DEMG :: Volume #1

#21: Apology ruthlessly

„...... cough cough......” Tang Meng frightens one to tremble, has not nearly given in the bone of mouth the card throat. “嘎……咳咳……”唐猛吓得一个哆嗦,差点儿没把嘴里的骨头给卡嗓子眼里去。 Tang Meng has not thought really own lies down is also being hit. Cao Shanshan? My girlfriend? two people is missing in ten ten thousand eight thousand! 唐猛真没想到自己躺着也中枪。曹珊珊?我女朋友?两人差着十万八千里呢! Sees Ling Yun to exhibit one not to know completely the own appearance, the even/including roots of the hair of Cao Shanshan air/Qi must set upright, her today is clear, originally bristles with anger this word not to be false. 凌云摆出一副完全不认识自己的样子,曹珊珊气的连头发根都要竖起来了,她今天才明白,原来怒发冲冠这个词不是假的。 Ning Lingyu thought that the own Big Brother joke opened somewhat excessively, how regardless to say, the good and evil studied nearly three years of Classmates in a class, Ling Yun actually said that does not know who Cao Shanshan was, this was not hits her face! 就连宁灵雨都觉得自己哥哥玩笑开得有些过头了,无论怎么说,好歹是在一个班里学习近三年的同学,凌云竟然说不知道曹珊珊是谁,这不就是打她的脸嘛! The person was really unable to continue watching. 有一个人实在是看不下去了。 Zhang Ling suddenly one stands from the neighboring table, runs up to side Cao Shanshan directly, with her stands, very discontented said to Ling Yun: Ling Yun, everybody knows that you unrequited love Cao Shanshan, you did not dare upfront vindicating, but you used the rumor, brought to the attention of Shanshan with the way of winning favor by ostentation, now actually exhibits one not to know that her appearance, did this go too far?” 张灵霍的一下从邻桌站起来,直接跑到曹珊珊身边,跟她站在一起,非常不满的对凌云说道:“凌云,大家都知道你暗恋曹珊珊,你不敢正面表白也就算了,可你用谣言,用哗众取宠的方式来引起珊珊的注意,现在却摆出一副根本不认识她的样子,这就太过分了吧?” quick-tongued Zhang Ling, this mouth also is really quick! 快嘴张灵,这嘴还真是快呀! Cao Shanshan one hear is bad, hurries to block, by the Zhang Ling continuous artillery one breath saying. 曹珊珊一听要糟,赶紧想拦,却还是被张灵连珠炮似的一口气给说完了。 Even if Cao Shanshan has seen many magnificent scenes, the present complexion somewhat cannot hang, shames including the gas range, that tears spun in the eye socket. 就算曹珊珊见过很多大场面,现在的脸色也有些挂不住,连气带羞,那眼泪都在眼眶里打转儿了。 This fellow crazy a little side did not have, that was Cao Shanshan, the school who dare saying that own didn't know her?” “这家伙狂的有点儿没边儿了,那可是曹珊珊啊,全校谁敢说自己不认识她?” Yes, has studied for three years in a class, now actually says did not know, this fellow was the morning jogs for running silly?” “是啊,在一个班里学习了三年,现在竟然说不认识,这家伙是不是上午跑步给跑傻了?” Snort, in my opinion, does he want to arouse the interest of Cao Shanshan in this way? Works just the opposite.” “哼,依我看,他就是想通过这种方式引起曹珊珊的关注吧?只是适得其反而已。” Looks at our school beauty to the air/Qi, then some looked......” “看把咱们的校花给气的,这下有的瞧了……” All students do not eat meal, all sorts of comments, is watching the development of situation. 所有的学生都不吃饭了,议论纷纷,关注着事态的发展。 Cao Shanshan? Where has probably listened. Was right, Lingyu, is she you in the dormitory entrance has mentioned Cao Shanshan?” 曹珊珊?好像真在哪儿听过。哦,对了,灵雨,她就是你在宿舍门口提起过的曹珊珊啊?” Ling Yun recorded, at that time Ning Lingyu walked from dormitory, shocking made own absent-minded, Ning Lingyu ask own was more attractive than Cao Shanshan? 