DEMG :: Volume #1

#14: Powerhouse return

The Xie Junyan complexion is pale, stands on the classroom entrance corridor, maintains total silence! 谢俊彦脸色铁青,站在教室门口的走廊上,一语不发! He has sent a short note to Li Lei silently: At noon after school looks for me!” 他默默地给李磊发了一条短信:“中午放学后过来找我!” Zhuang Meina did not have the temperament, a beautiful eye generally stares like the dead fish at this time is starting to run ninth Ling Yun, the complexion ugly as if lost several million. 庄美娜也没了脾气,一双美丽的眼睛此时就像死鱼一般盯着开始跑第九圈的凌云,脸色难看的仿佛丢了几百万似的。 a slap in the face, they thought that Ling Yun this is using the palm of the hand to pull out their faces ruthlessly! 打脸,他们觉得凌云这是在用巴掌狠狠地抽他们的脸! ? Four? Others ran eight, were running ninth! 一圈儿?四圈儿?人家跑了八圈儿了,正在跑第九圈! Now, dozens pursue personally behind Ling Yun runs, for his cheers/cheering, cheered on for him, Ning Lingyu was suppressing the excited heartbeat, joins team that ran to cheer! 现在,足足有几十个人追在凌云后面跑,为他加油,为他呐喊助威,宁灵雨强忍着激动的心跳,加入了奔跑助威的队伍! On her excited face, in the eye socket of overflowing full tears, has inexplicable worry, deep worry. 只是,她激动的脸庞上,溢满泪水的眼眶中,却有着莫名的担忧,深深的担忧。 Big Brother, stops, you have done enough well, you won others' applause and support, do not run again, you stop quickly!” 哥哥,停下来吧,你已经做得足够好,你已经赢得了别人的掌声和支持,你不要再跑了,你快停下来吧!” This is her aspiration, she hopes Ling Yun can feel! 这是她的心声,她希望凌云能够感觉的到! Ling Yun thought that spiritual energy in within the body is consuming rapidly, he knows, so long as own runs again three, spiritual energy of his within the body will consume, at that time, he must stop. 凌云觉得体内的灵气在飞速消耗着,他知道,自己只要再跑三圈,他体内的灵气就会消耗一空,那个时候,他就必须要停下来。 Runs again, that may not be Body Refining, but from was oppressive. 再跑,那可就不是练体了,而是自虐了。 This degree of Body Refining, in cultivation world is very ordinary matter, Ling Yun does not know why own very ordinary Body Refining, will bring in these many people to pay attention. 这种程度的练体,在修真界是很平常的事情,凌云不知道为什么自己很平常的练体,会引来了这么多人关注。 He wants to maintain low-key, but is very obvious, own this playing was somewhat big. 他想保持低调,但是很显然,自己这次玩的有些大了。 However spiritual energy has not consumed, he is unable to stop at this time, otherwise today cannot achieve the own goal. 不过灵气还没有消耗完,他根本无法在这个时候停下来,不然今天就达不到自己的目标。 Ninth runs, starts to run the tenth time, Ling Yun has adjusted the breath of own, sixth changed the sandbag of own left shoulder to trade on the left shoulder, he prepared to sprint finally. 第九圈跑完,开始跑第十圈的时候,凌云调整了一下自己的呼吸,把第六圈换到自己左肩的沙袋又换到了右肩上,他准备最后冲刺了。 In a shock sound in an uproar, Ling Yun starts to accelerate once again, runs like mad full power! 在一片震惊哗然声中,凌云又一次开始加速,全力拼命奔跑! Ten! 11! 十圈!11圈! Ling Yun starts to run the 12 th time, spiritual energy of his within the body consumed thoroughly up, all did not have. 凌云开始跑第12圈的时候,他体内的灵气彻底消耗光了,一丝皆无。 He starts to decelerate slowly, ran more than 50 meters far, truly stopped. 他开始缓缓减速,又跑出了50多米远,才真正停了下来。 Now all people are staring at Ling Yun, they want to take a look, can Ling Yun drop down, can stop directly dies there, cannot stand again. 现在所有人都在盯着凌云,他们想看看,凌云会不会倒下,会不会一停下就直接死在那里,再也站不起来。 