DEMG :: Volume #10

#961: Men most loves

Looks that Ling Yun lost conveniently in that purple gold ripe copper rod of ground, a Tie Xiaohu pair of bull's eye bead quickly stares, the breath was loud gradually! 看着凌云随手丢在地上的那根紫金熟铜棍,铁小虎的一双牛眼珠子都快瞪出来了,呼吸逐渐粗重! The purple gold copper rod, cannot see any purple on the stick actually, but presents one dark golden color, the surface smooth is glossy, shows one metal perfectly the sense of reality. 紫金铜棍,其实在棍身上看不到什么紫色,而是呈现一种暗金色,表面光滑油亮,完美展现出一种金属的质感。 fuck! golden cudgel!” “哇靠!金箍棒啊!” Followed close on two people to rush to Tang Meng in courtyard, nature saw this copper rod, with discovering new continent, immediately two one brightly, shouted and wrangled to say. 紧跟着两人冲到院子里的唐猛,自然一眼就看到了这根铜棍,就跟发现了新大陆似的,立即两眼一亮,大呼小叫道。 Tie Xiaohu just likes has not heard, Ling Yun is looked idiot looked at Tie Xiaohu one, said to Tie Xiaohu with a smile: Xiaohu/small tiger, must break through Acquired 7-layer immediately, thinks not to have, what weapon most wants to use?” 铁小虎恍若未闻,凌云则是看白痴似的看了铁小虎一眼,笑着对铁小虎说道:“小虎,马上就要突破后天七层了,想过没有,最想使用什么武器?” Tie Xiaohu already squatted on the ground, the rush-leaf fan big hand shivers is stroking the surface of purple gold copper rod, said excitedly: Brother Yun, is good, wha...... Any weapon line......” 铁小虎早就蹲在了地上,蒲扇般的大手颤抖的抚摸着紫金铜棍的表面,激动说道:“云哥,都行,什……什么武器都行……” Ling Yun stares, cannot help laughing instantaneously, knew in the heart that Tie Xiaohu saw suddenly such powerful weapon has gone bad excitedly, therefore said earnestly: That is not good, weapon, is actually extending of arm, used for a long time, moistened the courage vigor and murderous aura, in the future even can be interlinked with his master thought that this carelessly did not elect.” 凌云一愣,瞬间哑然失笑,心知铁小虎是突然看到这么强悍的武器给激动坏了,于是认真说道:“那可不行,武器,其实是手臂的延伸,使用久了,沾多了血气和杀气,将来甚至能和他的主人意念相通,这个可不是胡乱选的。” Chooses weapon this matter, seems like is the minor matter, weapon that but most loves as military his entire life, no one can force him to go to elect hardly, Ling Yun regarding Tie Xiaohu, cannot similarly. 武器这种事情,看似是小事,但作为一个武者一生最爱的武器,谁也不能强迫他去硬选,就连凌云对于铁小虎,也同样不能。 Tie Xiaohu is infatuated for martial arts, one hear of Ling Yun's words understand that own made an indiscreet remark, he raised the head reluctantly, looks at Ling Yun to ponder half-day/long time, finally said: Brother Yun, I in Azure Dragon, had used the dagger before, has used the double blade, has used the double stick, but also causes the after a period of time nunchakus and bracelet whip anything......” 铁小虎是个武痴,一听凌云的话就明白自己失言了,他勉强抬起头,望着凌云思考了半天,终于说道:“云哥,我以前在青龙,用过匕首,用过双刀,也用过双棍,还使过一段时间的双节棍和锁子鞭什么的……” Ling Yun knows, these that Tie Xiaohu said that truly mixes **** the gang little brother, the open fight between factions fights commonly used weapon, but now he is to get close to Acquired 7-layer Expert, uses these weapon again, with rather laughed aloud. 凌云知道,铁小虎说的这些,都是真正混****帮会里的小弟,火并打架的时候常用的武器,可现在他已经是接近后天七层高手,再用那些武器,拿出去未免被人笑掉大牙。 Ling Yun does not worry, Tie Xiaohu that he smilingly is looking at think deeply about, the reminder said: Em, you do not use anxiously, thinks again well, you did have before very intensely wants a weapon thought.” 