DEMG :: Volume #10

#962: Subverted life

How long subverts a life of person to need? 颠覆一个人的人生需要多久? Perhaps others did not say, but regarding Chi Xiaohong, her life was subverted thoroughly, has only used for three days. 别人也许不好说,但对于池小虹,她的人生被彻底颠覆,只用了三天。 Slim and graceful that Chi Xiaohong this year less than 16 years old, actually become, the physique is slender, the cheek is simple and beautiful, a jet black big eye is bright and intelligent, as if will speak, weird, is pretty. 池小虹今年不足16岁,却已经出落的亭亭玉立,体态修长柔美,脸蛋儿清丽动人,一双漆黑的大眼睛水汪汪的,仿佛会说话,古灵精怪,却又楚楚动人。 She early has changed clothes, naturally does not bring from the own family/home, but is Qin Dongxue gives their two sisters to buy specially, the upper body is the white short sleeve T-shirt that a circle gets, the lower part of the body is heat spicy cowboy hot-pants, two straight becoming known legs expose in the air, is demonstrating the youth vigor perfectly. 她早已经换过了一身衣服,当然不是从自己家里带来的,而是秦冬雪专门给她们姐妹俩买的,上身是一件圆领的白色短袖T恤,下身是一条热辣的牛仔热裤,两条笔直的大白腿暴露在空气中,完美展现着青春的活力。 Although the past 16 years camp could not recuperate, but Chi Xiaohong except for because of long stature, but appeared the stature is thin beside, actually this small place was not small, particularly her chest pair of peaks and ridges, had the mammoth sign. 过去的16年虽然一直营养不好,可池小虹除了因为长个子,而显得身材偏瘦之外,其实该小的地方一点儿都不小,尤其是她胸前的一对峰峦,已经有了波澜壮阔的迹象。 This point Ling Yun is unable to understand, can only sigh secretly the creator is really partial to this young seductress. 这一点就连凌云都无法理解,只能暗暗感叹造物主对这个小妖女实在是偏爱的很。 Chi Xiaohong IQ is extremely high, but is such IQ, appointed she wants to break the head unable to think, terrible disaster that one is drowned sufficiently, unexpectedly has become the turning points of their mother and daughter three lives! 池小虹智商极高,但就是这样的智商,任她想破脑袋也想不到,一场足以灭顶的滔天大祸,竟然成了她们母女三口人生的转折点! Wakes up from the stupor, she is admitted to the five-star luxury hotel that the beforehand fantasy has not dared to live, saw mother who the pain all disappears, next day the whole family has then brought in the Clear Water City most riches and honor villa area, has been admitted to the luxurious villa, the side inquired after the well being of cares, was the clear water looks is peerless, makings refined excellent female...... 从昏迷中醒来,她就住进了以前幻想都不敢住进去的五星级豪华酒店,见到了病痛全消的母亲,然后第二天一家人又搬进了清水市最富贵的别墅区,住进了豪华别墅,身边嘘寒问暖关怀备至的,都是清一水儿的姿容绝世,气质脱俗的绝佳女子…… Hot the air conditioning has blown casually, big scary TV has more than 100 stages to look, can use 100 trillion optical fiber surfers, the kitchen upscale whole families not to use, drinking that thought that in the refrigerator can think, eats has everything expected to find . Moreover, does not need to consider the electrical bill completely the issue. 热了空调随便吹,大的吓人的电视有100多个台可以看,可以用100000000000000光纤上网,厨房高档的一家人都不会用,冰箱里能想到的想不到的,吃的喝的应有尽有,而且,完全不用考虑电费的问题。 Goes out has luxury car to send and pick up, enters room to step on is the soft rug, ate to support has thought the movement, in the villa had the independence gym, to swim, in the courtyard was the swimming pool, that water was clear enough to see bottom, inverted image blue sky...... 