DEMG :: Volume #1

#17: Little Gambling God admits defeat

Tang Meng unrestrained/no trace of politeness, took a seat the Ling Yun's opposite, careless saying. 唐猛毫不客气,一屁股就坐到了凌云的对面,大大咧咧的说道。 The rampant boy of Ling Yun to this long hair has the impression, but is not before, but a moment ago. 凌云对这个一头长发的嚣张小子是有印象的,不过不是以前,而是刚才。 own wants to block own with the sandbag that ** the racket falls after the ground, he once turned head and looked at one, saw exactly Tang Meng tramples the picture of that fellow with the foot fiercely. 自己用沙袋把那个想拦住自己的**拍倒在地之后,他曾回头又看了一眼,恰好看到唐猛用脚猛踹那家伙的画面。 Ling Yun lifts the arm, the palm is upward, extends the left hand index finger to select continually three. 凌云抬起胳膊,手掌向上,伸出左手食指连挑三下。 Gets up!” The sound is tranquil and indifferent. “起来!”声音平静而冷漠。 This is place that the younger sister must sit, although this boy has helped busy of own indirectly, but Ling Yun did not appreciate kindness rendered. 这可是妹妹要坐的地方,这小子虽然间接帮了自己的忙,可凌云根本不领情。 Tang Meng looked at Ling Yun this movement, some god. 唐猛看了凌云这个动作,不禁有些愣神。 Takes a broad view at the entire school, even if Xie Junyan does not dare to make this movement to him, but good-for-nothing in his eyes, the fatty in mouth, unexpectedly such calm makes him get up. 放眼整个学校,就算谢俊彦都不敢对他作出这个动作,可他眼里的废柴,口中的胖子,竟然这么淡定的让他起来。 I said that you did take wrong medicine? Do you know that who I am, dares to make me get up?” “我说你吃错药了吧?你知不知道我是谁,就敢让我起来?” Tang Meng depends own is wastes money, moreover number terrifying 10,000, although he is polite to Ning Lingyu, does not represent him to come 180 degrees shallowturn to the Ling Yun's manner all of a sudden. 唐猛仗着自己是来送钱的,而且数目还是“恐怖”的10000,虽然他对宁灵雨客气,可不代表他对凌云的态度一下子就能来个180度大转弯。 Although, regarding this fatty's performance on Sports Field, there is such one to admire. 虽然,对于这个胖子在操场上的表现,还是有那么一丝佩服的。 Who I manage you am, making you get up to hurry!” Some Ling Yun frowned, how the heart said this fellow such tiger slightly. “我管你是谁呢,让你起来就赶紧起来!”凌云微微有些皱眉,心说这家伙怎么这么虎。 Tang Meng is very somewhat dumbfounded, at present this fatty, unexpectedly whatever others will bully? On tone and manner of this speech, meeting little darling delivers the protection money to that two big young tyrant? 唐猛很是有些傻眼,就眼前这胖子,竟然会任由别人欺负?就这说话的语气和态度,会乖乖的给那两大恶少送保护费? Although he is delivers the gambling debt, may be such treated by Ling Yun, at heart also really some anger. 他虽然是来送赌债的,可被凌云这么对待,心里还真有些火气。 However he glanced Ning Lingyu one of the distant place, visionally was shocked by the Ning Lingyu silhouette ruthlessly, the air/Qi has also disappeared most, the heart said that looks in the Ning Lingyu face, I let your horse. 不过他瞟了远处的宁灵雨一眼,被宁灵雨梦幻般的侧影狠狠震撼了一下,气也消了大半儿,心说看在宁灵雨的面子上,我让你一马。 Then he acts shamelessly lies down toward chairback on, flings the elegant long hair to say with a smile: I do not get up, how can you?” 然后他耍赖似的往椅背上一躺,一甩飘逸的长发微笑道:“我就是不起来了,你能怎么地吧?” He has not believed Ling Yun to take him really to be what kind. Taking advantage of his 100 gallbladders! 他还真不信凌云能拿他怎么样。借他100个胆! Ling Yun has smiled, his eyebrow selects slightly, Huo has stood, left the seat. 凌云笑了,他眉毛微微一挑,霍的站了起来,离开了座位。 