DEMG :: Volume #1

#15: get in by the backdoor is not my style

„...... Quite heavy......” Ning Lingyu saw Ling Yun to stand, she wants to run over the help, but both hands clutched the sandbag only to propose half, let go to throw on the ground. “哇……好重哦……”宁灵雨凌云站了起来,她想跑过来帮忙,可双手揪着沙袋只提起来一半,就撒手扔在了地上。 A Ning Lingyu cannot help but heart startled, spits the lovable small tongue, she only knows that Big Brother was lost/carrying what kind of weight was running more than 4400 meters! 宁灵雨不由得一阵心惊,吐了吐可爱的小舌头,她这才知道哥哥到底是负着怎样的重量跑了4400多米! Ling Yun has stretched arm leg, looks at the Ning Lingyu lovable expression, loves saying: Puts me to come!” Saying, was bending the waist must grasp the sandbag. 凌云舒展了一下胳膊腿儿,看着宁灵雨可爱的表情,不由疼爱道:“放着我来!”说着,弯腰就要去抓沙袋。 Ling Yun, your boy deeply conceals is leakproof! Was mistaken including me!” When does not know, Ma Tianfeng walked unexpectedly, his whole face happy expression looks at this brother and sister two people. 凌云,你小子深藏不漏啊!连我都看走眼了!”不知何时,马天峰竟然走了过来,他满脸笑意的看着这兄妹两人 Teacher Ma is good!” Ning Lingyu saw Ma Tianfeng to come, immediately greeted on own initiative, her beautiful cheek slightly flood red, was somewhat embarrassed. 马老师好!”宁灵雨马天峰过来了,立即主动打了个招呼,她绝美的脸蛋儿微微泛红,有些不好意思。 She has not escaped the class, now was grasped present, although Ma Tianfeng is only the sports teacher, can also after all be the teacher is not? 她从来没有逃过课,现在被抓了个现行,虽然马天峰只是体育老师,可也总归是老师不是? Ma Tianfeng hehe smiles, nodded to Ning Lingyu, then very earnest said to Ling Yun: Ling Yun, I know that your academic record is not very good, but I looked at you to display a moment ago, I want to make you practice two months of sports with me, as the sports scholarship student, gained admission to the sports university to be what kind of?” 马天峰呵呵一笑,冲着宁灵雨点了点头,然后很认真的对凌云说道:“凌云,我知道你的学习成绩不算很好,可我看了你刚才的表现,我想让你跟我练两个月的体育,作为体育特长生,考体育大学怎么样?” Listened to the Ma Tianfeng front words, the Ning Lingyu complexion slightly changes, hurries to look to own Big Brother, actually sees Ling Yun with being all right person, this felt relieved. 听了马天峰前面的话,宁灵雨脸色微微一变,赶忙看向自己哥哥,却见凌云跟没事儿人似的,这才放下心来。 She does not think own Big Brother being a mass of cuts and bruises that because attacked, perishes once more. 她可不想自己哥哥又因为被人打击的体无完肤,再次沉沦下去。 However Ning Lingyu hear Ma Tianfeng following words, she immediately eye one bright! 不过宁灵雨听完马天峰后面的话,她顿时眼睛一亮! Right, Big Brother result...... Gained admission to the university definitely to be hopeless, now Teacher Ma makes his Body Refining nurture, although time was a little urgent, can be tests the good means of university after all is not? 对呀,哥哥的成绩……考大学肯定没戏了,现在马老师让他练体育,虽然有点儿时间紧迫,可总归是个考大学的好办法不是? But Ling Yun a few words directly made two hopeful people not have the temperament: Body Refining Yu Kao university? What then has to distinguish with get in by the backdoor? Does not have the interest!” 凌云一句话就直接让两个充满期待的人没了脾气:“练体育考大学?那跟走后门有什么区别?没兴趣!” Ma Tianfeng full brain black line, heart said immediately the Body Refining Yu Kao university did become get in by the backdoor? 