DEMG :: Volume #1

#12: Pure man!!

Fourth!” Also is one piece calls out in alarm! “第四圈了!”又是一片惊呼! On Sports Field falls into a silence suddenly. 操场上突然陷入一片寂静。 But after several seconds, is more resounding, neater cheers/cheering sound erupts all of a sudden, the middle is also mixing with some applause! 可数秒钟后,更响亮,更整齐的加油声一下子爆发,中间还夹杂着一些掌声! Fourth? Also is really slow......” Ling Yun's corners of the mouth floats off a brutal self-ridiculing happy expression, bites the tip of tongue with the tooth fiercely! “才第四圈么?还真是慢啊……”凌云的嘴角儿浮起一丝略带残酷的自嘲笑意,用牙齿猛地一咬舌尖! Pain! Severe pain! 痛!剧痛! But Ling Yun became in red both eyes, actually flashed before one type to renounce the crazy point! 凌云已经变得通红的双眼之中,却闪现出了一种决绝疯狂的锋芒! First, Ling Yun is adapting to the weight of sandbag, seeks to carry that balanced rhythm that the sandbag runs. 第一圈,凌云是在适应沙袋的重量,寻找扛着沙袋奔跑的那种平衡的节奏。 Second, Ling Yun accelerates to consume his physical strength, forcing that bitter feeling a bit faster to fill the whole body. 第二圈,凌云加速是为了消耗他的体力,逼迫那种酸涩感快点弥漫全身。 Third, Ling Yun is spelling with the will of endurance and normal person of normal person, is waiting for the bitter feeling climb of that peak to peak! 第三圈,凌云是用正常人的耐力和正常人的毅力在拼,在等待那种极致的酸涩感攀登至顶峰 Three, he used 45 minutes of many time fully, ran 1200 meters! 三圈下来,他整整用去了45分钟多的时间,才跑了1200米! This regarding the soul deep place, has filled incomparably formidable proud Ling Yun, simply is the shame! 这对于灵魂深处,充满了无比强大的骄傲的凌云来说,简直就是耻辱! Now, fourth started, what Ling Yun spells is the will! 现在,第四圈开始了,凌云拼的是意志! That type to the average man simply is the bitter feeling of torture, regarding Ling Yun, surmounts own exactly, surmounts best disciplining of limit! 那种对常人来说简直就是酷刑的酸涩感,对于凌云来说,恰恰是超越自己,超越极限的最好的磨练! Either drops down! Either continues to run forward! 要么倒下!要么继续向前奔跑! Without a doubt, is continues certainly to run forward! The physical strength, the energy, the endurance consumed up, he was using the formidable willpower to stimulate to movement the own life potential to run! 毫无疑问,当然是继续向前奔跑!体力,精力,耐力都消耗光了,他在用强大的意志力催动自己的生命潜力在跑! Fatty, I, no matter your today round of anything insanity, you listened to me! Since you start to run fourth, you must run five!” “胖子,我不管你今天发什么疯,你给我听好了!既然你开始跑第四圈,你就必须要跑完五圈!” Thunders the sound resounds in the Ling Yun ear, Ling Yun felt that a big form arrived at side own. 一个打雷般的声音在凌云耳边响起,凌云感觉到一个高大的身影来到了自己身边。 Salty sweat along with the Ling Yun's footsteps, on the tremor of fat along with his fat face upper body, the raindrop sprinkles, both eyes of overflowing full sweat already could not open. 咸涩的汗水随着凌云的脚步,随着他胖脸上身上肥肉的颤动,雨点般洒落,溢满汗水的双眼早已睁不开了。 Ling Yun does not dare to go to scratch with hand, he feared that breaks rhythm that own runs. 凌云一直不敢去用手擦,他怕打破自己奔跑的节奏。 However, heard this sound, Ling Yun or all kinds turns the neck difficultly, left side of towards own that empty shadow has squeezed out a ratio to cry also to want the ugly smiling face. 不过,听到这个声音,凌云还是万般艰难的扭了扭脖子,对着自己左侧的那个虚影挤出了一个比哭还要难看的笑容。 Then, the step that he difficult turning head, once more fierce clenching teeth, takes was bigger! 然后,他又艰难的扭过头,再次猛的咬牙,迈出的步子更大了! This movement spoke the countless words to be effective compared with him, is equal to having slapped a Tang Meng palm directly ruthlessly! 