He must at present this bastard directly throwing. 他要把眼前这个混蛋直接给扔出去。 „Doesn't fuck, come real?” A Ling Yun's movement Tang Meng startled sits all of a sudden straight, both hands held the chest to make the defensive move subconsciously. 我靠,不是来真的吧?”凌云的一个动作把唐猛惊的一下子坐直,双手抱胸下意识的做了个防御动作。 Big Brother...... Tang Meng, do you do to here?” 哥哥……呀,唐猛,你到这里来干什么?” Ning Lingyu that just ordered food heard here sound, hurried to run over, she looked that was Tang Meng came, immediately did not hit one then the air/Qi. 刚点完菜的宁灵雨听到了这边的动静,赶紧跑了过来,她一看是唐猛来了,顿时就气不打一处来。 Therefore Ning Lingyu has not given the Tang Meng good complexion directly. 因此宁灵雨直接就没给唐猛好脸色。 Tang Meng little sees Ning Lingyu to untie ponytail, the long hair such as the appearance of waterfall, looks like somewhat is now wet, in addition the snow-white shirt, the pale blue jeans that the curve of that two beautiful leg shows perfectly, immediately looked to stay. 唐猛很少看到宁灵雨解开马尾,长发如瀑的样子,现在看来还有些湿漉漉的,再加上雪白的衬衣,将那两条美腿的曲线完美展现的淡蓝色牛仔裤,顿时看呆了。 The drool nearly comes out then the class, a pig elder brother of face. 哈喇子差点儿就流出来,一脸的猪哥相。 Looked at this boy appearance, the Ling Yun's complexion sank truly, the heart said that really came to my younger sister. 看了这小子这个样子,凌云的脸色真正沉了下来,心说果然是冲我妹妹来的。 Hehe, that Lingyu, I am look for your......” Tang Meng to speak with Ning Lingyu, immediately has exchanged the flattering smiling face of flattering, said as far as possible gently. “嘿嘿,那个,灵雨啊,我是来找你的……”唐猛宁灵雨说话,立即换上了讨好的谄媚笑容,尽量温柔说道。 I and you do not have anything saying that you a bit faster walk, I must eat meal with my Big Brother!” Ning Lingyu handles the matter of gambling house to be very repugnant with own Big Brother to Tang Meng, dislikes him very much. “我和你没什么好说的,你快点儿走,我要和我哥哥一起吃饭!”宁灵雨唐猛自己哥哥做赌局的事情很反感,很是讨厌他。 Naturally, she also worried that own by Ling Yun is known with the matter that the living expenses chip, therefore wants to expel Tang Meng as soon as possible. 当然,她也担心自己拿生活费下注的事情被凌云知道,所以想尽快赶走唐猛 Tang Meng also wants to speak. 唐猛还想说话。 Hears not to have, my younger sister said that wants you to hurry, if you do not walk, I may not be impolite to you.” The Ling Yun surface sinks the water, tone ice-cold. “听到没有,我妹妹说要你赶紧走,你要是再不走,我可就对你不客气了。”凌云面沉似水,语气冰冷。 Tang Meng speechless, heart said immediately this brother and sister one by one horizontal, am I playboy am good? 唐猛顿时一阵无语,心说这兄妹俩怎么一个比一个横啊,俺才是纨绔好不好? At noon after being on vacation from school, students of attending class in abundance clash toward the cafeteria , a cafeteria outside noise piece. 中午放学之后,上课的学生都纷纷往食堂里冲,食堂外面嘈杂声一片。 The Tang Meng heart said that, be not thinking made the beautiful woman treat, hurried to get through the proper business to be important, otherwise in these little brothers by the school was seen own to deliver 10,000 dollars to Ning Lingyu, the own this Little Gambling God given name do not call. 唐猛心说,得,也别想着让美女请客了,还是赶紧办完正事要紧,不然被学校里那些小弟看见自己宁灵雨送10000块钱,自己小赌神的名号就别叫了。 As for Ling Yun to his manner issue, em, this face and other Ning Lingyu not, when looks again. 至于凌云对他的态度问题,恩,这个面子等宁灵雨不在的时候再找回来。 Lingyu, I come to waste money to you actually, you forgot......” 