DEMG :: Volume #1

#20: Enrages school beauty

Awkwardness and violent anger that although on the Tang Meng face cannot conceal, but he shocks actually very much! How this Ling Yun was, this radically was heaven-defying! 唐猛脸上虽然掩饰不住的尴尬和暴怒,可他心里其实是很震撼的!这个凌云到底是怎么了,这根本就是逆天了啊! He has to start to reexamine at present this big fatty, he puts on one not to conform to his build seriously the school uniform, that school uniform closely is forcing his large body, appears is somewhat funny and laughable. 他不得不开始重新审视眼前这个大胖子,他就穿着一身严重不符合他体型的校服,那校服紧紧勒着他肥大的身子,显得有些滑稽和可笑。 Face that fat face, but Tang Meng discovered, Ling Yun changes in a big way, is his look. 脸还是那张胖脸,可唐猛发现,凌云变化最大的,是他的眼神。 Spiritless in Ling Yun look disappears, feels inferior to disappear, disappears overcautiously, displacing is actually not extremely arrogant and proud, but is one type is unable to explain calm calm. 凌云眼神中的懦弱不见了,自卑不见了,谨小慎微不见了,取而代之的却不是狂妄和骄傲,而是一种无法言喻的淡定从容。 That is a pair of limpid transparent pupil, is occasionally careless, occasionally slightly self-ridiculed, has one type deeply not to see containing of bottom. As if changes constantly, the life hundred condition in his eyes, cannot be regarded anything. 那是一双清澈透明的眸子,偶尔漫不经心,偶尔微微自嘲,却有着一种深不见底的包容。仿佛风云变幻,人生百态在他的眼中,根本都算不得什么。 Tang Meng could not find other word to describe the Ling Yun present look. 唐猛找不到别的词来形容凌云现在的眼神。 If wants Tang Meng to discover the Ling Yun's change again, that is he discovered that on Ling Yun were many a aura, is very clean, very fresh aura, this type of aura is very easy appealingly to get close to, cannot bear wants to be intimate with him. 如果要唐猛再找出凌云的变化,那就是他发现凌云身上多了一种气息,很干净,很清新的气息,这种气息很容易吸引人接近,忍不住的想去亲近他。 But the Ling Yun whole person imperceptibly is giving people aloofing, the feeling of keeping aloof. This without doubt meeting contradictory wants to spit blood. 可是凌云整个人又在无形中给人一种拒人于千里之外,高高在上的感觉。这无疑会让人矛盾的想要吐血。 This boy......” Tang Meng whispered in the heart, did not speak, but ate meal silently. “这小子……”唐猛在心底嘀咕了一句,再不说话,而是默默地吃起饭来。 Ling Yun had discovered Ning Lingyu difference, he gawked slightly, has put down the chopsticks of right hand, light has wiped the tears on Ning Lingyu face with the clean right hand with a smile. 凌云发现了宁灵雨的异样,他微微一愣,放下了右手的筷子,淡淡笑着用干净的右手擦去了宁灵雨脸上的热泪。 Cries and smiles, has not grown up! Eats meal quickly......” “又哭又笑的,一点儿都没长大!快吃饭……” The Ning Lingyu heart is warm, bursts into tears to dig small mouth to act like a spoiled brat to Ling Yun, after being similar to the rain hypericum, may be called shocking. 宁灵雨心头暖暖,流着泪撅着小嘴儿冲凌云撒娇,如同雨后海棠,堪称惊艳。 Zhang Ling heart strenuous vibration, this can Ling Yun, be that good-for-nothing of our class? Each a few words even each movement stubbornly, but light a few words that Little Overlord Tang Meng eats make Ning Lingyu from smiling change cry, own listened to vibrate. 张灵心头剧烈震动,这个凌云,会是我们班的那个废柴?每一句话甚至每一个动作都把小霸王唐猛吃的死死的,只是淡淡的一句话就让宁灵雨从笑变哭,就连自己听了都震动不已。 If not Ling Yun is so fat, he simply is girl heart within the eyes most perfect Big Brother! 如果不是凌云那么胖,他简直就是女孩子心目中最完美的哥哥嘛! When Cao Shanshan sits to the own opposite, Zhang Ling has not paid attention. 