DEMG :: Volume #1

#19: My younger sister I looks after!

Entire school all students catch up in this time eat meal, downstairs noise clamoring sound resounds. 全学校所有的学生都赶在这个时间吃饭,楼下的嘈杂声喧哗声响成一片。 Cafeteria second floor also one after another came many people now, may be relative to downstairs, here is peaceful. 食堂二楼现在也已经陆陆续续来了不少人,可相对于楼下,这里已经算是安静了。 Rich eats meal daily here, basically is Qingshui High School tall, rich and handsome and pure, rich and beautiful, therefore, they naturally know Little Gambling God Tang Meng. 有钱天天在这里吃饭的,基本上就是清水一中高富帅白富美,因此,他们自然是都认识小赌神唐猛的。 Hey, you look, that is not Young Master Tang, what that two backs to entrance is who? Can sit with Young Master Tang unexpectedly eats meal together?” “嘿,你们看,那不是唐少吗,那两个背对门口的是谁啊?竟然能和唐少坐一起吃饭?” Said that your idiot you have not believed that Young Master Tang opposite that puts on the fatty of school uniform, just shocked Ling Yun of campus, as for another, that stature and back, but also told you with me?” “说你白痴你还不信,唐少对面那个穿校服的胖子,就是刚刚震惊校园的凌云,至于另一个,就那身材和背影,还用我告诉你吗?” You said that is not one of the we school top 3 beauties, Ning Lingyu? She has not gripped the ponytail pigtail?” “你是说,那不会是咱们校的三大校花之一,宁灵雨吧?她不是一直扎马尾辫的么?” Ning Lingyu, it seems like, Young Master Tang must start to school beauty Ning before the graduation has fiercely attacked, this also indicates him to thoroughly with Xie Junyan to!” “正是宁灵雨,看来,唐少要在毕业之前对宁校花发动猛攻了,这也预示着他要彻底和谢俊彦对上了!” This boy looks like is quite usually detachable, understands the bordered news of many school. 这小子看来平时比较活络,了解不少学校的花边新闻。 Hey, then had looked lively, can Tang Meng to Xie Junyan, who top, obtains beautiful woman the favor of rather?” “嘿,这下有热闹看了,唐猛谢俊彦,到底谁能拔得头筹,得到宁美女的青睐呢?” I also very much anticipated!” “我也很期待!” Looked quickly, six classes of Zhang Ling have also come up, she and Cao Shanshan is always always together, Cao Shanshan a while?” “快看,六班的张灵也上来了,她和曹珊珊向来是形影不离,难道曹珊珊一会儿就到?” Qingshui High School, top 3 beauties: Ning Lingyu, Cao Shanshan, Zhuang Meina. 清水一中,三大校花:宁灵雨,曹珊珊,庄美娜 Ning Lingyu almost always brings something from the kitchen to the table dormitory to eat in a cafeteria building, Cao Shanshan usually is in the family/home has the specialist to deliver the lunch, only then Zhuang Meina usually appears in cafeteria second floor are quite more. 宁灵雨几乎从来都是在食堂一楼打饭回宿舍吃,曹珊珊平时则是家里有专人送午饭来,只有庄美娜平时在食堂二楼出现比较多一些。 today Ning Lingyu arrived at second floor, Cao Shanshan, if also comes, that basically is top 3 beauties is assemble, eats meal these wealthy family sons of the influential who in cafeteria second floor, the thousand gold (daughter) female each and everyone was similar to hits the chicken blood to be excited immediately. 今天宁灵雨来到了二楼,曹珊珊要是也过来的话,那基本上就是三大校花齐聚一堂,在食堂二楼吃饭的这些富家公子哥,千金女顿时一个个如同打了鸡血般兴奋。 three women are enough for a drama, then top 3 beauties? 三个女人一台戏,那么三大校花呢? Almost all person who eats meal in cafeteria second floor, the look unintentional glances toward Tang Meng this table of here, lest has missed any splendid lens. 几乎所有在食堂二楼吃饭的人,眼神都有意无意往唐猛这一桌这里瞟,唯恐错过了什么精彩镜头。 