灵雨,其实我是来给你送钱的,你忘了嘛……” A Tang Meng words exit|to speak, the Ning Lingyu complexion immediately changes, does this thing, love to talk about somebody's most vulnerable points? 唐猛话一出口,宁灵雨脸色立时一变,这个混账东西,怎么哪壶不开提哪壶呢? I do not want, you walk quickly!” Ning Lingyu looks that Tang Meng that draws cash from the own satchel outward, hurries to shout anxiously. “我不要,你快走!”宁灵雨看着正从自己挎包里往外拿钱的唐猛,赶忙焦急喊道。 Wastes money?! Slow!” Now Ling Yun most lacks is money, Lingyu was also too pure, wasting money can catch up outward? “送钱?!慢着!”凌云现在最缺的就是钱啊,靠,灵雨也太纯洁了,送钱的怎么能往外赶呢? He one Tang Meng according to returning to seat, this is wastes money, but cannot let escape! 他一把就把唐猛给按回到座位上,这可是来送钱的,可千万不能放跑了! Sits down, slowly said that Lingyu, hurries, making the waiter make the pot tea! Goes quickly!” Ling Yun also sits down, this time was really the manner to Tang Meng came 180 degrees shallowturn, saying of smiling. “坐下坐下,慢慢说,灵雨,赶紧的,让伙计弄壶茶来!快去!”凌云也跟着坐下,这次真是对唐猛的态度来了个180度的大转弯,笑眯眯的说道。 „......” “嘎……” „......” “啊……” Ning Lingyu and Tang Meng simultaneously one dull. 宁灵雨唐猛同时一呆。 Tang Meng thorough was silly! Was icy the appearance that a moment ago a face aloofed, now immediately then smiling? This turns hostile flipping through the book is quicker than! 唐猛彻底傻了!刚才还冷冰冰一脸拒人于千里之外的模样,现在立刻就笑眯眯的了?这变脸比翻书都要快啊! As for Ning Lingyu, wonders, the heart said before Big Brother, most stronger most wants the self-respect, how now, to hear Tang Meng saying that wasted money completely has traded a manner? 至于宁灵雨,更是纳闷,心说哥哥以前最要强最要自尊的呀,怎么现在,听到唐猛说送钱就完全换了一副态度? Also has anything to make the waiter make the pot tea, this which with, any everything in disorder. 还有什么什么让伙计弄壶茶来,这都哪儿跟哪儿啊,什么乱七八糟的。 Ling Yun caught the eye to Ning Lingyu has hit a meaningful glance, also stood there does, wanted the pot tea quickly.” 凌云抬眼给宁灵雨打了个眼色,“还站在那里干什么,快去要壶茶去。” Ning Lingyu does not know any medicine that in the Big Brother bottle gourd sells, but the today Big Brother good and evil changed greatly, she does not want to annoy the Big Brother vitality/angry, therefore stared Tang Meng one ruthlessly, cold snort/hum, leaves in a fit of pique. 宁灵雨不知道哥哥葫芦里卖的什么药,可今天哥哥好歹大变样了,她可不想惹哥哥生气,因此狠狠的瞪了唐猛一眼,冷哼一声,负气而去。 Ling Yun smiles looks at Tang Meng, resembles his long results to come general, looks at one Tang Meng. 凌云笑眯眯的看着唐猛,就好像他身上长出花来一般,把唐猛看得一愣一愣的。 Tang Meng thought, at present this fatty looks at the own look, looks like in looking at the prey in hand is ordinary. 唐猛觉得,眼前这胖子看自己的眼神,就像是在看手中的猎物一般。 How much money?” This is the topic that Ling Yun most cares about, what he thinks, so long as this boy can with sufficing at present this board, he polite makes him leave behind money to leave. “多少钱啊?”这才是凌云最关心的话题,他心里想的是,只要这小子能拿够眼前这顿饭钱,他就会客客气气的让他留下钱走人。 If ten 20, he gets angry immediately, gives to throw directly him. 如果是十块20块的,他立即就翻脸,直接把他给扔出去。 10,500.” Tang Meng by being scared that somewhat Ling Yun looks, said absent-mindedly. “10500。”唐猛凌云看的有些发毛,心不在焉道 He completely cannot completely understand Ling Yun now. 他现在完全看不透凌云了。 A person cannot see others depth time, often own at heart very much will lack self-confidence, timid that can be able not help. 