曹珊珊什么时候坐到自己对面的,张灵都没有注意。 What to stare? In broad daylight and what starry-eyed sends?” Cao Shanshan extends the snow-white small hand in Zhang Ling at present shook shaking, has interrupted her train of thought. “愣什么呢?大白天的又发什么花痴?”曹珊珊伸出雪白的小手在张灵的眼前晃了晃,打断了她的思绪。 Zhang Ling then realized that own has been distracted, she hurries to sit straight, simultaneously has referred to the own left with the index finger. 张灵这才察觉到自己走神了,她赶忙端正坐好,同时用食指指了指自己的左侧。 Tang Meng, already saw, he eats meal frequently here, has curiously any......” Cao Shanshan stopped talking suddenly. 唐猛嘛,早就看见了,他经常在这里吃饭,有什么好奇的……”曹珊珊突然顿住了口。 Because she discovered with amazement, sits right own, unexpectedly is Ling Yun in own class! 因为她惊讶的发现,坐在自己右侧的,竟然是自己班里的凌云 Looks toward in again, day! Ning Lingyu! 再往里看,天!宁灵雨 What airplane today this does, Ning Lingyu arrives at cafeteria second floor to eat meal unexpectedly, but also sits with Tang Meng in one table?! 今天这是搞什么飞机,宁灵雨竟然来到食堂二楼吃饭,还和唐猛坐在一桌?! Most made Cao Shanshan dumbstruck, naturally sat Ling Yun that ate there earnestly fiercely. 最令曹珊珊目瞪口呆的,自然是坐在那里埋头猛吃的凌云了。 What, carries 50 jin (0.5 kg) sandbag to run more than 4000 meters, unexpectedly being all right person here does the big mouth eat meal? 什么,扛着50斤的沙袋跑完4000多米,竟然没事儿人似的在这里大口吃饭? Was the Cao Tianlong stupor two days two nights was good! 就是曹天龙都昏迷了两天两夜好不好! Not far away transmits several unintentional chuckles, as well as the loud speech, perhaps to attract the attention of two big school beauty intentionally, perhaps to wait to be watching the good play performance that Spring and Autumn Period fights...... 不远处传来几声有意无意的轻笑,以及故意大声的说话,也许是为了吸引两大校花的注意,也许是为了等着看春秋大战的好戏上演…… Ordered food?” Cao Shanshan asked Zhang Ling. “点菜了么?”曹珊珊张灵 Has selected, spicy fish, with spicy beef......” “点了,水煮鱼,和夫妻肺片……” You and others my.” Cao Shanshan nodded, standing up that brushes, her mature wonderful figure stirs up the surrounding eyeball to drop place. “你等我一下。”曹珊珊点了点头,刷的站起,她那过于成熟美妙的身段惹得周围的眼球跌落一地。 Cao Shanshan does not care about the surrounding vision, takes the own fine LV bag to arrive at Tang Meng this table directly, to the Tang Meng cold sound said that eats earnestly fiercely: Moves toward in!” 曹珊珊根本不在意周围的目光,拿着自己精致的LV包包直接来到唐猛这一桌,对埋头猛吃的唐猛冷声道:“往里挪挪!” Valiant! Too valiant! Too overbearing! 彪悍!太彪悍了!太霸道了! Tang Meng has not burst into tears then the difference, the heart said that this few today unlucky year, whom incurs to annoy , the good and evil I am also one of the campus four big young tyrants! 唐猛就差没流泪了,心说本少今天流年不利,到底招谁惹谁了,好歹俺也是校园四大恶少之一啊! However he has not dared not to move toward in, because he has heard, since for more than two years, no matter off campus in the school, dares to provoke Cao Shanshan one fate, seemingly light is black and blue, heavy took to the hospital to remelt to service. 不过他还真就不敢不往里挪,因为他听说过,两年多以来,不管是在校内还是校外,敢招惹曹珊珊的都只有一个下场,貌似轻的都是鼻青脸肿,重的都送医院回炉维修去了。 Tang Meng did not speak, was carrying the own tableware silently, moved went to the corner, his here was the genuine corner. 唐猛也不说话,默默地端着自己的餐具,挪到墙角去了,他这里是真正的墙角。 