But they see, Ling Yun stops the footsteps, not only has not dropped down, even on the sandbag including shoulder immediately has not discarded. 可他们看到的是,凌云一停下脚步,非但没有倒下,甚至连肩膀上的沙袋都没有立即扔掉。 He is maintaining the posture of stopping, carries a sandbag, stands there, although the both legs are trembling, the entire body is trembling, but his back supports straightly! 他保持着停下的姿势,扛着个沙袋,就那么站在那里,虽然双腿都在打颤,整个身体都在哆嗦,可他脊梁挺得笔直! The person who it is estimated that this eye-catching / flashy, all sees will be life-long unforgettablily. 估计这拉风的一幕,所有看到的人都会终生难忘。 awesome, that really awesome!” 牛逼,那真叫一个牛逼!” Was too fierce, was too graceful, jogs is so graceful, if thin point that continually runs I definitely pursue him!” A female student of lower grade muttered. “太厉害了,太帅了,连跑步都跑的那么帅,要是瘦点儿我肯定追他!”一个低年级的女生喃喃道。 Was short there round of starry-eyed, had not heard what Ling Yun liked was our school beauty Cao Shanshan? Perhaps he such does attracts the attention of Cao Shanshan!” “少在那里发花痴了,没听说凌云喜欢的是咱们的校花曹珊珊吗?没准儿他这么做就是吸引曹珊珊的注意呢!” Right, I heard, the gambling house that Little Gambling God opens, Cao Shanshan also chipped in!” “对,我听说了,小赌神开的赌局,曹珊珊还下注了呢!” On time Sports Field has wide divided opinions, said anything has! 时间操场上众说纷纭,说什么的都有! .................. ……………… Little Gambling God Tang Meng at this moment full head black line, he is thorough lost, lost loss! 小赌神唐猛此刻满脑袋黑线,他是彻彻底底的输了,输了个血本无归! 20 times, I ****** was the brain enters the water, started out 20 times of odds unexpectedly!” “20倍,我******是不是脑子进水了,竟然开出20倍的赔率!” Has not thought that is Ning Lingyu wins unexpectedly alone, 500, the father must compensate to her 10,000 dollars! Ended!” “没想到竟然是宁灵雨独赢,500块啊,老子要赔给她10000块钱!完了完了!” Well...... It is not right, won't be this brother and sister will form a partnership to plan my?” “咦……不对,不会是这兄妹俩合起伙来算计我的吧?” Young Master Tang understood finally what is to cry but have no tears. 唐大少终于明白了什么叫欲哭无泪。 The Tang Meng suddenly one types the feeling that to be deceived, he wishes one could to hit the wall with the head of own now! 唐猛忽然有一种上当受骗的感觉,他现在恨不得拿自己的脑袋去撞墙! Seemed like he has forgotten quite the same as, gambling house was he shouted that the odds were also his own formulate. 貌似他浑然忘记了,赌局是他喊的,赔率也是他自己制定出来的。 All people think that the impossible matter, happened! 所有人都认为不可能的事,偏偏就发生了! „......” “叮铃铃……” The fourth section class attending class bell late rang probably for several minutes, on Sports Field the dense student then acclaimed is walking toward the classroom, on their faces has been full of the shock, the worship, the facial expression of admiration, had forgotten radically the present turned back the classroom definitely to be late. 第四节课的上课铃好像晚响了好几分钟,操场上黑压压的学生这才啧啧赞叹着往教室走去,他们的脸上充满了震惊,崇拜,敬佩的神情,根本忘记了现在走回教室肯定迟到了。 Tonight should be able to break through Body Refining First Layer, the luck good words, can perhaps break through Body Refining Second Layer!” “今晚应该能突破练体一层,运气好的话,说不定能突破练体二层!” When the person on Sports Field walks was similar, Ling Yun has also controlled one's breathing, at this time he let go is sideways, downloads the sandbag on shoulder, sat. 