Ning Lingyu brings Big Brother to come cafeteria second floor to eat meal, but to give Big Brother makes up the consumption giant body, only wants to come earlier, is about to finish eating walked quickly, she does not want to arouse others' interest, therefore has chosen the most common corner. 宁灵雨哥哥来食堂二楼吃饭,只是为了给哥哥补一补消耗巨大的身体,原本只想早点儿来,快吃完了快走,她不想引起别人的关注,所以选择了一个最不起眼的角落。 But now, this corner all of a sudden became all person focuses. 可现在,这个角落一下子成为了所有人关注的焦点。 Luckily she and Ling Yun sits in the direction of back to entrance, she sat inside Ling Yun, the Big Brother big form has blocked own. Otherwise, making her eat meal in the gaze that this crowd of wealthy family juniors intentions vary, that almost tortured. 幸亏她和凌云都坐在背对门口的方向,她又是坐在了凌云里边,哥哥高大的身影挡住了自己。不然的话,让她在这群富家子弟心怀各异的注视中吃饭,那几乎就是用刑了。 This scene, she does not like very much. 这种场面,她很不喜欢。 Obviously has been used to Ling Yun of various magnificent scenes, disregards with the discussion to the vision of these people completely, the air/Qi calms down as before idly, probably entire second floor he sits is here same. 可见惯了各种大场面的凌云,对这些人的目光和议论根本就是无视,依旧气定神闲,好像整个二楼就他一个人坐在这里一样。 Some do not keep eyes open or wants to join in the fun the vision that to be nearer to Ling Yun this table that the student of hear of eight trigrams/gossip news wants to sit, actually ruthlessly is stared by Tang Meng swift and fierce can kill people. 有些不长眼的或者想凑热闹听八卦消息的学生想坐的离凌云这一桌近一些,却被唐猛凌厉的能杀人的目光狠狠的瞪了回去。 Tang Meng today is the massive hemorrhage, if who disturbs him and Ning Lingyu first time has the lunch, he will go all out with whom! 唐猛今天可谓是大出血,谁要是打扰他和宁灵雨第一次共进午餐,他就会跟谁拼命! May have does not fear. 可也有不怕的。 Zhang Ling running cafeteria second floor fast, catches the eye looked that most seats had been occupied, has three dinner tables to empty then Tang Meng this table around, the direct past has chosen by the wall, the small waist turned, took a seat. 张灵飞快的跑上食堂二楼,抬眼一看大多数座位都被人占了,就唐猛这一桌周围有三张餐桌空着,直接过去选了个靠墙的,小蛮腰一扭,就坐了下来。 She knows that Cao Shanshan likes peacefully, does not like gazing, therefore to entrance left Cao Shanshan the position of back. 她知道曹珊珊喜欢安静,也不喜欢被人注视,因此就把背对门口的位置留给了曹珊珊 Ling Yun?!” Zhang Ling and Tang Meng sit in online, naturally all of a sudden saw diagonally opposite Ling Yun. 凌云?!”张灵唐猛坐在一条线上,自然一下子就看到了斜对面的凌云 Ning Lingyu?!” 宁灵雨?!” Zhang Ling has covered the mouth all of a sudden. 张灵一下子捂住了嘴巴。 Had must look greatly lively. 有大热闹要看了。 Cao Shanshan quickly, she, if came, that cannot sit with Ling Yun neighboringly? 曹珊珊很快就到,她要是来了,那不得和凌云相邻而坐? Zhang Ling remembers the morning hearsay, buys the cake, Shanshan you forgive me, I am not intend, Zhang Ling in expressed at heart silently to the Cao Shanshan apology. 张灵想起早晨的传闻,哦,买糕的,珊珊你就原谅我吧,我不是有意的,张灵在心里默默表达了对曹珊珊的歉意。 Laughter that meanwhile she heard not far away several anxious to stir up trouble. 同时她听到了不远处几声唯恐天下不乱的哄笑声。 Tang Meng at heart secretly cursed, the heart said that which great aunt you sat are not good, must sit here, didn't your this destroy me? 