凌云也不着急,他笑眯眯的望着正在思索的铁小虎,提醒说道:“恩,你不用急,再好好想想,你以前有没有过很强烈的想要一种武器的念头。” Tie Xiaohu instantaneous both eyes one bright, blurted out: Has!” 铁小虎瞬间双眼一亮,脱口而出道:“有!” Big Iron Spear! Can ride in immediately of charge!” “大铁枪!能骑在马上冲锋的那种!” Silver helmet white horse chain armor, the long spear/gun sweeps a big piece, in ten thousand army is accepted after passing an examination the severed head, once was the fond dream fantasy of youngster how many deeply loved the knight-errant? 银盔白马锁子甲,长枪一扫一大片,万军之中取上将首级,曾经是多少热爱武侠的少年的美梦幻想? Ling Yun is direct, does not have the means to help you facial expression looks at Tie Xiaohu with one type, did not speak. 凌云直接无语,用一种没办法帮你了的神情看着铁小虎,不说话。 Is bending the waist, a face suppresses red, puts forth the strength of nursing to move purple gold copper rod Tang Meng, just lifted stick one a little, fiercely has let go, shouts thump one to lose the stick returns to the ground, turns the head to stare Tie Xiaohu saying: Damn, your he did the chivalric fiction novel look?! My he which does on give you to put in order the horse to go?!” 正在弯着腰,一张脸憋得通红,使出吃奶的力气想要搬起紫金铜棍一头的唐猛,刚把棍子一头抬起了一点儿,就猛地撒手,呼咚一声把棍子丢回到地上,转头瞪着铁小虎道:“我擦,你他吗的武侠小说看多了吧?!我他吗的上哪儿给你整马去?!” Hehe hehe......” “嘿嘿嘿嘿……” Tie Xiaohu was spurted by Tang Meng, embarrassed hehe laughs foolishly. 铁小虎唐猛一喷,也窘的嘿嘿憨笑。 He naturally clearly makes big Iron Spear not to be realistic, let alone the horse, this society is carries big Iron Spear to run everywhere is not convenient, only if makes a movie or is plays the skilled person to earn living, will otherwise be considered as the lunatic. 他自然是明白弄根大铁枪根本不现实,别说马,这社会就是扛着一杆大铁枪到处跑也不方便啊,除非是拍戏或者是耍把式卖艺的,否则都会被认为是疯子。 Has hesitated a while, Tie Xiaohu also hesitates was saying: Actually, two big broad-ax also very eye-catching / flashy, chop the person with chopping the melon cuts vegetable......” 沉吟了一会儿,铁小虎又犹豫着说道:“其实,两柄大板斧也挺拉风的,砍人跟砍瓜切菜似的……” Yeah mother, black tornado Li Kui!” “哎妈呀,黑旋风李奎啊!” When does not know, young seductress Chi Xiaohong has also joined in the fun, she sees Tie Xiaohu to want a pair of big broad-ax, cannot bear smiles tenderly. 不知道什么时候,小妖女池小虹也来凑热闹了,她见铁小虎想要一对大板斧,忍不住嗤嗤娇笑。 younger sister Little Hong said well! Also two big broad-ax, you might as well make two sledgehammers, that pounds the head more appropriate! Studied Tang Dynasty Li Yuan to dominate!” 小虹妹妹说得好!还两把大板斧,你还不如弄两柄大锤呢,那个砸脑袋更合适!学唐朝李元霸!” Tang Meng was eating the Tie Xiaohu vinegar, adds inflammatory details in side, disturbs blindly. 唐猛本就吃着铁小虎的醋,一个劲儿的在旁边添油加醋,瞎捣乱。 Ling Yun stared Tang Meng one ruthlessly, lowers the head said to Tie Xiaohu: All right, cannot think that slowly thinks, has no need for you fighting in any case now......” 凌云狠狠瞪了唐猛一眼,低头对铁小虎说道:“没事,想不出来就慢慢想,反正现在又用不着你打架……” At this moment, Tie Xiaohu sudden two stare, the male body shakes said: „, Brother Yun, I thought!” 就在这时,铁小虎突然两眼一瞪,雄躯一震道:“啊,云哥,我想好了!” Ling Yun has smiled, asked calm: Thought really? What weapon?” 凌云笑了,淡定问道:“真想好了?