操场上的人走的差不多了,凌云也已经调息完毕,这时他才一松手一侧身,把肩膀上的沙袋卸掉,一屁股坐了上去。 Although tired must die, is actually the joy of whole face. 虽然累的要死,却是满脸的欣喜。 Big Brother......” timid, actually very sound of pleasant to hear resounds in the back. 哥哥……”一个怯怯的,却非常好听的声音在背后响起。 Ling Yun has turned head, saw Ning Lingyu, immediately cannot bear one dull! 凌云扭过头,就看到了宁灵雨,顿时忍不住一呆! Is this own cheap younger sister? Too beautiful! 这就是自己的便宜妹妹吗?太美了! cultivating true does not have the ugly girl, saw various outstanding beauty in cultivation world, certainly generation of grace and talents Ling Yun of beautiful woman, must acknowledge the Ning Lingyu peerless posture. 修真无丑女,就是在修真界见多了各种国色天香,绝代风华的美女的凌云,也要承认宁灵雨的绝世之姿。 This cheek, this stature, this makings, are that last night met call Lin Menghan, can be not as good? 这脸蛋儿,这身材,这气质,就是昨晚遇到的那个叫林梦寒的,都要稍逊一筹吧? The volume, good, Ling Yun acknowledged that last night mainly paid attention to Lin Menghan chest and both legs, the cheek of Lin Menghan, he has not looked carefully. 额,好吧,凌云承认昨晚主要关注林梦寒胸前和双腿了,林梦寒的脸蛋儿,他没仔细看。 Saw Ling Yun such dull looks at own, Ning Lingyu cannot bear in the heart one rebuke oneself and regret, how long she hasn't shouted Ling Yun Big Brother? 看到凌云这么呆呆的看着自己,宁灵雨忍不住心中一阵自责和懊悔,她有多久没有喊凌云一声哥哥了? „! Big Brother, how did you bleed?” “呀!哥哥,你怎么流血了?” Ning Lingyu saw on the Ling Yun chin and front suddenly the bulk bloodstain, immediately is panic-stricken, does not attend to thinking, is pulling out the handkerchief while ran over, not cares about Ling Yun sweat and bloodiness, gives him to clean the bloodstain on face carefully carefully. 宁灵雨突然看到了凌云下巴和前襟上大块的血迹,顿时惊慌失措,再也不顾上多想,一边掏着手帕一边跑了过来,毫不在乎凌云身上的汗臭和血腥,小心细致的给他擦拭脸上的血迹。 Blame that her mouth also loves dearly: Big Brother, even if you must prove own, doesn't need such to go all out? You know how many circles you did run?” 她嘴里还心疼的责怪:“哥哥,就算你要证明自己,也不用这么拼命吧?你知道你跑了多少圈么?” Ling Yun simply has not actually heard the Ning Lingyu words, but draws close to the body of Ning Lingyu slightly, the colors of eyeful shocking! 凌云却根本没有听到宁灵雨的话,而是微微贴近宁灵雨的身体,满眼的震骇之色! Innate Spirit Body?” 天生灵体?” On this planet also to present how Innate Spirit Body?! 怎么这个星球上还会出现天生灵体的?! Innate Spirit Body, in cultivation world is extremely rare physique, if Spiritual Body cultivating true, that practice speed may be called shocks everybody, making the innumerable practice talents only be able to look up to! 天生灵体,在修真界是一种极其罕见的体质,如果灵体修真,那修炼速度堪称惊世骇俗,令无数修炼天才都只能仰望! Ling Yun does not dare to believe face toward squatting side Ning Lingyu collects, smells fiercely. 凌云不敢置信的又把脸往蹲着的宁灵雨身边凑了凑,一阵猛嗅。 Feels light faint trace spiritual energy continuously to drill into the body of own, Ling Yun suddenly feels to be refreshing, exhausted recovered less than half all of a sudden. 感受到淡淡的丝丝缕缕的灵气钻入自己的身体,凌云顿觉神清气爽,疲累至极的身体一下子恢复了一小半儿。 Ning Lingyu earnest is cleaning on the face and chest bloodstain to Big Brother, has not noted the Ling Yun's movement, she said half-day/long time sees Ling Yun not to reply, this catches the eye looks. 宁灵雨正认真的给哥哥擦拭着脸上和胸前的血迹,根本没注意到凌云的动作,她说了半天凌云没有回答,这才抬眼一看。 