DEMG :: Volume #1

#9: Gambling house ( 1 )

Xie Junyan sees Ning Lingyu to turn head, when he sees the Ning Lingyu pear flower belt/bring rain from the upfront finally the fine face, the pupil shrinks suddenly, the breath stagnates immediately! 谢俊彦宁灵雨回过头来,等他终于从正面看到宁灵雨梨花带雨的精致脸庞,瞳孔骤缩,呼吸顿时一滞! The clear spirit elegant makings after Ning Lingyu this type of empty mountain rain, not beautiful peerless Cao Shanshan and beautiful and bewitching frivolous Zhuang Meina had! 宁灵雨这种空山雨后的清灵秀美的气质,绝非美艳绝伦的曹珊珊和妖冶轻佻的庄美娜所具有的! This is also Ning Lingyu can attract Xie Junyan to be infatuated with crazily, can not to the biggest reason that she vows not to rest! 这也正是宁灵雨能吸引谢俊彦一直疯狂迷恋,不得到她誓不罢休的最大原因! Xie Junyan leave no trace covers greedy in both eyes, suddenly has exchanged a smiling face of kind care, said to Ning Lingyu: Lingyu, in good condition, did you burst into tears? Meina cannot speak, do not care......” 谢俊彦不着痕迹的掩去双眼中的贪婪,眨眼间换上了一副亲切的关心的笑容,对宁灵雨说道:“灵雨,好端端的,你怎么流泪了?美娜不太会说话,你不要太在意……” The meaning of flattering, reveals in speech and appearance. 讨好之意,溢于言表。 Zhuang Meina counted on Xie Junyan can back up for her, withstand/top Ning Lingyu several, at this time saw Xie Junyan saying that the climate resulted in the anger snort/hum, has pulled out from the crook of the elbow of Xie Junyan the arm. 庄美娜本来指望谢俊彦能为她帮腔,顶宁灵雨几句,此时见谢俊彦这么说,顿时气得怒哼了一声,把胳膊从谢俊彦的臂弯里抽了出来。 Snort, originally is that fool your Big Brother? Excuse me, I did not know!” “哼,原来那个傻子是你哥哥啊?不好意思,我一直不知道呢!” No matter what, Zhuang Meina achieved has attacked the Ning Lingyu goal, she was very favorite, her towards Ning Lingyu has raised the chin intentionally, spreads expression that the full base on the face owed to pull out very much, said indifferently. 不管怎么说,庄美娜达到了打击宁灵雨的目的,她还是很得意的,她故意对着宁灵雨扬了扬下巴,涂满粉底的脸上一副很欠抽的表情,无所谓道。 Zhuang Meina, I do not want to oppose with you, do not think that my Ning Lingyu has feared you! I said again, my Big Brother is not good-for-nothing waste, please, is self-possessed!” 庄美娜,我一直不想和你作对,别以为我宁灵雨就怕了你!我再说一遍,我哥哥不是窝囊废,请你以后自重!” Zhuang Meina listened to disdaining of whole face, ridiculed: Your isn't Big Brother good-for-nothing waste? Your has Big Brother this time tested first from the bottom? Your was Big Brother hit all day? All day was ridiculed? Also wants to pursue Cao Shanshan? Doesn't he know the urination photo the own pig appearance? And, this good-for-nothing waste, I do not know how good-for-nothing waste defined!” 庄美娜听了满脸的不屑,讥讽道:“你哥哥不是窝囊废?你哥哥这次是不是又考了个倒数第一?你哥哥是不是整天被人打?整天被人嘲笑?还想去追曹珊珊?他也不知道撒泡尿照照自己的猪样子?且,这要不是窝囊废,我都不知道窝囊废怎么定义了!” Zhuang Meina is in power does not forgive the person, your Big Brother, saved including the Ling Yun's name, obviously, she seized the Ning Lingyu weakness finally, to the utmost taunted the satire. 庄美娜得势不饶人,一口一个“你哥哥”,连凌云的名字都省了,显然,她终于逮住了宁灵雨的弱点,极尽挖苦讽刺。 A Ning Lingyu air/Qi pain: You!......” She had a mind is Ling Yun said that several, is actually not able to refute. 宁灵雨一阵气苦:“你!……”她有心为凌云说上几句,却无从反驳。 Because Zhuang Meina this time really held her sore spot, making her debate does not have to debate. 因为庄美娜这次实在是抓住了她的痛处,让她辩无可辩。 