DEMG :: Volume #1

#18: Attention of school beauty

Looks that diagonally opposite that stature is perfect, slenderer a big beautiful woman under the Ling Yun this dead fatty's contrast, Tang Meng pounds on the table, service person! Ordered food!” 看着斜对面那个身材完美,在凌云这个死胖子的对比之下更加窈窕的大美女,唐猛啪的一拍桌子,“服务员!点菜!” That called a heroic spirit thousand saying that called one to be loud and clear. 那叫一个豪气千云,那叫一个掷地有声。 Admits defeat returns to admit defeat, but since has done, that must do attractively, making the present beautiful woman hold in high esteem to own! 吃瘪归吃瘪,可既然做了,那就要做得漂漂亮亮的,让眼前的美女对自己刮目相看! Big Brother......” Ning Lingyu has entrained the Ling Yun's sleeves gently, the white tooth is nipping the lower lip lightly, she was thoroughly is now speechless. 哥哥……”宁灵雨轻轻拽了一下凌云的衣袖,洁白的牙齿轻咬着下唇,她现在是彻底无语了。 To break her extremely bright small head she unable to think, how can Big Brother like this?! The mother teaches our modestly declining, teaches our morals? Teaches us should not take don't take? 想破她冰雪聪明的小脑袋她都想不出来,哥哥怎么可以这样?!妈妈教给我们的谦让呢,教给我们的道德呢?教给我们的不该拿的别拿呢? Took others' money, but also makes others treat, what is most annoying that have a strong sense of righteousness was adds...... 拿了别人的钱,还让别人请客,最可气的是还说的那么大义凛然…… However, such Big Brother also is really a little lovable...... 不过,这样的哥哥还真是有一点可爱呀…… Ning Lingyu thoughts complex, instant ten thousand change, does not know that own is actually thinking anything. 宁灵雨的心思复杂之极,瞬时万变,也不知道自己到底在想些什么。 Ling Yun is actually knows that own is doing. 凌云却是知道自己在干什么。 Money, he must take. 钱,他是一定要拿的。 However, his also two matters must ask Tang Meng. 不过,他还有两件事要问唐猛 He must know that exactly what happened, Ning Lingyu will win the Tang Meng such money \; Also, he must through the Tang Meng mouth, ask that today that names in the boy who on Sports Field blocks the way, is which class. 他要知道到底发生了什么事,宁灵雨会赢了唐猛这么一大笔钱\;还有,他要通过唐猛的口,问出今天那个在操场上拦路的小子叫什么名字,是哪个班的。 it is only righteous to seek an eye for eye, Ling Yun is not the Lord of suffering a loss! 有仇不报非君子,凌云可不是个吃亏的主! Hello, can order food?” The service people walked, asked politely. “您好,请问还要点什么菜?”服务员走了过来,客气问道。 Tang Meng saw own to obtain finally had the lunch with school beauty the right, immediately relaxed, he depended toward the chairback on at will, raised the head to say directly: Your here most delicious vegetable, the most expensive vegetable, has on anything anything, today I treat, do not economize to me!” 唐猛自己终于得到了跟校花共进午餐的权利,顿时松了一口气,他随意往椅背上一靠,直接抬头道:“你们这里最好吃的菜,最贵的菜,有什么上什么,今天我请客,千万不要给我省钱!” Waved to pack off the service person, Tang Meng did not think that 10,000 dollars spent has treated unjustly, after all did own only owe 1000 is not? 挥挥手送走了服务员,唐猛也不觉得那10000块钱花的冤枉了,毕竟自己只亏了1000不是? Regarding the performance of Tang Meng, Ling Yun is very satisfied, he nodded to Tang Meng, turned up sleeves, the preparation ate one to say greatly again, at least must that blood that the morning put out eating! 对于唐猛的表现,凌云很是满意,他冲唐猛点了点头,捋了捋袖子,准备大吃一顿再说,起码要把上午吐出的那口血给吃回来! Third year class 6. 