凌云记起来了,当时宁灵雨宿舍里走了出来,惊艳的让自己一阵失神,宁灵雨曾经问过自己曹珊珊好看吗? Ling Yun then reply was: Who no matter Cao Shanshan is, you are more attractive than her 10,000 times. 凌云当时的回答是:不管曹珊珊是谁,你都比她好看10000倍。 Cao Shanshan that looks at the Ning Lingyu somewhat awkward nod, Ling Yun shakes the head slightly, looks up opposite air/Qi must cry, lightly saying: Originally are you Cao Shanshan? Sorry, I do not have the interest, if no other matters, which please back and forth which go, do not affect me to eat meal.” 看着宁灵雨有些尴尬的点头,凌云微微摇头,抬头看了看对面气的要哭的曹珊珊,淡淡道:“原来你就是曹珊珊啊?对不起,我没兴趣,如果没有其他事情的话,请你哪儿来回哪儿去,不要影响我吃饭。” Entrain! Really entrained! 拽!实在是太拽了! Tang Meng in the heart is actually one tics, the heart said that looked like Ling Yun a moment ago that to me, really showed mercy and shows mercy additionally! 唐猛心中却是一阵抽抽,心说看来凌云刚才那么对我,实在是额外开恩、手下留情了啊! However this Ling Yun was also too ruthless, you could not obtain the families to give up directly, after all the entire school liked Cao Shanshan saying the person who does not dare to say are many went, did not miss your this, you as for using not to know that” such vicious words did shame others? 不过这凌云也太狠了,你得不到人家直接放弃也就算了,毕竟全学校喜欢曹珊珊却连说都不敢说的人多了去了,也不差你这一个,你至于用“不认识”这么狠毒的话语来羞辱人家么? The Cao Shanshan anger instead smiles extremely, she wants to be in front of these many people to teach very much directly this smelly fart Ling Yun of being insufferably arrogant, but this is in the school canteen, she does not want to expose own to meet the matter of martial arts. 曹珊珊怒极反笑,她很想当着这么多人的面直接教训一下这个臭屁的不可一世的凌云一顿,可这是在学校食堂,她不想暴露自己会武功的事情。 Ning Lingyu that did not speak opens the mouth to say suddenly: Cao Shanshan, after my Big Brother jogged in the morning, continuously strange, I estimated that he was exhausted, please do not mind.” 一直不说话的宁灵雨忽然开口道:“曹珊珊,我哥哥上午跑完步之后就一直怪怪的,我估计他是累坏了,请你不要介意。” Ning Lingyu spoke, Tang Meng has certainly no alternative but to come out to mediate: That, Shanshan, you have not needed to be angry . Do I, you see? Did not feel better compared with you a moment ago. Does not believe you to ask Zhang Ling, this fellow now the brain is not quite easy-to-use, do not listen to him to ramble on.” 宁灵雨说话了,唐猛当然不能不出来打圆场:“那个,珊珊啊,你还真不必生气。我,你看到没?刚才也不比你好受。不信你问问张灵,这家伙现在脑子不大好使,你不要听他瞎扯。” Regarding the tense atmosphere, Ling Yun as if no to think, after he spoke those words, takes up the chopsticks to start to make chewing motions directly greatly quickly, all matters that as if at present has, do not have any relations with him. 对于现场的紧张气氛,凌云似乎毫无所觉,他说完那句话之后,直接就拿起筷子又开始大快朵颐,仿佛眼前发生的所有的事情,都跟他没有任何关系。 The free feast, ate to the full said again. 免费大餐,吃饱了再说。 Now the Cao Shanshan full brain is Ling Yun that: Sorry, I do not have interest. 现在曹珊珊满脑子都是凌云那一句:“对不起,我没兴趣”。 The clarity that she looks, Ling Yun said these words time, the expression already does not have artificial clenching jaws, in the look does not have an unwilling hatred, some are only serene, calm calm. 她看的清清楚楚,凌云说这句话的时候,表情既没有做作的咬牙切齿,眼神中也没有一丝的不甘怨毒,有的只是云淡风轻,淡定从容。 Can't own really such withstand? 自己就真的这么不堪么? She is not willing, she is not very willing! 