出门有豪车接送,进屋踩上去就是松软的地毯,吃撑了想运动,别墅里有独立的健身房,如果想游泳,院子里就是游泳池,那水清澈见底,倒影蓝天…… The 15~16 years old girl has to have a dream, but in the dream, Chi Xiaohong has not lived such a day! 十五六岁的女孩子不是没做过梦,但就算是在梦中,池小虹也没有活过这样的一天! For these days Chi Xiaohong when a person, did many most matter pinches the thigh of own, for fear that she still also in stupor dreamland, but the ache of that web more than once told her, this was not the dream, this was the real reality! 这几天池小虹在一个人的时候,做多最多的一件事就是掐自己的大腿,生怕她依然还在昏迷的梦境之中,可那钻心的疼痛不止一次的告诉她,这不是梦,这是真实的现实! What is most essential, her mother Qi Yuzhen, in reverential awe in the Cao Shanshan villa lived in half-day/long time, repeatedly proposed that wants to move back to the own home to go, the securable answer without exception is a few words: Feels relieved!” 最关键的是,她母亲齐玉珍,诚惶诚恐的在曹珊珊的别墅里住了半天之后,就反复提出想要搬回自己家去,可得到的答复无一例外都是一句话:“放心住!” Stands side four height one meter eight odd boys, height one meter about 65 Chi Xiaohong was shorter than them a about head, but she does not fear unexpectedly. 站在四个身高都一米八挂零的男孩身边,身高一米65左右的池小虹比他们都矮了近一头,可她竟然一点儿都不怵。 Her big eye has been staring at Ling Yun, she knows, she can have today, their family/home can have today, because all at present the big boy of this graceful falling dregs! 她的一双大眼睛一直在盯着凌云,她知道,她能有今天,她们家能有今天,一切都因为眼前这个帅的掉渣的大男孩! If this is the dreamland, then present Ling Yun, is that man who makes the dreamland! 如果这是梦境,那么眼前的凌云,就是制造梦境的那个男人! Looks that Ling Yun looked to her finally, Chi Xiaohong honk had small mouth immediately, clever incomparable shouted one: Big Brother Ling Yun......” 看着凌云终于向她看了过来,池小虹立即嘟起了小嘴儿,乖巧无比的喊了一声:“凌云哥哥……” Ling Yun is looking at this young seductress who dares the bold person to run, asked with a laugh: Does?” 凌云望着这个敢大胆一个人跑出来的小妖女,笑呵呵问道:“干嘛?” But under the young seductress a few words have not nearly made the Ling Yun four people simultaneously startled explode the eyeball: Also gives me a spear/gun to play to be good?” 可小妖女下一句话差点儿没让凌云四人同时惊爆眼球:“也送给我一把枪玩儿玩儿好不好?” ......” “噗……” In this case, most valiant Long Wu, most cunning most and unreasonable Xue Meining is impossible to say. 这样的话,就连最彪悍的龙舞,最刁蛮的薛美凝都不可能说出来。 This......” Ling Yun, in rapid has exchanged a meaningful glance after Tang Meng, said with a smile: Perhaps is not good.” “这个……”凌云在迅速和唐猛交换了一个眼色之后,笑着说道:“恐怕不行哦。” Ling Yun had already asked for advice Chi Xiaohong weird, for fear that she pesters continuous, simply the direct jump topic in this issue: younger sister Little Hong, your mother and your Elder Sister now how? Lives in the Shanshan Elder Sister family/home is also familiar with?” 凌云早就领教过池小虹古灵精怪,生怕她在这个问题上纠缠不休,干脆直接转移话题道:“小虹妹妹,你妈妈和你姐姐现在怎么样了?在珊珊姐姐家里住的还习惯吗?” Because Ling Yun asked was the issues that Chi Xiaohong must answer, she also has temporarily to give up wanting the thought of spear/gun, the little darling to reply: Big Brother Ling Yun, my mother now was getting more and more healthy, her anything house job can do, everyday is the tidying up room that non-stop......” 