DEMG :: Volume #1

#10: Gambling house ( 2 )

Tang Meng as if already expected Xie Junyan definitely to insert a foot, therefore he shows a faint smile, gave the thumbs-up to refer to the Sports Field direction, was calm and composed even in press of work lightly saying: Since Young Master Xie is interested, that hurries to chip , the fatty ran the half-turn, how many circles do you bet him to run?” 唐猛似乎早就料到谢俊彦肯定会插上一脚,于是他微微一笑,伸出大拇指往操场的方向指了指,好整以暇淡淡道:“既然谢大少有兴趣,那就赶紧下注吧,那胖子可是已经跑了半圈了,你赌他能跑多少圈?” All has chipped and student who has wanted to chip, holds the breath is staring at Xie Junyan with rapt attention. Very obviously, everybody compares to believe his judgment. 所有下过注和想要下注的学生,都屏息凝神盯着谢俊彦。很显然,大家都比较相信他的判断力。 Xie Junyan has not said a word, but fell on the vision Ling Yun's on Sports Field, observed his step carefully, his movement, his breath, even his look, such probably horse racing the observation horses to be the same in the racetrack. 谢俊彦并没有言语,而是把目光落到了操场上的凌云的身上,细细观察他的步伐,他的动作,他的呼吸,甚至他的眼神,那样子就好像在赛马场赌马观察马匹一样。 Along with his observation, is getting more and more tight, the facial expression that on face the brow of Xie Junyan also wrinkles also becomes complex. 随着他的观察,谢俊彦的眉头也皱的越来越紧,脸上的神情也变得复杂之极。 Tang Meng looks at him so, cannot bear sneer to ridicule: Young Master Xie, you think that is horse racing? The observation so is long, cannot lose do not play, many people also wait to chip in!” 唐猛看他如此,忍不住冷笑讥讽道:“谢大少,你以为是赌马呢?还观察这么久,输不起就别玩,好多人还等着下注呢!” Xie Junyan listened to a brow porch, Ling Yun that from runs slowly takes back the vision fiercely, the ease that the facial expression could not say, said with a smile: This year the head, the person is inferior to horse, how considers horse racing? I pay 5000 Yuan, bets four!” 谢俊彦听了不禁眉头一轩,猛地从缓慢奔跑的凌云身上收回目光,神情说不出的悠然,微笑道:“这年头,人不如马,就当是赌马又如何?我出5000元,赌四圈!” „?......” “啊?……” What? Ended, Xie Junyan bets Ling Yun to carry the sandbag unexpectedly to run four, that is 1600 meters!” “什么?完了,谢俊彦竟然赌凌云能扛着沙袋跑四圈,那可是1600米啊!” Ended ended, the Xie Junyan judgment should differ not in a big way, I bet him to run, lost!” “完了完了,谢俊彦判断应该相差不大的,我才赌他跑一圈啊,输定了!” Classmates in an uproar that surrounds, some of them do not believe that Ling Yun can run really four, some lost this week of living expenses in meat pain own, majority actually such think highly of Ling Yun to feel unthinkable for Xie Junyan! 围观的同学们一片哗然,他们有的不相信凌云真能跑四圈,有的在肉痛自己输掉了这周的生活费,还有大多数是为谢俊彦竟然这么看得起凌云感到匪夷所思! These shocking most indignant naturally was Zhuang Meina, she just pounded 2000 Yuan gambling Ling Yun most to run, this Xie Junyan unexpectedly judges Ling Yun to run now four, this was not naked hit her face? 这其中最震惊最气愤的当然要数庄美娜了,她刚刚砸了2000元赌凌云最多跑一圈,这谢俊彦现在竟然判断凌云能跑四圈,这不是赤裸裸的打她的脸吗? She loves dearly own to lose these 2000 dollars actually not, but was worried to work as these many people to lose the own face! 