “隐世家族也有不少,其中有西门家族,南宫家族,上官家族,西北铁枪雷家……” When the each and everyone Ancient Martial school, the continuous artillery of name of hidden world family from the Ling Yun mouth said generally, all people in room, including the Qin Dongxue complexion, changed! 一个个古武门派,隐世家族的名字从凌云口中连珠炮一般说出来的时候,屋里的所有人,包括秦冬雪的脸色,都已经变了! Really was too many! 实在是太多了! Can on these, not be complete, Ling Yun does not give a thought to the shock of people , to continue saying: In addition, Capital City two respected families, Chen Family and Sun Family!” 可以上这些,还不是全部,凌云不顾众人的震惊,继续说道:“除此之外,还有京城的两个大家族,陈家孙家!” Blood Clan of West, Ninja of Japan......” “还有西方的血族,东洋的忍者……” Finally, is the most dangerous enemy, Demon Sect!” “最后,也是最危险的敌人,魔宗!” The Ling Yun very simple one breath said completely all the enemies of invading one's territory, then observes the situation in the room once more face whiten incomparable people eyes, suddenly is indifferent says with a smile: What kind, now you know that how many people, coming Clear Water City to look my trouble?” 凌云很干脆的一口气把所有来犯的敌人全部说完,然后再次环视屋里脸色苍白无比的众人一眼,忽然淡然一笑道:“怎么样,现在你们知道到底有多少人,来清水市找我的麻烦了吧?” Nobody answered, everyone face whiten shock is incomparable, Ling Yun this is the personal enemy 3000 rhythms! 没有人回话,每个人都脸色苍白震惊无比,凌云这是仇人3000的节奏啊! Has achieved the Innate 5-layer boundary, now Qin Family fully deserving first person of Qin Dongxue, after hearing Ling Yun said his complete enemy, could not bear tender body severely trembles! 就连已经达到先天五层境界,现在秦家当之无愧的第一人秦冬雪,在听到凌云说出他全部的敌人之后,都忍不住娇躯剧震 clouds...... Brother Yun...... This...... These many enemies, we must also look for a helper......” “云……云哥……这……这么多敌人,咱们要不要也找点儿帮手啊……” Tang Meng really cannot bear, the opens the mouth of stuttering asked. 唐猛实在是忍不住,结结巴巴的开口问道。 Ling Yun glanced Tang Meng one funnily, teased: Looks at such that you frighten, if has not tidied up their assurances, I already looked for the helper, but also waits for you to remind?” 凌云好笑的瞟了唐猛一眼,调侃道:“看你吓的那样儿,要是没有收拾他们的把握,我早就找帮手了,还等着你来提醒?” Then he turns the head to look at the people, calm saying: „The enemy who invades one's territory, many, I tells everybody now, then following, I must announce something.” 接着他转头看着众人,神情自若的说道:“来犯的敌人,一个不少,我现在都告诉大家了,那么接下来,我要宣布一些事情。” These prestigious family honest and hidden world families, because has not surfaced temporarily truly, that first does not go to manage them.” “那些名门正派和隐世家族,因为暂时还没有真正浮出水面,那就先不去管他们。” Ling Yun loses the prestigious family that he most does not care first honestly in the one side, said directly: I told first everybody, this consecutively for two night, I in situation of Xianrenling Mountain Range war.” 凌云先把他最不放在心上的名门正派丢在一旁,直接说道:“我先跟大家说说,这连续两个夜晚,我在仙人岭大战的情况。” Since my safe and sound station here, that result everybody naturally knew, these do not need to give unnecessary detail, I mainly tell everybody, after two evening's wars, which influences I wiped out.” “既然我安然无恙站在这里,那结果大家自然都知道了,这些也不需要去赘述,我主要是告诉大家,经过两晚上的大战,我消灭了哪些势力。” Actually divides approximately, only then two influences, one influence that is Capital City Chen Family sends, another is three big hidden world families, Shangguan Clan, Ximen Clan, Nangong Clan, had been repelled by me, the initiative declaration cannot provoke me again.” “其实大致分来,只有两股势力,其中一个是京城陈家派来的势力,另一个是三大隐世家族,上官家族,西门家族,南宫家族,已经被我打退了,主动声言不会再招惹我。” „The influence that Chen Family sends is strongest, because of Blood Clan of West, Ninja of Japan, is an influence of Chen Family side!” 