唐猛则在心里暗暗诅咒,心说姑奶奶你坐哪儿不好,非得坐在这里,你这不是毁我吗? But he does not have the means that Zhang Ling in school, although was inferior that Xie Junyan and Cao Shanshan such character is conspicuous, but the family circumstances are also good, others have not paid attention to this Deputy Director young master. 可他也没有办法,张灵在学校里虽然不如谢俊彦曹珊珊这样的人物显眼,可家境也是不俗,人家也从来没把他这个副局长的公子放在眼里。 Spicy fish, the spicy beef, adds the hot pepper!” Service person who Zhang Ling directly to walking said, does not walk very much obviously. “水煮鱼,夫妻肺片,多加辣椒!”张灵直接对走过来的服务员说道,很显然是不走了。 Ordered the vegetable, she also despised white Tang Meng. 点完了菜,她还略带鄙夷的白了唐猛一眼。 These many people ordered food, cafeteria all of a sudden also unbearably busy, therefore did not have on one Ling Yun this table of vegetables to the present, he covered the belly that mumbling was calling, hears intermittent fragrance that in the cafeteria the stir-fried dish was transmitting, hungry worries somewhat. 这么多人点菜,食堂一下子也忙不过来,因此凌云这一桌的菜到现在还没上一个,他捂着叽里咕噜叫的肚子,闻着食堂里炒菜传来的阵阵香气,饿的有些着急。 He has to appease hunger by the tea, supplemented jogs the massive moisture contents of consumption, Ning Lingyu clever very much, Ling Yun drinks one cup, she gives him to pour one cup. 他只好以茶充饥,补充跑步消耗的大量水分,宁灵雨乖巧的很,凌云喝一杯,她就给他倒一杯。 Tang Meng can only flow in tears silently at heart, his present teacup does not know how long emptied, but Ning Lingyu with has not seen, the manages does not manage. 唐猛只能默默地把泪水流进心里,他眼前的茶杯不知道空了多久了,可宁灵雨就跟没看见似的,管都不管。 At this time, Ling Yun opened the mouth: Said, how do you lose to my younger sister 10,000 dollars?” His look tranquil is carefully examining Tang Meng, lightly saying. 这时候,凌云开口了:“说说吧,你是怎么输给我妹妹10000块钱的?”他神色平静的审视着唐猛,淡淡道 Zhang Ling hears clearly, immediately has raised up the ear. 张灵听得真切,立即竖起了耳朵。 Tang Meng nearly must erupt, this little takes you to open the gambling, ran away two classes to run on personally Sports Field several to you, has tidied up Li Lei that obstacle for you, but also compensated but actually to you 10,000 dollars, don't you really know?! 唐猛差点儿就要爆发了,本少拿你开赌,亲自逃了两节课跑操场上给你数圈,替你收拾了李磊那个拦路虎,还倒赔给你10000块钱,你就真不知道?! Looked at Ling Yun nearby Ning Lingyu one cautiously, Tang Meng has controlled finally, in nostril snort/hum a sound said: Who I am, can you know?” 小心翼翼的看了凌云旁边的宁灵雨一眼,唐猛终于控制住,鼻孔里哼了一声道:“我是谁,你总该知道吧?” He thinks, decided must make the stance to be quite good, if Ning Lingyu liked on own, in the future the Ling Yun good and evil is his Big Brother-in-law, he must from raising the sale price, cannot fall the status. 他想了想,决定还是要做一下姿态比较好,如果宁灵雨真喜欢上自己了,将来凌云好歹是他的大舅哥,他总得自抬一下身价,不能落了身份。 Heard the younger sister saying that a moment ago you called Tang Meng, other do not know.” Ling Yun had anything to say anything, has not looked at Tang Meng, careless saying. “刚才听到妹妹说你叫唐猛,其他就不知道了。”凌云有啥说啥,根本没看唐猛,漫不经心的说道。 Who manages you are, so long as I know that what happened. 管你是谁呢,我只要知道发生了什么事。 What?! You...... You......” Tang Meng by the manner that Ling Yun not cares careless to the air/Qi finally acted crazy, he lifts the right hand thumb to point at the chin of own saying: Told you, this little was called Tang Meng, Tang of Tang Dynasty, the ferocity of strong man, nickname Little Gambling God, studied under Brother Fa, has remembered?!” “什么?!