她倒不是心疼自己输掉这2000块钱,而是担心当着这么多人丢了自己的面子! Snort, four? 1600 meters? On that Fat Pig? He did not carry the sandbag to run three then heaven-defying!” Although Zhuang Meina knows that Xie Junyan own will definitely not be digging a pit own to jump, may unable to bear express despising of own! “哼,四圈?1600米?就那头胖猪?他就算不扛着沙袋能跑三圈就逆天了!”庄美娜虽然知道谢俊彦肯定不会自己挖坑自己跳,可还是忍不住表达了自己的鄙夷! Tang Meng this big Zhuang Family listened, actually cannot bear a corner of the eye twitch. 唐猛这个大庄家听了,却是忍不住眼角一阵抽动。 Since is known as Little Gambling God, before he opens gambling house , the odds of establishing naturally did not shout that blindly, he also carefully observes the posture and movement that Ling Yun has jogged, four, exactly are his judgment! 既然号称小赌神,他开赌局之前设定的赔率自然不是瞎喊的,他也细细观察过凌云跑步的姿势和动作,四圈,恰好就是他的判断! As for over five...... That is gains purely steadily does not compensate, who buys odds that who owes, present high-school student, if not the specialized training, who can carry 50 jin (0.5 kg) sandbag to run two kilometers? 至于五圈以上……那纯粹是稳赚不赔,谁买谁亏的赔率,现在的高中生,如果不是专门训练,谁能扛着50斤的沙袋奔跑两千米? Although this time had been pressed firmly between the fingers seven cuns (2.5 cm) by Xie Junyan, but Tang Meng actually maintains composure saying: „The Young Master Xie good eye, 5000, four times of odds, won have net gained 20,000, it seems like your this time wanted both capital and interest to take?” 虽然这次被谢俊彦捏住了七寸,可唐猛却是不动声色道:“谢大少好眼力,5000,四倍赔率,赢了就净赚20000,看来你这次是要连本带利拿回去啊?” Xie Junyan already observed the non- nature of Tang Meng that flash, he seems to be confident, said with a smile lightly: Does not pay a return visit discourteously, previous time you gain me white/in vain 10,000, this time I bring back 10,000, everybody happen to averages...... With doesn't need me to take the cash?” 谢俊彦早就观察到了唐猛那一瞬间的不自然,他似乎胸有成竹,淡淡一笑道:“来而不往非礼也,上次你白赚我10000,这次我多拿回10000,大家正好扯平……用不用我拿现金?” Tang Meng hehe said with a smile: I am untrustworthy Young Master Xie you, Zhao Lei, keeps accounts, the Xie Junyan 5000 Yuan, bet four!” 唐猛嘿嘿一笑道:“我还信不过谢大少你吗,赵磊,记账,谢俊彦5000元,赌四圈!” Good!” Tang Meng personal servant little brother Zhao Lei hurries to write toward the small book in fiercely. “好嘞!”唐猛的跟班小弟赵磊赶忙往小本子上一阵猛写。 Did not wait for him to finish, Tang Meng made an effort to inspire, spoke thoughtlessly to the surroundings shouts: Also has to bet?” 不等他写完,唐猛用力吸了一口气,又随口对周围喊道:“还有没有要赌的?” I bet 1000 Yuan, bets five to ten!” Cao Shanshan opens the cherry lips lightly, the sound is actually categorical. “我赌1000元,赌五圈到十圈之间!”曹珊珊轻启樱唇,声音却是斩钉截铁。 „......” Holds breath the cold air sound, all people petrify at the scene! “斯……”倒吸凉气的声音,所有人石化当场! Ah?! this......” many Classmates dull is looking at Cao Shanshan, inconceivable of whole face! 啊?!这……”好多同学都呆呆的望着曹珊珊,满脸的不可思议! Xie Junyan listened, on face somewhat cannot hang, his complexion somewhat is slightly awkward, really has not thought iceberg school beauty that this mortal is unable to approach, how such has confidence to think Ling Yun can run over five! 就连谢俊彦听了,脸上都有些挂不住,他脸色微微有些尴尬,实在是没想到这位凡人根本无法靠近的冰山校花,怎么这么有把握认为凌云能跑五圈以上! And, especially takes Zhang Ling and Ning Lingyu as really! 