高三六班。 Any thing that the last class that just finished, Zhang Ling and various Cao Shanshan bosom thoughts, on the platform the teacher spoke, their has almost not perceived. 刚结束的这最后一节课,张灵曹珊珊各怀心思,讲台上老师讲的什么东西,她们几乎一句都没听进去。 Zhang Ling wants to break unable to think through, physically weak is usually incapable, about 200 cattys in weight big fatty, how had the so huge change overnight, makes matter that such shocks everybody! 张灵想破了头都想不通,一个平时体弱无力,体重200多斤的大胖子,怎么一夜之间发生了如此巨大的变化,作出这么惊世骇俗的事情来! How possible? In the physical education then Ling Yun ran the appearance that before 100 meters pant, carried 50 jin (0.5 kg) sandbag to run 4400 meters? 11? 怎么可能?就凌云以前上体育课跑个100米都气喘吁吁的样子,扛着50斤的沙袋跑了4400米?11圈? Another, lost 1000 dollars to be indignant for Cao Shanshan, own good friend bewildered lost 1000 dollars, this was the matter that she is unable to accept. 再一个,就是为曹珊珊输了1000块钱而愤愤不平,自己的好朋友莫名其妙的就输掉1000块钱,这是她根本无法接受的事情。 She is waiting for Cao Shanshan to go to cafeteria to eat meal. 她在等着曹珊珊去食堂吃饭。 Cao Shanshan is a face calm tidying up desk, the 1000 dollars of probably losing at all are not she. 曹珊珊则是一脸淡定的收拾书桌,好像输掉的1000块钱根本不是她的似的。 Shanshan, do you want to give Tang Meng that bastard 1000 dollars really?” Zhang Ling somewhat hugs not to hit evenly. 珊珊,你真要给唐猛那个混蛋1000块钱啊?”张灵有些抱打不平。 Cao Shanshan Yingying smiled faintly, the beautiful pupil glanced Zhang Ling one, knows that good friend this was airs a grievance for own, she set out gently, said lightly: Wish the gambling to concede, Tang Meng has not compelled me to chip, was my own judgment has made a mistake, naturally must give him.” 曹珊珊盈盈浅笑,美眸瞟了张灵一眼,知道好朋友这是为自己鸣不平呢,她轻轻起身,淡淡说道:“愿赌服输,唐猛又没逼着我下注,是我自己判断错了,当然要给他。” But...... But......” Zhang Ling wants to refute, may unable to find out the words that anything refuted. “可是……可是……”张灵想反驳,可也想不出什么反驳的话来。 Cao Shanshan draws Zhang Ling to say with a smile: Ok, leaves, but, is my own must bet, does not blame others, has not thought really that fellow can run 11......” 曹珊珊拉着张灵笑道:“行啦,别可是啦,是我自己要赌的,不怪别人,真没想到,那个家伙能跑11圈……” Walks, I asked you to go to cafeteria second floor to eat, ate you spicy fish that liked eating to be most what kind of?” “走,我请你去食堂二楼吃好的,吃你最爱吃的水煮鱼怎么样?” Real? Shanshan you are really good, walks quickly!” Zhang Ling one hear eats the spicy fish, immediately is impatient. “真的呀?珊珊你真好,快走!”张灵一听吃水煮鱼,顿时迫不及待。 two people left the classroom building, Cao Shanshan found a relatively peaceful place, said to Zhang Ling: Zhang Ling, you go to cafeteria second floor to order food first, I telephone, quick.” 两人出了教学楼,曹珊珊找了个相对安静的地方,对张灵说道:“张灵,你先去食堂二楼点菜,我打个电话,很快就到。” Zhang Ling knows that Cao Shanshan usually little telephones, so long as telephones definitely to have the important matter, therefore has not said anything, nodded first walks away. 张灵知道曹珊珊平时很少打电话,只要打电话就肯定是有重要的事,因此没多说什么,点了点头就先走远了。 After Cao Shanshan sees Zhang Ling has walked away, pulls out own latest Iphone5, found a number directly, has dialed. 曹珊珊看到张灵走远了之后,掏出自己最新款的Iphone5,直接找到一个号码,拨了出去。 