Good, Zhuang Meina you little said two, everybody is Classmates, you must consider the feeling of Lingyu......” “好了好了,庄美娜你少说两句,大家都是同学,你也要考虑一下灵雨的感受嘛……” Xie Junyan saw the Classmates facial color in class bad has encircled, feared that Zhuang Meina initiates the popular anger, the hurrying hindrance waylays. 谢俊彦看到班里的同学都面色不善的围了过来,怕庄美娜引发众怒,赶忙阻拦道。 Although Ning Lingyu is poor, may study very assiduously, the look is not no need saying that is also the commissary in charge of studies in class, studies bad Classmates to the class in is always the warm-hearted help, therefore is very good because of the personal connection of third year class 1, the prestige is very high. 宁灵雨虽然家境贫寒,可学习十分刻苦,相貌就不必说了,又是班里的学习委员,对班里学习差的同学从来都是热心帮助,因此在高三一班的人缘很好,威望很高。 It can be said that Ning Lingyu is in the third year class 1 most male student in the heart dreams the goddess, at this moment sees her by the Zhuang Meina crazy attack, is not being feeling well of face. 可以说,宁灵雨是高三一班大多数男生心中的梦中女神,此刻见到她被庄美娜疯狂攻击,均是一脸的不爽。 Zhuang Meina actually does not think, she depends family's wealth potential , being proud charm does not lose to anybody, dries in the sun these Classmates not to dare to move her, therefore even more is instead rampant vigorously. 庄美娜却不这么想,她仗着家里的财势,又自负魅力不输给任何人,晾这些同学也不敢动她,因此反而越发嚣张起劲。 Xie Junyan, are you my boyfriend are her boyfriend? Are you help me help her? I said how her Big Brother was good-for-nothing waste! Snort, good-for-nothing waste, toad!” 谢俊彦,你到底是我男朋友还是她男朋友?你到底是帮我还是帮她?我就说她哥哥是个窝囊废怎么了!哼,窝囊废,癞蛤蟆!” The eye socket of Ning Lingyu air/Qi flood red, she closely is nipping the own lip, the breath shortness, the tender body shivers fiercely, raised the hand is pointing at face rampant Zhuang Meina, the angry basis could not speak! 宁灵雨气的眼圈泛红,她紧紧咬着自己的下嘴唇,呼吸急促,娇躯剧烈颤抖,抬手指着一脸嚣张的庄美娜,愤怒的根本说不出话来! Looks at the Ning Lingyu indignant appearance, the Xie Junyan heart unexpectedly flood an abnormal pleasant sensation, „, making you install Saintess with me, the father wants to make you be dead set on to fall in love with me, ten your such also made me give to turn!” 看着宁灵雨气愤的样子,谢俊彦的心底竟泛起一种变态的快感,“哼,让你跟我装圣女,老子要不是想让你死心塌地爱上我,十个你这样的也让我给轮了!” However on the Xie Junyan face actually as before is thinks of one to the Ning Lingyu concern, to the Zhuang Meina helpless expression, frowns that he hates bitterly, will speak, actually hears the third year class 2 of next door to transmit one to clamor! 不过谢俊彦脸上却依旧是装着一副对宁灵雨关切,对庄美娜无奈的表情,他痛心疾首的皱了皱眉,正要说话,却听到隔壁的高三二班传来一阵喧哗! Opens the gambling, opens gambling, oneself Little Gambling God Tang Meng is a resident buyer, bets that dead fatty to run many circles, one compensates one time, two compensate two times...... Five to ten compensate five times, over ten compensate 20 times! Cannot guess to calculate to lose, one point does not compensate!” “开赌啦,开赌啦,本人小赌神唐猛坐庄,赌那个死胖子到底能跑多少圈,一圈赔一倍,两圈赔两倍……五到十圈赔五倍,十圈以上赔20倍!猜不中算输,一分不赔!” Third year class 2 Little Gambling God Tang Meng, the Clear Water City's Public Security Bureau Deputy Director son, one of the Qingshui High School four big young tyrants, likes to gamble inborn, especially worships the God of Gamblers that Brother Fa develops, proclaims Little Gambling God. 高三二班“小赌神唐猛,清水市公安局副局长的儿子,清水一中四大恶少之一,天生好赌,尤其崇拜发哥演的赌神,自封小赌神 Since he has attended the high school, almost all can be used for the guessing contest the project to bet! 