陈家派来的势力最为强大,因为西方的血族,还有东洋的忍者,都属于陈家一方的势力!” But this most formidable influence, did not remain was cut to kill completely cleanly by me!” “但这股最强大的势力,已经一个不剩的全部被我斩杀干净!” Ling Yun has not gone saying that these two evening's fights are soul-stirring, he said a result, then said the real motive that own must express. 凌云并没有去说这两晚上的战斗有多么惊心动魄,他只是说了一个结果,然后说出了自己要表达的真实目的。 Said that these goals, to remind each of you, now I and Capital City Chen Family, regardless of in public and in private, are the absolutely irreconcilable mortal enemies! Does not have any possibility of reconciliation again, both sides can not die continuous, suffers a defeat and flees until a side thoroughly!” “说这些的目的,是为了提醒你们每一个人,现在我和京城陈家,无论于公于私,是不共戴天的死敌!再没有任何和解的可能,双方会不死不休,直到一方彻底败亡!” Ling Yun added in public and in private, in which in Gong, naturally took along own Ling Family. 凌云加了一句于公于私,其中的于公,自然捎带上了自己凌家 Therefore, later, so long as we and Chen Family influence to, does not need to harbor any fantasy, dies to fight with them then the line!” “所以,以后,只要我们和陈家的势力对上,不用抱有任何幻想,跟他们死战到底就行!” This is the first matter that I announced that below said the second matter.” “这是我宣布的第一件事,下面说第二件事。” „This second matter, must say that Demon Sect, the Demon Sect influence is very strong, Heavens Killing Organization, is the person foundation of Demon Sect!” “这第二件事,就要说说魔宗了,魔宗的势力很强大,天杀组织,就是魔宗的人创建的!” The Ling Yun's vision fell the body of Lin Menghan and Yao Rou once more, his some were not cruel enough, but was without hesitation true fact saying. 凌云的目光再次落到了林梦寒姚柔的身上,他有些不忍心,但还是毫不犹豫的把真正的事实给说了出来。 But, Demon Sect is only a general name, they are not the monolithic bloc, is only information as far as I know, their interior has been divided into two factions.” “但是,魔宗只是一个笼统的叫法,他们也不是铁板一块,只是据我所知的信息,他们内部就分成了两个派系。” Headed by Demon Sect Saintess Ye Xingchen, is a faction \; Moreover, a faction, is headed by one also possibly is several Demon Sect Saint Child, these is called any Sikong Wuji, now in our Clear Water City.” “以魔宗圣女夜星辰为首的,是一个派系\;另外,还有一个派系,以一个也可能是好几个魔宗圣子为首,这其中就有一个叫做什么司空无忌的,现在就在我们清水市。” Fact I must talk clearly with everybody here, that is Demon Sect Saintess Ye Xingchen, the present is to help my, last night, I already with her official alliance.” “有一个事实我必须要在这里跟大家说清楚,那就是魔宗圣女夜星辰,现在是帮助我的,昨天夜里,我已经和她正式联盟。” What?! Ling Yun you......” “什么?!凌云你……” Hears here, Lin Menghan could not bear again, one of the brushing has stood, the tender body play trembles, the face whiten, is unable to accept this cruel reality obviously. 听到这里,林梦寒再也忍不住了,刷的一下站了起来,娇躯剧颤,脸色苍白,显然无法接受这个残酷现实。 Ling Yun very calm looked at Lin Menghan one, lightly saying: Menghan, should not be excited, listening to me saying that you understood!” 