其中,尤其以张灵宁灵雨为甚! Shanshan, won't you have a fever? You have a look at Ling Yun that appearance, he is including two not to run, but also five?” Zhang Ling hurries anxiously draws the Cao Shanshan sleeves, hurries the good words to persuade. 珊珊,你不会是发烧了吧?你看看凌云那个样子,他就是连两圈都跑不上啊,还五圈?”张灵赶忙焦急的一拉曹珊珊衣袖,赶紧好言相劝。 Here person are many, it is estimated that she already lifted the hand to touch the Cao Shanshan bright and clean forehead, having a look at this big beautiful woman to have a fever. 要不是这里人多,估计她早就抬手摸摸曹珊珊光洁的额头了,看看这位大美女是不是发烧了。 Good! Cao big school beauty chips in 1000 Yuan, bets Ling Yun five to ten! Won has compensated 5000 Yuan!” Tang Meng happy beaming with joy, this is the money of steadily making does not compensate! “好嘞!曹大校花下注1000元,赌凌云五到十圈!赢了赔5000元!”唐猛乐的眉开眼笑,这可是稳赚不赔的钱! Actually this has not made how much money the issues, thinks that can gain on Cao big school beauty in the high school time has been to 1000 Yuan, in the future his Tang Meng will have the qualification of boast, has a dream can smile to awake. 其实这已经不是赚多少钱的问题了,想想在高中时代能在曹大校花身上赚到过1000元,将来他唐猛也有吹嘘的本钱,就是做梦都能笑醒。 Ning Lingyu at this time dull looks at Cao Shanshan, thought that own misunderstood a moment ago! 宁灵雨此时呆呆的看着曹珊珊,也觉得自己刚才是不是听错了! Does Cao Shanshan actually such think highly of own Big Brother? today morning hearsay...... 曹珊珊竟然这么看得起自己哥哥?难道,今天早晨的传闻…… Tang Meng grinning hurrying makes own little brother Zhao Lei inscribe the tent/account, actually simply not to the meaning that Cao Shanshan asks for money, then he lifts hand finger/refers of Sports Field fiercely. 唐猛笑嘻嘻的赶紧让自己的小弟赵磊记上帐,却根本没有向曹珊珊要钱的意思,然后他猛地抬手一指操场 Classmates, look at the strength of this fatty, he must certainly put forth the vigor that nurses to run, but, several minutes must attend class--” spoke of here, he has swept all people, continued saying: If everybody believes that my gambler's character, my Tang Meng arrives at Sports Field to come up now , helping Ling Yun several!” 同学们,看这胖子的劲头,他肯定是要使出吃奶的劲儿来跑了,不过,还有几分钟就要上课了——”说到这里,他扫了一眼所有人,继续道:“如果大家相信我的赌品,我唐猛现在就到操场上去,帮凌云数圈!” As for everybody, you should go back to attend class attended class, after waiting till under the festival class had ended, I will tell everybody Ling Yun to run many circles!” “至于大伙,你们该回去上课就上课,等到了下节课结束以后,我会告诉大家凌云到底跑了多少圈!” Naturally, if chipped in did not feel relieved that here, performs to be able with me to skip classes several to go together!” “当然,如果在我这里下了注又不放心的,尽可以跟着我一块儿逃课过去数圈去!” Tang Meng said is very pompous, after may say, he actually stopped the vision on the Xie Junyan face. 唐猛说的很是冠冕堂皇,可说完了之后,他却把目光停在了谢俊彦脸上。 That meaning is very obvious, the note that Xie Junyan throws is biggest, he is returns to the classroom to attend class, goes to Sports Field several to go with own. 那意思很明显,谢俊彦投的注最大,他是回教室上课,还是跟自己操场上数圈去。 