她不甘心,她很不甘心! Why, your is poor, the study first from the bottom, 200 cattys in weight big fatty big pig head, secretly tracked me last night, today for this matter noisy talk of the town, actually opens the eye to talk nonsense there now, said that what doesn't know me? 凭什么,你一个家境贫寒,学习倒数第一,体重200斤的大胖子大猪头,昨晚还偷偷跟踪我,今天为了这事闹的满城风雨,现在却在那里睁着眼睛说瞎话,说什么不认识我? Was not the lucky breakthrough the body limit, broke through the body limit to be great? My hits your ten in the same old way...... The volume, 2-3 can not have issue? 不就是幸运的突破了身体极限了么,突破了身体极限就了不起了么?我照样一个打你十个……额,两三个总该没问题吧? Spicy fish and spicy beef that Classmates, you want......” service person deliver the vegetable, broke has refused to compromise the tension-filled atmosphere. 同学,您要的水煮鱼和夫妻肺片……”服务员过来送菜,打破了僵持紧张的气氛。 Zhang Ling hurried to draw Cao Shanshan to say while this opportunity: Shanshan, this person does not know the good and evil, ok, we have not lowered oneself to the same level with him, we eat meal, in the afternoon must attend class.” 张灵趁这个机会赶紧拉了一下曹珊珊道:“珊珊,这个人不识好歹,算了,咱们不和他一般见识了,咱们吃饭去吧,下午还要上课呢。” She thinks atmosphere depressing somewhat has not gasped for breath, if the two sides hit, but their two girls the share that only then suffered a loss. 她觉出来了气氛压抑的有些喘不过气来,要是两边真打起来了,她们两个女孩子可是只有吃亏的份。 Cao Shanshan white teeth is biting the lip lightly, first looked at Ning Lingyu one, then turns head to look that Ling Yun every single word or phrase said: Ling Yun, do you want to show your man courage and uprightness? You want with this way to indicate that you were no longer timid spiritlessly no longer? Good, I acknowledged that your today plants very much, but, you, if has to plant, tomorrow, Saturday night, does dare to come out with me alone?” 曹珊珊贝齿轻咬着嘴唇,先看了宁灵雨一眼,接着扭头看着凌云一字一句道:“凌云,你想展现你的男人血性是吧?你想用这种方式来表明你不再胆小不再懦弱了是吧?好,我承认你今天很有种,不过,你要是真有种的话,明天,周六晚上,敢不敢单独跟我出来?” The surroundings hear a bewildered creating a disturbance sound suddenly. 周围突然传来一阵莫名其妙的起哄声。 Zhang Ling is very clear the meaning that the surrounding this group of people create a disturbance, the heart said that Shanshan was really angry, the mouth did not select the word unexpectedly. 张灵却很明白周围这帮人起哄的意思,心说珊珊真是气坏了,竟然口不择言。 „Do words that Ling Yun has planting evening come out with you? Also alone? 凌云“有种的话”晚上就跟你出来?还单独? If these words were twisted the fact to pass on by the person with high aspirations, that has not known that turns into the big disturbance! 这句话要是被有心人歪曲事实传出去,那还不知道变成多大的风波呢! I will make you understand, you prove the own way, although right, but you actually chose mistakenly bullying partner!” “我会让你明白,你证明自己的方式虽然没错,可你却选错了欺负的对象!” Zhang Ling, we walk!” 张灵,我们走!” Complexion deathly white of Cao Shanshan air/Qi, the sexy lip hits to tremble, the chuckle straight sound that the silver tooth bites, which also has the mood to eat any spicy fish, she lifted handle 100 money Pai to the table on, drew Zhang Ling to turn head to walk. 曹珊珊气的脸色煞白,性感的嘴唇直打哆嗦,银牙咬的咯咯直响,哪儿还有心情吃什么水煮鱼,她抬手把100块钱拍到刚才的桌子上,拉着张灵扭头就走。 My spicy fish!” Zhang Ling pitiful three turn head that basin spicy fish that looks at just to carry, is leans the water of Sanjiang not to flush to the Ling Yun's hatred at heart cleanly. “我的水煮鱼啊!”