这一个动作比他说千言万语都要管用,相当于直接狠狠地抽了唐猛一巴掌! If Ling Yun can also start talking now, if Ling Yun also has the strength to make other movement, he definitely without hesitation will spit Tang Meng face saliva, then scolded him **. 如果凌云现在还能开口说话,如果凌云还有力气做别的动作的话,他肯定会毫不犹豫的吐唐猛一脸唾沫,然后骂他一句**。 Five? Runs five is not father's style!” “五圈?跑五圈不是老子的风格!” Tang Meng stopped all of a sudden, looks at dumbly at the scene, he has understood the Ling Yun's smiling face, sees clearly the taunt and disdaining that his ugly smiling face has transmitted. 唐猛一下子就停了下来,呆立当场,他看懂了凌云的笑容,也看清了他那个难看笑容所传递的嘲讽和不屑。 Originally he to not win favor by ostentation, to not prove own looked to others, he is challenging the own limit!” “原来他不是为了哗众取宠,也不是为了证明自己给别人看,他只是在挑战自己的极限!” Cao Shanshan, you won!” Tang Meng looks at the back that Ling Yun goes far away, the look in eye is very complex. 曹珊珊,你赢了!”唐猛看着凌云远去的背影,眼中的神色很复杂。 At this time, on Sports Field, on the physical education newcomer has not satisfied applauding with cheers/cheering, the long leg female student when Ling Yun has run side her, unexpectedly without hesitation followed him! 此时,操场上,上体育课的低年级学生已经不满足于鼓掌和加油,有一个长腿女生在凌云跑过她身边的时候,竟然毫不犹豫的跟着他跑了起来! Had first, quick, second, third, pursued! 有了第一个,很快,第二个,第三个,都追了上去! Some of them run by the Ling Yun body, some follow in Ling Yun behind, encourages cheers/cheering for him! 他们有的跑在凌云身体两侧,有的跟在凌云身后,不停的为他鼓劲加油 Ling Yun, we support you, to......” 凌云,我们支持你,冲吧……” cheers/cheering! cheers/cheering!” 加油加油!” The cheers/cheering sound on Sports Field starts becomes uniform, the momentum is shocking! 操场上的加油声开始变得整齐划一,声势震天! Studies passer-by who off campus does not know, but also thinks that Qingshui High School held the games! 校外不知道的路人,还以为清水一中又举行运动会了呢! When Ling Yun starts to run fourth, the third class passed most probably. 就在凌云开始跑第四圈的时候,第三节课已经过去了大半。 The third year class 1, the Xie Junyan complexion no longer so is finally ease, his complexion ugly is staring at a information on own latest love phoenix five cell phone cell phones. 高三一班,谢俊彦的脸色终于不再那么悠然,他脸色难看的盯着自己最新款的爱凤五手机手机上的一条信息。 Eldest child, that Fat Pig started to run fourth, what to do?” “老大,那胖猪开始跑第四圈了,怎么办?” Xie Junyan frowns to think, has replied the information quickly. 谢俊彦皱着眉头思索了一番,很快回复了信息。 Fourth makes him run, if he can also run fifth, no matter I you use any means that even if breaks off his two legs, cannot certainly make him run!” “第四圈让他跑完,如果他还能跑第五圈,我不管你用什么办法,就算是弄断他两条腿,也一定不能让他跑下来!” The information sends out, in the Xie Junyan eye flashing through fast wipes the ruthless offense evil and cruel, quickly restores as usual, seems like very earnest attending a lecture. 信息发出,谢俊彦眼中飞快的闪过一抹狠戾歹毒,很快又恢复如常,看似很认真的听起课来。 On Sports Field. 操场上。 Practices the mixed martial arts muscle male with one that Chen Zhiye they train, filled in the cell phone the pocket silently, was slanting the eye to look at Ling Yun to run. 成志业他们一起训练的一个练习散打的肌肉男,默默地把手机塞回了衣兜里,然后斜着眼睛看着凌云奔跑。 He called Li Lei, was the Xie Junyan hardcore little brother, was goon of Xie Junyan in school, so long as after being on vacation from school, exited to make merry with Xie Junyan. 他叫李磊,是谢俊彦的铁杆小弟,也是谢俊彦在学校里的打手,只要放学以后,就跟着谢俊彦出去吃喝玩乐。 