DEMG :: Volume #1

#16: Brother and sister of a different surname

After the younger sister bids good-bye temporarily, Ling Yun returned to own dormitory, this discovered that the throat of own must belch smoke, the body dehydration is very fierce. 跟妹妹暂时分手之后,凌云回到了自己宿舍,这才发现自己的嗓子眼儿都要冒烟了,身体脱水十分厉害。 Hurried thump thump to drink half pot boiled and cooled water, then window curtains, shortly strip nude clothes. 赶紧咕咚咕咚喝了半壶凉开水,然后把窗帘一拉,顷刻间脱光了衣服。 Such sinks, all soaked.” “这么沉,得,全湿透了。” First took a bath said again, this sweat taste was also too big.” “先去洗个澡再说,这汗臭味儿也太大了。” Ling Yun frowns with the taking a bath thing is directly soaring the waterhouse, the heart said that Ning Lingyu on such big flavor to own suddenly had not displayed the uncomfortable appearance a moment ago. 凌云皱着眉头拿着洗澡用品直奔水房,心说宁灵雨刚才对自己身上这么大的味道竟然没表现出一点不舒服的样子。 After 15 minutes, neat clean Ling Yun that washes the bubble of clothes that own takes off in toward the washbasin, wore the slipper to return to dormitory. 15分钟后,洗的清爽干净的凌云自己脱下来的衣服往水盆里一泡,穿着拖鞋就回到了宿舍 Pants that returned to dormitory to touch to dry in the sun last night, discovered that has not done, Ling Yun could not bear curl the lip. 回到宿舍一摸昨晚晾上的裤子,发现还没干,凌云忍不住撇了撇嘴。 Then ended......” “这下完了……” Looks, makes an effort to look, looking of rummaging through chests and cupboards, he remembers in the morning gets money has seen sky blue clothes. 找,使劲找,翻箱倒柜的找,他记得早晨找钱的时候看到过一身天蓝色的衣服来的。 I know Heaven never seals off all exits, hehe, our memory is powerful!” “我就知道天无绝人之路,嘿嘿,咱的记忆力就是强悍啊!” Ling Yun turned out that wrap/sets not to know from the closet the school uniform that finally how long has not worn, looked to be clean, directly put in the body. 凌云终于从壁橱里翻出了那套不知道多久没穿过的校服,看了看还算干净,就直接穿在了身上。 „Is this probably the school uniform in legend? The school symbolized! Was small......” “这大概就是传说中的校服吧?门派标志!就是小了点儿……” Tidies up readily, Ling Yun 70 money Chuaihao who only remains, goes downstairs to converge with Ning Lingyu. 收拾停当,凌云把仅剩的70块钱揣好,下楼去跟宁灵雨汇合。 Left male student Dormitory Building naturally, Ling Yun looked at one toward female student Dormitory Building that side, is one is out of sorts. 出了男生宿舍楼,凌云自然而然的往女生宿舍楼那边看了一眼,然后就是一阵失神。 Too beautiful! 太美了! Ning Lingyu also just comes out from Dormitory Building. 宁灵雨也刚好从宿舍楼里出来。 She does not remember that previous time is eating meal with Big Brother alone, was when matter. 她都不记得上一次和哥哥单独在一起吃饭,是什么时候的事了。 However a moment ago on Sports Field, she timid shouted after that Big Brother, discovered that own Big Brother, treats her, is six years ago is the same. 但是刚才在操场上,她怯怯的喊出那声哥哥之后,发现自己哥哥,对待她,还是和六年前一样。 In the eye that light love, the blame of anticipation, somewhat is simple-hearted with the tone that she spoke and helpless, but were many charmingly some. 眼睛里还是那种淡淡的疼爱,期待的责备,跟她说话的语气还是有些木讷与无奈,只是多了一些风趣。 This time, Big Brother has not avoided own, but also proposed that must ask own to eat meal, this makes Ning Lingyu pleasantly surprised returned all for six years ago. 这一次,哥哥并没有回避自己,还主动提出要请自己吃饭,这让宁灵雨惊喜的就像一切都回到了六年前。 