张灵可怜巴巴的一步三回头看着刚端上来的那盆水煮鱼,心里对凌云的恨意就是倾三江之水也冲不干净。 Not? Did this run to the air/Qi school beauty?” Classmates dumbstruck looks at the Cao Shanshan running out entrance fast, the feeling is a little inconceivable. “不是吧?这就把校花给气跑了?”一个同学目瞪口呆的看着曹珊珊飞快的冲出门口,感觉有点儿不可思议。 You look right, ran to the air/Qi Cao Shanshan, the food has not eaten!” His Classmates adds. “你看的没错,是把曹珊珊给气跑了,饭都没吃呢!”他的同学补充道。 Entire cafeteria second floor enough silent one minute, starts some people to talk in whispers. 整个食堂二楼足足寂静了一分多钟,才开始有人窃窃私语。 I thought this boy am insane, thorough was insane, this was not awfully, offended Cao Shanshan, then with courting death anything has not distinguished!” “我看这小子是疯了,彻底疯了,这是不要命了啊,得罪曹珊珊,那跟找死没什么区别!” This is one understood indistinctly the Cao Shanshan background tall, rich and handsome said. 这是一个隐约了解曹珊珊背景的高富帅说的。 Big Brother, this time you offended Cao Shanshan.” Ning Lingyu heavyhearted looks that as if from beginning to end not Ling Yun that this is serious, the careful reminder said. 哥哥,这次你真得罪曹珊珊了呢。”宁灵雨忧心忡忡的看着似乎从头到尾都没把这当回事的凌云,小心提醒道。 Tang Meng is direct, he looks at the Ling Yun's vision, with looking at vegetable anything has not distinguished. 唐猛更是直接,他看凌云的目光,已经跟看植物人没什么区别了。 Ling Yun had not stopped a moment ago has eaten, now he eats was similar, has hit sneeze/ burb well satisfied, has wiped the mouth with the paper napkin, this turned head to give a Ning Lingyu very clean smiling face. 凌云刚才就没停下过筷子,现在他吃的差不多了,心满意足的打了个饱嗝,又拿餐巾纸擦了擦嘴,这才扭头给了宁灵雨一个很干净的笑容。 Vegetable wanted coolly, ate meal quickly, should not think do not think......” “菜都要凉了,快吃饭,不该想的别想……” But, Cao Shanshan said, tomorrow...... Ning Lingyu saw in the evening the Big Brother air/Qi calms down idly, although in the heart was steadfaster, may some not feel relieved. “可是,曹珊珊说,明天晚上……”宁灵雨看到哥哥气定神闲,心中虽然踏实了一些,可还是有些不放心。 I will not go. Tomorrow evening late will not have studied by oneself, Big Brother leads you to go home.” Ling Yun drinking tea water, lightly saying. “我不会去的。明晚没有晚自习,哥哥带你回家。”凌云喝了口茶水,淡淡道 It looks like in Ling Yun, the Cao Shanshan all performance were creating a scene radically, did not say the sentence did not know you, as for being mad such. 凌云看来,曹珊珊刚才的所有表现根本就是在无理取闹嘛,不就说了句不认识你嘛,至于气成那样。 Heard Big Brother saying that brought own to go home, Ning Lingyu thought that suddenly thought mother very much, she wants to tell mother the Big Brother no longer spiritless news as soon as possible, therefore no longer thinks, started to eat meal officially. 听到哥哥说带自己回家,宁灵雨觉得忽然很想妈妈,她想尽快把哥哥不再懦弱的消息告诉妈妈,于是不再多想,开始正式吃饭。 Tang Meng raises up the thumb to Ling Yun, actually a face pities looks at Ling Yun saying: You! However reminded your, you did not go, could not avoid.” 唐猛凌云竖起大拇指,却一脸怜悯的看着凌云道:“你强!不过提醒你一下,你就算不去,也躲不开的。” Ling Yun is felt that the Tang Meng good intention, this time he has smiled lightly to Tang Meng: Hides? Why do I want to hide? Said that did not know a person does have the mistake?” 凌云似是感觉到了唐猛的好意,这次他冲着唐猛淡淡一笑:“躲?我为什么要躲?