凌云十分淡定的看了林梦寒一眼,淡淡道:“梦寒,你不要激动,听我说完你就明白了!” Last night, Chen Jianhao of Chen Family Innate 8-layer peak, united Japanese half Innate 9 Ninja Tokugawa Muto, a powerful marquis Blood Clan, has gotten down the unescapable net to my arrange/cloth, if were not Ye Xingchen presents the help promptly, let alone killed the match, my own had the possibility life mourning rival!” “昨天夜里,陈家先天八层巅峰的陈建豪,联合东洋半步先九忍者德川武藤,还有一名实力强大的血族侯爵,对我布下了天罗地网,如果不是夜星辰及时出现帮忙,别说杀死对手,我自己都有可能命丧敌手!” In order to be easy to let everybody to accept this fact confidently, Ling Yun has to exaggerate slightly, terrifying that the strength of enemy said. 为了容易让大家能坦然接受这个事实,凌云不得不略微夸大其词,把敌人的实力说的恐怖了一些。 Moreover, Menghan, Rou'er, you two were kidnapped by Ye Xingchen, although received many pain, but she has saved you actually!” “而且,梦寒,柔儿,你们两个被夜星辰劫持,虽然受了不少苦,但其实她是救了你们!” „If not she first makes a move, you will fall in the hand of Demon Sect Heavens Saint Child Sikong Wuji, that person is a devil, if you fall in his hands, that consequence, I does not dare think.” “如果不是她抢先出手,你们就会落在魔宗天圣子司空无忌的手里,那个人是个恶魔,如果你们落在他的手中,那后果,我都不敢去想。” She, although has kidnapped you, has been stranded your two days two nights, but has not felt embarrassed you truly, you recall well, I said is right?” “她虽然劫持了你们,困了你们两天两夜,但并没有真正为难你们,你们好好回想一下,我说的对不对?” Moreover Ye Xingchen sees me, your whereabouts, why as well as kidnaps you, told me, otherwise, how can I be so easy to rescue you?” “而且夜星辰一见到我,就把你们的下落,以及为什么劫持你们,都告诉了我,否则的话,我怎么能那么容易救出你们?” Ling Yun does not give the Lin Menghan interrogation the opportunity, the one breath talks clearly the long and short of the story of matter completely, making them judge voluntarily. 凌云根本不给林梦寒质问的机会,一口气把事情的来龙去脉全部说清楚,让她们自行去判断。 And Ye Xingchen as for the personal grudge between you and Rou'er, I will not manage, if you two also want to ask her to do accounts, that goes all out practice, recovers the gathering place depending on the own skill.” “至于你和柔儿夜星辰之间的私仇,我不会管,如果你们两个还想找她算账,那就拼命修炼,凭自己的本事找回场子。” Ling Yun sees the Lin Menghan still not indignation, had supplemented, has prodded Lin Menghan and Yao Rou in secret. 凌云林梦寒依然不忿,又补充了一句,暗中激将了林梦寒姚柔一把。 Their two both arrived has impacted the Innate critical important pass, Ling Yun felt, had this tribulation, they have been away from the breakthrough not to be far. 她们两个都到了冲击先天的紧要关口,凌云感觉,有这一劫,她们已经距离突破不远。 Simultaneously Brother Yun also secret relaxing, no matter what, finally Demon Sect Saintess Ye Xingchen, publicly advanced the various beautiful women front at heart! 同时云哥心里也暗暗的松了一口气,不管怎么说,总算是把魔宗圣女夜星辰,公开的推到了众美的面前了! „The influence of Demon Sect Heavens Saint Child that side, is not only the Ye Xingchen potential match, now is we in the Clear Water City most formidable enemy!” 魔宗天圣子那一方的势力,不但是夜星辰潜在的对手,现在更是我们在清水市最强大的敌人!” They control the Heavens Killing innumerable killers, works unscrupulously, by fair means or foul, the dirty trick that will use any us unable to think of will cope with us!” “他们掌控天杀的无数杀手,做事肆无忌惮,不择手段,会用出任何我们想不到的卑劣手段对付我们!” Sikong Wuji to seize my Nether Blood Demon Blade comes, between I and him, inevitably war! But you must do, before this fights occurred, as far as possible to his any opportunity, not making him have to use you to force my opportunity!” 司空无忌为了夺我的冥血魔刀而来,我和他之间,势必会有一战!