That type was loved, that type was protected, that thick security sense, in that moment, all came back, even wins for six years ago. 那种被疼爱,那种被保护,那种浓浓的安全感,在那一刻,全部都回来了,甚至更胜六年前。 Therefore she must most real, is most beautiful, most lovable own shows in front of Ling Yun's. 所以她要把最真实,最美丽,最可爱的自己展现在凌云的面前。 She very earnest taking a bath, discovers that snow-white shirt and pale blue jeans that own usually does not hate to wear, reorganized carefully, this goes downstairs. 她很认真的洗了个澡,找出自己平时不舍得穿的那件雪白衬衣和淡蓝色牛仔裤,精心整理了一番,这才下楼。 The today weather is very good, clear blue sky, ten thousand li (0.5 km) not clouds, the sunlight is bright and beautiful, Ning Lingyu like this went out of female student Dormitory Building, walks toward Ling Yun under the dazzling sunlight. 今天的天气很好,碧空如洗,万里无云,阳光灿烂而明媚,宁灵雨就这样走出了女生宿舍楼,在耀眼的阳光下朝凌云走来。 The bright sunlight shines on the body of Ning Lingyu, making her seem the resembles has the halo illusion goddess unexpectedly. 灿烂的阳光照耀在宁灵雨的身上,让她看上去竟像有着光环的梦幻女神。 The distant place, was hitting the high two male students of basketball to see exactly Ning Lingyu went out of Dormitory Building, was pounded the head by the basketball quite the same as unconsciously. 远处,一个正在打篮球的高二男生恰好看到了宁灵雨走出宿舍楼的这一幕,被篮球砸中了脑袋都浑然不觉。 Big Brother?” Big Brother!” 哥哥?”“哥哥!” Ning Lingyu arrives at Ling Yun at present, sees him to stare at own as before dull, in the heart is bashful and happy, but also mixes with a tooth of inexplicable small proud, neat snow-white is nipping the lower lip lightly, stretched out spring scallion jade to refer to shook shaking in Ling Yun intentionally at present. 宁灵雨来到凌云眼前,见他依旧呆呆的盯着自己,心中又羞又喜,还夹杂着一丝莫名的小骄傲,整齐雪白的牙齿轻咬下唇,伸出一根春葱玉指故意在凌云眼前晃了晃。 „?......” Ling Yun then recovers, the heart said that the younger sister this beautiful was also too astonishing, can make the own mind fall into enemy hands unexpectedly. “啊?哦……”凌云这才回过神来,心说妹妹这美丽也太惊人了,竟能让自己心神失守。 What looks at?” Ning Lingyu starts to show own weird side in front of Big Brother, asked something already known. “看什么呢?”宁灵雨开始在哥哥面前展现自己古灵精怪的一面,明知故问。 Had not looked that anything......” sees the younger sister to be so direct boldly, Ling Yun cannot bear one shamelessly red, is very awkward. “没看什么……”见妹妹这么直接大胆,凌云忍不住老脸一红,很是尴尬。 Attractive?” “好看吗?” Attractive, very attractive......” “好看,很好看……” Has Cao Shanshan to be attractive?” “有曹珊珊好看吗?” Who no matter Cao Shanshan is, you are more attractive than her 10,000 times......” “不管曹珊珊是谁,你都比她好看10000倍……” It is estimated that Cao Shanshan must hear these words to be air/Qi to spitting blood three rises, but seems like Ling Yun does not remember who really Cao Shanshan was. 估计曹珊珊要听到这句话得气到吐血三升,不过貌似凌云真不记得曹珊珊是谁了。 Ning Lingyu tittered smiles, no longer pressed for an answer, embraced the Ling Yun's arm on own initiative, did not evade walked toward the student cafeteria. 宁灵雨噗嗤一笑,不再逼问,主动揽起了凌云的胳膊,毫无避讳的就往学生食堂走去。 Big Brother, did you wear school uniform? Now which also some people wear school uniform?” Ning Lingyu asked. 哥哥,你怎么穿上校服了?现在哪还有人穿校服啊?”宁灵雨问道。 