However since he from feels grateful Cao Shanshan to come immediately at heart, because he can from see Ning Lingyu finally most directly, real clear yeah, right! that looks at 不过他马上从心里感激起曹珊珊来,因为他终于可以从最正面看到宁灵雨了,看的真真切切! Tang Meng here fantasized directly becomes is two people of world, between he and Ning Lingyu dining tables has chocked up the candle, is having the candlelight supper with Ning Lingyu. 唐猛直接把这里幻想成是二人世界,他和宁灵雨的饭桌中间摆满了蜡烛,正在和宁灵雨吃烛光晚餐。 What a pity Cao Shanshan has not planned to let off him. 可惜曹珊珊并没打算放过他。 Cao Shanshan puts out a fine wallet from the own LV bag, shua~ shua~ shua~ selects 1000 money to come, pats to the table on directly, said to Tang Meng: Favored, loses to your 1000 dollars!” 曹珊珊自己的LV包包里拿出一个精致的钱包,刷刷刷点出1000块钱来,直接拍到桌子上,对唐猛说道:“看好了,输给你的1000块钱!” Hehe, finally saw kitty, Tang Meng not, because Cao Shanshan was school beauty or her family background background does not want this money, this was his Little Gambling God principle. 嘿嘿,终于见到回头钱儿了,唐猛并不因为曹珊珊校花或者她的家世背景就不要这个钱,这是他小赌神的原则。 Has not waited for him to put out a hand, was a fat hand opposite has extended from the table rapidly, when one grasped, the speed of that 1000 dollars going back recently also quick. 只是,还没等他伸出手来,又是一只胖手从桌子对面飞速伸了过来,一把就把那1000块钱抓起,回去的速度比来时还快。 „......” Tang Meng stayed, this may really be his money! “嘎……”唐猛呆了,这可真是他的钱! Big Brother......” Ning Lingyu somewhat shames angry, Ling Yun in her heart within the eyes just restored the big perfect image, and creating, reduced one centimeter all of a sudden. 哥哥……”宁灵雨有些羞恼,凌云在她心目中刚刚恢复并且树立起的高大完美的形象,一下子缩小了一公分。 You......” Cao Shanshan stare dumbfounded directly, what this with amassing money to distinguish?! “你……”曹珊珊直接瞠目结舌,这跟抢钱有什么区别?! Also had moral bottom line?! Also paid attention to this school beauty?! 还有没有道德底线了?!还把不把本校花放在眼里了?! The Cao Shanshan heart said that morning tent/account great aunt with you have not calculated, you are booing, directly money that begins to snatch me to take?! 曹珊珊心说早晨的帐姑奶奶还没跟你算呢,你倒好,直接动手来抢我拿出来的钱?! Zhang Ling looks at the Cao Shanshan dumbstruck appearance, at heart somewhat is funny, some anticipated, Ling Yun best quality she had asked for advice a moment ago, she wants to have a look at sparks to hit Earth, will eject what kind of spark. 张灵看着曹珊珊目瞪口呆的样子,不禁心里有些好笑,又有一些期待,凌云刚才多么极品她可是领教过了,她想看看火星撞地球,会碰出怎样的火花。 Ling Yun actually does not care about the expressions of several people, his fast money Zhuanghao, then at a moderate pace taking up chopsticks , to continue to eat the meat. 凌云却是根本不在意几个人的表情,他飞快的把钱装好,然后又不紧不慢的拿起筷子,继续吃肉。 Tang Meng thought the first speech, but before he sees the own body, side these two big school beauty expressions, knows that simply does not have the share that own interrupted, therefore obedient shutting up. 唐猛本来想第一个说话,可他看到自己身前身边这两大校花的表情,知道根本没有自己插嘴的份儿,于是乖乖的闭嘴。 Big Brother! This money you cannot take, this is really others Tang Meng money, Tang Meng loses to my money, one point had given us a moment ago much......” 哥哥!这个钱你不能拿,这真是人家唐猛的钱,唐猛输给我的钱,刚才已经一分不少给我们了啊……” Ning Lingyu is very anxious, if this matter if were passed on by others, how she also sees the person! 