因为凌云问的都是池小虹必须回答的问题,她也只好暂时放弃了要枪的念头,乖乖回答道:“凌云哥哥,我妈妈现在身体越来越好了,她什么家务活都能做了,每天就是不停的收拾屋子……” My Elder Sister...... everyday except for accompanying mother works, is a person stuffily writes the thing in the room, she does not make me look......” “我姐姐……每天除了陪妈妈干活,就是一个人闷在屋里写东西,她不让我看……” Chi Xiaohong is really very intelligent, is very detailed, but last that mother and Elder Sister life condition said evades the question, neglected directly. 池小虹实在是很聪明,把妈妈和姐姐的生活状态说的很详细,但最后一句避而不答,直接忽略了。 The Ling Yun nod said with a smile: Em, your mother's sickness entire was good, but the body also needs to recuperate slowly, you go back to tell her, making her not need to work, pays attention to rest.” 凌云点头笑道:“恩,你妈妈的病已经全好了,但身体还需要慢慢调养,你回去告诉她,让她不用干什么活,多注意休息。” Chi Xiaohong nods to say sweetly with a smile: Big Brother Ling Yun, my mother said that you are the deity that the space descends to earth, is the God sends to rescue specially our, she added that lets words that you have free time, must pass, she wants to make the food to you personally, expressed to thank.” 池小虹甜笑着点头道:“凌云哥哥,我妈妈说你是天上下凡的神仙,是老天爷专门派来救我们的,她还说让你有空的话,一定要过去一趟,她想亲手给你做顿饭,表达一下感谢。” Family of three, the one who eats is others, the one who lives is others, all that uses are others, Qi Yuzhen can do to Ling Yun only, was a food. 一家三口,吃的是人家的,住的是人家的,用的一切都是人家的,齐玉珍唯一能给凌云做的,也就是一顿饭了。 Such invitation, Ling Yun will certainly not reject, he said one: „The deity that space descends to earth I may not be at all, eats meal, when I will have free time certainly to go.” 这样的邀请,凌云当然不会拒绝,他笑着说了一声:“天上下凡的神仙我可不敢当,不过吃饭嘛,等我有空了一定会去。” Chi Xiaohong earnest breaks off finger headage saying: Also must take Auntie Qin, Lingyu Elder Sister, Shanshan Elder Sister, Ning'er Elder Sister, Xian'er Elder Sister......” 池小虹认真的掰着手指头数道:“还要带上秦姨,灵雨姐姐,珊珊姐姐,凝儿姐姐,仙儿姐姐……” Tang Meng interrupted to ask: Has our shares?” 唐猛插嘴问道:“有没有我们的份儿?” Chi Xiaohong said grinningly: Tang Meng Big Brother has rescued my Elder Sister two, which a food suffices, must eat several to be good......” 池小虹笑嘻嘻说道:“唐猛哥哥救了我姐姐两次,一顿饭哪够,得多吃几顿才行啊……” A few words coax Tang Meng straight hehe happy, the mouth smiled crookedly. 一句话哄得唐猛嘿嘿直乐,嘴都笑歪了。 Ling Yun to/clashes Chi Xiaohong to blink to say suddenly: younger sister Little Hong, bullies your unprincipled person to close in our villa now, dares to have a look?” 凌云突然冲池小虹眨眨眼道:“小虹妹妹,欺负你的坏人现在就在我们别墅里关着,敢不敢去看看?” Chi Xiaohong tender body one smooth and unwrinkled: What has not to dare? I also want to trample his two feet!” 池小虹娇躯一挺道:“有什么不敢的?我还想踹他两脚呢!” Ling Yun said with a smile: Ok, we go now!” 凌云笑道:“行,咱们现在就去!” Ling Yun takes the lead, four male female just about to directly soars the backyard, at this time saw only Xue Meining to run up to the entrance to come, the single-handed fork waist, was pointing at Ling Yun and other humanity: Hey, your four fellows, but also ate meal? You do not eat, do not delay younger sister Little Hong to eat meal!” 凌云带头,四男一女刚要直奔后院,这时候只见薛美凝跑到门口来了,单手叉腰,指着凌云等人道:“喂,你们四个家伙,还吃不吃饭了?你们不吃,也别耽误小虹妹妹吃饭啊!” Was called the fellows of four fellows receives the footsteps immediately, looked at each other in blank dismay. 被称为四个家伙的家伙顿时收住了脚步,面面相觑。 Ling Yun turns head to return to say to Xue Meining loudly: Five minutes, eat meal immediately!” 