Ling Yun feels the light young girl who on Ning Lingyu is transmitting to be fragrant, light spiritual energy that as well as Innate Spirit Body sends out, thought that enjoys very much, the mind always falls into enemy hands unexpectedly. 凌云感受着宁灵雨身上传来的淡淡的少女芬芳,以及天生灵体散发出来的淡淡的灵气,觉得很是受用,心神竟总是失守。 This, this mentioned may grow then the words......” “这个,这个说来可就话长了……” Distant place, that because the glance saw that the astonishing beautiful Ning Lingyu high two male students are still in a daze there, mutter: Ended, I ended thoroughly, Ning Lingyu was really too beautiful! I discovered that I deeply have fallen in love with her......” 远处,那个因为惊鸿一瞥看到惊人美丽的宁灵雨的高二男生还在那里发呆,喃喃自语:“完了,我彻底完了,宁灵雨实在是太美了!我发现我已经深深地爱上了她……” His Classmates picks the basketball, hears his muttering, despises saying: School male students which dares saying that own doesn't like Ning Lingyu? May have Xie Junyan there station, who do others dare to pursue? I urged you not to annoy the troublesome words as early as possible to lose heart!” 他的同学过来捡篮球,听到他的喃喃自语,不禁鄙夷道:“全校男生哪个敢说自己不喜欢宁灵雨?可有谢俊彦在那里站着,别人谁敢追?我劝你不想惹麻烦的话就趁早死了这条心!” Who said that you looked, Ning Lingyu tight is embracing the arm of that big fatty? Has gone bad, was Ning Lingyu in love?” “谁说的,你看,宁灵雨紧紧的揽着那个大胖子的胳膊呢?坏了,宁灵雨是不是谈恋爱了?” I said that your idiot, did drill in the classroom the study study to be silly daily? That is her Big Brother, Big Brother cannot understand, carried the sandbag to run on Sports Field a moment ago continually 11 Ling Yun!” “我说你个白痴,天天钻教室里学习学傻了吧?那是她哥哥,哥哥懂不懂,刚才在操场上扛着沙袋连跑11圈的凌云!” However this male student spoke of here, lifted hand flexure the scalp, somewhat envied the supplement that the envy hated: They are not one's own brother and sister, different father different mother......” 不过这个男生说到这里,也抬起手挠了挠头皮,有些羡慕嫉妒恨的补充了一句:“不过他们不是亲生兄妹,异父异母……” Hey, your several do, have to see Ling Yun and Ning Lingyu?” Drank to thunder high passed to the ear of two people generally. “喂,你们几个,有没有看到凌云宁灵雨?”一声高喝打雷一般传到了两人的耳朵里。 Picks Classmates of basketball one startled, looked following the sound, sees only a tall and mighty long hair male student to stand in not far away visits them. 捡篮球的同学一惊,顺着声音看了过去,只见一个高大威猛的长发男生正站在不远处看着他们。 Little Gambling God Tang Meng just took 10,000 dollars to come back, arrives at the male student dormitory entrance not to see the Ling Yun brother and sister, therefore walking asked them. 小赌神唐猛刚刚取了10000块钱回来,来到男生宿舍门口没见到凌云兄妹,于是走这边来问他们。 Picks the boy of basketball is a detective, naturally also knows that this is Tang Meng, somewhat is immediately gingerly, trembles to reply: Brother Tang, saw, they went to the school canteen together, just shortly after went.” 捡篮球的这小子是个包打听,自然也知道这是唐猛,顿时有些战战兢兢,哆哆嗦嗦回答道:“唐哥,看见了,他们一起去学校食堂了,刚进去不久。” ........................ …………………… Ling Yun will certainly not say last night the matter of traffic accident with the younger sister. 凌云当然不会跟妹妹说昨晚车祸的事情。 He gives the explanation that could stand firmly very much: Yesterday evening after late studied by oneself, exited to jog the exercise, then saw that some people lost footing to fall in the water, he naturally cannot see somebody in danger and do nothing, therefore others rescuing. 