宁灵雨很是焦急,如果这件事要是被别人传出去了,她还怎么见人啊! Opposite Tang Meng has tears streaming down the face all of a sudden, finally had over artificial own! 对面的唐猛一下子泪流满面,终于有人为自己出头了啊! Ling Yun has not refuted actually: Right that you said that Tang Meng loses to our money, gave us.” 凌云倒是没有反驳:“你说的对,唐猛输给咱的钱,是都给咱们了。” But he immediately a thread of conversation revolution, said plausibly: Reward that but, I should obtain, can I take carry back?” 可他立即话锋一转,又振振有词说道:“可是,我应该得到的报酬,我总该拿回来吧?” Tang Meng has gawked all of a sudden, reward? What reward? 唐猛一下子愣了,报酬?什么报酬? Ling Yun corners of the mouth selects, displays a human and animals harmlessly very clean smiling face, asked that Tang Meng said: You open the gambling house with me, running that I go all out, can you give a laborious fee/spent?” 凌云嘴角儿微挑,展出一个人畜无害很干净的笑容,问唐猛道:“你拿我开赌局,我那么拼命的跑,你总得给点儿辛苦费吧?” Damn! Tang Meng thorough was insane! Is good that your own must run, isn't good that my Young Master Tang makes you run? You run your I to bet my, closes your this shameless death fatty anything matter! 我草唐猛彻底疯了!是你自己要跑的好不好,不是我唐少让你跑的好不好?你跑你的我赌我的,关你这个无耻的死胖子什么事! A football match, Betting Company opens the gambling, had not heard the football club looks for Betting Company to want the reward on own initiative!( Naturally, the nature of Betting Company operation sports match is an exception) 一场足球赛,博彩公司开赌,从来没听说过足球俱乐部主动找博彩公司要报酬的!(当然,博彩公司操纵球赛的自然除外) Far more than was Tang Meng was insane, Cao Shanshan and Zhang Ling dull looks at Ling Yun, how the heart says the person to be able shameless to this situation! 何止是唐猛疯了,曹珊珊张灵都呆呆的看着凌云,心说人怎么可以无耻到这种地步! Listened to the Big Brother words, Ning Lingyu not to know whom all of a sudden should help, although knows own Big Brother said a little quibbled, but, he was own Big Brother! 听了哥哥的话,宁灵雨一下子不知道应该帮谁了,虽然知道自己哥哥说的有点儿强词夺理,可是,他是自己哥哥嘛! If you refuse to accept, you can carry the sandbag also to go to Sports Field to run 11, we average, I give back to you these 1000!” “如果你不服,你可以扛着沙袋也去操场跑11圈,咱俩就算扯平,我就把这1000块还给你!” Then, does not look at opposite two people one, continued to eat earnestly fiercely. 说完,再也不看对面的两人一眼,继续埋头猛吃了起来。 skill/kung fu of this while, the second vegetable, the third vegetable...... The service people carried one after another, a time vegetable overflowed fragrant. 这一会儿的功夫,第二个菜,第三个菜……服务员陆续端了上来,一时间菜香四溢。 Cao Shanshan gets angry! 曹珊珊更怒! Because not only that 1000 dollars looked for by Ling Yun casually are not the reason of reason taking away, most is mainly Because own was disregarded! 不只是因为那1000块钱被凌云随便找了个不是理由的理由给收走了,最主要是因为——自己被无视了! Since she sits down from this position, Ling Yun has not looked at her one eyes! 自打她从这个位置上坐下,凌云根本就没看过她一眼! As in the China illustrious Cao Family princess beloved daughter, most has background school beauty as Qingshui High School, Cao Shanshan feels own by Ling Yun shame ruthlessly! 作为在华夏都赫赫有名的曹家的千金小姐掌上明珠,作为清水一中最有背景的校花,曹珊珊感觉自己正在被凌云狠狠的羞辱! She tries hard straightened up Yingying to grasp the small waist that received the abdomen, the inspiration, threw out the chest, simultaneously in nostril gently snort/hum. 她努力的挺直了盈盈一握的小蛮腰,收腹,吸气,挺胸,同时鼻孔里轻轻地哼了一声。 