他上高中以来,几乎把所有可以用来竞猜的项目赌了一个遍! Including various scores on the test, the champion and second-place finisher of school games competes, entire gambling that the football match and basketball tournament that among the school classes and grades holds, can bet! 包括各类考试成绩,校运动会的冠亚军争夺,学校班级之间举行的足球赛和篮球赛,能赌的全赌! This boy tall and mighty, the flower shirt, the jeans, are keeping in the Young and Dangerous the Chen Haonan elegant hairstyle, the manner is unruly, unconventional. However although he skips classes the internet, to fight, gambling to pursue the girl wait/etc. nothing which is not to do, actually little bullies the weak one. 这小子高大威猛,花衬衣,牛仔裤,留着古惑仔里陈浩南的飘逸发型,为人桀骜不驯,放荡不羁。不过他虽然逃课上网、打架斗殴、赌博追女孩子等等无所不干,却很少欺负弱者。 Since Tang Meng worships the God of Gamblers, naturally the heaviest gambler's character, the gambling won greatly has certainly gained one, but if lost, actually should compensate compensates, was never ambiguous. 唐猛既然崇拜赌神,自然最重赌品,赌赢了当然大赚一笔,可如果赌输了,却该赔就赔,从不含糊。 Therefore although many Classmates despise the mental disposition of his playboy juniors, actually heartfeltly admires his gambler's character. 因此很多同学虽然不齿他纨绔子弟的秉性,却由衷佩服他的赌品。 After finishing class, he noticed that Ling Yun carries sandbag to run like crazy on Sports Field, to meaning that the present has not stopped slightly, at heart ten thousand ant webs are immediately itchy, such came a throat! 下课以后他看到凌云扛着沙袋在操场上疯跑,到现在丝毫没有停下的意思,顿时心里万蚁钻心般痒痒,就这么来了一嗓子! His voice is very big, the floor that entire high three are at all of a sudden heard, the good matter of each class and grade immediately has encircled. 他嗓门很大,一下子整个高三所在的楼层都听见了,每个班级的好事儿的顿时呼啦啦围了过来。 Brother Tang, I detain 50, bets one......” 唐哥,我押50,赌一圈……” I detain 100, bets two......” “我押100,赌两圈……” 80,......” 200,......” 150, two......” “80,一圈……”“200,一圈……”“150,两圈……” ............ ………… As a class of class leader, how Xie Junyan is having a headache solves the trouble that in the own class two big school beauty are in sharp opposition, at this moment saw Tang Meng to open the gambling house, all people have encircled, immediately a heart loosen. 作为一班的班长,谢俊彦正头疼怎么解决自己班里两大校花针锋相对的麻烦,此刻见唐猛开了赌局,所有人都围了过去,顿时心头一松。 He has entrained self-satisfied Zhuang Meina, lightly saying that a face ponders: Walks, goes to take a look at.” 他拽了正得意的庄美娜一把,一脸玩味的淡淡道:“走,过去看看。” The Zhuang Meina resembles fought has won cockerel general, happily has swept Ning Lingyu one, disdained to say intentionally: Has anything to like to gamble, that good-for-nothing waste has not run including the half-turn now, dies of exhaustion him also to run one!” 庄美娜像斗赢了的公鸡一般,得意的扫了宁灵雨一眼,故意不屑说道:“有什么好赌的,那窝囊废现在连半圈都没跑上,累死他也不过跑一圈儿而已!” Xie Junyan carried towards Ning Lingyu at this time, on face has exchanged an evil different smiling face immediately, he said in a soft voice: Therefore, Tang Meng previous time has won my 10,000 dollars, this time he dares to open this gambling house, I must make his both capital and interest all spit to me!” 谢俊彦此时背对着宁灵雨,脸上立即换上了一丝邪异的笑容,他轻声道:“所以啊,唐猛上次赢了我10000块钱,这次他敢开这个赌局,我要让他连本带利全给我吐出来!” That „, therefore as if said that intentionally to the Ning Lingyu hear, the sound delivers to the ear of Ning Lingyu not too big nor too small exactly. 