马天峰顿时满脑子黑线,心说练体育考大学怎么就成走后门了? When does this boy dare such to talk back to me? The speech looked that I don't look? Before gave you in the class physical education time, which time saw me not to hide by far? 这小子什么时候敢这么跟我顶嘴了?说话连看我都不看?以前给你们班上体育课的时候,哪次见了我不躲得远远的? However his today liked Ling Yun's displaying, that physical strength, the endurance, the willpower was the top picks that Body Refining nurtured, will he easily let off? 不过他今天太喜欢凌云的表现了,那体力,耐力,意志力都是练体育的上上之选,他又怎么会轻易放过? Ling Yun, do not think, you are really the good seedling that Body Refining nurtures, although time was a little short, may according to your quality, the teacher give the private lesson to you, adopts the targeted training to you, you can train in the weight lifting, practices the shot, practices the discus, practices the Judo, is good!” 凌云,你不要那么想,你真是练体育的好苗子,虽然时间有点儿短了,可根据你的素质,老师给你开小灶,给你采取针对性训练,你可以练举重,练铅球,练铁饼,练柔道,都行嘛!” He has picked Ling Yun one meter eight height, project that more than 200 jin (0.5 kg) body weights, therefore chose targeted. 他是相中了凌云一米八的身高,这200多斤的体重了,所以选的项目都是有针对性的。 How could it not be to know, one of the Ling Yun's Body Refining goals as soon as possible loses 60 jin (0.5 kg) body weight, quite makes own not so unwieldy. 岂不知,凌云的练体目标之一就是尽快减掉60斤的体重,好让自己不这么笨重。 Big Brother, Teacher Ma said really good yeah, you......” Ning Lingyu listened to start to be earnest, she cared to the proposition of Ma Tianfeng very much. 哥哥,马老师说的真的不错哎,你……”就连宁灵雨听了都开始认真起来,她对马天峰的提议很在乎。 Does not practice! get in by the backdoor is not my style...... I must enter the interior door frankly and uprightly, cough cough, gains admission to the university......” “不练!走后门不是我的风格……我要光明正大的入内门,咳咳,考大学……” Ling Yun nearly said the slip of tongue, disguises to cough to conceal, the custom kills the person, it seems like later must pay attention. 凌云差点儿说秃噜嘴,假装咳嗽掩饰,习惯害死人啊,看来以后要注意。 Gains admission to the university frankly and uprightly?” Ma Tianfeng was smiled to the air/Qi by Ling Yun. “光明正大考大学?”马天峰凌云给气笑了。 On your that school first result from the bottom, but also wants to gain admission to the university?! Has a dream must observe reality to be good. 就你那全校倒数第一的成绩,还想考大学?!做梦也要遵守一下现实好不好。 Again heard Big Brother saying that was not my style, Ning Lingyu was suppressing the happy expression, she does not dare to smile at this time, feared that Big Brother thinks she was ridiculing him. 再一次听到哥哥说“不是我的风格”,宁灵雨强忍着笑意,她这时候可不敢笑出来,怕哥哥认为她在嘲笑他。 She goes all out to study, does a test take the grade first for what? To not be admitted to the best university, after graduating, looks for one to be good to work, brings honor for the wretched mother, in the future can look after own Big Brother? 她拼命学习,次次考试都拿年级第一是为了什么?还不就是为了考上最好的大学,毕业后找一份好工作,为孤苦的母亲争光,将来能照顾自己哥哥吗? Therefore although she also hopes that own Big Brother is admitted to a university, may want is the sensible people knows, trivial two months of time, first from the bottom wants to be admitted to a university through the result from the school, that radically is dream of a fool. 因此她虽然也期盼自己哥哥考上大学,可只要是明白人都知道,区区两个来月的时间,从全校倒数第一想通过成绩考上大学,那根本就是痴人说梦。 