But in school, Xie Junyan to maintain the own perfect image, usually actually little contacts with Li Lei, if Xie Junyan has the time that looks at not to be feeling well, made him level to finish up to a Li Lei telephone. 但在校内,谢俊彦为了保持自己的完美形象,平时却很少跟李磊接触,如果谢俊彦有看着不爽的时期,都是给李磊一个电话让他摆平完事。 Since Xie Junyan dares with 5000 to bet, after he can certainly think move, but, he must do only, judges Ling Yun at least to run many circles. 谢俊彦既然敢拿5000来赌,他当然会想好了后招,只是,他唯一要做的,就是判断出凌云至少能跑多少圈。 If Ling Yun wants to run several, his some are the means makes Ling Yun unable to run! 如果凌云想多跑几圈,那他有的是办法让凌云跑不下来! Although Tang Meng shouted that he passes together to Ling Yun several him has not complied, but he just entered the classroom, gave on Sports Field is practicing mixed martial arts Li Lei to send the short note, making him momentarily tell own situation on Sports Field with the short note. 虽然唐猛喊他一块儿过去给凌云数圈他没答应,可他刚一进教室,就给正在操场上练习散打李磊发了短信,让他把操场上的情况随时用短信告诉自己 Xie Junyan has not thought now, because the Ling Yun's matter offends Ning Lingyu directly, he also hopes that own can obtain the Ning Lingyu heart through any method before the college entrance examination. 谢俊彦现在还不想因为凌云的事情正面得罪宁灵雨,他还希望自己能通过什么手段在高考之前得到宁灵雨的芳心呢。 Also misses 100 meters! cheers/cheering!” “还差100米!加油!” cheers/cheering!” cheers/cheering!” 加油!”“加油!” Ling Yun is running like crazy with the will, in the cheers/cheering sound of more and more newcomer, his footsteps, not only has not reduced speed, instead is still speeding up! 凌云凭着意志在疯跑,在越来越多的低年级学生的加油声中,他的脚步非但没有减慢,反而还在加快! The pain that he in enjoying the physical strength of body, the endurance, after the willpower achieves limit, brings! 他在享受身体的体力,耐力,意志力达到极限之后带来的痛苦! However, Ling Yun knows, he reached the own limit! 不过,凌云知道,他已经到达自己的极限了! Now, he mouth biggest, continuously controlled very good shouted...... ......” the breathing also became „............” Sound. 现在,他把口张到了最大,一直被控制的很好的“呼……呼……”的呼吸声也变为了“呵……呵……”声音。 Ling Yun only thought throat of own like by heat iron ruthlessly is burning, the pricking of ignition almost made him unable to breathe! 凌云只觉得自己的嗓子就像被烧红了的烙铁狠狠的烫着,灼烧的刺痛感几乎令他无法呼吸! sweat that overflows from his body also no longer sprinkles the under foot, but is evaporated by the heat degree of body instantaneously, fog misty covering on the Ling Yun's body. 从他身体上溢出的汗水也不再洒落脚下,而是瞬间被身体的热度蒸发,雾蒙蒙的笼罩在凌云的身体上。 Reason that he now is still running, is only because of the inertia, huge inertia! 他现在之所以还在奔跑,只是因为惯性,巨大的惯性! As before although his present step steps is very big, but his footsteps have no longer linked up, that rhythm as if must be broken. 虽然他现在的步子依旧迈的很大,可他的脚步已经不再连贯,那种节奏似乎也要被打破了。 Eventually is the body of mortal!” Helpless Ling Yun sighed. “终究是凡人的身体啊!”凌云无奈叹息。 He the only prospect, hides now in own within the body spiritual energy of Seven Glorious Grass. 他现在唯一的指望,就是潜藏在自己体内的七曜草灵气了。 Seven Glorious Grass spiritual energy that form fitting within the body absorbed last night, as if did not have the loose sign! 可身体内昨晚吸收的七曜草灵气,似乎还没有松动的迹象! He knows, if spiritual energy in within the body cannot stimulate again, own runs at most four, then the necessity falls down! 他知道,如果体内的灵气再激发不出来,自己顶多跑完四圈,就必然摔倒在地! This all people saw that Ling Yun reached the limit, he momentarily possibly drops down! 