DEMG :: Volume #1

#13: Beats savagely the obstacle

At this time, Ling Yun fifth also ran was less than 100 meters, Li Lei has enough time to block him. 此时,凌云第五圈还跑了不到100米,李磊有足够的时间拦住他。 He believes that so long as he now pushes Ling Yun conveniently all of a sudden, can make him fall down, cannot crawl again. 他相信,他现在只要随手推凌云一下子,就能令他摔倒在地,再也爬不起来。 Place of Li Lei choice, is the central place of runway, here runs fifth from Ling Yun, more than 200 meters. 李磊选择的地方,是跑道的中央处,这里距离凌云跑完第五圈,还有200多米。 After he maintains composure arrived here, stands near the runway, calmly waited for that Ling Yun runs from the distant place. 他不动声色来到这里之后,就站在跑道边上,静静等待凌云从远方跑来。 Ling Yun runs is getting more and more relaxed, from starting to run up to the present, his first time felt the sandbag on shoulder to be not so heavy. 凌云跑的越来越轻松,从开始跑到现在,他第一次感觉到肩膀上的沙袋不那么重了。 Therefore he runs is getting quicker and quicker! Is also getting more and more near from the place that Li Lei stands. 因此他跑的越来越快!距离李磊站立的地方也越来越近。 Looks Ling Yun runs is relaxed, when Tang Meng heart with amazement actually is also a relaxedness, he knows that Ling Yun can definitely run fifth, so long as ran fifth, Xie Junyan must lose without doubt! 看着凌云跑的轻松起来,唐猛心头骇然之际却也是一阵轻松,他知道凌云肯定能跑完第五圈,只要跑完了第五圈,谢俊彦必输无疑! But when his vision moves along with the form of Ling Yun's advance, saw that compared with own physique also big Li Lei stands , in front of Ling Yun not far away, Tang Meng eye socket wants to crack! 可当他的目光随着凌云的前进的身影挪动,看到比自己块头还大的李磊站在凌云前面不远处的时候,唐猛目眦欲裂 Ended!” This is his first thought. “完了!”这是他的第一个念头。 As the saying goes ten bet nine to deceive, the Little Gambling God Tang Meng nature understands compared with anyone, but today he was too been really many by the Ling Yun shocking number of times, the brain will not transfer. 俗话说十赌九骗,小赌神唐猛自然比谁都明白,可今天他实在是被凌云震惊的次数太多了,脑子都不会转了。 Therefore he had forgotten Xie Junyan definitely to win own arranges the subsequent hand. 因此他忘记了谢俊彦肯定会为了赢自己而安排后手。 Li Lei, is the subsequent hand of Xie Junyan arrangement! 李磊,就是谢俊彦安排的后手! Li Lei ** daring!” 李磊**的敢!” Tang Meng thinks of here, bellows, runs toward Li Lei there with the speed of hundred meters sprint. 唐猛想到这里,大吼一声,用百米冲刺的速度往李磊那里跑过去。 But late, Ling Yun at this time arrived in front of Li Lei! 可是已经晚了,凌云这时候已经来到了李磊面前! Li Lei was turns head to look at Tang Meng one that flushed from the distant place first, disdained to smile, then turned head to smile to running over Ling Yun, lifted the sturdy powerful arm slowly. 李磊先是回头看了从远处冲过来的唐猛一眼,不屑一笑,然后又回过头来冲着跑过来的凌云笑了笑,缓缓抬起粗壮有力的胳膊。 Fatty, is tired you, drops down to rest!” “胖子,累不累啊你,倒下歇歇吧!” Li Lei lifted the portable candlestick the Ling Yun's left shoulder of brushing past fiercely to push! 李磊抬手照着擦肩而过的凌云的左肩就是猛地一推! Nobody thinks that wanted to overthrow Ling Yun in this time actually also people, they were shocked. 没有人想到在这个时候竟然还有人过来想要推倒凌云,他们纷纷惊呆了。 This person so is how bad! Others spat blood have also persisted in running, he came to push others unexpectedly......” “这人怎么这么坏!