说不认识一个人有错吗?” Light that although the words said that but contained one to be inwardly angry, helpless Tang Meng smiles bitterly: Issue is, you know her really! Why pretends not to know?” 话虽然说的平淡,可已经包含了一丝愠怒,唐猛无奈苦笑:“问题是,你真的认识她啊!何必装作不认识呢?” Ling Yun had a mind saying that the issue was I do not know her, may think, but light smiled, has not continued to explain. 凌云有心说问题是我真不认识她,可想了想,只是淡淡一笑,没有继续解释。 To look for trouble, although comes, I want low-key not to be fake, does not represent me to fear troublesome, feared that troublesome is not my style! 想找麻烦尽管来,我是要低调不假,可不代表我就怕麻烦,怕麻烦不是我的风格! today blocks my person on the runway, names?” 今天在跑道上拦我的那个人,叫什么名字?” After Cao Shanshan and Zhang Ling walked, here is all of a sudden more peaceful, Ling Yun then starts the second matter that asked him to care about. 曹珊珊张灵走了之后,这里一下子安静多了,凌云这才开始问起他关心的第二件事。 Fatty, do not blame me not to remind you, later was careful he selects, he called Li Lei, practices mixed martial arts, you have pounded in the morning his, he must certainly look.” “胖子,别怪我没提醒你,以后小心着他点儿,他叫李磊,是练散打的,你上午砸了他那一下,他肯定要找回来。” What? Li Lei?! How Big Brother were you annoying Li Lei?” A Ning Lingyu face is startled, the food does not eat, hurries to ask. “什么?李磊?!哥哥你怎么惹着李磊了?”宁灵雨一脸惊慌,饭也不吃了,赶忙问道。 Ning Lingyu knows certainly Li Lei, he is the Xie Junyan little brother and goon, this person always does as one is told to Xie Junyan, if Big Brother offended him, that may be dangerous. 宁灵雨当然知道李磊,他是谢俊彦的小弟兼打手,这个人对谢俊彦惟命是从,哥哥要是得罪了他,那可就危险了。 Tang Meng sees some Ning Lingyu complexion slightly blanches, hurries to fling the long hair, pats the chest comfort of own saying: Lingyu, you felt relieved that I also with the Xie Junyan bar on, I will greet with him now and ensure does not make him move Ling Yun's.” 唐猛看到宁灵雨脸色微微有些发白,赶忙一甩长发,拍着自己的胸脯安慰道:“灵雨,你放心吧,我现在也跟谢俊彦杠上了,我会跟他打招呼,保证不让他动凌云的。” Ning Lingyu looked at the statement of Tang Meng, she hesitant, bit the lip to lower the head to squeeze out two characters lightly: Thanks.” 宁灵雨看了唐猛的表态,她犹豫了一下,还是轻咬着嘴唇低头挤出了两个字:“谢谢。” Tang Meng the spirit inspires immediately greatly! 唐猛顿时精神大振! Ning Lingyu to own said that thanked! own gives her 10,000 dollars, she has not said thanks, was forced somebody to do something he incapable to ask her to have the feast by Ling Yun, she has not said thanks, has not thought that made a guarantee a moment ago subconsciously, Ning Lingyu to him said thanked! 宁灵雨自己说谢谢了啊!自己给她10000块钱,她没有说谢谢,被凌云赶鸭子上架请她吃大餐,她也没有说谢谢,没想到刚才下意识的做了个保证,宁灵雨就对他说谢谢了! Ling Yun looked somewhat cannot help but funny, he shook the head to say gently: Does not use, how so long as you told me to find him to be OK.” 凌云看了不由得有些好笑,他轻轻摇了摇头道:“不用,你只要告诉我怎么才能找到他就可以了。” Tang Meng has tarried, his inconceivable saying: Ling Yun, you not? You have plotted his such on Sports Field, he who pats is so ruthless, he did not look for your trouble to be good, do you also want to look for him? Asks him to apologize?” 唐猛又呆住了,他不可思议的说道:“凌云,你不是吧?你在操场上暗算了他那么一下,拍的他那么狠,他不来找你的麻烦就不错了,你还想去找他?找他去道歉吗?” Ling Yun nod smile, right, apologized, I must apologize ruthlessly!” 凌云点头微笑,“对,就是道歉,我要狠狠的道歉!”
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