The Ling Yun's face, is away from her fragrant shoulder nape of the neck not over five centimeters . Moreover the lecher smells generally crazily. 凌云的脸,距离她的香肩脖颈不超过五公分,而且还登徒子一般狂嗅。 Big Brother!” young miss somewhat shames bashfully, although is the different father different mother brother and sister, but Ling Yun this movement is really, cough cough, was really too that anything. 哥哥!”小姑娘有些羞臊,虽然是异父异母的兄妹,可凌云这动作实在是,咳咳,实在是太那啥了些。 Let the person see that many are not good. 让人看到多不好。 Big Brother, others followed you a moment ago three, the body had many perspiration, waited to go back to take a bath at noon is good.” 哥哥,人家刚才跟着你跑了三圈儿,身上出了好多汗呢,等中午回去洗个澡就好了。” Ning Lingyu thinks that Ling Yun had detected her perspiration taste, therefore blushes an apple is likely common, hurries to explain. 宁灵雨以为凌云发觉了她身上的汗味,因此脸红的像个苹果一般,慌忙解释。 Ling Yun faints from fear own to be rude, immediately is shameless one red, but at heart is actually happy counter day! 凌云惊觉自己失态,顿时老脸一红,不过心里却是高兴的逆了天了! Really picked the treasure really! Haha, is really the day helps me! This younger sister not only to own good serious, is Innate Spirit Body, is really the space falls Meat Pie! 真真是捡到宝了!哈哈,真是天助我也!这个妹妹不但对自己好的不得了,还是天生灵体,真是天上掉馅饼啊! Ling Yun has withdrawn the body, sits respectfully, slightly board face sinking sound said: Lingyu, attending class time doesn't attend class well, what runs here to wanton mischief?” 凌云撤回了身子,正襟危坐,微微板着脸孔沉声道:“灵雨,上课的时候不好好上课,跑这里来瞎胡闹什么?” You are about to go back to attend class, Big Brother is all right.” “你快些回去上课去,哥哥没事。” Ning Lingyu with has not heard general, lifts on the bloodstain of slender white hands to scratch Ling Yun face thoroughly cleanly, this stands to say with a smile tenderly: Really is, added that I do not attend class, your own......” she just wants saying that you haven't attended class?” May fear that own attacks the self-respect that Ling Yun had just established, therefore changed a statement. 宁灵雨就跟没听到一般,抬起纤纤玉手把凌云脸上的血迹彻底擦干净,这才站起来娇笑道:“真是的,还说我不上课,你自己……”她刚想说“你不也没上课么?”可又怕自己打击了凌云刚刚建立起来的自尊,于是改口。 Your own makes such big noise to come, makes others attend class relieved?” Meaning, two characters, worry. “你自己闹出这么大动静来,怎么让人家安心上课嘛?”话里话外的意思,就俩字,担心。 Looks that this as beautiful was also gentle as peak the good treasure younger sister, Ling Yun has to receive the big brother style, the forced smile said: I also think low-key, who knows that here person liked making a fuss over a trifling matter so much, shoulders a sandbag to run several to make such big noise......” 看着这个美丽到极致又温柔善良的宝贝妹妹,凌云只好收起了大哥风范,苦笑道:“我也想低调啊,可谁知道这里的人这么喜欢小题大做,扛个沙袋跑几圈就闹出了这么大动静……” „Does this return low-key?” Ning Lingyu throws one to smile tenderly, the fragrant shoulder vibrates, the tender body flowering branch shivers all over, Ling Yun that looks is in a daze. “这还低调?”宁灵雨扑哧一声娇笑出来,香肩抖动,娇躯花枝般乱颤,看的凌云一阵发呆。 Big Brother, you that called low-key before, quick lowly arrived comes up, falls to the mud in went, does not know how really you endured!” 