DEMG :: Volume #1

#11: View change

„Does that sandbag have multiple?” “那沙袋有多重?” Tang Meng arrives at side Chen Zhiye this group of high three sports scholarship students directly, pulls out one box of cigarette conveniently, threw to him , the smalltalk, did not ask. 唐猛径直来到成志业这帮高三的体育特长生身边,随手掏出一盒苏烟,扔给了他,也不客套,开口就问。 So long as in the school has the games or the sports competition, Tang Meng will open the gambling with Chen Zhiye these athletes, therefore here, no matter the sports of which class and grade lives, recognizes him, everybody's relational place good. 只要学校里有运动会或者体育竞赛,唐猛就会拿成志业这些运动员开赌,因此这里不管哪个班级的体育生,都认得他,大家的关系处的都不错。 Just had gotten back one's composure soon Chen Zhiye to see Tang Meng to come, immediately understood, he saw responsible own sports teacher Ma Tianfeng to be busy giving the high class and grade to attend class, here has not paid attention, pulled out on a smoke point directly, first has smoked a cigarette ruthlessly, shouting puffed out slowly, then replied. 刚刚回过神不久的成志业唐猛过来了,顿时心领神会,他见负责自己的体育老师马天峰正在忙着给高一的班级上课,并没有注意这边,直接掏出一颗烟点上,先狠狠的吸了一口烟,“呼”的缓缓喷了出去,然后才回答。 52 jin (0.5 kg).” “52斤。” Chen Zhiye practices the long-distance race, long-distance race heavy vital capacity, if were seen Chen Zhiye smoking by Ma Tianfeng, but also cannot dig up his skin? 成志业是练习长跑的,长跑首重肺活量,如果被马天峰看到成志业吸烟,还不得扒了他的皮? What's wrong? Has done with this boy?” “怎么?用这小子搞了一把?” Tang Meng since arrives on Sports Field, eye has stared is running immediately Ling Yun, the vision had not left. 唐猛自打来到操场上,眼睛就一直盯着马上跑了一圈的凌云,目光还没离开过。 He nodded slowly, said: Played casually, has not thought that Xie Junyan that boy with my bar on, he has gotten down 5000 unexpectedly.” 他缓缓点了点头,说道:“本来随便玩玩的,没想到谢俊彦那小子竟然真跟我杠上了,他下了5000。” Bets the circle?” “赌圈?” Tang Meng has complied with one, then received from Ling Yun the vision, this shortly is approaching Chen Zhiye. 唐猛应了一声,然后把目光从凌云身上收了回来,这才正眼看向成志业 Your boy told me honestly, if were you carries this sandbag, spells the strength of completely nursing, how many circles can you run?” “你小子老实告诉我,如果是你扛着这个沙袋,拼尽吃奶的力气,你能跑多少圈?” Chen Zhiye sees a Tang Meng face to be serious, he smiles bitterly a sound said: Young Master Tang, you have a look at my this physique, can carry that more than 50 jin (0.5 kg) sandbag to run?” 成志业唐猛一脸郑重,他苦笑一声道:“唐少,你看看我这身板,能扛着那50多斤的沙袋跑吗?” Tang Meng looked at one thinly can use slender Chen Zhiye, the ponder saying: If gives you 30 jin (0.5 kg), in any case is the sandbag that you can shoulder, how many circles can you run?” 唐猛看了一眼瘦的可以用苗条的成志业,沉思道:“如果给你个30斤,反正就是你能扛起来的沙袋,你能跑多少圈?” Chen Zhiye understands that meaning of Tang Meng, he thinks carefully, raised the head saying: If so, I have been at cost of the life, should be able to run three, four cannot run absolutely.” 成志业明白唐猛的意思,他细细想了想,抬头道:“如果是那样的话,我拼了老命,应该能跑三圈,四圈绝对跑不下来。” Tang Meng lowered the head in in the heart compares probably, the mind relaxed slightly, he did not fear to lose money, but does not want to make Xie Junyan win, so long as can make Xie Junyan admit defeat, he compared to win tens of thousands dollars to be comfortable. 