他给出了一个很站得住脚的解释:昨天晚上晚自习以后,出去跑步锻炼,然后就看到有人失足落水,他自然不能见死不救,于是就把人家给救了上来。 The following matter naturally was logical, since saved the person, saw somebody off clothes to throw over going back, very normal matter. 后面的事自然是顺理成章了,既然把人救上来了,送人一件衣服披着回去,很正常的事情。 Then Ning Lingyu wrinkles attractive woman's beautiful eyebrows to ask: That, Big Brother, behaving righteously is the good deed, now everybody is unfair to you, why didn't you explain?” 然后宁灵雨皱着好看的远山眉问道:“那,哥哥,见义勇为是好事啊,现在大家都在冤枉你,你为什么不解释呢?” Ling Yun's replied that suffices the smelly fart: Explanation? The explanation is not my style. Entire day comes off duty the person who I explained that also then younger sister your!” 凌云的回答够臭屁:“解释?解释不是我的风格。全天下值得我去解释的人,也就妹妹你一个!” A few words tease chuckle to smile Ning Lingyu, the staff who in cafeteria that unusual refined smiling face looks at have forgotten living on hand. 一句话把宁灵雨逗得咯咯直笑,那超凡脱俗的笑容看的食堂的工作人员都忘记了手头的活。 Ning Lingyu superficial saying: That, Big Brother, after finishing eating food, you dirty the clothes take to me, you do laundry always do not wash cleanly.” 宁灵雨轻描淡写的说道:“那,哥哥,吃完饭以后你把脏了的衣服都拿给我,你洗衣服从来都洗不干净。” Her in the heart actually secretly wants saying: „The Big Brother two clothes, it seems like thought a means province money to buy the body clothes for Big Brother.” 心中却暗暗想道:“哥哥就这么两身衣服,看来得想办法省点儿钱给哥哥买身衣服了。” However thinks the 500 dollars on her only remaining have given Tang Meng that bastard, Ning Lingyu was a regret, the heart said that own set at any air/Qi at that time, this month must lend money with Classmates of bedroom. 不过一想到她身上仅剩的500块钱都给了唐猛那个混蛋,宁灵雨就是一阵懊悔,心说自己当时置什么气,这个月又要跟寝室的同学借钱了。 However this she does not dare to say to Ling Yun, feared stirs up him not to be happy. 不过这个她可不敢跟凌云说,怕惹得他不高兴。 As for that nonsense 20 times of odds, Ning Lingyu does not believe that 10,000, let alone she takes for granted will think Tang Meng not, even if Tang Meng will give her, she cannot want. 至于那个狗屁20倍的赔率,宁灵雨根本就不信,10000块,别说她想当然的认为唐猛不会给,就算唐猛真给她,她也不能要。 If mother knows that she participates to gamble to win 10,000, her scolding? 如果妈妈知道她参与赌钱赢10000块,还不把她给骂死? Thinks of here, Ning Lingyu looked at Big Brother one secretly, spits the lovable small tongue to make faces. 想到这里,宁灵雨偷偷瞄了哥哥一眼,吐了吐可爱的小舌头做了个鬼脸。 Younger sister, how you got me to come to here, delicious what can here have?” Ling Yun looked at big cafeteria, thought that here eats meal very noisily, does not have any meaning. “妹妹,你怎么领我到这里来了,这儿能有什么好吃的?”凌云看了看偌大的食堂,觉得在这里吃饭很嘈杂,没什么意思。 Ning Lingyu now and Ling Yun in the same place, thinks the kind nature more and more, her corners of the mouth has brought back a beautiful curve, white Ling Yun, then said with a smile: I will not economize to you, we go to second floor to eat.” 宁灵雨现在和凌云在一起,越来越觉得亲切自然,她嘴角儿勾起了一个绝美的弧度,白了凌云一眼,然后笑道:“我才不会给你省钱呢,我们去二楼去吃。” Cafeteria second floor, was similar the wineshop in school actually, was more peaceful, generally in the school a building the quite rich students here eats meal, usually in the school which class and grade had anything to move or ordinary Classmates celebrates a birthday, will choose treats here. 