你……你……”唐猛凌云漫不经心毫不在意的态度给气的终于发飙了,他抬起右手大拇哥指着自己的下巴道:“告诉你,本少叫做唐猛,唐朝的唐,猛男的猛,外号小赌神,师从发哥,记住了没有?!” Ling Yun looked that monkey play looks at Tang Meng to go crazy generally, lightly saying: Has not remembered. Who you are, is unimportant, more importantly exactly what happened, picked said with emphasis, a while ate meal has no way to speak.” 凌云看猴戏一般看着唐猛发疯,淡淡道:“没记住。你是谁,不重要,重要的是到底发生了什么事,捡重点的说,一会儿吃饭就没法说话了。” Tang Meng meets best quality that such oil salt does not enter, did not have the temperament thoroughly. 唐猛遇到这么个油盐不进的极品,彻底没了脾气。 From infancy to maturity, such was disregarded, Young Master Tang also is really the first time, even if Xie Junyan does not dare such to speak to him! 从小到大,这么被人无视,唐大少还真是第一次,就算是谢俊彦都不敢这么跟他说话! Ning Lingyu reaches to hang down, the beautiful cheek was suppressed red by the happy expression, the fragrant shoulder vibrates fiercely, nearly cannot bear must laugh loudly. 宁灵雨臻首低垂,绝美的脸蛋被笑意憋得通红,香肩剧烈抖动,差点儿忍不住就要捧腹大笑。 Big Brother very handsome! 哥哥好帅哦! Ning Lingyu at heart, eating the honey was sweeter, this is own Big Brother! She thought suddenly has Big Brother in side, discussion that surroundings these people the visions of difference, direct, as if not so was fearful. 宁灵雨的心里,比吃了蜜都要甜,这才是自己哥哥嘛!她忽然觉得有哥哥在身边,周围那些人的异样的眼光,指指点点的议论,似乎也不那么可怕了。 Zhang Ling is actually disposition of the happy angry shape on face, she noticed that Ling Yun air/Qi this Little Gambling God, smiles the lying table came up directly. 张灵却是个喜怒都形于脸上的性格,她看到凌云小赌神气成这样,笑的直接趴桌子上去了。 Tang Meng helpless will depend in the future, sighs mouth angry saying: You the running circle on Sports Field, I did not take you to open the gambling house in the morning, bet you to run many circles, if you can run over ten, compensated 20 times, Lingyu, because could not get used to seeing my attitude, was only one 500 bets you to run over ten, therefore she won 10,000 Yuan alone. Understood?” 唐猛无奈的往后一靠,叹口气道:“你上午不是在操场上跑圈嘛,我就拿你开了赌局,赌你跑多少圈,如果你能跑十圈以上,就赔20倍,灵雨因为看不惯我的作风,是唯一一个出500赌你能跑十圈以上的,所以她独赢10000元。明白了吧?” Tang Meng said, has gripped the fist slightly, he also feared that Ling Yun gets angry with him at the scene, has to prepare defense. 唐猛说完,微微攥了攥拳头,他也怕凌云当场跟他翻脸,不得不做好防守的准备。 Who knows that Ling Yun listened not to manage him, but was the whole face appreciation, another face regretted looked to Ning Lingyu. 谁知道凌云听了根本没理他,而是满脸欣赏,又一脸惋惜的看向宁灵雨 Then a few words nearly make the Tang Meng big mouth spurt the blood! 接下来一句话差点儿让唐猛大口喷血! Younger sister, this matter does is very right, believes that Big Brother is very correct matter, later must try hard maintains, develops diligently! However, since such believes Big Brother, should detain 180,000, 500 have also been short of!” “妹妹,这事儿做的很对呀,相信哥哥是很正确的事情,以后要努力保持,努力发扬!不过,既然这么相信哥哥,就该押个180000的嘛,500也太少了点儿!” Ning Lingyu hear of Tang Meng said after truth, starts to beat a drum at heart, somewhat is anxious, does not dare to look up own Big Brother, which knows that actually hears such one. 宁灵雨唐猛说了事情真相之后,心里就开始打鼓,有些惴惴不安,根本不敢抬头看自己哥哥,哪知道却听到这么一句。 