什么武器?” Hehe......” Tie Xiaohu non-stop scratching the head, said embarrassed: Thinks that is thinks, but is easily does not do......” “嘿嘿……”铁小虎不停挠着头,不好意思说道:“想好了是想好了,可就是不容易做出来……” Ling Yun one hear of this, strike one's chest to say immediately: You could rest assured that so long as you can describe that thing, you are make me use this stick to carve a Dragon to you, I can also do to you!” 凌云一听这个,立即拍着胸脯道:“你放心,只要你能把那个东西形容出来,你就是让我用这根棍子给你雕刻一条龙,我也能给你做出来!” Capital City Ling Family has ready-made Weapon Workshop, so long as there is a blueprint to have the material, these person of what weapon can't manufacture? 京城凌家有现成的兵器坊,只要有图纸有材料,那些人什么武器制作不出来? Tie Xiaohu one hear of this, immediately excited is not good, the lip trembles saying: Brother Yun, I want to adjudicate...... Em, takes two.” 铁小虎一听这个,立即激动的不行,嘴唇哆嗦道:“云哥,我想要裁决……恩,要两把。” Ruling? What thing?” “裁决?什么东西?” Ling Yun has gawked, the heart said that own once wanted to build a own influence, at that time thinks the good name was called the ruling, the original intention was the ruling world, may arrive at Tie Xiaohu here, has become weapon? 凌云愣了,心说自己曾经想要打造一股自己的势力,当时想好的名字就叫裁决,本意就是裁决天下,可到了铁小虎这里,怎么成了武器了? When Ling Yun is vacant, actually discovered that Tang Meng and A Bing two people already laughed loudly, their corners of the mouth came up to the root of the ear. 凌云茫然之际,却发现唐猛阿兵两人早已捧腹大笑,俩人的嘴角儿都咧到耳朵根子上去了。 Tang Meng smiled the tears, pointed at the nose of Tie Xiaohu saying: Ruling...... This your he can also think, plays the legend you not to play to suffice Ah?! 唐猛都笑出了眼泪,指着铁小虎的鼻子道:“裁决……这你他吗也能想得出来,玩传奇你没玩够啊?! The legendary and legendary world, once was all the rage the classical online game of China, in that very cool weapon, so long as were the big soldiers once incomparably yearned, was called the stick of ruling, was named the club. 传奇和传奇世界,都是曾经风靡华夏的经典网络游戏,那里面有一把很酷的武器,只要是大战士都曾经无比向往,叫做裁决之杖,俗称棒子。 That weapon looks like in the game the wooden stick, but actually builds with the excellent cast iron actually, the view in game is, the stick of ruling once had been ruled the King use of big piece area by one. 武器在游戏里看起来像跟木杖,但其实却是用精良的铸铁打造而成,游戏里的说法是,裁决之杖曾经被一位统治了大片疆域的王者使用。 This game original Ling Yun had played in the Internet cafe actually, but present Brother Yun actually knows nothing, therefore after listening, is very vacant. 这款游戏其实原来的凌云曾经在网吧里玩儿过,但现在的云哥却对此一无所知,所以听了之后很茫然。 Tie Xiaohu is been finally impatient, he who Tang Meng and A Bing smile stands up fiercely, suppresses the face red anger sound said: Ruling adjudicates, how, not good has Ah?! believed you to smile again, does the father throw you to Clear Water Lake in?!” 铁小虎终于被唐猛阿兵笑的不耐烦了,他猛地站起身,憋得脸通红怒声道:“裁决就是裁决,怎么了,不行啊?!信不信你们再笑,老子就把你们丢到清水湖里去?!” Imposing manner overbearing, the momentum was astonishing, frightens Tang Meng and A Bing immediately is honest. 气势霸道,声势惊人,吓得唐猛阿兵顿时老实了。 Ling Yun is actually incomparably earnest, at the scene then decision: Ok, that adjudicated, when the time comes took the blueprint to me is good.” 凌云却是无比认真,当场就拍板:“行,那就裁决好了,到时候把图纸拿给我就行。” Tie Xiaohu naturally does not dare to act sloppily to Ling Yun, puffs and blows was saying: Brother Yun, does not use any blueprint, in online, the picture of ruling are many are, searches for casually has.” 