食堂二楼,其实就类似于校内的小酒店了,比一楼安静一些,一般校内比较有钱的学生都在这里吃饭,平时学校里哪个班级有什么活动或者普通同学过生日,也会选择在这里请客。 Celebrates a birthday as for wealthy family's children, naturally was directly to the off campus hotel. 至于有钱家的孩子过生日,自然是直接到校外的大酒店里过了。 Un, second floor also nice child.” Ling Yun nodded. “嗯,二楼还像个样子。”凌云点了点头。 His only memory to the cafeteria second floor, is in the school two big young tyrants makes him come to this place to pay each month protection money, this place for him only then the shame and taunt, naturally, are on Ling Yun. 他对食堂二楼的唯一记忆,就是学校里两大恶少让他来这个地方交每个月的保护费,这个地方对他来说只有羞辱和嘲讽,当然,是上一个凌云 Two people just chose the seat, Ning Lingyu to put on the variegated butterfly to order food generally on own initiative. 两个人刚选好了座位,宁灵雨就穿花蝴蝶一般主动去点菜去了。 „The braised meat, the sweet and sour spareribs, the chicken cooked the mushroom......” to listen to the each and everyone of each and everyone name from the mouth of Ning Lingyu to jump, Ling Yun some urgent matter could not sit still immediately generally. 红烧肉,糖醋排骨,小鸡炖蘑菇……”听着一个个菜名从宁灵雨的嘴中一个个蹦了出来,凌云顿时有些火烧屁股一般坐不住。 Money is insufficient! 钱不够! However at this time he does not want to destroy younger sister's good mood, let alone Ling Yun very clear awareness, Ning Lingyu these vegetables, all are he usually most like eating radically. 不过此时他也不想去破坏妹妹的好心情,何况凌云很清楚的知道,宁灵雨点的这些菜,根本就全是他平时最爱吃的。 Very obviously, Ning Lingyu this is looked that Big Brother the physical exertion was huge a moment ago, this is builds up one's health to him. 很显然,宁灵雨这是看哥哥刚才体力消耗巨大,这是给他补身子呢。 On Lingyu definitely also had money? First finished eating, after finishing eating the food, borrows with the younger sister......” 灵雨身上肯定也带钱了吧?先吃完,吃完了饭以后跟妹妹借点儿……” Must hurry to find the way to make a money, otherwise has no way to live......” “得赶紧想办法赚点儿钱了,不然根本就没法活……” „......” “叮铃铃……” In the morning the last class finishing class ting resounded, has interrupted the Ling Yun's train of thought. 上午最后一节课的下课铃声响起,打断了凌云的思绪。 Tang Meng, then just arrived at cafeteria second floor. 唐猛,则是刚刚来到食堂二楼 Tang Meng does not live at school, in his breakfast and dinner are go home to eat, but at noon, he always either goes to off campus to eat at a restaurant, either eats meal in this cafeteria second floor. 唐猛并不住校,他的早餐和晚饭都是回家里吃,但是中午,他从来都是要么去校外下馆子,要么就是在这食堂二楼吃饭。 Therefore here service personnel know him. 因此这里的服务人员都认识他。 Yo, Tang Meng comes, what does today want to eat at noon?” “哟,唐猛来啦,今天中午想吃点儿什么?” Regarding mess attendant's question, Tang Meng pays no attention, he sweeps with the eye, Ning Lingyu that saw order food, sits with front in Ling Yun of some corner. 对于食堂服务员的问话,唐猛理都不理,他拿眼睛一扫,就看到了正在点菜的宁灵雨,和前面坐在某个角落的凌云 A while said again.” “一会儿再说。” Tang Meng throws down one, directly soars the position that Ling Yun sits to go. 唐猛丢下一句,直奔凌云坐的位置而去。 I said the fatty, your line you! Really makes me hold in high esteem, carries 52 jin (0.5 kg) sandbag to run 4400 meters, did you take possession by the monster?” “我说胖子,你行啊你!真是让我刮目相看,扛着52斤的沙袋跑4400米,你是被妖怪附体了吧?”
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