唐猛低头在心中大概比较了一下,心神微微放松,他不怕输钱,只是不想让谢俊彦赢而已,只要能让谢俊彦吃瘪,他比赢几万块钱还舒坦。 He is looked that Xie Junyan that day is the eldest child he is the appearance of second child is not pleasing to the eyes! 他就是看谢俊彦那个天是老大他就是老二的模样不顺眼! You are busy your, how long I have a look at this boy to run!” “你们忙你们的,我看看这小子到底能跑多久!” Tang Meng greeted one, looked for an optimum position to do, the sharp vision stared is running up to closest Ling Yun exactly, in the heart commended secretly: Has suppressed for three years, has not thought quick graduation time has played such one, a little meaning! 唐猛招呼一声,找了一个最佳位置做了下来,犀利的目光盯着恰好跑到最近处的凌云,心中暗暗称赞:憋了三年,没想到快毕业的时候玩了这么一手,有点意思! Quite fierce! He ran one!” Calls out in alarm! “好厉害!他跑了一圈了!”一声惊呼! ............ ………… ...... ...... ......” Ling Yun to carry the sandbag to run, sweats profusely, his clothes completely had already soaked, tight post on his obese body. “呼……呼……呼……”凌云扛着沙袋奔跑,挥汗如雨,他身上的衣服早就全部湿透了,紧紧的贴在他肥胖的身体上。 Although already tired extremely, rhythm that but he takes a step actually still invariable, and has publicized the mouth fierce respite, is breathing the fresh air in gulps. 虽然已经累极,可他迈步的节奏却依然不变,并且张大了嘴巴剧烈喘息,大口大口的呼吸着新鲜空气。 Feels the sandbag on left shoulder to press like Mount Tai generally on the body of own, is getting more and more heavy, Ling Yun's footsteps like stepping in cotton, knee stiff like fulling floaded operation lead! 感受着右肩上的沙袋像泰山一般压在自己的身上,越来越沉重,凌云的脚步就像踩在了棉花上,膝盖僵硬的就像灌满了铅! A strange bitter feeling starts to appear in the muscle of body, the skeleton, even in the middle of the blood, increases the difficulty that Ling Yun jogged. 一种奇异的酸涩感开始出现在身体的肌肉,骨骼,甚至血液当中,更增添了凌云跑步的困难。 However he is been getting more and more bright by eye that sweat moistens, the look is getting more and more firm, the will is also getting more and more formidable! 不过他被汗水打湿的眼睛却越来越亮,眼神越来越坚定,意志也越来越强大! This is not the will of mortal! This is at the Cultivation Big World hurricane, step by step practice to the Transcends Tribulation Stage indomitable formidable will! This is his Dao Heart! 这不是凡人的意志!这是在修真大世界一路狂飙,一步步修炼渡劫期的百折不挠的强大意志!这是他的道心 Ling Yun knows, when that bitter feeling fills the whole body thoroughly, in the future, his body can enter a strange condition again, this condition will make him keep runs! 凌云知道,当那股酸涩感彻底弥漫全身的时候,再往后,他的身体会进入一种奇异的状态,这种状态会让他不停的跑下去! When he uses this will to support to the body limit, within the body absorbs the Seven Glorious Grass storage spiritual energy from each meridians, each muscle, each blood, even in each cell rushing comes out, washes out his body once more, provides the advance for him the driving force! 而当他用这种意志支撑到身体极限的时候,体内吸收七曜草储存的灵气就会从他每一条经脉,每一块肌肉,每一滴血液,甚至每一个细胞中奔涌出来,再次冲刷他的身体,为他提供前进的动力! He is very without a doubt tired, but he covers entirely sweat the happy expression in look to be getting more and more obvious, he tried hard to straighten up the bent back, the step instead is speeding up! 毫无疑问他很累,可他布满汗水的眼神中的笑意却越来越明显,他努力挺直被压弯的脊梁,步子反而在加快了! He is greeting that whole body painfully swollen with a smile the bitter feeling! 