铁小虎凌云自然不敢胡来,吭哧着说道:“云哥,不用什么图纸,在网上,裁决的图片多得是,随便一搜就有。” Ling Yun has patted the shoulder of Tie Xiaohu, said with a smile: What I said is length size, weight anything, these also need you to decide......” 凌云拍了拍铁小虎的肩膀,笑道:“我说的是长短尺寸,还有重量什么的,这些还需要你来定……” The purple gold copper rod of his another finger/refers of ground: Two ruling? You supposed that is well-grounded this stick to make the primary materials, enough?” 他又一指地上的紫金铜棍:“两把裁决是吧?那你估摸着地上这根棍子做主要材料,够不够?” The Tie Xiaohu nod such as mashes up garlic: Has sufficed, has more than enough to spare......” 铁小虎点头如捣蒜:“够了够了,绰绰有余……” Then, Tie Xiaohu has designated own future weapon, the sticks of two ruling. 就这样,铁小虎选定了自己未来的武器,两把裁决之杖。 In the near future, he at the back of these two dazzles weapon that is very overwhelmed with emotion, the both hands double stick, with the set of enchanted stick law, is widely traveled with Ling Yun, sweeps away China Ancient Martial World! 在不久的将来,他背着这两把炫酷销魂的武器,双手双棍,凭着一套疯魔棍法,跟着凌云走南闯北,横扫华夏古武界 After helping Tie Xiaohu has designated weapon, Ling Yun immediately the purple gold copper rod received, does not attend to surprised shock of Chi Xiaohong, looks at face hidden bitterness Tang Meng saying: Greedy?” 铁小虎选定了武器之后,凌云立即把紫金铜棍又收了起来,也不顾池小虹的惊讶震撼,望着一脸幽怨的唐猛说道:“眼馋了是吧?” Brother Yun, you prejudicial......” 云哥,你偏心眼儿……” Tang Meng is having the weeping voice, curls the lip nod to say. 唐猛带着哭腔,撇着嘴点头说道。 Looks at your pitiful look......” “看你那熊样儿……” Ling Yun laughs, his thought moves, Desert Eagle at night the day before yesterday collection, took two, conveniently loses to Tang Meng and a A Bing person, spoke thoughtlessly saying: Careful, do not collapse own.” 凌云哈哈大笑,他意念一动,把前天晚上收集的沙鹰,拿了两把出来,顺手给唐猛阿兵一人丢过去一把,随口说道:“小心点儿,别崩了自己。” fuck! Desert Eagle!” “哇靠!沙鹰啊!” Damn!” 我擦!” Tang Meng and A Bing, two people only thinks that at present a flower, the subconsciousness meets Desert Eagle in the hand, only the sleep/felt starts to sink, they lower the head looked, immediately has been pleasantly surprised looking, excited not being able to bear exploded the thick mouth! 唐猛阿兵,两人只觉眼前一花,下意识把沙鹰接在了手里,只觉入手一沉,他们俩低头一看,顿时惊喜过望,都激动的忍不住爆粗口了! Spear/Gun! What this he is real spear/gun!” “枪啊!这他吗的是真枪啊!” Good, the Tang Meng father is Chief of Public Security Bureau, naturally matches the spear/gun, but A Bing is more ruthless, the A Bing father directly is a regimental commander, since childhood grows up in the army, what spear/gun hasn't seen?! 好嘛,唐猛的老子是公安局长,自然是配枪的,而阿兵更狠,阿兵的老子直接就是团长,从小在部队里长大,什么样的枪没见过?! These two fellows have a dream want a own spear/gun, now comes true, that can not excited, if crazy?! 这俩家伙做梦都想拥有一把自己的枪,现在梦想成真,那能不激动若狂?! This is a man most loves! 这是男人的最爱啊! Is without hesitation, only listens to ka ka two bullet palates, Tang Meng and A Bing these two fellow movements is exactly the same, simultaneously has aimed at the big tree of distant place. 毫不迟疑的,只听咔咔两声子弹上膛,唐猛阿兵这俩家伙动作如出一辙,同时对准了远处的一棵大树。 Also let alone, looked that these two fellows have played the person of real spear/gun, two spears/guns simultaneously aim at one, but also has really selects the imposing manner. 