The Xie Junyan smile shakes the head, ships out very magnanimous appearance, shows a faint smile saying: Entire Qingshui High School who doesn't believe Tang Meng your gambler's character? Several are several, to population circle matter, I do not have the interest......” 谢俊彦微笑摇头,装出很大度的样子,微微一笑道:“整个清水一中谁不相信唐猛你的赌品?几圈就是几圈,给人数圈这种事情,我没兴趣……” Then, courtesy to the Cao Shanshan smile, nodded, must draw Zhuang Meina to return to the classroom. 说完,礼节性的冲曹珊珊微笑,点了点头,就要拉着庄美娜回教室。 Tang Meng just wants to make everybody diverge, actually hears a chilly sound to shout: 唐猛刚想让大伙散去,却听一个清冷的声音喊道: Slow!” “慢着!” Just wants to run back Classmates that the classroom attended class, as soon as listened, immediately came the interest, has stopped the footsteps, looked to the origin of sound. 刚想跑回教室上课的同学们一听,顿时来了兴致,纷纷止住了脚步,看向了声音的来源。 Sees only the Ning Lingyu black eyebrow coloring eyebrow slightly wrinkle, proceeded to move gently one step, cut the water double pupil to watch intently Tang Meng, cold sound said: Tang Meng, since you open the gambling house with my Big Brother, I also want to bet a gambling, Ok?” 只见宁灵雨黛眉微皱,轻轻往前挪了一步,剪水双瞳逼视着唐猛,冷声道:“唐猛,既然你拿我哥哥开赌局,那我也想赌一赌,可以吧?” Although Tang Meng the natural disposition is straightforward, may make the gambling house with Big Brother of families, others younger sisters walk, he really somewhat is awkward, let alone in the Clear Water four big young tyrants, he secretly likes Ning Lingyu that! 唐猛虽然生性粗豪大胆,可拿人家的哥哥做赌局,人家妹妹找上门来,他还真有些尴尬,更何况清水四大恶少里面,他正是偷偷喜欢宁灵雨的那一个! Tang Meng is very somewhat afraid, he unnatural flexure scratching the head, hehe compensated to say with a smile: Hehe, Ning Lingyu, do not misunderstand, actually I am play, does not have other meaning......” 唐猛很是有些心虚,他不自然的挠了挠头,嘿嘿赔笑道:“嘿嘿,宁灵雨,你不要误会,其实我就是玩玩,没有别的意思……” I, no matter what do you mean!” The Ning Lingyu complexion is as before chilly, she pulls out the own only 500 dollars from the wallet directly, lifts hands over to Tang Meng. “我不管你是什么意思!”宁灵雨脸色依旧清冷,她直接从钱包里掏出自己仅有的500块钱,抬手递给唐猛 You listened, 500, bet my Big Brother to run over ten!” Ning Lingyu does not conceal the anger in own eye, she also knows that the own money definitely has not to return, but she does not care! “你听好了,500块,赌我哥哥能跑十圈以上!”宁灵雨毫不掩饰自己眼中的怒火,她也知道自己的钱肯定有去无回,可她根本不在乎! On the corridor is one piece calls out in alarm! 走廊上更是一片惊呼! Ten? This...... This is impossible!” “十圈?这……这根本不可能嘛!” Yes, carries 50 jin (0.5 kg) sandbag to run four kilometers? This does not write the profound imaginary novel......” “是啊是啊,扛着50斤的沙袋跑四千米?这又不是写玄幻小说……” Must say the special troop, I believe that but Ling Yun, hehe......” “要说特种兵,我信,可凌云嘛,呵呵呵……” time calls out in alarm rises from all directions, all sorts of comments! 时间惊呼四起,议论纷纷 Ning Lingyu, cough cough...... Let me tell you, although this is betting playing, may if really lost, money does not draw back, you are not worthwhile mump......” Tang Meng to know that the Ning Lingyu family is difficult, therefore he has not met money that Ning Lingyu hands over, but urging. 宁灵雨,咳咳……我跟你说,这虽然是赌着玩,可真要是输了,钱也不退的,你犯不上斗气……”唐猛知道宁灵雨家庭困难,因此他并没有接宁灵雨递过来的钱,而是一个劲的劝。 