Ma Tianfeng saw own to do best to convince to say half-day/long time, Ling Yun was the left ear listens to the right ear to brave, the basic oil salt did not enter, therefore a face regretted, the forced smile shook the head saying: This, I give you three days of time, you considered again, considered clearly, came to answer to me again.” 马天峰自己苦口婆心说了半天,凌云是左耳朵听右耳朵冒,根本油盐不进,于是一脸惋惜,苦笑摇头道:“这样吧,我给你三天时间,你再好好考虑考虑,考虑清楚了,再来给我答复。” Speaks, he signaled with the eyes to Ning Lingyu, that meaning is to let her helps to urge Ling Yun. 说着话,他冲着宁灵雨使了个眼色,那意思是让她帮忙劝劝凌云 Ning Lingyu blinked quietly, nodded. 宁灵雨悄悄眨了眨眼,又点了点头。 Ling Yun bent the waist at this time, holds sandbag seal single-handed, makes an effort to brandish toward the own shoulder on, 50 jin (0.5 kg) sandbag has from the sky drawn the elegant arc, layer on layer/heavily pounded on his shoulder. 凌云这时候弯腰,单手抓住沙袋封口处,用力往自己肩膀上一抡,50斤的沙袋在空中划了了优美的弧线,重重地砸在了他的肩膀上。 Looks that Ling Yun is relaxed, the smooth movement of forming a coherent whole, Ma Tianfeng both eyes shine, must draw the determination that Ling Yun Body Refining nurtures more earnest. 看着凌云轻松自如,一气呵成的流畅动作,马天峰双眼放光,要拉凌云练体育的决心更加热切。 Must know that was 50 jin (0.5 kg) sandbag, Ling Yun single-handed does not take the trouble to brandish, moreover this was after carrying the sandbag ran more than 4000 meters! 要知道那可是50斤的沙袋,凌云单手不费力就抡了起来,而且这还是在扛着沙袋跑了4000多米之后! However Ma Tianfeng thinks again, is, if no this upper arm strength, how Ling Yun can carry the sandbag to run is so far? 不过马天峰再一想,也是,如果没有这膀子力气,凌云又如何能扛着沙袋跑那么远? Delivers?” Ling Yun turns head to ask to Ma Tianfeng. “送哪?”凌云扭头冲着马天峰问道。 Ma Tianfeng said with a smile: „After finishing class, I asked several students to lift Sports Equipment Room to be good, you did not need to manage.” 马天峰笑道:“下课后我找几个学生抬回体育器材室就行了,你不用管。” thump! Ling Yun shoulder one slanting, makes the sandbag fall the ground directly. 呼咚!凌云肩膀一斜,直接让沙袋滑落回地上。 Good, thanked Teacher Ma, first said goodbye!” “那好,谢谢马老师了,先告辞了!” Goes ahead, Ling Yun has hit a meaningful glance to Ning Lingyu, getting the younger sister to walk toward dormitory along the Sports Field runway. 说走就走,凌云宁灵雨打了个眼色,领着妹妹沿着操场跑道往宿舍走去。 Said goodbye? This boy, interesting......” Ma Tianfeng shook the head, is looking at the Ling Yun's back, the forced smile. “告辞?这小子,有点儿意思……”马天峰摇了摇头,望着凌云的背影,苦笑不已。 Another side of Sports Field. A person is also staring at the Ling Yun brother and sister two people form, is in a daze there. 操场另一边。还有一个人也在盯着凌云兄妹两人的身影,在那里发呆。 Ning Lingyu today smiles real happy, good beautiful......” 宁灵雨今天笑的真开心呢,好美……” Definitely is because made my 10,000 dollars so to be happy?!” “肯定是因为赚了我10000块钱才这么开心吧?!” Looked that inexpensive type that Ling Yun that dead fatty smiles, is really shameless!” “看凌云那死胖子笑的那贱样儿,真无耻!” „Won't they form a partnership to plan really my?......” “他们不会是真合伙算计我的吧?……” Tang Meng full head black line, the expression a while on face ripples, a while is worried, a while is indignant, a while regret.. Really colorful. 唐猛满脑袋黑线,脸上的表情一会儿荡漾,一会儿苦恼,一会儿气愤,一会儿懊悔。。真叫一个丰富多彩。 