这次所有人都已经看出凌云已经到了极限了,他随时都可能倒下! Also was four, according to this appearance, fifth cannot run!” “也就是四圈了,照这个样子,第五圈根本跑不下来!” Ling Yun that looks at creaky, Tang Meng shakes the head slightly, wipes to regret that the color appears on the face. 看着已经摇摇欲坠的凌云,唐猛微微摇头,一抹惋惜之色浮现于脸上。 Again looks at more and more near Ling Yun, why does not know, he unexpectedly has not gone to think the victory and loss now the matter. 再一次看着越来越近的凌云,不知道为什么,他现在竟然没有去想输赢的事。 Suddenly, immediately must run fourth Ling Yun, had been pressed by the pebble of under foot, his body staggers, proceeds to lean fiercely! 突然,马上就要跑完第四圈的凌云,被脚下的一个小石子硌了一下,他的身体一个趔趄,猛地往前一倾! „......” Immediately brings in surrounding one piece to call out in alarm! “啊……”顿时引来周围一片惊呼! Runs in the Ling Yun body side two lower boys subconscious must put out a hand to hold Ling Yun. 跑在凌云身侧的两个低年级男生下意识的就要伸手去扶凌云 Do not bump him!” “不要碰他!” Tang Meng called out, frightens that two male students to hurry to retract the hand. 唐猛一声暴喝,吓得那两个男生赶紧缩回了手。 Tang Meng knows, now wants slightly a little external force, Ling Yun, although will not tumble, but his tone releases inevitably. 唐猛知道,现在只要稍微有点儿外力,凌云虽然不会跌倒,可他那口气必然泄掉。 So long as that tone releases, let alone runs again, Ling Yun this condition, definitely will be lifted to the school hospital in now. 那口气只要一泄,别说再跑,凌云现在这个状态,肯定会被人抬到校医院里去。 Ling Yun only thought that at present one black, throat fiercely one sweet, a big blood has spurted from the mouth of opening! 凌云只觉得眼前一黑,喉头猛地一甜,一大口鲜血从一直张大的嘴里喷了出来! „......” Follows him to run a cheers/cheering girl piece to call out in alarm, many people of footsteps stagnate immediately. “啊……”跟随着他奔跑加油的女孩子一片惊呼,好多人的脚步顿时一滞。 Has spat blood unexpectedly......” “竟然吐血了……” Jogs to run up to spits blood...... This......” “跑步能跑到吐血……这……” He has not thrown down, but also is proceeding to run!” “他没有摔倒,还在往前跑!” Fourth ran!” “第四圈跑完了!” Saw one handful of dazzling bright red sprinkles under the sunlight, sports teacher Ma Tianfeng only thinks own stingy ruthless one tight! 看到一捧耀眼的鲜红在阳光下洒落,体育老师马天峰只觉得自己的心狠狠的一紧! Runs up to spits blood, it is estimated that only then , in the athletic field or the special troops of international marathon will train will present......” Ma Tianfeng to mutter. “跑到吐血,估计只有在国际马拉松的赛场上或者特种部队训练的时候才会出现吧……”马天峰喃喃道。 The sports teacher as Ling Yun high school, he very much wants to pass now, Ling Yun blocking. 作为凌云高中的体育老师,他现在很想过去,把凌云给拦下来。 „It is not good, such runs again, he will die, I cannot see that this crazy fellow runs!” “不行,再这么跑下去,他会死的,我不能眼看着这个疯狂的家伙跑死!” If helplessly looks that under the own student hides to run in the own eye, this sports teacher is definitely responsible! 如果眼睁睁的看着自己的学生在自己的眼皮子底下跑死,他这个体育老师肯定要负责任! Saw that a Ling Yun blood whirlwind flies, Tang Meng nearly frightens sits on the ground! 看到凌云一口鲜血飚飞,唐猛差点儿吓得一屁股坐在地上! Isn't such awesome? Like this also ran?” “不是这么牛逼吧?都这样了还跑?” The Ling Yun blood sprinkles that moment of runway, all people shocked! 凌云血洒跑道的那一刻,所有人都震撼了! All people are having doubts, he is running why still, as if, his footsteps were lighter and livelier than a moment ago, that rhythm that he has maintained, becomes more and more smooth! 