人家都吐血了还坚持跑,他竟然过来推人家……” „, How can like this, this, if has overthrown, Ling Yun must be injured may not!” “就是啊,怎么可以这样,这要是推倒了,凌云非得受伤不可!” ...... 只是…… Ling Yun the look is now limpid, the intelligence is sober, he when Li Lei smiles to him felt this person of hostility, therefore had already completed the protection. 凌云现在眼神清澈,神智清醒无比,他在李磊冲他笑的时候就感觉到了这人身上的敌意,因此早就做好了防备。 Saw that Li Lei lifts the hand to push him, Ling Yun the tooth one happily, the footsteps twist, has shunted all of a sudden the arm of Li Lei, rushed over from one side. 看到李磊真的抬手推他,凌云呲牙一乐,脚步一拧,一下子就躲开了李磊的胳膊,从一侧冲了过去。 Always only then I push others, was overthrown by others, is not father's style!” “从来都只有我推别人,被别人推倒,不是老子的风格!” Turns head to ask you to do accounts again!” “回头再找你算账!” Ling Yun to/clashes all of a sudden several steps, but also looks like turning head of some flier to lose to a smiling face of Li Lei provocation, taunt and disdaining in vision, who read obtains! 凌云一下子冲出去几步,还像某位飞人似的回头丢给李磊一个挑衅的笑容,眼光里的嘲讽和不屑,谁都读得出! „...... Surging waves slightly step!” “哇……凌波微步啊!” Fierce fierce, ran to spit blood obviously, can avoid unexpectedly!” “厉害厉害,明明都跑吐血了,竟然还能躲开!” Sees Ling Yun to carry sandbag that coquettish avoidance, on Sports Field to the young female student eyes that in Ling Yun admires thoroughly is the small star! 看到凌云扛着沙袋那风骚的躲避,操场上已经对凌云彻底佩服的小女生眼睛里全是小星星! Damn, not? Ran upon obviously! Can this avoid?” 我擦,不是吧?明明都撞上了啊!这都能躲开?” Tang Meng when Li Lei lifts the arm has closed the eye, opens again actually saw Ling Yun to eject several meters, immediately was one dull, inconceivable of whole face. 唐猛李磊抬起胳膊的时候都闭上了眼睛,再睁开的时候却见凌云已经抛出了好几米,顿时又是一呆,满脸的不可思议。 Li Lei is inconceivable! 李磊更是不可思议! He felt that the palm of own hit to touch the Ling Yun's shoulder, how to be slid by him? 他都感觉自己的手掌打触到凌云的肩膀了,怎么就被他滑过去了呢? Li Lei stayed slightly one dull, does not give a thought to the railing of surrounding female student angry look and vitality/angry, immediately opens out a male student, pursued toward Ling Yun. 李磊微微呆了一呆,不顾周围的女生愤怒的眼神和生气的谩骂,立即拨开身边的一个男生,朝着凌云又追了过去。 Since has made a move, absolutely cannot make Ling Yun run fifth! 既然已经出手,就绝对不能让凌云跑完第五圈! Is listening to behind the calling out in alarm of powerful sound of footsteps as well as female student, where Ling Yun can not know that muscle male pursued. 听着身后有力的脚步声以及女生的惊呼,凌云哪儿能不知道,那个肌肉男又追上来了。 He sped up the footsteps slightly, right hand inclined slightly the sandbag, left hand that simultaneously moved in savings strength. 他稍稍加快了脚步,右手稍微倾斜了一下沙袋,同时甩动的左手在积蓄力气。 Li Lei these time to/clashes, is the plan forcefully grasps Ling Yun, throws down him directly on the ground, makes him stop with this way! 李磊这一次冲上来,是打算硬生生的把凌云抱住,直接把他摔倒在地上,用这种方式让他停下来! Therefore he rushes to Ling Yun behind, both hands are uneven immediately, has extended toward the Ling Yun rib under. 因此他冲到凌云身后,就立即双手齐出,朝着凌云肋下就伸了过去。 