He turns head to look that suddenly to behind similarly does not have on the fourth class little brother Zhao Lei, asking of face anticipation: How much money did the today bureau altogether collect?” 他忽然扭头看向身后同样没上第四节课的小弟赵磊,一脸期待的问道:“今天的局一共收了多少钱?” Altogether chips in 9500, actually receives 3500, Xie Junyan and Cao Shanshan 6000 have not given.” Zhao Lei is good scheme. “一共下注9500,实收3500,其中谢俊彦曹珊珊的6000块还都没给。”赵磊是个好算盘 9500, must to Ning Lingyu 10,500, I also probably compensate 1000 but actually! Has planted, planted thoroughly! The integrity in later life does not guarantee!” “9500,要给宁灵雨10500,我还要倒赔1000块!栽了,彻底栽了啊!晚节不保啊!” Tang Meng beat one's chest and stamp one's feet! 唐猛一阵捶胸顿足 Let his Little Gambling God lose money, this has never had the matter! 让他小赌神输钱,这还是从来没有过的事! Cried loudly without tears one, Tang Meng hehe has smiled suddenly. 干嚎了一阵,唐猛突然又嘿嘿笑了起来。 „Did eldest child, how you smile?” Zhao Lei heart said that Young Master Tang wasn't will be insane insanely? “老大,你怎么又笑了?”赵磊心说唐少不会是失心疯了吧? You are not understanding! You think that I, if delivers to the Lingyu small hand brand-new one bunch of one hundred dollar bills time, can she be happy? If she were happy, after can, regards with a special fondness to me?” “你懂个屁!你想啊,我要是把崭新的一捆百元大钞送到灵雨的小手里的时候,她会不会高兴?她要是高兴了,会不会以后对我另眼相看?” This called to lose must have obtained, was studying!” Tang Meng there YY. “这叫有所失必有所得,学着点儿!”唐猛在那里一个劲儿的YY。 Was waiting for Ling Yun and Ning Lingyu leaves school Sports Field, his racket the buttocks have stood suddenly, heroic spirit thousand clouds beckoned to Zhao Lei. 等着凌云宁灵雨离开学校操场了,他忽然拍拍屁股站了起来,豪气千云的冲赵磊招手。 Walks, goes bank to take the money with me, is not 10,000 dollars, who cares......” “走,跟我去银行取钱去,不就是10000块钱嘛,谁在乎……” Can turn railing fence?” Zhao Lei follows in Tang Meng behind, small sound said. “又要翻栏杆啊?”赵磊跟在唐猛身后,小声道。 Quick returns quickly, a while younger sister Lingyu affirmed that asked me to eat meal happily, walked quickly!” Tang Meng turns head to teach said. “快去快回,一会儿灵雨妹妹肯定高兴的请我吃饭,快走!”唐猛回头教训道。 After Li Lei by time, the look in Tang Meng eye transfers coldly, disdains spat one toward the ground, then flings the elegant long hair fiercely, this walked. 经过李磊旁边的时候,唐猛眼中的神色转冷,不屑的朝地上啐了一口,然后猛地一甩飘逸的长发,这才走了过去。 Goes back to tell Xie Junyan, he dares to play cloudy with me, this matter has not ended!” “回去告诉谢俊彦,他敢跟我耍阴的,这事儿没完!” Sat non-stop rubbing Li Lei of shoulder to listen on the ground, complexion deathly white, a corners of the mouth twitch, does not dare to reply. 坐在地上不停揉着肩膀的李磊听了,脸色煞白,嘴角儿一阵抽动,没敢应答。 Big Brother, I thought that proposition of Teacher Ma really good, I heard that Teacher Ma is the Yanjing sports university comes out, he definitely has the means to make you enter the Yanjing sports university, when the time comes I test into Yanjing University, we in a city!” 哥哥,我觉得马老师的提议真的不错啊,我听说马老师燕京体育大学出来的,他肯定有办法让你进燕京体育大学,到时候我考上燕京大学,我们就都在一个城市了呢!” The brother and sister are cheerful and lively walked, waits for quickly to the Ling Yun dormitory entrance time, a Ning Lingyu eyeball revolution, topic pulling. 兄妹俩有说有笑的走了一路,等快到凌云宿舍门口的时候,宁灵雨眼珠儿一转,又把话题给扯了回来。 „Is Yanjing University the best university?” Ling Yun asked lightly. 燕京大学是最好的大学吧?”凌云淡淡问道。 Yes, this also with asking!” Ning Lingyu is crooked the head to purse the lips to say with a smile, for her, tests into Yanjing University is the matter of fait accompli, therefore is in front of Big Brother, naturally some small proud. “是啊,这还用问!”宁灵雨歪着脑袋抿着嘴儿笑道,对她来说,考上燕京大学是铁板钉钉的事,因此当着哥哥的面,自然有一些小骄傲。 Good, Big Brother tests Yanjing University!” Ling Yun layer on layer/heavily nodded, resembles set firm resolve. “那好,哥哥就考燕京大学!”凌云重重点了点头,似是下定了决心。 Must enter enters the biggest influence, goes to the best school, otherwise where has the resources? This is the Ling Yun's logic. 要进就进最大的势力,去最好的门派,不然哪儿有资源?这就是凌云的逻辑。 With his words, goes to a slightly poor place, that is not his style! 用他的话来说,去个稍微差一点儿的地方,那不是他的风格! Big Brother......” in the Ning Lingyu vision flashes through wipes to worry, she shook shaking with the delicate small hand in Ling Yun at present, timid say/way: You jog to run was too tired?” 哥哥……”宁灵雨的目光里闪过一抹担忧,她拿细嫩的小手在凌云眼前晃了晃,怯怯道:“你是不是跑步跑的太累了?” own is the Qingshui High School positive number first, tests Yanjing University naturally not to have the issue, but Big Brother is actually first from the bottom, even if these two months went all out to study, are impossible to be admitted to any university. 自己清水一中的正数第一,考燕大当然没问题,可哥哥却是倒数第一,就算这两个月拼了命学习,也不可能考上任何一所大学。 But Ling Yun vowed solemnly unexpectedly said must test Yanjing University, this makes young miss be worried very much, thinks the Ling Yun brain was some are not quite good to use. 凌云竟然信誓旦旦的说也要考燕京大学,这让小姑娘很是担心,以为凌云脑子是不是有些不大好用了。 Ling Yun somewhat funny putting out a hand, wants the racket younger sister's head, may arrive at the halfway to discover on own to moisten completely the dust, shrank. Big Brother not insane, relax, when the time comes you will know.” 凌云有些好笑的伸出手,想要拍拍妹妹的脑袋,可到了半途发现自己手上沾满了尘土,就又缩了回来。“哥哥没疯,放心吧,到时候你就会知道了。” Ling Yun has not spoken wild language. 凌云还真不是说狂话。 Refines Medicine Pill, makes by cutting Talisman, researches in thorough detail formation law, these pick up casually same come, not compared with difficulty big many of college entrance examination? 炼制丹药,刻制符箓,精研阵法,这些随便挑出一样来,不比高考的难度大的多? Although did not have magic power, Spiritual Consciousness before achieving Qi Practicing Stage is also unusable, but Ling Yun has Transcends Tribulation Stage soul! 虽然没有了法力,神识在达到练气期之前也不能用,可凌云有着渡劫期灵魂 To the memory of his terrifying, two months of time records the high school to select the thing, has more than enough to spare! 就冲着他恐怖的记忆力,两个月的时间记高中那么点儿东西,也绰绰有余! Let alone does Ling Yun have innumerable cultivation genius to envy unusual perception that the envy hates? 何况凌云还有着无数修真天才都羡慕嫉妒恨的超凡领悟力呢? Has such energy, he was certainly disinclined to practice any sports! 有这样的底气,他当然懒得去练什么体育了! You go back to tidy up, after we a half hour, here meets, Big Brother asked you to eat!” Saying that Ling Yun loves. “你回去收拾一下,咱们半小时以后在这里碰头,哥哥请你吃好的!”凌云疼爱的说道。 Em!” Ning Lingyu nods gently, smiles is very satisfied. “恩!”宁灵雨轻轻点头,笑的很满足。
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