一个人看不出别人深浅的时候,往往自己心里会很没底,会情不自禁的胆怯。 Ling Yun direct staggers, nearly slips to the table under. 凌云直接一个趔趄,差点儿就出溜到桌子底下去。 Hehe, rude, rude!” Ling Yun sits, is upright. “嘿嘿,失态,失态!”凌云重新坐好,一身正气。 He stretches out left hand again, the palm is upward, in front of one toward Tang Meng extends. That meaning too, brought obviously. 他再一次伸出左手,手掌向上,往唐猛面前一伸。那意思太明显不过了,拿来吧。 Such big sum of money, first took certainly said again. So long as the hand of own, others have wanted to take away again, that may be the gate does not have. 这么大一笔钱,当然是先弄到手再说。只要进了自己的手,别人再想拿走,那可就是门都没有了。 „Don't you ask this money yes what's the matter?” Tang Meng miserable, the heart said that own today so is how bad luck, was eaten by this brother and sister stubbornly. “你不问问这钱是咋回事?”唐猛一阵凄苦,心说自己今天怎么就这么倒霉,被这兄妹俩吃的死死的。 This, after this us, studies again, you gave me to say money first again.” Ling Yun lifted the palm. “这个,这个我们以后再研究,你先把钱给我再说。”凌云抬了抬手掌。 This money cannot to you, only be able to Ning Lingyu......” Tang Meng to look first Classmates that the second floor dining room staircase, the heart said that gave the person to see. “这钱不能给你,只能给宁灵雨……”唐猛看着二楼餐厅楼梯处上来的第一个同学,心说完了,到底还是给人看见了。 He only hates the length that own keeps to return now is not very long, cannot block the face of own unexpectedly. My Little Gambling God first illustrious name, must pay in Dongliu! 他现在只恨自己留的长发还不够长,竟然挡不住自己的脸。我小赌神的一世英名啊,就要付之于东流! Is equally same, Lingyu, is busy at work anything in that side, a bit faster comes to receive money......” Ling Yun to be burning with impatience, hurries to shout that Lingyu comes back. “一样一样,灵雨,在那边忙活什么呢,快点儿过来收钱……”凌云心急如焚,赶忙喊灵雨回来。 Ning Lingyu knows that this matter definitely was known by Big Brother, she cannot bear on the face be somewhat ashamed and apology, her beautiful big eye glances glances, walked sluggishly. 宁灵雨知道这件事肯定被哥哥知道了,她忍不住脸上有些羞愧和歉意,她美丽的大眼睛瞟啊瞟,慢吞吞的走了过来。 Ling Yun sets out to offer one's seat to somebody, inside sits down Ning Lingyu draws to depending on the wall, own also sits, this discontented said to the younger sister: Lingyu, you look at this with...... Classmates is wastes money, do you run to do what?” 凌云起身让座,把宁灵雨拉到靠墙的里边坐下,自己也重新坐好,这才不满的对妹妹说道:“灵雨,你看这位同……同学是来送钱的,你跑那么远干什么?” The Ning Lingyu cheek red big apple, lowers the head likely does not dare to speak. 宁灵雨脸蛋红的像个大苹果,低着头不敢说话。 Tang Meng saw to advocate, little hurried while the person 10,000 money take who becoming bundled, has put out 500 additionally, has put in front of Ning Lingyu together, frank said: Lingyu, this is money and your qualification that you win, altogether 10,500, you select.” 唐猛见正主来了,趁着人少赶紧把成捆的10000块钱拿了出来,又额外拿出了500,一起放到了宁灵雨面前,坦言道:“灵雨,这是你赢的钱和你的本钱,一共10500,你点点。” Tang Meng can lose! 唐猛输得起! Ning Lingyu looked at Big Brother one first secretly, sees on the Ling Yun face except for the earnest expression, does not have the meaning of blame, the courage was finally bigger. 宁灵雨先是偷偷看了哥哥一眼,见凌云脸上除了热切的表情,全无责备之意,胆子终于大了一些。 However she collected that 500 dollars, on that to become Kun red shining one bunch of one hundred dollar bills as for the table, she looked that did not look, has not bumped. 