Yo, I said the young lady, before the college entrance examination, is so anxious, remembers my this Big Brother to come? Which is bastard annoyed you? Your own also has skill/kung fu, punched him one not then the line?” “哟,我说大小姐,高考之前这么紧张,怎么想起我这个哥哥来啦?是不是哪个混蛋又惹你了?你自己又不是没功夫,揍他一顿不就行了么?” Is a thousand-mile away, in the military compound of some China greater military area, wears olives to be green, height one meter 83, the stature is vigorous, the look is handsome, the heroic spirit threatening military officer answers the telephone, the continuous artillery said generally. 远在千里之外,华夏某大军区的军营中,一个身穿橄榄绿,身高一米83,身材矫健英挺,相貌英俊,英气逼人的军官接起电话,连珠炮一般就说了起来。 Cao Tianlong, I noticed that some people broke your record!” Big Brother of Cao Shanshan to own always says its, this made Cao Tianlong quite helpless. 曹天龙,我看到有人打破你的记录了!”曹珊珊自己哥哥从来都是直呼其名,这令曹天龙颇为无奈。 However he does not have what means that who lets is own this day that family's old men most love the arrogant female younger sister? 不过他也没有什么办法,谁让家里的老头子最宠爱的就是自己这个天之骄女的妹妹呢? Naturally, love of his own to this treasure younger sister, that was needless to say. 当然,他自己对这个宝贝妹妹的疼爱,那更是不用说。 Breaks my record? What record?” Cao Tianlong in each and everyone record of military compound creation was really too many, he does not know any record that Cao Shanshan said. “打破我的记录?什么记录?”曹天龙在军营创造的一个个记录实在是太多了,他也不知道曹珊珊到底说的什么记录。 Cao Shanshan shows a faint smile: Also can be any record, naturally is you tests the most eye-catching / flashy record of that mysterious army......” 曹珊珊微微一笑:“还能是什么记录,当然就是你考那个神秘部队的最拉风记录啦……” This big school beauty in school, although is the iceberg beautiful woman, may speak with own Big Brother, completely is a young female student of acting like a spoiled brat. 这位大校花在学校里虽然是冰山美人,可跟自己哥哥说话,完全就是一个撒娇的小女生。 Cao Tianlong is very of a sudden straight fine-looking body sharp sword, two straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards selected slightly, raise the voice to call out: You said that I do carry a heavy load 25 kilograms to run four kilometers that time?” 曹天龙一下子把英挺的身躯挺的利剑般笔直,两道剑眉微微一挑,拉高嗓门叫道:“你说我负重25公斤奔跑四千米的那次?” Cao Shanshan nods with a smile, hee hee said with a smile: I remember that your time in own thigh pierced two blades, ran tenth, is right?” 曹珊珊笑着点头,嘻嘻笑道:“我记得你那次是在自己大腿上扎了两刀,才跑完了第十圈,对不对?” Cao Tianlong is full immediately black line, how own this younger sister specially remembers the own dirty business, he disguises to cough two lessons saying: That, my memory is not quite good, had already forgotten, you said that was who breaks my records? You dishonest are staying attending class in the school, which army also ran to stroll blindly?” 曹天龙顿时满头黑线,自己这个妹妹怎么就专门记住自己的糗事,他假装咳嗽两声教训道:“那个,我记性不大好,早就忘了,你说是谁打破我的记录了?你不老老实实在学校呆着上课,又跑哪个部队瞎逛去了?” Cao Tianlong also is really somewhat wonders, heart said that my this talent breaks the record that the body limit ran, can other army some people break unexpectedly? Has the opportunity to experience! 