She incomparably shocking raising the head, big eye dull looks at Ling Yun, „?” 她无比震惊的抬起头,大大的眼睛呆呆的看着凌云,“啊?” Another side Zhang Ling smiles quickly fell to the table under went, the heart said that own and Ling Yun stayed for three years in a class, how before , had not discovered that he was so interesting? 另一边的张灵笑的都快掉到桌子底下去了,心说自己凌云在一个班里呆了三年,怎么以前就没发现他这么有趣? 180,000? 20 times were 1 million wealthy men, has sold insufficiently Little Gambling God! 180000?20倍就是1000000富翁了,把小赌神卖了都不够啊! Tang Meng is one trembles directly, nearly must escape. 唐猛直接就是一个哆嗦,差点儿就要夺路而逃。 The service person cooks the mushroom to deliver the first vegetable chicken at this time luckily, alleviated the atmosphere on table all of a sudden. 幸好此时服务员把第一个菜小鸡炖蘑菇送到,一下子缓解了桌上的气氛。 Younger sister, you must smile loudly to smile, like this suppressed is smiling badly the belly also to eat meal? A bit faster ate meal, finished eating the food to go back to attend class!” “妹妹,你要笑就大声笑出来,这样憋着笑坏了肚子还怎么吃饭?快点儿吃饭,吃完饭回去好上课!” Sees on the meal the table, the Ling Yun love has clapped on the fragrant shoulder of Ning Lingyu, then took up the chopsticks to fish a chicken leg to put in younger sister's relish dish, own clamped another chicken leg, took with the hand directly is gnawing. 见饭菜上桌,凌云宠爱的拍了拍宁灵雨的香肩,然后拿起筷子捞了个鸡腿搁在妹妹的菜碟里,自己则夹出另一个鸡腿,直接用手拿着就啃。 Arrived this time, Ning Lingyu could not hold in finally opens the mouth to smile tenderly, the happy beautiful smiling face that not covered up shook Tang Meng dumbfounded. 到这时,宁灵雨终于憋不住开口娇笑,那不加掩饰的开心的绝美笑容晃得唐猛一阵傻眼。 Looks in the Ning Lingyu face, today this few does not haggle over with you! 看在宁灵雨的面子上,今天本少不跟你计较! Taking up chopsticks that Tang Meng clenches jaws, studied the Ling Yun's appearance to look for in a wing first, must put toward the Ning Lingyu present bowl. 唐猛咬牙切齿的拿起筷子,也学着凌云的样子先找了个翅中,就要往宁灵雨眼前的碗里放。 bang! 啪! Ling Yun is quick of eye and hand, gives to open the Tang Meng chopsticks with the chopsticks of right hand directly, frowned said: My younger sister I looks, having no need for others serving.” 凌云眼疾手快,直接用右手的筷子把唐猛的筷子给挑开,皱眉道:“我妹妹我来照顾,用不着别人伺候。” Tang Meng wishes one could adept the chopsticks to poke blind Ling Yun's both eyes now, his percentage hundred believe firmly, if not Ning Lingyu on the scene, his today this basin chicken on the table will cook the mushroom solid buckle directly on the Ling Yun head! 唐猛现在恨不得拿手中的筷子戳瞎凌云的双眼,他百分百确信,如果不是宁灵雨在场,他今天会直接把桌上这一盆小鸡炖蘑菇结结实实的扣到凌云脑袋上! My younger sister I looks, having no need for others serving!” This light a few words, making nearby Ning Lingyu just pick the chicken leg the hand to stagnate fiercely, the entire chicken leg fell the relish dish, the juice has scattered. “我妹妹我来照顾,用不着别人伺候!”这淡淡的一句话,让一旁的宁灵雨刚刚夹起鸡腿的手猛地一滞,整个鸡腿啪嗒一声又落回了菜碟,汁水四溅。 A heart heat, very curls upwards an elegant tip of the nose acid wrinkle, the Ning Lingyu tears flows copiously. 心头一热,挺翘秀美的鼻头一酸一皱,宁灵雨的眼泪夺眶而出。 This juicy to peak, to the peak girl, the today class tears too were staunchly many. 这个水灵到了极致,刚烈到了极致的女孩子,今天流的泪委实太多了一些。
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