不过她只是收起了那500块钱,至于桌上那成捆的红灿灿的一捆百元大钞,她连看都不看,更根本都没碰一下。 I at that time was only the vitality/angry, does not want to win your money, this money I cannot want, you took.” Ning Lingyu lightly saying. “我当时只是生气,没想赢你的钱,这钱我不能要,你拿回去吧。”宁灵雨淡淡道 Tang Meng thought that the heart of own, was pounded ruthlessly all of a sudden, has drawn tight fiercely! 唐猛觉得自己的心,被狠狠的砸了一下子,猛地抽紧! 10,000 dollars such deliver, must say that Tang Meng does not love dearly the non- meat pain, that is absolutely false! 10000块钱就这么送出去,要说唐猛不心疼不肉痛,那绝对是假的! May be willing the gambling to concede, should compensate compensates, wraps the Ling Yun's pet phrase, lost has not acknowledged mistakes, that was not his Little Gambling God style! 可愿赌服输,该赔就赔,套凌云的口头禅来说,赌输了不认账,那不是他小赌神的风格! Difficult does not waste money, but is 10,000 dollars places in front of the outstandingly beautiful young girl who this beautiful results in does not eat the world smoke and fire, she looked unexpectedly does not look at one! 难的不是送钱,而是10000块钱放在这个美得不食人间烟火的绝色少女面前,她竟然连看都不看一眼! On this moment, may be called in Tang Meng heart within the eyes Ning Lingyu that the goddess has, the status raised all of a sudden, infinite raising, to looked up to the altitude of not being able to look at high. 就这一刻,本就在唐猛目中堪称女神存在的宁灵雨,地位一下子拔高,无限的拔高,高到了仰望都看不着的高度。 “Shua”, the Ling Yun's greatly fat hand quickly, held that bunch of red shining one hundred dollar bills on table like lightning, filled in the pants pocket directly. “刷”的一下,凌云的大胖手以迅雷不及掩耳之势,闪电般的抓住了桌子上的那一捆红灿灿的百元大钞,直接塞裤兜里去了。 Ling Yun that anxious, heart said that the younger sister so is silly, can money not want? Snatches unable to snatch, do others deliver not to receive? Doesn't the money of delivering want? That is not my Ling Yun's style! Absolutely is not! 凌云那个急啊,心说妹妹怎么这么傻,钱怎么能不要呢?抢都抢不着,人家送上门来还不收?送上门的钱不要?那不是我凌云的风格!绝对不是! Among two people god, Ling Yun well satisfied nod , a face have a strong sense of righteousness said: Was good, this friend, you lose to my younger sister's money, I accepted for her, looks in you such sincere manner, I make an exception, making you ask both of us to eat meal, is the meaning meaning.” 两人的愣神当中,凌云心满意足的点了点头,一脸大义凛然道:“好了,这位朋友,你输给我妹妹的钱,我就代她收下了,看在你这么诚恳的态度上,我就破个例,让你请我们俩吃顿饭,算是意思意思。” „......” Tang Meng direct falls dull! “嘎……”唐猛直接呆掉! What is called to look in you such sincere manner, making you ask both of us to eat meal, is the meaning meaning? 什么叫做看在你这么诚恳的态度上,让你请我们俩吃顿饭,算是意思意思? Am I good that wastes money? 我才是来送钱的好不好? The shameless person has seen, such shameless person...... Tang Meng racks one's brains is thinking all has looked at the movie plot, had not found Ling Yun is shameless. 无耻的人见过,这么无耻的人……唐猛搜肠刮肚在想所有看过的电影情节,都没有找到比凌云更无耻的。 He must have a mortal hatred at present this fatty simply. 他简直要恨死眼前这胖子了。 Ning Lingyu on the scene...... Well! Right! 要不是宁灵雨在场……咦!对呀! 10,000 dollars took, but also did the difference ask Ning Lingyu to eat meal? This is others hits the good opportunity that the lantern cannot find! 10000块钱都拿出来了,还差请宁灵雨吃顿饭嘛?这可是别人打灯笼都找不着的好机会!
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