曹天龙还真是有些纳闷,心说我这个天才打破了身体极限才跑出来的记录,竟然别的部队有人能打破?有机会一定要见识见识! Cao Shanshan curled the lip saying: What which army, I calls to be good you in the school now?” 曹珊珊撇了撇嘴道:“什么哪个部队,我现在就在学校里给你打电话好不好?” What? Do not tell me, was the student in your school breaks my records? Do not crack a joke, the present high-school student wants some people able to break my record, but also early ten years!” “什么?你不会是要告诉我,是你们学校的学生打破我的记录了吧?别开玩笑了,现在的高中生要有人能打破我的记录,还早了十年呢!” The Cao Tianlong whole face disdains, only if Ancient Martial Clan or hidden these mysterious schools the person in mountain Taechon-ri, the ordinary high-school student can break the record of my this talent? Dream of a fool! 曹天龙满脸不屑,除非是古武家族或者隐藏在高山大川里的那些神秘门派中的人,普通高中生能打破我这个天才的记录?痴人说梦! Cao Shanshan complexion one positive, said earnestly: Cao Tianlong, I do not deceive you, the student of our class, carried 26 kilograms sandbag to run 11 on Sports Field, altogether 4400 meters!” 曹珊珊脸色一正,认真道:“曹天龙,我不骗你,我们班的一个学生,扛着26公斤的沙袋在操场上跑了11圈,一共4400米!” The Cao Tianlong look is startled, the heart said that I so am bad luck, carries a heavy load compared with me exactly many one kilogram, runs compared with me exactly? Won't the younger sister stimulate intentionally my? today is not fool's day, Acquired is! 曹天龙神色一怔,心说我怎么这么倒霉,恰好就比我负重多一公斤,恰好就比我多跑一圈?妹妹不会是故意刺激我的吧?今天可不是愚人节,后天才是! Cao Shanshan is knows that incomparably proud Big Brother definitely does not believe that she continues saying: Really, he is good-for-nothing that our class recognizes, does not know why his today broke the body limit unexpectedly, displayed the potential of body, the price was fourth finished the time has spat a big blood.” 曹珊珊似是知道无比骄傲的哥哥肯定不信,她继续说道:“真的,本来他是我们班公认的废柴,可不知道为什么他今天竟然打破了身体极限,发挥出了身体的潜能,代价是第四圈结束的时候吐了一大口鲜血。” Afterward she resembles is feared that attacks the Big Brother self-respect, also had supplemented said: Speed that naturally, he runs is slower than you, 4400 meters general idea used for 90 minutes.” 随后她似是怕真的打击到哥哥的自尊心,又补充了一句道:“当然,他跑的速度比你慢,4400米大概用去了90分钟。” Cao Tianlong half-day/long time had not answered, did not speak silently, crosses long time asked: When runs? After running, took to the hospital?” 曹天龙半天没有回话,默默不语,过了半晌才问道:“什么时候跑的?跑完之后送医院了没?” He believes that the own younger sister is also insufficient bored to telephoning, for several years ago the matters with own stimulates him. 他相信自己的妹妹还不至于无聊到打电话来,就为了拿自己几年前的事情刺激他。 In the morning runs, after running, has stood there, it is estimated that must stand for 34 minutes, then I must attend class, again has not seen.” Cao Shanshan told the facts. “上午跑完的,跑完之后就一直站在那里,估计得站了34分钟吧,然后我得上课,就没有再看到。”曹珊珊实话实说。 Cao Tianlong frowns to think, the look finally dignifiedly, he said: Younger sister, this boy broke the body limit without a doubt, you later pay attention to his, broke the person of body limit, no matter before him what kind, later can the potential be infinite, yes?” 