他在笑着迎接那种浑身胀痛的酸涩感! What? Ran 400 meters, are his footsteps, speeding up unexpectedly?!” Setting out that Tang Meng brushes, calls out in alarm said that inconceivable of whole face! “什么?都跑了400米了,他的脚步,竟然在加快?!”唐猛刷的起身,惊呼道,满脸的不可思议! Anomaly...... This boy......” the mouth of Chen Zhiye opened big accomplishment once again O, he waited to look that the Ling Yun dog gnawed the excrement the joke, but now, he thoroughly has been shocked! “变态啊……这小子……”成志业的嘴巴又一次张大成了“O”型,他本来等着看凌云狗啃屎的笑话,可现在,他已经彻底惊呆了! Engages in introspection, although he is the Clear Water City long-distance race champion, but if makes him carry a same sandbag such to run, his 100 meters even 50 meters cannot be inescapable! 扪心自问,他虽然是清水市的长跑冠军,可如果让他扛着一个同样的沙袋这么奔跑,他连100米甚至50米都跑不了! But Ling Yun, ran, enough 400 meters, but at this time, he changed a moment ago impractical of footsteps unexpectedly, but also picked up the speed! 凌云,已经跑了一圈,足足400米了,而这时,他竟然一改刚才脚步的虚浮,还加快了速度! 400 meters standard Sports Field runway, what Ling Yun first using is the small broken step, said runs, is actually moving with the posture of running, even wants slow a little compared with the heel-to-toe walking race, one, he used unexpectedly for more than 20 minutes! 400米的标准操场跑道,凌云第一圈用的是小碎步,说是跑,其实就是用跑的姿势在挪,甚至就是比竞走都要慢那么一点,一圈下来,他竟然用去了20多分钟! But he now, in more and more intense bitter feeling that actually in that type as tired initiates as peak, gradually adapted to the weight of this sandbag, through that strange rhythm, lets this sandbag almost and body continually as one. 可他现在,却在那种累到极致引发出的越来越强烈的酸涩感觉中,逐渐适应了这沙袋的重量,通过那种奇异的节奏,让这个沙袋几乎和身体连为一体。 Ling Yun is a little different from others, although cannot use the spirit strength, although cannot run Cultivation Technique, but he has formidable soul! 有一点凌云跟别人不一样,虽然不能使用灵力,虽然不能运行功法,可他却有着一个强大的灵魂 This is Transcends Tribulation Stage cultivation level soul, this is in soul that in destroying the heavens extinguishing the earth terrifying Heavenly Tribulation lives! 这是一个渡劫期修为灵魂,这是在毁天灭地的恐怖天劫中活下来的灵魂 This little exhaustion, what Zuju? 这一点点的疲累,又何足惧? Makes an effort to close one's eyes to squeeze out sweat in eye socket, Ling Yun opens the mouth to laugh wildly unexpectedly, he clenches teeth fiercely, stiff right arm fiercely one tight, the sandbag numerous cards in the neck and left shoulder, starts to walk the fat thick both legs, attacks second! 用力闭眼挤出眼眶中的汗水,凌云竟然开口狂笑,他猛地一咬牙,僵硬的右臂猛地一紧,把沙袋重重的卡在脖子和右肩中,迈开肥粗的双腿,冲击第二圈! Step has increased, the frequency of taking a step also changed quick......” “步子变大了,迈步的频率也变快了……” This boy had not used a moment ago full power! 这小子刚才没有用全力! Not only Chen Zhiye and Tang Meng, almost all people have discovered this point! 不只是成志业唐猛,几乎所有人都发现了这一点! cheers/cheering! cheers/cheering!” Does not know that was who shouted first cheers/cheering, quick, on the physical education students were touched by Ling Yun this imposing manner, cheers/cheering sound continuous Large expanse, resounded through heavenshaking! 加油加油!”