还别说,一看这俩家伙就都是玩儿过真枪的主儿,两把枪同时瞄准一处,还真有那么点儿气势。 Do not act unreasonably, have not waited for the hand to warm up, draws on your father, when the time comes confiscated the spear/gun not saying that but must close your confinement!” “别乱来,别没等手焐热呢,就把你爹招来,到时候没收了枪不说,还得关你的禁闭!” Ling Yun looked that these two boys want to open fire unexpectedly, immediately the sinking sound said. 凌云一看这俩小子竟然想开枪射击,顿时沉声说道。 Hehe, where can? I am not silly!” “嘿嘿,哪能呢?我才没那么傻呢!” Tang Meng also sets example, is naturally impossible to open fire, he skilled incomparable draws back the chest cavity the bullet, had the insurance, then decent inserts toward the waist on conveniently. 唐猛也就是做做样子,自然不可能开枪,他熟练无比的把子弹退膛,又上了保险,然后有模有样的往后腰上随手一插。 The A Bing speed quickly is not only slower than Tang Meng. 阿兵的速度比唐猛只快不慢。 Ling Yun pie Tang Meng was asking: Added that I amn't prejudicial?” 凌云暼着唐猛问道:“还说我偏心眼儿不?” Tang Meng thrusts out the face hehe to say with a smile: Hehe, Brother Yun, who dares saying that you are prejudicial? Looked that I varied to shoot dead him!” 唐猛腆着脸嘿嘿笑道:“嘿嘿,云哥,谁敢说你偏心眼儿?看我不一枪崩了他!” Ling Yun ridicules saying: Has resulted, you must a rifle butt your own collapse first!” 凌云笑骂道:“得了,那你得先一枪把你自己崩了!” Tang Meng does not dare to do right after something else, but quick does not lose heart to collect, said in a low voice: Brother Yun, does this spear/gun have?” 唐猛不敢接茬,可很快又不死心凑过来,低声道:“云哥,这枪还有没有?” Ling Yun does not conceal: Here also has 30.” 凌云也不隐瞒:“我这里还有30来把。” Tang Meng dumbstruck, the heart jumps crazily. 唐猛目瞪口呆,心脏狂跳。 Ling Yun turns the head suddenly, asked that Tie Xiaohu and A Bing said: What kind of that Li Yi and Jiao Fei, that three snipers, displayed over the two days? Has the issue?” 凌云忽然转头,问铁小虎阿兵道:“李义焦飞,还有那三名狙击手,这两天表现的怎么样?有没有问题?” Tie Xiaohu and A Bing also replied without hesitation: They display very much low-key, is obedient, should not have any issue.” 铁小虎阿兵不假思索同时答道:“他们表现的都很低调,很听话,应该不会有任何问题。” This with similar of Ling Yun expectation, he nodded saying: Such I felt relieved.” 这跟凌云料想的差不多,他点了点头道:“那样我就放心了。” „After having had the lunch, you go back these fellow belts, make concrete use to whom, no matter I, but, who must exit to deal with the average person with this, remember, regardless of the opposite party is the good person or the unprincipled person, making me know, killed without the amnesty!” “吃过午饭之后,你们把这些家伙都带回去,具体给谁使用,我不管,但有一条,谁要拿这个出去对付普通人,记住,无论对方是好人还是坏人,让我知道了,杀无赦!” Another three people nod again and again, indicated to understand. 另外三人连连点头,表示明白。 Ling Yun decided cannot cope with average person dead order after the spear/gun, said: If runs into unclear character to attack you, can open fire to protect oneself.” 凌云定了不许用枪对付普通人这一条死命令之后,又说道:“如果遇到不明的江湖人物袭击你们,可以开枪自保。” These words said, four people look at each other one mutually, simultaneously hehe villainous smile. 这句话说完,四个人互相对视一眼,同时嘿嘿奸笑了起来。 Stands in the one side, from the beginning sees young seductress Chi Xiaohong of tail all these, dumbstruck that already looked at! 站在一旁,把这一切从头看到尾的小妖女池小虹,早就看的目瞪口呆了!
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