曹天龙皱着眉头思索了一番,神色终于凝重了起来,他说道:“妹妹,这小子毫无疑问是打破了身体极限了,你以后多关注他一下,打破了身体极限的人,不管他以前怎样,以后都会潜力无限,明白吗?” Was right, that brat what?” Cao Tianlong eight trigrams/gossip asked that can cause the person who younger sister own paid attention to not to be many, therefore he cared about one. “对了,那小子长的什么样啊?”曹天龙八卦问道,能引起自己妹妹关注的人不多,因此他关心了一句。 Cao Shanshan tittered smiles, curls the lip saying: Is almost high with you, least 200 jin (0.5 kg) big fat people, were good, did not chat with you, ate meal!” 曹珊珊噗嗤一笑,撇嘴说道:“跟你差不多高,最少200斤的大胖子,好了,不和你闲扯了,吃饭去了!” Cao Tianlong made the telephone call, the dignified look transferred gradually with ease, raised head to look at Heavenly Law: 200 jin (0.5 kg) fatty can have this will, calculates you to be fierce, but at least I grow compared with you gracefully, hehe......” 曹天龙挂掉了电话,凝重的神色逐渐转为轻松,仰头望天道:“200斤的胖子能有这毅力,也算你厉害,不过至少我比你长得帅,嘿嘿……” ............ ………… When Cao Shanshan telephones to Cao Tianlong, campus another place, Xie Junyan facial color fierce cursed angrily to Li Lei! 就在曹珊珊曹天龙打电话的时候,校园另一个地方,谢俊彦正面色狰狞的对李磊怒骂! You said why your long such big fellow does eat?? Practices mixed martial arts? Said that loses face?” “你说你长这么大块头是干什么吃的?啊?还是练散打的?说出去丢人不丢人啊?” That Fat Pig ran four, the person have spat blood, what this tired became? Like this you could not have blocked him, what degree did you say you stupid to?” “那头胖猪都跑完了四圈了,人都吐血了,该累成什么样了?就这样你还拦不住他,你说你蠢到什么程度了?” Also makes a person of sandbag brandishing this, ** the eye is blind? Does not know that hides?” “还让人一沙袋给抡成这样,**的眼是瞎的啊?不知道躲啊?” „, Tang Meng that bastard works as that many people to step on you, don't you dare to punch him to me?” “还有,唐猛那个混蛋当着那么多人踩你,你就不敢起来给我揍他?” Xie Junyan more said more air/Qi, finally flies into a rage simply, on the delicate and pretty face the blue vein jumps, quite the same as is not that elegant bearing appearance. 谢俊彦越说越气,最后简直是暴跳如雷,俊美的脸上青筋直跳,浑然不是那个风度翩翩的样子。 5000 dollars I do not care, may be fallen my face by Tang Meng that fellow, how do you make me raise the head before him?” “5000块钱我不在乎,可被唐猛那家伙落了我的面子,你让我怎么在他面前抬头?” Comes, you told me, you spoke! Instigates the package of soft egg gadget!” “来来来,你告诉我,你说话呀!怂包软蛋玩意儿!” Li Lei lowering the head stands there, he came scolding a stream of abuse by violent anger Xie Junyan, actually does not dare to refute. 李磊垂着头站在那里,他一来就被暴怒的谢俊彦给骂了个狗血淋头,却根本不敢反驳。 Xie Junyan facial color distortion scolded Li Lei, thought vented was similar, he breathes heavily to ponder the moment, finally light saying: Tang Meng you affirmed that could not resist, now you call the person to me, found the opportunity to tidy up Ling Yun that pig well!” 谢俊彦面色扭曲的骂了李磊一顿,觉得发泄的差不多了,他喘着粗气沉思了片刻,最后淡淡的说道:“唐猛你肯定对抗不了,现在你给我叫人,找机会好好收拾收拾凌云那头猪!” I must let his high school finally these two months, passed in the hospital, has understood what is heard?” “我要让他高中最后这两个月,都在医院里度过,听明白了没有?” Li Lei flood a chill in the air, he knows at heart, so long as under Xie Junyan with this light tone, that represented him to want the cruel methods. 李磊心里泛起一股寒意,他知道,只要谢俊彦用这种淡淡的口气,那就代表着他要下狠手了。 Understood.” “明白。”
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