Ling Yun is this opportunity, sees only his body leans forward, left hand lifts slightly rapidly, two grasp the sandbag that the shoulder fell all of a sudden, the body twists according to the back ruthlessly has brandished! 凌云等的就是这个时机,只见他身体微微前倾,左手迅速抬起,两手一下子抱住了肩头滑落的沙袋,身躯一拧照着背后狠狠的就抡了过去! The Ling Yun look gloomy, these has not kept the hand! 凌云面色阴沉,这一下根本就没留手! „......” Sandbag solid pounded on the left shoulder of Li Lei, Li Lei has not thought that Ling Yun has prepared such one to him, directly this rudely one fell to the racket to the ground. “啪……”沙袋结结实实的就砸到了李磊的左肩膀上,李磊根本就没想到凌云给他准备了这么一手,直接就被这势大力沉的一下给拍倒在地。 The face of Li Lei with the runway came an intimate contact, the nose to knock broken, the nosebleed long class, painful he a short time cannot crawl! 李磊的脸跟跑道来了个亲密接触,鼻子磕破,鼻血长流,痛的他一时半会儿根本爬不起来! This is also he, changed few people already all of a sudden to be given to pound by this to faint. 这也就是他,换个别人早就被这一下子给砸晕了。 „! Ling Yun very handsome!” “哇!凌云好帅哦!” Attractive! Gets what one deserves!” “漂亮!活该!” Ling Yun forms a coherent whole, has not stopped including the footsteps. 凌云一气呵成,连脚步都没有停下。 The sandbag from the sky flew, returned to the Ling Yun's right shoulder, after he patted upside-down Li Lei, deeply inspired , to continue the rhythm to proceed to run. 沙袋在空中飞了一圈,又回到了凌云的右肩膀上,他拍倒了李磊之后,深吸了一口气,继续刚才的节奏往前跑。 Tang Meng flushed at this time, he without delay, flees is fiercely tramples according to Li Lei! 唐猛这时候已经冲过来了,他二话不说,窜过来照着李磊就是一阵猛踹! Bureau that Damn your Sir, wants to do the father, your his mother exactly chatty?!” 我擦你大爷的,想搞老子的局,你他娘的活腻歪了吧?!” What status is Tang Meng? Clear Water City's Public Security Bureau Deputy Director son, even if Xie Junyan he is not serious, let alone Xie Junyan little brother. 唐猛是什么身份?清水市公安局副局长的儿子,就算谢俊彦他都不当回事,更何况谢俊彦的小弟。 After kicking the dead dog trampled Li Lei several feet generally continuously, Chen Zhiye that Tang Meng is flushed and other sports live to pull open. 跟踢死狗一般连续踹了李磊好几脚之后,唐猛才被冲过来的成志业等几个体育生拉开。 Said, who pulls strings your? ** Why to begin to Ling Yun with no reason at all!” Tang Meng this moment overbearing is incomparable, directly asked secret instigation of Li Lei. “说,谁指使你的?**的凭什么无缘无故对凌云动手!”唐猛此刻霸道无比,直接就问李磊的幕后主使。 Tang, Brother Tang, you have misunderstood, I heard that this boy conspired to Cao Shanshan yesterday evening, therefore......” Li Lei cannot certainly say Xie Junyan, has to find the excuse carelessly. “唐,唐哥,你误会了,我听说这小子昨晚上对曹珊珊图谋不轨,所以……”李磊当然不能把谢俊彦说出来,只好胡乱找理由。 Schemes your mother! Is short pulls the calf with me here, some last night matter naturally people will look for Ling Yun's to be troublesome, this has not been one's turn you to manage, you said, is Xie Junyan that bastard pulls strings your?” “图谋你妈!少跟我在这里扯犊子,昨晚的事自然有人会找凌云的麻烦,这还轮不到你来管,你说,是不是谢俊彦那王八蛋指使你的?” Tang Meng this time was really has gotten angry, no matter the entire school behind, dares to call the Xie Junyan bastard face to face, it is estimated that his. 唐猛这次真是怒了,全学校不管当面还是背后,敢称呼谢俊彦王八蛋的,估计就他一个。 Brother Tang, you have misunderstood, nobody pulls strings, really......” 