那声“所以啊”似乎是故意说给宁灵雨听的,声音不大不小恰好送到宁灵雨的耳朵里。 Ning Lingyu had been attacked by the Zhuang Meina slander first, at this time heard Xie Junyan having no intention to divulge disdaining that the silver tooth of air/Qi bit immediately! 宁灵雨先是被庄美娜恶语攻击了一番,此时又听到了谢俊彦“无意”中透漏出来的不屑,立时气的银牙咬碎! Refuses Xie Junyan not to know that many time extremely bright Ning Lingyu are very clear, although the campus four big young tyrants, may these four big young tyrants add, compared with the head of this Qingshui High School playboy, the Clear Water City routine Vice Mayor son is bad! 拒绝过谢俊彦不知道多少次的冰雪聪明的宁灵雨很清楚,校园虽然有四大恶少,可就算这四大恶少加起来,也比不过这清水一中纨绔之首,清水市常务副市长的儿子坏! Only because of the badness of four big young tyrants, goes bad in the surface, but Xie Junyan is actually goes bad the person with kindly face and cruel heart in bone, behind set of set of, kills people face to face does not use the mean role of blade! 只因四大恶少的坏,是坏在面上,而谢俊彦却是个坏在骨子里的笑面虎,当面一套背后一套,杀人不用刀的阴狠角色! She slightly hesitant, looked on Sports Field that step firm form, in the beautiful pupil flashes through wipes the meaning of renouncing, walked in the Tang Meng direction. 她只是微微犹豫了一下,又看了一眼操场上那个步伐坚定的身影,美眸中闪过一抹决绝之意,朝着唐猛的方向走了过去。 She must bet own Big Brother to run over ten, although knows that own must lose without doubt, does not struggle the steamed bun to make every effort to succeed, she must give sudden Big Brother cheers/cheering with this special way! 她要赌自己哥哥跑十圈以上,虽然知道自己必输无疑,可不争馒头争口气,她要用这种特殊的方式给突然爆发的哥哥加油 So long as that strong rigid, can care for her, can protect her Big Brother to stand, even if makes her invest, she also wants! 只要那个坚强执着、能关爱她,能保护她的哥哥重新站起来,就算让她倾其所有,她也愿意! Nobody believes, the semblance such as spatial valley orchid Ning Lingyu, the innermost feelings are unexpectedly staunch hence! 没有人相信,外表如空谷幽兰般的宁灵雨,内心竟刚烈至此! Tang Meng that bastard opened the gambling house, this time opened the gambling with Ling Yun of our class unexpectedly, Shanshan, do we want to watch the fun?” Looks in the own class several students to run in two classes of directions, weird Zhang Ling starts to flicker immediately Cao Shanshan. 唐猛那个混蛋又开赌局了呢,这次竟然是拿我们班的凌云开赌,珊珊,我们要不要去看看热闹?”看着自己班里好几个学生往二班的方向跑去,古灵精怪张灵立刻开始忽悠曹珊珊 Calmness that very although Cao Shanshan at this time displays, but her at heart is actually overwhelming general, is similar to Qiantang River tide one after another, is attacking her body and mind continually! 曹珊珊此时虽然表现的很镇定,可她的心里却是翻江倒海一般,如同钱塘江一波一波的大潮,持续的冲击着她的身心! Her own status own knows, she and Ling Yun are impossible to have any occurring together, therefore she did not feel to the Ling Yun only feeling, like to most male students. 自己的身份自己知道,她和凌云根本不可能有任何交集,因此她对凌云唯一的感觉就是毫无感觉,就像对大多数男生一样。 today, own bewildered involving in the related Ling Yun's news vortex, she is really somewhat is in the morning angry, may afterward think that this definitely is laughing uproariously that some school bored people do, therefore air/Qi disappeared was similar. 今天早晨,自己莫名其妙的牵扯进了有关凌云的消息漩涡里,她是真有些恼怒,可后来觉得这肯定是学校一些无聊的人搞出来的噱头,因此气已经消的差不多了。 After finishing class her on mouth strong, that is to maintain the own girl's face in front of Zhang Ling. 至于下课后她嘴上强硬,那是想在张灵面前维持自己女孩子的面子罢了。 