Xie Junyan also looks that Ning Lingyu urged temperately: Ning Lingyu, your Big Brother is impossible to run over ten, do not throw money...... Tang Meng is eats the meat not to spit the person of bone, you are not worthwhile really......” 谢俊彦也看着宁灵雨温和劝道:“宁灵雨,你哥哥不可能跑十圈以上的,你就别扔钱了……唐猛是个吃肉不吐骨头的主儿,你真的犯不上……” Has saying that Xie Junyan is black belly Expert, while consoling Ning Lingyu, has not forgotten to take along is disparaging Tang Meng. 不得不说谢俊彦是个腹黑高手,在劝慰宁灵雨的同时,还不忘捎带着贬低一下唐猛 Another side Cao Shanshan did not say a word, a pair beautiful such as the eye of autumn waters static sized up Ning Lingyu, in the heart is admiring this girl's courage and staunchness secretly. 另一侧的曹珊珊却是一言不发,一双美丽如秋水的眼睛静静的打量着宁灵雨,心中暗暗佩服这女孩子的勇气和刚烈。 Resounding of extremely unharmonious sound mystifying: I said Xie Junyan, your did today take the wrong medicine? Others want, for her Big Brother draws cash to throw away carelessly, none of your business? great aunt I have also thrown 2000 dollars, how don't you put?” 一个极其不和谐的声音阴阳怪气的响起:“我说谢俊彦,你今天吃错药了吧?人家愿意为了她哥哥拿钱打水漂,关你什么事姑奶奶我还扔了2000块钱呢,你怎么连个屁都不放?” Speech naturally is Zhuang Meina, she hits was a moment ago unsatisfied to Xie Junyan, the good and evil she now is also the Xie Junyan justifiable girlfriend, Xie Junyan over and over again helped Ning Lingyu speak, according to her temperament, can endure the present to erupt is very good. 说话的自然是庄美娜,她打刚才就对谢俊彦不满意了,好歹她现在也是谢俊彦名正言顺的女朋友,谢俊彦三番五次的帮着宁灵雨说话,依照她的脾气,能忍到现在爆发就很不错了。 Has scruples the power and influence of Xie Junyan, if changes a person, Zhuang Meina already shouted abuse! 要不是顾忌谢俊彦家的权势,如果换一个人,庄美娜早就破口大骂了! Ning Lingyu is disinclined to pay attention to Zhuang Meina, she 500 dollars in hand numerous in toward the hand of Tang Meng, turns head to flush away toward the own classroom. 宁灵雨懒得理睬庄美娜,她把手里的500块钱重重的往唐猛的手里一塞,扭头就往自己教室里冲去。 As if saw admiring the anger and resenting in person eye, Tang Meng somewhat cannot hang, his facial color cloudy clear uncertain, 500 money Reng to Zhao Lei's hand, did not say conveniently patiently: Dispersed disperses, I must go to Sports Field, wants to look came with me!” 似乎看到了心仪的人儿眼中的怒火和愤恨,唐猛也有些挂不住,他面色阴晴不定,随手把500块钱扔到赵磊的手里,不耐烦道:“都散了吧散了吧,我要去操场了,想看的跟我来!” Saying, no matter also Zhao Lei, own, when pushes the first crowd, the stride runs toward the staircase. 说着,也不管赵磊,自己当先挤开人群,大步朝着楼梯跑去。 He wants to have a look actually with own eyes, Ling Yun can run many circles! 他倒是想要亲眼看看,凌云到底能够跑多少圈! „......” “叮铃铃……” Tang Meng just went out of the classroom building, then heard the attending class ting to resound, but skipped classes regarding him, radically was the potluck, did not care muddily. 唐猛刚走出教学楼,便听到了上课铃声响起,不过逃课对于他来说,根本就是家常便饭,浑不在意。 How long Ling Yun can insist, how many circles can run? 凌云到底能坚持多久,到底能跑几圈呢? Participates in the person in this gambling house incessantly, this seems the question of each student in the heart. 不止是参与这场赌局的人,这似乎是每个学生心中的疑问。
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