唐哥,您误会了,真没有人指使,真的……” Although Li Lei can hit, may also probably divide to anyone, he self-examined that has not dared to begin to Tang Meng this playboy, can only the dead dog same paralysis explain there. 李磊虽然能打,可也要分对谁,他自问还不敢对唐猛这个纨绔动手,只能死狗一样瘫在那里解释。 Tang Meng spat saliva toward him, then lightly saying: Li Lei, do not depend Xie Junyan to cover you not to know that own surname anything, I told you, this matter has not ended! If your today dares to move Ling Yun again, I can allow you unable to enroll the college entrance examination you to believe?” 唐猛朝他啐了一口唾沫,然后淡淡道:“李磊,别仗着有谢俊彦罩着你就不知道自己姓什么了,我告诉你,这事没完!你今天要是再敢动凌云一下,我能让你参加不了高考你信不信?” Li Lei one hear of Tang Meng have put the ruthless words, knows that this Little Overlord disposition lives up to one's words, immediately complexion one miserable, he just about to explained. 李磊一听唐猛放了狠话,知道这小霸王的性格说到做到,顿时脸色一惨,他刚要解释。 Looks quickly! Ling Yun ran five!” “快看!凌云跑了五圈儿了!” Still is running!” “还在跑!” heaven-defying! Too heaven-defying......” 逆天啊!太逆天了……” All watching the fun also turns head, here one delays, Ling Yun there ran fifth! 所有看热闹的同时扭头,果然,这边一耽误,凌云那里已经跑完了第五圈了! A Tang Meng heart loosen, turned head to give a Li Lei warning look fiercely, the round trip walked. 唐猛心头猛地一松,回头给了李磊一个警告的眼神,往回走去。 The firmness that in look remembers the Cao Shanshan chipping in time, Tang Meng slightly shakes the head, this big school beauty good accurate vision! 想起曹珊珊下注时候的眼神里的坚决,唐猛不禁微微摇头,这位大校花好准的眼光! Heard Ling Yun to run fifth, the Li Lei facial color was pale, knows the own outright failure! 听到凌云跑完了第五圈,李磊面色惨白,知道自己彻底失败了! Xie Junyan there must have one cuss out, offended Little Overlord Tang Meng, why bother is own this comes? 谢俊彦那里肯定少不了一顿臭骂,又得罪了小霸王唐猛,自己这是何苦来哉? What a pity, he leaves out the most terrifying personal enemy who own just offended, that is Ling Yun. 可惜,他漏掉了自己刚刚得罪的最恐怖的一个仇家,那就是凌云 In he has not put to come into sight Ling Yun as before. 他依旧没把凌云放到眼里。 Saw that Ling Yun ran as before with ease under the disturbance fifth, Ma Tianfeng direct was also silly, what Immortal Pill wondrous medicine this boy has eaten, spat a blood also more to run is more relaxed? 看到凌云在干扰之下依旧轻松跑完了第五圈,马天峰也直接傻了,这小子吃了什么仙丹妙药,怎么吐了口血还越跑越轻松了? Sixth! 第六圈! Seventh! 第七圈! On Sports Field squeal applause cheers/cheering sound continuous Large expanse, resounds through sky over Sports Field, all people for form blood boiling that runs crazily, the fervor surge! 操场上尖叫声鼓掌声加油声连绵成片,响彻操场上空,所有人都为那个疯狂奔跑的身影热血沸腾,激情涌动! When Ling Yun just ran starts to run eighth, the third class bell sound! 凌云刚刚跑开始跑第八圈的时候,第三节课的下课铃声响了起来! All student who attended class in the classroom already on deafening cheers/cheering sound by Sports Field exciting could not hold, finishes class turns out in full strength from the classroom, although they do not know that Ling Yun ran many circles, but they know, Ling Yun is still running! 所有在教室上课的学生早就都被操场上震耳欲聋的加油声刺激的憋不住了,一下课就从教室里倾巢而出,他们虽然不知道凌云到底跑了多少圈了,但他们都知道,凌云还在跑! This time they did not satisfy discussed on the classroom corridor, but went downstairs directly, ran toward Sports Field. 