But when she comes out to notice that on Sports Field carries the Ling Yun's time that the sandbag runs furiously, she has thought of own Big Brother all of a sudden, Cao Tianlong. 可当她出来看到操场上扛着沙袋奋力奔跑的凌云的时候,她一下子想到了自己哥哥,曹天龙 Formidable willpower that firm and resolute on Ling Yun face, rigid in eye, that unprecedented fighting spirit, in that body shows, with own that as proud as extreme outstanding Big Brother is how similar! 凌云脸上的坚毅,眼中的执着,那种一往无前的斗志,那身体中展现出来的强大意志力,跟自己那个骄傲到极点的优秀的哥哥是多么相似! Walks, goes to take a look at!” Zhang Ling also feared Cao Shanshan will not join in the fun in the past, just wants to carry on to mislead with the own glib tongue again, actually heard Cao Shanshan to come such one. “走,过去看看!”张灵本来还怕曹珊珊不会过去凑热闹,正想用自己的三寸不烂之舌再进行蛊惑呢,却听到曹珊珊来了这么一句。 She immediately brain some insufficient...... Has Cao Shanshan with changing resembled personally?? Has JQ really? 她顿时脑子有些不够用……曹珊珊怎么跟变了个人似的?难道?真的有JQ? Oh feeds, I said that today this is any wind that blows, opened a small gambling house, causes top 3 beauties simultaneously arrives unexpectedly! I said that three beautiful women, do you want to bet one?” “哎哟喂,我说今天这是刮的什么风,开了一个小赌局,竟然引得三大校花齐至!我说三位美女,难道你们都想赌一把?” Tang Meng has not thought that a own throat actually shouted top 3 beauties of this school, some nerve also surprise of his heavy line, nearly look at dumbly at the scene. 唐猛没想到自己一嗓子竟然喊来了本校的三大校花,就他那粗线条的神经也不禁有些诧异,差点儿就呆立当场。 What's wrong, Tang Meng, since you dare to open the gambling, doesn't welcome us to detain the note?” “怎么,唐猛,既然你敢开赌,难道不欢迎我们押注么?” Cao Shanshan unusual bright smiles, is similar to the peony is in full bloom, all flowers blooms together, looks the male students who surrounds is the mind immerses, had forgotten quite the same as is where. 曹珊珊少有的灿烂一笑,如同牡丹盛开,百花齐放,看得围观的众男生均是心神沉醉,浑然忘记了身在何处。 Welcome, naturally is warm welcome, has not thought that our big school beauty actually such pay attention to this fatty......” “欢迎欢迎,当然是热烈欢迎,没想到我们的大校花竟然对这个胖子这么关注哈……” Pondering and ambiguous of Tang Meng face, direct toward the morning hearsay in unintentionally. 唐猛一脸的玩味和暧昧,有意无意往早晨的传闻上引。 Tang Meng you little spoke the idle talk, I detain 2000, bets that waste most to run!” Zhuang Meina saw Cao Shanshan to come unexpectedly, the own trend of events entire quilt lived, immediately some were impatient. 唐猛你少说废话,我押2000块,赌那个废物最多跑一圈!”庄美娜曹珊珊竟然都过来了,自己风头全被盖住,顿时有些不耐烦。 Tang Meng tilted the head looked at Zhuang Meina one, maintained composure saying: good good good, village big school beauty presses 2000, bets, if guesses, net gains 2000 Yuan!” 唐猛歪头看了庄美娜一眼,不动声色道:“好好好,庄大校花压2000,赌一圈,如果猜中,净赚2000元!” Then, his vision has uppered shift from the body of Zhuang Meina, the vision is gradually swift and fierce, looks straight ahead Xie Junyan: What's wrong? Young Master thanked, must play, previous losing fishes?” 接着,他的目光从庄美娜的身上移了开去,目光渐渐凌厉,直视谢俊彦:“怎么?谢公子,要不要玩一把,把上次输掉的捞回去?” Vision overbearing of Tang Meng provocation is swift and fierce, the Xie Junyan eyebrow selects slightly, the point in eye flashes to pass, shrugs the arm saying: Good, accompanies you to play one!” 唐猛挑衅的目光霸道而凌厉,谢俊彦眉毛微微一挑,眼中的锋芒一闪而逝,耸了耸肩膀道:“好,陪你玩一把!”
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