不知道是谁喊了第一声加油,很快,上体育课的学生都被凌云这种气势感动,加油声连绵成片,响彻震天! Soars to the heavens the heroic feelings to arise spontaneously in Ling Yun in the heart, he is still picking really up the speed! 一股冲天豪情在凌云心中油然而生,他真的还在加快速度! In third year class 6 classroom. 高三六班教室里。 Cao Shanshan not deaf, she heard certainly on Sports Field that deafening cheers/cheering sound, in the heart does not know that made what feelings. 曹珊珊不聋,她当然听到了操场上那震耳欲聋的加油声音,心中也不知道作何感想。 But she knows that a matter, that is Ling Yun is still running! 但她知道一件事,那就是凌云还在跑! Cao Shanshan sips sex appeal small mouth, corners of the mouth is going up slightly, wipes the smile of Mona Lisa to reappear on her beautiful cheek. 曹珊珊抿着性感的小嘴儿,嘴角儿微微上翘,一抹蒙娜丽莎的微笑浮现在她绝美的脸蛋上。 Since three years, it is estimated that this has been Cao Shanshan first time is distracted in attending class! 三年以来,估计这是曹珊珊第一次在上课的时候走神! Third year class 1. 高三一班。 This class teacher spoke anything on platform, Ning Lingyu has not listened. 这节课老师到底在讲台上讲了些什么,宁灵雨根本就没有听。 Her mind, already flew Sports Field to come up, she wishes one could to stand to clash now, with Classmates of these lower grades together, is own Big Brother cheers/cheering! 她的心神,早就飞到操场上去了,她恨不得现在就站起来冲出去,跟那些低年级的同学们一块儿,为自己哥哥加油 Zhuang Meina naturally also heard on Sports Field suddenly the heavenshaking loud cheers/cheering sound of eruption, she is not silly, judged the Ling Yun affirmation to run directly first! 庄美娜自然也听到了操场上忽然爆发的震天响的加油声音,她可不傻,直接就判断出凌云肯定已经跑完了第一圈了! Before they enter the classroom, Ling Yun ran the big half-turn, 67 minutes passed by, now on Sports Field piece of cheers/cheering, that Ling Yun has not dropped down without a doubt, but also is running! 他们进教室之前,凌云就已经跑了大半圈了,67分钟过去了,现在操场上一片加油,那毫无疑问凌云还没有倒下,还在跑! The Zhuang Meina beautiful and bewitching face because of clenching teeth becomes some distortions, her complexion suddenly becomes very ugly, is very ugly! 庄美娜妖冶的脸因为咬牙而变得有些扭曲,她的脸色忽然变得很难看,很难看! Xie Junyan as if earnestly is attending a lecture, when he hears the cheers/cheering sound gets up, corners of the mouth slightly selects, seems very satisfied to the own accurate judgment. 谢俊彦似乎在认真听课,不过当他听到加油声响起来的时候,嘴角儿微微一挑,似乎对自己精准的判断很满意。 After seven minutes, Ling Yun in the deafening cheers/cheering sound, with long hurried strides ran second, continued to run third! 七分钟后,凌云在震耳欲聋的加油声中,大步流星的跑完了第二圈,继续跑第三圈! Second, Ling Yun has only used for about 13 minutes. 第二圈,凌云只用了13分钟左右。 Although he has dizzied now, at present Gold Star flashes randomly, the thought also started to stagnate, under exhausted of peak, he was only mechanical steps the leg, forwarded! 虽然现在他已经头昏脑胀,眼前金星乱闪,思维也开始停滞了,在极致的疲惫之下,他只是机械般的迈腿,向前! So long as runs this by the similar rhythm, this bitter feeling will fill the whole body!” “只要以同样的节奏跑完这一圈,这种酸涩感就会弥漫全身!” Everyone when tired, the body can have a weak bitter feeling, this feeling can let the wish deep sleep that the person cannot bear. 每个人在疲乏至极的时候,身体都会产生一种无力的酸涩感,这种感觉会让人忍不住的想要沉睡。 But Ling Yun is actually using the own formidable soul will, he wants to change this bitter feeling is the power! 凌云却在利用自己强大的灵魂意志,他想要变这种酸涩感为动力! Body Refining, practices the heart! 