这次他们不满足于在教室外面的走廊上议论了,而是直接下楼,朝着操场跑去。 The high high two students go downstairs quickly, they flushed in the forefront. 高一高二的学生下楼最快,他们冲在了最前面。 But high three, naturally is six classes of students who Ling Yun is at pushes to the front. 而高三,自然是凌云所在的六班的学生一马当先。 When the students in class had been exposed, Cao Shanshan tidied up the book home station, the exquisite curve has naturally formed S, smiled faintly to already impatient Zhang Ling Yingying, said: Walks, goes to have a look.” 等班里的学生都跑光了,曹珊珊才收拾好书本站了起来,玲珑的曲线自然形成了S型,对早就迫不及待的张灵盈盈浅笑,道:“走吧,出去看看。” Her is quite as if happy. 她心情似乎相当不错。 She is very curious, Ling Yun was stimulated really by own, meets turns into this overnight? 她很好奇,凌云是不是真的被自己刺激到了,才会一夜之间变成这样? This change is also too rapid, was too bigger. 只是这变化也太快,太大了些。 two people left the classroom, has not actually gone downstairs, but found a field of vision very good place, snuggles to look toward Sports Field in railing fence. 两人出了教室,却没有下楼,而是找了一个视野很好的地方,依偎在栏杆上往操场上望去。 „! These many people?” “哇!这么多人?” Zhang Ling dumbstruck looks toward Sports Field on rapidly gathering dense head, covers the mouth to call out in alarm! 张灵目瞪口呆的看着往操场上急速汇聚的黑压压的人头,掩嘴惊呼! Did not call already, amazed the world with a single brilliant feat...... This fellow, is still running unexpectedly really!” “不鸣则已,一鸣惊人……这家伙,竟然真的还在跑!” Listens to Zhang Ling to shock to talk to oneself there, Cao Shanshan looks at Ling Yun that runs like crazy in the field, somewhat is out of sorts unexpectedly slightly. 听着张灵在那里震惊自语,曹珊珊看着在场上疯跑的凌云,竟微微有些失神。 Shanshan, you said that he ran was so long, how many circles can run?” Zhang Ling cared about Cao Shanshan 1000 money to come suddenly. 珊珊,你说他跑了这么久,得跑多少圈了?”张灵忽然关心起曹珊珊的1000块钱来了。 Does not know that he does have middle has rested, but, at least also four......” Cao Shanshan looks on Sports Field that unprecedented form, has gripped the powder fist slightly. “不知道他有没有中间休息过,不过,至少也有四圈了吧……”曹珊珊看着操场上那个一往无前的身影,微微攥了攥粉拳。 Definitely has rested, otherwise he already, which can also be so jubilant!” Zhang Ling curled the lip. “肯定休息过,不然他早就累死了,哪儿还能这么欢腾!”张灵撇了撇嘴。 At this time, on Sports Field in an uproar, does not know that which female student was sharp the throat to shout one. 就在这时候,操场上一片哗然,不知道哪个女生尖着嗓子喊了一声。 Eight!” “八圈了!” What?!” “什么?!” What?!” “什么?!” Cao Shanshan and Zhang Ling without exception, complete petrification at the scene! 曹珊珊张灵无一例外,全部石化当场! „Is this person? Does he want to run to calculate directly?” “这还是人吗?他是不是想直接跑死算完?” Zhang Ling asked most people's question. 张灵问出了大多数人的疑问。 She has not noted, in Cao Shanshan beautiful autumn pupil jumped suddenly has projected the sharp point. 她没有注意到,身旁的曹珊珊美丽的秋眸中突然迸射出了锐利的锋芒。 The school probably only then her own knows, reason that Ling Yun can run up to ninth , because his succeeded forced to hide the potential in human body! 全校大概只有她自己知道,凌云之所以能跑到第九圈,是因为他已经成功的逼迫出了潜藏在人体内的潜能!
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