而你们要做的,就是在这一战之前发生之前,尽量不要给他任何可乘之机,让他有利用你们来胁迫我的机会!” Ling Yun announced that two matters, said finally: „A matter that therefore I must announce finally, is your security problems.” 凌云宣布完了两件事,最后说道:“所以我最后要宣布的一件事,就是你们的安全问题。” Menghan, Rou'er, this time you two, although was kidnapped, but is shocking but not dangerous finally, came back safely.” 梦寒,柔儿,这次你们两个虽然被劫持,但总算是有惊无险,平平安安的回来了。” But, I am really unwarrantable, the next time who will have an accident, will be seized to force me by any person!” “但是,我真的不能保证,下一次谁会出事,又会被什么人抓走来胁迫我!” Ling Yun lifts the hand suddenly, has referred to Ning Lingyu with hand continuously, Cao Shanshan, Xue Meining, Tang Meng, Tie Xiaohu...... Waits for everyone: You, you, you, you......” 凌云突然抬手,用手连续指过宁灵雨,曹珊珊,薛美凝,唐猛,铁小虎……等等每一个人:“你,你,你,还有你……” Any, once were grasped, no matter experiences suffering many misery many shame, if certainly wants the means to fight to the bitter end with the enemy, maintains life first!” “无论是哪一个,一旦真的被抓,不管受尽多少苦难多少羞辱,都一定要想办法跟敌人周旋到底,保命第一!” Cannot use anything to fast absolutely, the autonomy even is commits suicide such stupid means|methods, you must believe that I will certainly think the means to rescue you!” “绝对不能采用什么绝食啊,自残啊甚至是自尽这么蠢的方法,你们要相信我一定会想办法把你们救出来!” Ling Yun speech at the same time, stared Lin Menghan and Yao Rou ruthlessly, two people ashamed lowering the head of looks , this sinking sound said: Shanshan Chen Jiangui holds, she does not have any strength to protect own, but under such situation, she has not fasted, has not committed suicide, the person's cave and that person non- person ghost not clever death bat in the Chen Family dungeon and Yunmeng Mountain displays their wisdom and bravery for three months!” 凌云说话的同时,狠狠的瞪了林梦寒姚柔一眼,看的两人羞愧的低下了头,这才沉声说道:“珊珊陈建癸抓住的时候,她没有任何力量保护自己,但就是在这样的情况之下,她也没有绝食,更没有自杀,一个人在陈家的地牢和云蒙山的山洞里和那只人不人鬼不鬼的死蝙蝠斗智斗勇三个月!” That is because she believes that once I know that she has difficult, I definitely will save her! Therefore she chooses with the wisdom goes to socialize with Chen Jiangui!” “那是因为她坚信,我一旦知道她有难,我肯定会去救她!所以她才选择用智慧去跟陈建癸周旋!” If you also believe this point, that asked you do not die, must live, do not make me after finding you, what saw was an ice-cold corpse!” “如果你们也坚信这一点,那就请你们不要死,要活着,不要让我在找到你们之后,看到的是一具冰冷的尸体!” After Ling Yun said that for a very long time has not spoken again, in the big villa is silent, falling the needle may hear. 凌云说完之后,久久没有再说话,偌大的别墅里寂静无声,落针可闻。 You do not need to be worried to be afraid excessively, Clear Water City this disturbance, quick will pass.” “你们也不用过度担心害怕,清水市这一场风波,很快就会过去的。” These famous families honestly radically insufficient are the worries, I and Little Aunt will find the way to tidy up their.” “那些名门正派根本不足为虑,我和小姨会想办法收拾他们的。” Matter digestion when everybody said Ling Yun after similar, Ling Yun restored that serene of past, said indifferently: Divine Sword Village, since dares first appearing, that starts from Divine Sword Village!” 等大家把凌云说的事情消化的差不多了之后,凌云才恢复了往日的那种云淡风轻,淡然说道:“神剑山庄既然敢第一个露头,那就从神剑山庄开始!” Then, Ling Yun corners of the mouth appeared wipes the vague smile, the vision looks to more and more hot and bothered Qin Fairy. 说完,凌云嘴角儿浮现一抹若有若无的微笑,目光看向了越来越焦虑不安的秦仙子
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