只是所有人都在疑惑,他为什么还在跑,似乎,他的脚步比刚才还轻灵了许多,他一直维持的那种节奏,也变得越来越流畅! Ling Yun thanked really has pressed the pebble of his foot, when he took one to fall to the ground shortly, Seven Glorious Grass spiritual energy that he absorbed last night finally no longer silent! 凌云真的感谢硌了他脚的小石子,就在他眼看要一头栽倒在地的时候,他昨晚吸收的七曜草灵气终于不再沉默! Along with a backlog for a long time muddy blood blowout, hid in spiritual energy of Ling Yun within the body as if obtains some summon to be ordinary, from hid place rushing that respectively, gathered in a creek, in the Ling Yun's meridians along strange route operation! 随着积压许久的一口浑浊的鲜血喷出,潜藏在凌云体内的灵气似乎得到了某种召唤一般,从各自潜藏的地方奔涌而出,汇聚成条条小河,在凌云的经脉中沿着奇异的路线运行! Succeeded! 成功了! Realized that within the body spiritual energy moves, Ling Yun the spirit shakes immediately, his look also from gloomily transfers limpidly, casts off the stride to pick up the speed to proceed fiercely to run! 察觉到体内灵气一动,凌云立时精神一震,他的眼神也从黯淡无光转为清澈,猛地甩开大步加快速度往前跑去! This is the brand-new strength! 这是崭新的力量! Day! He picked up the speed!” “天!他又加快速度了!” Knowing own must lose Tang Meng without doubt also to see that Ling Yun accelerates, his urgent matter jumped from the lawn shocking generally! 知道自己必输无疑的唐猛也看到了凌云加速的一幕,他震惊地火烧屁股一般从草地上蹦了起来! This is impossible!” Chen Zhiye looks at this to violate one of the common sense, the eyeball also stared is bigger than bull's eye! “这不可能!”成志业看着这违背了常理的一幕,眼珠子瞪得比牛眼还大! A foot that Ma Tianfeng just about to takes shrank, his eye has narrowed the eyes once again, lifted the wrist/skill to look at the watch. 马天峰刚要迈出的一只脚又缩了回来,他的眼睛又一次眯了起来,抬起手腕看了看表。 Fourth has used for nine minutes, looks at him now the bursting with energy appearance, fifth most uses for six minutes! This boy......” “第四圈用了九分钟,看他现在生龙活虎的样子,第五圈最多用六分钟!这小子……” Ling Yun feels the great power that within the body spiritual energy is bringing, is moistening full blood the tooth hehe to smile. 凌云感受着体内灵气带来的强大力量,呲着沾满血的牙齿嘿嘿直笑。 Father cleansing the essence to cut down the marrow, how possibly had linked your this spiritual energy unable to compel yesterday!” “老子昨天好歹洗精伐髓了,怎么可能连你们这点儿灵气都逼不出来!” He feels the physical strength to be infinite now, in full vigour, very with ease lifted the arm to scratch blood on a face carelessly. 他现在感觉体力无限,精力旺盛,很轻松的就抬起胳膊胡乱擦了一把脸上的鲜血。 Then he must do, through quicker running, spiritual energy that hides within the body completely stimulates, until consumes completely up! 接下来他要做的,就是通过更快的奔跑,把体内潜藏的灵气全部激发出来,直到全部耗光! Man, pure man!” “爷们,纯爷们!” Brave warrior, genuine brave warrior!” “勇士,真正的勇士!” On Sports Field, all people after is Ling Yun spits blood accelerates to run, but blood boiling, supports the cheers/cheering sound that the sound cheered on to resound through the entire campus. 操场上,所有人都在为凌云吐血后的加速奔跑而热血沸腾,支持声呐喊助威的加油声响彻整个校园。 Even the young girls of several lower grades, are the Ling Yun's performance are moved to tears. 甚至有几个低年级的少女,已经为凌云的表现热泪盈眶。 Only has Li Lei, after seeing Ling Yun spits blood relaxed slightly, because actually his continuation runs, but face darken! 只有李磊,在看到凌云吐血微微松了一口气之后,却因为他的继续奔跑而脸色阴沉了起来! Fifth, I blocked him!” “第五圈了,我去拦他!” After to the Xie Junyan round this short note, Li Lei puts the cell phone, the direction that direct counter Ling Yun is jogging walks. 谢俊彦发完这个短信之后,李磊把手机一放,直接逆着凌云跑步的方向走去。
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