还是凌云扭头冲薛美凝大声回道:“五分钟,马上就吃饭!” Then, no matter also the Xue Meining agreement did not agree, took charge of four people to go to the backyard small warehouse. 说完,也不管薛美凝同意不同意,直接领着四个人去了后院小仓库。 Paul and Jester two people, lifts the hand to obstruct top of the head sinister Sun respectively, went out of the warehouse gate cautiously. 保罗杰斯特两人,各自抬手遮着头顶毒辣的太阳,小心翼翼的走出了仓库门。 After their two by Ling Yun enslave/enslaving, although already variation, but variation Blood Clan Blood Clan, big high noon Sun so is also sinister, they are still not able to adapt thoroughly. 他们两个被凌云初拥之后,虽然已经变异了,可变异的血族也还是血族,大正午的太阳这么毒辣,他们依然无法彻底适应。 Boss!” “老板!” Paul and Jester said respectfully. 保罗杰斯特恭恭敬敬说道。 Em, you do not use, goes.” “恩,你们不用出来,进去吧。” Ling Yun greeted the two people advanced room, then turned head to say to Chi Xiaohong: In room has Blood Clan, is Vampire in legend, feared?” 凌云招呼两人先进屋,然后扭头对池小虹说道:“屋里有血族,就是传说中的吸血鬼,怕不怕?” The tender body of Chi Xiaohong instinct shrinks, actually immediately tender body one smooth and unwrinkled: Several Elder Sister had already told me, did not fear!” 池小虹本能的娇躯一缩,却又立即娇躯一挺道:“几个姐姐早就跟我说过了,不怕!” Ling Yun haha said with a smile: It seems like you except for fearing to thunder, is really fearless......” 凌云哈哈笑道:“看来你除了怕打雷,真的是天不怕地不怕啊……” The people entered the warehouse together, actually in warehouse tidies up is very clean, the ground sets up in an array, or lies down or sits altogether has five people, what is lying down the deep sleep is Chen Jiangui and Chen Sen two brothers, other naturally is the Wang Feihu three people. 众人一起进了仓库,仓库里其实收拾的很干净,地上一字排开,或躺或坐共有五人,躺着沉睡的是陈建癸陈森两兄弟,另外的自然是汪飞虎三人。 Three people all are seriously injured, was hit by Ling Yun, although they were selected acupoint, actually still sore straight groaning. 三人皆身受重伤,都是被凌云打的,他们虽然都被点了穴道,却依然疼的直哼哼。 Ling Yun enters the room, points at the Wang Feihu three people to say to Chi Xiaohong: You who which person bullies? Hasn't remembered?” 凌云进屋,指着汪飞虎三人对池小虹说道:“哪个人欺负的你?还记得不?” The corner is putting blood of one barrel of animals, in the warehouse is bloody, Chi Xiaohong has to cover the nose with the hand, she looked at three people to identify carefully, lifted the hand suddenly, was pointing at Wang Feihu humanity: Is he!” 墙角放着一桶动物的鲜血,仓库里血腥味十足,池小虹不得不用手掩着鼻子,她望着三人仔细辨认了一番,猛然抬手,指着汪飞虎身边一人道:“就是他!” Ling Yun coldly smiles. 凌云冷冷一笑。 Innate Expert, bullies a young young girl, any thing! Little Hong, revenged in the past!” 先天高手,欺负一个十几岁的少女,什么东西!小虹,过去报仇!” Chi Xiaohong has not disappointed Ling Yun, she runs immediately, carried foot towards that person to kick several feet ruthlessly. 池小虹没有让凌云失望,她立即就跑过去,抬脚对着那个人狠狠踢了几脚。 That Innate Expert pain has groaned several, but three people actually already do not dare to get angry, does not dare to say. 那名先天高手痛苦的哼哼了几声,可三个人却既不敢怒,也不敢言。 They early were hit to take by Ling Yun. 他们早都被凌云打服了。 Ling Yun moves sideways, holds on Chi Xiaohong, says with a smile: Has been OK, goes home later to tell your mother and your Elder Sister, said that you revenged for them.” 凌云闪身过去,把池小虹拉住,笑道:“可以了,回家之后告诉你妈妈和你姐姐,就说你为她们报仇了。” Then, Ling Yun signaled with the eyes to Tang Meng, wants to make Tang Meng carry off young miss. 说完,凌云唐猛使了个眼色,想让唐猛小姑娘带走。 