炼体,就是练心! Haven't the formidable innermost feelings, how carried on Qi Practicing? 没有强大的内心,如何进行练气 Third! The speed has not reduced speed unexpectedly, is this fellow a person?! That big physical strength and endurance where he comes?” “第三圈了!速度竟然还没有减慢,这家伙到底是不是人?!他哪里来的那么大的体力和耐力?” The Tang Meng vision closely is staring at running Ling Yun, shock of heart is simply unequalled! 唐猛的目光紧紧盯着奔跑的凌云,心头的震撼简直无与伦比! As for Chen Zhiye, he stayed thoroughly. Through shape of the mouth that it muttered, knows what probably he repeatedly said was is impossible three characters. 至于成志业,他已经彻底呆了。通过它喃喃自语的口型,大概知道他反复说的是“不可能”三个字。 Also is after 78 minutes. 又是78分钟过后。 Thump thump thump the sound of footsteps is similar to drumbeats pounds generally in the atria of all people, shouted...... ......” fierce respite sound was also getting more and more near, Ling Yun ran third three-fourth. “咚咚咚”的脚步声如同鼓点一般砸在所有人的心房,“呼……呼……”的剧烈喘息声也越来越近,凌云已经跑完了第三圈的3。 At this time, that bitter feeling that Ling Yun wants has filled the whole body, his been deficient cannot lift the eyelid, is all proceeding to run depending on a willpower. 此时,凌云想要的那种酸涩感已经弥漫全身,他已经乏的连眼皮都抬不起来了,全凭一股意志力在往前跑。 But he knows that own has not reached the limit, he is still forcing own, picks up the speed forcefully. 可他知道自己还没有到达极限,他还在逼迫自己,强行加快速度。 Is accelerating!” “又在加速!” He strives to excel!......” On Sports Field many female students started somewhat to love dearly to the limit obviously. “他好强!明明已经到极限了呀……”操场上好多女生都已经开始有些心疼了。 Walks, we in the past for his cheers/cheering!” “走,我们过去为他加油!” Sometimes, a person usually only needs through a matter, can change most people to his view. 有时候,一个人往往只需要通过一件事,就可以改变大多数人对他的看法。 Entire Qingshui High School, who does not know Ling Yun, who does not know Ling Yun, who hasn't taunted Ling Yun? 清水一中,谁不认识凌云,谁不知道凌云,谁没有嘲讽过凌云 But now, at least on Sports Field these people, they quietly change to the Ling Yun's view! 可现在,起码操场上这些人,他们对凌云的看法悄然改变了! On physical education student including these, including these sports scholarship students, including Chen Zhiye, including Tang Meng, even includes the two sports teachers on Sports Field, particularly Ma Tianfeng! 包括那些上体育课的学生,包括那些体育特长生,包括成志业,包括唐猛,甚至包括操场上的两个体育老师,尤其是马天峰 This boy......” tall and powerfully built, looked that does the sports family background Ma Tianfeng places both hands behind the back, is narrowing the eye, static looks that Ling Yun is running like crazy. “这小子……”身材魁梧,一看就是搞体育出身的马天峰倒背着双手,微眯着眼睛,静静的看着凌云在疯跑。 If two years ago, even is one year ago makes him see this, he without hesitation will draw Ling Yun to come Body Refining to nurture! 如果是两年前,甚至是一年前让他看到这一幕,他就会毫不犹豫的拉凌云练体育! When Ling Yun accelerates to run side Tang Meng, Tang Meng has remembered the look and tone of Cao Shanshan chipping in time unexpectedly. 凌云加速跑过唐猛身边的时候,唐猛蓦地想起了曹珊珊下注时候的眼神和语气。 Perhaps, Cao Shanshan really bet right, so long as Ling Yun did not drop down, he might run really over five......” “也许,曹珊珊真赌对了,只要凌云不倒下,他真有可能跑五圈以上啊……”
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