Kills her not to believe that last night after late studied by oneself, timid weak follows in own behind Ling Yun, today not to spare a glance to her secretly unexpectedly! 打死她也不相信,昨晚晚自习后怯怯懦懦的偷偷跟在自己身后的凌云,今天竟然对她不屑一顾! Zhang Ling does not believe! 张灵也不相信! But the fact so, is beyond control they not to believe! 可事实就是如此,由不得她们不信! Ling Yun! You are any meaning!” 凌云!你到底是什么意思!” Sees Ling Yun to eat as before earnestly fiercely, looked radically does not look at own one, Cao Shanshan cannot repress, setting out that brushes finally, the sweet and delicate voice upbraids! 凌云依旧埋头猛吃,根本看都不看自己一眼,曹珊珊终于按捺不住,刷的起身,娇声怒叱! She now simply is a violent anger small lion, wished one could to rip Ling Yun. 她现在简直就是一头暴怒的小狮子,恨不得撕了凌云 This shouted heavenshaking makes a sound, entire cafeteria second floor heard! All people elongated the neck, has focused the vision. 这一声喊得震天响,整个食堂二楼都听见了!所有人都伸长了脖子,把目光聚焦了过来。 A Tang Meng in the heart cannot help self-satisfaction. 唐猛心中忍不住一阵得意。 Make your boy shameless, making your boy hand inexpensive, courts disaster? Offended school beauty of your class? I thought how you end. 让你小子无耻,让你小子手贱,惹祸了吧?得罪你们班的校花了吧?我看你怎么收场。 Ling Yun frowned, the heart said slightly has the cheap feast not to eat with great difficulty silence, this who this is, bewildered comes roar own? 凌云微微皱眉,心说好不容易吃顿便宜大餐都吃不肃静,这谁呀这是,莫名其妙的就过来吼自己 His careless raising the head looked at Cao Shanshan one, the face had not seen, actually exactly saw Cao Shanshan because of being angry chest that but fluctuated fiercely. 他漫不经心的抬头看了曹珊珊一眼,脸没看到,却恰好看到了曹珊珊因为生气而剧烈起伏的胸脯。 Big, is quite high, the good chest very......” the Ling Yun mouth was whispering, because the mouth was also chewing the spareribs, the voice was ambiguous. “好大,好高,好挺的胸脯啊……”凌云嘴里嘀咕着,由于嘴里还嚼着排骨,语音含混不清。 What did you say?!” Must say the hearing, Cao Shanshan is presents in all people the hearing to be best without a doubt, she clear incomparable heard the big two characters. “你说什么?!”要说听力,曹珊珊毫无疑问是在场所有人中听力最好的,她清晰无比的听到了好大两个字。 Because big opens the voice, therefore...... Extremely bright Cao Shanshan does not need to know what Ling Yun said is anything, she must be wild with rage, the rumor is not really false, this boy really occludes the color center to own! 因为好大是开口音,所以……冰雪聪明的曹珊珊不用想都知道凌云说的是什么,她要气疯了,传言果然不假,这小子果然对自己包藏色心! I said that what is unimportant, the issue is, I want to ask very much, who you are? That...... What is coming...... Tang Meng, what this female is your girlfriend?” “我说什么不重要,问题是,我很想问问,你是谁啊?那个……什么来着……哦,唐猛是吧,这女的是你女朋友吗?” Ling Yun is really not act dumb, in memory that he obtains, as if only then Ning Lingyu and two people mother is clear, again fuzzy remembers that bullies the own person, moreover only remembers that the faces of these people, with bullying the own matter, forgot as for the specific personal name basically. 凌云真不是装糊涂,他得到的记忆里,似乎只有宁灵雨两人的母亲是清晰的,再就是模模糊糊的记得欺负自己的人,而且只记得那些人的脸,和欺负自己的事,至于具体人名基本都忘了。 Really has sparks to hit the major drama of Earth! 果然有火星撞地球的大戏! Cafeteria second floor in an uproar, many people nearly must encircle. 食堂二楼一片哗然,好多人差点儿就要围了过来。
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