Who knows Chi Xiaohong not to be actually willing to walk, but said to Ling Yun: Big Brother Ling Yun, I did not fear.” 谁知池小虹却不愿意走,而是对凌云说道:“凌云哥哥,我不怕。” Ling Yun has given a Chi Xiaohong applause look, can understand probably she has the consciousness wants to be a part of this novel life, therefore made her remain. 凌云给了池小虹一个赞许的眼神,大概能理解她有意识的想融入这新奇的生活,于是让她留了下来。 Ling Yun turns the head, looks at Wang Feihu to say indifferently: Your three do, want dead wants to live?” 凌云转头,望着汪飞虎冷漠说道:“你们三个,想死还是想活?” Wang Feihu lip twitches, sits on the ground, looks up Ling Yun saying: Asked Young Master Ling to speak bluntly.” 汪飞虎嘴唇一阵抽搐,坐在地上,抬头望着凌云道:“求凌少直言相告。” „To die , to continue is Sun Family works oneself to death, then my today throws into heavens pit to feed the fish you in the evening.” “想死,就继续为孙家卖命,那么我今天晚上就把你们丢入天坑里喂鱼去。” Thinks that the live words, are separated from Sun Family, works oneself to death for me, then I can cure you now, then, Clear Water City will have many life and death wars, can live as for you, looked at your own strength and luck!” “想活的话,就脱离孙家,为我卖命,那么我现在就可以治好你们,接下来,清水市会有不少生死大战,至于你们能不能活下来,就看你们自己的实力和运气了!” Side Ling Yun lacks Expert that can transfer at will, when is the personnel, he had considered three days, decide to use them. 凌云身边缺乏可以随意调用的高手,正是用人之际,他考虑了三天,决定还是用他们。 Must die the person, suddenly had a slim chance of survival, the Wang Feihu three people have made instantaneously the choice. 已经是必死之人,突然有了一线生机,汪飞虎三人瞬间就做出了选择。 Wang Feihu does not give a thought to the injury, lies on the ground directly kowtows again and again: Wang Feihu is willing to be Young Master Ling goes to!” 汪飞虎不顾伤势,直接趴在地上连连磕头:“汪飞虎愿意为凌少赴死!” Moreover injury heavier two people, goes all out to struggle is wanting to kneel down to Ling Yun kowtows, but Ling Yun palm wind strokes, made them lie down. 另外伤势更重的两人,也拼命挣扎着想要跪下给凌云磕头,可凌云掌风一拂,就让他们躺了回去。 Ling Yun took Pure Healing Talisman to come out, has given Tie Xiaohu, making him cure three people of injuries at the scene, then made several finger wind, has untied their acupoint. 凌云拿了一把清愈符出来,给了铁小虎,让他当场把三人的伤势治好,然后打出几道指风,解开了他们的穴道 Suddenly, three people thoroughly restore from severe wound, that type shocks, is unable to express the eventuality with the language. 眨眼间,三个人从重伤中彻底恢复,那种震撼,用语言无法表达万一。 Similarly was shocked silly, naturally also has Chi Xiaohong, she thinks that own this whole life will not have shocked for any matter, however the reality has proven wrong her odd. 同样被震撼傻了的,自然还有池小虹,她本以为自己这辈子再也不会为任何事而震惊了,然而现实证明了她错的有多离谱。 Turns head to ask again.” Ling Yun did not explain, but has clapped on the fragrant shoulder of Chi Xiaohong gently, then to kneeling in front Wang Feihu three humanity: “回头再问。”凌云也不解释,只是轻轻拍了拍池小虹的香肩,然后对跪在面前的汪飞虎三人道: I do not fear you to run away, but after I fear your freedom, in turn deals with my person, therefore, I have to give under you to ban a little.” “我不怕你们逃走,但我怕你们自由之后,反过来对付我身边的人,所以,我不得不给你们下一点儿禁制。” Wang Feihu kowtows such as mashes up garlic: Asked Young Master Ling casually under to ban! I and others was willing!” 汪飞虎磕头如捣蒜:“求凌少随便下禁制!我等心甘情愿!”
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