哥哥,你以前那才叫低调,都快低到地上去,掉到泥里去了,真不知道你是怎么忍的!” Big Brother today amazes the world with a single brilliant feat, thorough feeling proud and elated, Ning Lingyu today is true proud proud, she wanted to be happy simply! 哥哥今天一鸣惊人,彻底的扬眉吐气,宁灵雨今天是真正的骄傲自豪,她简直要开心死了! Her powder neck hangs down, looks that the Ling Yun buttocks following sandbag said: Big Brother, I listened to the person saying that this sandbag had 50 jin (0.5 kg), you carried it to run 4400 meters! Many people said that you will run!” 她粉颈低垂,看着凌云屁股下面的沙袋说道:“哥哥,我听人说,这个沙袋有50斤重呢,你扛着它足足跑了4400米!好多人都说你会跑死呢!” In tone not only proud, and somewhat worries and blames. 语气中既骄傲,又有些担忧和责怪。 Ha, runs? Runs to refuse stubbornly is my style!” Ling Yun listened to be full immediately black line, refuted to this rumor directly. “哈,跑死?跑死不是我的风格!”凌云听了顿时满头黑线,对这种谣言直接驳斥。 A few words tease Ning Lingyu chuckle tenderly to smile, the heart said own Big Brother quietly six years later, unexpectedly including speech charming many. 一句话逗得宁灵雨咯咯娇笑,心说自己哥哥在沉寂了六年之后,竟然连说话都风趣的多了。 She cannot bear look to Ling Yun, detected that on own Big Brother are suddenly many one type to say does not scavenge the unclear makings, although he including the hair in tick-tock the water, on the face the sweat trace one after another, the whole person looked like just soaked for three years just to fish now from the water, but she thought, on own Big Brother had one special makings! 她忍不住看向凌云,发觉自己哥哥身上忽然多了一种说不清道不明的气质,虽然他现在连头发都在滴答水,脸上汗水的痕迹一道一道的,整个人就像是刚从水里泡了三年刚捞出来似的,可她就是觉得,自己哥哥身上有一种特殊的气质! That is one type is very fresh, making people very comfortable, is willing to approach his makings very much. 那是一种很清新,令人很舒爽、很愿意接近他的气质。 If Big Brother can be thin to be better, on his left face that attractive dimple can have?” young miss crazy wants to say. “要是哥哥能瘦下来就更好了,他左脸上那个好看的酒窝会不会还有呢?”小姑娘痴痴的想道。 After such a while, Ling Yun rests, while while convenient is absorbing spiritual energy that on the Ning Lingyu tender body the dissipation comes out, tired extremely destitute recovered 70-80%. 过了这么一会儿,凌云一边休息,一边顺带着吸收宁灵雨娇躯上散逸出来的灵气,累极空乏的身体已经恢复了七八成。 He suddenly thought that the belly mumbling randomly calls, was hungry. 他突然觉得肚子叽里咕噜乱叫,饿了。 Running law, is not so hungry is strange! 这么个跑法,不饿才怪! Younger sister,” Ling Yun accepted this younger sister finally from the bottom of the heart, he continues saying: Big Brother also goes back this sandbag first, then returns to dormitory to take a shower, you also go back to tidy up, at noon Big Brother asked you to have the feast!” “妹妹,”凌云终于打心底接受了这个妹妹,他继续道:“哥哥先把这个沙袋还回去,然后回宿舍冲个澡,你也回去收拾一下,中午哥哥请你吃大餐!” Really?!” Ning Lingyu listened to the pleasant surprise of whole face, nearly must cheer. “真的?!”宁灵雨听了满脸的惊喜,差点儿就要欢呼雀跃。 Naturally real, lied is not my style......” Ling Yun setting out has moved the unbending body, the incomparably smelly fart said. “当然是真的,撒谎不是我的风格嘛……”凌云起身活动了一下僵直的身体,无比臭屁道。 Ning Lingyu smiles. 宁灵雨又笑。 She thought that the number of times that own this while smiles, adds much compared with this semester. 她觉得,自己这一会儿笑的次数,比这一个学期加起来都多。 Because, that protects her, loves dearly her Big Brother, finally came back! 因为,那个保护她,心疼她的哥哥,终于回来了!
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